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SYNOPSIS. A model relating environmental variability and populationvariability is proposed and discussed. The model strongly emphasizesthe importance of the different consequences of erratic andregular environmental variability, which are discussed fromboth the theoretical and empirical viewpoints. Data on populationvariability for six species in three communities (temperateintertidal, subtropical intertidal, and oligotrophic lake benthic)are presented and discussed in the context of the model. Ingeneral, environmental variability and population variabilityare trongly correlated. The impact of erratic environmentalvariability is apparent in one community.  相似文献   

Beet silage and beet juice were digested continuously as representative energy crops in a thermophilic biogas fermentor for more than 7 years. Fluorescence microscopy of 15 samples covering a period of 650 days revealed that a decrease in temperature from 60°C to 55°C converted a morphologically uniform archaeal population (rods) into a population of methanogens exhibiting different cellular morphologies (rods and coccoid cells). A subsequent temperature increase back to 60°C reestablished the uniform morphology of methanogens observed in the previous 60°C period. In order to verify these observations, representative samples were investigated by amplified rRNA gene restriction analysis (ARDRA) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Both methods confirmed the temperature-dependent population shift observed by fluorescence microscopy. Moreover, all samples investigated demonstrated that hydrogenotrophic Methanobacteriales dominated in the fermentor, as 29 of 34 identified operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were assigned to this order. This apparent discrimination of acetoclastic methanogens contradicts common models for anaerobic digestion processes, such as anaerobic digestion model 1 (ADM1), which describes the acetotrophic Euryarchaeota as predominant organisms.The replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energy sources such as agricultural crops is gaining momentum internationally as a means to decrease emissions from conventional fuel sources impacting global warming (39). Thereby, biogasification using energy crops is the only fuel-producing process with a closed CO2 and nutrient cycle (8). The production of biogas from plant waste or other organic materials is a feasible strategy in view of both ecology and economy (63). Fodder beet was chosen as the renewable biomass source for a thermophilic biogas fermentor because the European Union decreased the regulatory price for sugar beets in 2006, and therefore many farmers are looking for an alternative use. Furthermore, fodder beet was considered an attractive renewable energy crop due to its high methane yield per hectare (67), as well as the ideal ensiling conditions enabling the storage of beet silage for many years. Furthermore, the sugar beet was only recently identified as one of the most sustainable energy crops with regard to its water footprint when used for biofuel production (22).A long-term experiment was started on 4 July 2001 (see reference 48 for startup details), and the same biogas fermentors are still running stable due to the use of fuzzy logic control (16, 48). During the conversion of biomass to methane, four different microbial processes can be distinguished: hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis (17, 69). Population changes might therefore impact the entire community by triggering an imbalance that is reflected in the bioreactor performance via accumulation of intermediates such as volatile fatty acids (mainly C2 and C3), via pH changes, or via reduced efficiency (52). This work focused on the methanogens which directly reduce CO2 to CH4 or use acetate or methylated C1 compounds as the main substrate to yield methane (35). However, about 65 to 70% of methane produced by methanogens is assumed to originate from acetate (4, 5), and the so-called acetoclastic Euryarchaeota are also dominant in many biogas fermentors used for anaerobic wastewater treatment and sewage sludge digestion (17, 24, 30, 53).Our results seem to contradict these assumptions, as they clearly demonstrate that hydrogenotrophic methanogens can dominate during a thermophilic fermentation process with renewable biomass (16, 49-51). It appears that temperature has a decisive influence on the type of archaeal morphotypes present, as rod-like methanogens dominated at 60°C periods, whereas different morphotypes of methanogens appeared when 55°C conditions were enabled. However, studies elucidating the population dynamics of both acetotrophic and hydrogenotrophic methanogens during the anaerobic digestion of particulate solid biomass for biogas production are rather scarce. These population processes remain somewhat of a “black box” (12) due to the lack of data concerning the microbial consortia involved therein. Molecular biological techniques such as those targeting the 16S rRNA gene represent a valuable addition to culture-based techniques for studying the biodiversity and structure of complex microbial communities. By targeting methanogens, this study aimed to improve our insight into the poorly understood population dynamics of anaerobic digestion processes and how they are linked to operating conditions such as temperature.  相似文献   

Children are not little adults. They have unique patterns of environmental exposure and developmentally determined susceptibilities that increase their risk of disease following toxic environmental exposure. Evidence is accumulating that children's exposure to toxic chemicals in the environment is contributing to changing patterns of paediatric disease.  相似文献   

Predation by bacteriophages is thought to control bacterial numbers and facilitate gene transfer among bacteria in the biosphere. A thorough understanding of phage population dynamics is therefore necessary if their significance in natural environments is to be fully appreciated. Here we describe the in situ population dynamics of three separate phage populations predating on separate bacterial species, living on the surface of field-grown sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. Amethyst), as recorded over a 9-month period. The distributions of the three phage populations were different and fluctuated temporally in 1996 (peak density, ~103 PFU g−1). One of these populations, predating on the indigenous phytosphere bacterium Serratia liquefaciens CP6, consisted of six genetically distinct DNA phages that varied in relative abundance to the extent that an apparent temporal succession was observed between the two most abundant phages, ΦCP6-1 and ΦCP6-4.  相似文献   

A detailed understanding of the population dynamics of many amphibian species is lacking despite concerns about declining amphibian biodiversity and abundance. This paper explores temporal patterns of occupancy and underlying extinction and colonization dynamics in a regionally imperiled amphibian species, the Northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) in Alberta. Our study contributes to elucidating regional occupancy dynamics at northern latitudes, where climate extremes likely have a profound effect on seasonal occupancy. The primary advantage of our study is its wide geographic scale (60,000 km2) and the use of repeat visual surveys each spring and summer from 2009–2013. We find that occupancy varied more dramatically between seasons than years, with low spring and higher summer occupancy. Between spring and summer, colonization was high and extinction low; inversely, colonization was low and extinction high over the winter. The dynamics of extinction and colonization are complex, making conservation management challenging. Our results reveal that Northern leopard frog occupancy was constant over the last five years and thus there is no evidence of decline or recovery within our study area. Changes to equilibrium occupancy are most sensitive to increasing colonization in the spring or declining extinction in the summer. Therefore, conservation and management efforts should target actions that are likely to increase spring colonization; this could be achieved through translocations or improving the quality or access to breeding habitat. Because summer occupancy is already high, it may be difficult to improve further. Nevertheless, summer extinction could be reduced by predator control, increasing water quality or hydroperiod of wetlands, or increasing the quality or quantity of summer habitat.  相似文献   

道路对两栖类种群的生态学影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着道路密度和交通量的不断增加,道路对两栖类种群产生的负面影响也在不断的加深和扩大,其影响主要有:1)直接作用:道路致死、廊道效应、生境破碎、回避效应等:2)间接作用:即边缘效应,包括非生物环境(土、水、气、声、热等)和生物环境(植被和其他动物等)的影响.这些因素的综合作用,将会威胁物种长期的存活,从而导致种群数量的严重下降.文章系统论述了道路对两栖类种群的生态学影响,以期引起人们的关注,并采取相应的措施,使人类在追求经济利益的同时最大限度的减少道路对动物的影响和危害.  相似文献   

Sardine, pilchard and anchovy stocks form the basis of commercially important purse seine fisheries in eastern boundary upwelling regions. High levels of environmentally driven recruitment variability have, however, made them especially difficult to manage. Reliable forecasts of recruitment success would greatly help with the setting of catch quotas prior to each fishing season. Theories of how environmental conditions influence recruitment success, according to survival/mortality of the early life-history stages, can be divided into mechanistic and sythesis theories. Mechanistic theories are concerned with specific physical processes, whereas synthesis theories attempt to unite the various mechanistic processes within a single conceptual framework. Despite the successful testing of some theories, there has been little success in reliably predicting recruitment success from a knowledge of environmental conditions. Possible reasons include the following: non-linearity in the relationship between environmental parameters and recruitment; the poor spatial and temporal resolution of much oceanographic data; the wide range of different factors involved in determining recruitment success; and the choice of environmental index. The recent compilation of time series of satellite images for these regions offers a solution to some of these problems, and in doing so reopens the possibility of finding sufficiently good relationships between environmental conditions and recruitment success for management purposes. In particular, the high resolution of these time series allows for the construction of environmental indices across many different spatial and temporal scales. These time series also open up the possibility of quantifying the behaviour of upwelling systems according to the evolution of their spatial structure through time, using pattern analysis techniques.  相似文献   

Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba; herein krill) is monitored as part of an on-going fisheries observer program that collects length-frequency data. A krill feedback management programme is currently being developed, and as part of this development, the utility of data-derived indices describing population level processes is being assessed. To date, however, little work has been carried out on the selection of optimum recruitment indices and it has not been possible to assess the performance of length-based recruitment indices across a range of recruitment variability. Neither has there been an assessment of uncertainty in the relationship between an index and the actual level of recruitment. Thus, until now, it has not been possible to take into account recruitment index uncertainty in krill stock management or when investigating relationships between recruitment and environmental drivers. Using length-frequency samples from a simulated population – where recruitment is known – the performance of six potential length-based recruitment indices is assessed, by exploring the index-to-recruitment relationship under increasing levels of recruitment variability (from ±10% to ±100% around a mean annual recruitment). The annual minimum of the proportion of individuals smaller than 40 mm (F40 min, %) was selected because it had the most robust index-to-recruitment relationship across differing levels of recruitment variability. The relationship was curvilinear and best described by a power law. Model uncertainty was described using the 95% prediction intervals, which were used to calculate coverage probabilities and assess model performance. Despite being the optimum recruitment index, the performance of F40 min degraded under high (>50%) recruitment variability. Due to the persistence of cohorts in the population over several years, the inclusion of F40 min values from preceding years in the relationship used to estimate recruitment in a given year improved its accuracy (mean bias reduction of 8.3% when including three F40 min values under a recruitment variability of 60%).  相似文献   

干旱环境中褐家鼠的种群数量动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物种群数量动态研究是种群生态学研究的主要对象之一.借用Leslei矩阵建立数学模型对分布在新疆北部干旱环境中的褐家鼠种群数量动态进行了预测.同时经计算得新疆北部干旱环境中褐家鼠种群的特征根(λ),及其对应的特征向量(ns).结果表明,12年后雌体总数达到29 801.686 28,同时根据褐家鼠种群增长曲线,发现该种群的增长属于稳定型的指数增长类型.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of developmental stability and variability of morphological traits was examined in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster in order to compare these two parameters as indicators of temperature stress. Morphometric (thorax length and wing length) and meristic (number of sternopelural and orbital bristles) were studied. Variability was measured as the coefficient of variation. Stability of development was estimated as fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of bilateral traits. Thorax length and wing length did not exhibit consistent seasonal trends whereas wing loading significantly decreased. Significant seasonal changes in FA were not detected in any trait examined. Two traits showed reduced variation in autumn. The use of FA as an indicator of ecological stresses in insects is discussed on the basis of these results and the literature evidence.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Addition of nitrogen (N) to rangeland that has been degraded through overgrazing or drought can hasten vegetation recovery. Additional N may influence temporal stability of vegetation...  相似文献   

中国两栖类种群生态研究概述   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
两栖类种群生态学研究从深度和广度上看,均无法与哺乳类和鸟类的相比。然而与哺乳类和鸟类一样,随着生态环境的恶化和生态空间的减少,两栖类各物种种群面临巨大的生存压力,甚至濒临灭绝;因此,广泛深入地开展两栖类种群生态学研究,探讨两栖类与外界环境之间的关系,对环境监测和对两栖类种群的保护与利用均有较大的现实意义和理论意义。为此,重点从两栖类的种群结构与动态规律,摄食行为与食性,怕分析与通讯联系,繁殖过程和繁殖习性,越冬准备和冬眠适应,以及两栖类种群数量下降等方面,对中国研究者的工作进行综述,试图阐述研究现状,存在问题,并分析了尚待加强研究的方面和今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

应用人工掩蔽物法监测两栖动物种群动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工掩蔽物法是一种取法自然而加以人工改造的两栖动物监测方法。该法利用两栖动物昼伏夜出的习性,在其栖息环境中按照一定的方式布设人工掩蔽物来吸引两栖动物栖居,从而达到白昼监测其种类和种群数量的目的。该方法主要用于监测草地、湿地、灌丛、滩涂、松林等自然掩蔽物较少的生境,作者的监测实践和有关报道的监测工作证实,此方法对于习居于这类生境中的陆生有尾类和无尾类两栖动物具有较好的监测效果。  相似文献   

The morphology of endolithic colonization in a limestone escarpment and surrounding rocky debris (termed float) at a high-altitude arid site in central Tibet was documented using scanning electron microscopy. Putative lichenized structures and extensive coccoid bacterial colonization were observed. Absolute and relative abundance of rRNA gene signatures using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and phylogenetic analysis of environmental phylotypes were used to characterize community structure across all domains. Escarpment endoliths were dominated by eukaryotic phylotypes suggestive of lichenised associations (a Trebouxia lichen phycobiont and Leptodontidium lichen mycobiont), whereas float endoliths were dominated by bacterial phylotypes, including the cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis plus several unidentified beta proteobacteria and crenarchaea. Among a range of abiotic variables tested, ultraviolet (UV) transmittance by rock substrates was the factor best able to explain differences in community structure, with eukaryotic lichen phylotypes more abundant under conditions of greater UV-exposure compared to prokaryotes. Variously pigmented float rocks did not support significantly different communities. Estimates of in situ carbon fixation based upon 14C radio-labelled bicarbonate uptake indicated endolithic productivity of approximately 2.01 g C/m2/year?1, intermediate between estimates for Antarctic and temperate communities.  相似文献   

Dynamics of Encoding in a Population of Neurons   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
A simple encoder model, which is a reasonable idealization from known electrophysiological properties, yields a population in which the variation of the firing rate with time is a perfect replica of the shape of the input stimulus. A population of noise-free encoders which depart even slightly from the simple model yield a very much degraded copy of the input stimulus. The presence of noise improves the performance of such a population. The firing rate of a population of neurons is related to the firing rate of a single member in a subtle way.  相似文献   

Investigating the ecology of long lived birds is particularly challenging owing to the time scales involved. Here an analysis is presented of a long term study of the survival and population dynamics of the marabou stork (Leptoptilos crumeniferus), a wide ranging scavenging bird from Sub-Saharan Africa. Using resightings data of tagged nestlings and free flying birds we show that the stork population can be divided into three general life stages with unique survival probabilities and fecundities. Fecundity of the storks is inversely related to rainfall during their breeding season. Corroborative evidence for a metapopulation structure is discussed highlighting the impact of the Swaziland birds on the ecology of the species in the broader region. The importance of tag loss or illegibility over time is highlighted. Clearly, any attempt at conserving a species will require a detailed understanding of its population structure, of the sort examined here.  相似文献   

The loss of global amphibian biodiversity has been well documented in recent years. The greatest information from Latin America came from countries such as Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, and Puerto Rico. The five papers in this special section illustrate the critical status of Latin American amphibians and further demonstrate certain commonalities of amphibian population declines within the region. These studies provide a framework by which future research and management could proceed in all tropical regions.  相似文献   

Arid areas play a significant role in the global nitrogen cycle. Dry and wet deposition of inorganic nitrogen (N) species were monitored at one urban (SDS) and one suburban (TFS) site at Urumqi in a semi-arid region of central Asia. Atmospheric concentrations of NH3, NO2, HNO3, particulate ammonium and nitrate (pNH4 + and pNO3 ) concentrations and NH4-N and NO3-N concentrations in precipitation showed large monthly variations and averaged 7.1, 26.6, 2.4, 6.6, 2.7 µg N m−3 and 1.3, 1.0 mg N L−1 at both SDS and TFS. Nitrogen dry deposition fluxes were 40.7 and 36.0 kg N ha−1 yr−1 while wet deposition of N fluxes were 6.0 and 8.8 kg N ha−1 yr−1 at SDS and TFS, respectively. Total N deposition averaged 45.8 kg N ha−1 yr−1at both sites. Our results indicate that N dry deposition has been a major part of total N deposition (83.8% on average) in an arid region of central Asia. Such high N deposition implies heavy environmental pollution and an important nutrient resource in arid regions.  相似文献   

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