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The activity of the enzymes catalyzing the first two steps of sulfate assimilation, ATP sulfurylase and adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate reductase (APR), are confined to bundle sheath cells in several C(4) monocot species. With the aim to analyze the molecular basis of this distribution and to determine whether it was a prerequisite or a consequence of the C(4) photosynthetic mechanism, we compared the intercellular distribution of the activity and the mRNA of APR in C(3), C(3)-C(4), C(4)-like, and C(4) species of the dicot genus Flaveria. Measurements of APR activity, mRNA level, and protein accumulation in six Flaveria species revealed that APR activity, cysteine, and glutathione levels were significantly higher in C(4)-like and C(4) species than in C(3) and C(3)-C(4) species. ATP sulfurylase and APR mRNA were present at comparable levels in both mesophyll and bundle sheath cells of C(4) species Flaveria trinervia. Immunogold electron microscopy demonstrated the presence of APR protein in chloroplasts of both cell types. These findings, taken together with results from the literature, show that the localization of assimilatory sulfate reduction in the bundle sheath cells is not ubiquitous among C(4) plants and therefore is neither a prerequisite nor a consequence of C(4) photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic characteristics were studied in several F1 hybrids between C4 and C3-C4 species of Flaveria. Stable carbon isotope ratios, O2 inhibition of apparent photosynthesis, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activities in the hybrids were similar to the means for the parents. Values of CO2 compensation concentrations were nearer to those of the C4 parent and apparent photosynthesis was below that of both parents, being only 60 and 74% of that of the lowest (C3-C4) parent in two experiments. Reductions of CO2 compensation concentration and O2 inhibition of apparent photosynthesis as well as increases in carbon isotope ratios and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activities compared to values in C3-C4 species suggest transfer of a limited degree of C4 photosynthesis to the F1 hybrids. However, the lower apparent photosynthesis of the hybrids suggests that transfer of C4 characteristics to non-C4 species is detrimental unless characteristics associated with C4 photosynthesis are fully developed. There was a highly significant negative correlation (r = −0.90) between CO2 compensation concentration and the logarithm of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity in the parents and hybrids, suggesting involvement of this enzyme in controlling the CO2 compensation concentration. Although bundle-sheath cells were more developed in leaves of hybrids than in C3-C4 parents, they appeared to contain lower quantities of organelles than those of the C4 parent. Reduced quantities of organelles in bundle-sheath cells could indicate incomplete compartmentation of partial pathways of the C4 cycle in the hybrids. This may mean that the reduction of CO2 compensation and O2 inhibition of apparent photosynthesis relative to the C3-C4 parents is less dependent on fully developed Kranz anatomy than is increased apparent photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Leaves of Flaveria brownii exhibited slightly higher amounts of oxygen inhibition of photosynthesis than the C4 species, Flaveria trinervia, but considerably less than the C3 species, Flaveria cronquistii. The photosynthetic responses to intercellular CO2, light and leaf temperature were much more C4-like than C3-like, although 21% oxygen inhibited the photosynthetic rate, depending on conditions, up to 17% of the photosynthesis rate observed in 2% O2. The quantum yield for CO2 uptake in F. brownii was slightly higher than that for the C4 species F. trinervia in 2% O2, but not significantly different in 21% O2. The quantum yield was inhibited 10% in the presence of 21% O2 in F. brownii, yet no significant inhibition was observed in F. trinervia. An inhibition of 27% was observed for the quantum yield of F. cronquistii in the presence of 21% O2. The photosynthetic response to very low intercellular CO2 partial pressures exhibited a unique pattern in F. brownii, with a break in the linear slope observed at intercellular CO2 partial pressure values between 15 and 20 μbar when analyzed in 21% O2. No significant break was observed when analyzed in 2% O2. When taken collectively, the gas-exchange results reported here are consistent with previous biochemical studies that report incomplete intercellular compartmentation of the C3 and C4 enzymes in this species, and suggest that F. brownii is an advanced, C4-like C3-C4 intermediate.  相似文献   

We compared the structural, biochemical, and physiological characteristics involved in photorespiration of intergeneric hybrids differing in genome constitution (DtDtR, DtDtRR, and DtRR) between the C(3)-C(4) intermediate species Diplotaxis tenuifolia (DtDt) and the C(3) species radish (Raphanus sativus; RR). The bundle sheath (BS) cells in D. tenuifolia included many centripetally located chloroplasts and mitochondria, but those of radish had only a few chloroplasts and mitochondria. In the hybrids, the numbers of chloroplasts and mitochondria, the ratio of centripetally located organelles to total organelles, and the mitochondrial size in the BS cells increased with an increase in the constitution ratio of the Dt:R genome. The P-protein of glycine decarboxylase (GDC) was confined to the BS mitochondria in D. tenuifolia, whereas in radish, it accumulated more densely in the mesophyll than in the BS mitochondria. In the hybrids, more intense accumulation of GDC in the BS relative to the mesophyll mitochondria occurred with an increase in the Dt:R ratio. These structural and biochemical features in the hybrids were reflected in the gas exchange characteristics of leaves, such as the CO(2) compensation point. Our data indicate that the leaf structure, the intercellular pattern of GDC expression, and the gas exchange characteristics of C(3)-C(4) intermediate photosynthesis are inherited in the hybrids depending on the constitution ratio of the parent genomes. Our findings also demonstrate that the apparent reduced photorespiration in C(3)-C(4) intermediate plants is mainly due to the structural differentiation of mitochondria and chloroplasts in the BS cells combined with the BS-dominant expression of GDC.  相似文献   

Os3(CO)10(MeCN)2 reacts at room temperature in MeCN or toluene with R-Pyca2 to yield two isomers of Os3(CO)10(R-Pyca) that differ in the bonding of the R-Pyca ligand to the Os3(CO)10 unit. In all cases Os3(CO)10(R-Pyca(4e)) (isomer A; 4a: R = c-Pr, 4b: R = i-Pr, 4c: R = neo-Pent, 4d: R = t-Bu), containing a chelating 4e donating R-Pyca ligand and three OsS bonds, could be isolated. In the case of R = c-Pr and R = i-Pr Os3(CO)10(R-Pyca(6e)) (isomer B; 5a: R = c-Pr, 5b: R = i-Pr), in which only two OsS bonds are present and the R-Pyca ligand is bonded as a 6e donating ligand bridging two non-bonded Os atoms, could be isolated as a minor product.At 70 °C Os3(CO)10(R-Pyca(4e)) (4b and 4d) loses one carbonyl and the pyridine moiety of the R-Pyca ligand is ortho-metallated to form HOs3(C5H3N-2-C(H)NR)(CO)9 (6b: R = i-Pr and 6d: R = t-Bu). Under the same conditions Os3(CO)10(i-Pr-Pyca(6e)) (5b) reacts to Os2(CO)6(6e)) (7b) containing a bridging 6e donating ligands. The latter two reactions were followed with FT-IR spectroscopy in a high temperature IR cell.The structure of the complexes in solution have been studied by 1H and 1C NMR and IR spectroscopy. The stoichiometries of 4a and 5a were determined by FAB-mass spectrometry while an exact mass determination was carried out for 4a.The crystal structure of 6b has been determined. Crystal of 6b are monoclinic, space group P21/n, with a = 7.808(2),b = 17.613(3),c = 16.400(8)Å, β = 94.09(3)° and Z = 4. The structure was refined to R = 0.039. The molecule contains a triangular array of osmium atoms [Os(1)Os(2) = 2.898(2)Å, Os(1)Os(3) = 2.886(2)Åand Os(2)O(3) = 2.911(2)Å] and nine terminally bonded carbonyl ligands. The C5H3N-2-C(H)N-i-Pr ligand is chelate bonded to Os(2) with the pyridine and imine nitrogens atoms axially and equatorially coordinated respectively [Os(2)N(1) = 2.00(2)Åand Os(2)N(2) = 2.11(2)Å]. The i-Pr-Pyca ligand is ortho-metallated at C(1) and forms a four membered ring containing Os(2), Os(3), C(1) and N(1), the Os(3)C(1) distance being 2.12(2)Å. The hydride, which could not be located unequivocally from a difference Fourier map is proposed to bridge the Os(2)(3) bond on the basis of stereochemical considerations.  相似文献   



To design and fabricate a 3D-printed cervical cage composite of polylactic acid (PLA)/nano-sized and β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP).


CAD analysis provided a useful platform to design the preliminary cage. In vitro cell culture and in vivo animal results showed promising results in the biocompatibility of the constructs. Endplate matching evaluation showed better matching degree of 3D-printed cages than those of conventional cages. Biomechanical evaluation showed better mechanical properties of 3D-printed cages than those of conventional cages.


The novel 3D printed PLA/pβ-TCP cage showed good application potential, indicating a novel, feasible, and inexpensive method to manufacture cervical fusion cages.

Brown RH  Byrd GT  Black CC 《Plant physiology》1992,100(2):947-950
Hybrids have been made between species of Flaveria exhibiting varying levels of C4 photosynthesis. The degree of C4 photosynthesis expressed in four interspecific hybrids (Flaveria trinervia [C4] × F. linearis [C3-C4], F. brownii [C4-like] × F. linearis, and two three-species hybrids from F. trinervia × [F. brownii × F. linearis]) was estimated by inhibiting phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in vivo with 3,3-dichloro-2-dihydroxyphosphinoylmethyl-2-propenoate (DCDP). The inhibitor was fed to detached leaves at a concentration of 4 mm, and apparent photosynthesis was measured at atmospheric levels of CO2 and at 20 and 210 mL L−1 of O2. Photosynthesis at 210 mL L−1 of O2 was inhibited 32% by DCDP in F. linearis, by 60% in F. brownii, and by 87% in F. trinervia. Inhibition in the hybrids ranged from 38 to 52%. The inhibition of photosynthesis by 210 mL L−1 of O2 was increased when DCDP was used, except in the C4 species, F. trinervia, in which photosynthesis was insensitive to O2. Except for F. trinervia, control plants with less O2 sensitivity (more C4-like) exhibited a progressively greater change in O2 inhibition of photosynthesis when treated with DCDP. This increased O2 inhibition probably resulted from decreased CO2 concentrations in bundle sheath cells due to inhibition of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. The inhibition of photosynthesis by DCDP is concluded to underestimate the degree of C4 photosynthesis in the interspecific hybrids because increased direct assimilation of atmospheric CO2 by ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase may compensate for inhibition of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase.  相似文献   

Characteristics related to C4 photosynthesis were studied in reciprocal F1 hybrids and F2 plants from Flaveria brownii (C4 like) and Flaveria linearis (C3-C4). The reciprocal F1 plants differed in 13C/12C ratios of leaves and the percentage of 14C initially incorporated into C4 acids, being more like the pollen parents in these traits. They did not differ in apparent photosynthesis or in O2 inhibition of apparent photosynthesis and differed only slightly in CO2 compensation concentration at 175 [mu]mol quanta m-2 s-1 and 400 mL L-1 O2. The 13C/12C ratios of 78 F2 progeny from the two F1 plants exhibited a normal distribution centered between those of the parents, with a few values slightly higher and lower than the parents. Apparent photosynthesis at 130 [mu]L L-1 CO2 and inhibition of photosynthesis by O2 was nearly normally distributed in the F2 population, but no values for F2 plants approached those for F. brownii (15.4 [mu]mol m-2 s-1 and 7.8%, respectively). Distribution of the CO2 compensation concentration measured at 1000 [mu]mol quanta m-2 s-1 and 400 mL L-1 of O2 in the F2 population was skewed toward F. brownii with 72% of the progeny having values <9 [mu]L of CO2 L-1 compared to 1.5 and 27.2 [mu]L L-1 for F. brownii and F. linearis, respectively. Correlations among traits of F2 plants were low (coefficients of 0.30 to -0.49), indicating that the C4- related traits are not closely linked in segregating populations. Plants in the F2 population selected for high or low apparent photosynthesis at 130 [mu]L of CO2 L-1 (six each) did not rank consistently high or low for 13C/12C ratios, O2 inhibition of apparent photosynthesis, CO2 compensation concentration, or activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase or NADP-malic enzyme. This study confirms results of earlier work that indicates independent segregation of C4 traits and also shows that the C4-like parental type can be recovered, at least for some characteristics (13C/12C ratio), in segregating populations. Recovery of fully functional C4 plants awaits further experimentation with C4 x C3 or C4 x C3-C4 hybrid plants that produce fertile progeny.  相似文献   

Plants using the C(4) pathway of carbon metabolism are marked by greater photosynthetic water and nitrogen-use efficiencies (PWUE and PNUE, respectively) than C(3) species, but it is unclear to what extent this is the case in C(3) -C(4) intermediate species. In this study, we examined the PWUE and PNUE of 14 species of Flaveria Juss. (Asteraceae), including two C(3) , three C(4) and nine C(3) -C(4) species, the latter containing a gradient of C(4) -cycle activities (as determined by initial fixation of (14) C into C-4 acids). We found that PWUE, PNUE, leaf ribulose 1·5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) content and intercellular CO(2) concentration in air (C(i) ) do not change gradually with C(4) -cycle activity. These traits were not significantly different between C(3) species and C(3) -C(4) species with less than 50% C(4) -cycle activity. C(4) -like intermediates with greater than 65% C(4) -cycle activity were not significantly different from plants with fully expressed C(4) photosynthesis. These results indicate that a gradual increase in C(4) -cycle activity has not resulted in a gradual change in PWUE, PNUE, intercellular CO(2) concentration and leaf Rubisco content towards C(4) levels in the intermediate species. Rather, these traits arose in a stepwise manner during the evolutionary transition to the C(4) -like intermediates, which are contained in two different clades within Flaveria.  相似文献   

Four species of the genus Flaveria, namely F. anomala, F. linearis, F. pubescens, and F. ramosissima, were identified as intermediate C3-C4 plants based on leaf anatomy, photosynthetic CO2 compensation point, O2 inhibition of photosynthesis, and activities of C4 enzymes. F. anomala and F. ramosissima exhibit a distinct Kranz-like leaf anatomy, similar to that of the C4 species F. trinervia, while the other C3-C4 intermediate Flaveria species possess a less differentiated Kranz-like leaf anatomy. Photosynthetic CO2 compensation points of these intermediates at 30°C were very low relative to those of C3 plants, ranging from 7 to 14 microliters per liter. In contrast to C3 plants, net photosynthesis by the intermediates was not sensitive to O2 concentrations below 5% and decreased relatively slowly with increasing O2 concentration. Under similar conditions, the percentage inhibition of photosynthesis by 21% O2 varied from 20% to 25% in the intermediates compared with 28% in Lycopersicon esculentum, a typical C3 species. The inhibition of carboxylation efficiency by 21% O2 varied from 17% for F. ramosissima to 46% for F. anomala and were intermediate between the C4 (2% for F. trinervia) and C3 (53% for L. esculentum) values. The intermediate Flaveria species, especially F. ramosissima, have substantial activities of the C4 enzymes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase, NADP-malic enzyme, and NADP-malate dehydrogenase, indicating potential for C4 photosynthesis. It appears that these Flaveria species may be true biochemical C3-C4 intermediates.  相似文献   

The degree of C4 photosynthesis was assessed in four hybrids among C4, C4-like, and C3-C4 species in the genus Flaveria using 14C labeling, CO2 exchange, 13C discrimination, and C4 enzyme activities. The hybrids incorporated from 57 to 88% of the 14C assimilated in a 10-s exposure into C4 acids compared with 26% for the C3-C4 species Flaveria linearis, 91% for the C4 species Flaveria trinervia, and 87% for the C4-like Flaveria brownii. Those plants with high percentages of 14C initially fixed into C4 acids also metabolized the C4 acids quickly, and the percentage of 14C in 3-phosphoglyceric acid plus sugar phosphates increased for at least a 30-s exposure to 12CO2. This indicated a high degree of coordination between the carbon accumulation and reduction phases of the C4 and C3 cycles. Synthesis and metabolism of C4 acids by the species and their hybrids were highly and linearly correlated with discrimination against 13C. The relationship of 13C discrimination or 14C metabolism to O2 inhibition of photosynthesis was curvilinear, changing more rapidly at C4-like values of 14C metabolism and 13C discrimination. Incorporation of initial 14C into C4 acids showed a biphasic increase with increased activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and NADP-malic enzyme (steep at low activities), but turnover of C4 acids was linearly related to NADP-malic enzyme activity. Several other traits were closely related to the in vitro activity of NADP-malic enzyme but not phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. The data indicate that the hybrids have variable degrees of C4 photosynthesis but that the carbon accumulation and reduction portions of the C4 and C3 cycles are well coordinated.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase(RuBPC) appear to have been modified during evolution of photosynthesisto adjust to changes in substrate availability. C4 plants areconsidered to have a higher concentration of CO2 available toRuBPC than C3plants. In this study, the Km(CO2 and catalyticcapacity (kcat) of RuBPC and the ratio of RuBPC protein to totalsoluble protein from several Flaveria species, including C3,C3-C4 intermediate, and C4 species, were determined. The C3and intermediate species had similar Km(CO2) values while theC4 species on average had higher Km(CO2) values. The mean ratioof Kcat/Km for species of each group was similar, supportingthe hypothesis that changes in Km and Kcat, are linked. Theallocation of total soluble protein to RuBPC was lowest in theC4 Flaveria species, intermediate in the C3-C4 species, andhighest in the C3 species. The results suggest that during evolutionof C4 photosynthesis adjustments may occur in the quantity ofRuBPC prior to changes in its kinetic properties. (Received January 4, 1989; Accepted April 11, 1989)  相似文献   

The initial products of photosynthesis by the C3 species Flaveria cronquistii, the C4 species F. trinervia, and the C3-C4 intermediate species F. ramosissima were determined using a pulse-chase technique with 14CO2-12CO2. The intermediate species F. ramosissima incorporated at least 42% of the total soluble 14C fixed into malate and aspartate after 10 seconds of photosynthesis in 14CO2, as compared with 90% for the C4 species F. trinervia and 5% for the C3 species F. cronquistii. In both F. ramosissima and F. trinervia, turnover of labeled malate and aspartate occurred during a chase period in 12CO2, although the rate of turnover was slower in the intermediate species. Relative to F. cronquistii, F. ramosissima showed a reduced incorporation of radioactivity into serine and glycine during the pulse period. These results indicate that a functional C4 pathway of photosynthesis is operating in F. ramosissima which can account for its reduced level of photorespiration, and that this species is a true biochemical intermediate between C3 and C4 plants.  相似文献   

The distribution of 14C in photosynthetic metabolites of two naturally occurring higher plants with reduced photorespiration, Moricandia arvensis and Panicum milioides, in pulse and pulse-chase 14CO2 incorporation experiments was similar to that for the C3 species, M. foetida and Glycine max. After 6 seconds of 14CO2 incorporation, only about 6% of the total 14C fixed was in malate and aspartate in both M. arvensis and P. milioides. The apparent turnover of the C4 acids was very slow, and malate accumulated during the day in M. arvensis. Thus, C4 acid metabolism by M. arvensis and P. milioides had no significant role in photosynthetic carbon assimilation under the conditions of our experiments (310 microliters CO2 per liter, 21% O2, 1100 or 1900 micromoles photon per square meter per second, 27°C).

After a 36-second chase period in air containing 270 microliters CO2 per liter, about 20% of the total 14C fixed was in glycine with M. arvensis, as compared to 15% with M. foetida, 14% with P. milioides, and 9% with G. max. After a 36-second chase period in 100 microliters CO2 per liter, the percentage in glycine was about twice that at 270 microliters CO2 per liter in the C3 species and P. milioides, but only 20% more 14C was in glycine in M. arvensis. These data suggest that either the photorespiratory glycine pool in M. arvensis is larger than in the other species examined or the apparent turnover rate of glycine and the flow of carbon into glycine during photorespiration are less in M. arvensis. An unusual glycine metabolism in M. arvensis may be linked to the mechanism of photorespiratory reduction in this crucifer.


We demonstrate for the first time the presence of species exhibiting C3-C4 intermediacy in Heliotropium (sensu lato), a genus with over 100 C3 and 150 C4 species. CO2 compensation points (Gamma) and photosynthetic water-use efficiencies (WUEs) were intermediate between C3 and C4 values in three species of Heliotropium: Heliotropium convolvulaceum (Gamma = 20 micromol CO2 mol(-1) air), Heliotropium racemosum (Gamma = 22 micromol mol(-1)) and Heliotropium greggii (Gamma = 17 micromol mol(-1)). Heliotropium procumbens may also be a weak C3-C4 intermediate based on a slight reduction in Gamma (48.5 micromol CO2 mol(-1)) compared to C3Heliotropium species (52-60 micromol mol(-1)). The intermediate species H. convolvulaceum, H. greggii and H. racemosum exhibited over 50% enhancement of net CO2 assimilation rates at low CO2 levels (200-300 micromol mol(-1)); however, no significant differences in stomatal conductance were observed between the C3 and C3-C4 species. We also assessed the response of Gamma to variation in O2 concentration for these species. Heliotropium convolvulaceum, H. greggii and H. racemosum exhibited similar responses of Gamma to O2 with response slopes that were intermediate between the responses of C3 and C4 species below 210 mmol O2 mol(-1) air. The presence of multiple species displaying C3-C4 intermediate traits indicates that Heliotropium could be a valuable new model for studying the evolutionary transition from C3 to C4 photosynthesis.  相似文献   

A novel series of rapamycin derivatives with modifications in the C(22)-C(27) region has been prepared. These compounds are evaluated for their ability to prevent ring fragmentation while still retaining immunosuppressive capabilities.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in Mesostoma viaregginum begins with the formation of a zone of differentiation containing striated rootlets, two centrioles, and an intercentriolar body in-between. These centrioles generate two parallel free-flagella with the 9+“1” pattern of the Trepaxonemata growing out in opposite directions. Spermatid differentiation is characterised by a 90° latero-ventral rotation of flagella and a subsequent disto-proximal centriolar rotation, with a distal cytoplasmic projection. The former rotation involves the compression of a row of cortical microtubules and allows recognising a flagellar side and an aflagellar side in the late spermatid and in the mature spermatozoon. At the end of the differentiation, centrioles and microtubules lie parallel to the spermatid axis. The disto-proximal centriolar rotation is proposed as a synapomorphy for the Rhabdocoela. The modifications of the intercentriolar body during spermiogenesis and the migration of the nucleus and the centrioles towards the cytoplasmic distal projection are also described. The mature spermatozoon of M. viaregginum is filiform and tapered at both ends and presents many features found in the Rhabdocoela gametes. The nucleus disappears before the flagellar insertion and a density gradient of mitochondria is observed along the sperm axis. The anterior end of the spermatozoon of M. viaregginum is characterised by a tapering capped by a membrane expansion. This study has enabled us to describe precisely the orientation of spermatozoa in the Rhabdocoela in general: the centriolar extremity is proposed as the anterior one for the Rhabdocoela.  相似文献   

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