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The life history characteristics of an invasive cyprinid fish, the Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) were examined in Lake Chimaditis (northern Greece). The population is dominated by females that are able to reproduce gynogenetically. Fish samples were collected using trammel nets from August 2004 to July 2005. Their total length (TL) ranged between 21.9 and 37.0 cm. The length–weight relationship was W = 0.0336TL2.81 (r2 = 0.92, n = 600) and the mean Fulton condition factor exhibited monthly variation from 0.172 (May) to 0.186 (August). According to the annual growth marks present, the lifespan of the Prussian carp in Lake Chimaditis is 6 years. The growth parameters were estimated as L = 34.46 cm, K = 0.297 year?1, t0 = ?1.994 year. Absolute fecundity (FA) ranged between 26 000 and 176 600 oocytes (mean = 66990) and relative fecundity between 78 and 251 oocytes per gram of total weight (mean = 158). Absolute fecundity increased exponentially with length (FA = 0.286 × TL3.66, r2 = 0.66) and weight (FA = 17.93 × W1.36, r2 = 0.73) of the fish.  相似文献   

The length–weight relationships of the cyprinid fish Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) are described for the 12 most important lakes of Greece. Carassius gibelio is an allogynogenetic fish species, which was introduced into Greek lakes during the late 1970s. The values of the exponent b of the length–weight relationships ranged from 2.33 to 3.38, and varied with the trophic state of the lake. In eutrophic lakes these b values were significantly (P < 0.001) lower than in oligotrophic or mesotrophic lakes. Relationships between the b values and phosphorus concentrations were logarithmic: b = 1.37–0.13 log (PO4‐P); total length, fork length and standard length were linear (in all cases: r2 > 0.95). In most of the lakes, populations consisted of females, with the exception of Pamvotis, Doirani and Koronia lakes where a small proportion were males.  相似文献   

Phenotypic modulation is a common feature in haplochromine cichlids. External changes influence the phenotype within the limits set by the genetic program. Retinal development in the cichlid Haplochromis sauvagei has been observed in specimens reared in various chromatic environments and in darkness. Rearing in darkness led to the reduction of photoreceptor densities, the apparent loss of single cones and the enlargement of double cones. To a lesser degree, similar effects were observed in specimens deprived from short-wave light. Ganglion cell densities were not affected by light deprivation. The light-induced alterations could be the result of changes in developmental rates within the retina or of early degeneration. The modulation seems to cause a reduction of blue sensitivity, possibly for the benefit of luminosity or long-wavelength detection. This would agree with the combination of decreased light intensity and a spectral shift towards the longer wavelengths as is the case in the natural environment of the Lake Victorian haplochromines. In that sense, the modulation is probably adaptive.  相似文献   

We studied seasonal and spatial variability in the reproductive life-history traits of Caribbean gambusia, Gambusia puncticulata puncticulata, using collections representing dry and wet periods from eight pond sites located across the three Cayman Islands. Caribbean gambusia exhibited a seasonal life-history response over the 5-month interval between the relatively dry and wet periods, marked by shifts to larger adult sizes and smaller broods made up of larger offspring. This seasonal shift in the life-history pattern coincided with increased rainfall, lower salinity, lower water temperature, and higher food availability. Overall, there was a reproductive trade-off involving a reciprocal relationship between brood size and mean embryo mass, and a direct relationship between brood size and total embryo mass. Levels of various environmental variables, including salinity, submerged aquatic vegetation cover, and capture depth, were apparently unrelated to the life-history pattern. Furthermore, the life-history pattern did not reflect an island effect. However, a correlation between the seasonal difference in salinity and offspring size suggested that the Cayman Island life-history pattern may correspond in part with the environmental stability hypothesis.  相似文献   

Background: Global climate change has the potential to shape evolutionary trajectories of invasive species via many routes, including through changes in mating systems. Many cleistogamous (CL) plants adjust investment in CL (selfed) vs. chasmogamous (CH, potentially outcrossed) progeny across environmental gradients. However, the details of such adjustments are lacking for highly invasive plant species.

Aims: We used a highly invasive grass, Microstegium vimineum, as a model for understanding how changes in water-induced stress (including potential associated changes in soil nutrient availability) might affect mating systems and thus evolutionary change in invasive species. We predicted that plants would respond to increased water-induced stress through a relative reduction in investment in CL vs. CH reproduction (i.e., a decrease in the CL:CH ratio).

Methods: Under greenhouse conditions, we measured fecundity (number of inflorescences and florets per plant) as well as relative investment in CL vs. CH florets (CL:CH ratios for number of inflorescences, florets per inflorescence, overall florets) in response to three watering treatments approximating mesic (low) to inundated (high) conditions.

Results: Plant biomass was significantly lower in high-watering treatment relative to intermediate and low treatments, indicating that the high-water condition was stressful. Contrary to expectations, stressed plants significantly increased relative investment in CL reproduction, a pattern associated with decreased inflorescence number and increased numbers of CL florets per inflorescence.

Conclusions: We conclude that changes in water-induced stress could strongly influence realised rates of outcrossing in this invasive plant, leading to mating system evolution, and altered invasiveness.  相似文献   

Certain major aspects of phenotypic diversity are still largely unexplained. When phenotypic patterns do not relate to habitat variables, fine analysis of morphological patterns and their distribution sheds light on the origin of diversity. Among invertebrates, snails are an ideal model for studying the roles of the neutral processes and selection involved in creating diversity. To understand patterns and processes of variability on different scales (regional: areas; local: sites), morphological variability of two sets of characters (shell and genitalia) was quantified in a group of rock-dwelling land snails of the genus Marmorana (Pulmonata, Helicidae). To analyse shell variability, partitioning of the overall variation into size and shape components was analysed by a principal component-based approach. Shell shape and size variability is not significantly influenced by any environmental pressure. Variability at site scale is mainly attributed to shell size, which is a trait demonstrated to have a high degree of phenotypic plasticity. No sharp changes were observed for genitalia. Moreover, allometries between shell size and genitalia measurements involve a few populations. The observed multiple scale patterns are in line with the hypothesis that genital variance may be selectively controlled to maintain function.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 359–370.  相似文献   

The amount of osteological variation among 11 Italian killifish Aphanius fasciatus populations was examined by the univariate and multivariate analysis of 40 morphometric and meristic variables of the skull and vertebral column. Populations were sampled in three geographically distinct areas (the Adriatic, Sardinia and Sicily). The statistical analysis confirmed that several populations were well differentiated. In particular, discriminant analysis revealed a strong discriminating power of the morphometric variables. Morphometrics of the vertebrae, bony elements of the pharyngeal jaws, supraoccipital and parasphenoid were the most important in discriminating populations. The dendrogram obtained by UPGMA cluster analysis shows the separation of the south-eastern Sicilian populations, that of the Sardinian populations and that of the central-northern Sicilian plus Adriatic populations, as well as the isolation of the Sicilian population from Pantano Viruca and of the Sardinian populations from Pauli Figu from all the others. The significance of the observed differentiation pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

Riparian forests are important to aquatic ecosystems and produce large quantities of organic matter that are recycled by the microbial community that includes microscopic fungi. The aim of this study was to unveil and compare the diversity of aquatic hyphomycetes associated to submerged leaf litter of tropical lotic and lentic environments in the Atlantic Forest of Northeast Brazil. Six sampling events were carried out in six points of two study areas: Biological Reserve “Mata da Chuva” (MC) and Environmental Protection Area “Lagoa da Mata” (LM), in Pernambuco, Brazil. Twenty three taxa of hyphomycetes were identified resulting in 87 occurrences. In the lake LM, 13 taxa of hyphomycetes were identified with 34 occurrences and in the MC (stream), 20 taxa with 53 occurrences. Ten species were common to both areas. Diversity indices and fungal biomass (ergosterol) were mostly higher in the lotic system. The fungal community analysis did not show any structure regarding sampling periods or sampling points within an area, however the two areas are different. Although the turbulence of the water is considered important for the development of these aquatic fungi, it is possible to find a diverse community of hyphomycetes and considerable fungal biomass in the lentic environment.  相似文献   

Comparisons within and among populations offer important insights into variation in life-history traits and possible adaptive patterns to environmental conditions. We present the results of observed differences in body size, body shape and patterns of reproduction in four separate populations of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis in central and southern Italy – coastal ( n =3) and mountainous ( n =1) sites and pond ( n =2) and canal ( n= 2) habitats – to determine whether phenotypic plasticity affects reproductive output. Although we did not find any significant latitudinal variation in body size, we observed significant differences in body shape between canal (rounded body shape) and pond (elongated body shape) systems and smaller size with rounded shape in the mountainous population. Reproductive output is similar among populations (median=5 eggs per clutch), whereas reproductive investment (relative clutch mass to maternal body mass) is higher in the mountain population (one clutch per year) than in coastal populations (two clutches per year), suggesting differential trade-offs between geographic locality, elevation and habitat type. Turtle shell shape and geographic location together affect reproductive output in E. orbicularis in Italy.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of temperature during the early development on the phenotypic plasticity of Danio rerio. The effect of temperature was examined during two different early developmental periods of 280°d (the product of days × temperature) each, 28‐308°d or 280‐560°d, by subjecting the experimental populations to three different water temperatures (22°C, 28°C, and 32°C). Before and after the end of the 280°d period of the different thermal exposure, all populations were cultured in standard temperature (28°C). Five to 10 months after exposure to the different thermal regimes, the body shape of the adults was analyzed by geometric morphometrics. In both ontogenetic windows and experimental repetitions, the results showed that developmental temperature and sex significantly affected the body shape of adult zebrafish. Thermally induced shape variation discriminated the fish that developed at 22°C from those developed at 28°C–32°C. In the early developmental period (DP1, 28–308°d postfertilization), dorsal, anal, and caudal fin structures differed between the animals that developed at 22°C and 28°C–32°C. In the later developmental period (DP2, 280–560°d postfertilization), caudal, anal, pectoral, and pelvic fins, as well as the gill cover and lower jaw, were affected when animals developed at different temperatures. These results show that thermal history during a short period of embryonic and larval life affects the body form of adult zebrafish with potentially functional consequences. Based on previous data on the effects of temperature on fish development, we suggest thermally induced muscle and bone remodelling as possible mechanism underlying the observed plasticity. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - Research has linked ecologically-damaging invasive animals to a suite of traits including rapid rates of growth and exploitation of food resources, but such traits can vary...  相似文献   

Aims Crofton weed, with a subtropical origin, has successfully invaded in diverse habitats that belong to different climate zones in Southwest China. We tested whether local adaptation plays an important role in the successful invasion of crofton weed in heterogeneous environments.Methods Five populations from different habitats with an altitude ranging from 678 to 2356 m were selected. Plant height, biomass, seed yield and seed germination capability of these populations were investigated in the field. Greenhouse and reciprocal transplant experiments with the five populations were conducted, and all the above characters were measured and compared among these populations.Important findings Plant height, biomass, seed yield and seed germination rate were each significantly different among the five populations in field. However, there was no difference among these populations in the greenhouse experiment. In the reciprocal transplant experiment, plants from the five populations responded similarly to different habitats in the field, indicating lack of local adaptation. Instead, phenotypic plasticity likely plays a key role in the invasion success of crofton weed in different habitats.  相似文献   

Two new species, Telestes dabar and Telestes miloradi, are described on the basis of morphological comparisons of isolated geographical populations of fishes identified earlier as Telestes metohiensis. A lectotype is designated for Telestes metohiensis, whose range is shown to include waters of Gatačko, Cerničko, and Nevesinjsko poljes in Eastern Herzegovina. Telestes dabar from Dabarsko Polje (Eastern Herzegovina) and Telestes miloradi from Konavosko Polje (south Croatia) share with Telestes metohiensis the following combination of characters that distinguish them from the rest of the genus Telestes: pharyngeal teeth in one row, usually 5–4; preoperculo-mandibular canal not communicating with the infraorbital canal; mouth subterminal, the tip of the mouth cleft on or below the level of the ventral margin of the eye; postcleithrum minute or absent; ventral portion of the trunk with a dark stripe on a pale background; and dorsal portion of trunk uniformly dark and bordered ventrally by a dark midlateral stripe. Telestes dabar and Telestes miloradi are distinguishable from Telestes metohiensis in usually having 8½ branched dorsal-fin rays (vs. usually 7½), 9 or 10 gill rakers (vs. 7–10, usually 8), and the dark stripe on the ventral portion of the trunk below the main pigmented area of the back narrow and usually not reaching posteriorly to the caudal peduncle (vs. dark stripe wide and extending posteriorly to the caudal peduncle). Telestes dabar is distinguished from Telestes miloradi by having scales on most of the body situated close to one another and overlapping in a region behind the pectoral girdle and usually on the caudal peduncle (vs. overlapping scales on most of the body); the lateral line usually incomplete and interrupted, with 24–69, usually 54–65, total scales (vs. lateral line usually complete, with 55–67 total scales); scales above and below the lateral line slightly smaller than lateral-line scales (vs. of about equal size); head width 43–52% HL (vs. 48–58% HL); and lower jaw length 10–12% SL or 36–41% HL (vs. 8–10% SL or 33–38% HL). Telestes miloradi, a very local endemic species,is known only by historical samples. Telestes dabar is an abundant fish in Dabarsko Polje, but its range is critically restricted during the dry season by a few permanent sources. Nothing is known about its occurrence in underground karst waters.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - The Brazilian sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis) sustains the most important pelagic fishery off Brazilian waters. The present study evaluated the existence of distinct...  相似文献   

The effect of extended incubation (delayed hatching) on larval morphology in the terrestrially spawning common galaxias Galaxias maculatus was investigated by inducing larvae to hatch 1 and 2 weeks after the normal 2 week incubation period. After 1 week of extended incubation, larvae were larger (longer in standard length, L(S), and greater in body depth) compared to controls (larvae that experienced normal incubation durations). After 2 weeks of extended incubation, larvae were smaller (shorter in L(S) and smaller in body depth) than larvae that experienced 1 week of extended incubation. Furthermore, eye area increased while yolk-sac size decreased monotonically with increasing incubation duration. These results suggest that larvae experiencing long periods of extended incubation are using somatic tissue to meet their metabolic demands. Larvae that experienced 2 weeks of extended incubation succumbed to starvation sooner than control larvae, but hatching success was not significantly different. Temperature mediated the effect of extended incubation on the morphology of larvae at hatching, most likely, through its effects on developmental rate and efficiency of yolk utilization. This study demonstrates some of the consequences of terrestrial spawning with extended incubation, which will assist in determining why this intriguing behaviour has evolved several times in a diverse range of taxa.  相似文献   

Plants show different morphologies when growing in different habitats, but they also vary in their morphology with plant size. We examined differences in sun- and shade-grown plants of the bromeliad Aechmea distichantha with respect to relationships between plant size and variables related to plant architecture, biomass allocation and tank water dynamics. We selected vegetative plants from the understorey and from forest edges of a Chaco forest, encompassing the whole size range of this bromeliad. Plant biomass was positively correlated with most architectural variables and negatively correlated with most biomass allocation variables. Understorey plants were taller and had larger diameters, whereas sun plants had more leaves, larger sheath area, sheath biomass and sheath mass fraction. All tank water-related variables were positively correlated with plant biomass. Understorey plants had a greater projected leaf area, whereas sun plants had higher water content and evaporative area. Plasticity indices were higher for water-related than for allocation variables. In conclusion, there were architectural and biomass allocation differences between sun- and shade-grown plants along a size gradient, which, in turn, affected tank water-related variables.  相似文献   

Few studies have been conducted on the sagittal otolith shape and morphometry of Nemipterus randalli, and none of these studies has examined the effect of sexual dimorphism on the otolith morphology of this species, therefore this study aimed to contribute to knowledge about the otolith morphology of N. randalli, an invasive fish species for the Mediterranean Sea. For this purpose, a total of 132 samples (51 female and 81 male) were obtained from İskenderun Bay with the help of commercial fishermen in November 2018. Relationships between otolith measurements and fish size were determined. Shape indices and elliptic Fourier coefficients were calculated. Significant differences were detected between males and females in all analysis. The sexes were separated from each other using both shape indices and elliptic Fourier coefficients. However, shape analysis was more effective in distinguishing sexes than traditional morphometric analysis. Asymmetry in the otolith morphology of sexes has been attributed to differences in the growth and sexual maturity of male and female fish. The results of this study indicated that sexual dimorphism in Nemipterus randalli was also reflected in the otolith morphology.  相似文献   

Morphological variations of the serranid fish Cephalopholis taeniops were studied in relation to habitat fragmentation in the Cape Verde Archipelago. While a significant allometric effect existed (11·5% of total body‐shape variation), differences in morphology associated with sex and ontogeny were not significant. MANOVA followed by CVA showed that each island presented a particular allometric pattern. Average body shape for all islands was well discriminated with CVA models. Pair‐wise comparisons of the ontogeny of morphological change between islands revealed that northern islands (Santo Antão, São Vicente and Santa Luzia) along with Boavista Island showed a similar direction in shape ontogeny, while all other paired comparisons indicated different ontogenetic patterns. When comparing directions of inter‐population shape changes, individuals from Fogo Island, the southernmost locality, departed far from the orthogonal relation, suggesting that they were undergoing independent body‐shape trajectories. Physical isolation by geographic distance and depth was positively correlated with morphological divergence among populations from different islands. This finding supports the hypothesis that habitat fragmentation in the Cape Verde Archipelago can be interpreted in terms of marine population structure.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that incubation temperatures can profoundly affect the phenotypes of hatchling lizards, but the effects of hydric incubation environments remain controversial. We examined incubation-induced phenotypic variation in Bassiana duperreyi (Gray, 1938; Sauria: Scincidae), an oviparous montane lizard from south-eastern Australia. We incubated eggs from this species in four laboratory treatments, mimicking cool and moist, cool and dry, warm and moist, and warm and dry natural nest-sites, and assessed several morphological and behavioural traits of lizards after hatching. Incubation temperature influenced a lizard's hatching success, incubation period, tail length and antipredator behaviour, whereas variation in hydric conditions did not engender significant phenotypic variation for most traits. However, moisture affected incubation period slightly differently in males and females, and for a given snout-vent length moisture interacted weakly with temperature to affect lizard body mass. Although incubation conditions can substantially affect phenotypic variation among hatchling lizards, the absence of strong hydric effects suggests that hatchling lizards react less plastically to variation in moisture levels than they do to thermal conditions. Thus, our data do not support the generalization that water availability during embryogenesis is more important than temperature in determining the phenotypes of hatchling reptiles.  相似文献   

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