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Nuclear gangliosides were characterized using two distinct fractions of large (N1) and small (N2) nuclear populations from rat brain. The ganglioside concentration of N1 nuclei from adult rat brain was 0.92 microg sialic acid/mg protein, which was about 3.8 times higher than that of N2 nuclei. N1 and N2 nuclear gangliosides showed similar compositional profiles; they contained major gangliosides of GM1, GD1a, GD1b, and GT1b, with GM3 in lesser amounts. c-Series gangliosides such as GT3, GQ1c, and GP1c were also detected in both nuclear preparations. Nuclear localization of gangliosides was confirmed by immunofluorescence with anti-GM1 antibody, cholera toxin B subunit, and c-series ganglioside-specific monoclonal antibody A2B5. Developmental changes of nuclear gangliosides were examined using rats of different ages ranging from embryonic day 14 (E14) to postnatal 7 weeks. The concentration of N1 nuclear gangliosides changed only slightly during development and did not correlate with that of whole-brain gangliosides. The developmental pattern of ganglioside composition of N1 nuclei was also distinguished from that of microsomal membranes; the ganglioside changes in N1 nuclei included reduced expression of di- and polysialogangliosides at E16 and higher proportions of GM3 at early and late stages of the period. These findings suggest that gangliosides in nuclear membranes are developmentally regulated in a distinct manner in brain cells.  相似文献   

Characterization of gangliosides from fish brain   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

In this study, brain gangliosides in prenatal and postnatal human life and Alzheimer's disease were analyzed. Immunohistochemically, the presence of the "c"-series of gangliosides (GQ1c) was only registered in the embryonic brain at 5 weeks of gestation. Biochemical results indicated a two-fold increase in ganglioside concentration in the human cortex between 16 and 22 weeks of gestation. The increasing ganglioside concentration was based on an increasing GD1a ganglioside fraction in all regions analyzed except in the cerebellar cortex, which was characterized by increasing GT1b. During prenatal human development, regional differences in ganglioside composition could only be detected between the cerebrum ("a"-pathway) and the cerebellum ("b"-pathway). Between birth and 20-30 years of age, a cerebral neocortical difference of ganglioside composition occurred, characterized by the lowest GD1a in visual cortex. Analyzing the composition of gangliosides in cortical regions during aging, they were observed to follow region-specific alterations. In the frontal cortex, there was a greater decrease in GD1a and GM1 than in GT1b and GD1b, but in the occipital (visual) cortex there was no change in individual gangliosides. In hippocampus, GD1a moderately decreased, whereas other fractions were stable. In the cerebellar cortex, GD1b and GT1b fractions decreased with aging. In Alzheimer's disease, we found all ganglio-series gangliosides (GM1, GD1a, GD1b, GT1b) to be decreased in regions (temporal and frontal cortex and nucleus basalis of Meynert) involved in pathogenesis of disease. In addition, in Alzheimer's disease we found simple gangliosides (GN2, GM3) to be elevated in the frontal and parietal cortex, which might correlate accelerated lysosomal degradation of gangliosides and/or astrogliosis occurring during neuronal death.  相似文献   

Biologists have long sought a means by which to quantify similarities and differences in embryonic development across species. Here we present a quantitative approach for predicting the timing of developmental events based on principles of allometry and biochemical kinetics. Data from diverse oviparous species support model predictions that most variation in the time required to reach one early developmental stage-the time to first heartbeat-is explained by the body size and temperature dependence of metabolic rate. Furthermore, comparisons of this stage with later developmental stages suggest that, after correcting for size and temperature, the relationship of metabolic rate to the rate of embryogenesis is approximately invariant across taxonomic groups and stages of ontogeny.  相似文献   

Molecular changes in fetal Down syndrome brain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Trisomy of human chromosome 21 is a major cause of mental retardation and other phenotypic abnormalities collectively known as Down syndrome. Down syndrome is associated with developmental failure followed by processes of neurodegeneration that are known to supervene later in life. Despite a widespread interest in Down syndrome, the cause of developmental failure is unclear. The brain of a child with Down syndrome develops differently from that of a normal one, although characteristic morphological differences have not been noted in prenatal life. On the other hand, a review of the existing literature indicates that there are a series of biochemical alterations occurring in fetal Down syndrome brain that could serve as substrate for morphological changes. We propose that these biochemical alterations represent and/or precede morphological changes. This review attempts to dissect these molecular changes and to explain how they may lead to mental retardation.  相似文献   

In view of the central role that mitochondria are thought to play in the ageing process, we investigated changes in mitochondria of spinal ganglion neurons in rabbits aged 1, 3.6, 6.7, and 8.8 years (the latter extremely old). Mitochondrial size increased significantly with age, while mitochondrial structure did not change. The total volume of mitochondria within the perikaryon did not change significantly during life. This indicates that in these neurons mitochondrial degradation was completely compensated by the production of new mitochondria even in the extremely advanced age. We also found that the mean volume of neuronal perikaryon increased markedly with age, so that the mean percentage of perikaryal volume occupied by mitochondria decreased significantly with a difference of about 33% between the youngest and the oldest animals. This decrease is only in very small part due to lipofuscin accumulation, so that the ratio of the total volume of mitochondria to the volume of functionally active cytoplasm decreased with age. The mitochondria of the neurons studied seem therefore unable to adapt their total volume to the volume of functionally active cytoplasm, that increases with age. This result is consistent with the observation that the neurons of old animals have a reduced ability to respond to high energy demands.  相似文献   

Binding of laminin to glycolipids of neuronal membranes was studied with a thin-layer chromatography overlay assay. The major brain ganglioside GD1A was the main binding component, when chromatograms containing the same molar amount of the different brain gangliosides and the brain sulfatide were incubated with laminin at physiological ionic strength. The possible role of laminin binding to brain gangliosides in laminin-neuron interactions was studied with adhesion assays. It was found that binding of rat brain neurons to laminin is blocked by 10-40 microM brain gangliosides but not by sulfatide. The inhibition by the gangliosides is suggested to be due to competition with the cell surface interaction sites of laminin and not to binding of the gangliosides to the cells. Our findings support the idea that the adhesive and neurite-promoting effect of laminin is dependent on its interaction with gangliosides at the neuronal cell surfaces.  相似文献   

Mice genetically engineered to lack complex gangliosides are improved hosts for raising antibodies against those gangliosides. We report the generation and characterization of nine immunoglobulin G (IgG)-class monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) raised against the four major brain gangliosides in mammals. These include (designated as ganglioside specificity-IgG subclass) two anti-GM1 mAbs (GM1-1, GM1-2b), three anti-GD1a mAbs (GD1a-1, GD1a-2a, GD1a-2b), one anti-GD1b mAb (GD1b-1), and three anti-GT1b mAbs (GT1b-1, GT1b-2a, GT1b-2b). Each mAb demonstrated high specificity, with little or no cross-reactivity with other major brain gangliosides. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) screening against 14 closely related synthetic and purified gangliosides confirmed the high specificity, with no significant cross-reactivity except that of the anti-GD1a mAbs for the closely related minor ganglioside GT1a alpha. All of the mAbs were useful for ELISA, TLC immunooverlay, and immunocytochemistry. Neural cells from wild-type rats and mice were immunostained to differing levels with the anti-ganglioside antibodies, whereas neural cells from mice engineered to lack complex gangliosides (lacking the ganglioside-specific biosynthetic enzyme UDP-GalNAc:GM3/GD3 N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase) remained unstained, demonstrating that most of the mAbs react only with gangliosides and not with related structures on glycoproteins. These mAbs may provide useful tools for delineation of the expression and function of the major brain gangliosides and for probing the pathology of anti-ganglioside autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

The paper presents a survey of the data, obtained in laboratories, directed by the author, on the problem of the brain bases of psychics. Phenomena of perception, thinking and taking decision about behavioural response correspond to the afferent, central and efferent parts of the reflex arch. Psychic function arises on the basis of complex organization and integration of the processes in the brain. It is shown that sensation is based on the synthesis in the cortical projection area of the information on physical and signal properties of the stimulus. By means of the method developed in the laboratory, of mapping of intracortical interaction the participation is studied of different cortical zones in the process of mental creation of visual image. The process of taking decision is studied by a new method: "reaction choice potential" recorded in the case of decision, about the character of reaction to signal controlled by consciousness.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) exposure has been documented in pregnant women, but consequences for development are not yet widely studied in human populations. This review presents research on the consequences for offspring of BPA exposure during pregnancy. Extensive work in laboratory rodents has evaluated survival and growth of the conceptus, interference with embryonic programs of development, morphological sex differentiation, sex differentiation of the brain and behavior, immune responsiveness, and mechanism of action. Sensitive measures include RAR, aryl hydrocarbon receptor, and Hox A10 gene expression, anogenital distance, sex differentiation of affective and exploratory behavior, and immune hyperresponsiveness. Many BPA effects are reported at low doses (10–50 µg/kg d range) by the oral route of administration. At high doses (>500,000 µg/kg d) fetal viability is compromised. Much of the work has centered around the implications of the estrogenic actions of this agent. Some work related to thyroid mechanism of action has also been explored. BPA research has actively integrated current knowledge of developmental biology, concepts of endocrine disruption, and toxicological research to provide a basis for human health risk assessment. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 89:441–466, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The soluble tubulin of human cerebral cortex, as assessed by [3H]colchicine binding of the 100,000g supernatant fraction, decreases drastically with age, 75 percent from age 0 to age 90. There is also a considerably lower concentration of high molecular weight proteins in the soluble fraction of postmortem human cerebral cortex than in that of nonhuman species. Human brain tubulin can be polymerized into microtubules with DEAE-dextran. The DEAE-dextran induced microtubules are stable to cold temperature (4°) and calcium. However, in the presence of 1 M glutamate, the microtubules become cold labile and depolymerize at 4°. Thus we have developed a novel method for purifying polymerization competent tubulin from fresh or frozen human cerebral cortex. Human brain tubulin purified by our novel method is very similar to tubulin from the brains of other mammals in molecular weight, amino acid composition, polymerization-depolymerization parameters, and structural dimensions of the microtubules formed.Some aspects of this work have been published as an abstract in 1981. Fed. Proc. 40:1548.  相似文献   

The effect of exposure at different prenatal stages to maternal hyperphenylalaninemia (HyPhe) on the somatic and neurological development of fetuses in rats was studied, with special respect to the change of relevant enzyme activities in the brain. While evident somatic damage was found only in the fetuses exposed to maternal HyPhe at a last stage of gestation, distinct mental retardation seemingly due to some irreversible damage to the brain was observed in all the treated fetuses regardless of the timing of exposure, and a significantly reduced activity of 2, 3-cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphohydrolase (CNPase), a marker enzyme of myelin, was confirmed in the mantle region of the brain.Dedicated to Professor Yasuzo Tsukoda.  相似文献   

Gangliosides in the external surface of intact synaptosomes from rat brain cortex have been studied by oxidation of exposed galactose and galactosamine groups with galactose oxidase followed by reduction with labeled sodium borohydride. Purified synaptosomes were labeled, disrupted by osmotic shock, and the particulate components fractionated on diatrizoate to give four synaptosomal membrane fractions (A-D) and a mitochondrial pellet (E). Fractions A and B represent synaptosomal plasma membranes. When intact synaptosomes were labeled, the major portion of the total radioactivity incorporated into ganglioside fraction was found to be in G M1 3 species. With isolated membrane fractions little selectivity was seen: (1) more label was present compared to intact synaptosomes, and (2) zones corresponding to GM2, GM1, GD1a, GD1b were the major gangliosides labeled. The results confirm the conclusion that membrane fractions A and B are derived from the exposed synaptosome surface and also show that GM1 is the major ganglioside species available for enzyme oxidation at the surface.  相似文献   

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