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The microbial composition of concrete biofilms within wastewater collection systems was studied using molecular assays. SSU rDNA clone libraries were generated from 16 concrete surfaces of manholes, a combined sewer overflow, and sections of a corroded sewer pipe. Of the 2457 sequences analyzed, α-, β-, γ-, and δ-Proteobacteria represented 15%, 22%, 11%, and 4% of the clones, respectively. β-Proteobacteria (47%) sequences were more abundant in the pipe crown than any of the other concrete surfaces. While 178 to 493 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) were associated with the different concrete samples, only four sequences were shared among the different clone libraries. Bacteria implicated in concrete corrosion were found in the clone libraries while archaea, fungi, and several bacterial groups were also detected using group-specific assays. The results showed that concrete sewer biofilms are more diverse than previously reported. A more comprehensive molecular database will be needed to better study the dynamics of concrete biofilms.  相似文献   

The microbial composition of concrete biofilms within wastewater collection systems was studied using molecular assays. SSU rDNA clone libraries were generated from 16 concrete surfaces of manholes, a combined sewer overflow, and sections of a corroded sewer pipe. Of the 2457 sequences analyzed, α-, β-, γ-, and δ-Proteobacteria represented 15%, 22%, 11%, and 4% of the clones, respectively. β-Proteobacteria (47%) sequences were more abundant in the pipe crown than any of the other concrete surfaces. While 178 to 493 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) were associated with the different concrete samples, only four sequences were shared among the different clone libraries. Bacteria implicated in concrete corrosion were found in the clone libraries while archaea, fungi, and several bacterial groups were also detected using group-specific assays. The results showed that concrete sewer biofilms are more diverse than previously reported. A more comprehensive molecular database will be needed to better study the dynamics of concrete biofilms.  相似文献   

This study investigated the variation in microbially induced concrete corrosion communities at different circumferential locations of a real sewer pipe and the effects of a wastewater flooding event on the community. Three distinct microbial community groups were found in different corrosion samples. The physico-chemical properties of the corrosion layers and the microbial communities were distinct for the cross-sectional positions within the pipe, ie ceiling, wall and tidal zones. The microbial communities detected from the same positions in the pipe were consistent over the length of the pipe, as well as being consistent between the replicate pipes. The dominating ceiling communities were members of the bacterial orders Rhodospirillales, Acidithiobacillales, Actinomycetales, Xanthomonadales and Acidobacteriales. The wall communities were composed of members of the Xanthomonadales, Hydrogenophilales, Chromatiales and Sphingobacteriales. The tidal zones were dominated by eight bacterial and one archaeal order, with the common physiological trait of anaerobic metabolism. Sewage flooding within the sewer system did not change the tidal and wall communities, although the corrosion communities in ceiling samples were notably different, becoming more similar to the wall and tidal samples. This suggests that sewage flooding has a significant impact on the corrosion community in sewers.  相似文献   

Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) are the main microorganisms that participate in the bioremediation of sulfide-rich wastewater. To reveal the SOB community structure and determine which members of SOB contribute to the sulfide oxidation in a sulfide-rich cloth printing and dyeing wastewater treatment plant, specific primer pairs dsrA 625F/877R, soxB 704F/1199R, and sqr 473F/982R based on the SOB functional genes encoding dissimilatory sulfite reductase, sulfate thioesterase/thiohydrolase, and sulfide: quinone oxidoreductase were designed. The restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis showed that the diversity indices and the abundance of each OTU have no significant changes after time, which suggested the SOB community in the sulfide removing bioreactor have high steady phylogenetic analysis of functional gene-based clone libraries detected the SOB from Chlorobia, α-proteobacteria, β-proteobacteria, and γ-proteobacteria. The combined clone library showed the presence of dominant members of the SOB species closely related to families Halothiobacillaceae (17%), Hydrogenophilaceae (14%), and Rhodocyclaceae (13%), which may contribute to the sulfide oxidation in wastewater treatment process. This work provides a precise understanding of SOB microbial community within sulfide removing bioreactor, and the result gives assistance for the optimization of the treatment systems for sulfide biological degradation.  相似文献   

The existence of chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) capable of growth in an extremely alkaline and saline environment has not been recognized until recently. Extensive studies of saline, alkaline (soda) lakes located in Central Asia, Africa and North America have now revealed the presence, at relatively high numbers, of a new branch of obligately autotrophic SOB in these doubly extreme environments. Overall more than 100 strains were isolated in pure culture. All of them have the potential to grow optimally at around pH 10 in media strongly buffered with sodium carbonate/bicarbonate and cannot grow at pH<7.5 and Na(+) concentration <0.2 M. The majority of the isolates fell into two distinct groups with differing phylogeny and physiology, that have been described as two new genera in the Gammaproteobacteria; Thioalkalimicrobium and Thioalkalivibrio. The third genus, Thioalkalispira, contains a single obligate microaerophilic species T. microaerophila. The Thioalkalimicrobium group represents a typical opportunistic strategy, including highly specialized, relatively fast-growing and low salt-tolerant bacteria, dominating in hyposaline steppe soda lakes of Central Asia. The genus Thioalkalivibrio includes mostly slowly growing species better adapted to life in hypersaline conditions and with a more versatile metabolism. It includes denitrifying, thiocyanate-utilizing and facultatively alkaliphilic species.  相似文献   

A hyperbolic equation was fitted to the time dependence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans adsorption on sulfur. This procedure allowed the determination of an asymptote value which represented a free cell count at equilibrium. The data thus obtained were used to calculate the numbers of adsorbed bacteria without attainment of equilibrium. The maximum number of adsorbed bacteria based on the Langmuir isotherm was 8.3 × 109 per g of sulfur.  相似文献   

We evaluated the population structure and temporal dynamics of the dominant community members within sewage influent from two wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Milwaukee, WI. We generated >?1.1?M bacterial pyrotag sequences from the V6 hypervariable region of 16S rRNA genes from 38 influent samples and two samples taken upstream in the sanitary sewer system. Only a small fraction of pyrotags from influent samples (~?15%) matched sequences from human faecal samples. The faecal components of the sewage samples included enriched pyrotag populations from Lactococcus and Enterobacteriaceae relative to their fractional representation in human faecal samples. In contrast to the large number of distinct pyrotags that represent faecal bacteria such as Lachnospiraceae and Bacteroides, only one or two unique V6 sequences represented Acinetobacter, Aeromonas and Trichococcus, which collectively account for nearly 35% of the total sewage community. Two dominant Acinetobacter V6 pyrotags (designated Acineto tag 1 and Acineto tag 2) fluctuated inversely with a seasonal pattern over a 3-year period, suggesting two distinct Acinetobacter populations respond differently to ecological forcings in the system. A single nucleotide change in the V6 pyrotags accounted for the difference in these populations and corresponded to two phylogenetically distinct clades based on full-length sequences. Analysis of wavelet functions, derived from a mathematical model of temporal fluctuations, demonstrated that other abundant sewer associated populations including Trichococcus and Aeromonas had temporal patterns similar to either Acineto tag 1 or Acineto tag 2. Populations with related temporal fluctuations were found to significantly correlate with the same WWTP variables (5-day BOD, flow, ammonia, total phosphorous and suspended solids). These findings illustrate that small differences in V6 sequences can represent phylogenetically and ecologically distinct taxa. This work provides insight into microbial community composition and dynamics within the defined environment of urban sewer infrastructure.  相似文献   

Extremophiles - Here we report the chemical and microbial characterization of the surface water of a CO2-rich hydrothermal vent known in Costa Rica as Borbollones, located at Tenorio Volcano...  相似文献   

The succession of sulfur-oxidizing bacterial (SOB) community structure and the complex internal sulfur cycle occurring in wastewater biofilms growing under microaerophilic conditions was analyzed by using a polyphasic approach that employed 16S rRNA gene-cloning analysis combined with fluorescence in situ hybridization, microelectrode measurements, and standard batch and reactor experiments. A complete sulfur cycle was established via S(0) accumulation within 80 days in the biofilms in replicate. This development was generally split into two phases, (i) a sulfur-accumulating phase and (ii) a sulfate-producing phase. In the first phase (until about 40 days), since the sulfide production rate (sulfate-reducing activity) exceeded the maximum sulfide-oxidizing capacity of SOB in the biofilms, H(2)S was only partially oxidized to S(0) by mainly Thiomicrospira denitirificans with NO(3)(-) as an electron acceptor, leading to significant accumulation of S(0) in the biofilms. In the second phase, the SOB populations developed further and diversified with time. In particular, S(0) accumulation promoted the growth of a novel strain, strain SO07, which predominantly carried out the oxidation of S(0) to SO(4)(2-) under oxic conditions, and Thiothrix sp. strain CT3. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that the dense populations of Thiothrix (ca. 10(9) cells cm(-3)) and strain SO07 (ca. 10(8) cells cm(-3)) were found at the sulfur-rich surface (100 microm), while the population of Thiomicrospira denitirificans was distributed throughout the biofilms with a density of ca. 10(7) to 10(8) cells cm(-3). Microelectrode measurements revealed that active sulfide-oxidizing zones overlapped the spatial distributions of different phylogenetic SOB groups in the biofilms. As a consequence, the sulfide-oxidizing capacities of the biofilms became high enough to completely oxidize all H(2)S produced by SRB to SO(4)(2-) in the second phase, indicating establishment of the complete sulfur cycle in the biofilms.  相似文献   

[目的]解析中国传统豆瓣酱发酵过程中的微生物群落演替规律和理化代谢物质变化,探讨不同发酵阶段影响豆瓣酱风味的核心功能微生物.[方法]采用高通量测序解析豆瓣酱发酵过程中的微生物群落结构和演替,并跟踪检测发酵过程中的理化代谢物质,然后分析微生物群落和理化代谢物质变化之间的相关性,最后在体外分离核心微生物并对其功能特性进行验...  相似文献   

浸矿酸性环境下,金属硫化矿在Fe3+作用下,经过硫代硫酸盐途径或多聚硫化氢途径而分解的过程中导致大量元素硫的累积,进而可能在金属硫化矿表面形成疏水元素硫层,阻碍金属离子的进一步浸出。酸性环境下,惰性元素硫的消解必须借助嗜酸硫氧化细菌来实现。该消解过程包括嗜酸硫氧化细菌对元素硫的吸附、转运以及氧化转化等过程。本文对近年来嗜酸硫氧化细菌消解元素硫过程的相关研究进行了全面评述,认为有关嗜酸硫氧化细菌消解元素硫的分子机制的清晰阐述还有待人们通过对消解过程的各个环节的分子机制进行大量研究来实现。  相似文献   

Acetylene reduction was observed with ferrousiron-oxidizingThiobacillus ferrooxidans, as expected from previous studies with this bacterium. Acetylene reduction was also found during the growth ofT. ferrooxidans on tetrathionate. OnlyLeptospirillum ferrooxidans, one of several other phylogenetically diverse, ferrous-iron-and/or sulfur-oxidizing acidophilic microorganisms, also reduced acetylene. A reduction of the oxygen concentration in the culture atmosphere was necessary to alleviate inhibition of nitrogenase activity. DNA sequences homologous tonif structural genes were found in both organisms. Diazotrophic growth ofL. ferrooxidans was inferred from an increase in iron oxidation in ammonium-free medium when the oxygen concentration was limited and from apparent inhibition by acetylene under these conditions.  相似文献   

Increasing attention is being paid to the adoption of photoautotrophic microbes in bioelectrochemical systems (BESs) because of the advantages of self-sustainability. Biased potential on the anode was capable of adjusting the performance of non-photo BESs, and the microbial community structure was also changed; however, few studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of potential on microbial community structure in photo-BESs. In this work, the response of microbial community structure to different potentials (i.e., 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 V vs. Ag/AgCl) was characterized with 454 pyrosequencing. Four samples were collected and they generated 42865 16S rDNA sequencing reads with an average length of 429 bp. The potential at 0.2 V resulted in the highest current density (378.8 mA m?2) and showed a strong selection for γ-proteobacteria (30.8% of the sequences). α-Diversity analysis showed that microbial diversity increased with increased potential. Rhodopseudomonas palustris was dominant among known exoelectrogens in the biofilm biased at 0.4 V. The results provided an insight into the mechanism of potential regulation on the performance of photo-BESs and changes in microbial community structure.  相似文献   

Although uncultured microorganisms have important roles in ecosystems, their ecophysiology in situ remains elusive owing to the difficulty of obtaining live cells from their natural habitats. In this study, we employed a novel magnetic nanoparticle-mediated isolation (MMI) method to recover metabolically active cells of a group of previously uncultured phenol degraders, Burkholderiales spp., from coking plant wastewater biosludge; five other culturable phenol degraders—Rhodococcus sp., Chryseobacterium sp. and three different Pseudomonas spp.—were also isolated from the same biosludge using traditional methods. The kinetics of phenol degradation by MMI-recovered cells (MRCs) was similar to that of the original sludge. Stable isotope probing (SIP) and pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA from the ‘heavy'' DNA (13C-DNA) fractions indicated that Burkholderiales spp. were the key phenol degraders in situ in the biosludge, consistent with the results of MRCs. Single-cell Raman micro-spectroscopy was applied to probe individual bacteria in the MRCs obtained from the SIP experiment and showed that 79% of them were fully 13C-labelled. Biolog assays on the MRCs revealed the impact of various carbon and nitrogen substrates on the efficiency of phenol degradation in the wastewater treatment plant biosludge. Specifically, hydroxylamine, a metabolite of ammonia oxidisation, but not nitrite, nitrate or ammonia, inhibited phenol degradation in the biosludge. Our results provided a novel insight into the occasional abrupt failure events that occur in the wastewater treatment plant. This study demonstrated that MMI is a powerful tool to recover live and functional cells in situ from a complex microbial community to enable further characterisation of their physiology.  相似文献   

生物结皮是干旱区生态系统光合固碳的重要贡献者,固碳功能菌是生物结皮碳固定过程中的关键功能群,而毛乌素沙地生物结皮有关固碳功能菌群落多样性的研究未见详细报道。通过qPCR和高通量测序,研究了毛乌素沙地固碳功能菌基因丰度、群落多样性在生物结皮发育过程中的演变规律及其关键环境因子。结果表明,form IAB、IC和ID的基因丰度均随生物结皮发育呈升高趋势,在地衣结皮最高,在藓结皮又明显降低;form IAB的Chao1和form IC的Shannon指数随生物结皮演替呈显著上升趋势,而 form IC和ID的Chao1则在藻结皮达到峰值。物种组成上,IAB型固碳功能菌以蓝藻门的颤藻目占优势,其相对丰度在藻结皮最高,随生物结皮演替逐渐降低;IC型固碳功能菌在裸沙中以土壤红杆菌目为主, 而在三种生物结皮中以生丝微菌目、亚硝化单胞菌目和红螺菌目占优势; ID型固碳菌则以硅藻门的舟形藻目占优势,其丰度在裸沙中最高。IAB和IC型固碳功能菌群落结构在藻结皮和地衣结皮类似,而与裸沙和藓结皮差异显著,裸沙与藓结皮亦具显著差异。生物结皮演替过程中生物类群和土壤理化特征的改变为固碳功能菌提供了不同的生态位,土壤总有机碳、全氮、铵态氮、全磷、速效磷和pH对固碳功能菌群落进行综合调控,通过对固碳功能菌的筛选作用,最终改变固碳功能菌群落组成和结构。为深入理解荒漠生态系统生物结皮的光合固碳功能的微生物学机制提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

Culture-independent investigations of the bacterial diversity and activity in district heating systems with and without corrosion did not make it possible to relate one group of microorganisms with the observed corrosion. Fluorescence in situ hybridization by oligonucleotide probes revealed the dominance of beta-proteobacteria, sulphate reducing prokaryotes and alpha-proteobacteria. Analysis of a clone library from one Danish heating (DH) system showed that the most sequences formed two clusters within the alpha-proteobacteria affiliated to the families Rhizobiaceae and Acetobacteraceae and two clusters within the beta-proteobacteria belonging to the family Comamonadaceae. Functional groups were determined by microautoradiography showing aerobic and anaerobic bacteria (sulphate reducing and methanogenic bacteria). The corrosion study showed that pitting corrosion rates were five to ten times higher than the general corrosion rates, suggesting the presence of biocorrosion. The results indicate that several bacterial groups could be involved in corrosion of DH system piping including sulphate reducing prokaryotes, Acidovorax (within the beta-proteobacteria), methanogenic bacteria and others.  相似文献   

Sulfur-oxidising acidophilic bacteria were obtained from weathered sulfur piles produced by a petroleum refinery. When grown on commercial sulfur the yield was 10(10)cell/g S. Sulfur conversion to sulfate was about 95% after 17 days. Cultures were also grown together with ash obtained from incinerated refinery sludge, which contained high amounts of iron. Cultures grown in ash plus sulfur gave somewhat higher values for the growth parameters (Y=1.6x10(10)cell/g S). The sulfur conversion was about 70% (after 17 days) and more than 90% of the iron present in the ash was also leached. The sulfur-reduced compound thiosulfate, determined using ion pair HPLC, was found in the presence and absence of ash although the profile was different in each case. Sulfite was only found in non-ash containing cultures, whereas tetrathionate was only formed in the presence of ash. These results are discussed with reference to the substrates used by the micro-organisms.  相似文献   

【目的】探究三峡库区干流和支流水体硫氧化菌群落组成和多样性及其与水体理化性质的相关性。【方法】于2017年3月在三峡库区支流和干流共选取9个采样点,测量各采样点水体理化参数,针对水体样品的sox B基因进行系统发育分析、聚类分析和多样性分析,并分析水体理化性质与硫氧化菌群落组成和多样性的相关性。【结果】克隆文库分析显示,本研究的三峡库区水体样品中硫氧化菌分属于α-Proteobacteria和β-Proteobacteria纲,其中β-Proteobacteria的硫氧化菌是群落构成主体,在干流和支流的采样点中相对丰度均高于95.6%。聚类分析和主坐标分析(PCo A)显示,各支流采样点之间以及支流样点和其对应干流样点之间的硫氧化菌群落构成差异较大,而干流采样点间硫氧化菌群落构成差异较小。Mantel检验结果显示,硫氧化菌群落组成与水体的温度、盐度、溶氧量、藻含量和p H等理化参数呈显著(P0.05)相关。Pearson相关性分析显示硫氧化菌的群落多样性与藻含量和DIC呈现显著负相关。【结论】三峡库区支流和干流水体中硫氧化菌主要由β-Proteobacteria纲构成,库区干流水体中硫氧化菌群落构成较为相似,而不同支流水体中的硫氧化菌群落构成差异较明显,并且支流和对应干流交汇处的水体中硫氧化菌群落组成差异明显,水体理化性质是导致这一差异的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

历史因素对土壤微生物群落与外来细菌入侵间关系的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
群落的组成和结构如何影响其可入侵性一直是入侵生态学的研究热点。然而关于群落可入侵性和群落特征间关系的认知却很不统一。采用交叉互换的试验方法,首先将野外采集的两种长期不同施肥土壤(有机肥和化肥)进行灭菌并回接已方和对方的土壤悬液,研究土壤环境(历史非生物因素)和土壤微生物群落(历史生物因素)对重建土壤微生物群落特征的相对贡献。随后将用红色荧光蛋白标记的青枯菌作为外来种接入重建的土壤中,探究不同土壤微生物群落特征对外来细菌存活数量(前期入侵潜力)和存活时间(后期入侵潜力)的影响。结果表明,历史生物因素对重建土壤的原生动物数量、革兰氏阴性与阳性细菌比等群落特征和外来细菌的存活数量有影响;历史非生物因素对土壤微生物活性、细菌物种多样性和功能多样性等群落特征以及外来细菌入侵土壤后总的存活时间有影响;外来细菌入侵前期状况仅与原生动物数量、革兰氏阴性与阳性细菌比相关,而入侵后期的状况则仅与微生物活性、细菌物种多样性和功能多样性相关。总之,外来细菌在土壤中各时期的入侵潜力和土著微生物群落特征的相关性主要取决于二者是否由同种历史影响因素控制。本研究对于阐明生物群落结构与群落可入侵性之间关系,及指导土壤外来病原菌的防控均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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