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中国特有两栖类受胁现状分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
于凤兰  陆宇燕 《四川动物》2006,25(2):323-325
中国拥有丰富的两栖类资源,共321种,其中特有种236种,这些特有种是我国生物资源独特而重要的组成部分.但受人为和自然等因素的影响,中国特有两栖类出现了较快的种群数量下降,部分物种已经面临濒危状况而很少被人们关注.本文将对中国特有两栖类的数量、分布、受胁原因作简要阐述,以制定相应的保护对策.  相似文献   

我国受胁动物保护工作已有良好的开端,但对这一项工作还必须进一步加强。本文就必须加强的一个方面——受胁动物的等级审定。介绍一些信息,并提出建议。 (一)IUCN对受胁物种的等级审定 世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)在其著名的红皮书(Red data book)中把受胁物种分为下列等级: 1.灭绝(Extinct):在过去的50年中未在  相似文献   

在北京分布的受胁鸟类主要分布在平原区,而平原区为城市发展的主要区域,因此,在城市管理中融入受胁鸟类保护的内容十分必要。以北京市平原区分布的24种受胁鸟类为研究对象,以鸟类对栖息地的需求为分类依据,结合国家土地利用分类标准,采用人工目视解译法,在北京市平原区的高清卫星影像图上识别出5类一级鸟类栖息地和17类二级鸟类栖息地,得到北京市平原区鸟类栖息地分布图。使用24种受胁鸟类的空间分布模型掩膜鸟类栖息地分布,得到24种受胁鸟类的预测空间分布,叠加之后获得受胁鸟类丰富度分布格局,结果显示,水域是受胁鸟类丰富度最高的栖息地。将受胁鸟类丰富度分布格局与北京市国家级和市级自然保护区分布叠加进行空缺分析,结果显示:1)北京市的自然保护区多分布在山区,不能有效保护受胁鸟类;2)受胁鸟类的保护与平原区的城市建设、绿地管理关系密切。采用分区统计方法,计算各类栖息地中分布的平均鸟类种类数,作为栖息地保护行动优先级指标,得出湖泊、水库、坑塘、滩地、沼泽地等湿地区域是具有最高保护优先级的栖息地类型,在保护实践资源充足的情况下,应对各类栖息地开展综合保护。该研究首次为北京城市区域受胁鸟类保护提出空间参考和管理建议。  相似文献   

实现有效生物多样性保护的关键在于提升生物多样性丰富的人口密集区的保护效率。北京人口密集且生物多样性丰富, 存在3类具有生态保护功能的区划——自然保护区、生态保护红线和限制建设线。上述区域可视为生态保护潜力区。本文以在北京有分布的30种受胁鸟类为主要对象, 探讨现有生态保护潜力区对这些物种栖息地的覆盖程度, 并对如何改善上述受胁鸟类栖息地的保护状况进行了建议。根据物种对栖息地的选择, 基于高分辨率卫星解译的土地利用类型图, 利用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)掩膜栖息地分布图, 得到各受胁鸟类的预测空间分布。叠加这些分布获得北京受胁鸟类丰富度分布格局并进行验证。依据物种丰富度高低, 将受胁鸟类栖息地划分为一至四级(最重要的栖息地是一级栖息地, 以此类推)。同时, 依据地表覆盖类型和人类活动强度高低将北京市域划分为城市建成区、乡村生境区和自然生境区。分别计算3类保护潜力区对上述3类区域以及四级栖息地的覆盖面积比例。结果表明: (1) 95.64%的一级关键栖息地和86.32%的二级关键栖息地分布在乡村生境区, 但仅有0.69%和15.15%的乡村生境区分别被自然保护区和生态保护红线覆盖; (2)未受到自然保护区和生态保护红线覆盖的一、二级关键栖息地主要为水域和沼泽地等湿地、高覆盖度草地和部分耕地, 以及含有较高比例水体的大型城市绿地。基于以上结果, 我们建议至少在一定区域内试行如下保护措施: (1)严格保护湿地及其周边的高覆盖度草地, 确保面积不减少; (2)维持基本农田规模和粮食种植模式; (3)将乡村生境区位于河道附近的水域、沼泽地、高覆盖草地和灌木林纳入生态保护红线范围; (4)在公园绿地中划定生物多样性保护区; (5)优化平原地区林地结构。以上措施将使北京的受胁鸟类栖息地得到更好保护, 为中国东部人口密集区生物多样性保护提供示范。  相似文献   

哈拉海湿地丹顶鹤现状、受胁原因及保护   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2000年4月至5月对哈拉海湿地丹顶鹤的数量、分布、现状进行了调查,共统计到迁徙丹顶鹤120只次,丹顶鹤夏季种群为14只;其中繁殖个体为10只,另有4只亚成体,此外对本区丹顶鹤受胁原因进行了分析并提出了保护措施。  相似文献   

本文回顾总结了中国鸟类生物地理学的产生、发展、重要成果和未来的发展趋势.主要论述了以下五个方面:1.中国动物地理学简史及鸟类生物地理学的萌芽;2.鸟类动物地理区划的发展,并重点论述了岛屿鸟类区系调查与生物地理格局、中国台湾岛和海南岛与大陆鸟类区系的联系以及鸟类特有化现象;3.鸟类多样性的格局、形成与维持,并重点归纳了几...  相似文献   

四川绵阳洞栖蝙蝠多样性及受胁现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石红艳  刘昊  吴毅  刘志刚 《四川动物》2006,25(1):128-131
1999~2005年,对四川省绵阳市洞栖性蝙蝠进行了凋杳。共采集到4科,5属,14种,约占四川蝙蝠种类31.8%,中国蝙蝠种类11.7%。其中,大足鼠耳蝠(Myotis ricketti)为中国特有种,中华鼠耳蝠(Myotis chinensis)已被列入《中国物种红色名录》中的易危(VU)种,南蝠(Iu io)等5种被列入近危(NT)种。调查中发现不少洞穴已被开发或正在被开发成旅游景点,人为干扰已严重威胁洞穴内蝙蝠的生存。建议对蝙蝠栖息地采取一定的保护措施,并加强保护蝙蝠的宣传教育。  相似文献   

中国龙脑香科植物受胁状况及迁地群落保护探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
广义的龙脑香科植物是泛热带分布,中国有5属13种,其中1种为引种栽培,仅分布于云南、广西、海南和西藏。许多龙脑香科植物具有很高的经济价值。由于近年来各地森林遭受强度破坏,加之其自身特殊的生物生态学特征和种子生物学特性,大多数种类的生存受到严重威胁。该文主要介绍中国龙脑香科植物目前的受威胁状况、具体保护研究工作及其不足,并提出了进行迁地群落建设的保护策略。  相似文献   

中国鸡形目鸟类的分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于中国鸡形目鸟类分布数据库,运用GIS技术处理物种分布数据,研究了中国鸡形目鸟类的水平、垂直分布状况和分布中心。中国鸡形目鸟类63种,分属2科26属,在水平分布上具有不均匀性,在动物地理亚区上表现为西南山地亚区分布最多(35种),其次是青海藏南亚区(30种)、喜马拉雅山亚区(22种);在垂直分布上则主要分布于从1100m到2900m的中、高海拔地区。中国鸡形目鸟类物种多样性具有2个分布中心:喜马拉雅-横断山中心和滇南山地中心。我国鸡形目鸟类主要涉及以下3个分布型:喜马拉雅-横断山型、东洋型和南中国型。其中以喜马拉雅-横断山型的种类最多,其次为东洋型和南中国型,其他类型较少。  相似文献   

以中国动物地理亚区统计了1976年郑作新出版的《中国鸟类分布名录》和2005年郑光美主编出版的《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》中繁殖鸟类的分布数据,结果显示:在1976年前,中国鸟类丰富度最高的动物地理亚区为西南山地亚区,其次为滇南山地亚区,而以羌塘高原亚区鸟类物种丰富度最低,黄淮平原亚区次差。2005年,鸟类丰富度最高、次高及最低的亚区与1976年相同,次差的亚区为台湾亚区。自1976年至2005年,鸟类物种丰富度在不同亚区出现明显的增加,平均每个亚区分布物种数由1976年的232种增至2005年的281种,而且具有很大的相关性;其中滇南山地亚区增加种类最多,而羌塘高原亚区和东部草原亚区增加的幅度最大;在海南岛和台湾亚区则变化较小。这些可能是由于物种在不同亚区间存在的可能扩散通道和岛屿型稳定气候及地理隔离限制了物种与其它亚区间的扩散等造成的。这些变化不仅与Leietal.(2007)提出的"地理隔离"假设结论比较一致,与雷富民等(2006)提出的西南山地-横断山区为中国鸟类特有种物种多样性中心和西南山地为物种分化中心等观点一致,而且进一步显示西南山地亚区鸟类物种有向滇南山地亚区扩散的现象,并且依然在持续中。用聚类...  相似文献   

Attempts to explain the orders-of-magnitude variation observed in animal population sizes have principally focused on intrinsic differences between the taxa compared, but with limited success: most variation remains unexplained by such studies. However, animal population sizes may also vary in response to extrinsic factors, such as the environment occupied or the influence of human activities. Here, we use new estimates of the global population sizes of threatened bird species to examine extrinsic correlates of variation in their numbers, using general linear modelling and methods to control for phylogenetic relatedness. Threatened bird population sizes varied significantly with several extrinsic factors, including altitude, biogeographical region inhabited, type of extinction threat faced, and habitat used. They also vary with geographical range size, which was included in the analysis to control for its potentially confounding effects on the results. Details of the observed relationships, which vary with analytical method, are discussed. However, apart from geographical range size, none of the extrinsic variables analysed here explain more than a small percentage of the variation in threatened bird population sizes. Thus, it seems likely that a comprehensive explanation for why some species are common while others are rare will not be dominated by a single factor.  相似文献   

Large scale heterogeneous distribution of biodiversity has become a hot topic for ecologists and conservationists. A threat status assessment combined with geographic distribution patterns of threatened plants in China has been conducted at a national scale in this study based upon a distribution database that refers to both specimen records and published references. Currently, 302 threatened plant species are cataloged in the “National Protected Key Wild Plants” in China belonging to 92 families and 194 genera. Results of the assessment according to the Categories and Criteria system of The World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List indicate that three species have been assessed as Extinct in Wild (EW) while a further 79, 99 and 112 species have been assessed as Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), and Vulnerable (VU), respectively. Distribution patterns of threatened plants were analyzed with GIS to identify areas of high species diversity. It was found that threatened plant species occur unevenly within counties and are concentrated in the following eight hotspots: the central and southern Hengduanshan mountain area; the southeast regions of Yunnan as well as Xishuangbanna and southwestern Guangxi; the southern Hainan island; the border mountainous regions of Guizhou, Hunan and Guangxi provinces; the mountainous regions of southwestern Hubei and northern Hunan; southwestern Zhejiang and western Fujian; central Sichuan and southern Gansu; and the western mountains of Guangdong. Moreover, the 12 counties with the greatest number of threatened plant species represent cumulatively more than 50% of the total listed species and, therefore, are the regions in China that should be prioritized for conservation efforts. By overlapping the map of threatened plant species with the distribution of national nature reserves, a gap was identified in protected areas. This research will ultimately provide insights for prioritizing biodiversity conservation as well as processing the mechanisms of distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Pattern in the distribution of Britain's upland breeding birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use a quantitative approach to identify fifty-eight species of birds which breed in association with the British uplands. Similarities and differences between this list of 'upland birds' and previous more subjective lists are discussed. We then study pattern in the distribution of these species throughout the uplands. A high degree of regionalization is found, and interpreted in terms of the habitat composition of different regions, and known bird–habitat associations. Different regions differ widely, not only with respect to their bird species composition, but also in the number and conservation importance of their upland bird assemblages. In particular, we contrast the uplands of Wales and England with those of Scotland. The Welsh and English uplands contain a relatively low number of upland bird assemblages and are divided into a few large regions, each dominated by a single assemblage type. In comparison, the Scottish uplands are more varied, both in terms of the total number of assemblages, and the range of assemblages found at a small scale. The study provides a means of viewing any upland region within the national context.  相似文献   

1. Patterns of distribution of breeding austral migrant tyrant-flycatchers in temperate South America were quantified and analysed in conjunction with a variety of ecological, biogeographical and climatic variables.
2. The pattern of proportion of migratory to total breeding tyrannids was most strongly associated with latitude and two temperature variables, mean temperature of the coldest month and relative annual range of temperature.
3. The strong associations of latitude and temperature with percentage of migrants are consistent with the results of most similar investigations of the breeding distributions of migratory birds, both for migrants breeding in North America and in Europe, but contradict the hypothesis that habitat complexity plays a major role in structuring the proportion of migrants in communities of breeding birds.
4. The consistency of results among studies of migrants on different continents suggests that temperature and latitude, presumably a surrogate for one or more climatic variables, are globally significant factors in the breeding distributions of migratory birds.
5. The results for austral migrant flycatchers are consistent with the hypothesis that the prevalence of migration at any particular locality is ultimately dependent on the abundance of resources in the breeding season and the severity of the winter season, or on the difference in resource levels between summer and winter.  相似文献   

近年来我国风力发电发展迅速, 已有研究发现风电工程会对鸟类多样性产生不同程度的影响。然而, 过去的研究多以区域内鸟类常规调查为主, 未直接对风机致死鸟类进行长期系统的调查监测, 也未进一步探究风机致死可能的方式和原因, 从而难以根据风机致死鸟类的实际情况提出有针对性的防范措施和应对方法。本文以江苏盐城滨海地区风电场为例, 基于2020年10月至2021年9月共22次连续的调查监测, 应用尸体搜索法调查了研究区域内风机致死鸟类的情况。结果表明: (1)风机下发现的死亡鸟类有8目10科12种, 死亡鸟类主要为留鸟或已在研究区域内繁殖的种类, 占死亡鸟类种类的66.7%; (2)风机下共发现死亡鸟类41只, 环颈雉(Phasianus colchicus)死亡数量最多, 有19只, 大部分位于农田及农田防护林中; 夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)和白鹭(Egretta garzetta)死亡数量也较多, 共11只, 主要位于鱼塘中; (3)通过对风机下死亡鸟类的情况分析发现, 在风机基座比风机扇叶造成的碰撞致死情况多。最后, 本文提出了减缓风机对鸟类影响的措施和建议, 包括持续开展鸟类监测, 及时开展风机下生境的治理, 加强鸟类相关驱避技术装备研发等, 为我国风电与生态环境保护之间的协调发展提供参考。  相似文献   

The bird fauna of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest is exceptionally diverse and threatened, with high levels of endemism. Available lists of the endemic birds of the Atlantic Forest were generated before recent taxonomic revisions lumped or split species and before the recent increase in species occurrence records. Our objective, therefore, was to compile a new list of the endemic birds of the Atlantic Forest, characterize these species in terms of conservation status and natural history traits, and map remaining vegetation and protected areas. We combined GIS analysis with a literature search to compile a list of endemic species and, based on the phylogeny and distribution of these species, characterized areas in terms of species richness, phylogenetic diversity, and endemism. We identified 223 species of birds endemic to the Atlantic Forest, including 12 species not included in previous lists. In addition, 14 species included in previous lists were not considered endemic, either because they occur outside the Atlantic Forest biome or because they are not considered valid species. The typical Atlantic Forest endemic bird is a small forest‐dependent invertivore. Of the species on our list, 31% are considered threatened or extinct. Only ~ 34% of the spatial analysis units had > 10% forest cover, and protected area coverage was consistently low (< 1%). In addition, we found spatial incongruity among the different measures of biodiversity (species richness, relative phylogenetic diversity, restricted‐range species, and irreplaceability). Each of these measures provides information concerning different aspects of biological diversity. However, regardless of which aspect(s) of biodiversity might be considered most important, preservation of the remaining areas of remnant vegetation and further expansion of protected areas are essential if we are to conserve the many endemic species of birds in the Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

The greatest common threat to birds in Madagascar has historically been from anthropogenic deforestation. During recent decades, global climate change is now also regarded as a significant threat to biodiversity. This study uses Maximum Entropy species distribution modeling to explore how potential climate change could affect the distribution of 17 threatened forest endemic bird species, using a range of climate variables from the Hadley Center's HadCM3 climate change model, for IPCC scenario B2a, for 2050. We explore the importance of forest cover as a modeling variable and we test the use of pseudo‐presences drawn from extent of occurrence distributions. Inclusion of the forest cover variable improves the models and models derived from real‐presence data with forest layer are better predictors than those from pseudo‐presence data. Using real‐presence data, we analyzed the impacts of climate change on the distribution of nine species. We could not predict the impact of climate change on eight species because of low numbers of occurrences. All nine species were predicted to experience reductions in their total range areas, and their maximum modeled probabilities of occurrence. In general, species range and altitudinal contractions follow the reductive trend of the Maximum presence probability. Only two species (Tyto soumagnei and Newtonia fanovanae) are expected to expand their altitude range. These results indicate that future availability of suitable habitat at different elevations is likely to be critical for species persistence through climate change. Five species (Eutriorchis astur, Neodrepanis hypoxantha, Mesitornis unicolor, Euryceros prevostii, and Oriola bernieri) are probably the most vulnerable to climate change. Four of them (E. astur, M. unicolor, E. prevostii, and O. bernieri) were found vulnerable to the forest fragmentation during previous research. Combination of these two threats in the future could negatively affect these species in a drastic way. Climate change is expected to act differently on each species and it is important to incorporate complex ecological variables into species distribution models.  相似文献   

中国黄耆属植物旱生类群的区系特点和生态地理分布   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
根据种的现代地理分布、分布区类型、地理宗的替代关系和生态2特点对中国黄耆属植物的旱生类群进行了研究。结果表明,国产该类群植物93种,可划分为8个分布区类型和14个亚型。依其生态理分布规律,又可将这些类群划分为4个生态系列或称为生态区,即帕米尔-昆仑-羌唐生态区,天山-阿尔泰生态区、伊犁-塔城谷地生态区和蒙新荒漠东部生态区。分析认为:黄耆属植物旱生类群的区系发生在中亚西部,中国类群的发生具有显著的中  相似文献   

The diversity and distribution patterns of endemic species of birds inChina have been studied on the basis of the distribution database of specimencollections and published references. One hundred and two endemic species ofbirds in China, belonging to 53 genera, 16 families and 8 orders are recognized.They account for 8.1% of the total species of China. The distribution patternswere studied and three centers of endemism were found, includingHengduanshan Mountains, mountain areas of western Qinling, north Sichuan Province andSouth Gansu Province, as well as Taiwan Island, which are suggested as conservationpriorities based on endemism. Twenty-four endemics are rare and endangered, listedin the China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals. Among them, 15 species are in rankI and 9 species are in rank II. The study results are to be beneficial tofurther study on both the processing mechanism of the distribution patterns andon the priority of the diversity and endemism conservation.  相似文献   

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