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Bacterial diseases of bats: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Foragers base their prey-selection decisions on the information acquired by the sensory systems. In bats that use echolocation to find prey in darkness, it is not clear whether the specialized diet, as sometimes found by faecal analysis, is a result of active decision-making or rather of biased sensory information. Here, we tested whether greater horseshoe bats decide economically when to attack a particular prey item and when not. This species is known to recognize different insects based on their wing-beat pattern imprinted in the echoes. We built a simulation of the natural foraging process in the laboratory, where the bats scanned for prey from a perch and, upon reaching the decision to attack, intercepted the prey in flight. To fully control echo information available to the bats and assure its unambiguity, we implemented computer-controlled propellers that produced echoes resembling those from natural insects of differing profitability. The bats monitored prey arrivals to sample the supply of prey categories in the environment and to inform foraging decisions. The bats adjusted selectivity for the more profitable prey to its inter-arrival intervals as predicted by foraging theory (an economic strategy known to benefit fitness). Moreover, unlike in previously studied vertebrates, foraging performance of horseshoe bats was not limited by costly rejections of the profitable prey. This calls for further research into the evolutionary selection pressures that sharpened the species's decision-making capacity.  相似文献   

Big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) emit frequency-modulated (FM) echolocation sounds containing two principal down-sweeping harmonics (FM1 ~ 55–25 kHz, FM2 ~ 105–50 kHz). To determine whether each harmonic contributes to perception of echo delay, bats were trained to discriminate between “split-harmonic” echoes that differed in delay. The bat’s broadcasts were picked up with microphones, and FM1 and FM2 were separated with highpass and lowpass filters at about 55 kHz, where they overlap in frequency. Both harmonics then were delivered from loudspeakers as positive stimuli in a 2-choice delay discrimination procedure with FM1 delayed 3.16 ms and FM2 delayed 3.46 ms (300 μs delay split). Negative stimuli contained FM1 and FM2 with the same filtering but no delay separation. These were presented at different overall delays from 11 down to 3 ms to measure the bat’s delay discrimination acuity for each harmonic in the split harmonic echoes. The bats determined the delays of both FM1 and FM2, but performance was overlaid by a broad pedestal of poor performance that extended for 800 μs. Splitting the harmonics by 300 μs appears to defocus the bat’s representation of delay, revealing the existence of a process for recognizing the normally simultaneous occurrence of the harmonics.  相似文献   

Echolocating bats perceive the world through sound signals reflecting from the objects around them. In these signals, information is contained about reflector location and reflector identity. Bats are able to extract and separate the cues for location from those that carry identification information. We propose a model based on Wiener deconvolution that also performs this separation for a virtual system mimicking the echolocation system of the lesser spearnosed bat, Phyllostomus discolor. In particular, the model simultaneously reconstructs the reflected echo signal and localizes the reflector from which the echo originates. The proposed technique is based on a model that performs a similar task based on information from the frog’s lateral line system. We show that direct application of the frog model to the bat sonar system is not feasible. However, we suggest a technique that does apply to the bat biosonar and indicate its performance in the presence of noise.  相似文献   

Echolocating bats can identify three-dimensional objects exclusively through the analysis of acoustic echoes of their ultrasonic emissions. However, objects of the same structure can differ in size, and the auditory system must achieve a size-invariant, normalized object representation for reliable object recognition. This study describes both the behavioral classification and the cortical neural representation of echoes of complex virtual objects that vary in object size. In a phantom-target playback experiment, it is shown that the bat Phyllostomus discolor spontaneously classifies most scaled versions of objects according to trained standards. This psychophysical performance is reflected in the electrophysiological responses of a population of cortical units that showed an object-size invariant response (14/109 units, 13%). These units respond preferentially to echoes from objects in which echo duration (encoding object depth) and echo amplitude (encoding object surface area) co-varies in a meaningful manner. These results indicate that at the level of the bat's auditory cortex, an object-oriented rather than a stimulus-parameter-oriented representation of echoes is achieved.  相似文献   

The nectar-feeding bat Glossophaga can be trained to discriminate two hollow forms, a hollow hemisphere and a paraboloid with the same diameter and depth, in total darkness. During training a saturation level of about 85-90% correct choices or more can be reached within 50-100 visits. To investigate generalization abilities, the bats were tested with pairs of the same shape but of different size. Although no reward was offered, they preferred the hollow sphere (30 mm and 50 mm diameter, but not 18 mm) over the corresponding paraboloids. Thus, the bats were able to generalize some features of the rewarded form and detect them in forms of the same shape but different size. This transposition is remarkable, since the bats could not use absolute spectral characters, but had to pay attention to size-independent features common to hollow hemispheres. Possible cues are the variation of echoes in dependence of different angles of calling direction (constant in spheres, changing with position in paraboloids) and/or the "timbre" of the echoes, i.e. their spectral pattern independent of their absolute pitch  相似文献   

Fighting insect pests is a major challenge for agriculture worldwide, and biological control and integrated pest management constitute well-recognised, cost-effective ways to prevent and overcome this problem. Bats are important arthropod predators globally and, in recent decades, an increasing number of studies have focused on the role of bats as natural enemies of agricultural pests. This review assesses the state of knowledge of the ecosystem services provided by bats as pest consumers at a global level and provides recommendations that may favour the efficiency of pest predation by bats. Through a systematic review, we assess evidence for predation, the top-down effect of bats on crops and the economic value of ecosystem services these mammals provide, describing the different methodological approaches used in a total of 66 reviewed articles and 18 agroecosystem types. We also provide a list of detailed conservation measures and management recommendations found in the scientific literature that may favour the delivery of this important ecosystem service, including actions aimed at restoring bat populations in agroecosystems. The most frequent recommendations include increasing habitat heterogeneity, providing additional roosts, and implementing laws to protect bats and reduce agrochemical use. However, very little evidence is available on the direct consequences of these practices on bat insectivory in farmland. Additionally, through a second in-depth systematic review of scientific articles focused on bat diet and, as part of the ongoing European Cost Action project CA18107, we provide a complete list of 2308 documented interactions between bat species and their respective insect pest prey. These pertain to 81 bat species belonging to 36 different genera preying upon 760 insect pests from 14 orders in agroecosystems and other habitats such as forest or urban areas. The data set is publicly available and updatable.  相似文献   

Hostplants and classification: a review of nymphalid butterflies   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In reviewing the hostplant associations of nymphalid butterflies, particular emphasis is placed on the intractable problem of nymphalid classification. Although offering few certain conclusions, if used in conjunction with more formal morphological characters, the data presented should contribute toward a resolution of the inter-relationships of the many widely recognized groupings within the Nymphalidae, several of which seem to be broadly characterized by typical host families. As a direct result of this analysis, the presumed association between larval hostplants and unpalatability is re-appraised.  相似文献   

Macroglossia: a review of the condition and a new classification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In studying macroglossia, no one has described normal tongue size or applied direct measurement to the pathologically enlarged tongue. Since macroglossia is primarily a condition that requires treatment on a symptomatic basis, definition of the problem in clinical terms is the most useful form for the practitioner. Based on published reports and our clinical experience, a classification scheme for macroglossia has been formulated. The concept of true macroglossia and relative macroglossia form a framework that categorizes acquired and congenital forms of tongue enlargement. True macroglossia exists when histologic abnormalities correlate with the clinical findings of tongue enlargement. Vascular malformations, muscular enlargement, and tumors are the most common forms of true macroglossia. Relative macroglossia includes those cases of apparent tongue enlargement in which the histology does not provide a pathologic explanation. Down's syndrome is a commonly quoted cause for tongue enlargement and is a form of relative macroglossia. The development of this classification system establishes an approach and common terminology on which therapy, research, and communication can be based.  相似文献   

Microbat studies are uncommon in the Wet Tropics of north-east Queensland, despite the group comprising 20% of the bioregion's mammal fauna. The significance of fragmentation and habitat connectivity to the echolocating insectivore group is unknown. Over a 12-month period in 2021–2022, microbat presence was recorded in a 25-year-old restored wildlife corridor 1.2 km in length. We deployed Anabat detectors in the restored corridor, in adjacent open paddocks and in mature rainforest at either end of the corridor. Species in reference forest and corridor vegetation were consistently ‘clutter-adapted’ bats, with low aspect ratio wings; there was little overlap with high aspect ratio species of the open pasture. Low aspect ratio microbats appear to respond to the similarity in structure between restored and adjacent natural vegetation. Re-establishing structural and functional connectivity may improve the local persistence of ‘clutter-adapted’ microbats.  相似文献   

Hibernation by tree-roosting bats   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In summer, long-eared bats (Nyctophilus spp.) roost under bark and in tree cavities, where they appear to benefit from diurnal heating of roosts. In contrast, hibernation is thought to require a cool stable temperature, suggesting they should prefer thermally insulated tree cavities during winter. To test this prediction, we quantified the winter thermoregulatory physiology and ecology of hibernating tree-roosting bats, Nyctophilus geoffroyi and N. gouldi in the field. Surprisingly, bats in winter continued to roost under exfoliating bark (65%) on the northern, sunny side of trees and in shallow tree cavities (35%). Despite passive re-warming of torpid bats by 10-20 degrees C per day, torpor bouts lasted up to 15 days, although shorter bouts were also common. Arousals occurred more frequently and subsequent activity lasted longer on warmer nights, suggesting occasional winter foraging. We show that, because periodic arousals coincide with maximum roost temperatures, when costs of rewarming and normothermic thermoregulation are minimal, exposure to a daily temperature cycle could largely reduce energy expenditure during hibernation. Our study provides further evidence that models of torpor patterns and energy expenditure from hibernators in cold temperate climates are not directly applicable in milder climates, where prolonged torpor can be interspersed with more frequent arousals and occasional foraging.  相似文献   

To understand complex sensory-motor behavior related to object perception by echolocating bats, precise measurements are needed for echoes that bats actually listen to during flight. Recordings of echolocation broadcasts were made from flying bats with a miniature light-weight microphone and radio transmitter (Telemike) set at the position of the bat's ears and carried during flights to a landing point on a wall. Telemike recordings confirm that flying horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum nippon) adjust the frequency of their sonar broadcasts to compensate for echo Doppler shifts. Returning constant frequency echoes were maintained at the bat's reference frequency +/-83 Hz during flight, indicating that the bats compensated for frequency changes with an accuracy equivalent to that at rest. The flying bats simultaneously compensate for increases in echo amplitude as target range becomes shorter. Flying bats thus receive echoes with both stabilized frequencies and stabilized amplitudes. Although it is widely understood that Doppler-shift frequency compensation facilitates detection of fluttering insects, approaches to a landing do not involve fluttering objects. Combined frequency and amplitude compensation may instead be for optimization of successive frequency modulated echoes for target range estimation to control approach and landing.  相似文献   

核内小体是定位于细胞核内的无膜结构,为多蛋白-RNA复合体,通过招募相关蛋白参与基因转录、RNA剪切、表观遗传调控、肿瘤发生与抑制及抗病毒防御等多种细胞活动.明确核内小体蛋白的形成过程、功能和调控机制对研究相关疾病与病毒-宿主作用机制均具有重要意义.以下以几种核内小体蛋白为例,对核内小体的形成方式、结构与功能进行综述,...  相似文献   

Comparative echolocation by fishing bats   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

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