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We report the structure of the Fc fragment of rabbit IgG at 1.95 A (1 A=0.1 nm) resolution. Rabbit IgG was the molecule for which Porter established the four-chain, Upsilon-shaped structure of the antibody molecule, and crystals of the Fc ('Fragment crystallisable') were first reported almost 50 years ago in this journal [Porter, R. R. (1959) Biochem. J. 73, 119-126]. This high-resolution analysis, apparently of the same crystal form, reveals several features of IgG-Fc structure that have not previously been described. More of the lower hinge region is visible in this structure than in others, demonstrating not only the acute bend in the IgG molecule that this region can mediate, as seen in receptor complexes, but also that this region has a tendency to adopt a bent structure even in the absence of receptor. As observed in other IgG-Fc structures, the Cgamma2 domains display greater mobility/disorder within the crystals than the Cgamma3 domains; unexpectedly the structure reveals partial cleavage of both Cgamma2 intra-domain disulphide bonds, whereas an alternative conformation for one of the cysteine residues in the intact bridge within the more ordered Cgamma3 domains is observed. The N-linked oligosaccharide chains at Asn(297) are well-defined and reveal two alternative conformations for the galactose units on each of the alpha(1-6)-linked branches. The presence of this galactose unit is important for stabilizing the structure of the entire branched carbohydrate chain, and its absence correlates with the severity of autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis in both human clinical studies and in a rabbit model of the disease. Rabbit IgG, through this high-resolution structure of its Fc region, thus continues to offer new insights into antibody structure.  相似文献   

A systematic structural analysis of Afc (9-amino-fluorene-9-carboxylic acid) containing peptides is here reported. The crystal structures of four fully protected tripeptides containing the Afc residue in position 2: Z-X(1)-Afc(2)-Y(3)-OMe (peptide a: X = Y = Gly; peptide b: X = Aib, C(alpha, alpha)-dimethylglycine, Y = Gly; peptide c: X = Gly, Y = Aib; peptide d: X = Y = Aib) have been solved by x-ray crystallography. All the results suggest that the Afc residue has a high propensity to assume an extended conformation. In fact, the Afc residue adopts an extended conformation in three peptides examined in this paper (peptides a-c). In contrast, Afc was found in a folded conformation, in the 3(10)-helical region, only in the peptide d, in which it is both preceded and followed by the strong helix promoting Aib.  相似文献   

Crystals of cholesteryl octanoate (C35H60O2) are monoclinic, space group P21, with a = 12.80(3), b = 9.20(2), c = 14.12(3)A?, β = 93.81(3)° and 2 molecules per unit cell. The structure has been determined by Patterson rotation and translation methods from the X-ray intensities (Mo-Kα radiation) of 1320 reflections (sinθ/λ < 0.59 A??1) measured with a diffractometer. Refinement by block diagonal least squares and Fourier methods gave R = 0.096. The molecules are arranged in monolayers with their long axes antiparallel and severely tilted (28°). There is a close packing of cholesteryls within the monolayers, but the octanoate chains which form the layer interface regions are conformationally and thermally disordered. The crystal structure is quite different from that of cholesteryl nonanoate, as expected from the discontinuity in thermodynamic properties and phase behaviour which occurs at this point in the homologous series.  相似文献   

All large structured RNAs contain hairpin motifs made of a stem closed by several looped nucleotides. The most frequent loop motif is the UUCG one. This motif belongs to the tetraloop family and has the peculiarity of being highly thermodynamically stable. Here, we report the first crystal structure of two UUCG tetraloops embedded in a larger RNA-protein complex solved at 2.8 A resolution. The two loops present in the asymmetric unit are in a different crystal packing environment but, nevertheless, have an identical conformation. The observed structure is globally close to that obtained in solution by nuclear magnetic resonance. However, subtle differences point to a more detailed picture of the role played by 2'-hydroxyl groups in stabilising this tetraloop.  相似文献   

Cyclooctaamylose crystallizes from aqueous solution with space-group symmetry P21 and lattice parameters: a = 20.253(8), b = 10.494(5), c = 16.892(6) A and β = 105.32(1)o, Z = 2; the apparent formular per asymmetric unit is C48H80O40·17H2O. The macrocycle is in an open conformation but displays significant deviations from ideal eight fold molecular symmetry. Of the 19 water molecules thus far located, four of which have occupancy factors of one half, 12 may be characterized as being in the torus of the cycloamylose.  相似文献   

漆酶结构的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
漆酶是一种含铜的多酚氧化酶,具有特异的氧化还原电位,能够催化氧化酚类和芳胺类化合物,同时伴随4个电子的传递,最终将O2还原成水。本文就近年来漆酶的结构及其特性的研究进展做扼要综述。  相似文献   

Escherichia coli spheroplast protein y (EcSpy) is a small periplasmic protein that is homologous with CpxP, an inhibitor of the extracytoplasmic stress reponse. Stress conditions such as spheroplast formation induce the expression of Spy via the Cpx or the Bae two‐component systems in E. coli, though the function of Spy is unknown. Here, we report the crystal structure of EcSpy, which reveals a long kinked hairpin‐like structure of four α‐helices that form an antiparallel dimer. The dimer contains a curved oval shape with a highly positively charged concave surface that may function as a ligand binding site. Sequence analysis reveals that Spy is highly conserved over the Enterobacteriaceae family. Notably, three conserved regions that contain identical residues and two LTxxQ motifs are placed at the horizontal end of the dimer structure, stablizing the overall fold. CpxP also contains the conserved sequence motifs and has a predicted secondary structure similar to Spy, suggesting that Spy and CpxP likely share the same fold.  相似文献   

L-threonine dehydrogenase (TDH) is an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of L-threonine to 2-amino-3-ketobutyrate. We solved the first crystal structure of a medium chain L-threonine dehydrogenase from a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Pyrococcus horikoshii (PhTDH), by the single wavelength anomalous diffraction method using a selenomethionine-substituted enzyme. This recombinant PhTDH is a homo-tetramer in solution. Three monomers of PhTDHs were located in the crystallographic asymmetric unit, however, the crystal structure exhibits a homo-tetramer structure with crystallographic and non-crystallographic 222 symmetry in the cell. Despite the low level of sequence identity to a medium-chain NAD(H)-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and the different substrate specificity, the overall folds of the PhTDH monomer and tetramer are similar to those of the other ADH. Each subunit is composed of two domains: a nicotinamide cofactor (NAD(H))-binding domain and a catalytic domain. The NAD(H)-binding domain contains the alpha/beta Rossmann fold motif, characteristic of the NAD(H)-binding protein. One molecule of PhTDH contains one zinc ion playing a structural role. This metal ion exhibits coordination with four cysteine ligands and some of the ligands are conserved throughout the structural zinc-containing ADHs and TDHs. However, the catalytic zinc ion that is coordinated at the bottom of the cleft in the case of ADH was not observed in the crystal of PhTDH. There is a significant difference in the orientation of the catalytic domain relative to the coenzyme-binding domain that results in a larger interdomain cleft.  相似文献   

The title compound (C8H12N2O6) crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) (Z = 4), with a = 4.871(1), b = 11.136(2), c = 18.301(2) A. The structure was solved by the multi-solution technique and refined by full-matrix least-squares to a final R-index of 0.042. The compound adopts the 4C1(D) conformation. Bond lengths in the diazoacetyl group are consistent with the presence of a zwitterion.  相似文献   

Crystals of cholesteryl-17-bromoheptadecanoate (C44H77BrO2) are monoclinic (P21) with a = 7.663(2), b = 10.311(5), c = 55.96(2) A and β = 103.10(3°). These are two molecules in the asymmetric unit which have different conformations of the cholesterol side chain and about the ester bond. The molecules pack with regions of only steroid skeleta alternating with regions of hydrocarbon chains. Due to the packing requirements of the skeleta the carbon chains are forced into a hybrid type packing which contains features of the earlier known O⊥ and T∥ subcells. The subcell (HS1) is orthorhombic with as = 10.3, bs = 7.5 and cs = 2.54A. The molecular packing is such that the ω-bromine atoms do not continue the trans-carbon chains but adopt a gauche conformation.  相似文献   

Crystals of cholesteryl dihydrogen phosphate grown from 1,4-dioxane solution are monoclinic, space group C2 with a = 24.40, b = 6.27, c = 40.86 A?and β = 102.7°. The asymmetric unit contains two molecules of cholesteryl phosphate CP and one dioxane molecule of the solvent. The CP molecules pack tail to tail in a bilayer structure. Within the layer they are arranged in double rows with their phosphate groups linked to ribbons by hydrogen bonds. Laterally the double strands of phosphate groups are separated by rows of dioxane molecules. The dioxane serves as hydrogen bond acceptor and as a spacer molecule that compensates the differences in cross-sectional area of the cholesteryl residue (38.4 Å2 and the phosphate group (24 Å2). In the cholesterol matrix the CP molecules joined to double rows have packing contact with the smooth side of their skeleta and interdigitate with their annular methyl groups with those of molecules of the adjacent double rows. The branched cholesteryl side chains facing the bilayer center are loosely packed and show considerable disorder and/or thermal motion.  相似文献   

We have investigated the conformational preferences of a newly synthesized C(alpha,alpha) symmetrically disubstituted glycine, namely alpha,alpha-dicyclopropylglycine (Dcp). We report here the crystal structure of a fully protected dipeptide containing Dcp, namely Z-Dcp(1)-Dcp(2)-OCH(3). Both Dcp residues are in a folded conformation. The overall peptide structural organization corresponds to an alpha-pleated sheet conformation, similar to that observed in linear peptides made up of alternating D- and L-residues and in Z-Aib-Aib-OCH(3) (Aib: alpha,alpha-dimethylglycine). These preliminary data suggest that the Dcp could represent an alternative as molecular tool to stabilize folded conformations.  相似文献   

Crystals of racemic rubredoxin, prepared by independent chemical synthesis of the two enantiomers, have been grown and characterized. The unit cell contains two molecules, one of each enantiomer. Examination of the intensity distribution in the diffraction pattern revealed that the crystals are centrosymmetric. This was confirmed by solution of thestructure to 2 Å resolution via molecular replacement methods. The electron density maps are of very high quality due to the fact that the phaseof each reflection must be exactly 0° or exactly 180°. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using synthetic racemic proteins to yield centrosymmetric protein crystals with electron density maps that have very low phase error and model bias. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate research》1986,147(2):169-174
The crystal and molecular structure of 2,5-anhydro-l-iditol (1) has been determined by X-ray diffraction using direct methods to a final residual value of R = 0.051 for 1151 reflections. The crystals of 1 are orthorhombic, space group P212121, a = 739.9 (4), b = 902.0 (5), c = 1109.1 (6) pm, with four molecules in the unit cell. In the crystal, the molecule does not show the expected C2 symmetry: the ring CO bonds differ in length (145.0 vs. 143.6 pm) and the conformation of the tetrahydrofuran ring deviates slightly from the ideal 3T4(l) arrangement (puckering parameters Q = 39.9 pm, Phi = 95.5°). Molecules are interlinked by a network of strong intermolecular hydrogen-bonding involving all hydroxyl groups. Except for O-3, all oxygen atoms act as acceptors in this pattern.  相似文献   

LCAT is intimately involved in HDL maturation and is a key component of the reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) pathway which removes excess cholesterol molecules from the peripheral tissues to the liver for excretion. Patients with loss-of-function LCAT mutations exhibit low levels of HDL cholesterol and corneal opacity. Here we report the 2.65 Å crystal structure of the human LCAT protein. Crystallization required enzymatic removal of N-linked glycans and complex formation with a Fab fragment from a tool antibody. The crystal structure reveals that LCAT has an α/β hydrolase core with two additional subdomains that play important roles in LCAT function. Subdomain 1 contains the region of LCAT shown to be required for interfacial activation, while subdomain 2 contains the lid and amino acids that shape the substrate binding pocket. Mapping the naturally occurring mutations onto the structure provides insight into how they may affect LCAT enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Thiamin pyrophosphokinase (TPK) catalyzes the transfer of a pyrophosphate group from ATP to vitamin B1 (thiamin) to form the coenzyme thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP). Thus, TPK is important for the formation of a coenzyme required for central metabolic functions. TPK has no sequence homologs in the PDB and functions by an unknown mechanism. The TPK structure has been determined as a significant step toward elucidating its catalytic action. RESULTS: The crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae TPK complexed with thiamin has been determined at 1.8 A resolution. TPK is a homodimer, and each subunit consists of two domains. One domain resembles a Rossman fold with four alpha helices on each side of a 6 strand parallel beta sheet. The other domain has one 4 strand and one 6 strand antiparallel beta sheet, which form a flattened sandwich structure containing a jelly-roll topology. The active site is located in a cleft at the dimer interface and is formed from residues from domains of both subunits. The TPK dimer contains two compound active sites at the subunit interface. CONCLUSIONS: The structure of TPK with one substrate bound identifies the location of the thiamin binding site and probable catalytic residues. The structure also suggests a likely binding site for ATP. These findings are further supported by TPK sequence homologies. Although possessing no significant sequence homology with other pyrophospokinases, thiamin pyrophosphokinase may operate by a mechanism of pyrophosphoryl transfer similar to those described for pyrophosphokinases functioning in nucleotide biosynthesis.  相似文献   

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