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1. Manipulation of host behaviour by parasitoids has long captured the imagination of ecologists. Parasitoid wasps in the Polysphincta group of genera develop as external parasitoids of spiders. 2. In the present study, the previously undescribed interaction between a Zatypota sp. wasp (Ichneumonidae) and a social spider Anelosimus eximius (Theridiidae) is described. The larva of this Zatypota wasp is found to induce its host to disperse from their communal web and build an entirely enclosed web consisting of densely spun silk. 3. The wasp is observed to target primarily immature A. eximius individuals, with 37.5–44% of nests in a given area being parasitised. Of those nests, approximately 1.3–2.0% of individuals are hosts to the parasitoid larvae. Larger spider colonies had a significantly higher probability of harbouring parasitoids. 4. This interaction results in unusual behaviours for A. eximius induced by the parasitoid: (i) leaving the protection of the social nest and (ii) building a unique, altered web that it would not otherwise build. It is suggested that the wasp may be tapping into ancestral dispersal behaviours in its host and that a social species provides this wasp an evolutionary advantage by allowing a stable host source.  相似文献   

The measurement of parasitism rates of wasp nests;lt Pelorus Bridge, New Zealand, at different distances from the initial release point suggests that the mean displacement of the parasitoid has increased by 1—1.5 km y(-1) from 1988 to 1993. Since average parasitism rates within this radius at any given site show little trend over time, this suggests an approximate 3-fold increase in the total parasitoid population each year, two-thirds of which is devoted to dispersal and one-third to maintaining local populations.  相似文献   

Charnov's host-size model explains parasitoid host-size-dependent sex ratio as an adaptive consequence when there is a differential effect of host size on the offspring fitness of parasitoid males versus females. This article tests the predictions and the assumptions of the host-size model. The parasitoid wasp Pimpla nipponica Uchida (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) laid more female eggs in larger or fresher host pupae when choice among hosts of different sizes or ages was allowed. Then, whether an asymmetrical effect of host size and age on the fitness of females versus males existed in P. nipponica was examined. Larger or fresher host pupae yielded larger wasps. Larger females lived longer, whereas male size did not influence male longevity. Large males mated successfully with relatively large females but failed with small females, whereas small males could mate successfully either with small or with large females. Thus, small-male advantages were found, and this held true even under male–male competition. Ovariole and egg numbers at any one time did not differ among females of different sizes. Larger females attained higher oviposition success and spent less time and energy for oviposition in hosts. Larger females produced more eggs from a single host meal. Taken together, females gained more, and males lost more, by being large. Host size and age thus asymmetrically affected the fitness of offspring males versus females through the relationships between host size or hast age and wasp size, which means the basic assumption of the host-size model was satisfied. Therefore, sex ratio control by P. nipponica in response to host size and age is adaptive. Received: November 13, 1998 / Accepted: January 18, 1999  相似文献   

Fitness consequences of ovicide in a parasitoid wasp   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ovicide, superparasitism and host rejection are alternative reproductive tactics facing female parasitoid wasps encountering an already-parasitized host. Superparasitism is simply the addition of an egg or a clutch of eggs by the secondary parasitoid, but under ovicide the primary clutch is removed or destroyed. Host rejection occurs if the wasp leaves without laying a clutch. The ectoparasitoid Laelius pedatus (Say) (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) performs ovicide in this situation. Clutch manipulation experiments show that secondary clutches suffer high mortality in competition with primary clutches, which increases with increasing time delay between clutches. Primary clutches however suffer little in competition with secondary clutches, even if there is minimal time delay between clutches. These data suggest that the offspring of ovicidal females are substantially fitter than the offspring of superparasitizing females. Handling time and clutch size do not differ significantly between first (sole) parasitoids and second (ovicidal) parasitoids. The same is true for offspring survival and development time. However, offspring of second females are slightly smaller. This suggests that parasitized and unparasitized hosts are resources of similar quality when ovicide is performed. These data strongly support the predictions of evolutionary models of ovicide. They may also give some insight into the taxonomic distribution of ovicide in parasitoids.  相似文献   

The sex allocation strategy of the parasitoid Laelius pedatus (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) on different-sized hosts was investigated. The wasp lays from one to five eggs, and clutch size increases with host size. On the smallest hosts, single male eggs are laid, while on slightly larger hosts single female eggs are laid. On still larger hosts, gregarious clutches are laid which nearly always consist of a single male and one or more female eggs. The sex ratio strategy of the wasp appears to be influenced by a combination of local mate competition and conditional sex expression based on host quality. Received: 6 June 1996 / Accepted: 13 October 1996  相似文献   

Polydnaviruses, obligatorily associated with endoparasitoid wasps, are unique in that their segmented genome is composed of multiple double-stranded DNA circles. We present here the first cytological evidence that virus segments are integrated in the wasp genome, obtained by using in situ hybridization of virus probes with viral sequences in the chromosomes of a wasp from the braconid family of hymenopterans.  相似文献   

枸杞瘿螨姬小蜂Cirrospilus eniophyesiYang(新种)是枸杞瘿螨Aceria pallidaKeifer的重要天敌,以幼虫在虫瘿内取食枸杞瘿螨的成虫和若虫。在(25±1)℃下,该蜂完成1个世代需16~21d。成虫寿命及产卵量与补充营养有关,取食10%蜂蜜水的雌虫寿命为(6.94±0.67)d,雄虫为(5.14±0.49)d。不进行补充营养的雌雄成虫寿命分别为(1.96±0.27)d和(1.06±0.29)d;补充10%蜂蜜水和水可显著提高产卵量,每雌平均产卵量分别为(29.13±6.12)粒和(23.14±3.16)粒,产卵高峰期在羽化后的第2天。成虫羽化时间多集中在6:00~8:00am和4:00~6:00pm,羽化当天即可交尾。枸杞瘿螨姬小蜂自然种群消长与寄主虫口密度相关,在6月底7月初寄生率达到83.3%。  相似文献   

Eupelmus vuilleti (Hymenoptera; Eupelmidae) is a solitary ectoparasitoid producing yolk-rich eggs. The female oviposits mainly on the fourth larval instar of Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera; Bruchidae), which develop within pods and seeds of Vigna unguiculata (Fabacae). Parasitoid females are synovigenic, i.e., they are born with immature eggs and need to feed from the host to sustain egg production during their entire lifetime. However, eggs are rapidly resorbed in unfavourable conditions and an efficient stop-and-go mechanism controls oogenesis in such animals. In this study, the possible involvement of ecdysteroids in the regulation of parasitoid oogenesis is examined. In a first step, the identity and titre of ecdysteroids in reproductively active and inactive female parasitoids were investigated by high performance liquid chromatography followed by enzyme immuno-assay (EIA/HPLC). A larger secretion of ecdysone was found in female during their reproductive period compared with inactive females. In a second step, both the secretion of ecdysteroids into the medium of in vitro incubated ovaries and the ecdysteroid content of females reared with or without host were measured (EIA). The presence of the host, which represents both the oviposition site and the nutritional source, induced an active biosynthesis of ecdysone. This synthesis started at a slow rate after host introduction and reached a maximum after 48 h. When hosts were available, this synthesis was cyclic and continuous during the entire female lifetime. These results showed that host presence triggered ovarian synthesis of ecdysteroids, which are involved in a stop-and-go regulation of egg production linked to host availability.  相似文献   

Sex ratio theory provides a clear and simple way to test if nonsocial haplodiploid wasps can discriminate between kin and nonkin. Specifically, if females can discriminate siblings from nonrelatives, then they are expected to produce a higher proportion of daughters if they mate with a sibling. This prediction arises because in haplodiploids, inbreeding (sib-mating) causes a mother to be relatively more related to her daughters than her sons. Here we formally model this prediction for when multiple females lay eggs in a patch, and test it with the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis. Our results show that females do not adjust their sex ratio behaviour dependent upon whether they mate with a sibling or nonrelative, in response to either direct genetic or a range of indirect environmental cues. This suggests that females of N. vitripennis cannot discriminate between kin and nonkin. The implications of our results for the understanding of sex ratio and social evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Hymenoptera are haplodiploid insects, consequently sex ratio depends on female's sperm management which itself arises from the reproductive capacity of neighbouring males. To study the influence of ageing on male reproductive potential, laboratory experiments were conducted on Dinarmus basalis (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) males, a tropical wasp in which sperm counts are known to constrain sex ratio. Two groups of virgin males were compared: 1-day and 30-days old. Parameters recorded were sperm quantity and viability in seminal vesicles, shape of testis, mating ability in both individual and competitive situations and sperm stored by females after male multiple mating. Older males had twice as much sperm as young males, but their reproductive capacities did not differ. They were able to copulate with 20 successive virgin females in a short period. Sperm stored in spermathecae decreased with female mating order. In competition, old and young males had the same access to females. The difference between old and young males was visible at the level of reproductive tract: young males have functional testis and old males have empty non-functional testis. Spermatozoa are kept viable in male seminal vesicles for long periods. In this species, the reproductive potential of males is not altered by ageing. At the population level this may represent an adaptation for maintaining continuous reserves of sperm at the disposal of females.  相似文献   

The evolutionary maintenance of sex is one of the big unresolved puzzles in biology. All else being equal, all-female asexual populations should enjoy a two-fold reproductive advantage over sexual relatives consisting of male and female individuals. However, the "all else being equal" assumption rarely holds in real organisms because asexuality tends to be confounded with altered genomic constitutions such as hybridization and polyploidization or to be associated with parthenogenesis-inducing microbes. This limits the ability to draw general conclusions from any particular system. Here we describe a new system that permits unbiased comparisons of sexual and asexual reproduction: the parasitic wasp Lysiphlebus fabarum. Crossing experiments demonstrated that asexual reproduction has a simple genetic basis in this species and is consistently inherited as a single-locus recessive trait. We further show that the asexuality-inducing allele exhibits complete linkage to a specific allele at a microsatellite marker: all asexual lines in the field were homozygous for this allele, and the allele cosegregated perfectly with asexual reproduction in our experimental crossings. This novel system of contagious asexuality allows the production of closely related individuals with different reproductive modes, as well as the monitoring of the asexuality-inducing allele in natural and experimental populations.  相似文献   

Potential fitness consequences of associative learning in a parasitoid wasp   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Several studies have documented associative learning in insects,but the adaptive value of such learning is not yet well understood.To evaluate this issue, we quantified long-term fitness consequencesof associative learning in the parasitoid wasp, Biosteres arisanus.We compared individual wasps that were allowed to choose hostsubstrate based on experience ("learning" wasps) to wasps thatcould only make random substrate choice ("random" wasps) inan environment where only one out of two substrates containedhost eggs. In two experiments, the average number of host eggsparasitized and offspring produced were significantly largerfor learning than for random wasps. Our results allow detailedexamination of the conditions under which learning would havepositive fitness effects in ecological systems similar to ours.These conditions include relatively long search duration forhosts; the ability to remember a learned preference over extendedperiods of interfering activities; and large mean differencesbetween alternatives, and small variances, which together allowrapid evaluation of alternatives and long duration of exploitingthe superior one.  相似文献   

Dissecting the genetic basis of intraspecific variations in life history traits is essential to understand their evolution, notably for potential biocontrol agents. Such variations are observed in the endoparasitoid Cotesia typhae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), specialized on the pest Sesamia nonagrioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Previously, we identified two strains of C. typhae that differed significantly for life history traits on an allopatric host population. To investigate the genetic basis underlying these phenotypic differences, we used a quantitative trait locus (QTL) approach based on restriction site‐associated DNA markers. The characteristic of C. typhae reproduction allowed us generating sisters sharing almost the same genetic content, named clonal sibship. Crosses between individuals from the two strains were performed to generate F2 and F8 recombinant CSS. The genotypes of 181 clonal sibships were determined as well as the phenotypes of the corresponding 4,000 females. Informative markers were then used to build a high‐quality genetic map. These 465 markers spanned a total length of 1,300 cM and were organized in 10 linkage groups which corresponded to the number of C. typhae chromosomes. Three QTLs were detected for parasitism success and two for offspring number, while none were identified for sex ratio. The QTLs explained, respectively, 27.7% and 24.5% of the phenotypic variation observed. The gene content of the genomic intervals was investigated based on the genome of C. congregata and revealed 67 interesting candidates, as potentially involved in the studied traits, including components of the venom and of the symbiotic virus (bracovirus) shown to be necessary for parasitism success in related wasps.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that levels of dispersal vary in response to the extent of local competition for resources and the relatedness between potential competitors. Here, we test these predictions by making use of a female dispersal dimorphism in the parasitoid wasp Melittobia australica. We show that there are two distinct female morphs, which differ in morphology, pattern of egg production, and dispersal behaviour. As predicted by theory, we found that greater competition for resources resulted in increased production of dispersing females. In contrast, we did not find support for the prediction that high relatedness between competitors increases the production of dispersing females in Melittobia. Finally, we exploit the close links between the evolutionary processes leading to selection for dispersal and for biased sex ratios to examine whether the pattern of dispersal can help distinguish between competing hypotheses for the lack of sex ratio adjustment in Melittobia.  相似文献   

Parasitoid wasps reproduce by laying their eggs on or inside of a host insect, which triggers a defense response in the host insect that kills the developing wasp. To counteract the host’s lethal response, some parasitoid wasps are associated with symbiotic viruses that alter host metabolism and development to promote successful development of the wasp embryo. These symbiotic viruses display a number of characteristics that differ from those of pathogenic viruses, but are poorly understood with the exception of one group, the polydnaviruses. Here, we characterize the genome of a non-polydnavirus associated with parasitoid wasps, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata rhabdovirus (DlRhV), and assess its role as a potential mutualistic virus. Our results show that the DlRhV genome contains six open reading frames (ORFs). Three ORFs show sequence homology to known viral genes and one ORF encodes a previously identified protein, called parasitism-specific protein 24 (PSP24), that has been hypothesized to play a role in promoting successful parasitism by D. longicaudata. We constructed a phylogeny that shows that DlRhV is most closely related to other insect-infecting rhabdoviruses. Finally, we report that DlRhV infection does not occur in all populations of D. longicaudata, and is not required for successful parasitism.  相似文献   

Sugar feeding reduces short-term activity of a parasitoid wasp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  Adding sugar to agricultural habitats is expected to enhance pest control by improving the longevity and physiological status of parasitoids. How a sugar diet and physiological parameters affect the host-foraging behaviour of Diadegma insulare , a parasitoid of diamondback moth larvae ( Plutella xylostella ), is investigated in the laboratory. Newly-emerged females are given water or sucrose-water ad libitum for 1 day, and then monitored for movement onto and away from a single cabbage leaf infested with 30 host larvae for 1 h. A significantly lower percentage of sucrose-fed females enter the host patch than those with access to only water (starved) females (60% vs. 91%). Of the females that enter the patch, fed wasps spend significantly less time in the patch than starved wasps (32.2 vs. 25.7 min) but feeding does not significantly affect oviposition rate. Fed and starved females sting six to seven larvae, and 19–29% of females superparasitize host larvae. Wasps with higher levels of fructose are less likely to enter the host patch than wasps with lower fructose levels. The lower proportion of fed wasps entering the patch may be due to a period of inactivity after sugar feeding.  相似文献   

M. Gibernau  A. Dejean 《Oecologia》2001,126(1):53-57
Trophobiotic associations between Caternaultiella rugosa (Heteroptera; Plataspidae) and two ant species, Camponotus brutus (Formicidae) and Myrmicaria opaciventris (Myrmicinae), were recorded at the base of the trunks of Bridelia micrantha (Euphorbiaceae). The bug colonies were generally sheltered in pavilions built by the ants, but during periods of proliferation, part of the colonies developed outside the pavilions. We examined the protective activity of the two associated ant species against an encyrtid parasitoid wasp that parasitized egg masses of the bug. Egg masses situated outside the pavilions were significantly less parasitized on trees occupied by either ant species than on experimental trees where ants were excluded by a sticky barrier. Egg masses were significantly less parasitized on trees occupied by C. brutus than on those occupied by M. opaciventris, both inside and outside the pavilions. Moreover, they were less parasitized inside than outside the pavilions when protected by C. brutus. Inside the pavilions, parental care of the egg masses and first-instar nymphs was abandoned to the ants. In contrast, outside the pavilions, the females of C. rugosa guarded egg masses and clusters of first-instar nymphs. Furthermore, adults and last-instar nymphs grouped around and above first-instar nymphs, forming a protective shield. These groups formed and disintegrated daily, according to the attending ant's rhythm of activity.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Determining the way in which deleterious mutations interact to effect fitness is crucial to numerous areas in evolutionary biology. For example, if each additional mutation leads to a greater decrease in log fitness than the last, termed synergistic epistasis, then sex and recombination provide an advantage because they enable deleterious mutations to be eliminated more efficiently. However, there is a severe shortage of relevant empirical data, especially of the form that can help test mutational explanations for the widespread occurrence of sex. Here, we test for epistasis in the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis , examining the fitness consequences of chemically induced deleterious mutations. We examine two components of fitness, both of which are thought to be important in natural populations of parasitic wasps: longevity and egg production. Our results show synergistic epistasis for longevity, but not for egg production.  相似文献   

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