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Inheritance of organelle genomes in citrus somatic cybrids   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were used for the characterization of citrus organelle inheritance in somatic cybrids produced during six different citrus protoplast fusions. All the cybrids in this work inherited their mitochondrial genome from the embryogenic fusion partner (callus or cell suspension). In some of the combinations, non-parental bands were observed among the mitochondrial configurations. In contrast, the cybrids inherited plastid DNA from either the embryogenic or the nonembryogenic (leaf) fusion partner. The relative abundance of organelle DNAs in the embryogenic and leaf cells was in accordance with these inheritance patterns. Stochastic processes may therefore influence the outcome of somatic cell fusions with respect to organelle genomes.  相似文献   

We have characterized two related regions of twoPetunia mitochondrial genomes in order to understand how plant mt genomes from a cytoplasmic male sterile (cms) line and a fertile line diverge from one another. Restriction maps of these regions indicate that a sequence arrangement shared by the two genomes adjoins sequences which are not shared at the corresponding locations in the two genomes. A point where the mt genomes from the cms line and the fertile lines diverge from each other was identified and mapped. Previously we had observed that somatic hybrids constructed from the cms and the fertile line contained mt genomes carrying new combinations of parental mtDNA restriction fragments (3). Using the restriction maps of the two related mtDNA regions, a mtDNA arrangement unique to the cms parent could be shown to be present in all 17 stable sterile somatic hybrids tested and none of the 24 stable fertile somatic hybrids tested. This data does not exclude the possibility that additional, as yet unidentified, mtDNA arrangements unique to the cms parent might also be found exclusively in sterile somatic hybrids. Whether or not the sterile parental mtDNA arrangement reported here is functionally related to cms, it apparently segregates with cms in somatic hybrids.  相似文献   

A protoplast fusion strategy has been applied to advance aspects of a potato breeding programme. A sub-population of somatic hybrids, selected for agronomic potential, between tetraploid Solanum tuberosum cv. Brodick and a diploid EBN2 accession, S. sanctae-rosae was subjected to detailed molecular analysis. This study reports the use of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) to identify nuclear hybrid genomes and PCR and DNA-DNA analysis to determine organelle composition in somatic hybrids derived from these parents. SSR analysis revealed somatic hybrids containing the genetic background of S. tuberosum cv. Brodick with some specific markers from S. sanctae-rosae. One somatic hybrid contained the chloroplasts derived from S. sanctae-rosae, and several hybrids had detectable RFLP mitochrondrial DNA profiles, indicating genetic re-arrangements. We also examined the use of DNase I sensitivity to the genomic and ribosomal RNA sequences in these somatic hybrids as an indicator of changes in chromatin structure. Chromatin and DNAse I analysis showed differential sensitivity to increasing levels of nuclease; DNA from several somatic hybrids was found to be resistant to DNase I compared to the parental plants. The significance of the findings to somatic cell genetics and plant breeding studies is discussed. Received: 6 July 1999 / Accepted: 29 February 2000  相似文献   

Summary Asymmetric somatic hybrids were obtained between a chlorophyll-deficient mutant of Nicotiana sylvestris (V42) and a nitrate-reductase (NR)-deficient line of N. plumbaginifolia (cnx20 or Nia26), using each of the parents alternately as the irradiated donor. Irradiation doses applied ranged from 10 to 1,000 Gy of gamma-rays. Hybrid selection was based on complementation of NR deficiency with wild-type NR genes. To aid in the analysis of somatic hybrids, species-specific repetitive DNA sequences from N. plumbaginifolia (NPR9 and NPR18) were cloned. NPR18 is a dispersed repetitive sequence occupying about 0.4% of the N. plumbaginifolia genome. In turn, NPR9, which is part of a highly repetitive DNA sequence, occupies approximately 3% of the genome. The species-specific plant DNA repeats, together with cytological analysis data, were used to assess the relative amount of the N. plumbaginifolia genome in the somatic hybrids. In fusion experiments using irradiated N. plumbaginifolia, an increase in irradiation dose prior to fusion led to a decrease in N. plumbaginifolia nuclear DNA content per hybrid genome. For some hybrid lines, an increase in the quantity of repetitive sequences was detected. Thus, hybrid lines 1NV/21, 100NV/7, 100NV/ 9, and 100NV/10 (where N. plumbaginifolia was the irradiated donor) were characterized by amplification of NPR9. In the reverse combination (where N. sylvestris was the irradiated donor), an increase in the copy number of NPR18 was determined for hybrid clones 1VC/2, 1VC/3, 100VC/2 and oct100/7. Possible reasons for the amplification of the repeated sequences are discussed.  相似文献   

An efficient and easy method for genetic characterization of plant somatic hybrids is proposed. In a first qualitative approach, four somatic hybrids and their parental species (Nicotiana tabacum andN. plumbaginifolia) were characterized by DNA fingerprinting and Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). After this, a quantitative estimation of the degree of parental contribution to the hybrids was carried out by means of a slot-blot analysis. Both qualitative methods, showed one hybrid identical toN. tabacum, two almost identical toN. plumbaginifolia, and a fourth similar to this parental species, but with someN. tabacum admixture. The quantitative method, for the same hybrids, gave 83%, 7%, 7%, and 37%N. tabacum DNA contribution, respectively.  相似文献   

张俊娥 《广西植物》2010,30(5):682-685
为了探讨柑橘愈伤组织不能再生的原因,试图寻找柑橘愈伤组织生长速度与其体细胞胚胎发生之间的关系,对7种柑橘类型的29种基因型的愈伤组织的生长速度进行了测定,并对愈伤组织生长速度与体细胞胚胎发生之间的相关性进行了统计分析。结果表明,柑橘愈伤组织生长速度与体细胞胚胎发生之间的相关系数为r=-0.3683。由此推断在这两者之间还存在其它影响因素。  相似文献   

Summary The segregation and recombination patterns of mitochondrial genome in the somatic hybrids of Nicotiana tabacum and N. rustica were studied by RFLP analysis using four heterologous mitochondrial DNA probes, namely cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII), 26s rDNA and 5s-18s rDNA. These RFLP patterns were compared with those of the gametosomatic hybrids of these two species. A preponderance of N. rustica type patterns was observed in the somatic hybrids. One of the somatic hybrids had N. rustica type pattern with COI probe, novel pattern with COII, and 26s rDNA probe and N. tabacum type pattern with 5s-18s rDNA probe. These patterns are identical to those of some of the gametosomatic hybrids and could only be due to the recombination of mitochondrial genomes of the two parents. The extent and the nature of recombination of mitochondrial genomes is similar in gametosomatic and somatic hybrids.  相似文献   

The pig chromosome complement of six different types of pig-rodent hybrid cell lines was examined by means of fluorescence in situ hybridization with a porcine SINE probe. The cell lines were obtained by fusing pig lymphocytes with cells of the Chinese hamster cell lines wg3h, BK14-150 and E36, and of the mouse cell lines NSO, PU and LMTK-. The hybrids were analysed with respect to: (1) the number of pig chromosomes, (2) the type of pig chromosomes, (3) the occurrence of pig-rodent chromosome trans-locations, and (4) the presence of pig chromsome fragments. The results show that the number of pig chromosomes varied within and among hybrid cell lines. The pig-hamster hybrids mainly retained nontelocentric pig chromosomes, whereas the pig-mouse hybrids also retained telocentric pig chromosomes. Pig-rodent chromosome translocations were found in all types of hybrids, but the incidence was in general low. Chromosome fragments were abundant in BK14-150 hybrids, and rare in most other hybrid cell lines. It is concluded that the SINE probe is a useful tool to make a preliminary characterization of the porcine chromosome complement of pig-rodent somatic cell hybrids. The results of this characterization can be used to select hybrids for further cytogenetic analysis. Furthermore, our data show that different rodent cell lines will have to be used as fusion partners for the production of hybrids when constructing a panel informative for all pig chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary A species-specific, dispersed repetitive DNA sequence was cloned from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and used in dot blots and in situ hybridizations to analyze asymmetric somatic hybrids of N. tabacum(+)kanamycin-resistant N. plumbaginifolia. Dot blot hybridization data, using the cloned, species-specific repetitive DNA as a probe, showed that some of the hybrids contain only 1%–5% N. plumbaginifolia DNA, whereas others contain 15%–25%. In situ hybridization of the probe to chromosome spreads showed that the extremely asymmetric hybrids retain a single N. plumbaginifolia chromosome; the hybrids with higher dot blot values were found to have 8 to 12 N. plumbaginifolia chromosomes and chromosome fragments. In situ hybridization also revealed translocations between N. plumbaginifolia and N. tabacum chromosomes in 3 of 8 hybrids studied. RFLP analysis using a 5S gene probe showed the presence of N. plumbaginifolia-specific 5S banding patterns in most hybrids examined, including those that retain only a single N. plumbaginifolia chromosome.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from cell suspension cultures of two intergeneric somatic hybrids of Pennisetum americanum (pearl millet) + Saccharum officinarum (sugarcane) was examined by restriction endonuclease digestion and hybridization with sorghum mtDNA cosmids. The mtDNA of one somatic hybrid was indistinguishable from that of pearl millet, while the second exhibited a combination of parental mtDNAs, suggesting mitochondrial fusion. Several novel, possibly recombinant, mtDNA restriction fragments were detected in this hybrid, which may have resulted from intergenmic recombination.Florida Agriculture Experiment Station Journal Series No: 8090.  相似文献   

Related or distant species of cultivated cs are a large pool of many desirable genes. Gene transfer from these species through conventional breeding is difficult owing to post- and pre-zygotic sexual incompatibilities. Somatic hybridization via protoplast fusion is a possible alternative for gene transfer from these species to cultivated crops. Since the early days of somatic hybridization many intergeneric somatic hybrids have been developed through symmetric fusion, asymmetric fusion and microfusion. Somatic hybrids are mainly selected by using markers such as specific media or fusion parents with special features, biochemical mutants, antibiotic resistance and complementation strategy. The hybridity of the regenerants is determined based on morphological, cytological and molecular analysis. The inheritance patterns of nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes in the somatic hybrids are diverse. Nuclear DNA from both fusion parents co-exists congruously in some hybrids with translocation and rearrangement of chromosomes, but spontaneous elimination of chromosomes from either or both fusion parents has been observed very often. In asymmetric fusion, chromosome elimination is an important issue that is a complicated process influenced by many factors, such as irradiation dose, phylogenetic relatedness, ploidy level of fusion parent and regenerants. As for chloroplast genome, uniparental segregation is mainly detected, though co-existence is also reported in some cases. The mitochondrial genome, in contrast to chloroplast, undergoes recombination and very frequent rearrangements. Somatic cell fusion has potential applications for crop genetic improvement by overcoming sexual incompatibility or reproductive barriers, and by realizing novel combinations of nuclear and/or cytoplasmic genomes.  相似文献   

Burban C  Petit RJ 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(6):1487-1495
Range-wide variation of maritime pine was studied at maternally inherited and paternally inherited markers (mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA). While chloroplast DNA exhibits the highest diversity, phylogeographic inferences from this marker are blurred by homoplasy and extensive pollen flow. In contrast, the only three mitochondrial haplotypes found provide a clear picture of nonoverlapping areas colonized from different refugia, with no single population having a mixed composition (GST = 1). Comparison of the genetic structure inferred from both organelle genomes allows the investigation of differential seed and pollen dispersal, pointing to pollen, but not seed, dispersal across the Strait of Gibraltar (from Morocco into Iberia). A comparison with already available genetic information, especially that of one of the maritime pine's most threatening insect pests, the bast scale Matsucoccus feytaudi, further completes the picture.  相似文献   

We have utilised simple sequence repeat (SSR) polymorphism to analyse two sets of potential intra-specific hybrids of potato. Two primer pairs were used and both showed that one set of fusion products could not be true heterokaryons. In the other set, one of the primer pairs showed that unique bands in each of the parents were present in all of the hybrids, unambiguously demonstrating hybridity. This simple and robust, high-resolution assay can be used at the callus level and is amenable to automation, making it possible to reduce greatly the time required to screen a large number of potential somatic hybrids.  相似文献   

Thirty-one polymorphic decamer primers were selected to genotype 92 progenies from the cross between Yiben No.4, a monoembryonic diploid F1 hybrid of Citrus reticulata Blanco cv Huanongbendizao tangerine and C. ichangensis Swingle, and [Hamlin sweet orange + Rough lemon], an allotetraploid somatic hybrid of Citrus sinensis Osbeck cv. Hamlin and C. jambhiri Lush cv. Rough Lemon. χ2 (Chi-square) analysis of RAPD markers in the progenies indicated they were randomly transmitted from the four donor parents, without significant difference between the diploids and triploids. However, these progenies were clustered into three major groups using dendrogram constructed by UPGMA, skewed to three parents in certain degrees, 15 (13 triploids and 2 diploids) to Hamlin, 16 (9 and 7) to Yiben No. 4, and 61 (57 and 4) to [Hamlin sweet orange + Rough Lemon] from which genomic contribution was predominant in progenies, respectively  相似文献   

Thirty-one polymorphic decamer primers were selected to genotype 92 progenies from the cross between Yiben No.4, a monoembryonic diploid F1 hybrid of Citrus reticulata Blanco cv Huanongbendizao tangerine and C. ichangensis Swingle, and [Hamlin sweet orange + Rough lemon], an allotetraploid somatic hybrid of Citrus sinensis Osbeck cv. Hamlin and C. jambhiri Lush cv. Rough Lemon. χ2 (Chi-square) analysis of RAPD markers in the progenies indicated they were randomly transmitted from the four donor parents, without significant difference between the diploids and triploids. However, these progenies were clustered into three major groups using dendrogram constructed by UPGMA, skewed to three parents in certain degrees, 15 (13 triploids and 2 diploids) to Hamlin, 16 (9 and 7) to Yiben No. 4, and 61 (57 and 4) to [Hamlin sweet orange + Rough Lemon] from which genomic contribution was predominant in progenies, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybridization experiments in Citrus that involve the fusion of protoplasts of one parent isolated from either nucellus-derived embryogenic callus or suspension cultures with leaf-derived protoplasts of a second parent, often result in the regeneration of diploid plants that phenotypically resemble the leaf parent. In this study, plants of this type regenerated following somatic fusions of the following three parental combinations were analyzed to determine their genetic origin (nuclear and organelle): (embryogenic parent listed first, leaf parent second) (1) calamondin (C. microcarpa Bunge) + Keen sour orange (C. aurantium L.), (2) Cleopatra mandarin (C. reticulata Blanco) + sour orange, and (3) Valencia sweet orange (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck) + Femminello lemon (C. limon (L.) Burm. f.). Isozyme analyses of PGI, PGM, GOT, and IDH zymograms of putative cybrid plants, along with RFLP analyses using a nuclear genome-specific probe showed that these plants contained the nucleus of the leaf parent. RFLP analyses using mtDNA-specific probes showed that these plants contained the mitochondrial genome of the embryogenic callus donor, thereby confirming cybridization. RFLP analyses using cpDNA-specific probes revealed that the cybrid plants contained the chloroplast genome of either one or the other parent. These results support previous reports indicating that acquisition of the mitochondria of embryogenic protoplasts by leaf protoplasts is a prerequisite for recovering plants with the leaf parent phenotype via somatic embryogenesis following somatic fusion.Abbreviations cp chloroplast - GOT glutamateoxaloacetate transaminase - IDH isocitrate dehydrogenase - mt mitochondria - PEG polyethylene glycol - PGI phosphoglucose isomerase - PGM phosphoglucomutase - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. R-04631.  相似文献   

Summary The chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNAs of Petunia somatic hybrid plants, which were derived from the fusion of wild-type P. parodii protoplasts with albino P. inflata protoplasts, were analyzed by endonuclease restriction and Southern blot hybridization. Using 32P-labelled probes that distinguished the two parental cpDNAs at a BamH1 site and at a HpaII site, only the P. parodii chloroplast genome was detected in the 10 somatic hybrid plants analyzed. To examine whether cytoplasmic mixing had resulted in rearrangement of the mitochondrial genome in the somatic hybrids, restriction patterns of purified somatic hybrid and parental mtDNAs were analyzed. Approximately 87% of those restriction fragments which distinguish the two parental genomes are P. inflata-specific. Restriction patterns of the somatic hybrid mtDNAs differ both from the parental patterns and from each other, suggesting that an interaction occurred between the parental mitochondrial genomes in the somatic fusion products which resulted in generation of the novel mtDNA patterns. Southern blot hybridization substantiates this conclusion. In addition, somatic hybrid lines derived from the same fusion product were observed to differ in mtDNA restriction pattern, reflecting a differential sorting-out of mitochondrial genomes at the time the plants were regenerated.  相似文献   

Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) or microsatellites constitute a significant portion of genomes however; their significance in organellar genomes has not been completely understood. The availability of organelle genome sequences allows us to understand the organization of SSRs in their genic and intergenic regions. In the present work, SSRs were identified and categorized in 14 mitochondrial and 22 chloroplast genomes of algal species belonging to Chlorophyta. Based on the study, it was observed that number of SSRs in non-coding region were more as compared to coding region and frequency of mononucleotides repeats were highest followed by dinucleotides in both mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes. It was also observed that maximum number of SSRs was found in genes encoding for beta subunit of RNA polymerase in chloroplast genomes and NADH dehydrogenase in mitochondrial genomes. This is the first and original report on whole genomes sequence analysis of organellar genomes of green algae.  相似文献   

Morphology, the extent of elimination of donor chromosomes and the organelle composition of highly asymmetric somatic hybrid plants between a interspecific tomato hybrid Lycopersicon esculentum x L. pennellii (EP) as donor and a Solarium melongena, eggplant (E), recipient, were studied. Morphologically, the somatic hybrids most resemble eggplant but, due to polyploidy, growth is slower relative to both fusion parents. The somatic hybrids produce flowers that are characterized by abnormal styles, stigmas and by anthers which do not produce pollen. Limited amounts of donor EP genomic DNA were found in the three somatic hybrid plants (H18-1, H18-2 and H18-3), by dot-blot hybridization with probe pTHG2, equivalent to 6.23,5.41, and 5.95% EP, respectively. These percentages translated to the presence of 3.59, 2.90 and 3.19 average-size EP chromosomes in plants H1 8-1,-2 and-3, respectively. RFLP determination of L. esculentum- and L. pennellii-specific chromosomes revealed that only fragments of eight to ten out of the 24 EP chromosomes (EP has 12 L. esculentum and 12 L. pennellii chromosomes) are present in the asymmetric somatic hybrid plants. Loci of L. esculentum and L. pennellii were evenly represented in plants H18-1, -2, and -3: four to five from L. esculentum and four to five from L. pennellii. All somatic hybrid plants retained locus TG22, chromosome 4, from both EP species. Although the regeneration of plants, H18-1, -2 and-3 was from one callus, loci TG31 and TG79 of L. esculentum chromosome 2 and L. pennellii chromosome 9, respectively, were missing in hybrid plant H18-1. The three somatic hybrid plants all had chloroplast DNA fragments specific for S. melongena. The mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) in the asymmetric somatic hybrids showed predominantly the pattern of eggplant; however, some eggplant-specific polymorphic bands were not present in the three plants.  相似文献   

Summary An early identification of fusion products was based on the presumed vigorous growth of hybrid calluses after fusion between Solanum brevidens and S. tuberosum leaf protoplasts. The S. brevidens protoplasts were unable to form multicellular colonies under the applied culture conditions. Three size groups of calluses were separated and analyzed at two different early phases of culture period. Squash blot hybridization with a S. brevidens specific repetitive DNA probe showed that the group of the largest calluses consisted of putative somatic hybrids with a frequency of 80–100% in three independent experiments. Furthermore, approximately 80–95% of the middle sized calluses and 33–90% of the smallest ones were shown to be hybrid. The unexpectedly high percentage of fusion products, even in the case of the smallest calluses, may result from the suppression of the development of parental potato colonies in cultures with mixed cell population. Till this time 120 independent colonies selected as putative hybrids have been regenerated into plants. All of them exhibited hybrid phenotype, and their hybrid origin was proved by cytological and restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses.Abbreviations BA N6-benzyladenine - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism - UV ultraviolet  相似文献   

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