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In bats, the wing membrane is anchored not only to the body and forelimb, but also to the hindlimb. This attachment configuration gives bats the potential to modulate wing shape by moving the hindlimb, such as by joint movement at the hip or knee. Such movements could modulate lift, drag, or the pitching moment. In this study we address: 1) how the ankle translates through space during the wingbeat cycle; 2) whether amplitude of ankle motion is dependent upon flight speed; 3) how tension in the wing membrane pulls the ankle; and 4) whether wing membrane tension is responsible for driving ankle motion. We flew five individuals of the lesser dog-faced fruit bat, Cynopterus brachyotis (Family: Pteropodidae), in a wind tunnel and documented kinematics of the forelimb, hip, ankle, and trailing edge of the wing membrane. Based on kinematic analysis of hindlimb and forelimb movements, we found that: 1) during downstroke, the ankle moved ventrally and during upstroke the ankle moved dorsally; 2) there was considerable variation in amplitude of ankle motion, but amplitude did not correlate significantly with flight speed; 3) during downstroke, tension generated by the wing membrane acted to pull the ankle dorsally, and during upstroke, the wing membrane pulled laterally when taut and dorsally when relatively slack; and 4) wing membrane tension generally opposed dorsoventral ankle motion. We conclude that during forward flight in C. brachyotis, wing membrane tension does not power hindlimb motion; instead, we propose that hindlimb movements arise from muscle activity and/or inertial effects.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel tests conducted on a model based on the long-eared bat Plecotus auritus indicated that the positioning of the tail membrane (uropatagium) can significantly influence flight control. Adjusting tail position by increasing the angle of the legs ventrally relative to the body has a two-fold effect; increasing leg-induced wing camber (i.e., locally increased camber of the inner wing surface) and increasing the angle of attack of the tail membrane. We also used our model to examine the effects of flying with and without a tail membrane. For the bat model with a tail membrane increasing leg angle increased the lift, drag and pitching moment (nose-down) produced. However, removing the tail membrane significantly reduced the change in pitching moment with increasing leg angle, but it had no significant effect on the level of lift produced. The drag on the model also significantly increased with the removal of the tail membrane. The tail membrane, therefore, is potentially important for controlling the level of pitching moment produced by bats and an aid to flight control, specifically improving agility and manoeuvrability. Although the tail of bats is different from that of birds, in that it is only divided from the wings by the legs, it nonetheless, may, in addition to its prey capturing function, fulfil a similar role in aiding flight control.  相似文献   

Multiunit microelectrode recording techniques were used to study the location and organization of the third somatosensory area (SIII) in cats. Representations of all major contralateral body parts were found in a small region of cortex along the lateral wing of the ansate sulcus and between the lateral sulcus and the suprasylvian sulcus. The systematic map of the body surface included forepaw and face regions previously identified as parts of SIII. The forepaw representation was generally buried on the rostral bank of the lateral wing of the ansate sulcus. The representations of the face and mystacial vibrissae were largely exposed on the rostral suprasylvian gyrus, but part of the representation of the face was also buried in the lateral wing of the ansate sulcus. Representations of the trunk and hindlimb extended from the suprasylvian gyrus onto the medial bank of the suprasylvian sulcus. We had expected to find these latter body parts in more medial cortex just caudal to the representation of these parts in the first somatosensory area (SI). Instead, neurons in penetrations in cortex caudal to the SI trunk and hindlimb representations were unresponsive to tactile stimulation. The unexpected location of the hindlimb in SIII led us to determine whether the proposed parts of SIII had similar cortical and thalamic connections. Injected anatomical tracers revealed that the representations of both the forelimb and hindlimb were interconnected with SI and a region of the thalamus just dorsal to the ventroposterior nucleus. Similarities in patterns of connections of forelimb and hindlimb portions of SIII supported the conclusion that SHI as presented here is a functional unit of cortex. We conclude that SIII has a somatotopic organization that does not parallel that in SI, and that SIII is not entirely coextensive with either area 5 or area 5a of Hassler and Muhs-Clement (1964).  相似文献   

The present study investigates the somatotopic representation in the somatosensory thalamus of a megachiropteran bat. Using standard microelectrode mapping techniques, representational maps were generated for the ventrobasal (Vb) and posterior (Po) thalamic complexes of the Grey-headed flying fox. Anatomical tracing from neocortical injections provided additional data confirming the somatotopy found physiologically. A full representation of the body surface innervated by the trigeminal and spinal nerves was found. However, in contrast with other mammals, the representations of the forelimb and adjacent thoracic trunk within the thalamus were inverted. This means that the distal portions of the wing membrane and the tips of the digits were represented dorsally in Vb, and the thoracic trunk was represented ventrally. In Po the digit tips were represented in the ventral most portion and the thoracic trunk in the dorsal portion of the nucleus.These results are discussed in relation to similarities of megachiropteran somatosensory thalamic nuclei to those of other mammalian species and in relation to the formation of thalamic somatotopic maps and fiber sorting.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the somatotopic representation in the somatosensory thalamus of a megachiropteran bat. Using standard microelectrode mapping techniques, representational maps were generated for the ventrobasal (Vb) and posterior (Po) thalamic complexes of the Grey-headed flying fox. Anatomical tracing from neocortical injections provided additional data confirming the somatotopy found physiologically. A full representation of the body surface innervated by the trigeminal and spinal nerves was found. However, in contrast with other mammals, the representations of the forelimb and adjacent thoracic trunk within the thalamus were inverted. This means that the distal portions of the wing membrane and the tips of the digits were represented dorsally in Vb, and the thoracic trunk was represented ventrally. In Po the digit tips were represented in the ventral most portion and the thoracic trunk in the dorsal portion of the nucleus. These results are discussed in relation to similarities of megachiropteran somatosensory thalamic nuclei to those of other mammalian species and in relation to the formation of thalamic somatotopic maps and fiber sorting.  相似文献   

The bat skin shows an unusual morphology that corresponds to flying adaptations but also performs multiple functions including a protective barrier against microbes and parasites. Here, we compare the microscopic structure of the skin and hairs collected from the membranes with other body parts in the Common Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) in relation to parasite availability. Statistical analysis of whole‐skin thickness revealed two main groups according to body regions; the first with thin skin (wing and tail membrane) and the second with thick skin (head and dorsum, abdomen, footpad). The density of hair was evaluated by a novel method, and it revealed that the density was significantly higher in the head region than in dorsal and ventral body parts. These differences possibly play a role for bat ectoparasites when choosing the preferred region of their host. Along the axis of each hair, the scale morphology was found to be variable. Hair morphology, however, did not vary among body regions. Mast cells were numerous in the hairy areas around vessels and hair follicles of the dorsum and abdomen, which are easily accessible to ectoparasites. Increased numbers of mast cells in hair‐bearing skin are part of the host adaptation system in parasite‐preferred locations.  相似文献   

Allometric analysis was employed to compare linear dimensions of forelimb and hindlimb bones (humeri, radii, third and fifth metacarpals, third and fifth manual phalanges, femora, and tibiae) of 227 species of bats and 105 species of nonvolant mammals of varying degrees of phylogenetic affinity to bats. After accounting for body size, all forelimb bones are longer in bats than in nonvolant species, with the exception of humeri and radii of a few highly arboreal primates. Hindlimb bones are generally, but not uniformly, shorter in bats than in other mammals. For the humerus, radius, and metacarpals, midshaft diameters are greater in bats than in their comparably sized relatives. Proximal phalangeal midshaft diameters are statistically indistinguishable from those of other mammals, and distal phalanges show significantly reduced outer diameters. The pattern of relative reduction in wing bone diameters along the wing's proximodistal axis parallels the reduction in bone mineralization along the same axis, and a similar pattern of change in cortical thickness from the smallest wall thicknesses among mammals in the humerus and radius to the greatest wall thicknesses among mammals in the phalanges. The combination of altered cross-sectional geometry and mineralization appears significantly to reduce the mass moment of inertia of the bat wing relative to a theoretical condition in which elongated bones preserve primitive mammalian mineralization levels and patterns of scaling of long bone diameters. This intercorrelated suite of skeletal specializations may significantly reduce the inertial power of flight, contributing significant energetic savings to the total energy budgets of the only flying mammals. J. Morphol. 234: 277–294, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is common among mammals, there is no clear explanation for its maintenance in nature. Bats are one of the few groups of mammals where reverse SSD appears. In this group, the size of individuals may have very important ecological consequences related with flight. In this study, we examine sexual dimorphism in the wing measurements of 195 adult individuals (141 males and 54 females) of the greater mouse‐eared bat Myotis myotis in the south‐east of the Iberian Peninsula. We also investigated size differences between paired and single males in a swarming roost. The results indicate that there are significant differences in the wing measurements between sexes, females being bigger than males in this respect. While no significant differences in the wing measurements of paired and single males were observed, significant differences were found in their relative weight and fitness, single males being significantly heavier and having a better physical condition. We discuss the implications of SSD for the female of M. myotis in terms of reproductive advantages, trophic niche segregation and a greater ability to move, which may favour gene flow between populations.  相似文献   

The skin of the bat wing in functionally unique among mammals: it serves as a major locomotor organ in addition to its protective and regulatory functions. We used tensile testing to investigate the mechanical capabilities of wing membrane skin, and compared stiffness, strength, load at failure, and energy absorption among specific wing regions and among a variety of bat taxa. We related these characteristics to the highly architectural fibrous supporting network of the wing membrane. We found that all material properties showed a strong anisotropy. In particular, wing membrane skin shows maximum stiffness and stregth parallel to the wing skeleton, and greatest extensibility parallel to the wing's trailing edge. We also found significant variation among wing regions. The uropatagium (tail membrane) supported the greatest load at failure, and the plagiopatagium (proximal wing membrane between laterl body wall and hand skeleton) is the weakest and most extensible part of the wing. We believe that the increased load bearing ability of the uropatagium relats to its key role in capture of insect prey, and that the great extensibility of the plagiopatagium promotes development of camber near the wing's centre of lift. In interspecific comparisons, energy absorpion and load to failure were greatest in Artibeus jamaicensis , the largest bat in our sample and the species with the highest wing loading, suggesting that wing loading may play a role in dictating the fuctional design of wing membranes.  相似文献   

The first data on the responses of tactile receptors of the tonic, phasic, and mixed types to mechanic stimulation of the surface of head skin of fish obtained by means of noninvasive recording of potentials are presented. The sensitivity of skin tactile receptors is the highest in the circumoral and gular zones, which reflects their functional role in foraging behavior.  相似文献   

Although all Tuberculatus aphids possess wings, some species associated with ants exhibit extremely low levels of dispersal compared with those not associated with ants. Furthermore, phylogenetic interspecific comparisons find significantly higher wing loading (i.e. higher ratio of body volume to wing area) in ant‐attended species. This observation indicates that ant‐attended species may allocate more of their body resources to reproductive traits (i.e. embryos) rather than flight apparatus (i.e. wings, flight muscle and lipid). The present study focuses on two sympatric aphid species and aims to investigate the hypothesized trade‐off in resource investment between fecundity and the flight apparatus; specifically, the ant‐attended Tuberculatus quercicola (Matsumura) and non‐attended Tuberculatus paiki Hille Ris Lambers. Species differences are compared in: (i) morphology, (ii) embryo production, (iii) triacylglycerol levels and (iv) wing loading and flight muscle. The results show that T. quercicola has a larger body volume, higher fecundity and higher wing loading compared with T. paiki, which has a smaller, slender‐shaped body, lower fecundity and lower wing loading. No significant difference is found between the species with respect to the percentage of triacylglycerol content in dry body weight. The flight muscle development is significantly lower in T. quercicola than in T. paiki. These results indicate that the additive effect of higher wing loading and the lower amount of flight muscle development in T. quercicola may increase the physical difficulty of flight, and hence be responsible for its lower dispersal ability. The trade‐off between fecundity and dispersal documented in wing‐dimorphic insects may therefore be applicable to T. quercicola, which has fully developed wings.  相似文献   

Patterns of offspring development reflect the availability of energy and nutrients, limitations on an individual’s capacity to use available resources, and tradeoffs between the use of nutrients to support current metabolic demands and tissue growth. To determine if the long period of offspring dependency in bats is associated with the need for an advanced state of tissue maturation prior to flight, we examined body composition during postnatal growth in the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus. Despite their large size at birth (22% of maternal mass), newborn bats are relatively immature, containing 82% body water in fat-free mass. However, the total body water content of newborn bat pups decreases to near-adult levels in advance of weaning, while concentrations of total body fat and protein exceed adult values. In contrast to many other mammals, postnatal growth of bat pups was characterized by relatively stable concentrations of calcium and phosphorus, but declining concentrations of magnesium. These levels remained stable or rebounded in late postnatal development. This casts doubt on the hypothesis that low rates of mineral transfer necessitate an extended lactation period in bats. However, our finding of near-adult body composition at weaning is consistent with the hypothesis that extended lactation in bats is necessary for the young to achieve sufficient tissue maturity to undertake the active flight necessary for independent feeding. In this respect, bats differ from most other mammals but resemble birds that must engage in active flight to achieve nutritional independence.  相似文献   

Bats are the only mammals with the capacity for powered flight. When flying, they need abundant energy and oxygen. According to previous works, the hemoglobin (Hb) oxygen loading function of bats is insensitive to variations in body temperature, although different bat species have different heat sensitivity. We cloned Hb α-chain sequences from eight bat species to investigate whether they have different characteristics. We found that Hb in the bat lineages is under purifying selection, which accords with the importance of its function in bats. Three turn regions in bat Hb, however, have distinct evolutionary rates compared with those of other mammals, and the codons in these regions have an accelerated rate of evolution. These codons are under divergent selection in bats. These changes in Hb may have occurred in response to the physiological requirements of the species concerned, as adaptations to different lifestyles.  相似文献   

Experimental measurements and analysis of the flight of bats are presented, including kinematic analysis of high-speed stereo videography of straight and turning flight, and measurements of the wake velocity field behind the bat. The kinematic data reveal that, at relatively slow flight speeds, wing motion is quite complex, including a sharp retraction of the wing during the upstroke and a broad sweep of the partially extended wing during the downstroke. The data also indicate that the flight speed and elevation are not constant, but oscillate in synchrony with both the horizontal and vertical movements of the wing. PIV measurements in the transverse (Trefftz) plane of the wake indicate a complex 'wake vortex' structure dominated by a strong wing tip vortex shed from the wing tip during the downstroke and either the wing tip or a more proximal joint during the upstroke. Data synthesis of several discrete realizations suggests a 'cartoon' of the wake structure during the entire wing beat cycle. Considerable work remains to be done to confirm and amplify these results.  相似文献   

Summary The central nervous control of temperature regulation in the bat, Eptesicus fuscus, was evaluated by heating the preoptic-anterior hypothalamus (PO/AH) of active, unanaesthetized bats. Because bats are metabolically very variable, change in body temperature was used as the criterion of change in heat balance in response to change in brain temperature and change in wing temperature as an indicator of vasomotor changes.Heating the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area (PO/AH) of the bat Eptesicus fuscus caused an average increase in wing temperature due to vasodilation of 1.0° C and an average increase in body temperature of 0.4° C. Conversely, cooling the PO/AH led to an average decline in wing temperature due to vasoconstriction of 0.9° C and an average decline in body temperature of 0.4° C.Bats were heat-stressed to augment the responsiveness of the PO/AH. Heat-stress alone causes a rise in body temperature and wing temperature. Release from heat stress causes a fall in body temperature and a fall in wing temperature. When the PO/AH is heated following a period of high heat-stress, the body temperature continues to fall but wing temperature reverses its direction of change and rises. When bats are given a low heat-stress and simultaneous heating of the PO/AH, wing temperature rises in response to PO/AH temperature and the body temperature stabilizes. When the PO/AH is cooled in bats under high heat-stress, body temperature stabilizes and wing temperature falls. When bats are cold-stressed, body temperature and wing temperature fall regardless of heating of the PO/AH.These responses are related to the life habits of the bat.It is concluded that the PO/AH of the bat Eptesicus fuscus may be less thermally sensitive than the PO/AH in other vertebrates studied, and that other central nervous structures have acquired an increased thermoregulatory function.We thank Mrs. Ruth Chalmers for her excellent histological preparstions.This work was supported, in part, by National science Foundation grant GB 6303 and GB 13797.  相似文献   

The electrical responses of the neurons associated with the various types of chemosensory hairs of the blowfly, Phormia regina Meigen, following stimulation by chemical and mechanical means have been studied. The singly innervated chemosensory hairs on the ovipositor, maxillary palpi, and antennae respond vigorously to chemical stimulation, but not to mechanical stimulation. The triply innervated chemosensory hairs on the labellum, tarsus, and wing have two neurons which respond only to chemical stimuli. The third neuron responds only to mechanical stimulation. The differential responses of the two chemosensory neurons to various chemical stimuli following the removal of the tip of the hair suggest that the structures responsible for chemoreception are located throughout the distal processes of these neurons. The response of the third neuron to mechanical stimulation is similar to the response recorded from the neuron associated with one type of tactile hair which responds to motion and not to steady deformation. Recordings have been made from the neurons associated with purely tactile hairs using the cut hair as an extension of the micropipette. The mechanosensory neuron of the wing chemosensory hair is capable of responding at the rate of at least 600 impulses per sec. and may serve to indicate changes in air flow over the wing surfaces during flight to enable the fly to correct the wing camber and attack angle.  相似文献   

This study presents wing‐beat frequency data measured mainly by radar, complemented by video and cinematic recordings, for 153 western Palaearctic and two African species. Data on a further 45 Palaearctic species from other sources are provided in an electronic appendix. For 41 species with passerine‐type flight, the duration of flapping and pausing phases is given. The graphical presentations of frequency ranges and wing‐beat patterns show within‐species variation and allow easy comparison between species, taxonomic groups and types of flight. Wing‐beat frequency is described by Pennycuick (J. Exp. Biol. 2001; 204: 3283–3294) as a function of body‐mass, wing‐span, wing‐area, gravity and air density; for birds with passerine‐type flight the power‐fraction has also to be considered. We tested Pennycuick’s general allometric model and estimated the coefficients based on our data. The general model explained a high proportion of variation in wing‐beat frequency and the coefficients differed only slightly from Pennycuick’s original values. Modelling continuous‐flapping flyers alone resulted in coefficients not different from those predicted (within 95% intervals). Doing so for passerine‐type birds resulted in a model with non‐significant contributions of body‐mass and wing‐span to the model. This was mainly due to the very high correlation between body‐mass, wing‐span and wing‐area, revealing similar relative scaling properties within this flight type. However, wing‐beat frequency increased less than expected with respect to power‐fraction, indicating that the drop in flight level during the non‐flapping phases, compensated by the factor (g/q)0.5 in Pennycuick’s model, is smaller than presumed. This may be due to lift produced by the body during the bounding phase or by only partial folding of the wings.  相似文献   

The remarkable maneuverability of flying animals results from precise movements of their highly specialized wings. Bats have evolved an impressive capacity to control their flight, in large part due to their ability to modulate wing shape, area, and angle of attack through many independently controlled joints. Bat wings, however, also contain many bones and relatively large muscles, and thus the ratio of bats’ wing mass to their body mass is larger than it is for all other extant flyers. Although the inertia in bat wings would typically be associated with decreased aerial maneuverability, we show that bat maneuvers challenge this notion. We use a model-based tracking algorithm to measure the wing and body kinematics of bats performing complex aerial rotations. Using a minimal model of a bat with only six degrees of kinematic freedom, we show that bats can perform body rolls by selectively retracting one wing during the flapping cycle. We also show that this maneuver does not rely on aerodynamic forces, and furthermore that a fruit fly, with nearly massless wings, would not exhibit this effect. Similar results are shown for a pitching maneuver. Finally, we combine high-resolution kinematics of wing and body movements during landing and falling maneuvers with a 52-degree-of-freedom dynamical model of a bat to show that modulation of wing inertia plays the dominant role in reorienting the bat during landing and falling maneuvers, with minimal contribution from aerodynamic forces. Bats can, therefore, use their wings as multifunctional organs, capable of sophisticated aerodynamic and inertial dynamics not previously observed in other flying animals. This may also have implications for the control of aerial robotic vehicles.  相似文献   

Bats are the only mammals capable of self-powered flight using wings. Differing from mouse or human limbs, four elongated digits within a broad wing membrane support the bat wing, and the foot of the bat has evolved a long calcar that spread the interfemoral membrane. Our recent mRNA sequencing (mRNA-Seq) study found unique expression patterns for genes at the 5′ end of the Hoxd gene cluster and for Tbx3 that are associated with digit elongation and wing membrane growth in bats. In this study, we focused on two additional genes, Meis2 and Mab21l2, identified from the mRNA-Seq data. Using whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) we validated the mRNA-Seq results for differences in the expression patterns of Meis2 and Mab21l2 between bat and mouse limbs, and further characterize the timing and location of the expression of these two genes. These analyses suggest that Meis2 may function in wing membrane growth and Mab21l2 may have a role in AP and DV axial patterning. In addition, we found that Tbx3 is uniquely expressed in the unique calcar structure found in the bat hindlimb, suggesting a role for this gene in calcar growth and elongation. Moreover, analysis of the coding sequences for Meis2, Mab21l2 and Tbx3 showed that Meis2 and Mab21l2 have high sequence identity, consistent with the functions of genes being conserved, but that Tbx3 showed accelerated evolution in bats. However, evidence for positive selection in Tbx3 was not found, which would suggest that the function of this gene has not been changed. Together, our findings support the hypothesis that the modulation of the spatiotemporal expression patterns of multiple functional conserved genes control limb morphology and drive morphological change in the diversification of mammalian limbs.  相似文献   

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