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Summary Most matureMyrmica rubra, M. ruginodis, M. schencki andM. sulcinodis queens lay some trophic eggs in addition to reproductive eggs whether reared alone or attended by workers, and regardless of season. Queen trophic eggs resemble those laid by workers. They are oval, slightly flaccid, opalescent and contain no embryo, and inM. rubra andM. schencki they are significantly smaller than reproductive eggs. Generally, queens lay their first trophic eggs later in the season than their first reproductive eggs.  相似文献   


A review is given of the state of knowledge of the 16 or more species of the ant tribe Leptothoracini that are known to occur in Turkey, together with a map of the published records and a list of new finds.  相似文献   

记述了郑氏红蚁Myrmica zhengi Ma & Xu雌性生殖蚁新发现。该蚁与工蚁相似,但头部具3枚单眼;复眼大,具深色斑块。唇基圆凸成球状,端缘平直。中胸背板发达,遮盖前胸背板,背侧平坦,后胸背板明显;并胸腹节刺粗大,基部宽,约为并胸腹节基面长的一半。上颚具有光泽;并腹胸具纵形刻纹;腹柄,后腹柄背面和腹部光亮。体棕色,中胸背板边缘具直立毛,后腹柄后部具1列横直立毛。其余刻纹被毛的分布情况似工蚁。标本存放于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   

Summary Nests ofTapinoma minutum were collected and mapped from a wet sclerophyll forest in New South Wales during the spring, summer, and fall seasons. Queen number was variable, indicating the population is both facultatively polygynous and polydomous. Electrophoretic data from three polymorphic enzymes revealed that relatedness among workers conformed to the Hamiltonian expectation of 0.75. Colony boundaries were inferred from electrophoretic data synthesized with nest spatial locations. For this species colonies were composed of at most three nests; this simple pattern of polydomy suggests it has a recent origin in this population. The pattern of facultative polygyny may be linked to an apparent high rate of colony orphaning.  相似文献   

This study examines the oviposition behavior of the phorid parasitoid Neodohrniphora curvinervisand the antiparasitoid defense behavior of its leafcutting ant host Atta cephalotes. N. curvinervisfemales are diurnal sit- and- wait parasitoids that attack only outbound foragers of head width 1.6 mm or greater. Females deposit a single egg through the foramen magnum of each host successfully parasitized. Pursuit of hosts is usually initiated when an outbound forager of acceptable size passes by a parasitoid perch site. Individual foragers defend themselves against pursuing parasitoids by outrunning them along the foraging trail or by standing their ground and fending them off with their legs,antennae, and mandibles. At the colony level, susceptible foragers are protected against parasitism by a shift in the forager size distribution toward smaller unsusceptible sizes during the day when parasitoids are active and toward larger sizes at night when parasitoids are inactive. The frequency of parasitism of susceptible foragers was 15%, which is more than five times the frequency found in another system involving the phorid parasitoid Apocephalus attophilusand the leafcutting ant host Atta colombica.We offer several possible explanations for such differences in the frequency of parasitism and also examine reasons for the high incidence of superparasitism (19%) observed in the system studied.  相似文献   

世界奇蚁属第三种记述(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The third species of the ant genus Perissomyrmex in the world, P.fissus sp. nov., is collected from Ailao Mountain Nature Reserve of Yunnan Province. Perissomyrmex is a new record genus in China. Taxonomic key based on worker caste is provided for the 3 species: P.snyderi Smith, P monticola de Andrade, and P fissus sp. nov.  相似文献   

中国细蚁亚科系统分类研究(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐正会 《昆虫学报》2002,45(1):115-120
记载中国细蚁亚科Leptanillinae昆虫2属。报道细蚁属Leptanilla Emery 3种:湖南细蚁L. hunanensis Tang, Li et Chen分布于湖南省,台湾细蚁L.taiwanensis Ogata, Terayama et Masuko分布于台湾省,云南细蚁L.yunnanensis sp.nov.分布于云南省。原细蚁属Protanilla Taylor为中国新记录属,在云南省采集并描述该属2新种:单色原细蚁P.concolor sp.nov.和双色原细蚁P.bicolor sp.nov.。编制了细蚁亚科这2属的工蚁分属检索表和中国分布种工蚁分种检索表。  相似文献   

四川省蚂蚁区系研究(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了四川(含重庆)蚂蚁的种类和分布,得知目前分布于四川的蚂蚁共有78种,分别隶属于5亚科27属,并发现1新种;古蔺立毛蚁Paratrechina gulinensis,sp.n。提供了新种的特征描述,根据地貌环境和气候的差异。将四川蚂蚁分为4个动物地理域,并讨论了四川蚂蚁区系的特点。  相似文献   

A second species of the rare Australian ant genus Peronomyrmex is described from Victoria. This new species, P. bartoni , represents only the third time the genus has been collected, the previous records being the holotype of P. overbecki Viehmeyer from north-eastern New South Wales and a collection, subsequently lost, from northern Queensland.  相似文献   

记述了采自中国湖北省恩施市大吉镇的臭蚁属Dolichoderus Lund 1新种:大吉臭蚁D.dajiensis,sp.nov.。模式标本保存在陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。  相似文献   

中国猛蚁属系统分类研究(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
记述中国猛蚁属PoneraLatreille昆虫8种,其中在云南省西双版纳自然保护区发现并描述5新种,模式标本保存于西南林学院资源学院昆虫标本室。中华猛蚁P.sinensisWheeler(图4~6)分布于香港;阿里山猛蚁P.alisanaTerayama(图10~12)和知本猛蚁P.chiponensisTerayama(图19~20)分布于台湾省。提供了8个种的工蚁分种检索表。新种模式标本和示差鉴别特征如下 1.五齿猛蚁Ponerapentodontos,新种(图1~3)   正模工蚁,No.A97-2046,730m,云南省勐腊县补蚌,1997-Ⅷ-17,曾光。副模1工蚁,同正模;1工蚁,同正模但No.A97-2028;8工蚁,同正模但No.A97-2089。本新种与中华猛蚁P.sinensisWheeler(图4~6)接近,但上颚具5个近等大的齿;头部较宽,头比CI95-98;腹柄结较窄,腹柄结比PNI76-81;腹柄下突前下角圆钝。 2.勐腊猛蚁Poneramenglana,新种(图7~9)   正模工蚁,No.A97-2046,730m,云南省勐腊县补蚌,1997-Ⅷ-17,曾光。副模4工蚁,2雄蚁,同正模;3工蚁,同正模但No.A97-2024;9工蚁,同正模但No.A97-2029;7工蚁,1脱翅雌蚁,No.A97-1134,660m,云南省勐腊县勐仑镇翠屏峰,1997-Ⅷ-10,何云峰;6工蚁,同No.A97-1134但No.A97-1153,柳太勇;9工蚁,2雌蚁,同No.A97-1134但No.A97-1162,徐正会。本新种与中华猛蚁P.sinensisWheeler(图4~6)接近,但身体较大,头长HL0.65-0.68,头宽HW0.58-0.60;侧面观腹柄结后上角较隆起;腹柄下突后下角仅具1微小齿。 3.南贡山猛蚁Poneranangongshana,新种(图13~15)   正模工蚁,No.A98-824,1620m,云南省勐腊县南贡山,1998-Ⅲ-15,何云峰。副模3工蚁,同正模;1工蚁,同正模但No.A98-819;6工蚁,同正模但Nos.A97-2184,A97-2186,1525m。本新种与阿里山猛蚁P.alisanaTerayama(图10~12)接近,但柄节末端不到达后头缘;唇基前缘中央缺少1钝齿;腹柄下突后下角不具齿。 4.龙林猛蚁Poneralonglina,新种(图16~18)   正模工蚁,No.A97-1315,1050m,云南省勐腊县龙林,1997-Ⅷ-11,何云峰。本新种与分布于菲律宾的女山神猛蚁P.oreasWheeler(图25~27)接近,但复眼仅具1个小眼;腹柄结较窄,腹柄宽DPW0.25,腹柄结比PNI71;侧面观腹柄下突后下角齿较小,指向后方。 5.巴卡猛蚁Ponerabaka,新种(图22~24)   正模工蚁,No.A97-2990,840m,云南省勐腊县勐仑镇巴卡小寨,1997-XII-08,杨比伦。本新种与知本猛蚁P.chiponensisTerayama(图19~21)接近,但头前部与后部等宽;唇基前缘中央缺少1钝齿;上颚只具3个端齿;侧面观腹柄结较薄,腹柄下突具小窗斑,前下角钝角状,后下角只具1个小齿。  相似文献   

Thirteen Polynesian islands, including five true atolls, an uplifted atoll, and seven high volcanic islands of varying ages, were surveyed for ants by hand collecting techniques. Ten of the thirteen islands had been surveyed previously, and more and species were found in the present survey than were known from all earlier surveys combined, with two exception (Ducie Atoll and Easter Island).This represents the first report of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile Mayr, from Easter Island. L. humile is a very successful pest species which has only recently invaded Easter Island, and is now very abundant and widespread, occurring at 16 of the 17 sample sites scattered across the island. The introduction of this species is almost certainly responsible for the apparent decline in species richness on Easter Island.In general, more species were present on high islands than atolls of a similar size, and elevation was significant while log (area) and latitude were not in a multiple linear regression with ant species number as the dependent variable. Not enough time was spent on the islands to survey their ant faunas completely, and extrapolations from species effort curves and jackknife estimators of earlier, thorough surverys for ants in the society Islands suggest that only about 50% of the total species were collected in the present survey, at least on the high islands. My collections were probably more complete on the atolls. The increase in species numbers from the present survey relative to known species richnesses (particularly when a large fraction of the species actually present were probably not included in the present survey) supports the hypothesis that remote Polynesian islands are not as depauperate in terms of ant species numbers as previously thought.  相似文献   

中国厚结蚁属分类研究(膜翅目:蚁科:猛蚁亚科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐正会 《动物学研究》1996,17(3):211-216
本文记述中国厚结蚁属PachycondylaF.Smith昆虫15种,其中描述2新种:片突厚结蚁P.lobocarena新种和郑氏厚结蚁P.zhengi新种。还报道2个中国新记录种,并根据该属的现代概念对10个种作了重新组合。模式标本保存于云南昆明,西南林学院森林保护系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Summary The spatial specialization inLasius fuliginosus was investigated in the field by a mass-marking of foragers with colors. In the spring, summer and autumn, foragers exhibit a high degree of persistence, with coefficients of fidelity between 83 and 96%, in using a particular foraging trail, in visiting a particular tree or shrub housing aphid colonies, and even micro-sites like a particular branch. A high degree of fidelity to particular temporary hunting ground areas has also been shown. Trail and aphid site fidelity persist for at least 1 to 3 months and are preserved through the hibernation period (about 5 months). However, in early spring, a period during which food sources are scarce, trail fidelity is lower (coefficient of fidelity: 57%).Spatial specialization develops quickly in foragers recruited to a new permanent food source. Once acquired, the specialization is not rigid since specialized honeydew collectors can shift from a no more rewarding aphid site to other aphid sites of the same trail on which they develop a secondary specialization.The ecological and behavioral aspects of the spatial specialization inL. fuliginosus are discussed with reference to the resource structure of the habitat.  相似文献   

矛猛蚁属Myopopone Roger分布于东洋界和马来西亚界,目前为止该属仅知1种:红矛猛蚁M.castanea (Smith).首次在中国西藏记录到红矛猛蚁的分布,并系统记述了矛猛蚁属的特征、红矛猛蚁工蚁和蚁后的特征,提供了详尽的测量数据和插图.  相似文献   

Summary The size of leaf-cutting ant foragers correlates more closely with the weight than the area of the leaf fragments they cut. This implies that the mechanism of load size determination is not a simple function of body geometry. Ants were found not to adjust the radius of cut to compensate for experimental changes in leaf weight during the process of cutting. However, ants changed their cutting behaviour according to the thickness of the region of the fragment being cut. Ants decreased their cut radius when cutting through leaf veins. Similarly, when cutting artificial laminae of varying thicknesses, ants reduced the cut arc radius when traversing thicker regions.Cut radius was not principally controlled by the position of the rear legs nor the overall body length but by mechanisms associated with the head and thorax of the ant.  相似文献   

Within the last decade, checklists of the ant fauna of several European countries have been published or updated. Nevertheless, no ant checklists have hitherto been published for the principality of Andorra, a small landlocked country located in the eastern part of the Pyrenees. This work presents a critical list of the ant species of Andorra based on a review of the literature and on the biological material we collected during several field campaigns conducted in Andorra since the year 2005. Seventy-five species belonging to 21 genera of Formicidae were recorded. Nine species were recorded for the first time in Andorra: Aphaenogaster gibbosa (Latreille, 1798), Camponotus lateralis (Olivier, 1792), Camponotus piceus (Leach, 1825), Formica exsecta Nylander, 1846, Lasius piliferus Seifert, 1992, Tapinoma madeirense Forel, 1895, Temnothorax lichtensteini (Bondroit, 1918), Temnothorax niger (Forel, 1894), Temnothorax nigriceps (Mayr, 1855). The most speciose genera were Formica Linnaeus, 1758 and Temnothorax Forel, 1890 with 14 and 12 species, respectively. The ant fauna of Andorra is mostly dominated by Central European species (some are typical cold climate specialists); however species belonging to the Mediterranean ant fauna were also found. This can be explained by the particular geographic situation of Andorra which is characterized by a high mountain Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

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