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1. The imported mitochondrial enzyme citrate synthase can be partially (less than or equal to 45%) reactivated after denaturation in guanidinium chloride, if the concentration of the denaturing agent is lowered by dialysis, rather than by dilution, when essentially no reactivation is observed. 2. The presence of a reducing agent (dithiothreitol) is necessary for regain of activity. 3. Optimum regain of activity occurs at enzyme concentrations of about 10-20 micrograms/ml; at higher concentrations there is significant formation of aggregates.  相似文献   

Binding of citrate synthase to mitochondrial inner membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Citrate synthase and other mitochondrial matrix proteins bind to the inner surface of the mitochondrial inner membrane. No binding was observed to the outer membrane or to the outer surface of the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Citrate synthase activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was determined by a radioactive assay procedure and the reaction product, 14C-citric acid, was identified by chromatographic techniques. ATP, d-ATP, GTP and NADH were most inhibitory to the citrate synthase invitro. The activity was inhibited to a lesser extent by ADP, UTP, and NADP whereas, AMP and CTP were much less inhibitory. NADH, like NAD, glutamic acid, glutamine, arginine, ornithine, proline, aspartic acid and alpha-ketoglutarate exhibited no inhibition. These results have been discussed in the light of the role of citrate synthase for the energy metabolism and glutamic acid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Two methods are developed for the theoretical determination of a conformational path between two well-documented forms, a closed form and the open form [Remington et al. (1982) J. Mol. Biol. 158, 111-152] of pig heart citrate synthase, a dimeric enzyme of 2 x 437 residues. The first method uses the minimization of the sum of the potential energies at a set of equidistant points, according to Elber and Karplus [(1987) Chem. Phys. Lett. 139, 375-380]. The initialization of the algorithm is modified to account for large-angle rotations of many groups by performing the interpolations in the space of internal polar coordinates of a set of generalized Jacobi vectors earlier introduced by Durup [(1991) J. Phys. Chem. 95, 1817-1829] and by carefully testing all choices of directions of rotation for determining the initialized midpoint between the known forms. The path includes intermediate points, created by successive splittings of each interval into two equal parts, with a partial energy minimization performed after each splitting. The minimization encounters the well-known local-minima problem, which here is handled by low-temperature molecular dynamics annealing. It is shown that the best ratio of potential energy decrease to rms deviation is achieved by running the dynamics at 50 K, as compared to 100 K and above. The main character of the path obtained is the occurrence of strong to-and-fro variations of some dihedral angles at specific stages along the path. The second method, which we name directed dynamics, uses only low-temperature molecular dynamics simulations by starting trajectories from each of the two known forms with initial velocities directed toward the other one. The procedure is iterated by restarting trajectory pairs after the points of closest approach of the preceding pair. The two half-paths thus built eventually meet after 70 iterations. This method provides a second path with strong similarities, as well as some differences, with respect to the path obtained by the first method.  相似文献   

A comparison of the crystal structure of the dimeric enzyme citrate synthase from the psychrophilic Arthrobacter strain DS2-3R with that of the structurally homologous enzyme from the hyperthermophilic Pyrococcus furiosus reveals a significant difference in the accessibility of their active sites to substrates. In this work, we investigated the possible role in cold activity of the greater accessibility of the Arthrobacter citrate synthase. By site-directed mutagenesis, we replaced two alanine residues at the entrance to the active site with an arginine and glutamate residue, respectively, as found in the equivalent positions of the Pyrococcus enzyme Also, we introduced a loop into the active site of the psychrophilic citrate synthase, again mimicking the situation in the hyperthermophilic enzyme. Analysis of the thermoactivity and thermostability of the mutant enzymes reveals that cold activity is not significantly compromised by the mutations, but rather the affinity for one of the substrates, acetyl-CoA, is dramatically increased. Moreover, one mutant (Loop insertion/K313L/A361R) has an increased thermostability but a reduced temperature optimum for catalytic activity. This unexpected relationship between stability and activity is discussed with respect to the nature of the dependence of catalytic activity on temperature.  相似文献   

Light-acclimation processes are central to allowing photosynthesis in aquatic ecosystems to span from high light conditions, that are 10-fold higher than the light levels required to saturate photosynthesis, to the deep sea with extremely low light levels. In dim light systems, nutrient levels are often high, and cells maximize the absorption of light by increasing the cellular pool of pigments. The upper limits of light absorption are constrained by the package effect, which ultimately restricts the benefit of the light absorption associated with an increase in cellular pigmentation, thus decreasing the cost/benefit ratio relative to the metabolic cost of manufacturing cellular light-harvesting pigments. At extremely low light levels in the deep sea, chloroplasts are sequestered in numerous organisms; however, these species are not obligate autotrophs and supplement a heterotrophic/mixotrophic existence with opportunistic autotrophy. While low light acclimation is based on maximizing light absorption, photosynthetic systems under high light, in addition to decreased light-harvesting cross sections, rely on energy-dissipation processes to avoid light-induced damage to the photosynthetic apparatus and other free radical susceptible cell structures. Dissipation of excess light energy represents the largest sink of the absorbed light in high light environments; however, these processes remain largely unstudied and are rarely quantified. Cells supplement their energy-dissipation processes through increasing the capacity to remove high-light-generated radicals and/or inducing vertical movement. Improved understanding of strategies remains central for the understanding of algal distributions in nature and has broad industrial implications.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that a number of derivatives of adenylic acid may bind to the allosteric NADH binding site of Escherichia coli citrate synthase. This evidence includes the facts that all the adenylates inhibit NADH binding in a competitive manner and that those which have been tested protect an enzyme sulfhydryl group from reaction with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) in the same way that NADH does. However, whereas NADH is a potent inhibitor of citrate synthase, most of the adenylates are activators. The best activator, ADP-ribose, increases the affinity of the enzyme for the substrate, acetyl-CoA, and saturates the enzyme in a sigmoid manner. A fluorescence technique, involving the displacement of 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate from its complex with citrate synthase, is used to obtain saturation curves for several nucleotides under nonassay conditions. It is found that acetyl-coenzyme A, coenzyme A, and ADP-ribose all bind to the enzyme cooperatively, and that the binding of each becomes tighter in the presence of KCl, the activator, and oxaloacetic acid (OAA), the second substrate. Another inhibitor, alpha-ketoglutarate, can complete with OAA in the absence of KCl but not in its presence. The nature of the allosteric site of citrate synthase, and the modes of action of several activators and inhibitors, are discussed in the light of this evidence.  相似文献   

The four isomers of hydroxycitrate have been tested as substrates and inhibitors for citrate synthase, citrate lyase, and ATP citrate lyase. None of the isomers served as a substrate for citrate synthase and they were moderate to weak inhibitors of this reaction. Of the four isomers, only (pncit)-(2S)-2-hydroxycitrate did not serve as a substrate for citrate lyase while (pncit)-(4S)-4-hydroxycitrate was the only isomer which did not serve as a substrate for ATP citrate lyase. No consistent pattern of reactivity or inhibitor potency was seen with the different isomeric hydroxycitrates. It is proposed that more than one mode of binding is possible between the isomers and the three different active sites.  相似文献   

The major citrate synthase of Bacillus subtilis (CS-II) was purified to near homogeneity and shown to correspond to the product of the citZ gene. Accumulation of CS-II during exponential growth and stationary phases paralleled expression of the citZ gene. The physical and kinetic properties of CS-II were similar to those of citrate synthase enzymes from Bacillus megaterium and from eukaryotic cells but differed from those of citrate synthases from many gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

The kinetics of citrate synthase in situ in toluene-treated rat liver mitochondria were studied. The Vmax, Km, and kinetic pattern for oxaloacetate were the same as those for the pure rat liver citrate synthase. The Km, for acetyl-CoA for the in situ enzyme was increased compared to pure enzyme (8.5 to 77 μm), and the sensitivity of the in situ enzyme to inhibition by ATP, NADPH, or tricarballylate was decreased. The change seen with ATP was not due to problems of small molecule diffusion.  相似文献   

In this study, the product of the CIT3 gene has been identified as a dual specificity mitochondrial citrate and methylcitrate synthase and that of the CIT1 gene as a specific citrate synthase. Recombinant Cit1p had catalytic activity only with acetyl-CoA whereas Cit3p had similar catalytic efficiency with both acetyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA. Deletion of CIT1 dramatically shifted the ratio of these two activities in whole cell extracts towards greater methylcitrate synthase. Deletion of CIT3 had little effect on either citrate or methylcitrate synthase activities. A Deltacit2Deltacit3 strain showed no methylcitrate synthase activity, suggesting that Cit2p, a peroxisomal isoform, may also have methylcitrate synthase activity. Although wild-type strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae did not grow with propionate as a sole carbon source, deletion of CIT2 allowed growth on propionate, suggesting a toxic production of methylcitrate in the peroxisomes of wild-type cells. The Deltacit2Deltacit3 double mutant did not grow on propionate, providing further evidence for the role of Cit3p in propionate metabolism. (13)C NMR analysis showed the metabolism of 2-(13)C-propionate to acetate, pyruvate, and alanine in wild-type, Deltacit1 and Deltacit2 cells, but not in the Deltacit3 mutant. (13)C NMR and GC-MS analysis of pyruvate metabolism revealed an accumulation of acetate and of isobutanol in the Deltacit3 mutant, suggesting a metabolic alteration possibly resulting from inhibition of the lipoamide acetyltransferase subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex by propionyl-CoA. In contrast to Deltacit3, pyruvate metabolism in a Deltapda1 (pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 alpha subunit) mutant strain was only shifted towards accumulation of acetate.  相似文献   

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