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Variability in stream macroinvertebrates at multiple spatial scales   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1. We intensively sampled 16 western Oregon streams to characterize: (1) the variability in macroinvertebrate assemblages at seven spatial scales; and (2) the change in taxon richness with increasing sampling effort. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) model calculated spatial variance components for taxon richness, total density, percent individuals of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT), percent dominance and Shannon diversity.
2. At the landscape level, ecoregion and among‐streams components dominated variance for most metrics, accounting for 43–72% of total variance. However, ecoregion accounted for very little variance in total density and 36% of the variance was attributable to differences between streams. For other metrics, variance components were more evenly divided between stream and ecoregion effects.
3. Within streams, approximately 70% of variance was associated with unstructured local spatial variation and not associated with habitat type or transect position. The remaining variance was typically split about evenly between habitat and transect. Sample position within a transect (left, centre or right) accounted for virtually none of the variance for any metric.
4. New taxa per stream increased rapidly with sampling effort with the first four to eight Surber samples (500–1000 individuals counted), then increased more gradually. After counting more than 50 samples, new taxa continued to be added in stream reaches that were 80 times as long as their mean wetted width. Thus taxon richness was highly dependent on sampling effort, and comparisons between sites or streams must be normalized for sampling effort.
5. Characterization of spatial variance structure is fundamental to designing sampling programmes where spatial comparisons range from local to regional scales. Differences in metric responses across spatial scales demonstrate the importance of designing sampling strategies and analyses capable of discerning differences at the scale of interest.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The compound influence of habitat complexity and patch size on stream invertebrate assemblages associated with submerged macrophytes was investigated through field sampling of two natural macrophyte species with contrasting leaf morphologies (complex, Ranunculus yezoensis; simple, Sparganium emersum) and an experiment with two artificial plants with different levels of morphological complexity. 2. The artificial plant experiment was designed to separate the effects of habitat area (patch size) and habitat complexity, thus enabling a more rigorous assessment of complexity per se than in previous studies where only a single patch size was used. Simple and complex artificial plants were established with five different patch sizes corresponding to the range found in natural plants. 3. Invertebrates occurred on both complex and simple forms of natural and artificial plants at similar abundances with dipterans and ephemeropterans being predominant. Taxon richness was higher on structurally complex Ranunculus than on simple Sparganium and was similarly higher on the complex artificial plant than on the simple one, over the entire range of habitat patch sizes. Thus, architectural complexity affected the taxon richness of epiphytic invertebrates, independently of habitat scale. 4. On the natural plants there was no difference in the abundance (both number of individuals and biomass) of invertebrates between simple and complex forms, while on artificial plants more invertebrates occurred on complex than on simple forms. The amount of particulate organic matter, >225 μm (POM) and chlorophyll a showed mixed patterns on natural and artificial plants, suggesting that the availability of these resources is not an overriding proximate factor controlling invertebrate abundance on plants. The difficulty of extrapolating from experimental results involving use of artificial plants is discussed, especially when considering the relationship between habitat structure and the occurrence of epiphytic invertebrates on natural plants.  相似文献   

Aim This study assessed changes in diversity and assemblage composition in bryophytes and their associated invertebrates along altitudinal gradients in Australia and New Zealand. The importance of altitude in shaping these communities and for the diversity of both invertebrates and bryophytes was examined at different spatial scales, including local, altitudinal, regional and biogeographical. Location Samples were taken from four Australasian mountain ranges between 42° and 43°S: Mt Field and Mt Rufus, Tasmania, Australia, and Otira Valley and Seaward Kaikoura Mountains, South Island, New Zealand. Methods On both Tasmanian mountains, five altitudes were assessed (250, 500, 750, 1000 and 1250 m). At each location (mountain/altitude combination) two sites were chosen and six samples were taken. Six altitudes were assessed on New Zealand mountains (Otira: 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250 and 1500 m; Kaikoura: 1130, 1225, 1325, 1425, 1525 and 2000 m). Bryophyte substrate was collected, and all samples were stored in 70% ethanol. Invertebrates were extracted from bryophytes using kerosene‐phase separation and all invertebrates were identified to family. At each location in Tasmania, all bryophyte species within six 25‐cm2 grids per site were collected and identified to species. Bryophytes from New Zealand were identified to species from the invertebrate sample substrate because of sampling constraints. Results Altitude did have a significant effect on diversity, however, no general trend was found along the altitudinal gradient on the four mountains. There were distinct differences in diversity between biogeographical regions, mountains, altitudes and sites. In Tasmania, Mt Field had the highest diversity in invertebrates and bryophytes at 750 m. In contrast, Mt Rufus had consistent low invertebrate and bryophyte diversity along the entire altitudinal gradient. There were also distinctive differences between locations in the composition of invertebrate and bryophyte communities in Tasmania. Along the two altitudinal gradients in New Zealand, Otira had highest diversity for both invertebrates and bryophytes at low altitudes, whereas Kaikoura had highest invertebrate and lowest bryophyte diversity at the highest altitude. Main conclusions There was an effect of altitude, however, there were no consistent changes in diversity or composition on the four different mountains. There was considerable local and regional variation, and, despite a strong sampling design, no underlying altitudinal trends were detectable. This study demonstrates the importance of examining a range of spatial scales if patterns in community structure along altitudinal gradients are to be studied. The implications of this study are discussed with reference to survey design, taxonomic resolution, climate change and conservation of habitat.  相似文献   

The invertebrate assemblages of the River Lambourn and its tributary, the Winterbourne stream, were investigated as part of a broad ecological study prior to water resource development in the catchment. The longitudinal distribution of the invertebrate fauna within the Winterbourne stream was examined in detail and supporting data for the R. Lambourn revealed that the upstream intermittent section of each water course had an invertebrate assemblage which was distinct from the fauna downstream where flow was permanent. Within the perennial zone taxon richness tended to increase downstream.A one-year programme of monthly quantitative sampling on five distinct biotopes (Ranunculus, Berula, Callitriche, gravel and silt) at two contrasted sites (shaded and unshaded) was undertaken in the lower perennial of the R. Lambourn below the confluence with the Winterbourne. On each study site, the taxon richness, numerical abundance and biomass of invertebrates were significantly higher on the three macrophytes than on gravel and silt. There were also statistically significant seasonal changes in the biomass of invertebrates on each site. Estimates of total biomass of invertebrates per site revealed a late spring peak (May/June) and a late autumn (November/December) peak, neither of which coincided with the summer peak biomass of macrophytes. This suggested that, in the lower perennial, the level of food resources (epiphytic algae in late spring and fallen tree leaves plus decaying macrophytes in autumn) rather than available habitat, were a major influence on population levels for most of the year.Quantitative sampling of each biotope on each site continued in June and December only for a period of 8 years (1971–78), during which time the river experienced a minor drought (1973) and a severe drought (1976). The Chironomidae showed a strong positive response to conditions of low flow in June of 1973 and 1976, when exceptionally high densities of larvae were recorded. Although further between-year differences were recorded in several other major components of the invertebrate fauna, which may have been related to conditions of low discharge, they did not have long-term consequences for the fauna in the lower perennial of the R. Lambourn.In contrast, in the upper perennial, the prolonged drought of 1976 resulted in the loss of wetted perimeter and macrophytes, coupled with deposition of silt, all of which had deleterious effects on the invertebrate assemblages. The following year, despite a normal discharge regime and the removal of silt, some submerged macrophytes were slow to return to their pre-drought condition. In the intermittent section, the drought of 1976 resulted in the total loss of flow for a 16 month period instead of a more typical four month period of water loss.Thus, chalk streams encompass within a single system both stable and extreme hydrological regimes which offer unique opportunities for investigating the processes of community formation and maintenance.  相似文献   

A method for assessing the alpha and beta diversity components of a macroinvertebrate community across numerous spatial scales is presented. Findings were not empirically linked to ecological questions as the purpose of this study was primarily the demonstration of a diversity partitioning method. Sampling was carried out at three sites on the upper Modder River in the Free State Province, South Africa between April 2008 and January 2009. Communities were analysed by investigating the relative frequency of species in specific biotopes, a Similarity Profile (SIMPROF) and cluster analyses of the Bray‐Curtis similarities between samples, and the partitioning of species richness and Shannon diversity across multiple spatial scales. Findings revealed that sites showed significant clustering (SIMPROF P < 0.05; <20% Bray‐Curtis similarity), and the species frequencies indicated preference to selected microhabitats. Species richness and Shannon diversity of macroinvertebrates differed significantly (5% confidence levels) from randomly simulated values for sampling sites, biotopes and seasons indicating that diversity is clustered and not homogeneously distributed. The diversity partitioning could have potential in diversity assessment for conservation biology, land management and environmental impact assessments.  相似文献   

Our planet is facing a variety of serious threats from climate change that are unfolding unevenly across the globe. Uncovering the spatial patterns of ecosystem stability is important for predicting the responses of ecological processes and biodiversity patterns to climate change. However, the understanding of the latitudinal pattern of ecosystem stability across scales and of the underlying ecological drivers is still very limited. Accordingly, this study examines the latitudinal patterns of ecosystem stability at the local and regional spatial scale using a natural assembly of forest metacommunities that are distributed over a large temperate forest region, considering a range of potential environmental drivers. We found that the stability of regional communities (regional stability) and asynchronous dynamics among local communities (spatial asynchrony) both decreased with increasing latitude, whereas the stability of local communities (local stability) did not. We tested a series of hypotheses that potentially drive the spatial patterns of ecosystem stability, and found that although the ecological drivers of biodiversity, climatic history, resource conditions, climatic stability, and environmental heterogeneity varied with latitude, latitudinal patterns of ecosystem stability at multiple scales were affected by biodiversity and environmental heterogeneity. In particular, α diversity is positively associated with local stability, while β diversity is positively associated with spatial asynchrony, although both relationships are weak. Our study provides the first evidence that latitudinal patterns of the temporal stability of naturally assembled forest metacommunities across scales are driven by biodiversity and environmental heterogeneity. Our findings suggest that the preservation of plant biodiversity within and between forest communities and the maintenance of heterogeneous landscapes can be crucial to buffer forest ecosystems at higher latitudes from the faster and more intense negative impacts of climate change in the future.  相似文献   

We tested the null hypothesis that neither roughness nor color of artificial substrata (tiles) affects abundance of stream invertebrates colonizing these substrata. The studies were carried out in a third-order aspen-parkland stream and first- and second-order foothills streams of Alberta, Canada. Dark-colored tiles were slightly more attractive to some colonizing invertebrates than light-colored tiles, but results were not conclusive. Generally, more individuals and more taxa were found on the rough tiles than on the smooth tiles. And several taxa were found in significantly (P 0.05) larger numbers on the rough tiles. Chironomids, especially, had a strong preference for the rough tiles. A major exception was heptageniid (Ephemeroptera) nymphs, which were consistently found in larger numbers on the smooth tiles.  相似文献   

1. Aquatic communities are structured by multiple forces, and identifying the driving factors over multispatial scales is an important research issue. The East Asian monsoon region is globally one of the richest environments in terms of biodiversity, and is undergoing rapid human development, yet the river ecosystems in this region have not been well studied. We applied a hierarchical framework to incorporate regional and local environmental effects on stream macroinvertebrate communities in this region. The knowledge gained is expected to improve the understanding of the importance of spatial scale on regional and local diversity in the East Asian monsoon region. 2. A national data set of benthic macroinvertebrates and environmental variables (geographical, land‐use, hydrological, substratum and physicochemical elements) in Korean rivers was used to determine the habitat preferences of macroinvertebrates. 3. Latitude, proportion of forest coverage, riffle habitat, silt substratum and temperature were the most important determinants for the ordinations of macroinvertebrate communities in each category evaluated by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The optimal habitats for stream macroinvertebrates are not the same for all species, and overall community metrics and abundance of sensitive species tended to be lower in open agricultural and urban streams than in forested streams. The sensitivity of mayflies and stoneflies to anthropogenic disturbances implicated them as good indicators to assess the effects of urban and agricultural activities. 4. A partial CCA was used to evaluate the relative importance of macrohabitat and microhabitat variables on community composition at three spatial scales (whole country, the large Han River basin and two small sub‐basins in the lowlands and highlands). The majority of community variation (17–22% for each environmental element) was explained by macrohabitat variables at the regional spatial scale. In contrast, large proportions (15–18%) were explained by microhabitat variables at the local spatial scale. 5. Our findings indicate that the relative importance of habitat scales should be determined by geographical size and that comprehensive understanding of multispatial scale patterns can be important for implementing sound biodiversity conservation programmes.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The impact of the introduced omnivorous signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) on trout fry, macroinvertebrates and algae was evaluated in a brown water stream in southern Sweden using in situ enclosures. We also examined the gut content of all surviving crayfish in the enclosures. Two crayfish densities in addition to a control without crayfish were used in replicate enclosures (1.26 m2) in a 1‐month experiment. Additionally, 20 trout fry (Salmo trutta) were stocked in each enclosure to assess the effects of crayfish on trout survival and growth. 2. Detritus was the most common food item in crayfish guts. Animal fragments were also frequent while algae and macrophytes were scarcer. Crayfish exuviae were found in crayfish guts, but the frequency of cannibalism was low. 3. Trout survival in enclosures was positively related to water velocity but was unaffected by crayfish. 4. Total invertebrate biomass and taxon richness were lower in crayfish treatments. The biomass of all predatory invertebrate taxa was reduced but only three of six non‐predatory taxa were reduced in the crayfish treatments. 5. Epiphytic algal biomass (measured as chlorophyll a, on plastic strips) was not related to crayfish density, whereas the biomass of epilithic algae (measured as chlorophyll a) was enhanced by high water velocity and high crayfish density. The latter was possibly mediated via improved light and nutrient conditions, as active crayfish re‐suspend and/or remove detritus and senescent algal cells during periods of low water velocity. 6. We conclude that the introduced signal crayfish may affect stream communities directly and indirectly. Invaded communities will have reduced macroinvertebrate taxon richness and the signal crayfish will replace vulnerable invertebrate predators such as leeches. In streams that transport large amounts of sediment or organic matter, a high density of crayfish is likely to enhance benthic algal production through physical activity rather than via trophic effects.  相似文献   

Although many studies have investigated the influence of environmental patterns on local stream invertebrate diversity, there has been little consistency in reported relationships between diversity and particular environmental variables. Here we test the hypothesis that local stream invertebrate diversity is determined by a combination of factors occurring at multiple spatial scales. We developed predictive models relating invertebrate diversity (species richness and equitability) to environmental variables collected at various spatial scales (bedform, reach and catchment, respectively) using data from 97 sampling sites dispersed throughout the Taieri River drainage in New Zealand. Models based on an individual scale of perception (bedform, reach or catchment) were not able to match predictions to observations (r < 0.26, P > 0.01, between observed and predicted equitability and species richness). In contrast, models incorporating all three scales simultaneously were highly significant (P < 0.01; r = 0.55 and 0.64, between observed and predicted equitability and species richness, respectively). The most influential variables for both richness and equitability were median particle size at the bedform scale, adjacent land use at the reach scale, and relief ratio at the catchment scale. Our findings suggest that patterns observed in local assemblages are not determined solely by local mechanisms acting within assemblages, but also result from processes operating at larger spatial scales. The integration of different spatial scales may be the key to increasing model predictability and our understanding of the factors that determine local biodiversity.  相似文献   

The important contribution of terrestrial invertebrates to the energy budget of drift-foraging fishes has been well documented in many forested headwater streams. However, relatively little attention has been focused on the behavioral mechanisms behind such intensive exploitation. We tested for the hypothesis that active prey selection by fishes would be an important determinant of terrestrial invertebrates contribution to fish diets in a forested headwater stream in northern Japan. Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were estimated to consume 57.12 mg m–2 day–1 (dry mass) terrestrial invertebrates, 77% of their total input (73.89 mg m–2 day–1), there being high selectivity for the former from stream drift. Both the falling input and drift of terrestrial invertebrates peaked at around dusk, decreasing dramatically toward midnight. In contrast, both aquatic insect adults and benthic invertebrates showed pronounced nocturnal drift. Because the prey consumption rates of rainbow trout were high at dawn and dusk, decreasing around midnight, the greater contribution of terrestrial invertebrates to trout diet was regarded as being partly influenced by the difference in diel periodicity of availability among prey categories. In addition, selectivity also depended upon differences in individual prey size among aquatic insect adults, and benthic and terrestrial invertebrates, the last category being largest in both the stream drift and the trout diets. We concluded that differences in both the timing of supplies and prey size among the three prey categories were the primary factors behind the selective foraging on terrestrial invertebrates by rainbow trout.  相似文献   

以我国中部渭河南部流域山区和平原生态区的底栖动物为研究对象,通过计算29个生物性状类别和7个功能多样性指数,比较了不同生态区的生物性状组成和功能与性状多样性指数差异性;应用综合RLQ和fourth-corner方法探索底栖动物生物性状组成与土地利用和理化变量的关系;通过广义线性模型(GLM)比较不同空间尺度环境变量对底栖动物功能与性状多样性指数影响的生态区差异性。研究发现,共18个底栖动物性状组成在山区和平原间存在显著差异性,其中具有无庇护所和以叶片为庇护所材料、外骨骼轻微骨化和骨化良好、草食性、捕食性等生物性状的底栖动物栖息于栖境状况较好的山区,体壁呼吸、虫体柔软、集食者等生物性状更多的集中在人类活动较严重的平原区。除了功能均匀度指数外,山区的性状和功能多样性指数均显著高于平原,说明平原环境干扰显著降低了底栖动物性状和功能多样性。综合RLQ和fourth-corner方法表明底栖动物生物性状对环境胁迫的响应存在可预测性。GLM模型结果表明,山区和平原生物性状和功能多样性指数受到不同空间尺度土地利用和理化环境变量的影响:流域尺度城镇用地、水温和TN含量是影响山区功能和性状多样性指数模型的重要环境变量,但平原区河段尺度农业用地面积百分比和平均水深是影响功能和性状多样性的主要因子。  相似文献   

Simple mathematical models are formulated to describe density independent and density dependent dispersal. These models clarify hypotheses of density dependence and may be manipulated easily to suit particular applications. The models demonstrate that the initial composition of a species aggregate must be controlled before valid conclusions can be drawn about the density dependency of the aggregate's dispersal. Stochastic models of emigration are derived to assess the power of particular experimental designs and statistical techniques to discriminate a known form of density dependent emigration. Contribution No. 369, Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan Contribution No. 369, Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan  相似文献   

J. Scullion  A. Sinton 《Hydrobiologia》1983,107(3):261-269
Artificial discharges of water from reservoirs caused a six-fold and three-fold increase in discharge in the R. Tywi and R. Elan respectively but did not significantly alter particle size composition (by weight) and the porosity of the substratum or the organic matter content of fine particles (<0.5 mm). Freshets in both rivers resulted in a consistent, though not significant, reduction in total densities of invertebrates and the densities of many major taxa and abundant species. During the freshet in the R. Elan, maximum concentration and total load of suspended solids were about 11 and 35 times greater than pre-release values respectively while invertebrate drift was dominated by Chironomidae (65%) and Plecoptera (25%). Total numbers and densities of drifting chironomids increased immediately in response to the flow increase; in contrast, numbers and densities of plecopterans increased later, during the night.  相似文献   

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