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Properties of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) were compared for medial gastrocnemius (MG) motor units (MUs) in cats and rats. The experiments on functionally isolated MUs were performed under general anaesthesia, under comparable conditions (surgery, stimulating protocol and recording methods) for both species investigated. The proportions of motor units and contractile properties of the sample used in the study were consistent with previous studies performed on the MG muscle in both animal species, so comparisons of action potentials of individual types of MUs were acknowledged as fully reliable. The most prominent differences concerning MUAPs were observed in total duration and peak-to-peak times which for all MU types were about twice longer in cat MUs, in comparison to the rat MUs. The considerable disproportions were observed between the MUAP amplitudes of FF (fast fatigable), FR (fast resistant to fatigue) and S (slow) MUs in each species (the highest amplitudes were measured for FF and the lowest for S MUs), but there were no significant differences between cat and rat when respective types of MUs were compared. The shapes of MUAPs were commonly characterized by biphasic waveforms composed of two or three turns in all types of units, and no interspecies differences were revealed. Several factors influencing MUAP parameters were discussed indicating most of all importance of variable length of cat and rat muscle fibres and ambiguous influence of motor unit size, thickness of muscle fibres and their density around the recording electrode in the MG muscle of both species.  相似文献   

Responses of neurons in association area 5 during defensive conditioning to acoustic stimulation were studied in chronic experiments on cats. As a rule the neurons responded by excitation to presentation of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. During the conditioned reflex unit responses usually appeared in the first 50 msec after the beginning of acoustic stimulation, i.e., they were connected with the action of the conditioned stimulus and not with manifestations of conditioned-reflex motion. The most significant changes in responses of cortical association units were observed in the initial period of conditioning. During stabilization of the conditioned reflex, responses of some neurons became stabilized, whereas in other neurons the spontaneous activity and intensity of responses increased, and in a third group the response to one of the stimuli disappeared. This last result indicates a switch during conditioning from polysensory unit responses to monosensory specialized responses. Extinctive inhibition was found to consist of a gradual decrease in the level of the spike discharge and its approximation to spontaneous activity, i.e., to be passive in character.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 563–572, November–December, 1978.  相似文献   

The results of a computerized statistical analysis of 366 realizations of spontaneous spike activity of 181 neurons in the primary auditory cortex (area 50) of waking cats at rest and during defensive conditioning are described. In both situations the parameters of spontaneous activity of most neurons differed from those of a random flow. Conditioning led, on the one hand, to a stable increase in the frequency of spontaneous activity in intertrial periods and, on the other hand, judging from changes in the mean firing rate, the coefficients of variation of the length of the interspike intervals, the histograms of their distribution, and also the increase in the number of neurons with different forms of correlation between interspike intervals, to an increase in its stability (degree of organization).A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 227–238, May–June, 1978.  相似文献   

The influence of ethanol, its metabolites and some opiates on enkephalinase A activity was studied in rat experiments in vitro after acute and chronic administration of ethanol. It was demonstrated that addition of ethanol to the reaction mixture activated enkephalinase A of the midbrain and hypothalamus of intact rats, the maximal effect being attained at an ethanol concentration of 10(-3) M. Multiple washings with buffer of the ethanol-preincubated membranous fraction of these brain structures in the control rats did not lead to a significant reduction in the activating effect of ethanol on enkephalinase A. No activation was recorded upon the use of an enzymatic preparation of the brain from chronically alcoholized animals. Morphine, naltrexon, beta-carbolines, salsolinol (10(-4) M) and acetaldehyde (10(-8)-10(-2) M) did not activate the enzyme. It is suggested that enkephalinase A activation in rats given ethanol is determined by a direct action of ethanol on the enzyme.  相似文献   

Oscillations in brain activity have long been known, but many fundamental aspects of such brain rhythms, particularly their functional importance, have been unclear. As we review here, new insights into these issues are emerging from the application of intervention approaches. In these approaches, the timing of brain oscillations is manipulated by non-invasive brain stimulation, either through sensory input or transcranially, and the behavioural consequence then monitored. Notably, such manipulations have led to rapid, periodic fluctuations in behavioural performance, which co-cycle with underlying brain oscillations. Such findings establish a causal relationship between brain oscillations and behaviour, and are allowing novel tests of longstanding models about the functions of brain oscillations. VIDEO ABSTRACT:  相似文献   

Optical monitoring of activity provides new kinds of information about brain function. Two examples are discussed in this article. First, the spike activity of many individual neurons in small ganglia can be determined. Second, the spatio-temporal characteristics of coherent activity in the brain can be directly measured. This article discusses both general characteristics of optical measurements (sources of noise) as well as more methodological aspects related to voltage-sensitive dye measurements from the nervous system. 1998 © Chapman & Hall  相似文献   

Chronic administration of d-amphetamine sulfate (7.5 mg/kg, i.p. every 12 hrs. for 6 days) to cats produced significant decreases in the Vmax of brain-stem and forebrain tryptophan hydroxylase when measured 1 day (?34 and ?46%) and 10 days (?17 and ?30%) after the final amphetamine injection. Serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA) levels were decreased by a similar magnitude. A single injection of amphetamine (7.5 mg/kg) produced no significant changes in tryptophan hydroxylase activity, serotonin, or 5HIAA when measured 1 day after the injection. Neither acute nor chronic amphetamine treatment produced any significant changes in the Km of tryptophan hydroxylase for either tryptophan or the natural co-factor, tetrahydrobiopterin. These data suggest that chronic amphetamine treatment decreases central serotonergic neurotransmission by an action on the rate-limiting enzyme in serotonin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the central nervous system creates both orthodromically propagating action potentials, by stimulation of local cells and passing axons, and antidromically propagating action potentials, by stimulation of presynaptic axons and terminals. Our aim was to understand how antidromic action potentials navigate through complex arborizations, such as those of thalamic and basal ganglia afferents-sites of electrical activation during deep brain stimulation. We developed computational models to study the propagation of antidromic action potentials past the bifurcation in branched axons. In both unmyelinated and myelinated branched axons, when the diameters of each axon branch remained under a specific threshold (set by the antidromic geometric ratio), antidromic propagation occurred robustly; action potentials traveled both antidromically into the primary segment as well as "re-orthodromically" into the terminal secondary segment. Propagation occurred across a broad range of stimulation frequencies, axon segment geometries, and concentrations of extracellular potassium, but was strongly dependent on the geometry of the node of Ranvier at the axonal bifurcation. Thus, antidromic activation of axon terminals can, through axon collaterals, lead to widespread activation or inhibition of targets remote from the site of stimulation. These effects should be included when interpreting the results of functional imaging or evoked potential studies on the mechanisms of action of DBS.  相似文献   

Kenyon cells, intrinsic neurons of the insect mushroom body, have been assumed to be a site of conditioning stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US) association in olfactory learning and memory. Acetylcholine (ACh) has been implicated to be a neurotransmitter mediating CS reception in Kenyon cells, causing rapid membrane depolarization via nicotinic ACh receptors. However, the long-term effects of ACh on the membrane excitability of Kenyon cells are not fully understood. In this study, we examined the effects of ACh on Na+ dependent action potentials (Na+ spikes) elicited by depolarizing current injection and on net membrane currents under the voltage clamp condition in Kenyon cells isolated from the mushroom body of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Current-clamp studies using amphotericin B perforated-patch recordings showed that freshly dispersed cricket Kenyon cells could produce repetitive Na+ spikes in response to prolonged depolarizing current injection. Bath application of ACh increased both the instantaneous frequency and the amplitudes of Na+ spikes. This excitatory action of ACh on Kenyon cells is attenuated by the pre-treatment of the cells with the muscarinic receptor antagonists, atropine and scopolamine, but not by the nicotinic receptor antagonist mecamylamine. Voltage-clamp studies further showed that bath application of ACh caused an increase in net inward currents that are sensitive to TTX, whereas outward currents were decreased by this treatment. These results indicate that in order to mediate CS, ACh may modulate the firing properties of Na+ spikes of Kenyon cells through muscarinic receptor activation, thus increasing Na conductance and decreasing K conductance.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between activity recorded in sympathetic nerves and the action potentials of the axons that contribute to that activity is important for understanding the processing of sympathetic activity by the central nervous system. Because this relationship cannot be determined experimentally and is difficult to predict analytically, we simulated the summed action potentials of 300 axons. This simulation closely resembled actual sympathetic activity and permitted us to know how many action potentials contributed to each burst of simulated sympathetic activity and the durations and amplitudes of each burst. We used these simulated data to examine a statistical method (cluster analysis) that has been used to identify and quantify bursts of sympathetic activity. Simulation indicated that the integrals of bursts, whether determined directly from the simulation or by integrating bursts detected by cluster analysis, were linearly correlated to the number of action potentials contributing to bursts. The variances of samples of the simulated signal were also linearly correlated to the number of action potentials. The amplitudes of bursts of sympathetic activity were less well correlated to the number of underlying action potentials. A linear relationship existed between the average number of action potentials contributing to simulated bursts and the integral of the amplitude spectra obtained by Fourier transform of the simulated activity. Finally, simulated experiments indicated that relatively brief recordings might be sufficient to detect statistically significant changes in sympathetic activity.  相似文献   

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