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Liao G  Wu FY  Hayward SD 《Journal of virology》2001,75(18):8792-8802
Zta has a dual role in the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) lytic cycle, acting as a key regulator of EBV lytic gene expression and also being essential for lytic viral DNA replication. Zta's replication function is mediated in part through interactions with the core viral replication proteins. We now show interaction between Zta and the helicase (BBLF4) and map the binding region to within amino acids (aa) 22 to 86 of the Zta activation domain. In immunofluorescence assays, green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged BBLF4 localized to the cytoplasm of transfected cells. Cotransfection of Zta resulted in translocation of BBLF4-GFP into the nucleus indicating interaction between these two proteins. However, Zta with a deletion of aa 24 to 86 was unable to mediate nuclear translocation of BBLF4-GFP. Results obtained with Zta variants carrying deletions across the aa 24 to 86 region indicated more than one contact site for BBLF4 within this domain, and this was reinforced by the behavior of the four-point mutant Zta (m22/26,74/75), which was severely impaired for BBLF4 interaction. Binding of BBLF4 to Zta was confirmed using GST affinity assays. In both cotransfection-replication assays and replication assays performed in EBV-positive P3HR1 cells, the Zta (m22/26,74/75) mutant was replication defective. In Zta-transfected D98-HR1 cells, replication compartments could be detected by immunofluorescence staining using anti-BMRF1 monoclonal antibody. Cells transfected with Zta variants that were defective for helicase binding still formed replication compartments, but Zta was excluded from these compartments. These experiments reveal a role for the Zta-helicase interaction in targeting Zta to sites of viral DNA replication.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) BMRF1 protein is a DNA polymerase processivity factor. We have deleted the BMRF1 open reading frame from the EBV genome and assessed the DeltaBMRF1 EBV phenotype. DeltaBMRF1 viruses were replication deficient, but the wild-type phenotype could be restored by BMRF1 trans-complementation. The replication-deficient phenotype included impaired lytic DNA replication and late protein expression. DeltaBMRF1 and wild-type viruses were undistinguishable in terms of their ability to transform primary B cells. Our results provide genetic evidence that BMRF1 is essential for lytic replication of the EBV genome.  相似文献   

To investigate the importance of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) glycoprotein 110 (gp110) tail domain in the intracellular localization of gp110 and virus lytic replication, three carboxy-terminal truncation mutants of gp110 were constructed. Deletion of 16 amino acids from the carboxyl-terminal tail resulted in gp110 intracellular localization which was indistinguishable from that of wild-type gp110, whereas deletion of either 41 or 56 amino acids from the carboxyl-terminal tail of gp110 resulted in loss of retention of gp110 in the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear membrane. None of the gp110 truncation mutants was able to complement EBV(gp110-)+ lymphoblastoid cell lines in transformation assays, indicating the importance of the gp110 tail domain in virus lytic replication. In electron microscopy analysis, no nucleocapsids or enveloped viruses were detected in EBV(gp110-)+ lymphoblastoid cell lines induced for lytic replication.  相似文献   

Herpesviruses are a complex family of dsDNA viruses that are a major cause of human disease. All family members share highly related viral replication proteins, such as DNA polymerase, ssDNA-binding proteins and processivity factors. Consequently, it is generally thought that lytic replication occurs through a common and conserved mechanism. However, considerable evidence indicates that proteins controlling initiation of DNA replication vary greatly among the herepesvirus subfamilies. In this article, we focus on some of the known mechanisms that regulate Epstein-Barr virus lytic-cycle replication, and compare this to other herpesvirus family members. Our reading of the literature leads us to conclude that diverse viral mechanisms generate a common nucleoprotein prereplication structure that can be recognized by a highly conserved family of viral replication enzymes.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) productive DNA replication occurs at discrete sites, called replication compartments, in nuclei. In this study we performed comprehensive analyses of the architecture of the replication compartments. The BZLF1 oriLyt binding proteins showed a fine, diffuse pattern of distribution throughout the nuclei at immediate-early stages of induction and then became associated with the replicating EBV genome in the replication compartments during lytic infection. The BMRF1 polymerase (Pol) processivity factor showed a homogenous, not dot-like, distribution in the replication compartments, which completely coincided with the newly synthesized viral DNA. Inhibition of viral DNA replication with phosphonoacetic acid, a viral DNA Pol inhibitor, eliminated the DNA-bound form of the BMRF1 protein, although the protein was sufficiently expressed in the cells. These observations together with the findings that almost all abundantly expressed BMRF1 proteins existed in the DNA-bound form suggest that the BMRF1 proteins not only act at viral replication forks as Pol processive factors but also widely distribute on newly replicated EBV genomic DNA. In contrast, the BALF5 Pol catalytic protein, the BALF2 single-stranded-DNA binding protein, and the BBLF2/3 protein, a component of the helicase-primase complex, were colocalized as distinct dots distributed within replication compartments, representing viral replication factories. Whereas cellular replication factories are constructed based on nonchromatin nuclear structures and nuclear matrix, viral replication factories were easily solubilized by DNase I treatment. Thus, compared with cellular DNA replication, EBV lytic DNA replication factories would be simpler so that construction of the replication domain would be more relaxed.  相似文献   

Latent and lytic cycle promoters of Epstein-Barr virus   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Four RNA polymerase II promoters have been mapped in the DNA sequence of the EcoRI-H and -Dhet fragments of B95-8 Epstein-Barr virus. RNAs transcribed from three of these promoters are dramatically induced by treatment of B95-8 cells with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). The other promoter is active with or without TPA treatment of the cells and is thus active in the latent virus cycle. Deletion mapping suggests that DNA sequence homologies between some of the promoters lie in the same region as essential upstream promoter elements.  相似文献   

RSK1, a downstream kinase of the MAPK pathway, has been shown to regulate multiple cellular processes and is essential for lytic replication of a variety of viruses, including Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV). Besides phosphorylation, it is not known whether other post-translational modifications play an important role in regulating RSK1 function. We demonstrate that RSK1 undergoes robust SUMOylation during KSHV lytic replication at lysine residues K110, K335, and K421. SUMO modification does not alter RSK1 activation and kinase activity upon KSHV ORF45 co-expression, but affects RSK1 downstream substrate phosphorylation. Compared to wild-type RSK1, the overall phosphorylation level of RxRxxS*/T* motif is significantly declined in RSK1K110/335/421R expressing cells. Specifically, SUMOylation deficient RSK1 cannot efficiently phosphorylate eIF4B. Sequence analysis showed that eIF4B has one SUMO-interacting motif (SIM) between the amino acid position 166 and 170 (166IRVDV170), which mediates the association between eIF4B and RSK1 through SUMO-SIM interaction. These results indicate that SUMOylation regulates the phosphorylation of RSK1 downstream substrates, which is required for efficient KSHV lytic replication.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus BRLF1 and BZLF1 genes are the first viral genes transcribed upon induction of the viral lytic cycle. The protein products of both genes (referred to here as Rta and Zta, respectively) activate expression of other viral genes, thereby initiating the lytic cascade. Among the viral antigens expressed upon induction of the lytic cycle, however, Zta is unique in its ability to disrupt viral latency; expression of the BZLF1 gene is both necessary and sufficient for triggering the viral lytic cascade. We have previously shown that Zta can activate its own promoter (Zp), through binding to two Zta recognition sequences (ZIIIA and ZIIIB). Here we describe mutant Zta proteins that do not bind DNA (referred to as Zta DNA-binding mutants [Zdbm]) but retain the ability to transactivate Zp. Consistent with the inability of these mutants to bind DNA, transactivation of Zp by Zdbm is not dependent on the Zta recognition sequences. Instead, transactivation by Zdbm is dependent upon promoter elements that bind cellular factors. An examination of other viral and cellular promoters identified promoters that are weakly responsive or unresponsive to Zdbm. An analysis of a panel of artificial promoters containing one copy of various promoter elements demonstrated a specificity for Zdbm activation that is distinct from that of Zta. These results suggest that non-DNA-binding forms of some transactivators retain the ability to transactivate specific target promoters without direct binding to DNA.  相似文献   

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