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Excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) mediate two distinct transport processes, a stoichiometrically coupled transport of glutamate, Na+, K+, and H+, and a pore-mediated anion conductance. We studied the anion conductance associated with two mammalian EAAT isoforms, hEAAT2 and rEAAT4, using whole-cell patch clamp recording on transfected mammalian cells. Both isoforms exhibited constitutively active, multiply occupied anion pores that were functionally modified by various steps of the Glu/Na+/H+/K+ transport cycle. Permeability and conductivity ratios were distinct for cells dialyzed with Na(+)- or K(+)-based internal solution, and application of external glutamate altered anion permeability ratios and the concentration dependence of the anion influx. EAAT4 but not EAAT2 anion channels displayed voltage-dependent gating that was modified by glutamate. These results are incompatible with the notion that glutamate only increases the open probability of the anion pore associated with glutamate transporters and demonstrate unique gating mechanisms of EAAT-associated anion channels.  相似文献   

The contraction of adult mammalian ventricular cardiomyocytes is triggered by the influx of Ca2+ ions through sarcolemmal L-type Ca2+ channels (LCCs). However, the gating properties of unitary LCCs under physiologic conditions have remained elusive. Towards this end, we investigated the voltage-dependence of the gating kinetics of unitary LCCs, with a physiologic concentration of Ca2+ ions permeating the channel. Unitary LCC currents were recorded with 2 mM external Ca2+ ions (in the absence of LCC agonists), using cell-attached patches on K-depolarized adult rat ventricular myocytes. The voltage-dependence of the peak probability of channel opening (Po vs. Vm) displayed a maximum value of 0.3, a midpoint of −12 mV, and a slope factor of 8.5. The maximum value for Po of the unitary LCC was significantly higher than previously assumed, under physiologic conditions. We also found that the mean open dwell time of the unitary LCC increased twofold with depolarization, ranging from 0.53 ± 0.02 ms at −30 mV to 1.08 ± 0.03 ms at 0 mV. The increase in mean LCC open time with depolarization counterbalanced the decrease in the single LCC current amplitude; the latter due to the decrease in driving force for Ca2+ ion entry. Thus, the average amount of Ca2+ ions entering through an individual LCC opening (∼300-400 ions) remained relatively constant over this range of potentials. These novel results establish the voltage-dependence of unitary LCC gating kinetics using a physiologic Ca2+ ion concentration. Moreover, they provide insight into local Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release and a more accurate basis for mathematical modeling of excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

Membrane patches usually contain several ion channels of a given type. However, most of the stochastic modelling on which data analysis (in particular, estimation of kinetic constants) is currently based, relates to a single channel rather than to multiple channels. Attempts to circumvent this problem experimentally by recording under conditions where channel activity is low are restrictive and can introduce bias; moreover, possibly important information on how multichannel systems behave will be missed. We have extended existing theory to multichannel systems by applying results from point process theory to derive some distributional properties of the various types of sojourn time that occur when a given number of channels are open in a system containing a specified number of independent channels in equilibrium. Separate development of properties of a single channel and the superposition of several such independent channels simplifies the presentation of known results and extensions. To illustrate the general theory, particular attention is given to the types of sojourn time that occur in a two channel system; detailed expressions are presented for a selection of models, both Markov and non-Markov.  相似文献   

Here we have examined the voltage and pH dependence of unitary Slo3 channels and used analysis of current variance to define Slo3 unitary current properties over a broader range of voltages. Despite complexity in Slo3 channel openings that precludes simple definition of the unitary conductance, average current through single Slo3 channels varies linearly with voltage at positive activation potentials. Furthermore, the average Slo3 unitary current at a given activation potential does not change with pH. Consistent with macroscopic conductance estimates, the apparent open probability of Slo3 channel exhibits a pH-dependent maximum, with limiting values around 0.3 at the most elevated pH and voltage. Estimates of Slo3 conductance at negative potentials support a weaker intrinsic voltage dependence of gating than is observed for Slo1. For the pH-regulated Slo3 K(+) channel, the dependence of macroscopic conductance on pH suggests that the pH-sensitive mechanism regulates gating in an allosteric manner qualitatively similar to regulation of Slo1 by Ca(2+). Together, the results support the view that the regulation of macroscopic Slo3 currents by pH reflects regulation of gating equilibria, and not a direct effect of pH on ion permeation. Specifically, both voltage and pH regulate a closed-open conformational change in a largely independent fashion.  相似文献   

Ion channels are found in most plant membranes. They catalyse the rapid passive uniport of particular ions with varying selectivity. Planar lipid-bilayer (PLB) techniques have been developed to study the electrical activities of single ion channels in well-defined lipid and aqueous environments. They greatly facilitate both the biophysical and biochemical characterisation of ion channels and complement both conventional impaling electrode and membrane-patch voltage-clamping (patch-clamping) electrophysiological techniques applied in vivo. Bilayers can be formed across the end of patch-clamp pipettes or across apertures in specifically designed chambers. Ion channels in native membranes and purified, genetically altered or synthetic ion channels, proteins and peptides can all be studied in PLBs. The main applications of PLBs are (1) to study ion channels in membranes inaccessible to patch-clamp electrodes, (2) to provide a functional assay system during channel-protein purification and (3) to investigate the relationship between the molecular structure of ion channels and their conductance properties. In the present article we describe the techniques available for reconstitution and analysis of ion channels in PLBs and discuss how the PLB technique has been, and may be, useful to the study of plant ion channels.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of patch clamp data is widely based on stochastic models of single-channel kinetics. Membrane patches often contain more than one active channel of a given type, and it is usually assumed that these behave independently in order to interpret the record and infer individual channel properties. However, recent studies suggest there are significant channel interactions in some systems. We examine a model of dependence in a system of two identical channels, each modeled by a continuous-time Markov chain in which specified transition rates are dependent on the conductance state of the other channel, changing instantaneously when the other channel opens or closes. Each channel then has, e.g., a closed time density that is conditional on the other channel being open or closed, these being identical under independence. We relate the two densities by a convolution function that embodies information about, and serves to quantify, dependence in the closed class. Distributions of observable (superposition) sojourn times are given in terms of these conditional densities. The behavior of two channel systems based on two- and three-state Markov models is examined by simulation. Optimized fitting of simulated data using reasonable parameters values and sample size indicates that both positive and negative cooperativity can be distinguished from independence.  相似文献   

Ion channels in the cilia of olfactory neurons are part of the transduction machinery of olfaction. Odorant stimuli have been shown to induce a biphasic current response, consisting of a cAMP-activated current and a Ca(2+)-activated Cl- current. We have developed a noise analysis method to study ion channels in leaky cables, such as the olfactory cilium, under non-space-clamp conditions. We performed steady-state noise analysis on ligand-induced currents in excised cilia, voltage-clamped at input and internally perfused with cAMP or Ca2+. The cAMP-activated channels analyzed by this method gave results similar to those of single-channel recordings (gamma = 8.3 pS). Single-channel currents have not yet been recorded for the Ca(2+)-activated Cl- channels. Using our noise analysis method, we estimate a unit conductance, gamma = 0.8 pS, for these channels. The density of channels was found to be approximately 70 channels/micron2 for both channel species.  相似文献   

The zervamicins (Zrv) are a family of 16 residue peptaibol channel formers, related to the 20 residue peptaibol alamethicin (Alm), but containing a higher proportion of polar sidechains. Zrv-1113 forms multi-level channels in planar lipid (diphytanoyl phosphatidylcholine) bilayers in response to cis positive voltages. Analysis of the voltage and concentration dependence of macroscopic conductances induced by Zrv-IIB suggests that, on average, channels contain ca. 13 peptide monomers. Analysis of single channel conductance levels suggests a similar value. The pattern of successive conductance levels is consistent with a modified helix bundle model in which the higher order bundle are distorted within the plane of the bilayer towards a torpedo shaped cross-section. The kinetics of intro-burst switching between adjacent conductance levels are shown to be approximately an order of magnitude faster for Zrv-IIB than for Alm. The channel forming properties of the related naturally occurring peptaibols, Zrv-Leu and Zrv-IC, have also been demonstrated, as have those of the synthetic apolar analogue Zrv-Al-16. The experimental studies on channel formation are combined with the known crystallographic structures of Zrv-Al-16 and Zrv-Leu to develop a molecular model of Zrv-II3 channels.Abbreviations Alm Alamethicin - Zrv Zervamicin - CFP Channel forming peptide - Aib -aminoisobutyric acid Correspondence to: M. S. P. Sansom  相似文献   

On the stochastic properties of single ion channels   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
It is desirable to be able to predict, from a specified mechanism, the appearance of currents that flow through single ion channels (a) to enable interpretation of experiments in which single channel currents are observed, and (b) to allow physical meaning to be attached to the results observed in kinetic (noise and relaxation) experiments in which the aggregate of many single channel currents is observed. With this object, distributions (and the means) are derived for the length of the sojourn in any specified subset of states (e.g. all shut states). In general these are found to depend not only on the state in which the sojourn starts, but also on the state that immediately follows the sojourn. The methods described allow derivation of the distribution of, for example, (a) the number of openings, and total length of the burst of openings, that may occur during a single occupancy, and (b) the apparent gap between such bursts. The methods are illustrated by their application to two simple theories of agonist action. The Castillo-Katz (non-cooperative) mechanism predicts, for example, that the number of openings per occupancy, and the apparent burst length, are independent of agonist concentration whereas a simple cooperative mechanism predicts that both will increase with agonist concentration.  相似文献   

Potassium (K+) channels are highly selective for K+ ions but their unitary conductances are quite divergent. Although Kir6.1 and Kir6.2 are highly homologous and both form functional K+ channels with sulfonylurea receptors, their unitary conductances measured with 150 mM extracellular K+ are approximately 35 and 80 pS, respectively. We found that a chain of three amino acid residues N123-V124-R125 of Kir6.1 and S113-I114-H115 of Kir6.2 in the M1-H5 extracellular link and single residues M148 of Kir6.1 and V138 of Kir6.2 in the H5-M2 link accounted for the difference. By using a 3D structure model of Kir6.2, we were able to recognize two independent plausible mechanisms involved in the determination of single channel conductance of the Kir6.0 subunits: (i) steric effects at Kir6.2V138 or Kir6.1M148 in the H5-M2 link influence directly the diffusion of K+ ions; and (ii) structural constraints between Kir6.2S113 or Kir6. 1N123 in the M1-H5 link and Kir6.2R136 or Kir6.1R146 near the H5 region control the conformation of the permeation pathway. These mechanisms represent a novel and possibly general aspect of the control of ion channel permeability.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological analysis of cloned cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Electrophysiological studies were conducted on the cloned plant cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels AtCNGC2 and AtCNGC1 from Arabidopsis, and NtCBP4 from tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum). The nucleotide coding sequences for these proteins were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes or HEK 293 cells. Channel characteristics were evaluated using voltage clamp analysis of currents in the presence of cAMP. AtCNGC2 was demonstrated to conduct K(+) and other monovalent cations, but exclude Na(+); this conductivity profile is unique for any ion channel not possessing the amino acid sequence found in the selectivity filter of K(+)-selective ion channels. Application of cAMP evoked currents in membrane patches of oocytes injected with AtCNGC2 cRNA. Direct activation of the channel by cyclic nucleotide, demonstrated by application of cyclic nucleotide to patches of membranes expressing such channels, is a hallmark characteristic of this ion channel family. Voltage clamp studies (two-electrode configuration) demonstrated that AtCNGC1 and NtCBP4 are also cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. Addition of a lipophilic analog of cAMP to the perfusion bath of oocytes injected with NtCBP4 and AtCNGC1 cRNAs induced inward rectified, noninactivating K(+) currents.  相似文献   

A fluorescence assay to check the folding of potassium Kv channels expressed in vitro has been developed. For this aim, the fluorescently labeled channel blocker, recombinant agitoxin of yellow scorpion was employed. The level of expression of various Kv channels in vitro has been tested. It has been demonstrated that Kv2 channels form clusters on the cell surface, which are not associated with actin filaments. On the other hand, Kv10 channels form larger clusters, which are associated with actin, indicating the principal differences in the organization of cytoplasmic domains of Kv2 and Kv10 channels.  相似文献   

Vascularization is crucial for solid tumour growth and invasion, providing metabolic support and sustaining metastatic dissemination. It is now accepted that ion channels and transporters play a significant role in driving the cancer growth at all stages. They may represent novel therapeutic, diagnostic and prognostic targets for anti-cancer therapies. On the other hand, although the expression and role of ion channels and transporters in the vascular endothelium is well recognized and subject of recent reviews, only recently has their involvement in tumour vascularization been recognized. Here, we review the current literature on ion channels and transporters directly involved in the angiogenic process. Particular interest will be focused on tumour angiogenesis in vivo as well as in the different steps that drive this process in vitro, such as endothelial cell proliferation, migration, adhesion and tubulogenesis. Moreover, we compare the ‘transportome’ system of tumour vascular network with the physiological one.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle excitation-contraction coupling involves activation of homotetrameric ryanodine receptor ion channels (RyR1s), resulting in the rapid release of Ca(2+) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Previous work has shown that Ca(2+) release is impaired by mutations in RyR1 linked to Central Core Disease and Multiple Minicore Disease. We studied the consequences of these mutations on RyR1 function, following their expression in human embryonic kidney 293 cells and incorporation in lipid bilayers. RyR1-G4898E, -G4898R, and -DeltaV4926/I4927 mutants in the C-terminal pore region of RyR1 and N-terminal RyR1-R110W/L486V mutant all showed negligible Ca(2+) permeation and loss of Ca(2+)-dependent channel activity but maintained reduced K(+) conductances. Co-expression of wild type and mutant RyR1s resulted in Ca(2+)-dependent channel activities that exhibited intermediate Ca(2+) selectivities compared with K(+), which suggested the presence of tetrameric RyR1 complexes composed of wild type and mutant subunits. The number of wild-type subunits to maintain a functional heterotetrameric channel differed among the four RyR1 mutants. The results indicate that homozygous RyR1 mutations associated with core myopathies abolish or greatly reduce sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) release during excitation-contraction coupling. They further suggest that in individuals, expressing wild type and mutant alleles, a substantial portion of RyR1 channels is able to release Ca(2+) from sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

We present simulation results for the effective diffusion coefficients of a sodium ion in a series of model ion channels of different diameters and hydrophobicities, including models of alamethicin, a leucine-serine peptide, and the M2 helix bundle of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. The diffusion coefficient, which in the simulations has a value of 0.15(2) A2ps-1 in bulk water, is found to be reduced to as little as 0.02(1) A2ps-1 in the narrower channels, and to about 0.10(5) A2ps-1 in wider channels such as the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. It is anticipated that this work will be useful in connection with calculations of channel conductivity using such techniques as the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equation, Eyring rate theory, or Brownian dynamics.  相似文献   

The article concentrates on the concepts of mechanosensitive ion channels that are present in practically all cells of an organism. Considered are kinetic scheme and activation principles of mechanic-sensitive ion channels. The forces affecting those channels are discussed in detail. The qualities of the channels in lipid monolayer, bilayer and real cell membrane are under consideration. Discussed are various models that analyze possibilities of channel opening depending on the membrane tension. Under discussion are the data received from studying single channels, currents in whole-cell configuration and cloned channels built into bilayer, liposomes and membrane blebs. Problems of transmitting mechanic energy to the channel through the bilayer and through the cytoskeleton are investigated. Inhibitors and activators of mechanosensitive ion channels are mentioned and their effects are considered. The functional classification of mechanosensitive ion channels is given. Described are cation SACs, potassium SACs, Ca(2+)-sensitive and Ca(2+)-insensitive SACs, anion SACs, nonselective SACs and SICs. It is proved that mechanosensitive ion channels can produce considerable currents enough to change the cell electrogenesis.  相似文献   

Reconstitution of ion channels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Long the sole domain of physiologists and electrical engineers, ion channel biophysics is going molecular, and with a vengeance. This summary of a recent meeting devoted to ion channel biophysics shows that the integration of techniques, reinforced by active communication among scientists of diverse backgrounds, is extremely potent.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics study of ion transport in transmembrane protein channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ion transport through biological membranes often takes place via pore-like protein channels. The elementary process of this transport can be described as a motion of the ion in a quasi-periodic multi-well potential. In this study molecular dynamics simulations of ion transport in a model channel were performed in order to test the validity of reaction-rate theory for this process. The channel is modelled as a hexagonal helix of infinite length, and the ligand groups interacting with the ion are represented by dipoles lining the central hole of the channel. The dipoles interact electrostatically with each other and are allowed to oscillate around an equilibrium orientation. The coupled equations of motion for the ion and the dipoles were solved simultaneously with the aid of a numerical integration procedure. From the calculated ion trajectories it is seen that, particularly at low temperatures, the ion oscillates back and forth in the trapping site many times before it leaves the site and jumps over the barrier. The observed oscillation frequency was found to be virtually temperature-independent (nu 0 approximately equal to 2 X 10(12) s-1) so that the strong increase of transport rate with temperature results almost exclusively from the Arrhenius-type exponential dependence of jump probability w on 1/T. At higher temperatures simultaneous jumps over several barriers occasionally occur. Although the exponential form of w(T) was in agreement with the predictions of rate theory, the activation energy Ea as determined from w(T) was different from the barrier height which was calculated from the static potential of the ion in the channel; the actual transport rate was 1 X 10(3) times higher than the rate predicted from the calculated barrier height. This observation was interpreted by the notion that ion transport in the channel is strongly influenced by thermal fluctuations in the conformation of the ligand system which in turn give rise to fluctuations of barrier height.  相似文献   

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