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Leukotriene E4 (LTE4) is shown to be a partial agonist of leukotriene D4 (LTD4) in differentiated U-937 cells. The data that support this conclusion are: 1) LTE4 completely displaced [3H]LTD4 from its receptors in U-937 cell membranes. 2) LTE4 induced only 30 +/- 4% of the maximal Ca2+ transient induced by LTD4 in the presence of 1 mM extracellular Ca2+ and 60 +/- 4% of the maximal LTD4 response in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. 3) LTE4 induced only a fraction of the inositol phosphates metabolized by LTD4. Moreover, LTE4 resulted in essentially no production of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate isomer, while LTD4 induced a rapid and substantial transient increase in this isomer. The generation of inositol phosphates by both agonists was unaffected by extracellular Ca2+. 4) The EC50 values for Ca2+ mobilization for LTD4 and LTE4 corresponded with their affinity (Kd values) for the LTD4 receptor. 5) A series of structurally diverse LTD4 receptor antagonists blocked the Ca2+ mobilization responses to LTD4 and LTE4 with identical rank orders of potency. 6) LTE4 acted as an antagonist of LTD4 of potency. 6) LTE4 acted as an antagonist of LTD4 effects when they were coadministered. 7) LTE4 and LTD4 acutely desensitized Ca2+ mobilization to each other. All of the effects of LTE4 are explained by its partial agonist activity at the LTD4 receptor as shown by the following data. 1) Neither LTD4 nor LTE4 had any effect on the agonist activity of fMet-Leu-Phe, LTB4, or platelet-activating factor. 2) None of the above agonists or antagonists to the above receptors affected any of the activities of LTD4 or LTE4. 3) Neither LTD4 nor LTE4 induced desensitization of Ca2+ mobilization to any of the non-LTD4 receptor agonists tested. 4) Under the conditions studied, we have not observed any evidence of multiple subclasses of LTD4 receptors in U-937 cells. LTE4 is a partial agonist of the LTD4 receptor, because it can only couple the LTD4 receptor to a portion of the signaling system available to the receptor when occupied by LTD4. Specifically, LTD4 caused the activation of receptor-operated calcium channels, mobilization of intracellular Ca2+, the activation of phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C, and the liberation of an additional, as yet undefined, intracellular mediator. To do this, LTD4 receptors couple to at least two and perhaps more guanine nucleotide binding proteins. LTE4 is unable to activate the phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C but can mimic the other effects of LTD4.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Leukotrienes C4 and D4 (LTC4 and LTD4) stimulated, 5- to 6-fold, the adhesion of the monoblastoid cell line U-937 to plastic. Half-maximal effects were observed around 1 nM. Leukotrienes E4 and B4 (LTE4 and LTB4) were less effective. The adhesive response to LTC4 was inhibited by pertussis toxin and was completely dependent on the presence of extracellular Ca2+. The LTC4-stimulated increases in inositol-phosphates and in intracellular Ca(2+)-concentration were insensitive to pertussis toxin. Activation of leukocyte adhesion is a novel action of cysteinyl-leukotrienes and the present study suggests that control of U-937-cell adhesion by LTC4 involves two pathways; one pertussis toxin insensitive pathway regulating intracellular Ca2+ in a manner partly dependent on extracellular Ca2+ and one pertussis toxin sensitive pathway not concerned with Cai(2+)-regulation.  相似文献   

Phorbol esters and 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol induce an increase in phosphorylation of a series of 44-kD proteins in the U-937 human monocyte-like cell line. The phenomenon is rapid at 37 degrees C, starting 0.5 min after adding the inducer, increasing to a maximum of 5-10 min and decreasing to the basal level at 30 min. It is also observed at 4 degrees C, though much more slowly. Immunoprecipitation and two-dimensional electrophoresis demonstrated that these phosphorylated proteins belong to the class I HLA antigens.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that dimethylsulfoxide-differentiation of U937 cells induced significant A23187-stimulatable arachidonate mobilization, consistent with characteristics of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (Rzigalinski, B.A. and Rosenthal, M.D. (1994) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1223, 219–225). The present report demonstrates that differentiated cells attained higher elevations of intracellular free calcium in response to A23187 and thapsigargin, consistent with enhancement of the capacitative calcium influx pathway. Differentiation induced a significant increase in the size of the intracellular calcium stores, as well as in the capacity for store-activated calcium influx. Alterations in the capacitative calcium influx pathway were coupled to differentiation-induced activation of cPLA2 and mobilization of arachidonate in response to thapsigargin and fMLP stimulation. Although cPLA2 activity is often associated with influx of extracellular calcium, arachidonate mobilization in response to thapsigargin or fMLP was not simply a consequence of calcium influx. Assessment of intracellular free calcium elevations during thapsigargin or fMLP-induced stimulation suggest that a low level of arachidonic acid release was initiated upon release of intracellular store calcium. This initial release of arachidonate was unaffected by inhibition of calcium influx with nickel, EGTA, or SKF96365. Arachidonate release was observed when extracellular calcium was replaced with extracellular strontium, suggesting activation of the cytosolic PLA2 rather than secretory PLA2. Inhibition of PLA2 with prostaglandin B oligomer prevented both thapsigargin and fMLP-stimulated influx of extracellular calcium. Furthermore, exogenous free arachidonate stimulated influx of extracellular calcium in differentiated U937 cells. These results suggest that cPLA2-mediated release of free arachidonate may participate in the formation of a calcium influx factor which controls influx of extracellular calcium through store-controlled channels in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Monocytic U937 cells were differentiated into mature macrophages in the presence of 100 nM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) for 24 h at 37°C. We investigated the alterations in the expression of GTP-binding proteins that take place during differentiation of these cells. A 40 KDa -subunit of the inhibitory G-protein was identified by specific antibodies to Gi-1/2 and Gi-3 on Western blots and also by ADP-ribosylation catalyzed by pertussis toxin. The expression of the 40 KDa Gi subunit was increased 3.4 fold in differentiated cells. The expression of a 43 kDa Gs subunit identified by Western blotting using specific antibody to Gs and by ADP-ribosylation in the presence of cholera toxin was increased approximately 2 fold in differentiated cells. A faintly recognizable 46 KDa Gs subunit was also increased but to a lesser extent (1.3 fold). Small molecular weight GTP-binding proteins identified by [35S]GTPS binding on nitrocellulose blots were also increased significantly. The PMA-induced expression of Gi-1/2 and Gs subunits was blocked to control level by both genistein and staurosporine, inhibitors of protein tyrosine kinase and protein kinase C, respectively. However, staurosporine was unable to block the PMA-induced expression of Gi-3; this was blocked only by genistein. These data suggest a role for tyrosine kinase and protein kinase C in the expression of G-proteins during differentiation of U937 cells.  相似文献   

IFN-gamma enhances many monocyte functions, including oxidative metabolism and Ag presentation. IFN-gamma has been reported to increase the intracellular concentration of calcium ([Ca2+]i) and modulate protein kinase C activity in murine macrophages, but the signal transduction pathways induced by IFN-gamma in human cells and their functional significance are poorly understood. Our study examined the hypothesis that an increases in [Ca2+]i and protein kinase C activation are required for functional responses to IFN-gamma. The U937 cell line was used as a model of an IFN-gamma responsive cell. IFN-gamma caused a rapid and concentration-dependent increase in [Ca2+]i, which was partly inhibited by calcium-free medium, diltiazem, and TMB-8. IFN-gamma induced a fourfold increase in the concentration of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Induction of HLA-DR, Fc gamma R, CR3, and Mo3e Ag expression by IFN-gamma was blocked by concentrations of TMB-8 that inhibited an increase in [Ca2+]i, but not by protein kinase C inhibition by H-7 or inhibition of calmodulin with W-7. Ionomycin did not enhance Ag expression and PMA induced the expression of only the Mo3e Ag. We conclude that IFN-gamma induces antigenic expression on human U937 cells by a mechanism dependent on, but not limited to, an increase in intracellular calcium, which is likely due to inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate generation.  相似文献   

Leukotriene C4 (LTC4) synthase was highly expressed in the human U937 monoblast leukemia cell line when differentiated into monocyte/macrophage-like cells by growth in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide. The specific activity of LTC4 synthase in differentiated cells (399.0 +/- 84.1 pmol of LTC4 formed.min-1.mg-1) was markedly higher (10-fold; p less than 0.001) than in undifferentiated U937 cells (39.9 +/- 16.7 pmol of LTC4 formed.min-1.mg-1) or freshly isolated blood monocytes (21.5 +/- 4.8 pmol of LTC4 formed.min-1.mg-1). The increase in LTC4 synthase activity following dimethyl sulfoxide-induced differentiation was substantially higher than the increase observed for other proteins involved in leukotriene biosynthesis. LTC4 synthase activity was unaffected in U937 cells differentiated by growth in the presence of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. The HL-60 myeloblast leukemia cell line expressed higher LTC4 synthase levels when differentiated into either neutrophil-like or macrophage-like cells by growth in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (respectively), but reached a specific activity comparable only to undifferentiated U937 cells. Human LTC4 synthase was found to be a unique membrane-bound enzymatic activity completely distinct from alpha, mu, pi, theta, and microsomal glutathione S-transferases, as determined by differential detergent solubilization, chromatographic separation, substrate specificity, and Western blot analysis. An 18-kDa polypeptide was specifically labeled in membranes from dimethyl sulfoxide-differentiated U937 cells using azido 125I-LTC4, a photoaffinity probe based on the product of the LTC4 synthase-catalyzed reaction. Photolabeling of the 18-kDa polypeptide was specifically competed for by LTC4 (greater than 50% at 0.1 microM) but not by 100,000-fold higher concentrations of reduced glutathione (10 mM). Elevation of both the level of the specifically photolabeled 18-kDa polypeptide and of LTC4 synthase specific activity occurred concomitantly with dimethyl sulfoxide differentiation of U937 cells. We conclude that differentiation of U937 cells into monocyte/macrophage-like cells by growth in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide results in high levels of expression of LTC4 synthase activity. Human LTC4 synthase is a unique enzyme with a high degree of specificity for LTA4 and may therefore be dedicated exclusively to the formation of LTC4 in vivo. An 18-kDa membrane polypeptide, specifically labeled by a photoaffinity derivative of LTC4, is a candidate for being either LTC4 synthase or a subunit thereof.  相似文献   

Human leukotriene C4 (LTC4) synthase was purified > 10000-fold from dimethylsulfoxide-differentiated U937 cells. Steps included: (a) solubilization of membrane-bound LTC4 synthase from microsomal membranes by the anionic detergent taurocholate; (b) successive anion-exchange chromatography steps in the presence of taurocholate plus Triton X-100 (primary anion exchange) then taurocholate plus n-octyl glucoside (secondary anion exchange); and (c) LTC2-affinity chromatography on a matrix that was constructed by first biotinylating synthetic LTC2 then immobilizing the biotinylated LTC2 on streptavidin agarose. The purification of human LTC4 synthase was enabled by the finding that LTC4 synthase activity in preparations enriched > 500-fold was absolutely dependent on the presence in LTC4 synthase incubation mixtures of divalent cations (specifically Mg2+) and phospholipids (specifically phosphatidylcholine), and that reduced glutathione, which was required at 2-4 mM for stabilization of LTC4 synthase, irreversibly inactivated the enzyme when present at > or = 5 mM during freeze/thaw cycles. The > 10000-fold purified LTC4 synthase preparation was comprised of three polypeptides having molecular masses of 37.1, 24.5 and 18.0 kDa. An 18-kDa polypeptide in both microsomal membranes and in the LTC2-affinity purified fraction was specifically labelled by a radioiodinated LTC4 photoaffinity probe (azido 125I-LTC4). The Km values in the LTC2-affinity purified preparation for reduced glutathione and LTA4 were 1.83 mM and 19.6 microM (respectively), closely resembling the Km values in isolated human blood monocytes. The Vmax of LTC2-affinity purified LTC4 synthase was 2-4 mumol LTC4 formed .min-1 x mg-1.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1996,385(3):149-153
Mitogen activated protein kinase in extracts of U-937 macrophage-like cells was stimulated by LDL and oxLDL. A maximum value (161% of the basal phosphotransferase activity) was obtained after 6 min exposure to oxidized LDL (27 μ/ml) using APRTPGGRR peptide substrate. The activatory effect was more pronounced (LDL 181%, oxLDL 201%) when MAPK of stimulated cells was immunoprecipitated with anti-p42MAPK antibodies and phosphotransferase activity was assayed in immune complexes. Stimulation produced by oxLDL was inhibited by poly I, fucoidan, dextran sulfate and by the MAPKK inhibitor PD 098059 but not by PMA-mediated depletion of PKC or by pre-treatment with chloroquine or with pertussis toxin. These results suggest a direct mitogenic effect of LDL which, in the case of oxLDL, is dependent on scavenger receptor ligation but not on G-protein mediated or PKC-dependent signal transduction.  相似文献   

Cathepsin X is a lysosomal carboxypeptidase with a potential role in processes of inflammation and immune response. The integrin-binding motifs RGD and ECD, present in the pro- and in mature forms of cathepsin X, respectively, suggest that this enzyme might have a function in cell signaling and adhesion. In this study, we report that cysteine protease inhibitors E-64 and CA-074 and 2F12 monoclonal antibody, all of which inhibit cathepsin X activity, significantly reduced adhesion of differentiated U-937 cells to polystyrene- and fibrinogen-coated surfaces via Mac-1 integrin receptor, whereas their binding to vitronectin, fibronectin or Matrigel was not affected. On the other hand, cathepsin X, added to differentiating U-937 cells, stimulated their adhesion. Using confocal microscopy, we demonstrated that the pro-form of cathepsin X was co-localized with beta(2) and beta(3) integrin subunits and its mature form solely with the beta(2) integrin subunit with the most intense signal in cell-cell junctions in differentiated U-937 cells and in co-cultures with endothelial cells. Our results indicate that active cathepsin X mediates the function of beta(2) integrin receptors during cell adhesion and that it could also be involved in other processes associated with beta(2) integrin receptors such as phagocytosis and T cell activation.  相似文献   

Some characteristics of U-937 and HL-60 leukemia cell lines treated with a fraction of non-dialyzable extract of spinach are reported. The absorbed fraction separated by a DEAE-Tyopearl 650 column chromatography of the non-dialyzable extract induced NBT reducing activity of U-937 and HL-60 cells. This fraction also induced substrate adhesion of U-937 cells, and the non-specific esterase activity of HL-60 cells. The expression of CD11b, CD11c and CD36 antigens on the U-937 cell surface was enhanced by the treatment with the fraction, whereas CD24 antigen was not. The treatment of HL-60 cells with the fraction also induced the expression of CD11b and CD11c antigens, but CD24 and CD36 were not expressed. These results indicated that the non-dialyzable extract of spinach induced immature differentiation of U-937 and HL-60 cells into monocyte/macrophages.Abbreviations NBT nitroblue tetrazolium - TPA 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acerate - PBS phosphate buffered saline - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate  相似文献   

We investigated signal transduction pathways for LTD4 in the human promonocytic cell line U937 known, upon differentiation, to express CysLT1 receptors. We confirmed the presence of high-affinity binding sites for 3H-LTD4, which, in functional studies, displayed the features of CysLT1 receptor. In fact, three potent and selective CysLT1 receptor antagonists were able to completely inhibit LTD4-induced response. In turn, cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) increase (EC50 = 3.4 nM +/- 27% CV) was only partially sensitive to pertussis toxin (PTx) as well as to the prenylation inhibitor fluvastatin and to the specific geranylgeranylation and farnesylation inhibitors BAL 9504 and FPT II. Finally, Clostridium sordellii lethal toxin, inhibitor of the Ras family of GTPases, and FTS, a potent methyltransferase inhibitor, were both able to partially inhibit LTD4-induced [Ca2+] increase, suggesting a role for a Ras family member in [Ca2+]i regulation. In conclusion, in dU937 LTD4 signal transduction involves: (a) at least two pathways, one sensitive and one insensitive to PTx; (b) isoprenylated proteins, such as betagamma subunits and, possibly, a small G protein of the Ras family.  相似文献   

The uptake, recycling, and function of ascorbic acid was evaluated in cultured U-937 monocytic cells. Dehydroascorbic acid, the two-electron oxidized form of the vitamin, was taken up on the glucose transporter and reduced to ascorbate to a much greater extent than ascorbate itself was accumulated by the cells. In contrast to dehydroascorbic acid, ascorbate entered the cells on a sodium- and energy-dependent transporter. Intracellular ascorbate enhanced the transfer of electrons across the cell membrane to extracellular ferricyanide. Rates of ascorbate-dependent ferricyanide reduction were saturable, fivefold greater than basal rates, and facilitated by intracellular recycling of ascorbate. Whereas reduction of dehydroascorbic acid concentrations above 400 microM consumed reduced glutathione (GSH), even severe GSH depletion by 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene was without effect on the ability of the cells to reduce concentrations of dehydroascorbic acid likely to be in the physiologic range (< 200 microM). Dialyzed cytosolic fractions from U-937 cells reduced dehydroascorbic acid to ascorbate in an NADPH-dependent manner that appeared due to thioredoxin reductase. However, thioredoxin reductase did not account for the bulk of dehydroascorbic acid reduction, since its activity was also decreased by treatment of intact cells with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. Thus, U-937 cells loaded with dehydroascorbic acid accumulate ascorbate against a concentration gradient via a mechanism that is not dependent on GSH or NADPH, and this ascorbate can serve as the major source of electrons for transfer across the plasma membrane to extracellular ferricyanide.  相似文献   

The effect of sphingosine and 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) on ATP-evoked Ca(2+) mobilization in glioma C6 cells was studied with the Fura-2 video-imaging technique. Treatment of the cells with TPA, an activator of protein kinase C, reduced the ATP-evoked release of Ca(2+) from the intracellular stores, whereas sphingosine, known from in vitro studies as a protein kinase C inhibitor, potentiated Ca(2+) release synergistically with ATP. ATP-induced Ca(2+) mobilization was also enhanced by a specific protein kinase C inhibitor, GF 109203X. Pretreatment of the cells with GF 109203X prevented TPA action, whereas TPA diminished the stimulatory effect of sphingosine. However, this sphingosine effect was only observed after a short (1 min) treatment, whereas a longer treatment (5 min) reduced ATP-evoked Ca(2+) release. It is therefore concluded that sphingosine has two apparent actions: it inhibits protein kinase C providing a positive feedback regulation of receptor signals and it releases Ca(2+) from intracellular stores by an unknown mechanism, possibly independent of protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is reported to exert its biological activity in neutrophils through the increase in cytosolic free calcium that follows binding to its specific receptor. Leukotriene B5 has been shown to be far less active than LTB4. Therefore we compared the capacity of LTB4 and LTB5 to stimulate the rise in cytosolic free calcium using fura-2-loaded human neutrophils, to assess the relationship between the calcium mobilizing activity and biological potency of LTB4 and LTB5. At any concentration tested, LTB5 was less active than LTB4 in increasing cytosolic free calcium. ED50 for LTB4 and LTB5 were 5 X 10(-10) M and 5 X 10(-9) M, respectively. The difference in the binding affinities of LTB4 and LTB5 to the LTB4 receptor has been reported to explain the difference in their biological activities. In the present study we further demonstrated that the calcium mobilizing activity of LTB4 and LTB5 also correlates the different biological activity of the two compounds.  相似文献   

Aerosol administration of solutions of 900 micrograms/ml of leukotriene C4 (LT) or D4 to cynomolgus monkeys produced dose-dependent, equipotent increases in pulmonary resistance (Rp) and decreases in dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn). Time to peak response was, in part, related to dose and ranged from 4 to 20 min. Both LTC4 and LTD4 were less potent than histamine. Aerosol pretreatment with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin had no significant effect on either LTC4 or LTD4 dose-response curves; however, at the highest doses of these agonists a notable, nonsignificant inhibition of effects on both Rp and Cdyn was seen. Intravenous dl-propranolol had no effect on responses to LTD4. Aerosol pretreatment with FPL 55712 significantly (P less than 0.05) inhibited airway responses to both LTC4 and D4. In contrast, an intravenous infusion of FPL 55712 failed to block the bronchospastic activity of LTD4. In conclusion, cynomolgus monkeys are responsive to aerosol administration of LTC4 and LTD4, and the pharmacology of their responses appears to resemble that of man.  相似文献   

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