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《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(5):313-320
We studied the effect of the general structure of the nest plant, especially the presence of thorns, and the structural homogeneity of the nest patch, on the vulnerability of nests to predation, using natural and artificial nests. Artificial nests placed in non-thorny plants had a significantly lower predation rate and higher daily survival rate than those in thorny plants. The addition of a ‘thorny microhabitat’ around the immediate proximity of nests placed in non-thorny plants did not have any effect on vulnerability of nests to predation. Conversely, natural nests were located in patches of habitat with a higher density of the species of plant that supported the nest compared to patches selected at random. However, daily survival rate was similar for natural nests placed in patches with a higher or lower density of the species of nest plant in the four bird species analysed. Similarly, survival of artificial nests did not increase with the presence of a higher number of plants similar to the nest plant in the nest patch. Thus, the observed patterns of survival for natural and artificial nests did not seem to support the potential prey-site hypotheses. Birds appeared to be the main nest predators in this ecosystem. Behavioural aspects of the identified predators and habitat structure could explain the lack of effect of thorns and nest patch characteristics on nest survival.  相似文献   

Skutch hypothesized that nest predators visually assess parental activities to locate a prey nest, whereas parents modify fitness‐related traits to reduce the probability of nest predation. We examined how cavity condition and parental activity interact with avian nest predators to shape the nest success of two coexisting parid species, marsh tits Poecile palustris and oriental tits Parus minor, breeding in nest‐boxes during the incubation period. Nest‐boxes were manipulated to create a prolonged risk of nest predation (entrance diameter 2.6 cm control vs 5.5 cm treatment) soon after clutch completion. To measure changes in parental behavior, we also simultaneously simulated a pulsed risk of nest predation, using sound playbacks of a coexisting control bird and an avian nest predator. We found that the parent tits merely responded the pulsed risk, presumably due to an environment with high avian nest predator encounters, compared to the prolonged risk. Instead, both species spent more time on vigilance at the nest, only under prolonged risk conditions. The activity of corvids near the nest‐box was higher in the marsh tit than that in oriental tits. This activity was also higher in the treatment nest box than that in the control nest‐box. Nest predation during the incubation period was higher in marsh tits than in oriental tits, presumably due to higher and more plastic vigilance in oriental tits, compared to marsh tits. Our results highlight that the differences in cavity condition and parental activities at the nests of two coexisting non‐excavators may contribute to differential nest predation by attracting avian nest predators.  相似文献   

FRANK GÖTMARK  MATTI AHLUND 《Ibis》1988,130(1):111-123
Hooded Crows Corvus cornix, Great Black-backed Gulls Larus marinus and Herring Gulls L. argentatus were the main nest predators in an Eider population in southwest Sweden. The clutch sizes of Eider nests within gull colonies did not differ from those outside gull colonies. The proportion of Eider nests destroyed by predators was significantly lower within than outside gull colonies, especially on islands with Lesser Black-backed Gulls L. fuscus. Although the difference was not significant, the survival time of simulated Eider nests was higher within than outside gull colonies. On Eider islands with gull colonies, foraying crows spent more time within the colony area than expected by chance. However, crows apparently avoided an area around each gull nest, and we suggest that the colonies, to some extent, protected Eider nests against predation. The density of Eider nests was higher on gull islands than on gull- free islands, and higher within than outside the gull colonies. However, the association with gulls was weak compared to that displayed by some other waterfowl.  相似文献   

Understanding avian nest predation: why ornithologists should study snakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite the overriding importance of nest predation for most birds, our understanding of the relationship between birds and their nest predators has been developed largely without reliable information on the identity of the predators. Miniature video cameras placed at nests are changing that situation and in six of eight recent studies of New World passerine birds, snakes were the most important nest predators. Several areas of research stand to gain important insights from understanding more about the snakes that prey on birds' nests. Birds nesting in fragmented habitats often experience increased nest predation. Snakes could be attracted to habitat edges because they are thermally superior habitats, coincidentally increasing predation, or snakes could be attracted directly by greater prey abundance in edges. Birds might reduce predation risk from snakes by nesting in locations inaccessible to snakes or in locations that are thermally inhospitable to snakes, although potentially at some cost to themselves or their young. Nesting birds should also modify their behavior to reduce exposure to visually orienting snakes. Ornithologists incorporating snakes into their ecological or conservation research need to be aware of practical considerations, including sampling difficulties and logistical challenges associated with quantifying snake habitat use.  相似文献   

Conceptual models predict counteractive effects of herbivores and nutrient enrichment on plant diversity and reversed effects of grazers under different nutrient regimes. I tested these hypotheses in 11 field experiments with periphyton communities in three different aquatic habitats (a highly eutrophic lake, an meso-eutrophic lake, and an meso-eutrophic part of the Baltic Sea coast) and in different seasons. Grazer access and nutrient supply were manipulated in a factorial design. Species richness and evenness were chosen as response variables. Both manipulated factors had significant and contrasting effects on diversity, with variable effect strength between sites and seasons. From the two aspects of diversity, evenness well reflected the changes in community composition. Fertilization tended to increase the dominance of few species and thus to decrease evenness, whereas grazers counteracted these effects by removing dominant life forms. The response of species richness was not as expected, since grazers decreased richness throughout, whereas nutrients had weaker effects but tended to increase richness. Species richness rather reflected changes in periphyton architecture. Grazers reduced algal richness presumably by co-consumption of rare species in the tightly connected periphyton assemblages, whereas enrichment may increase richness by providing more structure via increased dominance of filamentous species. Although grazer and nutrient effects on richness and evenness were opposing, there was no change in the effect of one factor by manipulation of the other.  相似文献   

Because nest predation is the major source of nesting mortality in birds, site-specific predation risk may play an important role in determining birds' ability to select nest sites that reduce predation risk. This possibility has not been adequately tested. Here we report on 5-year experiments by which we studied, independently from birds' earlier experience with specific nest boxes, both the selection and predation risk of nest sites in the common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula). New, previously unoccupied nest boxes were erected in two habitat types on three study areas. Experimentally measured predation risk in the nest boxes varied between 0 and 1.0, i.e. goldeneye females could select a nest site along a wide gradient of possible predation-risk values. We did not find a difference in predation risk between occupied and unoccupied nest boxes, nor was the order of nest box occupation associated with predation risk. A power analysis revealed that our test had reasonably high power to reject a false null hypothesis. Our results suggest that common goldeneye females likely have not evolved an ability to assess predation risk of new, previously unoccupied nest sites.  相似文献   

Nest predation is the most important cause of nest failure in most birds and latitudinal differences in nest predation rates and life histories suggest that nest predation has been influential in life history evolution. All else equal, natural selection should favor reduction of nest predation, yet evidence is equivocal. We used Monte Carlo simulations to examine the combined effects of variation in nest predation rates, breeding season length and renesting intervals on the annual number of young fledged. Simulations suggest that selection most strongly favors a reduction in nest predation when breeding seasons are short and predation rates are low (temperate characteristics). Conversely, selection favors shorter renesting intervals when breeding seasons are long and nest predation rates are high (tropical characteristics). Reducing already low rates provides a proportionately greater increase in annual nesting success than does the same reduction when nest predation rates are higher. In some tropical species, individuals increase reproductive success not by avoiding predation in subsequent nesting attempts, which is largely beyond their control, but rather by reducing renesting intervals. We suggest that the emphasis on nest predation avoidance has biased our perspectives for alternative hypotheses of how birds should respond to nest predation and the consequences of those alternatives for life history theory. Similarly to the need to control for phylogenetics in examining life history strategies, future studies must also control for differences in breeding season lengths and renesting intervals to better understand the influence of nest predation on avian life histories.  相似文献   

The ability of nest predation to influence habitat settlement decisions in birds is widely debated, despite its importance in limiting fitness. Here, we experimentally manipulated nest predation risk across a landscape and asked the question, do migratory birds assess and respond to variation in nest predation risk when choosing breeding habitats? We examined habitat preference by quantifying the density and settlement date of eight species of migratory passerines breeding in areas with and without intact nest predator communities. We found consistently more individuals nesting in areas with reduced nest predation than in areas with intact predator assemblages, although predation risk had no influence on settlement or breeding phenology. Additionally, those individuals occupying safer nesting habitats exhibited increased singing activity. These findings support a causal relationship between habitat choice and nest predation risk and suggest the importance of nest predation risk in shaping avian community structure and breeding activity.  相似文献   

为了解栖息地片段化对鸟类巢捕食风险的影响,我们于2010年4-8月,在千岛湖地区选取16个岛屿,分别在岛屿边缘和内部区域用放置鸡蛋(大型卵)和鹌鹑(Coturnix japonica)蛋(小型卵)的方法进行人工模拟地面巢试验,研究不同体积大小鸟卵的巢捕食率及其差异,分析巢捕食率与岛屿面积、隔离度、形状指数和植物物种丰富...  相似文献   

Animals should cue on information that predicts reproductive success. After failure of an initial reproductive attempt, decisions on whether or not to initiate a second reproductive attempt may be affected by individual experience and social information. If the prospects of breeding success are poor, long-lived animals in particular should not invest in current reproductive success (CRS) in case it generates costs to future reproductive success (FRS). In birds, predation risk experienced during breeding may provide a cue for renesting success. Species having a high FRS potential should be flexible and take predation risk into account in their renesting decisions. We tested this prediction using breeding data of a long-lived wader, the southern dunlin Calidris alpina schinzii. As predicted, dunlin cued on predation risk information acquired from direct experience of nest failure due to predation and ambient nest predation risk. While the overall renesting rate was low (34.5 %), the early season renesting rate was high but declined with season, indicating probable temporal changes in the costs and benefits of renesting. We develop a conceptual cost-benefit model to describe the effects of the phase and the length of breeding season on predation risk responses in renesting. We suggest that species investing in FRS should not continue breeding in short breeding seasons in response to predation risk but without time constraints, their response should be similar to species investing in CRS, e.g. within-season dispersal and increased nest concealment.  相似文献   

Large nests may incur fitness cost in terms of conspicuousness to predators, but the effect of nest size on predation risk can be confounded by effects of nest site and parental characteristics. I examined relative effects of nest size and placement by experimentally exchanging subsets of inactive nests baited with artificial clutches, among three open-cup nesting passerine species characterized by different nest size, placement and predation rate. The prediction that increasing nest size (original nest replaced by nest of the larger species) would increase predation, while decreasing nest size (replacement by nest of the smaller species) would decrease predation, relative to control (replacement by conspecific nest) was not supported in any species. The prediction that predation should be higher for large nests compared to small ones, even after exchanging nests among species-specific sites, was not supported. Predation rate differed among species (combined site/nest effect) before manipulation, whereas only the effect of nest site was significant after manipulation. This means that predation differed between species-specific nest sites, irrespective of the nest placed at these sites, but not between large (thrush) and small (warbler) nests, irrespective of their placement. Results do not suggest that nest predation selects directionally for smaller nest size. This conclusion could be specific to the study system characterized by high nest densities and high predation rate.  相似文献   

For many animals, nest construction is a prerequisite for successfulbreeding. The choice of nesting materials is an important componentof nest construction, because material properties can influencenest design and, potentially, reproductive success. Common waxbillsare small African finches that select carnivore scat as a materialto include in, on, and around their nests. I investigated thehypothesis that scat functions to reduce predation risk by documentingits use in a wild population of common waxbills and by conductingan artificial nest experiment. Among natural nests, scat waspresent in every nest that hatched young, and parents continuedto add scat to nests throughout the nestling period. Among artificialnests, those that received experimental additions of carnivorescat survived at a significantly higher rate than did untreatednests, suggesting that scat functions to reduce predation risk.The mechanism by which nests are protected remains unclear,although it is likely that scat acts as an olfactory deterrentand/or camouflage. Researchers have long focused on the implicationsof nest site characteristics for avian life-history evolution.Results of the present study suggest that nest materials, similarto nest sites, may influence life histories of nest-buildinganimals by affecting predation risk.  相似文献   

Organisms attempt to optimize foraging by maximizing resource acquisition while minimizing predation risk. Aphids (group-living, phloem-feeding insects) routinely change feeding positions and interact with predators and parasites at the single-leaf scale. Here, we assess the life history and predation risk consequences of within-leaf feeding site choices in pea aphids in response to different natural enemies. First, three-chambered clip cages were used to isolate first instar aphids anterior and posterior to a centrally feeding adult on the underside of a single broad bean leaf. Development time to adulthood did not differ between feeding sites, nor did fecundity within the first 24 h of reproduction. Second, we recorded the frequency and latency of natural enemy attacks on aphids adhered to three leaf sites, matching those of the clip cage experiment, on the underside of a single leaf. Aphids feeding nearest the leaf petiole were at greatest risk of predation by a foliar foraging coccinellid predator, Hippodamia convergens, but not by a parasitoid wasp, Aphidius ervi. Thus, feeding nearer the leaf petiole provided no individual life history benefits and exposes the aphid to increased predation risk. We further discuss the notion that feeding at these sites may provide inclusive fitness benefits for colony mates via alarm signaling and subsequent decreased predation success.  相似文献   

This study examined predator faunas of artificial ground and shrub nests and whether nest predation risk was influenced by nest site, proximity to forest edge, and habitat structure in 38 grassland plots in south-central Sweden. There was a clear separation of predator faunas between shrub and ground nests as identified from marks in plasticine eggs. Corvids accounted for almost all predation on shrub nests whereas mammals mainly depredated ground nests. Nest predation risk was significantly greater for shrub than for ground nests at all distances (i.e. 0, 15 and 30 m) from the forest edge. However, nest predation risk was not significantly related to distance to forest edge, but significantly increased with decreasing distance to the nearest tree. Different corvid species robbed nests at different distances from the forest edge, with jays robbing nests closest to edges. We conclude that the relationship between the predation risk of grassland bird nests and distance to the forest edge mainly depends on the relative importance of different nest predator species and on the structure of the forest edge zone. A review of published articles on artificial shrub and ground nest predation in the temperate zone corroborated the results of our own study, namely that shrub nests experienced higher rates of depredation in open habitats close to the forest edge and that avian predators predominantly robbed shrub nests. Furthermore, the review results showed that predation rates on nests in general are highest <50 m inside the forest and lower in open as well as forest interior habitats (≥50 m from the edge). Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 30 July 1998  相似文献   

Leks often attract predators as well as mates, yet most evolutionary models have assumed that sexual selection, not predation, drives lekking behavior. We explored the influence of predation on lek dynamics using a stochastic dynamic game model based on the lek-breeding greater sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and its principal avian predator, the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). The model predicts time-dependent male lek attendance as a function of factors affecting both mating success (female arrival rate, male numbers, and social status) and predation risk (eagle arrival rate and group size). Dominant males are predicted to arrive sooner and leave later than subordinates, especially if mating skew is high, predation risk is low, or the relationship between lek size and female arrival rate is weak. Both high mean levels of predation risk and small lek size should reduce lek attendance, but the relative tendency of predators to attack large versus small leks has little influence on predicted lekking behavior. Field observations confirmed the predicted effects of female arrival rate, lek size, male dominance, and weather-dependent predator arrival rates on lek departure times. Predicted effects of female arrival rates and male dominance on seasonal lek attendance were also supported. Our model provides an empirically supported adaptive explanation for short-term lek dynamics. It also suggests alternative interpretations for phenomena previously invoked to support the hotshot and skew models of lek formation.  相似文献   

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