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描述产于贵州剑河八郎苗板坡剖面凯里组的艾苏贝一新种。新种腹壳壳喙细小尖凸,最高点位于壳喙处,两壳壳面具细圆且低小的放射线,放射线之间的间隔宽度与放射线的宽度相当,放射线上具有数量多、密度大、个体小的瘤点,为此建立新种瘤点艾苏贝(Nisusia granosasp.nov.)。凯里生物群中产有丰富的腕足动物化石,新种瘤点艾苏贝的发现增加了凯里生物群腕足类的分异度,为研究寒武纪腕足动物的辐射和多样性提供了重要的证据,也为研究艾苏贝类形态特征及钙质壳腕足动物壳面装饰在泥页岩中形态的变化和系统分类提供新的材料。  相似文献   

小嘴贝亚门顾脱贝科顾脱贝属(Kutorgina Billings,1861)属于碳酸钙质壳非铰合类腕足动物,于1861年建立,含20个种,最早出现于传统的早寒武世,绝灭于中寒武世中期,广泛分布于北美洲及亚洲。贵州剑河八郎"清虚洞组"产顾脱贝两个种:犰狳顾脱贝(相似种)(K.cf.cingulata)及松山顾脱贝(新种)(K.songshanensis sp.nov.)。K.cf.cingulata与北格陵兰的K.cingulata在轮廓、壳饰上相似,主要区别是后者个体略大,少数背壳标本可见中隆;K.songshanensis sp.nov.具有与其他顾脱贝明显不同的特点——同心层稀少并常见三条同心层。"清虚洞组"顾脱贝的发现及研究,不仅与凯里组的顾脱贝形成演化链,而且为研究全球顾脱贝的演化及早寒武世腕足动物的辐射和多样性增添了新材料。  相似文献   

小嘴贝亚门顾脱贝科顾脱贝属(Kutorgina Billings,1861)属于碳酸钙质壳非铰合类腕足动物,于1861年建立,含20个种,最早出现于传统的早寒武世,绝灭于中寒武世中期,广泛分布于北美洲及亚洲。贵州剑河八郎"清虚洞组"产顾脱贝两个种:犰狳顾脱贝(相似种)(K.cf.cingulata)及松山顾脱贝(新种)(K.songshanensis sp.nov.)。K.cf.cingulata与北格陵兰的K.cingulata在轮廓、壳饰上相似,主要区别是后者个体略大,少数背壳标本可见中隆;K.songshanensis sp.nov.具有与其他顾脱贝明显不同的特点——同心层稀少并常见三条同心层。"清虚洞组"顾脱贝的发现及研究,不仅与凯里组的顾脱贝形成演化链,而且为研究全球顾脱贝的演化及早寒武世腕足动物的辐射和多样性增添了新材料。  相似文献   

微型腕足动物化石镇巴始壮贝Eohadrotreta zhenbaensis常见于陕南、峡东水井沱组与黔东麻江九门冲组等地寒武纪地层中,在贵州松桃盘信寒武系第二统清虚洞组薄层灰岩中为首次发现。通过与华南其他地区E. zhenbaensis的背壳长宽比及中隔板等结构特征比较,发现松桃盘信清虚洞组E. zhenbaensis与浅水扬子地台的陕南、峡东地区的E. zhenbaensis壳体内部特征较为相似,包括肉茎孔形成阶段、肉茎孔封闭阶段及交互沟伸长阶段3个生长发育阶段标本,与较深水过渡区麻江的E. zhenbaensis略有差异。贵州松桃盘信寒武系第二统清虚洞组E. zhenbaensis的发现,扩展了该属化石在华南寒武纪第二世的古地理分布,丰富了该组腕足动物组成面貌,为研究E. zhenbaensis形态结构特征提供了新材料。  相似文献   

文中描述了河北唐山寒武系第二、三统馒头组的艾苏贝,分别鉴定为布尔吉斯艾苏贝(相似种)(Nisusia cf.burgessensis)和艾苏贝(不定种)(Nisusiasp.indet.),均为内模化石。其中,布尔吉斯艾苏贝(相似种)和艾苏贝(不定种)各有一块标本保存了较为清晰的铰齿和齿板印模。该铰齿发育微弱,推测应是齿板末端的微弱凸起。这一发现是对Nisusia特征的重要补充。  相似文献   

腕足动物是贵州凯里生物群中重要的化石门类,不仅化石数量丰富,分异度高,还具有丰富的生态现象。在寒武系的化石记录上,腕足动物常与海绵、藻类、棘皮动物、水母状生物、软舌螺、威瓦西亚虫、其他腕足动物等保存在一起,凯里生物群中的腕足动物也有类似的共存现象。本文就凯里生物群中腕足动物与游泳动物的共存现象进行了初步研究,认为腕足动物与贵州拟轮盘水母Pararotadiscus guizhouensis存在共栖、共埋两种关系,讨论了这两种关系的不同之处;分析了腕足动物与大型双瓣壳节肢动物加拿大虫Canadaspis的共存现象,推测一只腕足动物与Canadaspis共同保存的化石记录表明这两种生物存在共栖关系。本文的研究丰富了凯里生物群物种之间的生态关系,为凯里生物群的生态多样性提供了更多的证据。  相似文献   

三叶虫掘头虫科古掘头虫属Protoryctocephalus Chow(Zhou)in Lu et al.,1974b由周志毅根据贵州丹寨南皋寒武系乌训组的标本命名,至今共有4个种:Protoryctocephalus wuxunensis,P.balangensis,P.elongatus,P.arcticus。贵州剑河八郎"清虚洞组"产其中的2个种:P.elongatus及P.arcticus。P.elongatus首现于"清虚洞组"上部,上延至凯里组下部;P.arcticus命名于格陵兰北部Peary Land的Henson Gletscher组中部,位于寒武系第5阶首现分子Oryctocephalus indicus层位之下,为格陵兰北部Peary Land的Henson Gletscher组与凯里组下部及"清虚洞组"上部的地层对比提供了化石依据,有助于寒武系第5阶地层对比。八郎"清虚洞组"P.elongatus及P.arcticus的发现具有演化及国际地层对比意义。  相似文献   

陈秀琴 《古生物学报》1995,34(5):611-618
详细补充描述了下泥盆统腕足动物Tridensilis Su,1976属的特征,附有内部构造系统切面图;分析和论述了Tridensilis属和Uncinulus属之间的异同,认为两个属之间的不同不仅在于背壳内部主突起的形态,而且两属的外部形态、壳饰的类型,腹壳肌痕区的保存状况、闭肌痕的大小以及肌隔发育状况都有较大差异。  相似文献   

本文描述了贵州剑河八郎寒武系第二统第四阶"清虚洞组"剑河生物群的高肌虫化石。化石壳体呈圆形,背边平直,前、后背角均钝,壳前背部具有"V"形槽。符合Qingquanella Cui et Huo,1985的属征,与模式种湖北清泉虫Q.hubeiensis相似,将其厘定为湖北清泉虫相似种Q.cf.hubeiensis。本属产于湖北水井沱组、石牌组及陕西辛集组,黔东地区"清虚洞组"发现清泉虫Qingquanella,增加了清泉虫的产地信息、新的类群,其壳体形态由切卵变圆形,生态环境由浅水向深水变化,为高肌虫的形态分类、早期演化与辐射分异提供新的材料。  相似文献   

贵州台江早、中寒武世凯里组的腕足动物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述贵州台江下、中寒武统凯里组的腕足动物化石6属10种,其中包括1新种,2比较种和2未定种。该腕足动物组合带有波希米亚及哈萨克斯坦的色彩,对于我国寒武纪腕足动物的分类、演化、古生物地理研究及查清凯里动物群的组成、凯里组的时代,均有重要的意义。  相似文献   

贵州剑河革东寒武纪凯里生物群中水母状化石属种单调,仅发现1属1种贵州拟轮盘水母钵Pararotadiscus guizhouensis(Zhao et Zhu,1994),但却有丰富的生态现象.近40%的标本与腕足类、三叶虫、金臂虫、棘皮动物或遗迹化石Gnrdia共存,是目前全球水母状化石中罕见的丰富生态现象.其中65件贵州拟轮盘水母钵盘体上、下或周围出现了背、腹壳分散保存的腕足类,说明腕足类与贵州拟轮盘水母钵共同埋藏;1块标本的丛状触手中还包裹有腕足类,说明丛状触手不是类似于植物根系的固着器.这种现象还证实贵州拟轮盘水母钵不是固着而是浮游生活的,其与腕足类壳瓣共存,主要是浮游的贵州拟轮盘水母钵死亡后沉落海底与腕足类壳瓣重叠的结果.  相似文献   

Schizopholis Waagen, 1885 is a genus of linguliform brachiopod, which is known from Cambrian Stage 4 to the Wuliuan Stage of Australia, Antarctica, Pakistan and China. Recently, new material of Schizopholis was discovered from the upper part of the Tsinghsutung Formation (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4) near Balang village, Jianhe County, Guizhou Province, China. These specimens display the oval pedicle opening in the ventral valve, a median tongue and a pair of tubercles in the dorsal valve that are characteristic features of Schizopholis napuru (Kruse, 1990). This is the first time that this species has been described from Guizhou Province, China. Previously, fossils of this species are usually preserved in carbonate deposits, but the new material documented herein preserved in mudstone of the Tsinghsutung Formation, providing new information regarding both the paleogeographic distribution and paleoecology of this species.  相似文献   

Exceptionally preserved, silicified and articulated complete shells of the rhynchonelliform kutorginate brachiopod Nisusia sulcata are redescribed from the middle Cambrian (Series 3) Marjum Limestone, Utah. Cylindroid sausage‐like protrusions, emerging posteriorly between the valves, were originally interpreted as faecal in origin, but restudy under the SEM shows that these features represent silicified pedicles as they are attached in situ to other Nisusia. The Nisusia host most likely was alive at the time of attachment. Restudy of the pedicles of Nisusia provides new phylogenetic information on the anatomy of the earliest rhynchonelliforms. The silicified pedicles differ considerably from the pedicles of living crown group rhynchonelliforms in being strongly annulated, distally tapering, and were likely to have been rather more flexible. The Nisusia pedicles are more similar to the exceptionally preserved pedicles from other Cambrian rhynchonelliform brachiopods, including Kutorgina, Longtancunella and Alisina, but these emerge from the ventral apical foramen rather than from between the valves as in Nisusia. Although generally similar, these two types of pedicles are unlikely to represent homologous structures as Nisusia is provided with both an apical foramen (possibly larval attachment) and a posterior adult pedicle. The similarities may be explained by similar type of accretionary growth from two different types of epithelia. The Nisusia‐like pedicle appeared early within the kutorginates and rhynchonellates. The discovery of hollow spines in Nisusia sulcata further supports the generic assignation of the species.  相似文献   

As sessile, benthic filter feeders, brachiopods share an intimate relationship with their chosen substrate. Individuals of Micromitra burgessensis in the Burgess Shale Formation are preserved in life position, attached to a range of hard substrates, including skeletal debris, conspecific brachiopods, sponges and enigmatic tubes. Here we investigate the phenotypic variability of Mburgessensis associated with differing substrate attachments. We apply geometric morphometrics to test for variation by plotting landmarks on the exterior of ventral and dorsal valves of Mburgessensis specimens that are preserved attached to different substrates. Using principal component, canonical variate analyses and anova , we determine that there is some variation in shape related to substrate. Canonical variate analyses, for ventral valves and dorsal valves, indicate that specimens attached to the same substrate are recognizable in shape from specimens attached to other substrate types. The strength of differentiation however, is not robust and combined with our discriminate analysis of separate populations suggests that there is the potential for substrates to exercise only weak control over the morphology of Brachiopoda.  相似文献   

贵州剑河革东镇八郎村南甲劳组中部钙质白云岩中新近发现的具有粗强放射状辐管的水母状化石和其下凯里组中具细辐管及同心环的拟轮盘水母(Pararotadiscus)有明显区别,属于伊尔东钵科(Eldoniidae)。其层位晚于中寒武世早期凯里生物群中拟轮盘水母(Pararotadiscus)层位1个化石带,属中寒武世中期,是该类化石在中国的最高层位,相当于北美布尔吉斯页岩生物群中Eldonia化石层位。  相似文献   

Species recognition attributed to the brachiopod family Atrypidae is evaluated based on qualitative and quantified morphological characters. I identified two brachiopod species—Pseudoatrypa lineata and Pseudoatrypa devoniana—from a rich assemblage of brachiopods recovered from the middle Devonian Genshaw Formation of the Traverse Group. Qualitative examination suggested that the former had fine-medium-sized ribbing, a narrow hinge line, widened anterior, moderately steep mid-anterior fold, domal shaped dorsal valve, and an inflated ventral valve in contrast to the coarse ribbing, widened hinge line, narrow anterior, gentle mid-anterior fold, arched-shape dorsal valve, and flat ventral valve of the latter. The shell outline appears rounded for P. lineata and elongated for P. devoniana. Quantitative assessment of the morphological characters on the dorsal, ventral, anterior, and posterior regions of the valves of the two species using geometric morphometric and statistical analyses suggests that the morphologies of the two species are considerably different (P  $ \ll $  0.01). Thus, qualitative differences between the two atrypid species were further corroborated by quantitative results. This emphasizes the fact that these two species of Pseudoatrypa were indeed different from each other. This study highlights the necessity of incorporating quantified morphological characters to successfully investigate the taxonomic distinctness of fossil invertebrates to the species level.  相似文献   

贵州剑河八郎松山寒武系黔东统中部清虚洞组主要由灰岩、泥岩组成,下部以灰岩为主,上部为泥岩、灰岩互层,顶部为中层白云岩。上部含有大量的褶颊虫类和掘头虫类三叶虫及带软躯体动物多门类化石组合。本文报道的楔叶形虫Sphenothallus Hall,1847产于清虚洞组上部,分异度低,仅1属1相似种,即台江楔叶形虫(相似种)Sphenothallus cf.taijiangensis Zhu et al.,2000,位于Redlichia(R.)guizhouensis-Redlichia(R.)nobilis顶峰带。S.cf.taijiangensis化石保存较好,少数标本管壁之间保存有横纹,说明Sphenothallus为一具有锥管状外壳的虫体。剑河八郎松山清虚洞组的楔叶形虫是贵州继牛蹄塘组、凯里组之后寒武系另一个产出层位,它的发现不仅丰富了清虚洞组生物群的组成,同时为全球楔叶形虫Sphenothallus的研究提供了新的材料。初步研究表明全球Sphenothallus的演化趋势是个体增长,管壁加厚物宽度变宽,口部膨胀角变小。Sphenothallus与现代刺胞动物水螅虫类或钵水母有密切关系。  相似文献   

Tomteluva perturbata gen. et sp. nov. and Nasakia thulensis gen. et sp. nov., two new rhynchonelliformean brachiopod taxa, are described from carbonate beds from the lower middle Cambrian (Series 3, Stage 5) basinal Stephen Formation, Canada, and the upper lower Cambrian (Series 2, Stage 4) Henson Gletscher Formation, North Greenland, respectively. The two taxa are characterized by an unusual coral‐like morphology typified by a high conical ventral valve with an anteriorly curved umbo and a tube‐like structure inside the ventral valve, interpreted as pedicle tube. Both resemble the problematic late middle Cambrian (Drumian) species Anomalocalyx cawoodi Brock from Australia, whose systematic affiliation is controversial. Together, the three genera are interpreted as representatives of a new family of rhynchonelliformean brachiopods, the Tomteluvidae fam. nov., which is interpreted as an aberrant or derived taxon within the Order Naukatida. Convergence between the Tomteluvidae and the coralla of small solitary Cambrian coralimorphs, as well as the late Palaeozoic reef‐building richthofenioid brachiopods, might indicate adaptation to a similar life habits and environments. However, their small size (length 4 mm), well‐developed pedicle and perfect morphological symmetry make it more likely that tomteluvids lived attached to frondose algae or sponges, above the seafloor, in a similar fashion to the acrotretoid brachiopods with which they show a high degree of morphological convergence. Morphological features of the pedicle tube of N. thulensis suggest that the tomteluvid pedicle is homologous to that in modern rhynchonelliformean brachiopods. This is the first evidence of the pedicle type within the Naukatida and represents the oldest confirmation of a rhynchonellate pedicle.  相似文献   

首次报道贵州剑河八郎地区寒武系甲劳组下部粉砂质、砂质页岩中的太阳女神螺类化石小厄兰岛螺属(Oelandiella Vostokova,1962)1相似种:Oelandiellacf.accordinonata(Runnegar and Jell,1976)emended Yang et al.,2012。剑河甲劳组Oelandiella可见较为显著横过背脊并在壳体两侧对称的同缘褶,推测其可能是在正常浅海环境中形成,因此,该化石的发现和研究将有助于了解甲劳组的沉积环境,为深入探讨其沉积环境提供新的证据。同时,确认寒武系第三统台江阶的甲劳组是Oelandiella在黔东地区的最高产出层位,为研究寒武纪太阳女神螺类软体动物的分类、演化等提供更多的化石材料。  相似文献   

The lower Cambrian succession in the Jiaobang section, Jianhe County, eastern Guizhou, China, includes, in ascending order, the Bianmachong, Balang, and Tsinghsutung formations, with a total thickness of about 645 m. Twenty-six morphological genera (including one new genus) are identified from the Balang and the underlying Bianmachong formations, many of which are common and widely distributed. Six acritarch assemblages are discerned in the Balang Formation. They are, in ascending order, the Adara alea‒Skiagia ornata, the Acrum radiale‒Pterospermella velata, the Comasphaeridium molliculum‒Solisphaeridium baltoscandium, the Corrugasphaera perfecta n. sp.‒Pterospermella vinctusa n. sp., the Acrum novum‒Heliosphaeridium oligum, and the Acrum membranosum‒Adarve diafanum acritarch assemblages. An obvious change of organic-walled microfossil assemblages occurred in the interval between 84 m and 98 m from the bottom of the Balang Formation which roughly corresponds to the boundary between the Oryctacarella duyunensis trilobite Zone and the overlying Arthricocephalus chauveaui trilobite Zone. In addition, organic-walled microfossils are scarce in about 24 m thick from the bottom of the Balang Formation. One new genus and five new species including Plagasphaera balangensis n. gen. n. sp., Asteridium tubulus n. sp., Cymatiosphaera spina n. sp., Corrugasphaera perfecta n. sp., and Pterospermella vinctusa n. sp. are described.  相似文献   

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