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The objectives of this study were to compare the fertilization rate of bovine in vitro matured oocytes by in vitro fertilization (IVF) and by microinjection of a single spermatozoon (MI) and to relate these rates with fertility reported for these bulls in artificial breeding. Bull A (Holstein) had a nonreturn rate of 75%. Semen from this bull is routinely used in our standard IVF procedure. Bull B (Ayrshire), used regularly in artificial breeding and related to bull D, had a nonreturn rate of 69.2%. Bull C (Brown Swiss), with a chromosomal translocation and trisomy, achieved a nonreturn rate of 42%. Bull D (Ayrshire) produced nonmotile spermatozoa (SPZ) and had an abnormality described as "tail stump defect." No pregnancies sired by bull D have been reported. Oocytes were either fertilized in vitro by capacitated SPZ or by microinjection of a single immobilized SPZ into the ooplasm. SPZ were treated with 0.1 microM A23187 and used for IVF. For microinjection SPZ were cocultured for 5 h with bovine oviduct epithelial cells (BOEC) and then immobilized by freezing and thawing twice without cryoprotectant. A single batch of killed SPZ (stored at -25 degrees C) was used for all microinjections. All oocytes were cultured in Medium 199 for 22 h at 39 degrees C and subsequently fixed, stained, and examined for evidence of fertilization (i.e., female and male pronucleus formation, SPZ decondensation). Fertilization rates following IVF with semen from bulls A, B, C, and D were 80%, 54%, 1%, and 2%, and following microinjection were 39%, 22%, 21%, and 34%, respectively.  相似文献   

小鼠精子注入兔卵母细胞受精研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The methods of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and subzonal injection (SUZI) were used to study heterologous fertilization and embryonic development between the mouse and the rabbit. Results were as follows: 1. The mouse sperm nuclei decondensed and formed pronuclei following microinjection into cytoplasm and perivitelline space (PVS) of rabbit oocytes; 2. The hybrid embryos developed to the stage of 8-cell when cultured in vitro; 3. The karyotype analysis showed a normal complement of rabbit oocyte and mouse sperm chromosomes in the 4-cell hybrid embryos; 4. The ultrastructure of 4-cell hybrid embryos was similar to that of normal 4-cell rabbit embryos; 5. The fertilization rate (32.4%) and cleavage rate (22.2%) when 5-10 mouse spermatozoa were injected were higher than those of injection of a single spermatozoon into PVS of the rabbit oocyte, but the difference was not significant (P > 0.05). The fertilization rate (42.3%) and cleavage rate (30.8%) in rabbit oocytes in vitro matured for 11-12 h were higher than those in the oocytes which were in vitro matured for 24-25 h following microinjection of 1-2 mouse spermatozoa into PVS, but the difference was not significant (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

Acrosome-reacted CB6F1 mouse spermatozoa with slight flagellar motility were microinjected under the zona pellucida of CB6F1 mouse oocytes. Electron microscopy revealed the presence of swollen and decondensed sperm heads in the oocyte cytoplasm. Sixty-one percent of the microinjected oocytes reached a morphologically apparent two-cell stage, but chromosomal analysis demonstrated only haploid chromosomal complements in all cases. The exposure of microinjected oocytes to suspensions of spermatozoa of mice homozygous for a 2,4 reciprocal translocation resulted in normal fertilization and embryonic development with a maternally as well as a paternally derived haploid genome. Identical results were obtained with oocytes microinjected with medium and subjected to in vitro fertilization thereafter. Thus it can be suggested that the microinjected spermatozoa with insufficient flagellar motility are incorporated into the oocyte cytoplasm by phagocytosis. These spermatozoa do not induce a polyspermy block but induce the oocyte to parthenogenetic development.  相似文献   

The 24p3 protein is a 25 kDa glycoprotein that is secreted into the uterine fluid during the proestrous phase of mice. We assessed the effects on spermatozoa motility and on the functions of mouse spermatozoa using the computer-assisted sperm analysis method, cytochemical staining and detection of the protein tyrosine phosphorylation pattern. Compared with the control cells, sperm motility was stimulated by the addition of 24p3 protein into the medium. Introducing 24p3 protein enhanced progressive motility but did not promote the appearance of hyperactivated movement. The presence of 24p3 protein in the medium did not allow the cells to undergo the capacitated protein tyrosine phosphorylation pattern and acrosome reaction. The tyrosine phosphorylation pattern shows phosphoproteins in the range of Mr 50000–106000 correlated with the sperm progressive motility after the addition of 24p3 protein into the medium. Using flow cytometry, we assessed the changes in the intracellular pH and measured the intracellular cAMP concentration with an immunodetection kit. The results indicated that the elevation in intracellular pH from 6.67 to 6.89, increase of intracellular cAMP accumulation, and protein tyrosine phosphorylation might be the factors in enhancement of sperm motility as the 24p3 protein bound to the spermatozoa. The 24p3 protein may have a role in regulating flagellar motility.  相似文献   

The fertility of ram spermatozoa cryopreserved prior to, and following, sex-sorting by flow cytometry was assessed after insemination of mature Merino ewes at a synchronised estrus. Ewes were inseminated with spermatozoa from three rams, split into four treatment groups: 50 x 10(6) motile non-sorted, frozen-thawed (Control50), 15 x 10(6) motile non-sorted, frozen-thawed (Control15), 15 x 10(6) motile sex-sorted, frozen-thawed (SF15) or 15 x 10(6) motile frozen-thawed, sex-sorted, re-frozen-thawed (FSF15) ram spermatozoa. Separation of SF15 and FSF15 treatments into X- and Y-chromosome-bearing populations was achieved using a high-speed sperm sorter. The percentage of ewes lambing after insemination was similar for Control15 (36/74; 48.6%), SF15 (35/76; 46.1%) and FSF15 (26/72; 36.1%) groups (P>0.05). A higher percentage of ewes produced lambs in the Control50 (38/70; 54.3%) than the FSF15 group (P<0.05). Fifty-one of the 55 (92.7%) lambs derived from fresh, sex-sorted frozen-thawed spermatozoa were of the predicted sex, as were 41/43 (95.3%) lambs derived from frozen-thawed, sex-sorted, re-frozen-thawed spermatozoa. This study demonstrated for the first time in any species that frozen-thawed spermatozoa, after sex-sorting and a second cryopreservation step, are capable of producing offspring of the predicted sex following artificial insemination.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a highly efficient acute transforming agent in human cells, provided that the intact virus is used. To investigate the ability of viral DNA alone to transform cells, we introduced the EBV genome into human lymphocytes. After microinjection of EBV DNA into neonatal B lymphocytes, we established a cell line that in early passages contained multiple viral fragments. This cell line retained sequences from the short, unique (Us) region of the EBV genome and sequences from EcoRI-E. The viral sequences were not expressed; however, the cells expressed a 2.3-kilobase polyadenylated message homologous to the c-fgr oncogene, a cellular locus believed to be activated by EBV infection [M. S. C. Cheah, T. J. Ley, S. R. Tronick, and K. C. Robbins, Nature (London) 319:238-240.]. The cell line was monoclonal with rearrangement at the immunoglobulin locus and had a reciprocal translocation t(1;7)(p34;q34) and a deletion of sequences within the locus for the beta chain of the T-cell receptor. The close proximity of the translocation to the chromosomal loci for c-fgr on chromosome 1 and the T-cell receptor beta chain on chromosome 7 suggests that structural alteration of these genes was critical to this transformation event.  相似文献   

Full-length and N-terminal deletion mutants of human c-raf-1 cDNA were cloned into Escherichia coli expression plasmids. Bacterially expressed c-raf proteins were purified by anion-exchange, gel filtration, and affinity chromatography. Microinjection of mutant c-raf proteins into G0-arrested NIH 3T3 cells induced DNA synthesis and morphological transformation, whereas microinjection of full-length c-raf had no effect. The amino terminus of the raf protein has an important negative regulatory influence; alteration of this region resulted in increased kinase activity and oncogenicity.  相似文献   

The tumour-promoting phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) induces insulin secretion from isolated pancreatic islets, and this suggests a potential role for protein kinase C in the regulation of stimulus-secretion coupling in islets. In the present study, the hypothesis that the insulinotropic effect of TPA is mediated by activation of protein kinase C in pancreatic islets has been examined. TPA induced a gradual translocation of protein kinase C from the cytosol to a membrane-associated state which correlated with the gradual onset of insulin secretion. The pharmacologically inactive phorbol ester 4 alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate did not mimic this effect. TPA also induced a rapid time-dependent decline of total protein kinase C activity in islets and the appearance of a Ca2+- and phospholipid-independent protein kinase activity. Insulin secretion induced by TPA was completely suppressed (IC50 approximately 10 nM) by staurosporine, a potent protein kinase C inhibitor. Staurosporine also inhibited islet cytosolic protein kinase C activity at similar concentrations (IC50 approximately 2 nM). In addition, staurosporine partially (approximately 60%) inhibited glucose-induced insulin secretion at concentrations (IC50 approximately 10 nM) similar to those required to inhibit TPA-induced insulin secretion, suggesting that staurosporine may act at a step common to both mechanisms, possibly the activation of protein kinase C. However, stimulatory concentrations of glucose did not induce down-regulation of translocation of protein kinase C, and the inhibition of glucose-induced insulin release by staurosporine was incomplete. Significant questions therefore remain unresolved as to the possible involvement of protein kinase C in glucose-induced insulin secretion.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) has been microinjected into mammalian cells in tissue culture by the erythrocyte ghost-mediated technique. This protein was selected because it can be localized and quantified after injection by cytochemical and spectrophotometric methods. HRP labeled by reductive methylation retained full catalytic activity, was efficiently loaded into erythrocyte ghosts, and did not associate to a significant degree with ghost membranes. A combination of cytochemical staining and autoradiography established that HRP injected into rat L6 myoblasts, HE(39)L human diploid fibroblasts, or HeLa cells was intracellular and uniformly distributed throughout the cell, while cell lysis techniques showed that the catalytically active HRP was not membrane bound. Inactivation of labeled HRP after injection paralleled the disappearance of the 40-kDa polypeptide, and was always more rapid than its overall degradation. This difference was associated with a pool of water-insoluble radioactivity in the injected cells. This material was of smaller molecular size than the native protein: many labeled peptides were detected in the range of 10 to 38 kDa. By the use of inhibitors of autophagic proteolysis or lysosomal function it was established that HRP degradation was not subjected quantitatively to the same regulatory processes as the average endogenous protein labeled in the same cultures.  相似文献   

Human sperm chromosome complements after microinjection of hamster eggs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A technique was developed for microinjection of human spermatozoa into golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) eggs to obtain human pronuclear chromosome complements. Before microinjection the spermatozoa were treated by brief sonication or incubation in TEST-yolk buffer to reduce motility. Very few sperm chromosome complements developed after sperm treatment with sonication and the frequency of spermatozoa with structural chromosomal abnormalities was exceedingly high (91%). The majority of sperm chromosome complements analysed had multiple breaks and rearrangements. Sperm incubation in TEST-yolk buffer before microinjection provided more analysable sperm karyotypes with a significantly lower frequency of structural chromosomal abnormalities (39%, P less than 0.001). Our results therefore suggest that sonication induces structural chromosomal abnormalities in spermatozoa. Since the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities after microinjection was higher than after sperm fertilization of hamster eggs, it appears that microinjection per se may also increase the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in spermatozoa. These results are based on small numbers and must be confirmed on larger sample sizes, but our study suggests that microinjection of spermatozoa into eggs should not be recommended for clinical use until fully evaluated.  相似文献   

In order to study the expression of an exogenous gene in developing mouse embryos during the preimplantation period, DNA carrying the SV40 early promoter fused with the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene (lacZ) was microinjected into the pronucleus of fertilized mouse eggs. Expression of lacZ gene was detected by staining embryos with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside (X-gal) as a substrate at pH 7.2. The embryos expressing the lacZ gene showed various intensities of blue staining, all showing a mosaic pattern. The exogenous gene was expressed from the 4-cell stage until the blastocyst stage. The proportion of embryos expressing the lacZ gene was maximal (38%) at the morula stage, and the expression was dependent on the presence of the SV40 promoter.  相似文献   

Birth weight was evaluated in 777 and 217 livebirths, respectively, of index females and female partners of index males born before and after severe self-poisoning with drugs. Birth weight was also evaluated in matched controls. Babies born to index females months or years after an attempted self-poisoning were found to have a lower birth weight than before this suicide attempt. The difference in the birth weight of subsequent pregnancies of index and control females was also highly significant. A similar trend was observed in livebirths of female partners of index males. However, the differences were not significant between previous and subsequent pregnancies and between index cases and matched controls.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the relationship of different cytokeratins within one cell, monoclonal antibodies directed against three trophectoderm cytokeratins TROMA 1, 2 and 3 were microinjected into mouse teratocarcinoma-derived trophoblastoma cells and indirect immunofluorescence tests were used to follow the subsequent localization of their respective antigens Endo A, B and C. Microinjection of TROMA 1 or 2 resulted in the perinuclear collapse of Endo A, B and C-containing filaments. Microinjection of TROMA 3 resulted in the perinuclear collapse of filaments containing Endo A and B, whereas Endo C condensed into cytoplasmic aggregates which appear as speckles in the fluorescence microscope. The speckles were electron microscopically located using indirect gold-labeling techniques and had a dense, granulous structure. They were often found to be associated with microtubules, although colchicine treatment before microinjection did not interfere with speckle formation. These experiments demonstrate that cytokeratins can become differentially distributed within the cytoplasm after microinjection of an anti-cytokeratin monoclonal antibody. Since Endo A is a type II cytokeratin and Endo B and C are type I cytokeratins, these results suggest that different members of one cytokeratin subfamily may be associated with cytokeratin filaments which have different functions within the same cell.  相似文献   

We have examined the capacity of Xenopus laevis eggs to support replication of microinjected SV40 DNA. As previously reported, microinjected DNA undergoes semi-conservative replication. Unlabeled SV40 DNA was microinjected with [3H]dTTP and, after a 3 h incubation period, the DNA was recovered and adsorbed to BND-cellulose. Elution with an NaCl gradient removes molecules that are entirely double-stranded but not those with single-stranded regions. The latter DNA population is eluted with caffeine. The radioactive DNA that eluted with NaCl was comprised mostly of supercoiled and open circular SV40 DNAs. The radioactive DNA eluted with caffeine was comprised mainly of endogenous DNA but also contained replicative forms of SV40 DNA. Analysis of SV40 DNA replication intermediates by electron microscopy revealed mainly Cairn's forms of varying degrees of maturation. Digestion with BamH1, which cleaves SV40 DNA almost opposite the normal viral replication origin, indicated that SV40 DNA microinjected into frog eggs does not initiate DNA synthesis at its normal initiation site nor at any other obvious preferred site. Rather, it appears that when this template is injected into activated Xenopus eggs, replication may initiate at random.  相似文献   

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