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Yang JL  Zhang L  Li YY  You JF  Wu P  Zheng SJ 《Annals of botany》2006,97(4):579-584
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Aluminium (Al) stimulates the efflux of citrate from apices of rice bean (Vigna umbellata) roots. This response is delayed at least 3 h when roots are exposed to 50 microm Al, indicating that some inducible processes leading to citrate efflux are involved. The physiological bases responsible for the delayed response were examined here. METHODS: The effects of several antagonists of anion channels and citrate carriers, and of the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide (CHM) on Al-stimulated citrate efflux and/or citrate content were examined by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) or an enzymatic method. KEY RESULTS: Both anion channel inhibitors and citrate carrier inhibitors can inhibit Al-stimulated citrate efflux, with anthracene-9-carboxylic acid (A-9-C, an anion channel inhibitor) and phenylisothiocyanate (PI, a citrate carrier inhibitor) the most effective inhibitors. A 6 h pulse of 50 microm Al induced a significant increase of citrate content in root apices and release of citrate. However, the increase in citrate content preceded the efflux. Furthermore, the release of citrate stimulated by the pulse treatment was inhibited by both A-9-C and PI, indicating the importance of the citrate carrier on the mitochondrial membrane and the anion channel on the plasma membrane for the Al-stimulated citrate efflux. CHM (20 microm) also significantly inhibited Al-stimulated citrate efflux, confirming that de novo protein synthesis is required for Al-stimulated citrate efflux. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that the activation of genes possibly encoding citrate transporters plays a critical role in Al-stimulated citrate efflux.  相似文献   

MATE (multidrug and toxic compound extrusion) transporters play multiple roles in plants including detoxification, secondary metabolite transport, aluminium (Al) tolerance, and disease resistance. Here we identify and characterize the role of the Arabidopsis MATE transporter DETOXIFICATION30. AtDTX30 regulates auxin homeostasis in Arabidopsis roots to modulate root development and Al-tolerance. DTX30 is primarily expressed in roots and localizes to the plasma membrane of root epidermal cells including root hairs. dtx30 mutants exhibit reduced elongation of the primary root, root hairs, and lateral roots. The mutant seedlings accumulate more auxin in their root tips indicating role of DTX30 in maintaining auxin homeostasis in the root. Al induces DTX30 expression and promotes its localization to the distal transition zone. dtx30 seedlings accumulate more Al in their roots but are hyposensitive to Al-mediated rhizotoxicity perhaps due to saturation in root growth inhibition. Increase in expression of ethylene and auxin biosynthesis genes in presence of Al is absent in dtx30. The mutants exude less citrate under Al conditions, which might be due to misregulation of AtSTOP1 and the citrate transporter AtMATE. In conclusion, DTX30 modulates auxin levels in root to regulate root development and in the presence of Al indirectly modulates citrate exudation to promote Al tolerance.  相似文献   

We demonstrated that magnesium (Mg) can alleviate aluminum (Al) toxicity in rice bean [Vigna umbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi & Ohashi] more effectively than is expected from a non-specific cation response. Micromolar concentrations of Mg alleviated the inhibition of root growth by Al but not by lanthanum, and neither strontium nor barium at the micromolar level alleviates Al toxicity. Aluminum also induced citrate efflux from rice bean roots, and this response was stimulated by inclusion of 10 microM Mg in the treatment solution. The increase in the Al-induced citrate efflux by Mg paralleled the improvement in root growth, suggesting that the ameliorative effect of Mg might be related to greater citrate efflux. Vanadate (an effective H+-ATPase inhibitor) decreased the Al-induced citrate efflux, while addition of Mg partly restored the efflux. Mg addition also increased the activity of Al-reduced plasma membrane H+-ATPase, as well as helping to maintain the Mg and calcium contents in root apices. We propose that the addition of Mg to the toxic Al treatment helps maintain the tissue Mg content and the activity of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase. These changes enhanced the Al-dependent efflux of citrate which provided extra protection from Al stress.  相似文献   

中国饭豆种质资源遗传多样性及核心种质构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
饭豆耐瘠、耐旱、抗病虫性强,是绿豆、小豆等近缘栽培作物育种的优异基因来源。但饭豆种质资源研究落后,利用效率低。本文首次对我国保存收集的饭豆种质资源进行农艺性状的变异分析。结果表明,我国饭豆种质资源质量性状变异类型丰富,但不同变异类型的分布频率差异较大,大部分稀有变异类型呈区域性分布。数量性状也具有较大的分布范围,各性状的变异系数在14%~98%之间,其中单株荚数>主茎分枝数>株高>百粒重>单荚粒数>生育期>荚长。不同地理来源饭豆资源群体的数量性状变异水平也存在差异。聚类分析不能完全把同一省份来源的种质聚在一起,但是个别省份的有些种质成簇出现在聚类图上,进一步分析发现这些成簇种质的数量性状和经纬度来源比较一致,可能为重复保存。最后以聚类分析为基础,按照比例法进行类内随机取样,并经评价和补充调整等构建了我国饭豆核心种质157份,为有重点有选择地深入开展饭豆种质资源研究及利用等提供了很好的样本。  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map was developed with 86 F2 plants derived from an interspecific cross between azuki bean (Vigna angularis, 2n=2x=22) and rice bean (V. umbellata, 2n=2x=22). In total, 14 linkage groups, each containing more than 4 markers, were constructed with one phenotypic, 114 RFLP and 74 RAPD markers. The total map size was 1702 cM, and the average distance between markers was 9.7 cM. The loci showing significant deviation from the expected ratio clustered in several linkage groups. Most of the skewed loci were due to the predominance of rice bean alleles. The azuki-rice bean linkage map was compared with other available maps of Vigna species in subgenus Ceratotropis. Based on the lineage of the common mapped markers, 7 and 16 conserved linkage blocks were found in the interspecific map of azuki bean ×V. nakashimae and mungbean map, respectively. Although the present map is not fully saturated, it may facilitate gene tagging, QTL mapping and further useful gene transfer for azuki bean breeding. Received: 20 March 1999 / Accepted: 29 April 1999  相似文献   



Aluminium (Al) toxicity is a major agricultural constraint for crop cultivation on acid soils, which comprise a large portion of the world''s arable land. One of the most widely accepted mechanisms of Al tolerance in plants is based on Al-activated organic acid release into the rhizosphere, with organic acids forming stable, non-toxic complexes with Al. This mechanism has recently been validated by the isolation of bona-fide Al-tolerance genes in crop species, which encode membrane transporters that mediate Al-activated organic acid release leading to Al exclusion from root apices. In crop species such as sorghum and barley, members in the multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) family underlie Al tolerance by a mechanism based on Al-activated citrate release.

Scope and Conclusions

The study of Al tolerance in plants as conferred by MATE family members is in its infancy. Therefore, much is yet to be discovered about the functional diversity and evolutionary dynamics that led MATE proteins to acquire transport properties conducive to Al tolerance in plants. In this paper we review the major characteristics of transporters in the MATE family and will relate this knowledge to Al tolerance in plants. The MATE family is clearly extremely flexible with respect to substrate specificity, which raises the possibility that Al tolerance as encoded by MATE proteins may not be restricted to Al-activated citrate release in plant species. There are also indications that regulatory loci may be of pivotal importance to fully explore the potential for Al-tolerance improvement based on MATE genes.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Aluminium is toxic in acid soils because the soluble Al3+ inhibits root growth. A mechanism of Al3+ tolerance discovered in many plant species involves the release of organic anions from root apices. The Al3+-activated release of citrate from the root apices of Al3+-tolerant genotypes of barley is controlled by a MATE gene named HvAACT1 that encodes a citrate transport protein located on the plasma membrane. The aim of this study was to investigate whether expressing HvAACT1 with a constitutive promoter in barley and wheat can increase citrate efflux and Al3+ tolerance of these important cereal species.

Methods HvAACT1

was over-expressed in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) using the maize ubiquitin promoter. Root apices of transgenic and control lines were analysed for HvAACT1 expression and organic acid efflux. The Al3+ tolerance of transgenic and control lines was assessed in both hydroponic solution and acid soil.

Key Results and Conclusions

Increased HvAACT1 expression in both cereal species was associated with increased citrate efflux from root apices and enhanced Al3+ tolerance, thus demonstrating that biotechnology can complement traditional breeding practices to increase the Al3+ tolerance of important crop plants.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of ferulic acid (FA; 0–1000 µM) on early growth, and rhizogenesis in mung bean (Vigna radiata) hypocotyls and associated biochemical changes. FA severely affected the radicle elongation and number of secondary roots after 72 h. The root and shoot length, number and length of secondary roots, and seedling dry weight of one-week-old seedlings of mung bean were decreased by 64%. The rooting potential (percent rooting, number and length of adventitious roots) of mung bean hypocotyls under in vitro conditions was significantly inhibited in response to 1–100 µM FA. At 1000 µM there was complete cessation of rooting. FA caused a reduction in the contents of water-soluble proteins and endogenous total phenolics, whereas the activities of proteases, peroxidases, and polyphenol peroxidases increased. The study concludes that FA inhibits root growth and development, and in vitro rooting process in mung bean by interfering with biochemical processes that are crucial for root formation.  相似文献   

A comparison of cellulose synthesized in vitro from primary walls of etiolated mung bean (Vigna radiata) seedlings and secondary walls of cotton fibers (Gossypium hirsutum) was made by applying conditions found to be essential for in vitro cellulose I assembly from cotton (Kudlicka et al., 1995, Plant Physiology, vol. 107, pp. 111–123). Mung bean fractions including the plasma membrane (PM), the first solubilized fraction (SE1), and the second solubilized fraction (SE2), incorporated more radioactive UDP-Glc into the total product than the same fractions from secondary walls. A significant difference was found with the mild digitonin solubilized fraction (SE1), which produced eight times more total product than the SE1 fraction of cotton. However, the SE1 fraction from cotton produced a larger quantity of cellulose (32.1%) than from mung bean (6.9%). Treatment of the in vitro product by acetic/nitric acid reagent (AN) for varying periods of time demonstrated that cellulose synthesized in vitro from mung bean was more easily degraded than cellulose from cotton fibers. This would suggest that cellulose I produced in vitro from the cotton SE1 fraction may have a higher crystallinity and DP than cellulose I produced in vitro from mung bean. The fibrils of cellulose produced by the SE, fraction of mung bean were loosely associated and not arranged into a compact bundle as in case of cellulose I synthesized by the cotton SE1 fraction. The electron diffraction patterns (ED) of both products show reflections characteristic for cellulose I. Products from the SE2 fraction of mung bean and cotton reveal similarities with the cellulose II allomorph synthesized, as well as abundant β-1,3-glucan.  相似文献   

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