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Biological impacts of climate warming are predicted to increase with latitude, paralleling increases in warming. However, the magnitude of impacts depends not only on the degree of warming but also on the number of species at risk, their physiological sensitivity to warming and their options for behavioural and physiological compensation. Lizards are useful for evaluating risks of warming because their thermal biology is well studied. We conducted macrophysiological analyses of diurnal lizards from diverse latitudes plus focal species analyses of Puerto Rican Anolis and Sphaerodactyus. Although tropical lowland lizards live in environments that are warm all year, macrophysiological analyses indicate that some tropical lineages (thermoconformers that live in forests) are active at low body temperature and are intolerant of warm temperatures. Focal species analyses show that some tropical forest lizards were already experiencing stressful body temperatures in summer when studied several decades ago. Simulations suggest that warming will not only further depress their physiological performance in summer, but will also enable warm-adapted, open-habitat competitors and predators to invade forests. Forest lizards are key components of tropical ecosystems, but appear vulnerable to the cascading physiological and ecological effects of climate warming, even though rates of tropical warming may be relatively low.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare between the changes undergone by the dermal collagen framework when heated by IR laser radiation and by traditional means and to reveal the specific features of the dermal matrix modification under moderate IR laser irradiation. Rabbit skin specimens were heated to 50°C, 55°C, 60°C and 65°C in a calorimeter furnace and with a 1.68‐μm fiber Raman laser. The proportion of the degraded collagen macromolecules was determined by differential scanning calorimetry. Changes in the architectonics of the collagen framework were revealed by using standard, phase‐contrast, polarization optical and scanning electron microscopy techniques. The collagen denaturation and dermal matrix amorphization temperature in the case of laser heating proved to be lower by 10°C than that for heating in the calorimeter furnace. The IR laser treatment of the skin was found to cause a specific low‐temperature (45°C‐50°C) transformation of its collagen framework, with some collagen macromolecules remaining intact. The transformation reduces to the splitting of collagen bundles and distortion of the course of collagen fibers. The denaturation of collagen macromolecules in the case of traditional heating takes its course in a threshold manner, so that their pre‐denaturation morphological changes are insignificant.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Climate change has been occurring at unprecedented rates and its impacts on biological populations is beginning to be well documented in the literature. For many species, however, long‐term records are not available, and trends have not been documented. 2. Using museum specimens from southern USA, we show that the stream‐dwelling beetle Gyretes sinuatus has shown an 8% increase in body size and change in body shape (fineness ratio) from 1928 to 1988. Any directional morphological change observed over time could be an indicator of a microevolutionary response. 3. During these 60 years, there have also been changes in temperature, precipitation, and location of collection sites. Unlike the global trend, mean annual temperature in the region has decreased, and furthermore, total annual precipitation has increased. By investigating how these various ecological and geographical variables may affect body size and shape, we can examine which pressures may promote larger and/or thinner beetles. 4. Results indicate that mean annual temperature was the most predictive variable for the change in size and shape. We suggest there is an adaptive role for temperature on body size and shape of stream dwelling organisms. 5. We found that museum specimens can be invaluable resources of information when collection date and location information is available. We promote the use of such specimens for future studies of the morphological response to climate change.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to determine the central mechanisms involved in suppression of thermal sweating after seasonal acclimatization (SA) during passive heating (immersing the legs in 43 °C hot water for 30 min). Testing was performed in July (before-SA) and August (after-SA) [25.2±2.2 °C, 73.9±10.3% relative humidity (RH), Cheonan (Chungnam,126° 52′N, 33.38′E), in the Republic of Korea. All experiments were carried out in an automated climatic chamber (25.0±0.5 °C and RH 60.0±3.00%). Twelve healthy men (height, 174.6±5.40 cm; weight, 65.4±5.71 kg; age, 22.7±2.90 yr) participated. The local sweat onset time was delayed in the after-SA compared to that in the before-SA (p<0.001). The local sweat rate and whole body sweat loss volume decreased in the after-SA compared to those in the before-SA (p<0.001). In addition, evaporative loss volume decreased significantly in the after-SA compared to that in the before-SA [chest, upper-back, thigh and forearm (p<0.001)]. Changes in tympanic temperature and mean body temperature were significantly lower (p<0.05) and the basal metabolic rate decreased significantly in the after-SA compared to those in the before-SA (p<0.001). These results suggest that maintenance of a lower body temperature and basal metabolic rate can occur and blunt the central sudomotor mechanisms following seasonal acclimatization, which suppresses sweating sensitivity.  相似文献   

To predict changes in South Korean vegetation distribution, the Warmth Index (WI) and the Minimum Temperature of the Coldest Month Index (MTCI) were used. Historical climate data of the past 30 years, from 1971 to 2000, was obtained from the Korea Meteorological Administration. The Fifth-Generation National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) /Penn State Mesoscale Model (MM5) was used as a source for future climatic data under the A1B scenario from the Special Report on Emission Scenario (SRES) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). To simulate future vegetation distribution due to climate change, the optimal habitat ranges of Korean tree species were delimited by the thermal gradient indices, such as WI and MTCI. To categorize the Thermal Analogy Groups (TAGs) for the tree species, the WI and MTCI were orthogonally plotted on a two-dimensional grid map. The TAGs were then designated by the analogue composition of tree species belonging to the optimal WI and MTCI ranges. As a result of the clustering process, 22 TAGs were generated to explain the forest vegetation distribution in Korea. The primary change in distribution for these TAGs will likely be in the shrinkage of areas for the TAGs related to Pinus densiflora and P. koraiensis, and in the expansion of the other TAG areas, mainly occupied by evergreen broad-leaved trees, such as Camellia japonica, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, and Schima superba. Using the TAGs to explain the effects of climate change on vegetation distribution on a more regional scale resulted in greater detail than previously used global or continental scale vegetation models.  相似文献   

Body size is implicated in individual fitness and population dynamics. Mounting interest is being given to the effects of environmental change on body size, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. We tested whether body size and body condition are related to ambient temperature (heat maintenance hypothesis), or/and explained by variations in primary production (food availability hypothesis) during the period of body growth in songbirds. We also explored whether annual population‐level variations of mean body size are due to changes of juvenile growth and/or size‐dependent mortality during the first year. For 41 species, from 257 sites across France, we tested for relationships between wing length (n = 107 193) or body condition (n = 82 022) and local anomalies in temperature, precipitation and net primary production (NDVI) during the breeding period, for juveniles and adults separately. Juvenile body size was best explained by primary production: wings were longer in years with locally high NDVI, but not shorter in years with low NDVI. Temperature showed a slightly positive effect. Body condition and adult wing length did not covary with any of the other tested variables. We found no evidence of climate‐driven size‐dependent mortality for the breeding season. In our temperate system, local climatic anomalies explained little of the body size variation. A large part of wing length variance was site‐specific, suggesting that avian size was more dependent on local drivers than global ones. Net primary production influenced juvenile size the most through effects on body growth. We suggest that, during the breeding season in temperate systems, thermoregulatory mechanisms are less involved in juvenile growth than food assimilation.  相似文献   

洞穴体系对外界气候与生态环境的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘启明  王世杰 《生态学杂志》2005,24(10):1172-1176
从大气降水、土壤水和洞穴滴水的继承关系的角度,在对洞穴化学沉积物形成的必备因素-洞穴滴水的地球化学形成过程作逐步分析的基础上,综合讨论了洞穴体系对外界气候与生态环境的响应关系。提出对洞穴综合体系开展详尽的长期观测与研究,更加深入地揭示现在正在进行的洞穴碳酸盐沉积过程,即观测现在环境下洞穴化学沉积物的沉积过程及其对环境的响应,是洞穴化学沉积物应用于全球变化研究领域需要更加引起重视的方向。  相似文献   

Spaceflight and its bed rest analog impair thermoregulatory responses, including elevated core temperature observed at rest and during exercise. Natural air flow has been found to increase cold sensation significantly compared to artificial constant air flow (CAF). The present study tested the hypothesis that simulated natural air flow (SNAF) ventilation would ameliorate impaired thermoregulatory function to a greater extent than CAF under simulated microgravity conditions. Seven healthy males underwent 30 days of −6° head-down bed rest (HDBR). During pre-HDBR and the day 29 of HDBR (HDBR 29), the subjects were exposed to three air flow patterns at 23 °C while in a supine posture: a still air flow control (CON), CAF, and SNAF. The mean air velocity of the latter two patterns was 0.2 m/s. Subjective perception of the thermal environment was recorded by thermal sensation vote (TSV), and rectal temperature (Tre), skin temperature (Tsk), and cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) were also measured during the sessions. Tre was significantly elevated after 29 days of HDBR and decreased to a greater extent in SNAF than in CAF on HDBR 29. However, there was no significant difference between Tre in SNAF on HDBR 29 and that in CON on pre-HDBR. Mean Tsk, CVC, and TSV in SNAF were also significantly lower than those in CAF on HDBR 29. Moreover, TSV was close to ‘neutral’ under SNAF on HDBR 29. These data indicate that simulated natural air movement might be more effective than constant air movement at preserving core temperature at a thermoneutral ambient temperature during HDBR.  相似文献   

局地气候区视角下的城市热环境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化发展带来热岛效应,影响区域气候变化,地表温度可以反映地表增温程度,更能直接影响人类居住舒适度。运用Landsat8 TIRS热红外遥感数据和气象数据反演地表温度,以建筑数据、遥感影像为基础,通过GIS空间分析、决策树分类等方法划分局地气候区,从区域角度定量分析不同类型气候区地表温度分异规律。结果表明:(1)北京、天津、石家庄密集型建筑分别占比27.54%、21.95%、25.09%,且以中低层为主,城市公园包含了主要的绿地和水体。(2)在空间分布上,市中心地表温度高于郊区,热岛效应显著,森林、河流是主要低温区。(3)不同气候区的地表温度存在差异,建成区总体高于自然地表;其中建筑区域内表现为紧密型低层(LCZ3)平均地表温度最高,稀疏型高层(LCZ4)地表温度最低,北京、天津、石家庄分别相差1.53℃、2.30℃、2.22℃;植被和水体能够降低地表温度,裸土和铺设路面的地表温度始终较高。因此应充分考虑建筑布局,合理利用植被和水域分布,减少热量聚集,以改善城市生态环境。  相似文献   

目前广泛使用的涡度相关系统开路CO2/H2O分析仪存在表面加热效应,可能影响涡动通量测量精度.以帽儿山森林生态站温带落叶林的开路涡度相关系统为例,采用细丝热电偶评估了开路CO2/H2O分析仪(Li-7500)的加热效应,并检验Burba方程的适用性.结果表明: 2016年4月23日至5月28日,白天Li-7500光路中部温度比环境空气温度高0.2 ℃以上,夜间二者很接近,加热峰值多出现在清晨转换期和正午或午后.Burba第4种方法的一元模型(BurbaLF)估计的感热通量加热效应(HS,HE)日变化大体呈矩形波型,多元线性回归模型(BurbaMR)的估计值呈微弱的单峰型.与K079型细丝热电偶(单裸丝线径0.079 mm)测定(K079)和细丝热电偶模拟(K079Model)的感热通量相比,BurbaLF和BurbaMR估算的白天变化小且波峰低而宽(20 W·m-2),昼夜过渡急剧,夜间一般低于5 W·m-2.K079和K079Model法的HS,HE峰值在40 W·m-2以上,夜间HS,HE在零值上下波动.白天Li-7500光路的感热通量增量为13.6%. K079和K079Model估算的白天加热对CO2湍流通量影响(Fc,HC)的平均值约0.5 mg CO2·m-2·s-1,是以往估值的2倍.与实测法相比,Burba方程正午由于HS,HE不足而低估了Fc,HC,但因高估了清晨、傍晚和夜间加热效应,导致整体上高估Fc,HC.研究结果证实K079和K079Model法均可用于估计Fc,HC.  相似文献   

Widespread declines among Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) over recent decades have been linked to pollution, exploitation and catchment modification, but climate change is increasingly implicated. We used long‐term, geographically extensive data from the Welsh River Wye, formerly a major salmon river, to examine whether climatically mediated effects on juveniles (>0+) might contribute to population change. Populations of Atlantic salmon and brown trout fell across the Wye catchment, respectively, by 50% and 67% between 1985 and 2004, but could not be explained by pollution because water quality improved during this time. Stream temperatures, estimated from calibrations against weekly air temperature at eight sites, increased by 0.5–0.7 °C in summer and 0.7–1.0 °C in winter, with larger tributaries warming more than shaded headwaters. Rates of winter warming were slightly greater after accounting for the effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation (1.1–1.4 °C). However, warming through time was smaller than measured variations among tributaries, and alone was insufficient to explain variations in salmonid density. Instead, population variations were best explained in multilevel mixed models by a synoptic variate representing a trend towards hotter, drier summers, implying interactions between climate warming, varying discharge and fluctuations in both brown trout and salmon. Taken alongside recent data showing effects of warming on survival at sea, these data suggest that Atlantic salmon might be jeopardized by future climatic effects in both their marine and freshwater stages. Effects on nondiadromous brown trout also imply climatically mediated processes in freshwaters or their catchments. Climate projections for the United Kingdom suggest that altered summer flow and increasing summer temperatures could exacerbate losses further in these species, and we advocate management actions that combine reduced abstraction with enhanced riparian shading.  相似文献   

郑州植物物候对气候变化的响应   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
柳晶  郑有飞  赵国强  陈怀亮 《生态学报》2007,27(4):1471-1479
利用统计和突变分析方法,对郑州气候(1956~2003年)和4种乔木物候(1986~2003年)的趋势变化特征进行了分析,并探讨了植物物候期与平均温度、日照的相关性以及对温度变化的响应趋势。分析发现:(1)郑州近50a来在冬、春季升温现象明显;日照在夏季下降最为显著,冬季其次,但在2~4月份历年呈弱上升趋势。(2)物候期变化趋势表现在展叶、开花、果熟期(除楝树外)呈提前趋势,落叶期略有推迟,绿叶期延长,特别是在20世纪90年代中后期,春季物候期(除垂柳外)提前10d左右。(3)平均温度是影响物候期最为显著的气候因子,温度每升高1℃,春季物候平均提前6d左右,绿叶期延长9.5~18.6d;物候期突变一般发生在温度突变之后。以上分析说明植物物候对气候变化响应比较敏感,通过分析和掌握气候和物候变化规律,了解其对当地植物物候的可能影响,可为农业生产、生态环境监测和评估等提供一些理论依据。  相似文献   

A new system for simulating future belowground temperature increases was conceived, simulated, constructed and tested in a temperate deciduous forest in Oak Ridge, TN, USA. The new system uses low‐wattage, 3 m deep heaters installed around the circumference of a defined soil volume. The heaters add the necessary energy to achieve a set soil temperature differential within the treatment area and add exterior energy inputs equal to those, which might be lost from lateral heat conduction. The method, which was designed to work in conjunction with aboveground heated chambers, requires only two control sensor positions one for aboveground air temperatures at 1 m and another for belowground temperatures at 0.8 m. The method is capable of achieving temperature differentials of at least +4.0±0.5 °C for soils to a measured depth of ?2 m. These +4 °C differential soil temperatures were sustained in situ throughout 2009, and both diurnal and seasonal cycles at all soil depths were retained using this simple heating approach. Measured mean energy inputs required to sustain the target heating level of +4 °C over the 7.1 m2 target area were substantial for aboveground heating (21.1 kW h day?1 m?2), but 16 times lower for belowground heaters (1.3 kW h day?1 m?2). Observations of soil CO2 efflux from the surface of the target soil volumes showed CO2 losses throughout 2009 that were elevated above the temperature response curve that have been reported in previous near‐surface soil warming studies. Stimulation of biological activity within previously undisturbed deep‐soil carbon stocks is the hypothesized source. Long‐term research programs may be able to apply this new heating method that captures expected future warming and temperature dynamics throughout the soil profile to address uncertainties in process‐level responses of microbial, plant and animal communities in whole, intact ecosystems.  相似文献   

The crop simulation model is a suitable tool for evaluating the potential impacts of climate change on crop production and on the environment. This study investigates the effects of climate change on paddy rice production in the temperate climate regions under the East Asian monsoon system using the CERES‐Rice 4.0 crop simulation model. This model was first calibrated and validated for crop production under elevated CO2 and various temperature conditions. Data were obtained from experiments performed using a temperature gradient field chamber (TGFC) with a CO2 enrichment system installed at Chonnam National University in Gwangju, Korea in 2009 and 2010. Based on the empirical calibration and validation, the model was applied to deliver a simulated forecast of paddy rice production for the region, as well as for the other Japonica rice growing regions in East Asia, projecting for years 2050 and 2100. In these climate change projection simulations in Gwangju, Korea, the yield increases (+12.6 and + 22.0%) due to CO2 elevation were adjusted according to temperature increases showing variation dependent upon the cultivars, which resulted in significant yield decreases (?22.1% and ?35.0%). The projected yields were determined to increase as latitude increases due to reduced temperature effects, showing the highest increase for any of the study locations (+24%) in Harbin, China. It appears that the potential negative impact on crop production may be mediated by appropriate cultivar selection and cultivation changes such as alteration of the planting date. Results reported in this study using the CERES‐Rice 4.0 model demonstrate the promising potential for its further application in simulating the impacts of climate change on rice production from a local to a regional scale under the monsoon climate system.  相似文献   

Global climate change is impacting and will continue to impact marine and estuarine fish and fisheries. Data trends show global climate change effects ranging from increased oxygen consumption rates in fishes, to changes in foraging and migrational patterns in polar seas, to fish community changes in bleached tropical coral reefs. Projections of future conditions portend further impacts on the distribution and abundance of fishes associated with relatively small temperature changes. Changing fish distributions and abundances will undoubtedly affect communities of humans who harvest these stocks. Coastal-based harvesters (subsistence, commercial, recreational) may be impacted (negatively or positively) by changes in fish stocks due to climate change. Furthermore, marine protected area boundaries, low-lying island countries dependent on coastal economies, and disease incidence (in aquatic organisms and humans) are also affected by a relatively small increase in temperature and sea level. Our interpretations of evidence include many uncertainties about the future of affected fish species and their harvesters. Therefore, there is a need to research the physiology and ecology of marine and estuarine fishes, particularly in the tropics where comparatively little research has been conducted. As a broader and deeper information base accumulates, researchers will be able to make more accurate predictions and forge relevant solutions.  相似文献   

Increases in the frequency, severity and duration of temperature extremes are anticipated in the near future. Although recent work suggests that changes in temperature variation will have disproportionately greater effects on species than changes to the mean, much of climate change research in ecology has focused on the impacts of mean temperature change. Here, we couple fine-grained climate projections (2050–2059) to thermal performance data from 38 ectothermic invertebrate species and contrast projections with those of a simple model. We show that projections based on mean temperature change alone differ substantially from those incorporating changes to the variation, and to the mean and variation in concert. Although most species show increases in performance at greater mean temperatures, the effect of mean and variance change together yields a range of responses, with temperate species at greatest risk of performance declines. Our work highlights the importance of using fine-grained temporal data to incorporate the full extent of temperature variation when assessing and projecting performance.  相似文献   

Interest has increased over the last several years in using different methods for treating sewage. The rapid population growth in developing countries (Egypt, for example, with a population of more than 87 millions) has created significant sewage disposal problems. There is therefore a growing need for sewage treatment solutions with low energy requirements and using indigenous materials and skills. Gravel Bed Hydroponics (GBH) as a constructed wetland system for sewage treatment has been proved effective for sewage treatment in several Egyptian villages. The system provided an excellent environment for a wide range of species of ciliates (23 species) and these organisms were potentially very useful as biological indicators for various saprobic conditions. Moreover, the ciliates provided excellent means for estimating the efficiency of the system for sewage purification. Results affirmed the ability of this system to produce high quality effluent with sufficient microbial reduction to enable the production of irrigation quality water.  相似文献   

Mapping members of the Anopheles gambiae complex using climate data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Climate is the most important factor governing the distribution of insects over large areas. Warmth and moisture are essential for most insects' reproduction, development and survival. Here, it is shown that the principal vectors of malaria in Africa, members of the Anopheles gambiae complex, flourish within specific climate envelopes. By identifying these climatic conditions empirically, using climate or environmental databases, it is possible to map the distribution and relative abundance of mosquito species, and their chromosomal forms, at continental scales. Alternatively, mathematical models based on a fundamental understanding of how mosquitoes are affected by different climate factors, such as temperature and humidity, can also be employed to map distributions. Empirical or process‐driven models based on climate, or other environmental variables, provide simple tools for mapping the distribution and relative abundance of vectors at a coarse scale over large areas.  相似文献   

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