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失重条件下人和动物生理状态会发生一系列的变化,其中骨骼肌萎缩和力量下降较为显著,目前其发生的机制仍不明确且缺少特效的干预措施。本文从肌肉湿重及肌纤维横截面积的变化、肌纤维类型的变化、肌纤维超微结构的变化、肌梭的适应性变化四个方面进行简要阐述,探讨肌肉萎缩的可能发生机制。  相似文献   

There are a multitude of physiological adaptations to microgravity, involving the cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and neuroendocrine systems. Some of these adaptations lead to cardiovascular deconditioning on return to normal gravity, posing a threat to human functional integrity after long-term spaceflight. Animal models of microgravity, e.g., tail suspension in rats, have yielded important information regarding the mechanism of these adaptations and have been useful in the design of countermeasures. The mouse could potentially be a useful experimental model, given its small size (smaller and lighter payload) and the powerful tools of experimental mouse genetics, which allow us to dissect mechanisms on a gene-specific basis. We show that the mouse demonstrates a wide range of cardiovascular responses to simulated microgravity, including alterations in heart rate, exercise capacity, peripheral arterial vasodilatory responsiveness, and baroreflex response. These responses are qualitatively similar to many of those demonstrated in humans during spaceflight and in rats using tail suspension, although there are some important differences. Thus the mouse has value as a model for studies of cardiovascular changes during microgravity; however, investigators must maintain an appreciation of important species differences.  相似文献   

McAllister, Richard M., Brian L. Reiter, John F. Amann, andM. Harold Laughlin. Skeletal muscle biochemical adaptations toexercise training in miniature swine. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(6): 1862-1868, 1997.The primarypurpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that enduranceexercise training induces increased oxidative capacity in porcineskeletal muscle. To test this hypothesis, female miniature swine wereeither trained by treadmill running 5 days/wk over 16-20 wk (Trn;n = 35) or pen confined (Sed;n = 33). Myocardialhypertrophy, lower heart rates during submaximal stages of a maximaltreadmill running test, and increased running time to exhaustion duringthat test were indicative of training efficacy. A variety of skeletalmuscles were sampled and subsequently assayed for the enzymes citratesynthase (CS), 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, and lactatedehydrogenase and for antioxidant enzymes. Fiber type composition of arepresentative muscle was also determined histochemically. The largestincrease in CS activity (62%) was found in the gluteus maximus muscle(Sed, 14.7 ± 1.1 µmol · min1 · g1;Trn, 23.9 ± 1.0; P < 0.0005).Muscles exhibiting increased CS activity, however, were locatedprimarily in the forelimb; ankle and knee extensor and respiratorymuscles were unchanged with training. Only two muscles exhibited higher3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity in Trn compared with Sed.Lactate dehydrogenase activity was unchanged with training, as wereactivities of antioxidant enzymes. Histochemical analysis of thetriceps brachii muscle (long head) revealed lower type IIB fibernumbers in Trn (Sed, 42 ± 6%; Trn, 10 ± 4;P < 0.01) and greater type IID/Xfiber numbers (Sed, 11 ± 2; Trn, 22 ± 3;P < 0.025). These findingsindicate that porcine skeletal muscle adapts to endurance exercisetraining in a manner similar to muscle of humans and other animalmodels, with increased oxidative capacity. Specificmuscles exhibiting these adaptations, however, differ between theminiature swine and other species.


Skeletal muscle satellite cells cultured in simulated microgravity   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Summary Satellite cells are postnatal myoblasts responsible for providing additional nuclei to growing or regenerating muscle cells. Satellite cells retain the capacity to proliferate and differentiate in vitro and, therefore, provide a useful model to study postnatal muscle development. Most culture systems used to study postnatal muscle development are limited by the two-dimensional (2-D) confines of the culture dish. Limiting proliferation and differentiation of satellite cells in 2-D could potentially limit cell-cell contacts important for developing the level of organization in skeletal muscle obtained in vivo. Culturing satellite cells on microcarrier beads suspended in the High-Aspect-Ratio-Vessel (HARV) designed by NASA provides a low shear, three-dimensional (3-D) environment to study muscle development. Primary cultures established from anterior tibialis muscles of growing rats (∼ 200 gm) were used for all studies and were composed of greater than 75% satellite cells. Different inoculation densities did not affect the proliferative potential of satellite cells in the HARV. Plating efficiency, proliferation, and glucose utilization were compared between 2-D culture and 3-D HARV culture. Plating efficiency (cells attached ÷ cells plated ×100) was similar between the two culture systems. Proliferation was reduced in HARV cultures and this reduction was apparent for both satellite cells and nonsatellite cells. Furthermore, reduction in proliferation within the HARV could not be attributed to reduced substrate availability because glucose levels in medium from HARV and 2-D cell culture were similar. Morphologically, microcarrier beads within the HARV were joined together by cells into 3-D aggregates composed of greater than 10 beads/aggregate. Aggregation of beads did not occur in the absence of cells. Myotubes were often seen on individual beads or spanning the surface of two beads. In summary, proliferation and differentiation of satellite cells on microcarrier beads within the HARV bioreactor results in a 3-D level of organization that could provide a more suitable model to study postnatal muscle development than is currently available with standard culture methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the effects of voluntary cage wheel exercise on mouse cardiac and skeletal muscle. Inbred male C57/Bl6 mice (age 6-8 wk; n = 12) [corrected] ran an average of 4.3 h/24 h, for an average distance of 6.8 km/24 h, and at an average speed of 26.4 m/min. A significant increase in the ratio of heart mass to body mass (mg/g) was evident after 2 wk of voluntary exercise, and cardiac atrial natriuretic factor and brain natriuretic peptide mRNA levels were significantly increased in the ventricles after 4 wk of voluntary exercise. A significant increase in the percentage of fibers expressing myosin heavy chain (MHC) IIa was observed in both the gastrocnemius and the tibialis anterior (TA) by 2 wk, and a significant decrease in the percentage of fibers expressing IIb MHC was evident in both muscles after 4 wk of voluntary exercise. The TA muscle showed a greater increase in the percentage of IIa MHC-expressing fibers than did the gastrocnemius muscle (40 and 20%, respectively, compared with 10% for nonexercised). Finally, the number of oxidative fibers as revealed by NADH-tetrazolium reductase histochemical staining was increased in the TA but not the gastrocnemius after 4 wk of voluntary exercise. All results are relative to age-matched mice housed without access to running wheels. Together these data demonstrate that voluntary exercise in mice results in cardiac and skeletal muscle adaptations consistent with endurance exercise.  相似文献   

Previous studies of endurance exercise training in older men and women generally have found only minimal skeletal muscle adaptations to training. To evaluate the possibility that this may have been due to an inadequate training stimulus, we studied 23 healthy older (64 +/- 3 yr) men and women before and after they had trained by walking/jogging at 80% of maximal heart rate for 45 min/day 4 days/wk for 9-12 mo. This training program resulted in a 23% increase in maximal O2 consumption. Needle biopsy samples of the lateral gastrocnemius muscle were obtained before and after training and analyzed for selected histochemical and enzymatic characteristics. The percentage of type I muscle fibers did not change with training. The percentage of type IIb fibers, however, decreased from 19.1 +/- 9.1 to 15.1 +/- 8.1% (P less than 0.001), whereas the percentage of type IIa fibers increased from 22.1 +/- 7.7 to 29.6 +/- 9.1% (P less than 0.05). Training also induced increases in the cross-sectional area of both type I (12%; P less than 0.001) and type IIa fibers (10%; P less than 0.05). Capillary density increased from 257 +/- 43 capillaries/mm2 before training to 310 +/- 48 capillaries/mm2 after training (P less than 0.001) because of increases in the capillary-to-fiber ratio and in the number of capillaries in contact with each fiber. Lactate dehydrogenase activity decreased by 21% (P less than 0.001), whereas the activities of the mitochondrial enzymes succinate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, and beta-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase increased by 24-55% in response to training (P less than 0.001-0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

10.1152/ japplphysiol.00832.2001.-To examine the effects of gene inactivation on the plasticity of skeletal muscle, mice null for a specific myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform were subjected to a voluntary wheel-running paradigm. Despite reduced running performance compared with nontransgenic C57BL/6 mice (NTG), both MHC IIb and MHC IId/x null animals exhibited increased muscle fiber size and muscle oxidative capacity with wheel running. In the MHC IIb null animals, there was no significant change in the percentage of muscle fibers expressing a particular MHC isoform with voluntary wheel running at any time point. In MHC IId/x null mice, wheel running produced a significant increase in the percentage of fibers expressing MHC IIa and MHC I and a significant decrease in the percentage of fibers expressing MHC IIb. Muscle pathology was not affected by wheel running for either MHC null strain. In summary, despite their phenotypes, MHC null mice do engage in voluntary wheel running. Although this wheel-running activity is lessened compared with NTG, there is evidence of distinct patterns of muscle adaptation in both null strains.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle development in the mouse embryo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The primary goal of this presentation is to look back to review the work on differential adaptation of vessels to microgravity in the past and to look forward to the future for research opportunities in this field. The main part is devoted to a discussion on the local renin-angiotensin system and ion channel mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

The effect of microgravity on skeletal muscles has so far been examined in rat and mice only after short-term (5-20 day) spaceflights. The mice drawer system (MDS) program, sponsored by Italian Space Agency, for the first time aimed to investigate the consequences of long-term (91 days) exposure to microgravity in mice within the International Space Station. Muscle atrophy was present indistinctly in all fiber types of the slow-twitch soleus muscle, but was only slightly greater than that observed after 20 days of spaceflight. Myosin heavy chain analysis indicated a concomitant slow-to-fast transition of soleus. In addition, spaceflight induced translocation of sarcolemmal nitric oxide synthase-1 (NOS1) into the cytosol in soleus but not in the fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle. Most of the sarcolemmal ion channel subunits were up-regulated, more in soleus than EDL, whereas Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels were down-regulated, consistent with the phenotype transition. Gene expression of the atrophy-related ubiquitin-ligases was up-regulated in both spaceflown soleus and EDL muscles, whereas autophagy genes were in the control range. Muscle-specific IGF-1 and interleukin-6 were down-regulated in soleus but up-regulated in EDL. Also, various stress-related genes were up-regulated in spaceflown EDL, not in soleus. Altogether, these results suggest that EDL muscle may resist to microgravity-induced atrophy by activating compensatory and protective pathways. Our study shows the extended sensitivity of antigravity soleus muscle after prolonged exposition to microgravity, suggests possible mechanisms accounting for the resistance of EDL, and individuates some molecular targets for the development of countermeasures.  相似文献   

The functional properties of the motor system of humans and non-human primates are readily responsive to microgravity. There is a growing body of evidence that significant adaptations occur in the spinal cord and muscle in response to prolonged exposure to microgravity. Further, there is evidence that the processing of sensory information from the periphery, particularly that input associated with the function of muscle tendons and joints, is significantly altered as a result of prolonged microgravity. We present evidence that the fundamental neural mechanisms that control the relative activity of the motor pools of a slow and fast extensor muscle is changed such that a slow, postural muscle is less readily activated during locomotion following spaceflight. Another type of change observed in mammals exposed to spaceflight relates to the release of a growth factor, called bioassayable growth hormone, which is thought to be released from the pituitary. When an individual generates a series of isometric plantarflexor contractions, the plasma levels of bioassayable growth hormone increases significantly. This response is suppressed after several days of continuous bedrest or spaceflight. These results suggest a unique neuroendocrine control system and demonstrate its sensitivity to chronic patterns of proprioceptive input associated with load-bearing locomotion.  相似文献   

The effects of sprint training on muscle metabolism and ion regulation during intense exercise remain controversial. We employed a rigorous methodological approach, contrasting these responses during exercise to exhaustion and during identical work before and after training. Seven untrained men undertook 7 wk of sprint training. Subjects cycled to exhaustion at 130% pretraining peak oxygen uptake before (PreExh) and after training (PostExh), as well as performing another posttraining test identical to PreExh (PostMatch). Biopsies were taken at rest and immediately postexercise. After training in PostMatch, muscle and plasma lactate (Lac(-)) and H(+) concentrations, anaerobic ATP production rate, glycogen and ATP degradation, IMP accumulation, and peak plasma K(+) and norepinephrine concentrations were reduced (P<0.05). In PostExh, time to exhaustion was 21% greater than PreExh (P<0.001); however, muscle Lac(-) accumulation was unchanged; muscle H(+) concentration, ATP degradation, IMP accumulation, and anaerobic ATP production rate were reduced; and plasma Lac(-), norepinephrine, and H(+) concentrations were higher (P<0.05). Sprint training resulted in reduced anaerobic ATP generation during intense exercise, suggesting that aerobic metabolism was enhanced, which may allow increased time to fatigue.  相似文献   

There is scarce information on the possible effects of chronic exposure to mercury on skeletal muscle. Dental personnel are frequently exposed to inhalation of metallic mercury vapours. The skeletal muscle of five technicians and one dentist (females, age 36-55) was studied. All of them presented symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning. Needle biopsy was taken from the quadriceps femoris muscle and samples were prepared for light microscope histochemistry and for transmission electron microscopy. Selective atrophy of type IIB muscle fibres was found in patients, and in one of them there was fibre grouping. Most of the muscles showed increased fibre area per capillary. Atrophy was confirmed by the ultrastructural study, demonstrating increase of intermyofibrillar spaces, loss of myofibrils or complete disappearance in some fibres, and sarcolemmal foldings. Splitting of the fibres was also found. Some capillaries were altered, showing endothelial infoldings into the lumen, thickened basement membrane and partial or total occlusion. The alterations found in muscle may be secondary to nerve damage, to ischemia caused by capillary lesion and/or to a direct effect of mercury on muscle fibre proteins.  相似文献   

We measured renal functions and hormones associated with fluid regulation after a bolus injection of aldosterone (Ald) during head-down tilt (HDT) bed rest to test the hypothesis that exposure to simulated microgravity altered renal responsiveness to Ald. Six male rhesus monkeys underwent two experimental conditions (HDT and control, 72 h each) with each condition separated by 9 days of ambulatory activities to produce a crossover counterbalance design. One test condition was continuous exposure to 10 degrees HDT; the second was a control, defined as 16 h per day of 80 degrees head-up tilt and 8 h prone. After 72 h of exposure to either test condition, monkeys were moved to the prone position, and we measured the following parameters for 4 h after injection of 1-mg dose of Ald: urine volume rate (UVR); renal Na(+)/K(+) excretion ratio; renal clearances of creatinine, Na(+), osmolality, and free water; and circulating hormones [Ald, renin activity (PRA), vasopressin (AVP), and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)]. HDT increased Na(+) clearance, total renal Na(+) excretion, urine Na(+) concentration, and fractional Na(+) excretion, compared with the control condition, but did not alter plasma concentrations of Ald, PRA, and AVP. Administration of Ald did not alter UVR, creatinine clearance, Ald, PRA, AVP, or ANP but reduced Na(+) clearance, total renal Na(+) excretion, urinary Na(+)/K(+) ratio, and osmotic clearance. Although reductions in Na(+) clearance and excretion due to Ald were greater during HDT than during control, the differential (i.e., interaction) effect was minimal between experimental conditions. Our data suggest that exposure to microgravity increases renal excretion of Na(+) by a natriuretic mechanism other than a change in renal responsiveness to Ald.  相似文献   

Forced expression of the myogenic regulatory gene MyoD in many types of cultured cells initiates their conversion into skeletal muscle. It is not known, however, if MyoD expression serves to activate all or part of the skeletal muscle program in vivo during animal development, nor is it known how limiting the influences of cellular environment may be on the regulatory effects of MyoD. To begin to address these issues, we have produced transgenic mice which express MyoD in developing heart, where neither MyoD nor its three close relatives--myogenin, Myf-5, and MRF4/herculin/Myf-6--are normally expressed. The resulting gross phenotype in offspring from multiple, independent transgenic founders includes abnormal heart morphology and ultimately leads to death. At the molecular level, affected hearts exhibit activation of skeletal muscle-specific regulatory as well as structural genes. We conclude that MyoD is able to initiate the program that leads to skeletal muscle differentiation during mouse development, even in the presence of the ongoing cardiac differentiation program. Thus, targeted misexpression of this tissue-specific regulator during mammalian embryogenesis can activate, either directly or indirectly, a diverse set of genes normally restricted to a different cell lineage and a different cellular environment.  相似文献   

Extended exposure to microgravity (microG) is known to reduce strength in weight-bearing muscles and was also reported to reduce respiratory muscle strength. Short- duration exposure to microG reduces vital capacity (VC), a surrogate measure for respiratory muscle strength, for the first few days, with little change in O2 uptake, ventilation, or end-tidal partial pressures. Accordingly we measured VC, maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures, and indexes of pulmonary gas exchange in 10 normal subjects (9 men, 1 woman, 39-52 yr) who lived on the International Space Station for 130-196 days in a normoxic, normobaric atmosphere. Subjects were studied four times in the standing and supine postures preflight at sea level at 1 G, approximately monthly in microG, and multiple times postflight. VC in microG was essentially unchanged compared with preflight standing [5.28 +/- 0.08 liters (mean +/- SE), n = 187; 5.24 +/- 0.09, n = 117, respectively; P = 0.03] and considerably greater than that measured supine in 1G (4.96 +/- 0.10, n = 114, P < 0.001). There was a trend for VC to decrease after the first 2 mo of microG, but there were no changes postflight. Maximum respiratory pressures in microG were generally intermediate to those standing and supine in 1G, and importantly they showed no decrease with time spent in microG. O2 uptake and CO2 production were reduced (approximately 12%) in extended microG, but inhomogeneity in the lung was not different compared with short-duration exposure to microG. The results show that VC is essentially unchanged and respiratory muscle strength is maintained during extended exposure to microG, and metabolic rate is reduced.  相似文献   

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