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1. Most of the female crabhole mosquitoes Deinocerites cancer Theobald entering bait traps had undeveloped ovaries. 2. Nearly half of the D. cancer females that were captured in bait traps, but denied blood, were gravid following a 1 week holding period; they developed relatively small egg clutches autogenously (mean = 7.4 eggs per gravid female). 3. Although both parous and nulliparous D. cancer females were captured exiting from crabholes, only parous females were attracted to and collected in bait traps. 4. Much larger egg clutches (mean = 41.8 eggs per female) were produced anautogenously by mosquitoes that blood-fed on chickens. 5. All D. cancer females from field collected pupae developed eggs autogenously when allowed to mate and sugar feed in the laboratory. These mosquitoes produced an initial egg clutch with a mean size equivalent to that found in blood-fed, parous mosquitoes from bait traps. 6. In the field, mating and sugar feeding rather than blood-feeding seem to stimulate production of the initial egg clutch. 7. D. cancer blood-feeding appears to be delayed until after the first egg clutch has been laid; some parous crabhole mosquitoes are facultative blood feeders and can produce an egg clutch either with or without a blood meal.  相似文献   

Understanding the principles of colonization resistance of the gut microbiome to the pathogen Clostridioides difficile will enable the design of defined bacterial therapeutics. We investigate the ecological principles of community resistance to C. difficile using a synthetic human gut microbiome. Using a dynamic computational model, we demonstrate that C. difficile receives the largest number and magnitude of incoming negative interactions. Our results show that C. difficile is in a unique class of species that display a strong negative dependence between growth and species richness. We identify molecular mechanisms of inhibition including acidification of the environment and competition over resources. We demonstrate that Clostridium hiranonis strongly inhibits C. difficile partially via resource competition. Increasing the initial density of C. difficile can increase its abundance in the assembled community, but community context determines the maximum achievable C. difficile abundance. Our work suggests that the C. difficile inhibitory potential of defined bacterial therapeutics can be optimized by designing communities featuring a combination of mechanisms including species richness, environment acidification, and resource competition.  相似文献   

Patches can vary in their colonization history as the result of many factors, including differences in patch size and isolation, which alter the timing and duration in which one or more species colonize a patch. Prior work has found that the particular time that a species colonizes a patch can affect the performance of co‐occurring species, but it is less clear whether it affects the biodiversity of the patch. Our objective was to evaluate how two components of colonization history affect biodiversity – the total duration of the colonization window in which a predator is able to colonize the patch and the particular time in the patch's colonization history (i.e. early versus late in community development) that colonization by a predator occurs. We conducted an experiment to examine how the duration and timing in which predatory dragonflies colonize recently filled ephemeral ponds affects insect biodiversity. Dragonfly colonization history had an important effect on insect biodiversity. Ponds with a longer colonization history by dragonflies had fewer insect morphotypes than ponds with a shorter colonization history. The timing of dragonfly colonization (i.e. early versus late in community development) had no effect on the number of insect morphotypes present despite altering both the rate of dragonfly metamorph production and the abundance of larval dragonflies present at the end of the study. The effect of duration of long‐term dragonfly colonization on biodiversity stemmed from early colonists weakening the influence of later colonists on insect biodiversity. Though colonization by dragonflies reduced adult insect abundance, differences in the time in which dragonflies colonized ponds had no effect on total insect abundance. Moreover, differences in patch biodiversity appears to be affected more by variation in the duration a patch was colonized by a predator than variation in the time in which a patch was colonized by a predator.  相似文献   

The impact of an altered bacterial colonization on gut development has not been thoroughly studied, despite the increased risk of certain diseases with a disturbed microbiota after birth. This study was conducted to determine the effect of microbial manipulation, i.e., antibiotic treatment or Escherichia coli exposure, of the dam on bacterial colonization and gut development in the offspring. Pregnant rats were administered either broad-spectrum antibiotics 3 days before parturition or live nonpathogenic E. coli Culture Collection of University of G?teborg, Sweden type strain (CCUG 29300(T)) 1 wk before parturition and up to 14 days of lactation in the drinking water. Cecal bacterial levels, gut growth, intestinal permeability, digestive enzyme levels, and intestinal inflammation were studied in 2-wk-old rats. Pups from dams that were antibiotic-treated had higher densities of Enterobacteriaceae, which correlated with a decreased stomach growth and function, lower pancreatic protein levels, higher intestinal permeability, and increased plasma levels of the acute phase protein, haptoglobin, compared with pups from untreated mothers. Exposure of pregnant/lactating mothers to E. coli CCUG 29300(T), also resulting in increased Enterobacteriaceae levels, gave in the offspring similar results on the stomach and an increased small intestinal growth compared with the control pups. Furthermore, E. coli pups showed increased mucosal disaccharidase activities, increased liver, spleen, and adrenal weights, as well as increased plasma concentrations of haptoglobin. These findings indicate that disturbing the normal bacterial colonization after birth, by increasing the densities of cecal Enterobacteriaceae, appears to have lasting effects on the postnatal microflora, which affects gut growth and function.  相似文献   

Avian defensive behavior against host-seeking arthropods influencestransmission of vector-borne pathogens by affecting mosquitobiting rate, either by preventing vector–host contactor by increasing the rate of multiple host feeding. We exposedhouse sparrows (Passer domesticus L.) and chickens (Gallus gallusdomesticus L.) to Culex pipiens pipiens L. overnight in a largeobservation cage and measured avian defensive behavior ratesand mosquito blood-feeding success. Both bird species exhibiteda range of defensive behaviors, 90% of which were foot stomps,head movements, and wing shakes. Total behavior rates increasedproportionately with mosquito density in both species, increasedafter the first hour of mosquito exposure, and decreased asindividual birds were exposed to mosquitoes multiple times.Mosquito blood-feeding success on house sparrows was high overall(82 ± 5%) and independent of behavior rates. Blood-feedingsuccess on chicks was lower (58 ± 5%) and negativelycorrelated with defensive behavior rate after the first hourof mosquito exposure. Results revealed a higher percentage ofpartial blood meals on chicks (18 ± 3% of all blood mealson chicks) than on house sparrows (4.9 ± 3%). Birds ofboth species ate an average of 9.4 ± 1.2% of mosquitoes,and this percentage was positively correlated with defensivebehavior. High mosquito feeding success on house sparrows supportsits role as a potential amplifying host of West Nile virus.  相似文献   

The intestinal microbiota can protect efficiently against colonization by many enteric pathogens ('colonization resistance', CR). This phenomenon has been known for decades, but the mechanistic basis of CR is incompletely defined. At least three mechanisms seem to contribute, that is direct inhibition of pathogen growth by microbiota-derived substances, nutrient depletion by microbiota growth and microbiota-induced stimulation of innate and adaptive immune responses. In spite of CR, intestinal infections are well known to occur. In these cases, the multi-faceted interactions between the microbiota, the host and the pathogen are shifted in favor of the pathogen. We are discussing recent progress in deciphering the underlying molecular mechanisms in health and disease.  相似文献   

Microbial colonization and controls in dryland systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Drylands constitute the most extensive terrestrial biome, covering more than one-third of the Earth's continental surface. In these environments, stress limits animal and plant life, so life forms that can survive desiccation and then resume growth following subsequent wetting assume the foremost role in ecosystem processes. In this Review, we describe how these organisms assemble in unique soil- and rock-surface communities to form a thin veneer of mostly microbial biomass across hot and cold deserts. These communities mediate inputs and outputs of gases, nutrients and water from desert surfaces, as well as regulating weathering, soil stability, and hydrological and nutrient cycles. The magnitude of regional and global desert-related environmental impacts is affected by these surface communities; here, we also discuss the challenges for incorporating the consideration of these communities and their effects into the management of dryland resources.  相似文献   

BackgroundAedes aegypti mosquitoes are globally distributed vectors of viruses that impact the health of hundreds of millions of people annually. Mating and blood feeding represent fundamental aspects of mosquito life history that carry important implications for vectorial capacity and for control strategies. Females transmit pathogens to vertebrate hosts and obtain essential nutrients for eggs during blood feeding. Further, because host-seeking Ae. aegypti females mate with males swarming near hosts, biological crosstalk between these behaviors could be important. Although mating influences nutritional intake in other insects, prior studies examining mating effects on mosquito blood feeding have yielded conflicting results.Methodology/Principal findingsTo resolve these discrepancies, we examined blood-feeding physiology and behavior in virgin and mated females and in virgins injected with male accessory gland extracts (MAG), which induce post-mating changes in female behavior. We controlled adult nutritional status prior to blood feeding by using water- and sugar-fed controls. Our data show that neither mating nor injection with MAG affect Ae. aegypti blood intake, digestion, or feeding avidity for an initial blood meal. However, sugar feeding, a common supplement in laboratory settings but relatively rare in nature, significantly affected all aspects of feeding and may have contributed to conflicting results among previous studies. Further, mating, MAG injection, and sugar intake induced declines in subsequent feedings after an initial blood meal, correlating with egg production and laying. Taking our evaluation to the field, virgin and mated mosquitoes collected in Colombia were equally likely to contain blood at the time of collection.Conclusions/SignificanceMating, MAG, and sugar feeding impact a mosquito’s estimated ability to transmit pathogens through both direct and indirect effects on multiple aspects of mosquito biology. Our results highlight the need to consider natural mosquito ecology, including diet, when assessing their physiology and behavior in the laboratory.  相似文献   

张亦瑶  王俊豪  郝海红 《微生物学报》2023,63(12):4536-4554
药物的代谢是机体对药物处置过程的关键步骤,而肠道作为机体中重要的微生态系统,其在药物代谢方面的作用至关重要。肠道微生物群能够对各种药物等外源化合物进行生物转化、积累,并改变这些物质的活性和毒性,从而影响宿主机体对它们的反应。肠道微生物群与药物之间的相互作用相当复杂,亟待更多更加深入、全面的发掘和研究。近年来,随着人们对肠道微生物群代谢及其与药物互作关系,肠道菌-宿主共代谢认知的不断深化,越来越多的研究表明肠道微生物在药代动力学中扮演重要角色。本文通过调研、整理、归纳和总结国内外相关文献资料,对机体肠道微生物的分类、功能,几种常用药物对肠道微生物的影响以及肠道菌群对药物的代谢作用效果与几个主要的机制进行了梳理和综述,并讨论了微生物和药物之间的双向互作。有利于增进对微生物群影响药物疗效及其代谢途径和机制的了解,提高调控肠道微生物改善治疗的可能性,为指导临床合理用药、精准用药、个体化治疗、药物的评价和新药研发等提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Most studies of community development in insular systems have investigated the colonization dynamics of only a portion of the biotic community using islands that have the benefit of prior biotic modification. Two experiments assessed the predictive ability of equilibrium island theory with regard to the development of the protistan community in temporary aquatic islands (100-1 plastic swimming pools) void of any prior biotic modification. The first experiment ran for 170 d (March–September 1985) and manipulated the access of islands to animals that represent potentially important dispersal pathways for microbes. A second experiment (May–June 1986) investigated in greater detail the early stages of species accrual in the absence of dispersal pathways other than via the atmosphere. Polyurethane foam substrates were used as sampling devices to increase the accuracy and replicability of sampling and provide habitat for colonists. Sampling was determined to be asymptotic. Species accrual was asymptotic in both experiments, although it initially lagged behind that predicted by theory. Autotrophs approached equilibrium faster than heterotrophs, but at a lower species richness. The predicted number of autotroph species at equilibrium was lower in islands that were excluded from contact with birds compared to less exclosed islands. The colonization dynamics of the entire community was not significantly different among islands having different degrees of exclosure. In both experiments, rates of species immigration were nonmonotonic with respect to time and species richness. This relationship appeared to reflect the importance of species interactions during the initial accrual phase before equilibrium. Rates of extinction were positively correlated with both these parameters, although they tended to decrease with time during the equilibrium period in less exclosed islands. Turnover at equilibrium was significant and resulted in directional changes in species composition over time. Assortative processes appeared to be important since later colonists exhibited greater persistence. Colonizing species generally fall into three autecological categories: 1) those that were ubiquitous and had temporally predictable patterns of immigration (successional species); 2) those possessing temporally predictable distributions but not spatially ubiquitous distributions (dispersal limited species); 3) those that showed little temporal or spatial predictability in immigration (transient or allochthonous species). Individual islands exhibited various degrees of fluctuation in species number during the predicted equilibrium which were poorly correlated with exogenous environmental variables and physicochemical habitat parameters. The presence of predacious mosquito larvae(Culex spp.) invariably resulted in a sharp decreases in microbial species richness, while documented contact with rodents was followed by an increase in species number in an island so contaminated. Several aspects of microbial colonization of temporary waters that contradict equilibrium predictions appear to be strongly influenced by microbe-microbe as well as macrobe-microbe interactions.  相似文献   

The pattern of colonization by microorganisms on root surfaces from three species of seagrass belonging to the genus Posidonia was assessed. Microbial abundance on roots was measured by two electronic microscope techniques. Trends in microbial colonization between species and root order were defined. In addition, eutrophication status of the sampling sites and physiological status of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile roots have been taken into account. Our results show high microbial abundance in the Mediterranean species P. oceanica, in comparison with the low rates of colonization found in the Australian species P. australis Hook f. and P. sinuosa Cambridge et Kuo. Microbial density tended to decrease as root order increased, and living roots always showed higher microbial abundance than dead ones. Colonization of P. oceanica roots at the three sites with different environmental status follows different trends according to root order. It is suggested that root age influences the rate of microbial colonization of seagrass roots and that colonization of root surface by microorganisms is associated with organic exudates from the roots rather than with decaying root tissues.  相似文献   

肠道菌群在其宿主健康中发挥着各种各样的重要功能。蜜蜂是高度社会化的昆虫,其肠道菌群与大多数昆虫明显不同,由兼性厌氧和微好氧的细菌组成,具有高度保守性和专门的核心肠道微生物群。近年来的研究表明,蜜蜂肠道微生物群在代谢、免疫功能、生长发育以及保护机体免受病原体侵袭等方面起着重要作用,并已证实肠道微生物在蜜蜂健康和疾病中起着重要作用,肠道微生物群的破坏对蜜蜂健康会产生不利影响。本文综述了蜜蜂肠道菌群的特征及菌群定殖研究进展,介绍了蜜蜂的日龄、群体、季节等对蜜蜂肠道菌群定殖的影响,探讨了宿主的功能和新陈代谢对肠道菌群的影响。  相似文献   

The gut mucosa acts as a barrier against microbial invaders, whereas resident commensal and foreign invading bacteria interact intimately with the gut epithelium and influence the host cellular and immune systems. The epithelial barrier serves as an infectious foothold for many bacterial pathogens and as an entry port for pathogens to disseminate into deeper tissues. Enteric bacterial pathogens can efficiently infect the gut mucosa using highly sophisticated virulence mechanisms that allow bacteria to circumvent the defense barriers in the gut. We provide an overview of the components of the mucosal barrier and discuss the bacterial stratagems that circumvent these barriers with particular emphasis on the roles of bacterial effector proteins.  相似文献   

Urban malaria cases are becoming common in Africa as more people move into cities and industrialization proceeds. While many species of Anopheles mosquitoes vector malaria in rural areas, only a few are found within cities. The success of anthropophilic species in cities, such as members of the An. gambiae complex, may be explained by limitations on colonization by predator species in urban environments. Habitats that are temporal or structurally simple have lower predator survivorship in a variety of ecosystems, but these have not been investigated previously in an urban area. Areas within and around the Kenyan coastal town of Malindi were previously sampled for the presence of standing water using a geographic sampling strategy with probability proportional to size sampling of planned well-drained, unplanned poorly-drained, planned poorly-drained, unplanned well-drained, and peri-urban locations. Standing aquatic habitats in these areas were reassessed. During monthly sampling, presence/absence of mosquitoes and predator taxa were noted, as were ecological habitat variables: structural complexity and presence of water. Lambda statistics were calculated to associate predator guilds, habitat types, location variables, and ecological variables. All predator guilds found in habitats were strongly associated with habitat type, as were the structural complexity and temporal nature of the habitats. Types of habitat were heterogeneously distributed throughout Malindi, with swimming pools as a common habitat type in planned urban areas and tire track pools a common habitat type in peri-urban areas of Malindi. Predator colonization of aquatic habitats in Malindi was strongly influenced by habitat type, and not associated with location characteristics. Ecological variables were affected by the type of habitats, which are co-associated with planning and drainage in Malindi. While habitat types are distributed heterogeneously within Malindi, habitats with low predation pressure are available for mosquito colonization in both urban and peri-urban areas. The temporal, peri-urban tire track pools and the structural simplicity of urban swimming pools may discourage predator colonization, thereby increasing the probability of malaria vectors in these areas of Malindi. Future studies should evaluate habitats for use in malaria surveillance and experimentally test the effects of structural complexity and temporal nature of urban habitats on the densities of mosquito larvae and their aquatic predators.  相似文献   

The literature data and the results of the author studies on determination of intestine colonization resistance are presented. The mechanisms of the colonization resistance defined by the macroorganism factors and representatives of indigenic microflora are discussed. The results of the experiments with animal gnotobiotes aimed at elucidating new aspects of the colonization resistance mechanism: antagonistic interrelations between pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria and the role of transitory microflora, factors lowering the colonization resistance are presented. The up-to-date methods for testing the colonization resistance and the ways for its increasing are indicated.  相似文献   

Pseudalteromonas tunicata and Roseobacter gallaeciensis are biofilm-forming marine bacteria that are often found in association with the surface of the green alga Ulva australis. They are thought to benefit the plant host by producing inhibitory compounds that are active against common fouling organisms. We investigated factors that influence the ability of P. tunicata and R. gallaeciensis to attach to and colonize the plant surface and also the competitive interactions that occur between these organisms and other isolates from U. australis during biofilm formation on the plant surface. A surprisingly high number of P. tunicata cells, at least 10(8) cells ml(-1), were required for colonization and establishment of a population of cells that persists on axenic surfaces of U. australis. Factors that enhanced colonization of P. tunicata included inoculation in the dark and pregrowth of inocula in medium containing cellobiose as the sole carbon source (cellulose is a major surface polymer of U. australis). It was also found that P. tunicata requires the presence of a mixed microbial community to colonize effectively. In contrast, R. gallaeciensis effectively colonized the plant surface under all conditions tested. Studies of competitive interactions on the plant surface revealed that P. tunicata was numerically dominant compared with all other bacterial isolates tested (except R. gallaeciensis), and this dominance was linked to production of the antibacterial protein AlpP. Generally, P. tunicata was able to coexist with competing strains, and each strain existed as microcolonies in spatially segregated regions of the plant. R. gallaeciensis was numerically dominant compared with all strains tested and was able to invade and disperse preestablished biofilms. This study highlighted the fact that microbial colonization of U. australis surfaces is a dynamic process and demonstrated the differences in colonization strategies exhibited by the epiphytic bacteria P. tunicata and R. gallaeciensis.  相似文献   

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