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Chen  Hwei-Hsien  Ma  Tangeng  Paul  Ian A.  Spencer  James L.  Ho  Ing K. 《Neurochemical research》1997,22(9):1119-1125
Long-term exposure to a low level of lead is associated with learning deficits. Several types of learning have been correlated to hippocampal protein kinase C (PKC) activation. This study was designed to determine if there is a correlation between the effects of lead on hippocampal PKC activation and those on learning performance. Rats were exposed to 0.2% (w/v) lead acetate at different developmental stages including a maternally exposed group, a postweaning exposed group, and a continuously exposed group. The continuously lead exposed rats tended to avoid less frequently and not respond more frequently in two-way active avoidance training than did controls. This training process was associated with translocation of hippocampal PKC activity from cytosol to membrane. Two-way analysis of variance of data indicates that there is a significant training and lead treatment interaction in the ratio of membrane to cytosolic PKC activity (F3,32 = 3.013; p = 0.044). The interaction is attributable to the absence of the training-induced PKC translocation in the continuously lead exposed rats. In addition, no significant changes were observed in learning performance and training-induced hippocampal PKC activation after maternal and postweaning lead exposure. Continuous and longer duration of lead exposure appears to affect the learning performance and hippocampal PKC activation. These data suggest that a change in the activation of hippocampal PKC may be involved in the lead-induced deficit in learning.  相似文献   

Abstract: Several laboratories have reported a lack of protein kinase C (PKC) activation in response to various stimuli in the brain of aged rats. It has been suggested that changes in lipid membrane composition could be related to this functional deficit. However, recent evidence has indicated that the translocation of PKC to the different subcellular compartments is controlled by protein-protein interactions. Recently, a class of proteins, termed receptors for activated C kinase (RACKs), have been described that bind PKC. The present study was conducted to determine whether alterations in RACK1, the best-characterized member of RACKs, were associated with changes in translocation and expression of PKC. Quantitative immunoblotting revealed that RACK1 content was decreased by ∼50% in aged rat brain cortex, compared with that in adult and middle-aged animals. The levels of calcium-independent PKCδ and ε, interacting with RACK1, and related calcium-independent PKC activity were not modified by the aging process. By comparison, phorbol ester-stimulated translocation of this activity and of PKCδ and ε immunoreactivity was absent in cortex from aged animals, as well as the translocation of the calcium-dependent PKCβ, also known to interact with RACK1. These results indicate that a deficit in RACK1 may contribute to the functional impairment in PKC activation observed in aged rat brain.  相似文献   

Complete obstruction of the maternal blood flow to fetal rats at 20 days of gestation for a period of 10 min causes a significant shift of approximately 22% in protein kinase C (PKC) activity from a cytosolic to a membrane-bound form in the fetal brain. This translocation can be entirely reversed without losses in activity by a single intraperitoneal injection into the gravid rat of either a mixture of disialo- and trisialoganglioside [polysialoganglioside (PSG)] or by GM1 (50 mg/kg of body weight) given 3 h before onset of the ischemic episode. Cessation of blood flow for 15 min followed by a reperfusion period of 24 h results in a 47% loss in total PKC activity. This down-regulation can be almost entirely prevented upon intraperitoneal administration of GM1 3 h before, but also during and even 90 min after the onset of ischemia. The PSG mixture is also effective, particularly when given 3 h before the insult. Down-regulation of PKC is accompanied by an increase in a Ca2(+)-phosphatidylserine-independent kinase [protein kinase M (PKM)] activity, which rises from 30 pmol/min/mg of protein in control animals to a maximal value of 83.1 pmol/min/mg of protein after 15 min of ischemia and 6 h of reperfusion. By 24 h, PKM activity is 46.8 pmol/min/mg of protein. Administration of GM1 blocks completely the appearance of PKM, a result suggesting that PKC down-regulation and PKM activity elevation are intimately associated events and that both are regulated by GM1 ganglioside.  相似文献   

The procedure used to obtain cerebral tissue for analysis of protein kinase C (PKC) activity may affect the subcellular distribution of the enzyme. We compared different methods of tissue preparation and found that the proportion of PKC activity associated with the particulate fraction of the cerebral cortex was only 30% when the brain was frozen in situ while the animal was on life support or after decapitation followed by delayed freezing. Other methods of obtaining cerebral tissue resulted in 49-56% of the PKC activity in the particulate fraction. Freezing per se had no apparent effect on the activity or subcellular distribution of PKC. In addition, whenever the particulate PKC activity was high (greater than 48%), there was also a significant increase in the proportion of particulate protein (from 51 to approximately 63%, p less than 0.05).  相似文献   

The regulatory enzyme protein kinase C (PKC) is proposed to be activated on its translocation from the cytosol to the membrane. However, a portion of the native activity is always associated with the membrane fraction. Using a noninvasive procedure to extract this endogenous activity from rat brain membranes, it has been possible to characterize the activity in a partially purified reconstituted system bearing resemblance to the in vivo system. Two subpopulations of membrane-associated PKC were identified and characterized at the level of activation, inhibition, and isozyme immunologic characteristics and chromatographic properties. One peak had properties similar to those of cytosolic PKC, whereas the second population, extracted as protein-lipid complexes, had considerable constitutive activity that could be stimulated further on addition of PKC activators. This latter activity was relatively resistant to staurosporine inhibition and phorbol ester treatment, but it phosphorylated the exogenous PKC substrates, histone 1 and the epidermal growth factor receptor peptide KTRLRR. The constitutive activity was totally dependent on its endogenous associated lipids coextracted by the solubilization procedure. The ratio between these two populations was ontogenetically regulated and modulated by phorbol ester treatment, suggesting that different PKC populations may serve unique functions in the rat brain regulated by the lipid environment. Analyses of the phospholipids extracted in these protein-lipid complexes showed differences in the major classes correlating to age. However, apart from a markedly lower cholesterol content in these complexes, no direct relationship between a specific lipid composition and the amount of constitutive PKC activity was evident.  相似文献   

Extraction of rat brain membrane-associated protein kinase C with high specific activity was obtained by applying benzyl alcohol (a membrane fluidizer), EDTA, and high hydrostatic pressures. Approximately 50% of total brain-associated activity was extracted from membranes. The pressure-extracted activity had an eightfold enrichment in the lipid/protein ratio when compared with the cytosolic fraction. This may explain the inability of exogenous diacylglycerol to stimulate endogenous phosphorylation in pressure-extracted activity. The enzyme is extracted at greater than 1,300 atm, a result indicating it most likely has a portion inserted into the hydrophobic portion of the membrane bilayer. Perturbation of the native membrane induces a change in the membrane-associated protein kinase C-lipid interaction that permits extraction under conditions used for the cytosolic species. This is the first report of conversion of the endogenous membrane species to a cytosolic one and may be important in determining the role of protein kinase C in neuronal regulation.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells are known to have an inducible or adaptive response that enhances radioresistance after a low priming dose of radiation. This radioadaptive response seems to present a novel cellular defense mechanism. However, its molecular processing and signaling mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we studied the role of protein kinase C (PKC) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in the expression of radioadaptive response in cultured mouse cells. Protein immunoblot analysis using isoform-specific antibodies showed an immediate activation of PKC-alpha upon X-irradiation as indicated by a translocation from cytosol to membrane. A low priming dose caused a prolonged translocation, while a nonadaptive high dose dramatically downregulated the total PKC level. Low-dose X-rays also activated the p38 MAPK. The activation of p38 MAPK and resistance to chromosome aberration formation were blocked by SB203580, an inhibitor of p38 MAPK, and Calphostin C, an inhibitor of PKC. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that p38 MAPK was physically associated with delta1 isoform of phospholipase C (PLC-delta1), which hydrolyzed phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate into diacylglycerol, an activator of PKC, and that SB203580 also blocked the activation of PKC-alpha. These results indicate the presence of a novel mechanism for coordinated regulation of adaptive response to low-dose X-rays by a nexus of PKC-alpha/p38 MAPK/PLC-delta1 circuitry feedback signaling pathway with its breakage operated by downregulation of labile PKC-alpha at high doses or excess stimuli.  相似文献   

Two forms of phosphoinositidase C have been purified from the soluble fraction of rat brain. The purification scheme included gel filtration followed by chromatography on cellulose phosphate, phenyl-Sepharose, and Mono Q. Gradient sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gave apparent molecular masses of 151 kDa and 147 kDa. Western blotting with monoclonal antibodies showed that the isozymes corresponded to PLC-beta-1 and PLC-gamma of bovine brain. With both enzymes phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate was a better substrate than phosphatidylinositol at neutral pH and low calcium ion concentrations. Both enzymes produced a proportion of inositol 1:2-cyclic phosphates from each substrate, particularly at acid pH. Some GTPase activity was seen in the early stages of purification, but was separated from PLC-beta-1 and PLC-gamma on Mono Q. Purified rat brain protein kinase C phosphorylated PLC-gamma but not PLC-beta-1. Incubation with the kinase increased the activity of both enzymes however, possibly by phosphorylation of another protein in the preparations.  相似文献   

Abstract: Cyclic GMP (cGMP)-dependent protein kinase (PKG) has a limited substrate specificity, and only cerebellar G-substrate has been demonstrated in brain. In view of the physiological importance of cGMP and PKG in the nervous system, it is important to identify endogenous PKG substrates in rat brain. We devised a combination of ion-exchange and hydrophobic chromatographies to identify potential PKG substrates. Extracts from cytosol, peripheral membrane proteins, or a fraction enriched in Ca2+-sensitive lipid-binding proteins were partly purified and phosphorylated with purified PKG. Using whole extracts only a single specific PKG substrate—P34—was found. However, after chromatography we detected >40 distinct proteins that were phosphorylated by PKG to a much greater extent than by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase or protein kinase C. Four PKG substrates—P140, P65, P32, and P18—were detected in the cytosol. Six PKG substrates—P130, P85 (doublet), P58, P54, and P38—were enriched from the Ca2+-sensitive lipid-binding protein fraction. In peripheral membrane fractions >30 relatively specific PKG substrates were enriched after chromatography, especially P130, P94, P58, P52, P45, P40, P36, P34, P28, P26, P24, and P20. These results indicate that brain is not lacking in PKG substrates and show that many are apparently quite specific substrates for this enzyme. The identification of some of these novel PKG substrates will facilitate understanding the role of cGMP signaling in the brain.  相似文献   

Abstract: A variety of fatty acids including the cis -polyunsaturated very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) (>22 carbon atoms) common in retina, spermatozoa, and brain were examined for their ability to activate protein kinase C (PKC) purified from rat brain. Arachidonic [20:4(n-6)], eicosapentaenoic [20:5(n-3)], and docosahexaenoic [22:6(n- 3)] acids as well as the VLCFA dotriacontatetraenoic [32:4(n-6)] and tetratriacontahexaenoic [34:6(n-3)] were equally capable of activating PKC in vitro with maximal activity being between 25 and 50 μ M. The phorbol ester 12- O -tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate further enhanced the in vitro activation of PKC when added to the protein kinase assay system with the fatty acids. The fully saturated arachidic acid (20:0) was inactive in both assay systems. The potential significance of the in vitro activation of PKC by the VLCFA is discussed.  相似文献   

Kumar  Raj  Holian  Oksana  Cook  Brian  Roshani  Pash 《Neurochemical research》1997,22(1):1-10
Lipid soluble psychotropics inhibit brain PKC-catalyzed phosphorylation of exogenous and endogenous proteins to varying degrees. These drugs were better inhibitors of Ca2+/PL-dependent phosphorylation of histones (H) than that of Ca2+/PL-independent protamine sulfate (PrSO4): antidepressants/antipsychotics displayed IC50 of 0.1 to 0.16 mM towards H and 0.3 to 4.0 mM towards PrSO4 phosphorylation. Sedatives/anesthetics were less efficient inhibitors with much higher IC50 of 1.3 to 40 mM. Phosphorylation of a Ca2+-dependent but PL-independent p80 protein and of a cluster of Ca2+/PL-dependent proteins, p16-20, in brain was also inhibited by the antidepressants/antipsychotics but not by the sedatives/anesthetics. Phorbol ester binding studies revealed that these inhibitors do not compete for DAG binding site(s) on PKC. However, both drug-PL and drug-PKC interactions seem to be relevant in their mechanism of action. Furthermore, our data suggest that the hydrophobic nature of the propanamine side chain or its N-methylated version as well as the tricyclic nucleus influence drug-PKC interaction. Although many of these drugs have other accepted modes of action, modulation of PKC activity in brain, may be yet another aspect to be considered in their mechanism of action.  相似文献   

Abstract: A new family of membrane phosphoproteins designated as P9, P12, P15, P16, and P20 with corresponding apparent molecular weights of 9K, 12K, 15K, 16K, and 20K was characterized from rat brain by using in vitro exogenous or endogenous phosphorylation and autoradiography. As the phosphorylation was selectively inhibited by the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor PKC19–31 or Ca2+-chelating reagents and again stimulated by the PKC activator phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, these proteins are thought to be the natural PKC substrates. Because P12, P15, P16, and P20 were neutral proteins (pl 7.0) and specifically distributed in neuronal membranes, the new family of membrane-associated PKC substrate proteins was referred to as neutrinins. Neutrinins were widely distributed in rat brain, being especially plentiful in the spinal cord, medulla oblongata, cerebellum, and midbrain, relatively scanty in the cerebral cortex, but lacking in cytosol of brain areas and cell membrane preparations of peripheral tissues. The expression of the developmental changes of neutrinins has been monitored by the in vitro exogenous phosphorylation approach, i.e., adding purified PKC to a deactivated synaptosomal plasma membrane system. Levels of all the neutrinin proteins in rat cerebral cortex, as represented by P12, P15, and P16, showed an ontogenetic increase from the early postnatal days to the adult. This appears to be correlated with the commencement of synaptogenesis.  相似文献   

Abstract: τ protein kinase I (TPKI) purified from bovine brain extract has been shown to phosphorylate τ and to form paired helical filament (PHF) epitopes and was found recently to be identical to glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β). Before elucidating a role of TPKI/GSK-3β in PHF formation, it is necessary to investigate the normal function of the enzyme. To study the distribution and developmental changes of the enzyme, specific polyclonal antibodies were prepared against TPKI and GSK-3α. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that TPKI was nearly specifically localized in the brain of adult rats. The level of TPKI in the rat brain was high at gestational day 18, peaked on postnatal day 8, and then decreased rapidly to a low level, which was sustained up to 2 years. Immunohistochemistry indicated primarily neuronal localization of TPKI. Growing axons were stained most intensely in the developing cerebellum, but the immunoreactivity became restricted to the gray matter in the mature tissue. Parallel fibers had a high level of TPKI and also stained intensely for τ. These findings indicate that τ is one of the physiological substrates of TPKI and suggest that the enzyme plays an important role in the growth of axons during development of the brain.  相似文献   

High-affinity L-glutamate (GLU) transport is an important regulator of excitatory amino acid (EAA) concentrations in brain extracellular fluid and may play a key role in excitatory synaptic transmission. In view of evidence that EAA transporters (EAAT) are heterogenous and contain consensus sites for phosphorylation, this investigation was undertaken to contrast the effects of transporter phosphorylation in fractions derived from glia and neurons (synaptosomes) of the adult rat forebrain. Treatment with phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu), an activator of protein kinase C (PKC), increased the maximal rate of GLU transport in glial plasmalemmal vesicles by greater than 50 percent (237 ± 18 vs. 365 ± 27 pmol/mg protein/90s, p < 0.05) but caused no change in synaptosomes. The effect by PDBu was concentration and time-dependent and was inhibited completely by the PKC inhibitor calphostin C. Inhibition of serine-threonine phosphoprotein phosphatases with okadaic acid produced similar effects which were not additive with PDBu. Together, these results demonstrate that glial EAAT can be regulated by multiple phosphorylation processes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Consumption of moderate quantities of ethanol during pregnancy produces deficits in long-term potentiation in the hippocampal formation of adult offspring. Protein kinase C (PKC)-mediated phosphorylation of the presynaptic protein GAP-43 is critical for the induction of long-term potentiation. We tested the hypothesis that this system is affected in fetal alcohol-exposed (FAE) rats by measuring GAP-43 phosphorylation and PKC activity in the hippocampus of adult offspring of rat dams that had consumed one of three diets throughout gestation: (a) a 5% ethanol liquid diet, which produced a maternal blood ethanol concentration of 83 mg/dl (FAE); (b) an isocalorically equivalent 0% ethanol diet (pair-fed); or (c) lab chow ad libitum. Western blot analysis using specific antibodies to PKC-phosphorylated GAP-43 revealed that FAE rats had an ∼50% reduction in the proportion of phosphorylated GAP-43. Similarly, we found that PKC-mediated incorporation of 32P into GAP-43 was reduced by 85% in hippocampal slices from FAE rats compared with both control groups. FAE animals also showed a 50% reduction in total hippocampal PKC activity, whereas the levels of six major PKC isozymes did not change in any of the diet groups. These results suggest that GAP-43 phosphorylation deficits in rats prenatally exposed to moderate levels of ethanol are not due to alterations in the expression of either the enzyme or substrate protein, but rather to a defect in kinase activation.  相似文献   

在人肝癌细胞7721中研究了酪氨酸蛋白激酶(TPK)和蛋白激酶C(PKC)的激活剂[分别为表皮生长因子(EGF)和佛波酯(PMA)]和各种蛋白激酶抑制剂对N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖转移酶V(GnT-V)活力的影响,以探讨TPK和PKC对GnT-V的调节。结果发现,EGF或PMA处理细胞48h后,GnT-V的活力明显增高;蛋白激酶的非特异性抑制剂槲皮素和染料木黄酮(genistein)在抑制TPK和PKC的同时,抑制GnT-V的基础活力,并完全阻断EGF或PMA对GnT-V的增高作用;TPK的特异性抑制剂Tyrphostin-25和PKC的特异性抑制剂D-鞘氨醇分别应用时,各自只能部分地取消EGF或PMA对GnT-V的诱导。但当Tyrphostin-25和D-鞘氨醇同时加入培养基中则可完全阻断EGF或PMA对GnT-V的诱导激活。蛋白质合成抑制剂环己亚胺和蛋白激酶抑制剂作用相仿,不但可抑制GnT-V的基础活力,也可完全消除EGF或PMA对GnT-V的激活。以上结果提示EGF或PMA通过蛋白激酶调节GnT-V的酶蛋白合成,并且GnT-V受到膜性TPK和PKC的双重调节,其中m-TPK较m-PKC更为重要。  相似文献   

Effect of Brain Ischemia on Protein Kinase C   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We examined the influence of brain ischemia on the activity and subcellular distribution of protein kinase C (PKC). Two different models of ischemic brain injury were used: postdecapitative ischemia in rat forebrain and transient (6-min) cerebral ischemia in gerbil hippocampus. In the rat forebrain model, at 5 and 15 min postdecapitation there was a steady decrease of total PKC activity to 60% of control values. This decrease occurred without changes in the proportion of the particulate to the soluble enzyme pools. Isolated rat brain membranes also exhibited a concomitant decrease of [3H]phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate ([3H]PDBu) binding with an apparent increase of the ligand affinity to the postischemic membranes. On the other hand, the ischemic gerbil hippocampus model displayed a 40% decrease of total PKC activity, which was accompanied by a relative increase of PKC activity in its membrane-bound form. This resulted in an increase in the membrane/total activity ratio, indicating a possible enzyme translocation from cytosol to the membranes after ischemia. Moreover, after 1 day of recovery, a statistically significant enhancement of membrane-bound PKC activity resulted in a further increase of its relative activity up to 162% of control values. In vitro experiments using a synaptoneurosomal particulate fraction were performed to clarify the mechanism of the rapid PKC inhibition observed in cerebral tissue after ischemia. These experiments showed a progressive, Ca(2+)-dependent, antiprotease-insensitive down-regulation of PKC during incubation. This down-regulation was significantly enhanced by prior phorbol (PDBu) treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The neuronal protein B-50 may be involved in diverse functions including neural development, axonal regeneration, neural plasticity, and synaptic transmission. The rat B-50 sequence contains 226 amino acids which include 14 Ser and 14 Thr residues, all putative sites for phosphorylation by calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase C (PKC). Phosphorylation of the protein appears to be a major factor in its biochemical and possibly its physiological activity. Therefore, we investigated rat B-50 phosphorylation and identified a single phosphorylated site at Ser41. Phosphoamino acid analysis eliminated the 14 Thr residues because only [32P]Ser was detected in an acid hydrolysate of [32P]B-50. Staphylococcus aureus protease peptide mapping produced a variety of radiolabelled [32P]B-50 products, none of which had the same molecular weights or HPLC retention times as several previously characterized fragments. Indirect confirmation of the results was provided by differential phosphorylation of major and minor forms of B-60 that have their N-termini at, or C-terminal to, the Ser41 residue and are the major products of specific B-50 proteolysis. Only those forms of B-60 that contained the Ser41 residue incorporated phosphate label. The results are discussed with reference to the substrate requirements for B-50 phosphorylation by PKC and the proposed structure of the B-50 calmodulin binding domain.  相似文献   

To investigate the roles of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms in Echinoderms, we cloned starfish cDNAs for novel, atypical, and conventional PKCs. They showed highest homology with PKCδ, ι, and α isoforms respectively. It was predicted from the whole genome sequence and by RT-PCR that sea urchin has only one isoform of each PKC subgroups. It is thus likely that these isoforms are the prototypes or ancestors of the PKC subgroups. The phylogenetic tree suggests that atypical PKC was first formed by evolution from the common prototype of AGC protein kinase family, and novel and conventional PKCs next. RT-PCR analysis indicated that novel and atypical PKC mRNAs are expressed ubiquitously in all tissues of adult starfish, whereas conventional PKC mRNA is expressed mainly in the ovary and oocytes, and only slightly in the tube foot and stomach. Upon heterologous expression, only atypical PKC was expressed in the functional form in insect cells.  相似文献   

We show here, that activation of protein kinase C by the phorbol ester PMA improves barrier function in colon carcinoma (HT 29) cells. By contrast, in canine kidney (MDCK I) cells it caused increased permeability and opening of tight junctions; the latter has also been noticed in other studies. Thus, with PMA confluent HT 29 cells responded with a reduced passage of 330 kDa sodium fluorescein, increased transepithelial electrical resistance, and a change in the cell shape of the HT 29 cells from an irregular to a regular, hexagonal form. Confocal imaging revealed parallel distinct changes in the staining of occludin and caludin-1, viz. a translocation from cytoplasmic clusters to apical cell–cell contacts. Interestingly, in both cell lines protein kinase A activation caused a decreased in the threonine phosphorylation of occludin that correlated with tight junction assembly in HT 29 cells and tight junction disassembly in MDCK I cells. We conclude that protein kinase C regulation of the epithelial barrier involves specific molecular mechanisms and achieves distinct effects at different developmental stages.  相似文献   

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