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The effect of muscle tissue alloplasty and He-Ne laser radiation on the skeletal muscle regeneration and thymus function was studied. Allogenic muscle tissue was implanted from an adult rat. Without laser irradiation (series 1), initial enhancement of thymus recovery observed on day 7 after alloplasty (a characteristic stress response to operation) was followed by gradual destructive changes in the thymus tissue. On day 30 after alloplasty, connective tissue developed in the implantation area in muscle regenerates, and the muscle tissue accounted for 64 ± 2%. Implantation of unirradiated allografts into the muscles of recipient rats preirradiated with a He-Ne laser (series 2) resulted in a nearly complete destruction of the thymus and suppression of its function; the mitotic index of thymocytes was low. These changes were observed throughout the experiment starting immediately after the operation. In this case, the allogenic transplant retained the ability to develop: the 30-day repairing muscles consisted of 71 ± 2% of muscle tissue. When an allograft preirradiated with a He-Ne laser was implanted into unirradiated rats (series 3), thymus destruction at the beginning of the postoperative period was much less significant than in series 2 but more pronounced than in series 1. Then, thymus recovered more rapidly, the allogenic transplant was resorbed, and the muscle tissue in the regenerates accounted for 62 ± 3%.  相似文献   

The effect of He-Ne laser (632.8 nm, 2.5–3.0 mW/cm2) on skeletal muscle regeneration proved to depend on the period of regenerating tissue exposure to the radiation. Ten 3-min exposures within 1–15 days after muscle injury at a dose of 4.5–5.4 J/cm2 per each operated limb accelerated the inflammation and regeneration of the muscle. The regenerates demonstrated a more muscular structure compared to laser therapy at later periods. The load on the thymus increased, its weight and cortical layer restoration decelerated, and aplasia was observed. The same dose of laser radiation in the period of days 16–30 increased the sclerotization of regenerating muscle tissue. The reactive changes in the thymus were less pronounced, the cortical layer recovery accelerated, and the mitotic index of thymocytes considerably increased. A three times lower laser radiation dose (1.5–1.8 J/cm2) in early regeneration inhibited inflammation and growth of the connective and muscle tissues compared to control. No increase in the functional activity of thymus was observed.  相似文献   

Right triceps surae of 3-week-old Wistar rats were minced and devitalized with liquid nitrogen, a treatment which completely inhibits their ability to regenerate when they are orthotopically autografted. In a first series of experiments, cells were isolated from the left triceps surae, mixed with the devitalized right mince and autografted; in a second series, cells were moreover allowed to proliferate in vitro for a few weeks before being grafted. The regenerates were examined 60 days after surgery. In the first series, all the regenerates were contractile and developed a maximal isometric tetanic force of 18 +/- 6 mN (n = 5); they contained 152 +/- 80 muscle fibres located proximally, the number of which decreased along the proximo-distal axis, being 24 +/- 24 in the median part of the regenerate. The muscle fibres appeared histologically normal except for their shortness (less than 10 mm) and narrowness (mean luminal diameter: 30 microns). In the second series, 2 out of 5 regenerates were comparable with those of the first series except that their fibres were shorter; the 3 other regenerates were unexcitable. These experiments demonstrate that cells isolated from an adult striated muscle are able to regenerate striated muscle fibres in an adult animal and that these cells can retain this property if they are grown in culture.  相似文献   

The sequential cytological events of the regeneration process, after partial excision of the gastrocnemius muscle in the rat, were followed by light and electron microscopy. During the first 2 days after injury leukocytes and macrophages infiltrate into the traumatized area. Myogenic regeneration is then characterized by mainly two repair mechanisms. Mononucleated cells, that populate the excised area, most probably fuse together to give rise to newly formed multinucleated myotubes that further develop to striated myofibers. Another mechanism involves the repair of injured muscle fibers by the possible fusion of mononucleated cells with their necrotic cut ends. Consequently, by addition of nuclei and new muscular material, sarcoplasmic outgrowths from the injured fibers are formed. It is concluded that mainly two repair mechanisms are involved in the regeneration process following partial excision of a muscle: addition of new muscle fibers in a process similar to that of embryonic myogenesis and also meristic growth from the injured fibers.  相似文献   

Effects of four and six weeks of immobilization at short length of gastrocnemius muscle on its architecture at optimum muscle length and length-force characteristics were studied. In general, immobilization effects were similar after 4 and 6 weeks. Smaller physiological cross-sectional area and lower muscle force were found as a consequence of immobilization. Muscle and aponeurosis were shorter. This was shown to be quantitatively related to atrophy i.e. smaller fibre diameter. Despite this atrophy no effects of immobilization on fibre and aponeurosis angles could be shown. Adaptation of the number of sarcomeres in series was found exclusively in distal fibres after 4 weeks of immobilization. No significant effects were found for proximal fibres of muscles at this time nor for any fibres after 6 weeks of immobilization. The effects of immobilization on muscle architecture did not affect the length range of active force exertion. It is concluded that muscle length adaptation as a consequence of short length immobilization is not related to adaptation of number of sarcomeres in series but to the occurrence of atrophy. It is also concluded that atrophy of pennate muscles does not have to be accompanied by a lower fibre and aponeurosis angle. Comparison of immobilized and control group rats indicates that the effects of immobilization can be characterized as a combination of retarded development of several variables and the influence of atrophy and its consequences.  相似文献   

Aerobic exercise training is associated with adaptive changes in skeletal muscles and their vascular bed; such changes in individual muscles may vary depending on their characteristics and recruitment. This study was aimed at comparing the effects of eight-week treadmill training on the locomotor and respiratory muscles in rats. The training course increased the aerobic performance in rats, which was evidenced by an increase in maximum O2 consumption and a decrease in the blood lactate concentration in ramp test. The succinate dehydrogenase activity was increased in the red portion of the gastrocnemius muscle, but not in the diaphragm of trained rats. Arterial segments were isolated from feed arteries and studied by wire myography. The relaxation in response to acetylcholine in gastrocnemius arteries in trained animals was higher as compared with controls (due to higher NO production), while contractile responses to noradrenaline (in the presence of propranolol) were not changed. On the contrary, the endothelial function of diaphragm arteries was not affected by training, but contractile responses to activation of α-adrenoceptors were markedly increased. Thus, aerobic training may increase the blood supply rate to both locomotor and respiratory muscles, but the underlying regulatory mechanisms are different. The results obtained allow us to reveal the physiological mechanisms that determine the physical performance of the body under conditions of compromised functioning of the respiratory system.  相似文献   

By means of 3H-thymidine, radioautographic investigation of lymphocytopoiesis has been performed in the cortex and medulla of the rat thymus for 2 weeks after birth. In the newborn animals the index of labelled nuclei (ILN) in the medulla is higher than in the cortex. By the 14th day after birth a progressive drop of lymphocytes including the isotope takes place in the medulla. The decrease of ILN in the medulla occurs against the background of increasing amount of epithelioreticulocytes with vacuoles and dystrophic changes in the nucleus and cytoplasm, that make groups of Hassal's bodies.  相似文献   

1. Within the range of the given conditions of measuring static and dynamic properties of the rabbit gastrocnemius muscle the following results were obtained: a) the dependence of the maxima of isotonic shortening upon the relative length of the muscle at constant load is linear; b) the parameters of the non-linear dependence of the passive elastic force of the muscle upon its relative length (measured in series) were identified using asymptotic regression; c) the time course of isotonic contractions (at an interval from 0 to 0.3 s after the beginning of stimulation) could be satisfactorily approximated by responses of a linear system to a step-function; d) the time course of isometric contractions (at an interval from 0 to 0.3 s after the beginning of stimulation) could be closely approximated by responses of a linear system to a step-function. 2. The time constants of isotonic and isometric contractions were determined as the parameters of the corresponding linear systems. 3. The maximum rates of the isometric and isotonic contractions were determined as maxima of the first derivatives of the responses of the corresponding models. 4. The experimental set-up made it possible to compare the values of the parameters concomitantly followed at various muscle lengths and at various loads.  相似文献   

In the present study the implantation of nonexposed muscle tissue to the site of injury in irradiated musculus gastrocnemius and following laser therapy were applied in order to stimulate this muscle's posttraumatic regeneration in old rats. It was shown that a far larger amount of functionally active muscle tissue was formed at the site of injury compared with rats received laser therapy alone or the ones which were only implanted nonexposed minced muscle tissue. The muscle tissue consisted of muscle fibers which originated from the grafted pieces of nonexposed skeletal muscle and the ones produced by myofibers of muscle stumps recovered after irradiation. The connective tissue developed more evenly. The formation of adipose tissue was not observed at the site of injury. Moreover, the skin wound healing and the hair growth were stimulated as well.  相似文献   

It is well known that arterial smooth muscle cells (SMC) of adult rats, cultured in a medium containing fetal calf serum (FCS), replicate actively and lose the expression of differentiation markers, such as desmin, smooth muscle (SM) myosin and alpha-SM actin. We report here that compared to freshly isolated cells, primary cultures of SMC from newborn animals show no change in the number of alpha-SM actin containing cells and a less important decrease in the number of desmin and SM myosin containing cells than that seen in primary cultures of SMC from adult animals; moreover, contrary to what is seen in SMC cultured from adult animals, they show an increase of alpha-SM actin mRNA level, alpha-SM actin synthesis and expression per cell. These features are partially maintained at the 5th passage, when the cytoskeletal equipment of adult SMC has further evolved toward dedifferentiation. Cloned newborn rat SMC continue to express alpha-SM actin, desmin and SM myosin at the 5th passage. Thus, newborn SMC maintain, at least in part, the potential to express differentiated features in culture. Heparin has been proposed to control proliferation and differentiation of arterial SMC. When cultured in the presence of heparin, newborn SMC show an increase of alpha-SM actin synthesis and content but no modification of the proportion of alpha-SM actin total (measured by Northern blots) and functional (measured by in vitro translation in a reticulocyte lysate) mRNAs compared to control cells cultured for the same time in FCS containing medium. This suggests that heparin action is exerted at a translational or post-translational level. Cultured newborn rat aortic SMC furnish an in vitro model for the study of several aspects of SMC differentiation and possibly of mechanisms leading to the establishment and prevention of atheromatous plaques.  相似文献   

Marsh, Daniel R., David S. Criswell, James A. Carson, andFrank W. Booth. Myogenic regulatory factors during regeneration ofskeletal muscle in young, adult, and old rats. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4): 1270-1275, 1997.Myogenicfactor mRNA expression was examined during muscle regeneration afterbupivacaine injection in Fischer 344/Brown Norway F1 rats aged 3, 18, and 31 mo of age (young, adult, and old, respectively). Mass of thetibialis anterior muscle in the young rats had recovered to controlvalues by 21 days postbupivacaine injection but in adult and old ratsremained 40% less than that of contralateral controls at 21 and 28 days of recovery. During muscle regeneration, myogenin mRNA wassignificantly increased in muscles of young, adult, and old rats 5 daysafter bupivacaine injection. Subsequently, myogenin mRNA levels inyoung rat muscle decreased to postinjection control values byday 21 but did not return to controlvalues in 28-day regenerating muscles of adult and old rats. Theexpression of MyoD mRNA was also increased in muscles atday 5 of regeneration in young, adult,and old rats, decreased to control levels by day14 in young and adult rats, and remained elevated inthe old rats for 28 days. In summary, either a diminished ability todownregulate myogenin and MyoD mRNAs in regenerating muscle occurs inold rat muscles, or the continuing myogenic effort includes elevatedexpression of these mRNAs.


TRH and TRH-OH in the pancreas of adult and newborn rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TRH and its metabolite TRH-OH have been measured by specific radioimmunoassays in acid extracts of pancreas in adults and developing rats. TRH and TRH-OH immunoreactivity had the same ontogenic pattern with a maximal concentration on day 4 followed by a progressive return towards adult levels on day 20. A significant linear correlation was found between TRH levels and the TRH/TRH-OH ratio. The range of TRH/TRH-OH ratio varied from 136 +/- 1.6, at the peak of concentrations of both peptides, to 18 +/- 3.9 on day 20. Pancreatic TRH and TRH-OH had the same elution pattern as corresponding synthetic peptides both on Biogel P2 and high-pressure liquid chromatography. The origin of TRH-OH as well as its potential function need further investigations.  相似文献   

The efficacy of high-load, short-duration isometric contractions, delivered as one vs. two sessions per day, on blunting inactivity-induced adaptations in the medial gastrocnemius (MG) were compared. Adult rats were assigned to a control (Con) or spinal cord-isolated (SI) group where one limb was stimulated (SI-Stim) while the other served as a SI control (SI-C). One bout of stimulation (BION microstimulator) consisted of a 100-Hz, 1-s stimulus, delivered every 30 s for 5 min with a 5-min rest period. This bout was repeated six times consecutively (SI-Stim1) or with a 9-h rest interval after the third bout (SI-Stim2) for 30 consecutive days. MG weights (relative to body weight) were 63, 72, and 79% of Con in SI-C, SI-Stim1, and SI-Stim2, respectively. Mean fiber size was 56% smaller in SI-C than in Con, and it was 19 and 31% larger in SI-Stim1 and SI-Stim2, respectively, compared with SI-C. Maximum tetanic tension was 42, 60, and 73% of Con in SI-C, SI-Stim1, and SI-Stim2, respectively. Specific tension was 77% of Con in SI-C, and at Con levels in both SI-Stim groups. SI increased the percent IIb myosin heavy chain composition (from 49 to 77%) and IIb+ fibers (from 63 to 79%): these adaptations were prevented by both Stim paradigms. These results demonstrate that 1) brief periods of high-load isometric contractions are effective in reducing inactivity-induced atrophy, functional deficits, and phenotypic adaptations in a fast hindlimb extensor, and 2) the same amount of stimulation distributed in two compared with one session per day is more effective in ameliorating inactivity-related adaptations.  相似文献   

Changes of architecture of adult rat gastrocnemius medialis muscle (GM) due to growth were studied in relation to length-force characteristics. Myofilament lengths were unchanged, indicating constant sarcomere length-force characteristics. Number of sarcomeres within fibers was unchanged as a consequence of growth, allowing persistence of differences between proximal and distal fibers in all age groups. Distal fiber length at muscle optimum length was shorter for the 14- than for the 10- and 16-week age groups despite a lack of difference of number of sarcomeres. This is indicative of a shift of optimum length. Some evidence for the occurrence of distribution of fiber optimum lengths with respect to muscle optimum length was found in other age groups as well, albeit of a smaller magnitude. Muscle and aponeurosis length increased substantially with growth. Functional effects of increased aponeurosis lengths were increased contributions to muscle length changes by the aponeurosis, allowing smaller fiber contributions in older animals. Fiber angle increased approximately 5 degrees with growth. Despite the differences of architecture indicated above, muscle length range between optimum length and active slack length was constant. This was probably caused by widening of this length range in the youngest age group by variations of architecture within the muscle. It is concluded that adaptation of aspects of muscle architecture is an important mechanism for adult muscle growth in rat GM. Of these aspects regulation of muscle length seems a dominant factor.  相似文献   

Summary Methyl-bupivacaine is a local anaesthetic with a selective myotoxic action. A single subcutaneous injection of the drug into the hind leg of adult rats produces a uniform, complete and irreversible destruction of superficial layers of fibres in the underlying extensor digitorum longus muscle. The degeneration of muscle fibres is followed by phagocytosis and a rapid and complete regeneration.The first stage in the regeneration process is the appearance of presumptive myoblasts within the original basement membrane of the sarcolemmal tube. On the second day after injury aggregates of myoblasts are present and fusion is observed between the cells. The myotubes thus formed increase in size by fusing with additional myoblasts. Myotubes are also observed to fuse with one another. On the fifth day after injury the regeneration process has proceeded to the stage of early muscle fibres with fully differentiated myofibrils with typical sarcomere structures. By ten days only mature muscle fibres of about normal size are present and regeneration appears complete.In previously denervated and methyl-bupivacaine treated muscles the stages of regeneration are similar to those observed in innervated muscles, the only apparent difference being a slowing of cell differentiation and incomplete maturation.An electrophysiological study shows that the motor nerve at the third day after injury forms synaptic contacts with regenerating muscle cells. At that stage of myogenesis the myotubes are highly sensitive to applied acetylcholine.1 (1-n-butyl-DL-piperidine-2-carboxylic acid-2,6-dimethyl-anilide-hydrochloride); Marcaine®, manufactured by AB Bofors, Nobel-Pharma, Mölndal, Sweden.The study was carried out under the auspicies of The Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and the Royal Academy of Sciences in Sweden.  相似文献   

Different effects of halothane on diaphragm and hindlimb muscle in rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of halothane administration on diaphragm and tibialis anterior (TA) muscle were investigated in 30 anesthetized mechanically ventilated rats. Diaphragmatic strength was assessed in 17 rats by measuring the abdominal pressure (Pab) generated during supramaximal stimulation of the intramuscular phrenic nerve endings at frequencies of 0.5, 30, and 100 Hz. Halothane was administered during 30 min at a constant minimum alveolar concentration (MAC): 0.5, 1, and 1.5 MAC in three groups of five rats. For each MAC, Pab was significantly reduced for all frequencies of stimulation except at 100 Hz during 0.5 MAC halothane exposure. The effects of halothane (0.5, 1, and 1.5 MAC) on diaphragmatic neuromuscular transmission were assessed in five other rats by measuring the integrated electrical activity of the diaphragm (Edi) during electrical stimulation of the phrenic nerve. No change in Edi was observed during halothane exposure. In five other rats TA contraction was studied by measuring the strength of isometric contraction of the muscle during electrical stimulation of its nerve supply at different frequencies (0.5, 30, and 100 Hz). Muscle function was unchanged during administration of halothane in a cumulative fashion from 0.5 to 1.5 MAC. These results demonstrate that halothane does not affect hindlimb muscle function, whereas it had a direct negative inotropic effect on rat diaphragmatic muscle.  相似文献   

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