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Mathematical models of abducens motoneurons with reconstructed dendritic arborizations were investigated. The two types of models differed from each other in electrical properties of the dendrites, either passive (model group 1) or active and non-linear (model group 2). The relations between morphology of the dendrites, their electrical transfer characteristics, and formation of impulse patterns at the cell output were studied under conditions of tonic activation of glutamatergic (NMDA-type) excitatory synapses homogeneously distributed over the dendrites. For reconstructed dendritic arborizations, their morphometric characteristics (size, complexity, and metrical asymmetry) and electrical ones (somatopetal current transfer effectiveness function and sensitivity of the latter to variations of the homogeneous membrane conductivity) were computed. Changes in the membrane potential were also studied in different parts of the dendritic arborization during generation of various patterns of discharges of action potentials (APs) at the neuronal output under different intensities of synaptic activation; this allowed us to reveal “spatial signatures” of the above-mentioned temporal patterns. The output patterns and their “spatial signatures” changed in a certain manner with increase in the intensity of synaptic activation. A simple periodical discharge of low-frequency APs with constant interspike intervals was replaced by a complex periodical or nonperiodical (stochastic) bursting pattern, which then was replaced again by a simple rhythmic but high-frequency discharge. Simple periodical patterns were associated with generation of synchronous oscillatory dendritic depolarizations phase-shifted in metrically asymmetrical parts of the arborization. In the case of generation of complex periodical or stochastic patterns, depolarization processes in asymmetrical dendritic parts were asynchronous and differed from each other in their amplitude and duration. Such a structure-dependent repertoire of output discharge patterns was quite compatible with that observed earlier in examined simulated neocortical pyramidal and cerebellar Purkinje neurons. This fact is indicative of a possible similarity of the rules governing the formation of specific output patterns in neurons with active membrane properties of the dendrites based on intrinsic mophological/functional features of the dendritic arborization of a given neuron.  相似文献   

The influence of a tonic GABA-ergic current on the processes of network synchronization was examined using a computer model of the neural network with shunting GABA-ergic synapses and tonic excitation that initiated spiking. The tonic inhibitory current was characterized by two parameters, the reversal potential and the conductance introduced. We found that tonic current with a reversal potential more negative than the threshold for spike generation reduces the network spiking frequency and synchronization. A monotonic decrease in the network synchronization with augmentation of the tonic current conductance was shown. We also found that a particular range of tonic current conductance leads to a bistable character of the network dynamics. Depending on the initial conditions of the network examined, spontaneous synchronous oscillations similar to epileptiform activity could appear.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of antagonists and an agonist of the metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR) on the frequency and amplitude of spontaneous postsynaptic potentials (PSP) and of a miniature fraction of these potentials in the lumbar segments of the spinal cord of the steppe tortoise (in 2- to 3-mm-thick superfused slices). We demonstrated that a common antagonist of the group-I and group-II mGluR, (+)MCPG (400 M), as well as selective antagonists, MCCG (200 M) and EGLU (100-200 M), and a selective agonist of the group-II, DCG IV (1 M), change the frequency of spontaneous PSP, including miniature PSP, but practically do not influence their amplitude. This feature shows that mGluR are presynaptically localized both in premotoneuronal links and immediately in synaptic contacts on the motoneurons. Comparison of the effects of antagonists of the mGluR on the normal synaptic activity and on that under conditions of the GABA receptor blockade shows that mGluR are involved in modulation of both glutamatergic and GABA-ergic transmission. We surmise that the NMDA reception plays a special role in the realization of mGluR-mediated modulating effects. The directions of the effects of the above antagonists and an agonist of the mGluR (an increase and a decrease in the frequency of synaptic potentials, respectively) allow us to postulate that the presynaptically localized group-II mGluR causes a decrease in the probability of release of excitatory and inhibitory transmitters in spinal synaptic structures of the tortoise.  相似文献   



Substantia gelatinosa (SG, lamina II) is a spinal cord region where most unmyelinated primary afferents terminate and the central nociceptive processing begins. The glutamatergic excitatory interneurons (EINs) form the majority of the SG neuron population, but little is known about the mechanisms of signal processing in their synapses.


To describe the functional organization and properties of excitatory synapses formed by SG EINs, we did non-invasive recordings from 183 pairs of monosynaptically connected neurons. An intact presynaptic SG EIN was specifically stimulated through the cell-attached pipette while the evoked EPSCs/EPSPs were recorded through perforated-patch from a postsynaptic neuron (laminae I-III).

Principal Findings

We found that the axon of an SG EIN forms multiple functional synapses on the dendrites of a postsynaptic neuron. In many cases, EPSPs evoked by stimulating an SG EIN were sufficient to elicit spikes in a postsynaptic neuron. EPSCs were carried through both Ca2+-permeable (CP) and Ca2+-impermeable (CI) AMPA receptors (AMPARs) and showed diverse forms of functional plasticity. The synaptic efficacy could be enhanced through both activation of silent synapses and strengthening of already active synapses. We have also found that a high input resistance (RIN, >0.5 GΩ) of the postsynaptic neuron is necessary for resolving distal dendritic EPSCs/EPSPs and correct estimation of their efficacy.


We conclude that the multiple synapses formed by an SG EIN on a postsynaptic neuron increase synaptic excitation and provide basis for diverse forms of plasticity. This functional organization can be important for sensory, i.e. nociceptive, processing in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Probiotics are live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host. The concept of individual microorganisms influencing the makeup of T cell subsets via interactions with intestinal dendritic cells (DCs) appears to constitute the foundation for immunoregulatory effects of probiotics, and several studies have reported probiotic strains resulting in reduction of intestinal inflammation through modulation of DC function. Consequent to a focus on Saccharomyces boulardii as the fundamental probiotic yeast, very little is known about hundreds of non-Saccharomyces yeasts in terms of their interaction with the human gastrointestinal immune system. The aim of the present study was to evaluate 170 yeast strains representing 75 diverse species for modulation of inflammatory cytokine secretion by human DCs in vitro, as compared to cytokine responses induced by a S. boulardii reference strain with probiotic properties documented in clinical trials. Furthermore, we investigated whether cytokine inducing interactions between yeasts and human DCs are dependent upon yeast viability or rather a product of membrane interactions regardless of yeast metabolic function. We demonstrate high diversity in yeast induced cytokine profiles and employ multivariate data analysis to reveal distinct clustering of yeasts inducing similar cytokine profiles in DCs, highlighting clear species distinction within specific yeast genera. The observed differences in induced DC cytokine profiles add to the currently very limited knowledge of the cross-talk between yeasts and human immune cells and provide a foundation for selecting yeast strains for further characterization and development toward potentially novel yeast probiotics. Additionally, we present data to support a hypothesis that the interaction between yeasts and human DCs does not solely depend on yeast viability, a concept which may suggest a need for further classifications beyond the current definition of a probiotic.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether or not reproductive performance in cattle produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is significantly different from that of their genetic donors. To address this question, we directed two longitudinal studies using different embryo production procedures: (1) superovulation followed by artificial insemination (AI) and embryo collection and (2) ultrasound-guided ovum pick-up followed by in vitro fertilization (OPU-IVF). Collectively, these two studies represent the largest data set available for any species on the reproductive performance of female clones and their genetic donors as measured by their embryo production outcomes in commercial embryo production program. The large-scale study described herein was conducted over a six-year period of time and provides a unique comparison of 96 clones to the 40 corresponding genetic donors. To our knowledge, this is the first longitudinal study on the reproductive performance of cattle clones using OPU-IVF. With nearly 2,000 reproductive procedures performed and more than 9,200 transferable embryos produced, our observations show that the reproductive performance of cattle produced by SCNT is not different compared to their genetic donors for the production of transferable embryos after either AI followed by embryo collection (P = 0.77) or OPU-IVF (P = 0.97). These data are in agreement with previous reports showing that the reproductive capabilities of cloned cattle are equal to that of conventionally produced cattle. In conclusion, results of this longitudinal study once again demonstrate that cloning technology, in combination with superovulation, AI and embryo collection or OPU-IVF, provides a valuable tool for faster dissemination of superior maternal genetics.  相似文献   

On models of motoneurons of the n. abducens nucleus with reconstructed dendritic arborizations having an active membrane, we investigated features of the relationships between passive transfer properties and dynamics of excitation states of asymmetrical dendrites during generation of complex periodical and stochastic impulse patterns (output neuronal codes). Various patterns were obtained by varying the intensity of tonic synaptic excitation homogeneously distributed over the dendrites. The electrical states of sites belonging to branches of the same dendrite or different dendrites were compared. For this comparison, branches were selected, which, according to the earlier performed cluster analysis, were assigned to the groups (electrotonic clusters) with a high and a low effectiveness of passive transfer of the somatopetal current. The selection took into account features of the dendritic structure of neurons of the exemined type. These were: (i) the presence of groups of the asymmetrical branches differing from each other according to their belonging to different clusters (high or low transfer effectiveness) in different dendrites, and (ii) the presence of branches belonging to different dendrites characterized by significantly different orientations in three-dimensional space of the brainstem within each electrical cluster. Comparative analysis showed that, in a given dendrite during generation of a complex periodical pattern, the asymmetrical branches belonging to high- or low-efficiency clusters were characterized by being in different states (high or low depolarization) in different phases of generation of repeated sequences of action potentials (APs). This relationship was consistent with those previously detected in neurons of other types and in other specimens of neurons of the above-mentioned type. During generation of such periodical spike patterns, the branches of different dendrites belonging to the same electrotonic cluster were in similar states. Similar relationships between the states of the branches of the same dendrite belonging to different clusters were also observed during generation of complex stochastic (non-periodical) impulse patterns. In the latter case, however, the essential feature was that the branches of different dendrites belonging to the same electrotonic cluster were often in opposite states. Thus, the number of combinations of discrete electrical states of asymmetrical parts of the dendritic arborization was much greater. Probably, it is precisely this circumstance that determined the quasi-stochastic nature of the output impulse pattern.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine whether the ICSI-mediated gene transfer method using in vitro matured oocytes and frozen sperm head could actually produce transgenic pigs. We also aimed at examining whether transgenic pigs can be cloned from somatic cells of a transgenic pig generated by the ICSI-mediated method. A bicistronic gene constituted of the human albumin (hALB) and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) genes was introduced into pig oocytes by the ICSI-mediated method. Transfer of 702 embryos produced by the ICSI-mediated method into five gilts resulted in 4 pregnancies. When three of the recipients, which had received total 312 of the embryos were autopsied, 32 including 1 transgenic fetuses were obtained. One of the recipients gave birth to three live piglets including one transgenic pig, showing a strong green fluorescence in the eyeballs, oral mucous membrane and subcutaneous tissues. Fluorescent microscopy revealed uniform GFP expression in all cell lines established from kidney, lung and muscle of the founder transgenic pig obtained. Nuclear transfer of these cells resulted in stable in vitro development of cloned embryos into the blastocyst stage, ranging from 12.9 to 19.8%. When 767 of the nuclear transfer embryos were transferred to 5 recipients, all became pregnant and gave birth to a total of six live transgenic-clones. The transgene copy number and integrity in the founder pig were maintained in the primary culture cells established from the founder as well as in the clones produced from these cells. Our study demonstrates that the ICSI-mediated gene transfer is an efficient and practical method to produce transgenic pigs, using frozen sperm heads and in vitro matured oocytes. It was also shown that combination of ICSI-mediated transgenesis and nuclear transfer is a feasible technology of great potential in transgenic pig production.  相似文献   

We investigated features of the spatial pattern of electrical bistable states of dendrites using a computer model of an abducens motoneuron with the dendritic branching reconstructed in detail. The dendritic membrane has an N-shaped current-voltage relation (I-V curve) determined mainly by the presence of L-type calcium channels. Such channels, according to indirect experimental data, are present in the dendrites of these cells together with glutamatergic NMDA-type channels also capable of determining electrical bistability of the membrane and the corresponding specific patterns of electrical activity generated by such neurons. For our model, we obtained steady-state local I-V curves and transferred spatial distribution maps of the membrane potential difference (surface density of transmembrane currents), as well as increments of the axial dendritic current, to three-dimensional images of the reconstructed branching dendrites. The latter increments determine the contribution of a dendritic site in general axial current delivering the charge to the trigger zone of a neuron. The simulation results showed that incorporation of non-inactivating calcium channels into dendritic membrane leads to the origination of a pattern of spatial distribution of bistable electrical states in the dendrites, which were not described earlier. Such features are most important under conditions of a stable state of high depolarization of the relevant parts of the dendrites. In this case, the respective feature was the existence of a zone of maximum density of the inward transmembrane current, which covers areas of first-order branching of all dendrites. Since the greatest relative contribution to the total current belongs to the inward calcium current, the above zone of first branchings can be considered a “hot spot” zone characterized by increased entry of Ca2+. This may have important functional consequences for local intracellular calcium signaling.  相似文献   

IgE antigen complexes induce increased specific T cell proliferation and increased specific IgG production. Immediately after immunization, CD23+ B cells capture IgE antigen complexes, transport them to the spleen where, via unknown mechanisms, dendritic cells capture the antigen and present it to T cells. CD23, the low affinity IgE receptor, binds IgE antigen complexes and internalizes them. In this study, we show that these complexes are processed onto B-cell derived exosomes (bexosomes) in a CD23 dependent manner. The bexosomes carry CD23, IgE and MHC II and stimulate antigen specific T-cell proliferation in vitro. When IgE antigen complex stimulated bexosomes are incubated with dendritic cells, dendritic cells induce specific T-cell proliferation in vivo, similar to IgE antigen complexes. This suggests that bexosomes can provide the essential transfer mechanism for IgE antigen complexes from B cells to dendritic cells.  相似文献   

目的 利用体细胞脂蛋白脂酶 (lipoproteinlipase ,LPL)有益变异体基因转移方法 ,救治原本在出生后两天内全部死亡的LPL基因敲除纯合子小鼠。方法 以腺病毒为载体 ,在初生小鼠肌肉内表达LPL基因有益突变体 ,观察救治存活后成年动物的表型变化。结果 本法救治纯合子小鼠的成功率达到 75 % ,大大高于以野生型LPL基因救治的国外研究。存活的成年纯合子小鼠表现为极度高脂血症。结论 利用LPL基因突变体进行体细胞基因转移可成功救治LPL基因敲除纯合子小鼠 ,并建立了极度高脂血症动物模型。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic application of picosecond spectroscopic techniques to bacterial reaction centers has led to a much greater understanding of the chemical nature of the initial steps of photosynthesis. Within 10 ps after excitation, a charge transfer complex is formed between the primary donor, a “special pair” of bacteriochlorophyll molecules, and a transient acceptor involving bacteriopheophytin. This complex subsequently decays in about 120 ps by donating the electron to a metastable acceptor, a tightly bound quinone.

Recent experiments with conventional optical and ESR techniques have shown that when reaction centers are illuminated by a series of single turnover flashes in the presence of excess electron donors and acceptors, a stable, anionic ubisemiquinone is formed on odd flashes and destroyed on even flashes, suggesting that the acceptor region contains a second quinone that acts as a two-electron gate between the reaction center and subsequent electron transport events involving the quinone pool.

Utilizing standard picosecond techniques, we have examined the decay of the charge transfer complex in reaction centers in the presence of the stable semiquinone, formed by flash illumination with a dye laser 10 s before excitation by a picosecond pulse. In this state the decay rate for the charge transfer complex is considerably slower than when no electron is present in the quinone acceptor region. This indicates fairly strong coupling between constituents of the reaction center-quinone acceptor complex and may provide a probe into the relative positions of the various components.


Studying ion channel currents generated distally from the recording site is difficult because of artifacts caused by poor space clamp and membrane filtering. A computational model can quantify artifact parameters for correction by simulating the currents only if their exact anatomical location is known. We propose that the same artifacts that confound current recordings can help pinpoint the source of those currents by providing a signature of the neuron’s morphology. This method can improve the recording quality of currents initiated at the spike initiation zone (SIZ) that are often distal to the soma in invertebrate neurons. Drosophila being a valuable tool for characterizing ion currents, we estimated the SIZ location and quantified artifacts in an identified motoneuron, aCC/MN1-Ib, by constructing a novel multicompartmental model. Initial simulation of the measured biophysical channel properties in an isopotential Hodgkin-Huxley type neuron model partially replicated firing characteristics. Adding a second distal compartment, which contained spike-generating Na+ and K+ currents, was sufficient to simulate aCC’s in vivo activity signature. Matching this signature using a reconstructed morphology predicted that the SIZ is on aCC’s primary axon, 70 μm after the most distal dendritic branching point. From SIZ to soma, we observed and quantified selective morphological filtering of fast activating currents. Non-inactivating K+ currents are filtered ∼3 times less and despite their large magnitude at the soma they could be as distal as Na+ currents. The peak of transient component (NaT) of the voltage-activated Na+ current is also filtered more than the magnitude of slower persistent component (NaP), which can contribute to seizures. The corrected NaP/NaT ratio explains the previously observed discrepancy when the same channel is expressed in different cells. In summary, we used an in vivo signature to estimate ion channel location and recording artifacts, which can be applied to other neurons.  相似文献   

Murzina  G. B.  Pivovarov  A. S. 《Biophysics》2019,64(3):393-399
Biophysics - Abstract—Possible causes of the positive modulating effect of noopept (in a concentration range of 0.1 to 10 nM) on the amplitude of the acetylcholine-induced input...  相似文献   

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