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The evolutionary pattern of the myc-like anthocyanin regulatory gene antR-Cor was examined in the dwarf dogwood species complex (Cornus Subgenus Arctocrania) that contains two diploid species (C. canadensis and C. suecica), their putative hybrids with intermediate phenotypes, and a tetraploid derivative (C. unalaschkensis). Full-length sequences of this gene (∼4 kb) were sequenced and characterized for 47 dwarf dogwood samples representing all taxa categories from 43 sites in the Pacific Northwest. Analysis of nucleotide diversity indicated departures from neutral evolution, due most likely to local population structure. Neighbor-joining and haplotype network analyses show that sequences from the tetraploid and diploid intermediates are much more strongly diverged from C. suecica than from C. canadensis, and that the intermediate phenotypes may represent an ancestral group to C. canadensis rather than interspecific hybrids. Seven amino acid mutations that are potentially linked to myc-like anthocyanin regulatory gene function correlate with petal colors differences that characterize the divergence between two diploid species and the tetraploid species in this complex. The evidence provides a working hypothesis for testing the role of the gene in speciation and its link to the petal coloration. Sequencing and analysis of additional nuclear genes will be necessary to resolve questions about the evolution of the dwarf dogwood complex.  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci were identified from Cornus kousa'National'. Primer pairs for 86 loci were developed and of these, eight were optimized and screened using genomic DNA from 22 kousa cultivars. All optimized loci were polymorphic and the number of alleles per locus ranged from three to 17. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0 to 0.3 and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.38 to 0.91. These microsatellites will be useful in population studies, and a breeding programme for cultivar development of Cornus species.  相似文献   

Studies of a healthy dogwood tree ( Cornus florida ) and one suffering from a chronic infestation of Thamnosphecia scitula revealed some physiological responses of dogwood to insect damage. In high light the stomatal resistances, measured with a diffusion porometer, of leaves from the infested tree were more than double those of leaves from the healthy tree, indicating that the stomata were not open as wide in the infested tree. The greater stomatal resistance and the curling of leaves from the infested tree implied a deficiency of water, but measurements with a pressure chamber revealed only slight differences in dehydration between the two trees. Furthermore, the leaf curling was not relieved by allowing infested leaves to absorb water and attain full turgor. Leaves from the infested tree contained 35 % more reducing sugars and 63 % more sucrose, but only about half the nitrogen and ash of the healthy counterparts. Photosynthesis was significantly depressed, but dark respiration was not modified in leaves of infested compared with healthy trees. Leaves from the infested tree were 85 % as large and exhibited a 35 % greater specific leaf weight than those from the healthy tree. The conductance of water by stems from the infested tree was only 61–78 % of that by the healthy tree. It is suggested that the inferred disruption of the vascular system by insect activity alters the distribution of minerals and metabolites, hastens senescence and stomatal closure, and modifies growth by diminishing stem conductance, slowing photosynthesis, reducing leaf area, and changing leaf morphology.  相似文献   

Branching Principles Governing the Architecture of Cornus kousa (Cornaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The complex structure of the crown of Cornus kousa, generallyfive-forked in vegetative branching and two-forked in reproductivebranching, is analysed quantitatively and described by two basicbranching principles: decussate phyllotaxy and the resettingrule for planes of branching. Most Cornus species have opposite,decussate phyllotaxis. The leaf pair (with axillary buds) definesthe branching plane of a node. Because of regular phyllotaxis,the fundamental branching pattern is that every branching planealong an axis is perpendicular to the preceding one. However,the first node of a lateral horizontal shoot always has a horizontalbranching plane; we term this the resetting rule. We observedthat resetting occurs when the first nodes initiated in thevertical plane are repositioned by a twisting of their firstinternodes. All later nodes alternate directions, i.e. showusual decussate alternation. Foliage leaf nodes usually producethree-forked branchings. When vegetative winter buds are formed,a foliar node and adjacent scale leaf node produce a five-forkedbranching. When reproductive winter buds with a terminal inflorescenceare formed, the last foliar node and two adjacent scale leafnodes can produce a variety of branchings but usually producean equal two-forked branching. To understand better the architecturein C. kousa, we contrast it with C. capitata which does notproduce buds with scale leaves and whose vegetative nodes areclearly separated. Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Branching pattern, Cornaceae, Cornus kousa, decussate branching, dogwood, Japanese strawberry tree, tree architecture, tree geometry.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic landscape change can disrupt gene flow. As part of the Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project, this study examined whether silvicultural practices influence pollen-mediated gene movement in the insect-pollinated species, Cornus florida L., by comparing pollen pool structure (Φ(st)) among clear-cutting, selective cutting, and uncut regimes with the expectation that pollen movement should be least in the uncut regime. Using a sample of 1500 seedlings-10 each from 150 seed parents (43 in clear-cut, 74 in selective, and 33 in control sites) from six sites (each ranging from 266 to 527 ha), eight allozyme loci were analyzed with a pollen pool structure approach known as TwoGener (Smouse et al., 2001; Evolution 55: 260-271). This analysis revealed that pollen pool structure was less in clear-cut (Φ(C) = 0.090, P < 0.001) than in uncut areas (Φ(U) = 0.174, P < 0.001), with selective-cut intermediate (Φ(S) = 0.125, P < 0.001). These estimates translate into more effective pollen donors (N(ep)) in clear-cut (N(ep) = 5.56) and selective-cut (N(ep) = 4.00) areas than in uncut areas (N(ep) = 2.87). We demonstrate that Φ(C) ≤ Φ(S) ≤ Φ(U), with Φ(C) significantly smaller than Φ(U) (P < 0.034). The findings imply that, as long as a sufficiently large number of seed parents remain to provide adequate reproduction and to avoid a genetic bottleneck in the effective number of mothers, silvicultural management may not negatively affect the effective number of pollen parents, and hence subsequent genetic diversity in Cornus florida.  相似文献   

Branch geometry in Cornus kousa (Cornaceae): computer simulations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Computer simulations similar to actual trees were constructed using simple branching rules. Branch orientation with respect to the direction of gravity was a fundamental consideration. In Cornus kousa BUERG. ex HANCE, several types of branches develop from winter buds, varying from orthotropic shoots to plagiotropic ones. Based on actual observations and measurements of branching structures with a wide range of orientations, we made a flexible geometrical model consisting of five forking branches that varied in outgrowth depending on the direction of the shoot with respect to gravity. Repetition of the branching by computer generated a realistic tree pattern, which was close to the shape of a young C. kousa tree. Reproductive shoots seem to be under a branching rule that was a modification of vegetative branching, although the reproductive branch size was considerably smaller than the vegetative one, and reproductive branching was bifurcated instead of five-forked. We conclude that all branchings in orthotropic and plagiotropic shoots in the vegetative phase and shoots in the reproductive phase are formed under the same branching rule, but each has different parameter values.  相似文献   

A method for regenerating whole plants from nodal (axillary bud) cultures of seedlings was developed for flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.). The seed source significantly influenced the rate of proliferation, although cultures initiated from each of the seven mother trees produced some shoots. Woody plant medium (WPM) was superior to either Murashige and Skoog or Schenk and Hildebrandt basal medium. 6-Benzyladenine (BA) at 2.2 or 4.4 m stimulated the generation of significantly more useable shoots (1 cm) compared to all other concentrations (0.5–22.5 m tested. Thidiazuron (TDZ) at 0.6 and 1.1 m supported proliferation, but strongly inhibited shoot elongation. TDZ initiated cultures transferred to medium containing 4.4 m BA produced usable shoots after five additional subcultures. Shoots generated adventitious roots when exposed to either a 12-h pulse of relatively high concentrations (246–1230 m or continuous lower concentrations (0.5–49.0 m of indolebutyric acid (IBA) for longer periods. Microshoots produced the significantly greatest number of roots when subjected to 4.9 m IBA in WPM over a 4-week period. Whole plants were acclimatized to the laboratory conditions and subsequently to the greenhouse. The methodology described here should be useful in a breeding program by supplying multiple copies of unique, recombinant genotypes.  相似文献   

The floral bud of Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc. began to differentiate at the end of April. In the beginning of November, female and male gametophytes reached their maturation. The flowers fell off in the following March. The wall of the microsporangium comprised epidermis, endothecium, two or three middle layers and a single layer of amoeboid tapetum with two nuclei. The extra-tapetal membrane was formed during the later stage of the development of anther. Meiosis of microspore mother-cell was normal and cytokinesis was of the simultaneous type. The tetrad was tetrahedral in shape. The mature pollen grains were 2-celled and 3-colporate. The ovule was unitegminous and tenuinucellate. During the development of the ovule, some special structures were formed, e. g. hypostase and obturator which originated from the integument. A single archesporium differentiated immediately below the nucellar epidermis. It functioned directly as the megaspore mother-celL This cell under went meiosis to form a linear tetrad. The chalazal megaspore was functional. The development of the embryo sac was conformed as the polygonum type. Two polar nuclei fused into the secondary nucleus and 'three antipodal cells degenerated soon after the embryo sac reached its maturation, at that time the female gametophyte had become an embryo sac which consisted of only four cells each with a nucleus just before two months of blooming. The nuclei of some synergids located in the chalazal part of the cells. Contrarily, the micropylar past of the synergids were occupied by a large vacuole. The secondary nucleus was usually located in the chalazal part of the embryo sac.  相似文献   

? Inflorescence architecture is important to angiosperm reproduction, but our knowledge of the developmental basis underlying the evolution of inflorescence architectures is limited. Using a phylogeny-based comparative analysis of developmental pathways, we tested the long-standing hypothesis that umbel evolved from elongated inflorescences by suppression of inflorescence branches, while head evolved from umbels by suppression of pedicels. ? The developmental pathways of six species of Cornus producing different inflorescence types were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and histological analysis. Critical developmental events were traced over the molecular phylogeny to identify evolutionary changes leading to the formation of umbels and heads using methods accounting for evolutionary time and phylogenetic uncertainty. ? We defined 24 developmental events describing the developmental progression of the different inflorescence types. The evolutionary transition from paniculate cymes to umbels and heads required alterations of seven developmental events occurring at different evolutionary times. ? Our results indicate that heads and umbels evolved independently in Cornus from elongated forms via an umbellate dichasium ancestor and this process involved several independent changes. Our findings shed novel insights into head and umbel evolution concealed by outer morphology. Our work illustrates the importance of combining developmental and phylogenetic data to better define morphological evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

The short-term effects of sodium azide (NaN(3)) on water flow in red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Michx.) seedlings were examined in excised roots at a constant pressure of 0.3 MPa. NaN(3) significantly decreased root water flow rates (Q(v)). It also induced a significant reduction in root respiration and reduced stomatal conductance to a greater extent in intact seedlings than in excised shoots. Apoplastic flow of water increased with the NaN(3)-induced decreases in Q(v). Mercuric chloride (HgCl(2)) was also used to characterize the water flow responses and respiration of dogwood roots. Similarly to NaN(3), 0.1 and 0.3 mM HgCl(2) decreased root respiration rates and Q(v). The lower, 0.05 mM HgCl(2) treatment, reduced Q(v), but had no significant effect on root oxygen uptake. The reduction of Q(v) in HgCl(2)-treated plants was only partly reversed by 50 mM mercaptoethanol. The mercurial inhibition of Q(v) suggested the presence of Hg-sensitive water channels in dogwood roots. The results indicate that root-absorbed NaN(3) metabolically inhibited water channel activities in roots and in shoots and resulted in stomatal closure. It is suggested that the inhibition of respiration that occurs in plants stressed with environmental factors such as flooding, cold soils, and drought may be responsible for the closure of water channels in root cells and inhibition of root water flow.  相似文献   

We studied various aspects of the fruiting biology of Cornus sanguinea (Cornaceae), a fleshy-fruit-producing deciduous shrub, in four populations in northwest Spain. One population was studied over a 5-yr period (1989-1994), and the remaining populations in 1994 only. Fruit-set level varied among years (range 11-18%) and among populations (range 8-22%), but was in all cases low. Within plants, fruit-set level did not vary significantly among inflorescences, indicating that inflorescence fruit set is independent of inflorescence position and inflorescence, phenology. To investigate the function of surplus flowers, we carried out flower removal experiments. Inflorescence fruit-set level was unaffected by removal of up to =75% of flowers. These results suggest that Cornus sanguinea regulates its fruit-set level via plasticity in the number of fruits aborted: if flower mortality has been high, fewer fruits will be aborted. Within the inflorescence, surplus flowers thus act as insurance against flower loss.  相似文献   

The natural occurrence of dogwood anthracnose (Discula destructiva) on young dogwood seedlings planted in different microenvironments in the southern Appalachian Mountains provided an opportunity to examine the effects of biotic stress on phenolic defense and insect herbivory. Dogwood trees planted in forest understory, canopy gaps, and along forest edge sustained high levels of infection and mortality. In contrast, trees planted in full sun and under shade cloth in an adjacent open field sustained much lower levels of infection and no mortality. No consistant relationships were present between anthracnose infection, phenolic defenses and herbivore performance. Nevertheless, the tendency for moderately infected dogwood saplings to have higher levels of plant tannins than uninfected trees may suggest an immune response. Insect herbivory was relatively unaffected by the degree of anthracnose infection.  相似文献   

Aims It is generally accepted that visual displays and floral scent play important roles in communication between flowering plants and their pollinators. However, the relative role of visual and olfactory cues in pollinator attraction is largely unknown. In this study, we determined the roles of both types of cue in attracting pollinators to Cornus capitata, a medium sized tree with each capitulum surrounded by four large, white, petaloid bracts.Methods Pollinator observations and pollination experiments were conducted in a natural population; the inflorescences' visual and olfactory signals were characterized by spectral and chemical analyses; the responses of pollinators to visual and olfactory cues were tested using dual-choice behavioural bioassays; the relative roles of visual and olfactory cues in pollinator attraction were tested by comparing the responses of pollinators to inflorescences subjected to three experimental treatments (intact, all bracts removed, and capitulum removed) within the natural population.Important findings For fruit set, C. capitata is entirely dependent on pollinators, with a bee, Anthophora sp., being the main pollinator. Bracts present high colour distance and green contrast against the leaves. Twelve volatile compounds in the floral scent were detected, most of which have previously been reported to be attractive to a broad spectrum of bee species. Behavioural bioassays showed that both, visual cues alone and olfactory cues alone, are attractive to pollinating bees. However, visual cues alone attracted significantly more approaches than olfactory cues alone, while olfactory cues alone elicited a significantly higher landing percentage than visual cues alone. The finding suggests that, in the C. capitata – Anthophora sp. interaction, visual cues are mainly used for location from long distances, while olfactory cues mainly aid landing from short distances. Our results indicate that different modalities of floral cues should be considered together to understand fully the communication between flowering plant and pollinators.  相似文献   

对分布于我国的Lai木属Cornus L.(广义)4个主要类群的5种植物进行了细胞学研究。结果表明,这5种植物的染色体数目和核型分别为:灯台树C.controversa Hemsl.2n=20=2m 8sm 10st;红瑞木C.alba L.2n=22=8sm 12st 2t;毛Lai C.waltari Wanger.2n=22=8sm 14st(0-2SAT);山茱萸C.officinalis Seib.et Zucc.2n=18-8m 10sm(0-2SAT);四照花(变种)C.kousa var.chinensis Osborn 2n=22=2sm 6st(0-2SAT) 14t.  相似文献   

Plant uptake is an important process in phytoremediation. The robust uptake of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by plants offers opportunities to establish quantitative relationships between VOCs in plant tissues and in groundwater for the purpose of phytoscreening or phytomonitoring. Most previous research pertaining to phytoremediation neglected the competitive effects of co-contaminants on the uptake of VOCs by plants, yet recent studies appeared to indicate high competitive effects of co-contamination. This study investigated the competitive uptake of three chlorinated compounds in the presence and absence of other co-contaminants by Redosier dogwood in a greenhouse and examined the implications of this competitive phenomenon for phytomonitoring of contaminant mixtures in groundwater. Concentrations of VOCs in stems decreased along the height in both single and bi-solute systems, in agreement with previous observations in the literature. Examination of the VOCs in single and bi-solute systems showed that concentrations of individual compounds are comparable in single and bi-solute systems, yet the ratios of contaminants along the height in bi-solute systems revealed interesting trends. TCE/PCE ratio increased along height while TCE/1,1,2-TCA ratio was roughly constant. The result indicated that sampling point as well as the physicochemical properties of co-contaminants is highly important in phytomonitoring of contaminant mixtures.  相似文献   

One new β-hydroxychalcone, 4-acetoxy-5,2′,4′,6′,β-pentahydroxy-3-methoxychalcone (1), one new flavanone, 7,3′-dihydroxy-5,4′-dimethoxyflavanone (2) and seven known compounds, 2R, 3R-trans-aromadendrin (3), naringenin-7-O-methylether (4), myricetin (5), quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (6), ursolic acid (7), gallic acid (8) and d-glucose (9) were isolated from the methanolic fruit extract of Cornus mas L. (=Cornus mascula L.), Cornaceae. The structures of the new compounds were elucidated on the basis of extensive spectroscopic methods, including 2D NMR experiments and of known compounds by comparison of physical and spectral data with literature.  相似文献   

五种国产梾木属(广义)植物的核型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对分布于我国的木来木属CornusL .(广义 ) 4个主要类群的 5种植物进行了细胞学研究。结果表明 ,这 5种植物的染色体数目和核型分别为 :灯台树C .controversaHemsl.2n=2 0 =2m 8sm 1 0st;红瑞木C .albaL .2n =2 2 =8sm 1 2st 2t;毛木来C .walteriWanger.2n =2 2 =8sm 1 4st(0_2SAT) ;山茱萸C .officinalisSeib .etZucc .2n =1 8=8m 1 0sm (0_2SAT) ;四照花 (变种 )C .kousavar.chinensisOsborn 2n =2 2=2sm 6st (0_2SAT) 1 4t  相似文献   

We report eight variable dinucleotide microsatellite loci cloned from flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.) using a biotin enrichment protocol. Degenerate oligonucleotide primer‐polymerase chain reaction (DOP‐PCR) was used to generate a population of DNA fragments, from which adenine‐cytosine dinucleotide (AC) and adenine‐guanine dinucleotide (AG) repeats were captured using biotinylated probes and streptavidin coated magnetic particles. The captured fragments were cloned into plasmids, and the plasmid library was screened for microsatellites using a simple PCR technique. Selected plasmids were sequenced, and PCR primers were designed and optimized using a thermal‐gradient thermocycler. The loci reported are highly variable with an average of 9.25 allele per locus and an average heterozygosity of 0.84.  相似文献   

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