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Mech (2010) provided a review of options involving regulated, public hunting of gray wolves (Canis lupus) when states regain control of wolf management. We agree with his general conclusion that the use of lethal management should focus more in areas of conflict and less in wilderness areas, especially near protected places like national parks. Here, we expand on Mech's work and provide additional considerations that could be incorporated into state management plans to make them more acceptable to an increasingly diverse group of interested stakeholders, including: 1) the use of human dimensions research to understand the conditions under which stakeholders find lethal management acceptable, and to evaluate the acceptability of agency efforts to increase tolerance for wolves; 2) employing preventative measures to protect livestock and pets, especially in cases where wolf packs are highly visible to the public; and 3) selective use of sport hunting in areas where wolf impacts are deemed unacceptable. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We characterized 59 canine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the endangered Italian wolf (Canis lupus) population, which were discovered by resequencing sequence‐tagged‐site (STS) DNA sequences that are known to contain SNPs in domestic dogs. Dog SNPs were usually found also in wolves. Additional SNPs unique in dogs or wolves were discovered, which is important for detecting hybrids between dogs and wolves. We developed new primer sets and analysed 15 SNPs by Pyrosequencing. The characterized SNPs will provide an important addition to the genetic markers that are currently available for studying wild populations of canids.  相似文献   

The dog family, Canidae, is a widely distributed group of species that have evolved and radiated relatively recently into 16 genera and 36 recognized species ( Nowak 1999 ). Specific taxonomic designations for some canid taxa can be unclear due to frequent interspecific hybridization among species in both historical and contemporary times, and our imperfect molecular genetic approaches for determining among a series of hypotheses regarding hybridization and evolution. In this issue of Molecular Ecology , Koblmüller et al . tackle the difficult topic of Great Lakes wolf taxonomy and present data that suggest this taxon is currently genetically distinct despite a long history of human persecution and hybridization with related taxa.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have the potential to become the genetic marker of choice in studies of the ecology and conservation of natural populations because of their capacity to access variability across the genome. In this study, we provide one of the first demonstrations of SNP discovery in a wild population in order to address typical issues of importance in ecology and conservation in the recolonized Scandinavian and neighbouring Finnish wolf Canis lupus populations. Using end sequence from BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) clones specific for dogs, we designed assays for 24 SNP loci, 20 sites of which had previously been shown to be polymorphic in domestic dogs and four sites were newly identified as polymorphic in wolves. Of the 24 assayed loci, 22 SNPs were found to be variable within the Scandinavian population and, importantly, these were able to distinguish individual wolves from one another (unbiased probability of identity of 4.33 x 10(-8)), providing equivalent results to that derived from 12 variable microsatellites genotyped in the same population. An assignment test shows differentiation between the Scandinavian and neighbouring Finnish wolf populations, although not all known immigrants are accurately identified. An exploration of the misclassification rates in the identification of relationships shows that neither 22 SNP nor 20 microsatellite loci are able to discriminate across single order relationships. Despite the remaining obstacle of SNP discovery in nonmodel organisms, the use of SNPs in ecological and conservation studies is encouraged by the advent of large scale screening methods. Furthermore, the ability to amplify extremely small fragments makes SNPs of particular use for population monitoring, where faecal and other noninvasive samples are routinely used.  相似文献   

The Indian gray wolf Canis lupus pallipes is the major large carnivore in the plains of Karnataka, India. We carried out a study on its distribution and status from November 2001 to July 2004. We estimated 555 wolves occupying about 123 330 km2 of the state. In the past 40 years, wolves have disappeared from the southern plateau from an area of about 31 801 km2. Their distribution is now largely restricted to the north-eastern dry plains. The wolf has also disappeared in recent years from some 'protected areas' such as Melkote Temple Wildlife Sanctuary, and their present population is largely found in 'non-protected' areas. Blackbucks are the only natural prey of wolves in Karnataka, but their density in most parts of the state is extremely low. The major prey species is domestic livestock, especially sheep. The available 'remote area' (forests or rocky terrains) in the wolf-occupied regions determined the status of the wolf. Killing of adult wolves and pups was common throughout the range of the wolf. However, such killings were made largely by local sheepherders with small sheep holdings and not by nomadic shepherds who maintained large sheep herds. The forests in the north-eastern parts of the state exist in small patches every few kilometers. Because each wolf pack ranges over large distances and is by and large a commensal species, we propose that the management of these small forest patches, considering them as components of a larger landscape, is the only effective conservation practice for the wolf. Although existing locally in low densities, because of a large ranging area of a single pack, the seemingly isolated wolf packs can become parts of a large metapopulation, providing a sustainable population.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis (SIA) of wolf (Canis lupus) tissues can be used to estimate diet and intra-population diet variability when potential prey have distinct δ13C and δ15N values. We tested this technique using guard hairs collected from 44 wolves in 12 northwestern Montana packs, summer 2009. We used hierarchical Bayesian stable isotope mixing models to determine diet and scales of diet variation from δ13C and δ15N of wolves and potential prey, white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), elk (Cervus canadensis), moose (Alces alces), snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus), and other prey. As a check on SIA results, we conducted a separate diet analysis with temporally matched scats (i.e., collected in summer 2008) from 4 of the same packs. Wolves were centered on the ungulate prey in the isotope mixing space. Both methods revealed differences among pack diets and that wolves may consume moose in greater proportions than predicted by available biomass. Stable isotope analysis, and scat results were not entirely concordant; assumptions related to tissues of use in SIA, hair growth period in wolves, and scat sampling may have contributed to a mismatch between methods. Incorrect fractionation values, insufficient separation of prey in the isotope mixing space, choice of prior information in the Bayesian mixing models, and unexplained factors may have distorted diet estimates. However, the consistently high proportion of moose in pack diets suggests that increased population monitoring would benefit management of moose and wolves. Our results also support suggestions of other researchers that species-specific fractionation values should be used whenever possible, and that SIA may sometimes only provide indices of use for general groups of prey (e.g., large ungulates). © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Based on data collected during the National Wolf Census in 2000–01, we analysed the main habitat factors influencing the distribution and abundance of the wolf, Canis lupus, in northern Poland. The study region forms the western border of the continuous Eastern European range of wolves, although attempts at westward dispersal have been observed. Using Geographic Information System techniques, we measured nine habitat variables and three parameters related to wolf occurrence in 134 circular sample plots (radius 7 km, area 154 km2 each). We compared 72 plots where wolves were recorded and 62 plots with no signs of wolf presence. Wolf plots were characterized by significantly higher forest cover, less fragmentation of forests, lower density of villages, towns, motorways, and railways than wolf‐free plots. We found a positive correlation between the sum of wolf observations in plots and forest cover. The number of domestic animals killed by wolves was higher in areas with higher indices of wolf abundance and lower forest area. In multiple regression analysis, four independent variables explained 59% of the variation in wolf distribution and abundance in northern Poland: straight‐line distance to continuous range of wolves in Eastern Europe; forest cover; forest fragmentation; and length of major motorways. We conclude that protection of wolves in Poland (since 1998) may not be an adequate conservation measure, especially because of the increasing density of highways and express motorways. Existing forest corridors should be protected and new ones should be restored to ensure long‐term conservation of wolves and allow range expansion into Western Europe.  相似文献   

Large carnivores are elusive and use large areas, which causes monitoring to be challenging and costly. Moreover, management to reduce conflicts and simultaneously ensure long-term population viability require precise population estimates. In Scandinavia, the monitoring of wolves (Canis lupus) is primarily based on counting packs, identifying reproduction, and genetically identifying territorial wolves from noninvasive DNA samples. We assessed the reliability of wolf monitoring in Scandinavia by estimating the detectability of territorial pairs, packs, and reproduction. Our data, comprising snow-tracking data and DNA-identified individuals from 2005–2016, covered 11 consecutive winter monitoring seasons (Oct–Mar). Among 343 cases where we identified a wolf pack, territorial wolves were also detected in the same area during the previous season in 323 (94.2%) cases. In only 6 of the remaining 20 cases, there was no prior knowledge of territorial wolves in the area. Among the 328 detected reproduction events (litter born to a pack), we detected 97% during the monitoring period and identified the rest ≥1 year later from kinship assessments of all DNA-detected individuals. These results suggest that we failed to detect only few packs with reproduction events during the monitoring season that followed breeding. Yearly monitoring of territorial individuals and continuous updates of the pedigree allowed us to retrospectively identify reproduction events and packs that were not identified earlier.  相似文献   

Animal reintroduction and rewilding are two widely appealing and frequently connected forms of ecological restoration. However, the critical assumption that animal reintroduction automatically helps to restore formerly wild places is under‐theorized. To fill this void, we identified three common rewilding elements from the literature—ecological functioning, wilderness experience, and natural autonomy—and screened these against a hypothetical wolf reintroduction to Scotland. Each of the rewilding elements was likely to be positively impacted by a wolf reintroduction. Yet, there is a key conceptual difficulty in that the different rewilding elements do not necessarily enforce each other, and at times may even collide. Thus, a reintroduced species like the wolf may obfuscate the clear‐cut, purified nature category to which rewilding often aspires. As a way forward, we suggest that there is merit in actively engaging with the tensions created by rewilding and reintroductions. A reconceptualisation of the nature–culture spectrum as consisting of multiple layers (e.g. ecological functioning, wilderness experience, and natural autonomy) may help to interpret ecological restoration as a tentative, deliberative, and gradual enterprise. This bears some resemblance to the notion of approaching a landscape like a ‘palimpsest’ (i.e. a text built up of different layers written on top of each other), which may support the reconciliation of conflicting views without necessarily making those disappear. When viewed as feeding into a multilayered nature–culture spectrum, animal reintroduction and rewilding can be promoted as inspiring and essentially non‐controlling forms of ecological restoration and human interaction with nature.  相似文献   

内蒙古达赉湖自然保护区狼的生境受到了自然环境变化压力和人为干扰的严重影响。为了解内蒙古达赉湖自然保护区狼的冬季生境特征,于2008年10-12月,在内蒙古达赉湖国家级自然保护区对狼的冬季生境选择进行了研究。野外共测量了59个20m×20m样方中的11个生态因子,运用聚类分析和主成分分析法,对狼的冬季生境选择因子进行了分析。结果表明,狼的生境主要特征为:隐蔽程度中等以上,水源距离100m,生境类型为高草阔地、干旱苇塘和河套,植被类型是以芦苇和柳灌丛为优势种的沼泽植被,植被高度1.0m,食物丰富度良好,居民点距离1000m,距草原道路距离1000m,牧场距离500m。影响狼冬季生境选择的主要因子为植被高度、植被类型和隐蔽级。次要因子为距围栏距离、雪深、距水源距离、生境类型、距牧场距离、食物丰富度和距居民点距离。  相似文献   

Natal dispersal (movement from the site of birth to the site of reproduction) is a pervasive but highly varied characteristic of life forms. Thus, understanding it in any species informs many aspects of biology, but studying it in most species is difficult. In the grey wolf Canis lupus, natal dispersal has been well studied. Maturing members of both sexes generally leave their natal packs, pair with opposite-sex dispersers from other packs, near or far, select a territory, and produce their own offspring. However, three movement patterns of some natal-dispersing wolves remain unexplained: 1) long-distance dispersal when potential mates seem nearby, 2) round-trip travels from their natal packs for varying periods and distances, also called extraterritorial movements, and often not resulting in pairing, and 3) coincidental dispersal by individual wolves from a given area in the same basic directions and over the same long distances. This perspective article documents and discusses these unexplained dispersal patterns, suggests possible explanations, and calls for additional research to understand them more clearly.  相似文献   

Biting dog lice (Trichodectes canis) were first detected on wolves (Canis lupus) in Southcentral Alaska (USA) in 1981 introduced via domestic dogs. Lice infestation expanded north via wolf dispersal to the Tanana Flats of Interior Alaska in December 2003. Effects of this ectoparasite on wolves were persistent with moderate to severe clinical signs of pediculosis lasting multiple generations. Our objectives were to evaluate the extent of lice infestation on wolves within the Tanana Flats and develop a management program that limited further transmission. We implemented a treatment method that consisted of multiple applications of oral antiparasitic ivermectin-injected baits aerially distributed at den and rendezvous sites during mid-May through August. During 2005–2010, we evaluated 12–19 packs annually as part of a treatment group and 3 infested packs as a control. Infestation rates of treatment packs prior to treatment varied from 15% in 2005 (2 of 13), 50% in 2006 (7 of 14), 24% in 2007 (4 of 17), 5% in 2008 (1 of 19), and 0% in 2009–2010 (0 of 19). We treated 50%, 71%, and 75% of the infested treatment packs during 2005–2007, respectively. All treated packs were lice-free the winter following treatment, whereas all 3 control packs remained infested. The combination of treatment and harvest successfully eliminated the local source population of lice within 3 years and we found no evidence of lice infestation within the treatment area during the last 3 years of the study. By using this treatment method, managers can eliminate dog lice infestations of wolves in areas ≤13,000 km2. By initiating treatment promptly after detection, transmission to unexposed nearby packs can be postponed and the local source population of lice on wolves eradicated. © 2013 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Aim Understanding which human or environmental factors interact to enable or to limit the occurrence and persistence of large carnivores in human‐dominated landscapes is an important issue for their effective conservation, especially under the current scenario of global change where most of their former habitat is being transformed by humans. Location NW Iberian Peninsula. Methods We combine data on the distribution of Iberian wolves (Canis lupus signatus) living in a human‐dominated landscape in NW Spain and variation and partitioning methods to investigate the relative importance of three groups of predictors: food availability, humans and landscape attributes – each group expected to have unequal effects on wolf reproduction and survival – and their interactions on the occurrence of this species. Results We found that the group of predictors related with landscape attributes (altitude, roughness and refuge) strongly determined wolf occurrence, followed by humans and food availability. Variance partitioning analysis revealed that the three most important components determining wolf occurrence were related with landscape attributes: (1) the joint effects of the three predictor groups, (2) the joint effect of humans and landscape attributes and (3) the pure effect of landscape attributes. Altitude had the main independent contribution to explain the probability of wolf occurrence. Main conclusions In human‐dominated landscapes, the occurrence of wolves is the result of a complex interaction among several environmental and human factors. Our results suggest that the characteristics of the landscape (spatial context) – factors associated with the security of wolves facilitating that animals go unnoticed by humans, wolf movements, dispersal events and short‐time colonization – become more important in human‐dominated landscapes and may have played a key role in the occurrence and persistence of this species throughout decades modulating the relationship between humans and wolf distribution.  相似文献   

Most large carnivore species are in global decline. Conflicts with people, particularly over depredation on small and large livestock, is one of the major causes of this decline. Along tropical deforestation frontiers, large felids often shift from natural to livestock prey because of their increased proximity to human agriculture, thus increasing the likelihood of conflicts with humans. On the basis of data from 236 cattle ranches, we describe levels of depredation by jaguars Panthera onca and pumas Puma concolor on bovine herd stocks and examine the effects of both landscape structure and cattle management on the spatial patterns and levels of predation in a highly fragmented forest landscape of southern Brazilian Amazonia. Generalized linear models showed that landscape variables, including proportion of forest area remaining and distance to the nearest riparian forest corridor, were key positive and negative determinants of predation events, respectively. We detected clear peaks of depredation during the peak calving period at the end of the dry season. Bovine herd size and proportion of forest area had positive effects on predation rates in 60 cattle ranches investigated in more detail. On the other hand, distance from the nearest riparian forest corridor was negatively correlated with the number of cattle predated. The mean proportion of cattle lost to large felids in 24 months for the region varied according to the herd class size (<500: 0.82%; 500–1500: 1.24%; >1500: 0.26%) but was never greater than 1.24%. The highest annual monetary costs were detected in large cattle ranches (>1500 head of cattle), reaching US$ 885.40. Patterns of depredation can be explained by a combination of landscape and livestock management variables such as proportion of forest area, distance to the nearest riparian corridor, annual calving peak and bovine herd size.  相似文献   

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