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KORDOFANI, M. & INGROUILLE, M., 1991. Patterns of morphological variation in the Acacia species (Mimosaceae) of northern Sudan. A numerical taxonomic review has been carried out on the morphology of northern Sudanese Acacia species. Fifty-one characters were scored from 12 species sampled at 12 sites. There is evidence of large scale population variation. Within a single site species are distinct but a comparison of plants between different sites may obscure species differences. Each species has a peculiar local variant in each sampled site, even when sites are separated by only a few kilometres. The possible significance of this pattern of variation is discussed. Species complexes are delineated and useful species diagnostics described.  相似文献   

Shahdadi A  Chan BK  Sari A 《ZooKeys》2011,(136):1-12
A new species of intertidal acorn barnacle Tetraclita ehsanisp. n. was identified from the Iranian coast in the Gulf of Oman. Tetraclita ehsanisp. n. inhabits low exposed rocky shores and also attaches to shells of molluscs and the barnacle Megabalanus species. Parietes of Tetraclita ehsani ranged from white to pink which is different from Tetraclita serrata (in South African waters), which has green parietes. Morphology of the tergum and cirrus III of Tetraclita ehsanisp. n. is distinctive from other described West Indian Ocean species which have pink or white parietes (Tetraclita rufotincta, Tetraclita achituvi and Tetraclita reni). The tergum of Tetraclita ehsani is very narrow and the basal margin is slightly concave or straight, in contrast to Tetraclita rufotincta and Tetraclita reni, in which the tergum are board and with a very concave basal margin. Cirrus I anterior ramus of both Tetraclita ehsani and Tetraclita reni is antenniform and thus differing from the cirrus I of Tetraclita rufotincta (see Chan et al. 2009). Cirrus III of Tetraclita ehsanisp. n. is non-antenniform and lacks multicuspidate type setae, which is different from Tetraclita reni by having an antenniform cirrus III and with multicuspidate setae.  相似文献   

A comparative study comprising scale morphology and squamation of Saurida tumbil was conducted to identify the most useful scale and squamation characters within the different body regions and length groups and to clarify their significance for future systematic studies. The presence of the caudal pores is documented for the first time in teleosts. In addition, the presence of crenae and spines formed by posterior orientation and projection of circuli is recorded for the first time in a member of the Synodontidae. Scales of S. tumbil show some characters that are either never seen or they are exceedingly rare in scales of other teleosts. These are: two types of scalar denticles, denticles in the inter-circular area, and twin or Siamese scales. Several other scale characters have shown a consistent variation in different body regions and in fishes from different length groups. These are: focus position; bilobate rostral field edge; presence of three radii; long, narrow and separated crenae; papillae-form, crowded scalar denticles with posterior directed spines; the number of scale rows between anterior end of the dorsal fin and the lateral line.  相似文献   

The morphological variation in the annual killifish Austrolebias luteoflamulatus was studied using meristic and pigmentation characters analysed with univariate and multivariate analysis, and morphometric characters analysed with a geometric morphometry approach (thin plate spline). The results showed that morphological variation in this species was associated with a geographical pattern. In the case of meristic and pigmentation characters, the strongest distinction occured in males, while females were more similar among different drainages. Males from Rocha (eastern Uruguay) exhibited the greatest differences from the others. The number of dorsal fin rays and bars on the flanks were the characters that contributed most to this segregation. When morphometrics were considered, the three populations analysed could be distinguished well from each other in both sexes. Some of the characters that contributed to this pattern were dorsal fin origin, position of eyes and length of snout. Since pigmentation characteristics and some characters of the dorsal fin in males were involved in the differences observed, sexual selection could have played an important role in the differentiation of populations of this species. Since Austrolebias luteoflamulatus has a restricted geographical distribution, conservation of this species should include consideration of these populations individually since they might represent different evolutionary units.  相似文献   

Macro- and microscopic characteristics of flank scales for 12 species were investigated from the Persian Gulf Coral Reefs. In Lutjanus argentimaculatus and L. russellii (family Lutjanidae), the scales of different flank regions were not different, while four characters showed variation in the scale of L. lutjanus i.e., scale shape (pentagonal, hexagonal and square), anterior margin (waved, scalloped and smooth), focus shape (circular and oblong) and focus position (postero-central and central), displayed variation. Scale type (ctenoid) and posterior margin (transforming ctenii) did not show variation and could be considered to be specific in this family. In Epinephelus chlorostigma (family Serranidae), the scales of flank regions did not display variation, while in E. areolatus, E. diacanthus and E. radiates, the scales showed considerable variation. The most variable characters were scale shape, posterior margin and focus shape. Therefore, in fish systematics studies on the base of scale, it is particularly important to compare scales from the same flank regions. Also, some criteria such as size-dependent alternation, ontogenetic changes and variation between flank regions, should be considered. This study supports the potential of scale morphology to help for the understanding of fish diversity in the coral reef ecosystem.  相似文献   

Lacerta perspicillata is a north-west African lacertid lizard that shows considerable intraspecific variation, with three subspecies described on the basis of colour pattern and body size. Recent observations of a population containing two morphological forms and more than one deep genetic lineage, as well as an apparent lack of concordance between forms and genetic lineages, suggest that the complexity is greater than previously thought. To analyse and quantify this variation, we studied the variability within this species at two levels: (1) external morphology (multivariate analysis of scalation, body dimensions, and colour pattern) and (2) mtDNA (sequencing and single-strand confirmation polymorphism analysis). Fifty-two individuals were studied at Taza, northern Morocco. Two morphological groupings (ostensibly representing two previously described subspecies) and two deep mtDNA lineages were detected at this site, with complete correspondence between the two. This, together with an apparent lack of hybrids, would normally support respective full species recognition. However, analysis of 98 individuals from other populations demonstrated that the situation is highly complex with the same genetic lineages having reversed morphotypes in other areas, making such a designation difficult. Across the other studied populations, we found no support for any of the currently recognized subspecies. The lack of congruence between mtDNA lineages and morphometric patterns (in some cases) and the morphological similarity among lizards from different lineages suggest ecophenotypic convergence or multiple introgressive hybridization. The study highlights the tremendous complexity that may exist within a taxon and the inadequacy of older alpha-taxonomy based designations in describing it.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 479–490.  相似文献   

Species with larger geographic distributions are more likely to encounter a greater variety of environmental conditions and barriers to gene flow than geographically‐restricted species. Thus, even closely‐related species with similar life‐history strategies might vary in degree and geographic structure of variation if they differ in geographic range size. In the present study, we investigated this using samples collected across the geographic ranges of eight species of fiddler crabs (Crustacea: Uca) from the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America. Morphological variation in the carapace was assessed using geometric morphometric analysis of 945 specimens. Although the eight Uca species exhibit different degrees of intraspecific variation, widespread species do not necessarily exhibit more intraspecific or geographic variation in carapace morphology. Instead, species with more intraspecific variation show stronger morphological divergence among populations. This morphological divergence is partly a result of allometric growth coupled with differences in maximum body size among populations. On average, 10% of total within‐species variation is attributable to allometry. Possible drivers of the remaining morphological differences among populations include gene flow mediated by ocean currents and plastic responses to various environmental stimuli, with isolation‐by‐distance playing a less important role. The results obtained indicate that morphological divergence among populations can occur over shorter distances than expected based on dispersal potential. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 248–270.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships were estimated for four marine species, namely Pomadasys kaakan (Cuvier, 1829), Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen, 1788), Scomberoides commersonnianus Lacepède, 1801 and Euthynnus affinis (Cantor, 1849) in the Gulf of Oman (Konarak, Iran). During nine cruises, samples were collected at 20‐miles distance from shoreline by 3 panel drift gill‐nets with 120 mm mesh size, 8–9 m height and 0.5 hanging ratio in autumn and winter 2016.  相似文献   

Fish larvae assemblages in the Gulf of California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distributional diversity and assemblages of fish larvae in the Gulf of California indicated two main seasonal stages and two transitional periods: in winter, the tropical water mass is confined to the south‐east portion of the mouth of the Gulf and larval fish assemblages are dominated by subtropical and temperate‐subarctic species; in summer; tropical water invades the Gulf and assemblages are dominated by tropical species. Both seasonal stages are separated by transitional periods coinciding with strong latitudinal temperature gradients. During the autumn and spring transitional periods, the Gulf of California splits into three regions: a northern region where temperate and subarctic species spawn from autumn to spring, a southern region dominated by tropical and subtropical species year round and a central region where tropical and temperate assemblages merge. Seasonal changes in the location of the regions, as well as the borders between them, show expansion and contraction of the northern and southern faunas related to the general oceanic circulation patterns during the year.  相似文献   

A new species of planktonic dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum arabianum isolated from the Gulf of Oman, is described using both scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy. This clonal isolate has the following morphological characteristics: (1) cell shape is asymmetric; (2) thecal surface is rugose, covered with small poroids; (3) periflagellar area is unornamented, and (4) intercalary band is horizontally striated. Analysis of P. arabianum confirms the production of one cytotoxic compound and one ichthyotoxic compound. P. arabianum is the second known toxic planktonic Prorocentroid dinoflagellate.  相似文献   

Atarbolana makranensis sp. n. is described from the intertidal zone of Makran along the Iranian coast of the Gulf of Oman. Atarbolana makranensis sp. n. can be recognized by the presence of a tuft of long setae on the antennal flagellum of males, elongate pleotelson with 12 robust marginal setae, pleotelson with narrowly rounded apex extending well beyond the uropodal endopod, uropodal endopod half as long as exopod with 14 robust marginal setae, and appendix masculina with an acute apex and extending beyond endopod distal margin. A key is provided for the four known species of Atarbolana Bruce & Javed, 1987.  相似文献   

This study is the first attempt to survey the diversity of fish digeneans in the Gulf of Gabes (southern coast of Tunisia). A total of 779 fishes belonging to 32 species were sampled. 53 species of Digenea belonging to 15 families were recorded. Among these species, 24 are reported for the first time from the coast of Tunisia. We report one new host record, Lecithochirium sp. from Sardinella aurita. The Hemiuridae is the dominant family. A host-parasite list is presented with the information on the prevalence, abundance and mean intensity of each species collected. The diversity of Digenea is compared with other localities in the Mediterranean Sea and the northern east of Tunisia. The Gulf of Gabes shows the lowest diversity linked to the anthropogenic activities and impact of exotic species. The use of Digenea as indicators of the state of the ecosystem is discussed.  相似文献   

The genera Parasesarma and Perisesarma are common inhabitants of mangroves and estuaries of the Indo-West Pacific. These, overall similar, genera of sesarmid crabs can be told apart by the presence or absence of an anterolateral tooth, but recent and ongoing studies show that they are not reciprocally monophyletic. In recent years, detailed morphological studies have revealed a surprising number of undescribed new species within these genera. In the present paper, we describe a new species of the genus Parasesarma from the relatively poorly studied Persian Gulf. So far, these specimens had been referred to as Parasesarma plicatum (Latreille, 1803), but morphological and genetic characteristics clearly allow separation of the two species. Consequently, the species from the Persian Gulf is here described as new and morphological and mitochondrial genetic characters are provided that allow recognition of the species.  相似文献   


Three specimens of the Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) were collected in Guader (Gwatar) Bay in the Sea of Oman on 6 January, 1997. Two of them have been preserved for the Zoological Museum of Gorgan University. This is the first report of the Olive Ridley Turtle in Iranian coastal waters.  相似文献   

We used phylogenetic analyses based on multiple gene sequences (partial nr SSU and LSU rDNA, partial pt LSU rDNA, psaA and rbcL) from 148 strains (including three outgroups) and scale ultrastructure to examine phylogenetic relationships among species of the colonial genera Synura and Tessellaria. The phylogenetic tree based on the combined dataset was congruent with ultrastructural characteristics of the scales. Synura was divided into three major clades, two including species in section Synura, and one representing section Peterseniae. One clade, consisting of seven strains of S. uvella (section Synura), diverged at the base of the genus. The second clade consisted of the remaining species belonging to the section Synura. The third clade, containing organisms in the section Peterseniae and characterized by scales possessing a keel, was monophyletic with strong support values. Based on our findings, S. uvella needs to be in a separate section from other spine-bearing species, and we therefore propose new sectional ranks; Synura, Peterseniae, Curtispinae (presence of body scales with slender spines, tubular scales and caudal scales). We further propose four new species based on phylogenetic analyses and unique scale characters: S. longitubularis sp. nov., S. sungminbooi sp. nov., S. soroconopea sp. nov. and S. lanceolata sp. nov. Lastly, we propose a new genus name, Neotessella, to replace the invalid use of the name Tessellaria.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the community structure of deep sea fishes in the northern Gulf of Aqaba. Deep fish traps, short lines and long lines were deployed at depth ranges from 60 to 700 m between June 2014 and May 2015. A total of 369 fish individuals belonging to 37 species in 21 families were collected. The most abundant family observed in deep fish traps and short line was the commercially important family Sparidae, whereas the most abundant family in long line catch was the commercially unimportant fish family Muraenidae. The most abundant fish species sampled by deep fish traps and shortline was Blueskin Seabream, Polysteganus coeruleopunctatus. The most abundant species in long line catch White-spotted Moray, Gymnothorax johnsoni. In fish traps and with short line, the most commonly caught species was Blueskin Seabream. White-spotted Moray was the most common long line catch. Depth distribution for 37 deep fish species and GIS maps for the two main commercial fish species Blueskin Seabream and Bigeye Hound Shark, Iago omanensis were documented.  相似文献   

Clinal variation was observed at the aspartate aminotransferase-2 (AAT-2) locus in the marine fish Cynoscion nebulosus (Cuvier) inhabiting the bays and estuaries of the Texas and northern Mexico Gulf coasts. Frequency of the AAT-2(80) allele increased from 0.9% at Sabine Lake, Texas to 17.1% at Rio Soto La Marina, Mexico. A statistically significant correlation existed in the frequency of this allele with degrees north latitude and west longitude. This information, if properly incorporated into a comprehensive enhancement programme, could facilitate supplemental stocking success.  相似文献   


Three marine sponges Neopetrosia similis, Xestospongia testudinaria and Petrosia nigricans from the Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India were compared based on their morphometric parameters and their biochemical and elemental composition. These sponges showed differences inspicule : protein (spongin) ratio of 5:1, 11:1 and 13:1, respectively. Xestospongia testudinaria possessed the longest oxeae, 3.05 times than P. nigricans and 1.47 times than N. similis. Spectral analysis revealed that the spicules of these sponges are mostly composed of O (>50%) and Si (29–45%), whereas Al and Ca (4–5%) were additionally detected only in the spicules of P. nigricans. In contrast, the percentage elemental composition in pinacodermal sections was significantly different as O and Si were the maximum (23–50%); followed by Cl and Al as moderate (1–17%); and Na, S, Fe and Ca in minor quantities (0.2–6%). Cluster analysis and traditional taxonomic arrangements show that X. testudinaria and N. similis have a close relationship whereas P. nigricans was hypothesized to be their sister group. The present findings could be the key for identifying sponges in situ as well as determining whether sponges could be used to assess pollution in the sea.  相似文献   

At a large‐scale, the lipid content in the muscle of Pagellus acarne and Pagellus erythrinus was higher in the Gulf of Lions than in the Catalan Sea. Furthermore, there was a significant effect of depth on lipid content of Mullus barbatus, Mullus surmuletus and P. acarne , fishes with the highest lipid levels inhabiting the shallowest parts of the Gulf of Lions (all three species) and the Catalan Sea (last two species). At a small‐scale, the study revealed differences in the condition of Diplodus sargus sargus between protected (Natural Park of Cap de Creus) and the unprotected habitats. Total lipid content in the muscle of D. s. sargus during spawning was higher within the protected area than in adjacent unprotected rocky areas. Because lipids play a critical role in the health, growth and reproduction of fishes, results from this study support the relative importance of some habitats (shallow v . deeper parts of the continental shelf, the Gulf of Lions v . the Catalan Sea, and the protected bottom areas of the Natural Park of Cap de Creus v . the unprotected bottom areas) for the productivity of different Mediterranean fishes.  相似文献   

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