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An open channel flow model, calibrated against field data, suggests that cattle intrusion in the eastern Usangu wetlands, as well as both dry and wet weather irrigation upstream, are responsible for the seasonal drying out of the Great Ruaha River (GRR) downstream. This human-induced change has severe socio-economic implications downstream, including hindering hydroelectricity production, as well as a devastating impact on the Ruaha National Park (RNP) ecosystem that is now shifting from wet tropics to dry tropics. To ensure sustainable development, governance is urgently needed for the Usangu catchment in a way that is compatible with ecohydrology principles for the sustainable use of water resources. In order to do that, perennial flow must be restored to the GRR. For this to happen this study suggests that all the livestock must be removed from the eastern Usangu wetlands and dry weather irrigators must return at least 25% (∼4 m3 s−1) of the water to the river.  相似文献   

Planting native riparian trees can help recover wildlife and fish habitat on a local scale, when full recovery of natural processes that sustain riparian ecosystems is infeasible. To help improve planting success, we determined which environmental factors and management practices most influenced survival of planted Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood) in a field experiment on the San Rafael River, Utah, U.S.A. We planted 474 approximately 2‐m‐tall trees and tracked survival for 1.25 years. We used logistic regression to evaluate whether tree height, elevation above the river channel, distance to existing cottonwood or Salix exigua (coyote willow), soil conductivity, soil texture, planting depth, planting method (mechanical auger vs. hand‐digging), and provision of natural and commercial supplements affected survival probability. Survival probability decreased with elevation above the river channel bottom and was greater in auger‐dug than hand‐dug holes. Survival probability was lower in soils with the highest salinity levels and was lower in sandy soils than soils with silt and clay. Survival may be improved by planting well above the channel to avoid flooding impacts but within 2 m above the channel in auger‐dug holes to ensure access to soil moisture. Testing soil salinity and texture in areas with suitable elevation could also help improve survival. Approximately 35% of trees survived to the end of the study period, indicating that planting can help recover riparian habitat locally, especially if survival is improved in future planting efforts. However, full recovery of desired riparian habitat throughout the floodplain will require natural flows.  相似文献   

Mass fish mortality occurred in November 2006 in a water hole in the Great Ruaha River, Ruaha National Park, and was due to the lack of shade by riparian vegetation or fringing wetlands. Nearby water holes with shade or fringing wetlands suffered no fish mortality. Despite being vulnerable to intense birds’ predation, fish stayed in the top few centimeters due to hypoxia in deeper water.  相似文献   

The Usangu wetlands were severely degraded over the last twenty years by cattle and the shortage of water due to rice irrigation upstream. The eastern Usangu wetlands that were previously perennial dried out in 2000 and 2002 in the dry season. Following the removal of cattle in 2006 from the eastern Usangu wetlands, perennial wetlands has re-established itself and in 2011 the vegetation had recovered and covered about 95?% of the wetted surface mainly as floating vegetation. These wetlands are the source of water of the Great Ruaha River and the volume of water entering the river has nearly doubled after cattle removal. We suggest that this may be due to the shading effect of the floating vegetation reducing the loss of water through net evaporation to about 0.5?cm?day?1 as opposed to about 1?cm?day?1 for open water evaporation in this tropical climate. This suggests the important role of the biology in controlling the water budget. By contrast cattle and rice farms have not been removed from the western Usangu wetlands, located upstream, where the wetlands are now reduced to small areas fringing the rivers. We suggest that the western Usangu wetlands should also be restored in order to further increase flows in the Great Ruaha River. At the same time water governance in the catchments and irrigation areas upstream of Usangu wetlands is also urgently required because present water yields are insufficient to meet the hydroelectric needs of Tanzania, the water users all along the river, as well as the important coastal wetlands associated with the Rufiji Delta during a drought year.  相似文献   

Sustainable management of dryland river systems is often complicated by extreme variability of precipitation in time and space, especially across large catchment areas. Understanding regional water quality changes in southern African dryland rivers and wetland systems is especially important because of their high subsistence value and provision of ecosystem services essential to both public and animal health. We quantified seasonal variation of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in the Chobe River using spatiotemporal and geostatistical modeling of water quality time series data collected along a transect spanning a mosaic of protected, urban, and developing urban land use. We found significant relationships in the dry season between E. coli concentrations and protected land use (p = 0.0009), floodplain habitat (p = 0.016), and fecal counts from elephant (p = 0.017) and other wildlife (p = 0.001). Dry season fecal loading by both elephant (p = 0.029) and other wildlife (p = 0.006) was also an important predictor of early wet season E. coli concentrations. Locations of high E. coli concentrations likewise showed close spatial agreement with estimates of wildlife biomass derived from aerial survey data. In contrast to the dry season, wet season bacterial water quality patterns were associated only with TSS (p<0.0001), suggesting storm water and sediment runoff significantly influence E. coli loads. Our data suggest that wildlife populations, and elephants in particular, can significantly modify river water quality patterns. Loss of habitat and limitation of wildlife access to perennial rivers and floodplains in water-restricted regions may increase the impact of species on surface water resources. Our findings have important implications to land use planning in southern Africa’s dryland river ecosystems.  相似文献   

The simplest way of avoiding an ambush predator is to entirely avoid the habitat in which it hunts. However, this strategy requires that the prey species find alternative, risk‐free sources of essential resources. Herein we describe a novel strategy used by agile wallabies (Macropus agilis) to avoid saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) predation: the creation of risk‐free sites to obtain water. We studied the anti‐predator behaviour of agile wallabies for 3 yr during the dry season along the Daly River, Northern Territory, Australia. Wallabies excavated holes in the sand 0.5–18.0 m from the water's edge, and preferred to drink from these holes over drinking from the river. We determined a hierarchy of preferred drinking‐site options for the wallabies: non‐river sites: springs, puddles, excavated holes; and river sites: sites with cover, shallow water sites and deep water sites. Drinking holes were twice as far from the water's edge in a river stretch with high crocodile density (2/km) than those in a stretch with low crocodile density (0.08/km). However, site differences could also be explained by river bank morphology. Collectively, our findings indicate that agile wallabies excavate drinking holes to avoid crocodile predation. We contend that this behaviour represents environmental manipulation specifically to alter the risk associated with obtaining a key resource.  相似文献   

Monitoring river periphyton with artificial benthic substrates   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The objective of this research was to identify the materials and methods necessary to study the attached algal community on a river bottom in deep water. The study site was the Susquehanna River near Falls, Pennsylvania. Artificial substrates of smooth glass, frosted glass, Vermont slate, sandy slate (flagstone) and acrylic plate were placed on the stream bottom in detritus free sample holders by scuba divers. Both monthly and long-term cumulative samples were collected from the plates employing scuba and a Bar-Clamp sampler. River stones (natural substrates) were collected for comparison. Samples were analyzed in a Palmer Cell under a Bausch and Lomb research microscope. Diatoms were the most important colonizers of river stones, with the genera Nitzschia and Navicula most abundant. Highest periphyton densities occurred on natural substrates in winter with a maximum of 2.2 × 104 units/ mm2. Artificial substrates with one month exposure periods accumulated maximum periphyton density from May through October with relatively low densities in winter. Cumulative artificial substrates were most like river stones in patterns of colonization. Frosted acrylic is recommended for future studies employing benthic artificial periphyton substrates.This study was partially supported by the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company  相似文献   

In the unflooded Middle Zambezi Valley, water was available for drinking in zoogenous pools in the deciduous woodlands of the escarpment hills only during, and for a short period after, the rains. For 5 or 6 months each year these pools were dry. During the dry season the majority of large mammals drank either from remnant pools in stream beds, or migrated to the Zambezi flood plain where water was available in the Zambezi River and in pools on the flood plain. In the part of the valley filled by Lake Kariba the Zambezi and its flood plain have been inundated, and the lake shore now lies permanently in the deciduous woodlands of the escarpment hills. Although the former riverine dry-season water sources have been removed, new sources are available along the lake shore. The suitability of the shore as a drinking site is affected by its exposure to wave action, its pitch, its soil type, and the vegetation type abutting on it, as well as by the preferences of the species using it. Elephant modify drinking sites on the shore by digging water-filled holes at the water's edge in clay soil, and elephant, buffalo and rhinoceros create wallows in similar situations. The holes dug by elephant are much used by antelope, especially impala, for drinking. By analogy with elephant-created pools in the woodlands, these zoogenous pools on the lake shore may have been a source of sodium for species drinking there. Such sources were not widely available in the dry season in the unflooded Zambezi Valley.  相似文献   

Tanzania''s Ruaha landscape is an international priority area for large carnivores, supporting over 10% of the world''s lions and important populations of leopards and spotted hyaenas. However, lack of ecological data on large carnivore distribution and habitat use hinders the development of effective carnivore conservation strategies in this critical landscape. Therefore, the study aimed to (i) identify the most significant ecogeographical variables influencing the potential distribution of lions, leopards and spotted hyaenas across the Ruaha landscape; (ii) identify zones with highest suitability for harbouring those species; and (iii) use species distribution modelling algorithms (SDMs) to define important areas for conservation of large carnivores. Habitat suitability was calculated based on environmental features from georeferenced presence-only carnivore location data. Potential distribution of large carnivores appeared to be strongly influenced by water availability; highly suitable areas were situated close to rivers and experienced above average annual precipitation. Net primary productivity and tree cover also exerted some influence on habitat suitability. All three species showed relatively narrow niche breadth and low tolerance to changes in habitat characteristics. From 21,050 km2 assessed, 8.1% (1,702 km2) emerged as highly suitable for all three large carnivores collectively. Of that area, 95.4% (1,624 km2) was located within 30 km of the Park-village border, raising concerns about human-carnivore conflict. This was of particular concern for spotted hyaenas, as they were located significantly closer to the Park boundary than lions and leopards. This study provides the first map of potential carnivore distribution across the globally important Ruaha landscape, and demonstrates that SDMs can be effective for understanding large carnivore habitat requirements in poorly sampled areas. This approach could have relevance for many other important wildlife areas that only have limited, haphazard presence-only data, but which urgently require strategic conservation planning.  相似文献   

The formation of14CO2 from 3 μg l−1 labelled chloroform was studied in anaerobic Dutch river sediments. All incubations were performed under anaerobic conditions. The observed first order mineralization kinetics showed half-lives of 2–37 days at 20°C in 12 muddy sediments. In contrast most of the sandy sediment samples did not show a mineralization of chloroform. Most probable number analysis revealed about 3.104 chloroform mineralizing bacteria per g of dry sediment in a muddy sediment and 1–2.103 chloroform mineralizing bacteria per g of dry sediment in a sandy sediment. Therefore the persistence of chloroform in sandy sediments is not caused by the absence of chloroform mineralizing bacteria but by the inactivity of these bacteria. This inactivity of the sandy sediments might allow chloroform from infiltrating river water to reach the groundwater. Mud samples from a relatively unpolluted site showed a similar chloroform mineralization rate compared with the polluted sediments from the rivers Rhine and Meuse. The data indicate that the reductive dechlorination of aliphatic compounds is not influenced at the polluted sites.  相似文献   

A comparison of fens in natural and artificial landscapes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fens depend on inputs of groundwater or surface water. In Western Europe especially soligenous fens, receiving groundwater, are threatened by human hydrological intervention. We demonstrate the impact of artificial versus natural hydrologies on such fens by comparing 3 case areas: the Biebrza valley (reference) and the Gorecht and Vecht river plains (both reclaimed and drained). The patterns found in the fairly undisturbed Biebrza area suggest local water quality is governed by a strong regional groundwater flow emerging in the fen near the valley margins and seeping through it down to the river. Hence water quality gradients are smooth: there is little variation in water type over large distances. The pattern is determined by the natural geomorphology. In the reclaimed Vecht and Gorecht river plains large differences exist at short distance. Regional water flow from the adjacent ridges into the plains is weak here and governed primarily by water management (polders and pumping wells). However, the relations between specific water types and fen species and communities in this artificial pattern are quite similar to those found in the natural landscape. Low-productive rich fens are fed by calcium-rich and base-rich, nutrient-poor groundwater in both cases. While conservation of such rich fens is served best by maintaining the natural groundwater flow, some opportunities for restoration with an artificial hydrology are discussed.  相似文献   

河流生态系统服务功能及水坝对其影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
河流生态系统服务功能是指河流生态系统与河流生态过程所形成及所维持的人类赖以生存的自然环境条件与效用,包括河流生态系统产品与河流生态系统服务两个方面。文中分析了河流生态系统的15项服务功能,其中包括供水、水产品生产、内陆航运、水力发电、休闲娱乐和文化美学等6项河流生态系统产品与调蓄洪水、河流输送、蓄积水分、土壤持留、净化环境、固定CO2、养分循环、提供生境和维持生物多样性等9项河流生态系统服务;同时又分析了修建水坝对这此服务功能的影响。研究表明,使河流生态系统服务功能得到正常发挥,是水坝建设决策中应考虑的必要因素。  相似文献   

三峡濒危植物疏花水柏枝的回归引种和种群重建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
疏花水柏枝分布于三峡库区原海拔70~155m的消落带,三峡工程修建后它将丧失其全部生境而成为濒危植物。实验结果显示其种子在土壤含水量大于10%以上时开始萌发,以土壤含水量达到饱和状况时萌发最好。种子萌发与定居阶段对土壤水分条件的严格要求使得疏花水柏枝分布区十分狭小。回归引种和种群重建是拯救该物种的主要手段。三峡工程修建后库区内新的消落带将形成夏旱冬淹的水节律,完全不同于库区原有消落带所具有的冬旱夏淹的水节律,不适于作为疏花水柏枝种群的迁移地。相比之下库区淹没区以上各支流消落带的生态环境与疏花水柏枝原有生境较为接近,适于作其新的生境。种群遗传多样性、年龄结构、分布格局、繁殖与扩展等生物学特性是种群持续发展的基础,文章以此为依据,对疏花水柏枝种群重建与管理中的相关问题进行了分析讨论。认为疏花水柏枝种群恢复与重建中目前所面临的主要问题是如何增强被隔离的种群间的基因交流、促进种群的种子扩散与萌发、协调新建种群与当地物种的关系、营造有利于新建种群定居与生长的生态环境。重建种群的管理应结合疏花水柏枝的生长发育节律和移栽地的生态环境条件来开展,要有效地监控种群的生长发育动态,合理地在隔离种群间相互引种,适时地进行水分管理,并对周围植被适度控制。  相似文献   

Due to river regulation, the natural habitat of the European bullhead (Cottus gobio) has been degraded and often there is an apparent lack of suitable spawning substrates (hard objects like stones). Addition of artificial structures to degraded habitats may be a very promising tool for habitat enhancement. In this study, we evaluated the use of ceramic tiles as artificial spawning substrates in canalised and (remaining) meandering parts of anthropogenically perturbated lowland rivers in Flanders (northern part of Belgium). Furthermore, we examined whether water depth and velocity were important determinants for the choice of tiles in these different river trajectories. Tiles were successfully used by the bullhead as spawning substrates. In the meandering parts of the river, the number of egg deposits was significantly positively correlated with water depth, while in canalised river parts, water depth and velocity were of no importance for tile usage. In general, supplementation of rivers with artificial substrates like tiles may be a promising, inexpensive and easy-to-use enhancement technique for degraded bullhead spawning habitat.  相似文献   

植被对河道水流影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植被是自然河流的组成部分.明确植被与水流的相互影响,对于动植物栖息地的保护、水体富营养化的控制、河流和湖泊的生态修复,以及河道整治等方面均具有重要的科学和实践意义.本文回顾了国内外对河道植被与水流相互作用的研究状况,综述了植被对阻力系数、水流结构影响的研究,介绍了数值模拟在该领域的应用进展;基于文献资料,分析了河道断面形状、植株个体形态、植被分布格局等诸多因素对含植被水流流态的影响,阐述了在河流形态、时空尺度上植被变化、植被段内部水流分布、三维紊动模拟等方面深入研究河道植被水力学机制的重要性.  相似文献   

Twenty-two years of rainfall data from six sites, 5 years of animal migration data and 2 years of water quality at 13 sites were explored to quantify the role of water in the Tarangire ecosystem. Inter-annual fluctuations in rainfall were large and not predictable solely from the Southern Oscillation Index. Seasonal fluctuations of rainfall were pronounced, with marked wet and dry seasons. In the dry season, the only drinking water available for wildlife was the Tarangire River and a number of small, scattered wetland-fringed water holes. Their salinity was often high (>8 ppt) and was higher in dry years than in wet years, as well as at the start of the wet season. Water quantity and quality may control the annual migration of wildebeest, zebra, elephants and buffaloes. These animals aggregate in the dry season in areas with the least salty water. The timing of seasonal variations in rainfall is largely predictable and controls annual migration. All wildebeest and most zebras migrated out of Tarangire National Park and into the wider Tarangire ecosystem at the start of the wet season, and they returned into the park in the dry season. Some elephants and buffaloes also migrated in out of the park and a larger resident population remained, whose size may vary inter-annually depending on surface water quantity and quality. The extent of the migration zone may also vary inter-annually.This revised version wa published online in March 2005 with corrections to the issue cover date.  相似文献   

This study surveyed the use made by springbok, hartebeest, wildebeest and gemsbok, in particular, of mineralised artificial waterholes along the Nossob river in the southern Kalahari and the effects of this use on the delicate surrounding habitats, as a basis for evaluating the uses and limitations of such water in the management of these species. Taking into account the chemical composition of the dissolved salts in the water; the status of the vegetation and conservation trends near water holes; the relative use made of the waterholes by the antelopes; and land use history, it was concluded that: (a) the animals made regular use of the water, some of which was more mineralised than that recommended for domestic stock, including sheep; (b) there was no relationship between the total dissolved salts and animal use, although there may have been some association between gemsbok use and certain ions; (c) wildlife attracted to boreholes had very little effect on the stability of some surrounding habitats, but may have retarded recovery in areas downgraded by past land use, and (d) under these circumstances the effects of this land use were still amply evident after 21/2 decades. From this and other evidence, it is suggested that, at the present level of knowledge, mobile wildebeest populations can be stabilised by the provision of relatively potable water, and mineralised water may be used to raise the levels of springbok, hartebeest and gemsbok populations. However, as the water is less of a limiting factor than for species requiring regular drinking water, the increase in density may be relatively limited and so less of a danger to the maintenance of surrounding habitats.  相似文献   

In this study, environmental impacts on air, water, and soil pollution caused by the exploit of Essakane gold mine, which is located in North Eastern part of Burkina Faso were investigated. Analyses on drinking water were made in the laboratory to determine the concentration of essential chemicals used in gold mining. Dust fallouts have been measured to assess the level of air pollution. The results showed that exploiting of gold mine directly or indirectly contributes to air pollution in Essakane district. The use of chemicals such as cyanide (industrial gold mining) and mercury (artisanal gold mining) to obtain the gold from the ore constitutes a potential risk for the ecosystem, the local population's health, and livestock production. The results also showed that there is a significant degradation of natural landscape and topography of the soil by open-pits mining (industrial mine) and holes dug by artisanal miners.  相似文献   

《Ecological Informatics》2012,7(6):407-413
Alteration of natural flow regime due to reservoir operation imposes serious impacts on the aquatic ecosystem. To investigate the effects on the spatial distribution of macroinvertebrates, this study developed a hybrid ecohydraulics model which integrated a two-dimensional water quality module with an artificial neural network (ANN) based macroinvertebrate habitat module. The developed model was applied to a compound channel in the middle of the Lijiang River, where the flow in dry season has been largely modified by the Qingshitan Reservoir in the upstream. Semisulcospira amurensis (S. amurensis) which is the dominant macroinvertebrate species in the whole river basin was studied. The simulation and comparison results indicate that in general the flow regulation in dry season has negative impacts on the distribution of S. amurensis. The distribution area decreases, and in particular it becomes seriously fragmented. The model can be used through scenario analyses to adjust reservoir operation, so as to improve river management for ecological interest. In addition, the hybrid approach proposed in the paper has great potentials in studying this type of problems.  相似文献   

Two aerial sample counts were carried out in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania, in the dry season of 1972 and the wet season of 1973. Population estimates of elephant, buffalo and other large mammals were made, and trend surface analysis was used to identify the basic gradients and contours of density, diversity and biomass within the Park. A cluster analysis, based on similarities between principal component scores, and validated by a multiple discriminant analysis, produced a classification of the Park into three Regions which differed significantly in densities, diversity and biomass. Ruaha Park carries year round a high density of elephants (1–7 km-8). Seasonal movements into and out of the Park were not found, although movements within and between Regions could be detected.  相似文献   

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