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The regional distribution of seven amino acids thought to have inhibitory neurotransmitter or neurotransmitter precursor function—GABA, glycine, taurine, serine, threonine, phenylalanine, and tyrosine—was determined in 52 discrete areas from brain of adult and old humans. Significant heterogeneity was found, with 3- to 16-fold differences in levels in the various regions analyzed. The patterns of distribution were somewhat different from those in the adult or old rat brain. Relatively few changes were seen in old brain. Heterogeneity in distribution has to be taken into account in assessing physiological changes in amino acid levels and metabolism.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Claude Baxter.  相似文献   

Dietary proteins need to be digested first while free amino acids (AAs) and small peptides are readily available for absorption and rapidly appear in the blood. The rapid postprandial appearance of dietary AA in the systemic circulation may result in inefficient AA utilisation for protein synthesis of peripheral tissues if other nutrients implicated in AA and protein metabolism are not available at the same time. The objective of this experiment was to compare the postprandial concentrations of plasma AA and other metabolites after the ingestion of a diet that provided AA either as proteins or as free AA and small peptides. Twenty-four male growing pigs (38.8 ± 2.67 kg) fitted with a jugular catheter were assigned to one of three diets that provided AA either in protein form (INT), free AA and small peptides (HYD), or as free AA (FAA). After an overnight fast and initial blood sampling, a small meal was given to each pig followed by serial blood collection for 360 min. Postprandial concentrations of plasma AA, glucose, insulin, and urea were then measured from the collected blood. Non-linear regression was used to summarise the postprandial plasma AA kinetics. Fasting concentrations of urea and some AA were higher (P < 0.05) while postprandial plasma insulin and glucose were lower (P < 0.01) for INT than for HYD and FAA. The area under the curve of plasma concentration after meal distribution was lower for INT for most AAs (P < 0.05), resulting in a flatter curve compared to HYD and FAA. This was the result of the slower appearance of dietary AA in the plasma when proteins are fed instead of free AA and small peptides. The flatter curve may also result from more AAs being metabolised by the intestine and liver when INT was fed. The metabolism of AA of the intestine and liver was higher for HYD than FAA. Providing AA as proteins or as free AA and small peptides affected the postprandial plasma kinetics of AA, urea, insulin, and glucose. Whether the flat kinetics when feeding proteins has a positive or negative effect on AA metabolism still needs to be explored.  相似文献   

Taurine (Tau) and the small neutral amino acids glycine (Gly), serine (Ser), threonine (Thr), and alanine (Ala) were measured in 53 brain areas of 3- and 29-month-old male Fisher 344 rats. The ratio of highest to lowest level was 34 for Tau, 9.1 for Thr, 7.6 for Gly and Ser, and 6.5 for Ala. The heterogeneity was found in numerous areas; for example, Tau levels were more than 90 nmol/mg protein in 6 areas, and less than 20 nmol/mg protein in 10 areas. Similar heterogeneity was found with the other amino acids. The relative distribution of the small neutral amino acids showed several similarities; Tau distribution was different. With age, four amino acids decreased in 10–18 areas, and increased in only 1–3, while Thr increased in more areas than it decreased. The five amino acids of this paper, and the four of the previous paper, are among the amino acids at highest level in the brain; the sequence in their levels shows considerable regional heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Glutamate and related amino acids were determined in 53 discrete brain areas of 3-and 29-month-old male Fischer 344 rats microdissected with the punch technique. The levels of amino acids showed high regional variation-the ratio of the highest to lowest level was 9 for aspartate, 5 for glutamate, 6 for glutamine, and 21 for GABA. Several areas were found to have all four amino acids at very high or at very low level, but also some areas had some amino acids at high, others at low level. With age, in more than half of the areas, significant changes could be observed, decrease occurred 5 times more frequently than increase. Changes occurred more often in levels of aspartate and GABA than in those of glutamate or glutamine. The regional levels of glutamate and its related amino acids show severalfold variations, with the levels tending to decrease in the aged brain.  相似文献   

In a structure-antibacterial activity relationship study of a peptide fragment of bovine lactoferricin consisting of FKCRRWQWRMKKLGA (LFB 17-31), it was revealed that the two Trp residues were important for antibacterial activity. It has further been demonstrated that the size, shape and the aromatic character of the side chains were even more important than the Trp itself. In this study the antitumour effect of a series of LFB 17-31 derivatives are reported, in which the two Trp residues in position 6 and 8 were replaced with the larger non-coded aromatic amino acids Tbt, Tpc, Bip and Dip. The counterproductive Cys in position 3 was also substituted with these larger aromatic residues. In addition, the effect of introducing lipophilic groups of different size and shape in the N-terminal of the LFB 17-31 sequence was addressed. The resulting peptide derivatives were tested for activity against three human tumour cell lines and against normal human umbilical vein endothelial cells and fibroblasts. High antitumour activity by several of the peptides demonstrated that Trp successfully could be substituted by the bulky aromatic residues, and peptides containing the large and rigid Tbt residue in position 6 and/or 8 in LFB 17-31 were the most active candidates. The antitumour effect was even more increased by the Tbt-modified peptides when the three counterproductive amino acids Cys3, Gln7 and Gly14 were replaced by Ala. Enhanced antitumour activity was also obtained by modifying the N-terminal of LFB 17-31 with either long-chained fatty acids or bulky moieties. Thus, our results revealed that the size and shape of the lipophilic groups and their position in the peptide sequence were important for antitumour activity.  相似文献   

Neutrophils release branched-chain (valine, isoleucine, leucine), aromatic (tyrosine, phenylalanine) and positively charged free amino acids (arginine, ornithine, lysine, hydroxylysine, histidine) when adhere and spread onto fibronectin. In the presence of agents that impair cell spreading or adhesion (cytochalasin D, fMLP, nonadhesive substrate), neutrophils release the same amino acids, except for a sharp decrease in hydroxylysine and an increase in phenylalanine, indicating their special connection with cell adhesion. Plasma of patients with diabetes is characterized by an increased content of branched-chain and aromatic amino acids and a reduced ratio of arginine/ornithine compared to healthy human plasma. Our data showed that the secretion of neutrophils, regardless of their adhesion state, can contribute to this shift in the amino acid content.

Abbreviations: BCAAs: branched-chain amino acids; Е2: 17β-estradiol; LPS: lipopolysaccharide from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium; fMLP: N-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine.  相似文献   

AIMS: Anaerobic fungi are important members of the fibrolytic community of the rumen. The aim of this study was to study their requirement for aromatic amino acids (AA) and related phenyl acids (phenylpropionic and phenylacetic acids) for optimal xylan fermentation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Neocallimastix frontalis RE1 and Piromyces communis P were grown in a defined medium containing oat spelts xylan as the sole energy source, plus one of the following N sources: ammonia; ammonia plus a complete mixture of 20 AA commonly found in protein; ammonia plus complete AA mixture minus aromatic AA; ammonia plus phenyl acids; ammonia plus complete AA mixture without aromatic AA plus phenyl acids. Both species grew in all the media, indicating no absolute requirement for AA. The complete AA mixture increased (P<0.05) acetate concentration by 18% and 15%, sugar utilization by 33% and 22% and microbial yield by about 22% and 15% in N. frontalis and P. communis, respectively, in comparison with the treatments that had ammonia as the only N source. Neither the supply of aromatic AA or phenol acids, nor their deletion from the complete AA mixture, affected the fermentation rate, products or yield of either species. CONCLUSIONS: AA were not essential for N. frontalis and P. communis, but their growth on xylan was stimulated. The effects could not be explained in terms of aromatic AA alone. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Ruminant diets should contain sufficient protein to sustain optimal fibre digestion by ruminal fungi. Aromatic AA or phenyl acids alone cannot replace the complete AA mixture.  相似文献   

The elastin cross-linking amino acids, desmosine (DES) and isodesmosine (IDE), in hydrolysates of rat lungs were quantified by ion-pair liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry. The column was a 2.0 mm i.d. x 150 mm Develosil UG3 (ODS) with a mobile phase A of 7 mM pentafluoropropionic anhydride (PFPA) using ultrapure water as the ion-pair reagent, and a mobile phase B of 7 mM PFPA in 80% methanol. The retention times of IDE and DES were 25.5 and 26.6 min, respectively. The mean concentrations of IDE and DES in the lung were 191.6+/-54.5 nmol/g lung (dry tissue) (+/-SD) and 184.0+/-39.3 nmol/g lung, respectively, and the IDE/DES ratio was 1.04, in Wistar Kyoto rats. Our results indicate that ion-pair liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry is a useful procedure for quantitation of DES and IDE in hydrolysates of rat lung.  相似文献   

Human cytochrome P450 (P450) 2W1 is still considered an "orphan" because its physiological function is not characterized. To identify its substrate specificity, the purified recombinant enzyme was incubated with colorectal cancer extracts for untargeted substrate searches using an LC/MS-based metabolomic and isotopic labeling approach. In addition to previously reported fatty acids, oleyl (18:1) lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC, lysolecithin) was identified as a substrate for P450 2W1. Other human P450 enzymes tested showed little activity with 18:1 LPC. In addition to the LPCs, P450 2W1 acted on a series of other lysophospholipids, including lysophosphatidylinositol, lysophosphatidylserine, lysophosphatidylglycerol, lysophosphatidylethanolamine, and lysophosphatidic acid but not diacylphospholipids. P450 2W1 utilized sn-1 18:1 LPC as a substrate much more efficiently than the sn-2 isomer; we conclude that the sn-1 isomers of lysophospholipids are preferred substrates. Chiral analysis was performed on the 18:1 epoxidation products and showed enantio-selectivity for formation of (9R,10S) over (9R,10S). The kinetics and position specificities of P450 2W1-catalyzed oxygenation of lysophospholipids (16:0 LPC and 18:1 LPC) and fatty acids (C16:0 and C18:1) were also determined. Epoxidation and hydroxylation of 18:1 LPC are considerably more efficient than for the C18:1 free fatty acid.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the influence of two indispensable and two dispensable amino acids, including methionine, histidine, cysteine and proline, on the binding interaction between human serum albumin (HSA) and an antibiotic agent lomefloxacin (LMF). The fluorescence quenching experiments showed that the intrinsic emission of HSA was considerably quenched following binding to LMF in all the systems. Furthermore, in all the interactions the maximum wavelength of HSA was slightly decreased. The spectral changes observed in the binding systems we e all attributed to the alteration of the micro-environment around the tryptophan and tyrosine residues of HSA. The Kb values o HSA-LMF complex in the absence and presence of histidine, methionine, cysteine and proline have been obtained 6.02 × 105, 4.83 × 105, 5.05 × 105, 4.94 × 105 and 6.20 × 105 M?1 respectively. The various kind of Kb values showed the different interaction behavior between HSA and LMF in the absence and presence of amino acids mentioned. The data gathered by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) studies revealed that although all the binding interactions were exothermic, the amount of the heat exchanged during the HSA-LMF interaction increased in the presence of the amino acids especially cysteine. In the present study, the binding kinetics and affinity of LMF to HSA in the absence and presence of the amino acids were studies using stopped-flow circular dichroism and ITC techniques respectively. The results of these two techniques revealed that the bindig affinity and binding rate of the LMF-HSA interaction decreased in the presence of histidine, methionine and cysteine. In the presence of proline, the binding process of LMF-HSA was sped up and the affinity of LMF to HSA slightly increased. All the experimental results were then supported by the data collected from molecular modeling studies using density functional theory.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Free amino acids and γ-glutamyl peptides have been examined in 116 species of Iridaceae. 3-(3-Carboxyphenyl)-alanine, 3′-carboxyphenylglycine and γ-glutamyl peptides occur widely in the subfamily Iridoideae but have not been found in the two other subfamilies, Ixioideae and Sisyrinchoideae. The two aromatic amino acids occur in varying concentrations in species within the Irideae and Tigrideae. The γ-glutamyl peptides are distributed in a distinct pattern within the Irideae. The results are discussed in relation with botanical classification of the subfamily Irioideae and with existing knowledge on the occurrence, biosynthesis and degradation of the aromatic amino acids and the γ-glutamyl peptides.  相似文献   

Interpretation of the 1H-NMR spectra of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase is complicated by the large number of overlapping resonances due to protonated aromatic amino acids. Deuteration of the aromatic protons of aromatic amino acid residues is one technique useful for simplifying the 1H-NMR spectra. Previous attempts to label the dihydrofolate reductase from over-producing strains of Escherichia coli were not completely successful. This labeling problem was solved by transducing via P1 phage a genetic block into the de novo biosynthetic pathway of aromatic amino acids in a trimethoprim resistant strain of E. coli, MB 3746. A new strain, MB 4065, is a very high level producer of dihydrofolate reductase and requires exogenous aromatic amino acids for growth, therefore allowing efficient labeling of its dihydrofolate reductase with exogenous deuterated aromatic amino acid.  相似文献   

Little is known about the uptake or metabolism of essential fatty acids (EFAs) in various mammalian organs. Thus, the distribution of deuterated alpha-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) and linoleic acid (18:2n-6) and their metabolites was studied using a stable isotope tracer technique. Rats were orally administered a single dose of a mixture (20 mg each) of ethyl D5-18:3n-3 and D5-18:2n-6, and 25 tissues per animal were analyzed for D5-labeled PUFAs at 4, 8, 24, 96, 168, 240, 360, and 600 h after dosing. Plasma, stomach, and spleen contained the highest concentrations of labeled precursors at the earliest time points, whereas other internal organs and red blood cells reached their maximal concentrations at 8 h. The time-course data were consistent with liver metabolism of EFAs, but local metabolism in other tissues could not be ruled out. Brain, spinal cord, heart, testis, and eye accumulated docosahexaenoic acid with time, whereas skin accumulated mainly 20:4n-6. On average, approximately 16-18% of the D5-18:3n-3 and D5-18:2n-6 initial dosage was eventually accumulated in tissues, principally in adipose, skin, and muscle. Approximately 6.0% of D5-18:3n-3 and 2.6% of D5-18:2n-6 were elongated/desaturated and stored, mainly in muscle, adipose, and the carcass. The remaining 78% of both precursors was apparently catabolized or excreted.  相似文献   

The Human Phosphate Binding Protein (HPBP) is a serendipitously discovered apolipoprotein from human plasma that binds phosphate. Amino acid sequence relates HPBP to an intriguing protein family that seems ubiquitous in eukaryotes. These proteins, named DING according to the sequence of their four conserved N-terminal residues, are systematically absent from eukaryotic genome databases. As a consequence, HPBP amino acids sequence had to be first assigned from the electronic density map. Then, an original approach combining X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry provides the complete and a priori exact sequence of the 38-kDa HPBP. This first complete sequence of a eukaryotic DING protein will be helpful to study HPBP and the entire DING protein family.  相似文献   

PtdIns3P signaling is critical for dynamic membrane remodeling during autophagosome formation. Proteins in the Atg18/WIPI family are PtdIns3P-binding effectors which can form complexes with proteins in the Atg2 family, and both families are essential for macroautophagy/autophagy. However, little is known about the biophysical properties and biological functions of the Atg2-Atg18/WIPI complex as a whole. Here, we demonstrate that an ortholog of yeast Atg18, mammalian WDR45/WIPI4 has a stronger binding capacity for mammalian ATG2A or ATG2B than the other 3 WIPIs. We purified the full-length Rattus norvegicus ATG2B and found that it could bind to liposomes independently of PtdIns3P or WDR45. We also purified the ATG2B-WDR45 complex and then performed 3-dimensional reconstruction of the complex by single-particle electron microscopy, which revealed a club-shaped heterodimer with an approximate length of 22 nm. Furthermore, we performed cross-linking mass spectrometry and identified a set of highly cross-linked intermolecular and intramolecular lysine pairs. Finally, based on the cross-linking data followed by bioinformatics and mutagenesis analysis, we determined the conserved aromatic H/YF motif in the C terminus of ATG2A and ATG2B that is crucial for complex formation.  相似文献   

In sediment slurry experiments with anoxic marine sediments collected in Cape Lookout Bight, NC, and a site in mid-Chesapeake Bay, the rates of sulfate reduction and ammonium production decrease with increasing dilution of sediment with oxygen-free sea-water. The effect of sediment dilution on the rates of these processes can be described by a simple mathematical relationship, and when these rates are corrected for sediment dilution they yield values which agree well with direct measurements of these processes.In sediment slurry studies of amino acid utilization in Cape Lookout Bight sediments, the fermentative decarboxylation of glutamic acid (to -aminobutyric acid) or aspartic acid (to alanine or -alanine) did not occur when either of these amino acids were added to Cape Lookout Bight slurries. The addition of glutamic acid did however lead to a small (1) transient build-up of -aminoglutaric acid. Measured rates of glutamic acid uptake in these slurries also decreased with increasing sediment dilution.Molybdate inhibition experiments demonstrated that dissolved free amino acids represent 1–3% of the carbon sources/electron donors used for sulfate reduction in Cape Lookout Bight sediments. The direct oxidation of amino acids by sulfate reducing bacteria also accounts for 13–20% of the total ammonium produced. Glutamic acid, alanine, -aminoglutaric acid, aspartic acid and asparagine are the major amino acids oxidized by sulfate reducing bacteria in Cape Lookout Bight sediments.  相似文献   

Summary Of the 20 protein amino acids, 16 have a methylene group at the position, and a further three bear a methine group. No aromatic, carboxamido, carboxylic carbon, or hetero atoms are attached directly to the carbon, but they are separated by this methylene or occasionally by a longern-alkylene spacer group. Therefore, the structure of the protein amino acids should rather be formulated as H2N–CH((CH2)n–R)–COOH instead of the generally accepted H2N–CH(R)–COOH. The appearance of and the role played by the spacer group are discussed in an evolutionary context. It is suggested that the spacer group appeared as a result of prebiotic selection, based on the relative abundance, racemization rate, and suitability for thermal polymerization of the protein amino acids and their homologs with various spacer group lengths. At the biotic level of evolution the requirements for ribosomal polymerization, as well as the abilities of polypeptides to maintain a stable and flexible threedimensional structure and to bind ligands are considered and are proposed to have been responsible for the possible exclusion of longer spacer groups. It is concluded that the general role of the spacer group is to ensure the uniformity of the constant regions H2N–CH(-)–COOH and the individuality of the R contact groups by spatially separating them.  相似文献   

The efficiency of amino acid, organic acid and sugar metabolism was quantified for adult Homalodisca coagulata (Say) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) by comparing chemical profiles of xylem fluid (food source) and insect exudate. Leafhoppers were confined in Parafilm® sachets to stems of 4 host plants: [Baccharis halimifolia (L.), Lagerstroemia indica (L.), Prunus salicina (Lindl.), Prunus persica (L.), Batsch]. Insect feeding rates (0.09–0.27 ml h–1), exudate osmolarity (7.8–12.8 mM) and exudate composition (mainly inorganic entities) were characteristic of a xylem feeder. Total organic solute concentration in the xylem fluid of B. halimifolia, L. indica, P. salicina and P. persica was ca. 9.4, 13.8, 5.5 and 1.8 mM, respectively. Nineteen protein amino acids, 7 organic acids and 3 or 4 sugars were identifid in the xylem fluid. Total amino acids, organic acids and sugars were metabolized with ca. 99% efficiency. Glutamine, asparagine, arginine and citric, malic and succinic acids, the predominant organic compounds in the xylem fluid of all four plant species, were metabolized with greater than 99% efficiency. Cysteine (51%), methionine (74%) and oxalic acid (77%) were metabolized with the lowest efficiency. The primary nitrogenous waste was NH inf4 sup+ ; uric acid or urea were not detected. Nitrogen retention was generally less than 60% of dietary nitrogen. High feeding rates, ammonotelism and an extremely high metabolic efficiency of organic compounds permit H. coagulata to subsist on the dilute and skewed chemical profile of xylem fluid.
Résumé L'efficacité du métabolisme des amino-acides, des acides organiques et des sucres a été quantifiée chez des H. coagulata Say (Hom. Cicadellidae) adultes, en comparant la composition chimique de la sève du xylème et du miellat des insectes. Les cicadelles ont été maintenues dans des sachets de parafilm avec des tiges de 4 plantes hôtes: Baccharis halimifolia L., Lagerstroemia indica L., Prunus salicina Lindl. et Prunus persica Batsch. Le taux de consommation (0,09 à 0,27 ml hr–1), l'osmolarité du miellat (7,8 à 12,8 mM) et la composition du miellat (principalement des éléments inorganiques) sont caractéristiques des consommateurs de xylème. Les concentrations organiques totales en soluté de la sève du xylème étaient respectivement: 9,4; 13,8; 5,5; et 1,8 mM chez B. halimifolia, L. indica, P. salicina et P. persica. 19 amino acides protéiques, 7 acides organiques et 3 ou 4 sucres ont été identifiés dans la sève du xylème. Les acides aminés, les acides organiques et les sucres ont été métabolisés dans leur ensemble avec une efficacité de 99%. La glutamine, l'asparagine, l'arginine et les acides citrique, malique et succinique,-les principaux composés organiques de la sève du xylème de ces 4 plantes,-ont été métabolisés avec plus de 99% d'efficacité. La cystéine (51%), la méthionine (74%) et l'acide oxalique (77%) ont été métabolisés avec une plus faible efficacité. Le déchet azoté primarie était NH inf4 sup+ ; l'acide urique et lurée n'ont pas été décelés. La fixation d'azote a été généralement inférieure à 60% de l'azote consommé. Des taux de consommation élevés, l'ammonotélisme et une efficacité extrêmement élevée du métabolisme des composés organiques permettent à H. coagulata de survivre malgré la composition chimique biaisée et la dilution de la sève du xylème.

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