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The influence of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and protein synthesis on the replication of the cloacinogenic factor Clo DF13 was studied in Escherichia coli cells and minicells. In chromosomeless minicells harboring the Clo DF13 factor, Clo DF13 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis is slightly stimulated after inhibition of protein synthesis by chloramphenicol or puromycin and continues for more than 8 h. When minicells were treated with rifampin, a specific inhibitor of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, Clo DF13 RNA and DNA synthesis appeared to stop abruptly. In cells, the Clo DF13 factor continues to replicate during treatment with chloramphenicol long after chromosomal DNA synthesis ceases. When rifampin was included during chloramphenicol treatment of cells, synthesis of Clo DF13 plasmid DNA was blocked completely. Isolated, supercoiled Clo DF13 DNA, synthesized in cells or minicells in the presence of chloramphenicol, appeared to be sensitive to ribonuclease and alkali treatment. These treatments convert a relatively large portion of the covalently closed Clo DF13 DNA to the open circular form, whereas supercoiled Clo DF13 DNA, isolated from non-chloramphenicol-treated cells or minicells, is not significantly affected by these treatments. These results indicate that RNA synthesis and specifically Clo DF13 RNA synthesis are involved in Clo DF13 DNA replication and that the covalently closed Clo DF13 DNA, synthesized in the presence of chloramphenicol, contains one or more RNA sequences. De novo synthesis of chromosomal and Clo DF13-specific proteins is not required for the replication of the Clo DF13 factor. Supercoiled Clo DF13 DNA, isolated from a polA107 (Clo DF13) strain which lacks the 5' --> 3' exonucleolytic activity of DNA polymerase I, is insensitive to ribonuclease or alkali treatment, indicating that in this mutant the RNA sequences are still removed from the RNA-DNA hybrid.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli HF4704S mutant temperature sensitive in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis and different from any previously characterized mutant was isolated. The mutated gene in this strain was designated dnaH. The mutant could grow normally at 27 C but not at 43 C, and DNA synthesis continued for an hour at a decreasing rate and then ceased. After temperature shift-up, the increased amount of DNA was 40 to 50%. When the culture was incubated at 43 C for 70 min and then transferred to 27 C, DNA synthesis resumed after about 50 min, initiating synchronously at a fixed region on the bacterial chromosome. The initiation step in DNA replication sensitive to 30 mug of chloramphenicol per ml occurs synchronously before the resumption of DNA replication after the temperature shift-down, being completed about 30 min before the start of DNA replication. When the cells incubated at 27 C in the presence of 30 mug of chloramphenicol per ml after the temperature shift-down to 27 C were transferred to 43 C with simultaneous removal of the antibiotic, no resumption of DNA replication was observed. When the culture was returned to 43 C after being released from high-temperature inhibition at 30 min before the start of DNA replication, no recovery replication was observed; whereas at 20 min, the recovery of replication was observed. These results indicated that HF4704S was temperature sensitive in the initiation of DNA replication. Analysis of HF4704S, by an interrupted conjugation experiment, indicated that gene dnaH was located at about 64 min on the E. coli C linkage map. In E. coli S1814 (a K-12 derivative), which was a dnaH(ts) transductant from HF4704S (C strain) with phage P1, the mutated gene (dnaH) was demonstrated to be closely linked to the thyA marker by conjugation and P1 transduction experiments and to be distinct from genes dnaA through dnaG.  相似文献   

Mutagenized E. coli B/r cells were subjected to a procedure designed to select mutants temperature-sensitive for initiation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication. Seventeen mutants exhibiting limited residual DNA synthesis at 42 C were obtained and the dna sites were mapped genetically. Sixteen of the sites map near dnaA, dnaB, and dnaC. One mutant (dna-208) maps in a new location between the trp and his genes. We propose to call this mutant dnaI208. In complementation experiments dnaC+ and dnaI+ were dominant to dnaC and dnaI alleles, respectively. However, dnaA was dominant to the wild-type allele dnaA+. All dnaA mutants and four out of six dnaC mutants could be suppressed by F factor integration. The pattern of suppression was specific for each mutant.  相似文献   

After nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis, strain Escherichia coli P678-54, bacteriocinogenic for Clo DF13, yielded a mutant strain that showed an enhanced bacteriocin production. The results from conjugation experiments indicated that the mutation, responsible for the enhanced bacteriocin production, is located on the Clo DF13 plasmid. The following properties of strains harboring the mutant Clo DF13 plasmid could be observed. (i) The bacteriocin production in these strains can be further enhanced at least fourfold by mitomycin C. (ii) The fraction of spontaneously induced cells, as revealed by lacunae experiments, in cultures of these strains is about nine times higher than in cultures of wild-type Clo DF13-harboring strains. (iii) Chromosomeless minicells from strain P678-54 harboring the mutant Clo DF13 plasmid synthesize about six times more deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid, and protein as compared to wild-type Clo DF13-harboring minicells. (iv) Analysis of this mutant Clo DF13-specific ribonucleic acid and protein on polyacrylamide gels revealed mainly the same ribonucleic acid and polypeptide species as synthesized by the wild-type Clo DF13 minicells, but in larger amounts (Kool et al., 1974). (v) Segregation experiments, using a strain with temperature-sensitive polymerase I, show that mutant Clo DF13-harboring cells contain an average of 70 Clo DF13 copies per cell, whereas wild-type Clo DF13-harboring cells contain only about 10 Clo DF13 copies per cell. The data presented in this paper indicate that the mutation on the Clo DF13 plasmid leads to an altered control of Clo DF13 replication and results in an enhanced number of Clo DF13 copies per cell. As a secondary effect, this enhanced number of Clo DF13 copies enhances the probability of "spontaneous" induction per cell. Since the mutation is plasmid specific and affects the number of plasmid copies produced, one can conclude that the Clo DF13 plasmid is not dependent solely on chromosomal information, but that at least plasmid base sequences are involved in Clo DF13 plasmid replication.  相似文献   

Crosses were carried out at 34 C and 42 C between eight pairs of isogenic strains of Escherichia coli K-12. The donor and recipient of each pair carried the same mutation for temperature-sensitive deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis; they differed only in the presence of F-lac in the donor and a spectinomycin-resistance marker in the recipient. A different temperature-sensitive mutation was present in each of the eight pairs, the eight temperature-sensitive mutations being located in at least two different genes. In all eight pairs, the transfer of F-lac occurred at high and equal rates at 34 C and 42 C, although vegetative DNA replication at 42 C was approximately 10−4 of that at 34 C. The transfer of F-lac at 42 C was accompanied in seven of the eight crosses by an equivalent amount of DNA synthesis in excess of that observed in the unmated controls. The DNA synthesized during transfer at 42 C was characterized by equilibrium centrifugation in cesium chloride and by its sedimentation velocity in sucrose gradients. It was found to have a density and a molecular weight characteristic of F-lac DNA. A small proportion of the material labeled during transfer was recovered in the form of covalently closed DNA. It is concluded that vegetative replication of the chromosome and transfer replication of F are separate processes, the former requiring at least two gene products which are nonessential for the latter.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that the cloacinogenic factor Clo DF13 (Clo DF13) segregates into minicells of strain Escherichia coli P678-54 that harbors Clo DF13 and that this Clo DF13 factor is the only deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) present in these otherwise chromosomeless minicells. The study reported here shows that minicells prepared from P678-54(Clo DF13) are able to incorporate radioactive precursors into ribonucleic acid (RNA) and protein. The RNA synthesized in these purified minicells is Clo DF13 specific, as shown by RNA-DNA hybridization experiments. The results indicate that all the de novo synthesized gene products in Clo DF13 minicells are Clo DF13 specific. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic patterns show that in these minicells at least three polypeptides (molecular weight about 70,000, 20,000, and 11,000) and one major species of messenger RNA (mRNA) (S value about 21.3) are synthesized. To investigate the factor in its induced state, we isolated a Clo DF13 mutant with an enhanced level of cloacin production. Minicells harboring this Clo DF13 mutant produce five additional polypeptides (molecular weight about 58,000, 44,000, 28,000, 16,000, and 14,000). Three additional mRNA species (S value about 19.5, 14, and 12) could be distinguished. The total molecular weight of the eight polypeptides corresponds to 85% of the total coding capacity of the mRNAs (303,000). The total molecular weight of the four mRNAs is 2.55 x 10(6), which covers 85% of the Clo DF13 DNA (molecular weight 6 x 10(6)).  相似文献   

The progeny cells of Escherichia coli strain P678-54, which normally do not contain deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), were found to carry DNA when the parental cell carried colicin factor E1 (Col E1). The DNA found in the normally DNA-less segregants was shown to be Col E1 DNA, which is present primarily as a covalently closed circular molecule that can undergo more than one complete cycle of replication.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli mutant (polA1), defective in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase I, (EC is unable to maintain colicinogenic factor E1 (ColE1), whereas several sex factor plasmids are maintained normally in this strain. polA1 mutant strains containing these sex factor plasmids do not exhibit a readily detectable plasmid-induced polymerase activity. A series of E. coli mutants that are temperature sensitive for ColE1 maintenance, but able to maintain other plasmids, were isolated and shown to fall into two phenotypic groups. Mutants in one group are defective specifically in ColE1 maintenance at 43 C, but exhibit normal DNA polymerase I activity. Mutations in the second group map in the polA gene of E. coli, and bacteria carrying these mutations are sensitive to methylmethanesulfonate (MMS). Revertants that were selected either for MMS resistance or the ability to maintain ColE1 were normal for both properties. The DNA polymerase I enzyme of two of these mutants shows a pronounced temperature sensitivity when compared to the wild-type enzyme. An examination of the role of DNA polymerase I in ColE1 maintenance indicates that it is essential for normal replication of the plasmid. In addition, the presence of a functional DNA polymerase I in both the donor and recipient cell is required for the ColV-promoted conjugal transfer of ColE1 and establishment of the plasmid in the recipient cell.  相似文献   

Alkaline sucrose gradients were used to study the molecular weight of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesized during the initiation of chromosome replication in Escherichia coli 15 TAU-bar. The experiments were conducted to determine whether newly synthesized, replication origin DNA is attached to higher-molecular-weight parental DNA. Little of the DNA synthesized after readdition of required amino acids to cells previously deprived of the amino acids was present in DNA with a molecular weight comparable to that of the parental DNA. The newly synthesized, low-molecular-weight DNA rapidly appeared in higher-molecular-weight material, but there was an upper limit to the size of this intermediate-molecular-weight DNA. This limit was not observed when exponentially growing cells converted newly synthesized DNA to higher-molecular-weight material. The size of the intermediate-molecular-weight DNA was related to the age of the replication forks, and the size increased as the replication forks moved further from the replication origin. The results indicate that the newly synthesized replication origin DNA is not attached to parental DNA, but it is rapidly attached to the growing strands that extend from the replication fork to the replication origin, or to the other replication fork if replication is bidirectional. Experiments are reported which demonstrate that the DNA investigated was from the vicinity of the replication origin and was not plasmid DNA or DNA from random positions on the chromosome.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-DNA hybridization on nitrocellulose filters can be used to assay for replication origin DNA from Escherichia coli if the DNA attached to the filters is enriched for the replication origin sequences. Such DNA can be readily isolated from very rapidly growing cells. When low amounts of this DNA were attached to filters, radioactively labeled DNA from the replication origin hybridized 1.7 times as well as radioactive replication terminus DNA. Under identical conditions, radioactively labeled DNA from exponentially growing cells hybridized only 1.3 times as well as radioactive replication terminus DNA. The replication origin, replication terminus, and randomly labeled DNA hybridized with similar efficiencies to filters containing DNA isolated from cells incubated in the absence of required amino acids. This DNA appeared to have all sequences present at equal frequencies. The hybridization assay was used to demonstrate that the DNA synthesized shortly after the addition of amino acids to cells previously deprived of required amino acids was primarily from the replication origin and then rapidly became similar to DNA synthesized by exponentially growing cells.  相似文献   

Ten cold-sensitive mutants defective in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis at 20 C have been identified among 218 cold-sensitive mutants isolated from a mutagenized population of Escherichia coli K-12. Four of the ten mutant alleles, dna-339 dna-340, dna-341, and dna-342, cotransduce with serB(+) and hence may be dnaC mutants. Two of these, dna-340 and dna-341, are recessive to their wild-type allele. The gene product of their wild-type allele is trans acting. Complementation tests have demonstrated that dna-340 and dna-341 are in the same cistron. The mapping of the remaining six mutations is in progress. In an attempt to determine whether LW4 and LW21 were initiator mutants, cultures of these strains were starved of an essential amino acid at 37 C and then incubated at 15 C with the essential amino acid. The amount of DNA synthesis observed under these circumstances was insignificant. These data are consistent with the idea that LW4 and LW21 are initiator mutants. However, attempts to integratively suppress LW4 and LW21 with F' factors were unsuccessful. To resolve the question of whether or not LW4 and LW21 are initiator mutants, more specific tests and criteria are required. Cultures of LW4 and LW21 were toluene treated and used to measure in vitro DNA synthesis. If the cells were incubated either at 15 or 20 C before toluene treatment, they were capable of markedly less DNA synthesis than if preincubation had not occurred. The amount of in vitro DNA synthesis is directly proportional to the amount of DNA synthesis occurring during preincubation in vivo; i.e., more DNA synthesis is observed at 20 than at 15 C. The fact that the cold-sensitive mutants are unable to synthesize DNA when supplied with deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, DNA precursors, is evidence they are not defective in precursor synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary The incompatibility properties of the bacteriocinogenic plasmid Clo DF13 have been examined. By using Clo DF13, Clo DF13 deletion, and transposon insertion mutants as well as compatible R plasmids into which Clo DF13 fragments have been cloned, we could identify and localise four different incompatibility regions on the Clo DF13 genome. These regions, designated incA, incB, incC, and incD are located in the following positions: incA about incD between 1.8% and 9% of the Clo DF13 genome. We studied the contribution of each of the four inc regions, separately and/or in combination with each other, to the incompatibility between two plasmid replicons. Two types of incompatibility can be distinguished: Type I evoked by incD, that overlaps the replication control area of Clo DF13 and type II, caused by incA, B and C. From our observations we present a model for plasmid incompatibility based on a combination of the existing repressor dilution and membrane attachment models.  相似文献   

Wild-type bacteriophage T4 was enriched for mutants which fail to degrade Escherichia coli deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) by the following method. E. coli B was labeled in DNA at high specific activity with tritiated thymidine ((3)H-dT) and infected at low multiplicity with unmutagenized T4D. At 25 min after infection, the culture was lysed and stored. Wild-type T4 degrades the host DNA and incorporates the (3)H-dT into the DNA of progeny phage; mutants which fail to degrade the host DNA make unlabeled progeny phage. Wild-type progeny are eventually inactivated by tritium decay; mutants survive. Such mutants were found at a frequency of about 1% in the survivors. Eight mutants are in a single complementation group called denA located near gene 63. Four of these mutants which were examined in detail leave the bulk of the host DNA in large fragments. All eight mutants exhibit much less than normal T4 endonuclease II activity. The mutants produce somewhat fewer phage and less DNA than does wild-type T4.  相似文献   

Fourteen deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and 10 ribonucleic acid (RNA) methylation mutants were isolated from Escherichia coli K-12 by examining the ability of nucleic acids prepared from clones of unselected mutagenized cells to accept methyl groups from wild-type crude extract. Eleven of the DNA methylation mutants were deficient in 5-methylcytosine (5-MeC) and were designated Dcm. Three DNA methylation mutants were deficient in N(6)-methyladenine (N(6)-MeA) and were designated Dam. Extracts of the mutants were tested for DNA-cytosine:S-adenosylmethionine and DNA-adenine:S-adenosylmethionine methyltransferase activities. With one exception, all of the mutants had reduced or absent activity. A representative Dcm mutation was located at 36 to 37 min and a representative Dam mutation was located in the 60-to 66-min region on the genetic map. The Dcm mutants had no obvious associated phenotypic abnormality. The Dam mutants were defective in their ability to restrict lambda. None of the mutations had the effect of being lethal.  相似文献   

A new type of temperature-sensitive deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis mutant, which can divide without a completion of DNA replication, was isolated from a thymidine-requiring Escherichia coli strain by means of photo-bromouracil selection after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. In this mutant, in spite of the fact that DNA synthesis stopped immediately after the temperature shift from 30 to 41 C, cells could continue to divide, though at a reduced rate. This cell division without DNA synthesis at 41 C is further supported by the following results. (i) Cell division took place at high temperature without addition of thymidine but not at all at 30 C. The parent strain of the mutant did not divide at 41 C without thymidine. (ii) Smaller cells isolated from the culture grown at 41 C did not contain DNA. This was shown by chemical analysis of the smaller cells and on electron micrographs. Ability of cells to divide was examined according to sizes of cells. By using the culture at 30 C, cells of various sizes were separated by means of sucrose-density gradient centrifugation. It was found that all cell fractions, including the smallest one, could divide at high temperature. These results suggest that in this mutant the completion of DNA replication is not required for triggering cell division at high temperature. Heat sensitivity of a factor which links cell division with DNA replication appears to be responsible. Some possible mechanisms of the coordination between cell division and DNA replication are discussed.  相似文献   

At 33 C (60-min generation time) the time required to replicate the chromosome is C = 60 min. The time between the end of a round of replication and cell division is D = 20 min, as at 37 C. Nalidixic acid and a temperature shift in a dnaB mutant give identical results for the determination of the end of a round of replication.  相似文献   

Thymineless death (TLD) and nalidixic acid (NA) inactivation were studied in multiple auxotrophic strains of Escherichia coli B and B/r. As expected, it was found that both E. coli B and B/r exhibited an "immune state," i.e., a fraction of the population survived inactivation to both TLD and NA. With glucose as a carbon source in minimal medium, 0.1 to 0.3% of strain B and 0.2 to 0.5% of strain B/r survived inactivation; with acetate as the carbon source, the surviving fractions were increased to 1 to 2% and 5 to 7%, respectively. These immune fractions could be increased in magnitude by preincubation in minimal media containing thymine. Systematic analysis of the particular supplements necessary for the immune state indicated that the absence of the required amino acids was essential for the maximal expression of immunity. However, immunity was not abolished in acetate medium even in the presence of the required supplements. Further studies on the replication of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) during preincubation indicated that the degree of immunity did not necessarily correlate with the completion of a round of DNA replication. This finding was supported by examining the immune state in synchronous populations. In both glucose and acetate medium, there was no significant change in the degree of immunity to inactivation within the cell cycles of E. coli B and B/r. We concluded that some other event, possibly inhibition of protein synthesis, was necessary in determining the degree of the immune state. DNA replication was investigated after TLD and NA inactivation, and, as expected, it was found that both events led to premature initiation of replication. The only differences observed in the effects of these two processes on DNA synthesis were the following. (i) NA-induced replication was less sensitive to chloramphenicol than was TLD. (ii) TLD-induced replication was unaffected by pretreatment of the cells with mitomycin C, but this pretreatment prevented the replication of DNA after NA treatment. It was suggested that the mechanism of action of NA could involve a monofunctional attack on the DNA.  相似文献   

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