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  1. Aphids are abundant in natural and managed vegetation, supporting a diverse community of organisms and causing damage to agricultural crops. Due to a changing climate, periods of drought are anticipated to increase, and the potential consequences of this for aphid–plant interactions are unclear.
  2. Using a meta‐analysis and synthesis approach, we aimed to advance understanding of how increased drought incidence will affect this ecologically and economically important insect group and to characterize any potential underlying mechanisms. We used qualitative and quantitative synthesis techniques to determine whether drought stress has a negative, positive, or null effect on aphid fitness and examined these effects in relation to (a) aphid biology, (b) geographical region, and (c) host plant biology.
  3. Across all studies, aphid fitness is typically reduced under drought. Subgroup analysis detected no difference in relation to aphid biology, geographical region, or the aphid–plant combination, indicating the negative effect of drought on aphids is potentially universal. Furthermore, drought stress had a negative impact on plant vigor and increased plant concentrations of defensive chemicals, suggesting the observed response of aphids is associated with reduced plant vigor and increased chemical defense in drought‐stressed plants.
  4. We propose a conceptual model to predict drought effects on aphid fitness in relation to plant vigor and defense to stimulate further research.

Plant–soil feedback (PSF) has gained attention as a mechanism promoting plant growth and coexistence. However, most PSF research has measured monoculture growth in greenhouse conditions. Translating PSFs into effects on plant growth in field communities remains an important frontier for PSF research. Using a 4‐year, factorial field experiment in Jena, Germany, we measured the growth of nine grassland species on soils conditioned by each of the target species (i.e., 72 PSFs). Plant community models were parameterized with or without these PSF effects, and model predictions were compared to plant biomass production in diversity–productivity experiments. Plants created soils that changed subsequent plant biomass by 40%. However, because they were both positive and negative, the average PSF effect was 14% less growth on “home” than on “away” soils. Nine‐species plant communities produced 29 to 37% more biomass for polycultures than for monocultures due primarily to selection effects. With or without PSF, plant community models predicted 28%–29% more biomass for polycultures than for monocultures, again due primarily to selection effects. Synthesis: Despite causing 40% changes in plant biomass, PSFs had little effect on model predictions of plant community biomass across a range of species richness. While somewhat surprising, a lack of a PSF effect was appropriate in this site because species richness effects in this study were caused by selection effects and not complementarity effects (PSFs are a complementarity mechanism). Our plant community models helped us describe several reasons that even large PSF may not affect plant productivity. Notably, we found that dominant species demonstrated small PSF, suggesting there may be selective pressure for plants to create neutral PSF. Broadly, testing PSFs in plant communities in field conditions provided a more realistic understanding of how PSFs affect plant growth in communities in the context of other species traits.  相似文献   

The balance of pollination competition and facilitation among co‐flowering plants and abiotic resource availability can modify plant species and individual reproduction. Floral resource succession and spatial heterogeneity modulate plant–pollinator interactions across ecological scales (individual plant, local assemblage, and interaction network of agroecological infrastructure across the farm). Intraspecific variation in flowering phenology can modulate the precise level of spatio‐temporal heterogeneity in floral resources, pollen donor density, and pollinator interactions that a plant individual is exposed to, thereby affecting reproduction. We tested how abiotic resources and multi‐scale plant–pollinator interactions affected individual plant seed set modulated by intraspecific variation in flowering phenology and spatio‐temporal floral heterogeneity arising from agroecological infrastructure. We transplanted two focal insect‐pollinated plant species (Cyanus segetum and Centaurea jacea, n = 288) into agroecological infrastructure (10 sown wildflower and six legume–grass strips) across a farm‐scale experiment (125 ha). We applied an individual‐based phenologically explicit approach to match precisely the flowering period of plant individuals to the concomitant level of spatio‐temporal heterogeneity in plant–pollinator interactions, potential pollen donors, floral resources, and abiotic conditions (temperature, water, and nitrogen). Individual plant attractiveness, assemblage floral density, and conspecific pollen donor density (C. jacea) improved seed set. Network linkage density increased focal species seed set and modified the effect of local assemblage richness and abundance on C. segetum. Mutual dependence on pollinators in networks increased C. segetum seed set, while C. jacea seed set was greatest where both specialization on pollinators and mutual dependence was high. Abiotic conditions were of little or no importance to seed set. Intra‐ and interspecific plant–pollinator interactions respond to spatio‐temporal heterogeneity arising from agroecological management affecting wild plant species reproduction. The interplay of pollinator interactions within and between ecological scales affecting seed set implies a co‐occurrence of pollinator‐mediated facilitative and competitive interactions among plant species and individuals.  相似文献   

Interspecific interactions between plants influence plant phenotype, distribution, abundance, and community structure. Each of these can, in turn, impact sediment biogeochemistry. Although the population and community level impacts of these interactions have been extensively studied, less is known about their effect on sediment biogeochemistry. This is surprising given that many plants are categorized as foundation species that exert strong control on community structure. In southern California salt marshes, we used clipping experiments to manipulate aboveground neighbor presence to study interactions between two dominant plants, Pacific cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) and perennial pickleweed (Sarcocornia pacifica). We also measured how changes in cordgrass stem density influenced sediment biogeochemistry. Pickleweed suppressed cordgrass stem density but had no effect on aboveground biomass. For every cordgrass stem lost per square meter, porewater ammonium increased 0.3–1.0 µM. Thus, aboveground competition with pickleweed weakened the effects of cordgrass on sediment biogeochemistry. Predictions about plant–soil feedbacks, especially under future climate scenarios, will be improved when plant–plant interactions are considered, particularly those containing dominant and foundation species.  相似文献   

In response to volatiles emitted from a plant infested by herbivorous arthropods, neighboring undamaged conspecific plants become better defended against herbivores; this is referred to as plant‒plant communication. Although plant‒plant communication occurs in a wide range of plant species, most studies have focused on herbaceous plants. Here, we investigated plant‒plant communication in beech trees in two experimental plantations in 2018 and one plantation in 2019. Approximately 20% of the leaves of a beech tree were clipped in half in the spring seasons of 2018 and 2019 (clipped tree). The damage levels to leaves in the surrounding undamaged beech trees were evaluated 90 days after the clipping (assay trees). In both years, the damage levels decreased with a reduction in the distance from the clipped tree. In 2019, we also recorded the damage levels of trees that were not exposed to volatiles (nonexposed trees) as control trees and found that those that were located <5 m away from clipped trees had significantly less leaf damage than nonexposed trees. By using a gas chromatograph–mass spectrometer, ten and eight volatile compounds were detected in the headspaces of clipped and unclipped leaves, respectively. Among them, the amount of (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate in clipped leaves was significantly higher than that in nonclipped leaves. Our result suggests that green leaf volatiles such as (Z)‐3‐hexenol and (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate and other volatile organic compounds emitted from clipped trees induced defenses in the neighboring trees within the 5 m radius. The effective distances of plant‒plant communication in trees were discussed from the viewpoint of the arthropod community structure in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The hummock–depression micro‐topography characteristics of the alpine marshy wetland in Sanjiangyuan are indicative of wetland degradation and the process by which healthy wetlands are transformed into flat grasslands. The aim of the present study was to examine changes in plant community structure and soil characteristics in a hummock–depression micro‐topography along a degradation gradient. We observed that: (a) the height and cover of dominant hydrophytes decreased gradually with an increase in degradation severity, leading to replacement by xerophytes; (b) with the transition from healthy to degraded wetlands, hummocks became sparser, shorter, and broader and became merged with nearby depressions; water reserves in the depressions shifted from perennial to seasonal, until they dried out completely; and (c) soil moisture content, porosity, hardness, and organic matter gradually decreased by 30.61%, 19.06%, 37.04%, and 73.27%, respectively, in hummocks and by 33.25%, 8.19%, 47.72%, and 76.79%, respectively, in depressions. Soil bulk density, soil electrical conductivity, and soil dry weight increased by 31%, 83.33%, and 105.44%, respectively, in hummocks, but by only 11.93%, 7.14%, and 97.72%, respectively, in depressions. The results show that hummock soils in healthy wetlands have strong water absorption properties, through which plant roots can penetrate easily. Wetland degradation reduces the water absorption capacity of hummock soil and soil saturation capacity of depressions, thus enhancing soil erosion potential and susceptibility to external factors. Soil moisture is a key environmental factor influencing wetland degradation, and grazing accelerates the process. Based on the changes observed in hummock morphology, vegetation, and soil properties along a degradation gradient, a conceptual model is proposed to illustrate the process of gradual degradation of marshy wetlands from healthy to transitional wetlands and finally to a degenerated state. Thus, our research provides insights into the degradation process of the alpine marshy wetland ecosystem in Sanjiangyuan.  相似文献   

Biotic specialization holds information about the assembly, evolution, and stability of biological communities. Partner availabilities can play an important role in enabling species interactions, where uneven partner availabilities can bias estimates of biotic specialization when using phylogenetic diversity indices. It is therefore important to account for partner availability when characterizing biotic specialization using phylogenies. We developed an index, phylogenetic structure of specialization (PSS), that avoids bias from uneven partner availabilities by uncoupling the null models for interaction frequency and phylogenetic distance. We incorporate the deviation between observed and random interaction frequencies as weights into the calculation of partner phylogenetic α‐diversity. To calculate the PSS index, we then compare observed partner phylogenetic α‐diversity to a null distribution generated by randomizing phylogenetic distances among the same number of partners. PSS quantifies the phylogenetic structure (i.e., clustered, overdispersed, or random) of the partners of a focal species. We show with simulations that the PSS index is not correlated with network properties, which allows comparisons across multiple systems. We also implemented PSS on empirical networks of host–parasite, avian seed‐dispersal, lichenized fungi–cyanobacteria, and hummingbird pollination interactions. Across these systems, a large proportion of taxa interact with phylogenetically random partners according to PSS, sometimes to a larger extent than detected with an existing method that does not account for partner availability. We also found that many taxa interact with phylogenetically clustered partners, while taxa with overdispersed partners were rare. We argue that species with phylogenetically overdispersed partners have often been misinterpreted as generalists when they should be considered specialists. Our results highlight the important role of randomness in shaping interaction networks, even in highly intimate symbioses, and provide a much‐needed quantitative framework to assess the role that evolutionary history and symbiotic specialization play in shaping patterns of biodiversity. PSS is available as an R package at https://github.com/cjpardodelahoz/pss.  相似文献   

Loss of plant biodiversity can result in reduced abundance and diversity of associated species with implications for ecosystem functioning. In ecosystems low in plant species diversity, such as Neotropical mangrove forests, it is thought that genetic diversity within the dominant plant species could play an important role in shaping associated communities. Here, we used a manipulative field experiment to study the effects of maternal genotypic identity and genetic diversity of the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle on the composition and richness of associated soil bacterial communities. Using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T‐RFLP) community fingerprinting, we found that bacterial community composition differed among R. mangle maternal genotypes but not with genetic diversity. Bacterial taxa richness, total soil nitrogen, and total soil carbon were not significantly affected by maternal genotypic identity or genetic diversity of R. mangle. Our findings show that genotype selection in reforestation projects could influence soil bacterial community composition. Further research is needed to determine what impact these bacterial community differences might have on ecosystem processes, such as carbon and nitrogen cycling.  相似文献   

Host nutrient supply can mediate host–pathogen and pathogen–pathogen interactions. In terrestrial systems, plant nutrient supply is mediated by soil microbes, suggesting a potential role of soil microbes in plant diseases beyond soil‐borne pathogens and induced plant defenses. Long‐term nitrogen (N) enrichment can shift pathogenic and nonpathogenic soil microbial community composition and function, but it is unclear if these shifts affect plant–pathogen and pathogen–pathogen interactions. In a growth chamber experiment, we tested the effect of long‐term N enrichment on infection by Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV‐PAV) and Cereal Yellow Dwarf Virus (CYDV‐RPV), aphid‐vectored RNA viruses, in a grass host. We inoculated sterilized growing medium with soil collected from a long‐term N enrichment experiment (ambient, low, and high N soil treatments) to isolate effects mediated by the soil microbial community. We crossed soil treatments with a N supply treatment (low, high) and virus inoculation treatment (mock‐, singly‐, and co‐inoculated) to evaluate the effects of long‐term N enrichment on plant–pathogen and pathogen–pathogen interactions, as mediated by N availability. We measured the proportion of plants infected (i.e., incidence), plant biomass, and leaf chlorophyll content. BYDV‐PAV incidence (0.96) declined with low N soil (to 0.46), high N supply (to 0.61), and co‐inoculation (to 0.32). Low N soil mediated the effect of N supply on BYDV‐PAV: instead of N supply reducing BYDV‐PAV incidence, the incidence increased. Additionally, ambient and low N soil ameliorated the negative effect of co‐inoculation on BYDV‐PAV incidence. BYDV‐PAV infection only reduced chlorophyll when plants were grown with low N supply and ambient N soil. There were no significant effects of long‐term N soil on CYDV‐RPV incidence. Soil inoculant with different levels of long‐term N enrichment had different effects on host–pathogen and pathogen–pathogen interactions, suggesting that shifts in soil microbial communities with long‐term N enrichment may mediate disease dynamics.  相似文献   

  1. Exotic plant species can evolve adaptations to environmental conditions in the exotic range. Furthermore, soil biota can foster exotic spread in the absence of negative soil pathogen–plant interactions or because of increased positive soil biota–plant feedbacks in the exotic range. Little is known, however, about the evolutionary dimension of plant–soil biota interactions when comparing native and introduced ranges.
  2. To assess the role of soil microbes for rapid evolution in plant invasion, we subjected Verbascum thapsus, a species native to Europe, to a reciprocal transplant experiment with soil and seed material originating from Germany (native) and New Zealand (exotic). Soil samples were treated with biocides to distinguish between effects of soil fungi and bacteria. Seedlings from each of five native and exotic populations were transplanted into soil biota communities originating from all populations and subjected to treatments of soil biota reduction: application of (a) fungicide, (b) biocide, (c) a combination of the two, and (d) control.
  3. For most of the investigated traits, native populations showed higher performance than exotic populations; there was no effect of soil biota origin. However, plants developed longer leaves and larger rosettes when treated with their respective home soil communities, indicating that native and exotic plant populations differed in their interaction with soil biota origin. The absence of fungi and bacteria resulted in a higher specific root length, suggesting that V. thapsus may compensate the absence of mutualistic microbes by increasing its root–soil surface contact.
  4. Synthesis. Introduced plants can evolve adaptations to soil biota in their new distribution range. This demonstrates the importance of biogeographic differences in plant–soil biota relationships and suggests that future studies addressing evolutionary divergence should account for differential effects of soil biota from the home and exotic range on native and exotic populations of successful plant invaders.

Plant–plant interactions change through succession from facilitative to competitive. At early stages of succession, early‐colonizing plants can increase the survival and reproductive output of other plants by ameliorating disturbance and stressful conditions. At later stages of succession, plant interactions are more competitive as plants put more energy toward growth and reproduction. In northern temperate rainforests, gap dynamics result in tree falls that facilitate tree regeneration (nurse logs) and bryophyte succession. How bryophyte‐tree seedling interactions vary through log succession remains unclear. We examined the relationships of tree seedlings, bryophyte community composition, bryophyte depth, and percent canopy cover in 166 1.0 m2 plots on nurse logs and the forest floor in the Hoh rainforest in Washington, USA, to test the hypothesis that bryophyte‐tree seedling interactions change from facilitative to competitive as the log decays. Tree seedling density was highest on young logs with early‐colonizing bryophyte species (e.g., Rhizomnium glabrescens) and lowest on decayed logs with Hylocomium splendens, a long‐lived moss that reaches depths >20 cm. As a result, bryophyte depth increased with nurse log decay and was negatively associated with tree seedling density. Tree seedling density was 4.6× higher on nurse logs than on the forest floor, which was likely due to competitive exclusion by forest floor plants, such as H. splendens. Nurse logs had 17 species of bryophytes while the forest floor had six, indicating that nurse logs contribute to maintaining bryophyte diversity. Nurse logs enable both tree seedlings and smaller bryophyte species to avoid competition with forest floor plants, including the dominant bryophyte, H. splendens. H. splendens is likely a widespread driver of plant community structure given its dominance in northern temperate forests. Our findings indicate that plant–plant interactions shift with succession on nurse logs from facilitative to competitive and, thus, influence forest community structure and dynamics.  相似文献   

The plant extracellular space, including the apoplast and plasma membrane, is the initial site of plant–pathogen interactions. Pathogens deliver numerous secreted proteins, called effectors, into this region to suppress plant immunity and establish infection. Downy mildew caused by the oomycete pathogen Sclerospora graminicola (Sg) is an economically important disease of Poaceae crops including foxtail millet (Setaria italica). We previously reported the genome sequence of Sg and showed that the jacalin‐related lectin (JRL) gene family has significantly expanded in this lineage. However, the biological functions of JRL proteins remained unknown. Here, we show that JRL from Sg (SgJRL) functions as an apoplastic virulence effector. We identified eight SgJRLs by protein mass spectrometry analysis of extracellular fluid from Sg‐inoculated foxtail millet leaves. SgJRLs consist of a jacalin‐like lectin domain and an N‐terminal putative secretion signal; SgJRL expression is induced by Sg infection. Heterologous expression of three SgJRLs with N‐terminal secretion signal peptides in Nicotiana benthamiana enhanced the virulence of the pathogen Phytophthora palmivora inoculated onto the same leaves. Of the three SgJRLs, SG06536 fused with green fluorescent protein (GFP) localized to the apoplastic space in N. benthamiana leaves. INF1‐mediated induction of defence‐related genes was suppressed by co‐expression of SG06536‐GFP. These findings suggest that JRLs are novel apoplastic effectors that contribute to pathogenicity by suppressing plant defence responses.  相似文献   

We present PLIS, a publicly available, open‐source software for the determination of protein–ligand dissociation constants that can be used to characterize biological processes or to shed light on biophysical aspects of interactions. PLIS can analyze data from titration experiments monitored by for instance fluorescence spectroscopy or from nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation dispersion experiments. In addition to analysis of experimental data, PLIS includes functionality for generation of synthetic data, useful for understanding how different parameters effect the data in order to better analyze experiments.  相似文献   

Microbial associates are widespread in insects, some conferring a protection to their hosts against natural enemies like parasitoids. These protective symbionts may affect the infection success of the parasitoid by modifying behavioral defenses of their hosts, the development success of the parasitoid by conferring a resistance against it or by altering life-history traits of the emerging parasitoids. Here, we assessed the effects of different protective bacterial symbionts on the entire sequence of the host-parasitoid interaction (i.e., from parasitoid attack to offspring emergence) between the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, and its main parasitoid, Aphidius ervi and their impacts on the life-history traits of the emerging parasitoids. To test whether symbiont-mediated phenotypes were general or specific to particular aphid–symbiont associations, we considered several aphid lineages, each harboring a different strain of either Hamiltonella defensa or Regiella insecticola, two protective symbionts commonly found in aphids. We found that symbiont species and strains had a weak effect on the ability of aphids to defend themselves against the parasitic wasps during the attack and a strong effect on aphid resistance against parasitoid development. While parasitism resistance was mainly determined by symbionts, their effects on host defensive behaviors varied largely from one aphid–symbiont association to another. Also, the symbiotic status of the aphid individuals had no impact on the attack rate of the parasitic wasps, the parasitoid emergence rate from parasitized aphids nor the life-history traits of the emerging parasitoids. Overall, no correlations between symbiont effects on the different stages of the host–parasitoid interaction was observed, suggesting no trade-offs or positive associations between symbiont-mediated phenotypes. Our study highlights the need to consider various sequences of the host-parasitoid interaction to better assess the outcomes of protective symbioses and understand the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of insect–symbiont associations.  相似文献   

  1. Forest canopies play a crucial role in structuring communities of vascular epiphytes by providing substrate for colonization, by locally varying microclimate, and by causing epiphyte mortality due to branch or tree fall. However, as field studies in the three‐dimensional habitat of epiphytes are generally challenging, our understanding of how forest structure and dynamics influence the structure and dynamics of epiphyte communities is scarce.
  2. Mechanistic models can improve our understanding of epiphyte community dynamics. We present such a model that couples dispersal, growth, and mortality of individual epiphytes with substrate dynamics, obtained from a three‐dimensional functional–structural forest model, allowing the study of forest–epiphyte interactions. After validating the epiphyte model with independent field data, we performed several theoretical simulation experiments to assess how (a) differences in natural forest dynamics, (b) selective logging, and (c) forest fragmentation could influence the long‐term dynamics of epiphyte communities.
  3. The proportion of arboreal substrate occupied by epiphytes (i.e., saturation level) was tightly linked with forest dynamics and increased with decreasing forest turnover rates. While species richness was, in general, negatively correlated with forest turnover rates, low species numbers in forests with very‐low‐turnover rates were due to competitive exclusion when epiphyte communities became saturated. Logging had a negative impact on epiphyte communities, potentially leading to a near‐complete extirpation of epiphytes when the simulated target diameters fell below a threshold. Fragment size had no effect on epiphyte abundance and saturation level but correlated positively with species numbers.
  4. Synthesis: The presented model is a first step toward studying the dynamic forest–epiphyte interactions in an agent‐based modeling framework. Our study suggests forest dynamics as key factor in controlling epiphyte communities. Thus, both natural and human‐induced changes in forest dynamics, for example, increased mortality rates or the loss of large trees, pose challenges for epiphyte conservation.

  1. Almost all organisms grow in size during their lifetime and switch diets, trophic positions, and interacting partners as they grow. Such ontogenetic development introduces life‐history stages and flows of biomass between the stages through growth and reproduction. However, current research on complex food webs rarely considers life‐history stages. The few previously proposed methods do not take full advantage of the existing food web structural models that can produce realistic food web topologies.
  2. We extended the niche model developed by Williams and Martinez (Nature, 2000, 404, 180–183) to generate food webs that included trophic species with a life‐history stage structure. Our method aggregated trophic species based on niche overlap to form a life‐history structured population; therefore, it largely preserved the topological structure of food webs generated by the niche model. We applied the theory of allometric predator–prey body mass ratio and parameterized an allometric bioenergetic model augmented with biomass flow between stages via growth and reproduction to study the effects of a stage structure on the stability of food webs.
  3. When life‐history stages were linked via growth and reproduction, more food webs persisted, and persisting food webs tended to retain more trophic species. Topological differences between persisting linked and unlinked food webs were small to modest. The slopes of biomass spectra were lower, and weak interaction links were more prevalent in the linked food webs than the unlinked ones, suggesting that a life‐history stage structure promotes characteristics that can enhance stability of complex food webs.
  4. Our results suggest a positive relationship between the complexity and stability of complex food webs. A life‐history stage structure in food webs may play important roles in dynamics of and diversity in food webs.

In long‐lived species, although adult survival typically has the highest elasticity, temporal variations in less canalized demographic parameters are the main drivers of population dynamics. Targeting recruitment rates may thus be the most effective strategy to manage these species. We analyzed 1,136 capture–recapture histories collected over 9 years in an isolated population of the critically endangered Lesser Antillean iguana, using a robust design Pradel model to estimate adult survival and recruitment rates. From an adult population size estimated at 928 in 2013, we found a yearly decline of 4% over the 8‐year period. As expected under the canalization hypothesis for a long‐lived species, adult survival was high and constant, with little possibility for improvement, whereas the recruitment rate varied over time and likely drove the observed population decline. We then used a prospective perturbation analysis to explore whether managing the species’ immature cohorts would at least slow the population decline. The prospective perturbation analysis suggested that a significant and sustained conservation effort would be needed to achieve a recruitment rate high enough to slow the population decline. We posit that the high recruitment rate achieved in 2014—likely due to the maintenance in 2012 of the main nesting sites used by this population—would be sufficient to slow this population''s decline if it was sustained each year. Based on the results of diverse pilot studies we conducted, we identified the most likely threats targeting the eggs and immature cohorts, stressing the need to improve reproductive success and survival of immature iguanas. The threats we identified are also involved in the decline of several reptile species, and species from other taxa such as ground‐nesting birds. These findings on a little‐studied taxon provide further evidence that focusing on the immature life stages of long‐lived species can be key to their conservation.  相似文献   

Host–symbiont relationships in hydrothermal vent ecosystems, supported by chemoautotrophic bacteria as primary producers, have been extensively studied. However, the process by which densely populated co‐occurring invertebrate hosts form symbiotic relationships with bacterial symbionts remains unclear. Here, we analyzed gill‐associated symbiotic bacteria (gill symbionts) of five co‐occurring hosts, three mollusks (“Bathymodiolusmanusensis, B. brevior, and Alviniconcha strummeri) and two crustaceans (Rimicaris variabilis and Austinograea alayseae), collected together at a single vent site in the Tonga Arc. We observed both different compositions of gill symbionts and the presence of unshared operational taxonomic units (OTUs). In addition, the total number of OTUs was greater for crustacean hosts than for mollusks. The phylogenetic relationship trees of gill symbionts suggest that γ‐proteobacterial gill symbionts have coevolved with their hosts toward reinforcement of host specificity, while campylobacterial Sulfurovum species found across various hosts and habitats are opportunistic associates. Our results confirm that gill symbiont communities differ among co‐occurring vent invertebrates and indicate that hosts are closely related with their gill symbiont communities. Considering the given resources available at a single site, differentiation of gill symbionts seems to be a useful strategy for obtaining nutrition and energy while avoiding competition among both hosts and gill symbionts.  相似文献   

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