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In naturally colonised species-rich grassland communities, we examined the properties of a plant’s aboveground neighbourhood that affect its performance (aboveground biomass). To this end a range of neighbourhood parameters were measured: number, biomass and species richness of the neighbours, number and biomass of the conspecific neighbours, and light availability at the base of the target plant. We also determined at which neighbourhood size the strongest target plant–neighbour interactions occurred, and whether conspecific neighbours affected competitively stronger or weaker target species differently. Target plant performance varied with target identity, and was significantly affected by light availability and the number of neighbouring plants (neighbourhood density). Depending on the target species, there was also an effect of total neighbour biomass on plant performance. The target plants were most strongly affected by their neighbours within a 3-cm distance, which could account for 78% of the variance in target biomass. Number or biomass of the conspecific neighbours did not contribute to the explanation of target performance in any of the target species. Whereas in an 8-cm neighbourhood the amount of light penetration was the strongest predictor of target performance, the number of neighbours was more important in a 3-cm neighbourhood. These experimental results might be useful to extend existing neighbourhood competition models for one or two species to multi-species competition models.  相似文献   

The rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 has significantly impacted the worldwide health system. The SARS-CoV-2 currently bears a remarkably low genetic diversity even though it carries one of the largest RNA genomes among viruses (Rausch et al., 2020). However, the coronaviruses harbor the capability of undergoing recombination at a high rate which can lead to the emergence of novel viral derivatives (Rausch et al., 2020; Gribble et al., 2021). This in turn requires not only global surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 genome in various countries but also careful scrutiny in animal genomic reservoirs. Conventionally, RNA viruses evolve with a high mutation rate, however, the presence of ExoN ribonuclease in SARS-CoV-2 genome has made its case different from other viral species (Gribble et al., 2021). The variables of natural selection which potentially drift the SARS-CoV-2 evolutionary dynamics can be recorded by analyzing deposited sequence genomes for its fitness, transmissibility potential, and pathogenicity (Rouchka et al., 2020). This can potentially provide a way to draw a holistic picture at a national level, while simultaneously providing a comparative overview with worldwide sequences.  相似文献   

Previous syntheses on the effects of environmental conditions on the outcome of plant–plant interactions summarize results from pairwise studies. However, the upscaling to the community-level of such studies is problematic because of the existence of multiple species assemblages and species-specific responses to both the environmental conditions and the presence of neighbors. We conducted the first global synthesis of community-level studies from harsh environments, which included data from 71 alpine and 137 dryland communities to: (i) test how important are facilitative interactions as a driver of community structure, (ii) evaluate whether we can predict the frequency of positive plant–plant interactions across differing environmental conditions and habitats, and (iii) assess whether thresholds in the response of plant–plant interactions to environmental gradients exists between “moderate” and “extreme” environments. We also used those community-level studies performed across gradients of at least three points to evaluate how the average environmental conditions, the length of the gradient studied, and the number of points sampled across such gradient affect the form and strength of the facilitation-environmental conditions relationship. Over 25% of the species present were more spatially associated to nurse plants than expected by chance in both alpine and dryland areas, illustrating the high importance of positive plant–plant interactions for the maintenance of plant diversity in these environments. Facilitative interactions were more frequent, and more related to environmental conditions, in alpine than in dryland areas, perhaps because drylands are generally characterized by a larger variety of environmental stress factors and plant functional traits. The frequency of facilitative interactions in alpine communities peaked at 1000 mm of annual rainfall, and globally decreased with elevation. The frequency of positive interactions in dryland communities decreased globally with water scarcity or temperature annual range. Positive facilitation-drought stress relationships are more likely in shorter regional gradients, but these relationships are obscured in regions with a greater species turnover or with complex environmental gradients. By showing the different climatic drivers and behaviors of plant–plant interactions in dryland and alpine areas, our results will improve predictions regarding the effect of facilitation on the assembly of plant communities and their response to changes in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Linusson  A.-C.  Berlin  G. A. I.  Olsson  E. G. A. 《Plant Ecology》1998,136(1):77-94
Two data sets, one from the 1960s and one from 1990, from continuously managed semi-natural meadows (semi-natural grasslands used for hay-cutting) in Småland, southern Sweden, were analysed to describe the vegetation and in an attempt to characterise changes that have occurred in the vegetation. Based on a classification of the data set, nine plant communities were recognised. The main vegetational differences, as revealed by an ordination, were due to variation in soil moisture, which ranged from wet to dry.During the investigation period, the amount of hay meadow area decreased, particularly the area of wet-moist meadows. In addition, the total variation in the vegetation diminished, and three plant communities more or less disappeared. The turnover index of species in the data set was 36%, and most of the species that were lost had initially been uncommon. Lost species included rare taxa, such as Gentianella campestris and Linum catharticum, while the new species tended to be common in the region. Annual and biennial species accounted for a greater proportion of the lost taxa than did perennial species. The mean cover of species per plot and the relative abundance of graminoids per plot increased.The recorded changes in the vegetation may be related to the increased loads of nitrogen pollutants as well as to a decrease in management intensity. The diminished area is related to changes in land-use. The meadow sites in Småland have been part of a landscape rich in grasslands, but today they have a more or less relict status. They differ from grasslands found elsewhere in Sweden and Scandinavia. In Sweden, the majority (68%) of endangered vascular plants belong to the agricultural landscape. To ensure the survival of individual species it is important to preserve all types of meadows, not only a few selected ones, since no two meadows are alike.  相似文献   

In recent times, network theory has become a useful tool to study the structure of the interactions in ecological communities. However, typically, these approaches focus on a particular kind of interaction while neglecting other possible interactions present in the ecosystem. Here, we present an ecological network for plant communities that consider simultaneously positive and negative interactions, which were derived from the spatial association and segregation between plant species. We employed this network to study the structure and the association strategies in a semiarid plant community of Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park, SE Spain, and how they changed in 4 sites that differed in stocking rate. Association strategies were obtained from the partitions of the network, built based on a relaxed structural balance criterion. We found that grazing simplified the structure of the plant community. With increasing stocking rate species with no significant associations became dominant and the number of partitions decreased in the plant community. Independently of stocking rate, many species presented an associative strategy in the plant community because they benefit from the association to certain ‘nurse’ plants. These ‘nurses’ together with species that developed a segregating strategy, intervened in most of the interactions in the community. Ecological networks that combine links with different signs provide a new insight to analyze the structure of natural communities and identify the species which play a central role in them.  相似文献   

Population dynamics models suggest that both the over-all level of resource productivity and spatial variability in productivity can play important roles in community dynamics. Higher productivity environments are predicted to destabilize consumer–resource dynamics. Conversely, greater heterogeneity in resource productivity is expected to contribute to stability. Yet the importance of these two factors for the dynamics of arthropod communities has been largely overlooked. I manipulated nutrient availability for strawberry plants in a multi-patch experiment, and measured effects of overall plant quality and heterogeneity in plant quality on the stability of interactions between the phytophagous mite Tetranychus urticae and its predator Phytoseiulus persimilis. Plant size, leaf N content and T. urticae population growth increased monotonically with increasing soil nitrogen availability. This gradient in plant quality affected two correlates of mite population stability, population variability over time (i.e., coefficient of variation) and population persistence (i.e., proportion of plant patches colonized). However, the highest level of plant quality did not produce the least stable dynamics, which is inconsistent with the “paradox of enrichment”. Heterogeneity in plant productivity had modest effects on stability, with the only significant difference being less variable T. urticae densities in the heterogeneous compared to the corresponding homogeneous treatment. These results are generally congruent with metapopulation theory and other models for spatially segregated populations, which predict that stability should be governed largely by relative movement rates of predators and prey—rather than patch quality.  相似文献   

Intensification of land use by humans has led to a homogenization of landscapes and decreasing resilience of ecosystems globally due to a loss of biodiversity, including the majority of forests. Biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) research has provided compelling evidence for a positive effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functions and services at the local (α-diversity) scale, but we largely lack empirical evidence on how the loss of between-patch β-diversity affects biodiversity and multifunctionality at the landscape scale (γ-diversity). Here, we present a novel concept and experimental framework for elucidating BEF patterns at α-, β-, and γ-scales in real landscapes at a forest management-relevant scale. We examine this framework using 22 temperate broadleaf production forests, dominated by Fagus sylvatica. In 11 of these forests, we manipulated the structure between forest patches by increasing variation in canopy cover and deadwood. We hypothesized that an increase in landscape heterogeneity would enhance the β-diversity of different trophic levels, as well as the β-functionality of various ecosystem functions. We will develop a new statistical framework for BEF studies extending across scales and incorporating biodiversity measures from taxonomic to functional to phylogenetic diversity using Hill numbers. We will further expand the Hill number concept to multifunctionality allowing the decomposition of γ-multifunctionality into α- and β-components. Combining this analytic framework with our experimental data will allow us to test how an increase in between patch heterogeneity affects biodiversity and multifunctionality across spatial scales and trophic levels to help inform and improve forest resilience under climate change. Such an integrative concept for biodiversity and functionality, including spatial scales and multiple aspects of diversity and multifunctionality as well as physical and environmental structure in forests, will go far beyond the current widely applied approach in forestry to increase resilience of future forests through the manipulation of tree species composition.  相似文献   

Interactions between species of different trophic levels have long been recognized as fundamental processes in ecology. Although mounting evidence indicates that plant species diversity (PSD) or plant genetic diversity (PGD) can influence the plant-associated arthropod community, these two fundamental levels of biodiversity are not often manipulated simultaneously to assess their effects on species interactions. We used a large tree diversity experiment (BEF-China), which manipulates PSD and PGD in a crossed design to test individual and combined effects of PSD and PGD on multitrophic interaction networks and interaction partner species richness and occurrence. We focused on two tree species, on which sap-sucking Hemiptera and interacting ant species commonly occur. This tri-trophic interaction can be divided into the antagonistic plant–Hemiptera interaction and the mutualistic Hemiptera–ant interaction, known as trophobioses. Qualitative evaluation of tri-trophic interaction networks at different PSD and PGD combinations showed increased interaction partner redundancy at high PSD and PGD. This was supported by increased Hemiptera species richness at high PSD and PGD. Furthermore, the data indicate higher occurrence of Hemiptera and trophobioses and higher trophobiotic ant species richness with increasing PSD and PGD. As no plant diversity component alone caused an effect we conclude that the combined effect of high PGD and high PSD might be additive. In summary, as plant genetic diversity, especially at low species richness, seems to increase the interaction partner redundancy in interaction networks and the diversity of interacting communities, we suggest that genetic diversity should be considered in forest conservation and restoration programs.  相似文献   


An understanding of the diversity spatial organization in plant communities provides essential information for management and conservation planning. In this study we investigated, using a multi-species approach, how plant–plant interactions determine the local structure and composition of diversity in a set of Mediterranean plant communities, ranging from semi-arid to subalpine habitats. Specifically, we evaluated the spatial pattern of diversity (i.e., diversity aggregation or segregation) in the local neighborhood of perennial plant species using the ISAR (individual species–area relationship) method. We also assessed the local pattern of beta-diversity (i.e., the spatial heterogeneity in species composition among local assemblages), including the contribution of species turnover (i.e., species replacement) and nestedness (i.e., differences in species richness) to the overall local beta-diversity. Our results showed that local diversity segregation decreased in the less productive plant communities. Also, we found that graminoids largely acted as diversity segregators, while forbs showed more diverse neighborhoods than expected in less productive study sites. Interestingly, not all shrub and dwarf shrub species aggregated diversity in their surroundings. Finally, an increase in nestedness was associated with less segregated diversity patterns in the local neighborhood of shrub species, underlining their role in creating diversity islands in less productive environmental conditions. Our results provide further insights into the effect of plant–plant interactions in shaping the structure and composition of diversity in Mediterranean plant communities, and highlight the species and groups of species that management and conservation strategies should focus on in order to prevent a loss of biodiversity.



We analysed the relative role of landscape context (city, suburb and exurb) and distance to the edge (from forest edge to 45 m in interior) on plant diversity of natural forests in Wuhan city. The results indicated that landscape context had significant effects on plant diversity, and both landscape context and distance to the edge affect vegetation and disturbance characteristics. Landscape context was the main factor affecting richness of woods, herbs, indigenous species, forest generalists and insect or wind pollination species. These species tended to be higher in exurban forests while non-indigenous species were higher in the urban forests. The number of non-indigenous species, forest specialists, herbs and insect pollination species also depended on distance to the edge or on both interactions. Richness of non-indigenous species decreased with increasing distance to the edge in urban forest. Vegetation characteristics that shrub cover was lower and disturbance characteristics that disturbed cover and human activity were higher in the urban edge than in the suburb and exurb edge, which decreased from the edge to the interior. Therefore, we should prioritize the preservation of less disturbed and frequented forests (suburban and exurban) to buffer the invasion of non-indigenous species, and to reserve more indigenous species.  相似文献   

Many mirid bugs are omnivores, and several species are key pests of agricultural crops. While mirid feeding behavior on plant hosts is relatively well studied, little attention has been paid to foraging, acceptance, and consumption of insect prey items. In this study, we investigated the feeding behavior and stylet penetration of the green mirid bug Apolygus lucorum on insect prey (Helicoverpa armigera eggs), plant hosts (green bean Phaseolus vulgaris pod), and combined plant + prey diets. Direct observation and electrical penetration graph (EPG) assays were used to assess feeding on either food item. Overall feeding time was highest on combined diets (48.18 ± 4.92 % of total time) and plant foods (42.23 ± 3.36 %), compared with only 28.95 ± 2.27 % feeding time on H. armigera eggs. When exposed to combined diets, A. lucorum spent 3.8 times longer feeding on green bean pod than on H. armigera eggs. The overall duration of stylet penetration was 5866.27 ± 800.39 s on green bean pod versus 3644.81 ± 715.19 s on H. armigera eggs, representing a 37.87 % reduction in duration. Similarly, the duration of a single probing event was significantly higher on green bean pod (355.76 ± 50.13 s) versus H. armigera eggs (236.20 ± 25.17 s), with a 33.61 % reduction. This first work in which omnivory is studied by combined use of observational studies and EPG assays (1) provides further insights into A. lucorum omnivory, (2) further elucidates its trophic position in agroecosystems, and (3) guides the development of artificial diets for this pest species.  相似文献   

Conservatism in species interaction, meaning that related species tend to interact with similar partners, is an important feature of ecological interactions. Studies at community scale highlight variations in conservatism strength depending on the characteristics of the ecological interaction studied. However, the heterogeneity of datasets and methods used prevent to compare results between mutualistic and antagonistic networks. Here we perform such a comparison by taking plant–insect communities as a study case, with data on plant–herbivore and plant–pollinator networks. Our analysis reveals that plants acting as resources for herbivores exhibit the strongest conservatism in species interaction among the four interacting groups. Conservatism levels are similar for insect pollinators, insect herbivores and plants as interacting partners of pollinators, although insect pollinators tend to have a slightly higher conservatism than the two others. Our results thus clearly support the current view that within antagonistic networks, conservatism is stronger for species as resources than for species as consumer. Although the pattern tends to be opposite for plant–pollinator networks, our results suggest that asymmetry in conservatism is much less pronounced between the pollinators and the plant they interact with. We discuss these differences in conservatism strength in relation with the processes structuring plant–insect communities.  相似文献   

A 90 days greenhouse experiment was conducted for evaluation of soil microbial diversity in different treatments of rhizospheric and nonrhizospheric oil sludge contaminated soil. Various pot treatments (T1–T5) were as follows: 2% oil sludge contaminated soil was considered as control (T1); augmentation of control with preadapted microbial consortium was T2; addition of Vetiver zizanioide to control was T3; bioaugmentation of control along with V. zizanioide was T4; and bioaugmentation with V. zizanioide and bulking agent was T5. During the study, different microbial populations were determined in all treatments. Additionally, soil microbial diversity using polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR–DGGE) of 16S rDNA was carried out. At the end of experimental period, significant increase in microbial number in bioaugmented rhizospheric treatments (T4 and T5) was observed as compared to non-rhizospheric and non-bioaugmented treatments (T2 and T3). The community and sequencing results revealed that combined treatment of plant and microbes resulted in improved microbial species and number. The dominant phyla belonged to γ proteobacteria, β proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, firmicutes, and uncultured bacteria. It is concluded that plant–microbe–soil system supports immense oil degrading microbial diversity and can be used as an effective indicator tool for remediation of oil sludge contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death globally and evidence is steadily increasing on the role of non-traditional risk factors such as meteorology and air pollution. Nevertheless, many research gaps remain, such as the association between these non-traditional risk factors and subtypes of CVD, such as acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The objective of this study was to investigate the association between daily ambient temperature and AMI hospitalisations using a case-crossover design in Gothenburg, Sweden (1985–2010). A secondary analysis was also performed for out-of-hospital ischemic heart disease (IHD) deaths. Susceptible groups by age and sex were explored. The entire year as well as the warm (April−September) and cold periods (October–March) were considered. In total 28 215 AMI hospitalisations (of 22 475 people) and 21 082 out-of-hospital IHD deaths occurred during the 26-year study period. A linear exposure-response corresponding to a 3% and 7% decrease in AMI hospitalisations was observed for an inter-quartile range (IQR) increase in the 2-day cumulative average of temperature during the entire year (11°C) and the warm period (6°C), respectively, with and without adjustment for PM10, NO2, NOx or O3. No heat waves occurred during the warm period. No evidence of an association in the cold period nor any association between temperature and IHD deaths in the entire year, warm or cold periods - with and without adjusting for PM10, NO2, NOx or O3 was found. No susceptible groups, based on age or sex, were identified either. The inverse association between temperature and AMI hospitalisations (entire year and warm period) in Gothenburg is in accordance with the majority of the few other studies that investigated this subtype of CVD.  相似文献   

Factors driving the species richness and distribution of bryophytes are poorly studied and not well understood, particularly in grasslands. We analysed the occurrence of bryophyte species and variation in species richness across 674 plots (0.5?m?×?0.5?m) in alvar vegetation (grassland on limestone pavement with thin or no soil) on Öland (Sweden) in relation to substrate characteristics and chemistry, inundation frequency, grazing pressure and geographical variables. We found 148 taxa, including 11 nationally red-listed ones. Species richness per plot was significantly associated with substrate type, positively associated with pH and grazing intensity, but negatively associated with soil depth. However, richness of species typical of, or restricted to, alvar habitats responded differently to richness of species more common in other habitats. Typical alvar species were favoured by high pH, shallow soil and low phosphate availability, while generalists preferred relatively low pH, higher phosphate availability and organic or mull soil types. Distance from the alvar margin had only weak effects. Concerning the effects on individual species and community composition, inundation frequency and pH were found to have the largest effects, although other factors (substrate type, soil depth, bare soil, bare stone, phosphate availability and grazing pressure) were more important for some individual species, stressing the importance of microsite variability and variability in management for regional species richness. From a conservation perspective, it is concluded that grazing is generally positive whilst factors increasing phosphate availability may disadvantage the typical alvar species, and proximity to the alvar margin is not a major problem.  相似文献   

Biotic interactions play an important role in ecosystem function and structure in the face of global climate change. We tested how plant–plant interactions, namely competition and facilitation among grassland species, respond to extreme drought and heavy rainfall events. We also examined how the functional composition (grasses, forbs, legumes) of grassland communities influenced the competition intensity for grass species when facing extreme events. We exposed experimental grassland communities of different functional compositions to either an extreme single drought event or to a prolonged heavy rainfall event. Relative neighbour effect, relative crowding and interaction strength were calculated for five widespread European grassland species to quantify competition. Single climatic extremes caused species specific shifts in plant–plant interactions from facilitation to competition or vice versa but the nature of the shifts varied depending on the community composition. Facilitation by neighbouring plants was observed for Arrhenatherum elatius when subjected to drought. Contrarily, the facilitative effect of neighbours on Lotus corniculatus was transformed into competition. Heavy rainfall increased the competitive effect of neighbours on Holcus lanatus and Lotus corniculatus in communities composed of three functional groups. Competitive pressure on Geranium pratense and Plantago lanceolata was not affected by extreme weather events. Neither heavy rainfall nor extreme drought altered the overall productivity of the grassland communities. The complementary responses in competition intensity experienced by grassland species under drought suggest biotic interactions as one stabilizing mechanism for overall community performance. Understanding competitive dynamics under fluctuating resources is important for assessing plant community shifts and degree of stability of ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

Fluoride (F) pollution is a serious environmental problem in some areas of China, but it has yet to be reported in a soil–water–plant system in Shihezi, Xinjiang. This study was undertaken to investigate the distribution and migration rule of F in soil, water, and plants, and to evaluate F pollution of soil. Results showed that the average concentration of total F (T-F) in the topsoil in the northwest, north, and southeast of Shihezi was higher than the national average T-F (478 mg/kg), while it was lower in southwest. The highest T-F contents of the soil profile were detected in the depth of 20 cm. The F content in groundwater in the northwest region was higher than the GB/T 14848–93 (1.0 mg/L), whereas the F contents in other water samples were within the standard. The F contents (1.75?2.81 mg/kg) in plant leaves were higher than the food limits (1.0 mg/kg). The obtained comprehensive pollution index of the soil was 1.86, which means a mild concentration of F in Shihezi. This research has reference value for the study of F pollution and comprehensive control in the northwest oasis with the typical arid and saline conditions.  相似文献   

Background and AimsTheory predicts that outcrossing should be more prevalent among perennials than annuals, a pattern confirmed by comparative evidence from diverse angiosperm families. However, intraspecific comparisons between annual and perennial populations are few because such variation is uncommon among flowering plants. Here, we test the hypothesis that perennial populations outcross more than annual populations by investigating Incarvillea sinensis, a wide-ranging insect-pollinated herb native to China. The occurrence of both allopatric and sympatric populations allows us to examine the stability of mating system differences between life histories under varying ecological conditions.MethodsWe estimated outcrossing rates and biparental inbreeding in 16 allopatric and five sympatric populations in which both life histories coexisted using 20 microsatellite loci. In each population we measured height, branch number, corolla size, tube length and herkogamy for ~30 individuals. In a sympatric population, we recorded daily flower number, pollinator visitation and the fruit and seed set of annual and perennial plants.Key ResultsAs predicted, outcrossing rates (t) were considerably higher in perennial (mean = 0.76) than annual (mean = 0.09) populations. This difference in mating system was also maintained at sympatric sites where plants grew intermixed. In both allopatric and sympatric populations the degree of herkogamy was consistently larger in outcrossing than selfing plants. Perennials were more branched, with more and larger flowers than in annuals. In a sympatric population, annuals had a significantly higher fruit and seed set than perennials.ConclusionsGenetically based differences in herkogamy between annuals and perennials appear to play a key role in governing outcrossing rates in populations, regardless of variation in local ecological conditions. The maintenance of mating system and life history trait differentiation between perennial and annual populations of I. sinensis probably results from correlated evolution in response to local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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