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The yeast Saccharomyces kluyveri (Lachancea kluyveri), a far relative of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is not a widely studied organism in the laboratory. However, significant contributions to the understanding of nucleic acid precursors degradation in eukaryotes have been made using this model organism. Here we review eukaryotic pyrimidine degradation with emphasis on the contributions made with S. kluyveri and how this increases our understanding of human disease. Additionally, we discuss the possibilities and limitations of this nonconventional yeast as a laboratory organism.  相似文献   

The studies described herein were designed to investigate the effects of 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribonucleoside (AICAR), an activator of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), on the translational control of protein synthesis and signaling through the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) in rat liver. Effects of AICAR observed in vivo were compared with those obtained in an in situ perfused liver preparation to investigate activation of AMPK in the absence of accompanying changes in hormones and nutrients. AMPK became hyperphosphorylated, as assessed by a gel-shift analysis, in response to AICAR both in vivo and in situ; however, increased relative phosphorylation at the Thr172 site on the kinase was observed only in perfused liver. Phosphorylation of AMPK either in vivo or in situ was associated with a repression of protein synthesis as well as decreased phosphorylation of a number of targets of mTOR signaling including ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1, eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)4G, and eIF4E-binding protein (4E-BP)1. The phosphorylation changes in eIF4G and 4E-BP1 were accompanied by a reduction in the amount of eIF4E present in the active eIF4E.eIF4G complex and an increase in the amount present in the inactive eIF4E.4E-BP1 complex. Reduced insulin signaling as well as differences in nutrient availability may have contributed to the effects observed in vivo as AICAR caused a fall in the serum insulin concentration. Overall, however, the results from both experimental models support a scenario in which AICAR directly represses protein synthesis and mTOR signaling in the liver through an AMPK-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

This article analyses the Surface-Limited Growth Model put forward to explain the very tight synchrony, over more than ten division cycles, obtained experimentally by subjecting a growing bacterial culture to alternating periods of starvation and dilution, using inorganic phosphate as the limiting substrate. The Model states that when an essential nutrient is in limited supply, the rate of growth of an individual cell will be proportional to its surface area (and the current concentration of the limiting substance) rather than to its volume. This decrease in dimensionality from volume to surface is expected to favor the smaller cells and so result ultimately in a narrower size distribution. The Surface-Limited Growth Model deals with cell growth under unusual nutritional conditions, and its predictions depend on how the cell replication cycle is assumed to behave under these same circumstances. Two alternatives are considered: the volume at which cells divide is the same during the starvation phase as during steady-state exponential growth, and the cells adjust immediately to the changing growth rate. In the latter case, we have tested both C + D constant with time and C + D variable (where C + D is the time between initiation of chromosome replication and the corresponding cell division), the incremental value at any instant being computed separately for each individual cell from its current effective growth rate. The simulation results are of two sorts depending on the auxiliary assumptions used. Either the dilution-starvation cycles have no effect whatsoever on the cell volume distribution, or the width of the distribution decreases gradually with time, approaching zero slowly and asymptotically, but the mean cell volume decreases as well--directly contradicting experimental observations. We conclude that the Surface-Limited Growth Model is incapable of explaining the synchronization of cells by periodic starvation of a growing bacterial culture.  相似文献   

The synthesis of ribosomal proteins during pyrimidine starvation was investigated. A progressive turn-off of protein synthesis, with a decay half-time of about 5 min, was observed when Escherichia coli cells were starved of uridine. By means of double-labelling, the syntheses of different ribosomal proteins were shown to be turned off unequally during the starvation. Comparison of the turn-off patterns for some proteins and the known polycistronic organization of the structural genes for these proteins suggests that a major cause of the unequal turn-off was the degradation of mRNA molecules for the ribosomal proteins from the 5'-end toward the 3'-end.  相似文献   

In order to obtain higher quality 2'-O-carbamoylmethyl oligoribonucleotides we are conducting studies of this modification. Here we present synthesis of 2'-O-carbamoylmethyl containing H-phosphonate building blocks as well as synthesis of model dinucleotides needed for these studies.  相似文献   

Rabbit trachea primary cultures have been developed as a model to evaluate the toxicity of noxious airborne pollutants. A mucociliary epithelium has been restored in vitro on collagen gel. Several general cytotoxicity assays (viability and growth inhibition) permit a first assessment for the acute toxicity of the tested molecules. More specific criteria such as measurement of the integrity of the epithelial barrier and inhibition of ciliary beat frequency allow to determine a specific impact of xenobiotics on the mucociliary epithelium in culture.  相似文献   

Using the S49 T-cell lymphoma system for the study of immunodeficiency diseases, we characterized several variants in purine salvage and transport pathways and studied their responses to the cytotoxic action of adenosine (5-20 micron) in the presence of adenosine deaminase (ADA) inhibitors. Both an adenosine transport deficient mutant and a mutant lacking adenosine (ado) kinase activity are resistant to the cytotoxic effects of adenosine up to 15 micron. Variants lacking hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase or adenine phosphoribosyltransferase are sensitive to the killing action of adenosine. We monitored the intracellular concentrations of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, orotate, and PPriboseP in mutant and wild-type cells following the addition of adenosine and an ADA inhibitor. We conclude that at low concentrations, adenosine must be phosphorylated to deplete the cell of pyrimidine nucleotides and PPriboseP and to promote the accumulation of orotate. These alterations account for one mechanism of adenosine toxicity.  相似文献   

An experimental model was developed in order to study the protective effect of antioxidant molecules. Human diploid WI-38 fibroblasts were cultivated under 2 atm of 95% O2. Antioxidants like alpha-tocopherol or superoxide dismutase (SOD) were added respectively in the culture medium or directly inside the cell through a microinjection technique. With both antioxidant molecules a protection was observed. In the control experiment, cells died within 6 or 8 days depending on the confluency and the malonaldehyde content increased sharply. This model represents a new tool in order to test other antioxidant systems towards an oxidative stress.  相似文献   

This study provides a method for characterizing the effects of concentration variability and correlation among co-acting compounds on mixture toxicity, considering the implications of missing chemical data. The method is explored by developing a set of multiple occurrence scenarios for mixtures of related chemicals. The calculations are performed for hypothetical mixtures of a group of ten synthetic antibiotics that have been tested on marine bacterium to fit dose-response relationships for long-term bioluminescence inhibition of Vibrio fischeri. Mixture toxicities are computed and compared for the assumptions of independent joint action theory and concentration/dose addition theory. The study results show that higher variability in concentrations is associated with higher effective (average) mixture toxicity, in this application by as much as a factor of ten for mixtures with highly variable component concentrations. Moreover, omitting the most toxic compounds caused mixture toxicities to be underestimated by a factor of approximately two. We recommend a pre-assessment of the effect of different chemical occurrence patterns and variability on mixture toxicity to help prioritize needs for further co-occurrence data and toxicity studies.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) constitute a new class of delivery vectors with high pharmaceutical potential. However, the abilities of these peptides to translocate through cell membranes can be accompanied by toxic effects resulting from membrane perturbation at higher peptide concentrations. Therefore, we investigated membrane toxicity of five peptides with well-documented cell-penetrating properties, pAntp(43-58), pTAT(48-60), pVEC(615-632), model amphipathic peptide (MAP), and transportan 10, on two human cancer cell lines, K562 (erythroleukemia) and MDA-MB-231 (breast cancer), as well as on immortalized aortic endothelial cells. We studied the effects of these five peptides on the leakage of lactate dehydrogenase and on the fluorescence of plasma membrane potentiometric dye bis-oxonol. In all cell lines, pAntp(43-58), pTAT(48-60), and pVEC(615-632) induced either no leakage or low leakage of lactate dehydrogenase, accompanied by modest changes in bis-oxonol fluorescence. MAP and transportan 10 caused significant leakage; in K562 and MDA-MB-231 cells, 40% of total lactate dehydrogenase leaked out during 10 min exposure to 10 microM of transportan 10 and MAP, accompanied by a significant increase in bis-oxonol fluorescence. However, none of the CPPs tested had a hemolytic effect on bovine erythrocytes comparable to mastoparan 7. The toxicity profiles presented in the current study are of importance when selecting CPPs for different applications.  相似文献   

Bdelloid rotifers survive desiccation and starvation by halting activity and entering a kind of dormancy. To understand the mechanisms of survival in the absence of food source, we studied the anatomical and ultrastructural changes occurring in a bdelloid species, Macrotrachela quadricornifera Milne 1886, after starvation for different periods. The starved rotifers present a progressive reduction of body size accompanied with a consistent reduction of the volume of the stomach syncytium, where lipid inclusions and digestive vacuoles tend to fade with prolonged starvation. Similar reduction occurs in the vitellarium gland, in which yolk granules progressively decrease in number and size. The changes observed in the syncytia of the stomach and the vitellarium suggest that during starvation M. quadricornifera uses resources diverted from the stomach syncytium first and from the vitellarium syncytium later, resources that are normally allocated to reproduction. The fine structure of starved bdelloids is compared with that of anhydrobiotic bdelloids, revealing that survival during either forms of dormancy is sustained by different physiological mechanisms. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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