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Phenotypic characterization of a photomorphogenic mutant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Light is arguably the most important abiotic factor controlling plant growth and development throughout their life cycle. Plants have evolved sophisticated light-sensing mechanisms to monitor fluctuations in light quality, intensity, direction and periodicity (day length). In Arabidopsis, three families of photoreceptors have been identified by molecular genetic studies. The UV-A/blue light receptors cryptochromes and the red/far-red receptors phytochromes control an overlapping set of responses including photoperiodic flowering induction and de-etiolation. Phototropins are the primary photoreceptors for a set of specific responses to UV-A/blue light such as phototropism, chloroplast movement and stomatal opening. Mutants affecting a photoreceptor have a characteristic phenotype. It is therefore possible to determine the specific developmental responses and the photoreceptor pathway(s) affected in a mutant by performing an appropriate set of photobiological and genetic experiments. In this paper, we outline the principal and easiest experiments that can be performed to obtain a first indication about the nature of the photobiological defect in a given mutant.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1992,16(2):146-154
A trifluoperazine-resistant (TFP1) mutant (strain G5) ofMucor rouxii was isolated and some biochemical and physiological parameters were studied. It resisted up to 250 μM TFP compared to 100 μM observed for the wild-type strain. At this drug concentration the mutant strain G5 germinated, grew, exhibited yeast-mycelium transition, and chitin synthesisin vivo. The mutant strain presentedin vitro levels of calmodulin activity similar to those of the wild-type, but with less sensitivity to inhibition by TFP. Also, with regard to spore germination and cell growth, mutant G5 presented cross-resistance to calmidazolium, another potent anticalmodulin drug. Partially purified chitin synthetase preparations of mutant G5 exhibited a diminished enzymatic activity, compared to the wild-type. The results presented in this work suggest the participation of a Ca2+-calmodulin complex in growth and differentiative processes ofMucor and substantiate the role of this complex in chitin synthesis.  相似文献   

Phenotypic characterization of Leuconostoc species   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A numerical taxonomic analysis was performed on 81 strains belonging to the Gram-positive, heterofermentative genus Leuconostoc . These came from different raw milk samples used for cheese manufacture, milk starters, wine and culture collections. Strains were examined for 197 phenotypic characters. On the basis of carbohydrate fermentation, citrate use and dextran production, all the strains were recovered in three clusters at a similarity level of 38% Sj. One cluster was composed entirely of the 11 L. mesenteroides subsp. cremoris strains, characterized by a poor carbohydrate fermentation capacity. The second cluster was very heterogeneous: it contained 60 strains that fermented many carbohydrates, but it was not possible to discriminate between the named species. The third cluster consisted of the 10 L. oenos strains. The addition of antibiotic resistance responses and enzymatic profiles (arylamidase, esterase and hydrolase activities) yielded no significant difference between the strains and did not allow a better discrimination. Only the attribution of a taxonomic weight to some carbohydrate fermentation tests and the use of genetic analyses can resolve the strain identification.  相似文献   



Chronic mesenteric ischemia is a condition that is classically associated with significant atherosclerosis of the abdominal arteries, causing postprandial abdominal pain out of proportion to physical examination. The abdominal pain is exacerbated after meals due to the shunting of blood away from the intestines to the stomach, causing relative ischemia. More than 95% of chronic mesenteric ischemia cases are due to atherosclerosis. We report the first known case of chronic mesenteric ischemia from fibromuscular dysplasia. To the best of our knowledge, this is also the first known case in the literature where postprandial abdominal pain was the presenting symptom of fibromuscular dysplasia.

Case presentation

A 44-year-old Caucasian woman with a history of hypertension and preeclampsia, who had taken oral contraceptive pills for 15 years, presented with an intractable, colicky abdominal pain of two weeks duration. This abdominal pain worsened with oral intake. It was also associated with diarrhea and vomiting. Physical examination revealed stage III hypertension out of proportion to her risk factors and diffuse abdominal pain without peritoneal signs. An abdominal computed tomography scan, completed in the emergency room, revealed nonspecific colitis. Laboratory work revealed leukocytosis with a left shift, an erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 79 and a C-reactive protein level of 100. She was started on intravenous flagyl and intravenous ciprofloxacin. However, all microbial cultures were negative including three cultures for clostridium difficile. Urine analysis revealed nephritic range proteinuria. The laboratory profile was within normal limits for perinuclear-anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, cytoplasmic-anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody, antinuclear antibody test, celiac profile, lactate, carbohydrate antigen-125 and thyroid stimulating hormone. A colonoscopy was completed, which revealed diffuse colonic lymphoid reactive hyperplasia. A small bowel series was negative for any inflammation. An indium scan, pan-computed tomography scan and transvaginal ultrasound were also negative. Magnetic resonance angiography of her abdomen revealed proximal superior mesenteric artery stenosis, which was confirmed by computed tomography angiogram findings of severe proximal and distal superior mesenteric artery stenosis, consistent with the appearance of fibromuscular dysplasia on angiography in the absence of vasculitis or atherosclerotic disease. The patient's superior mesenteric artery stenosis was subsequently angioplastied suboptimally and had to be stented with an Angioplus stent. One month after she was admitted, her abdominal pain and tolerance to oral feeds improved tremendously.


Fibromuscular dysplasia most commonly presents with renal artery stenosis, which rarely causes abdominal pain. This case illustrates how fibromuscular dysplasia can present as a rare cause of chronic mesenteric ischemia, similar to chronic mesenteric ischemia from atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

A mutation in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv `Xanthi') called lat (low auxin transport) that changes many morphogenic features throughout the life of the plant has been isolated. Abnormalities were observed in seed development, embryogenesis, cotyledon formation, leaf initiation and development, leaf veination pattern, and flower development. Selfed R2 lat mutant plants set between 60% and 90% fewer seeds than wild-type tobacco, and about 10% of these seeds did not germinate. Non-germinating seeds contained either abnormal embryos or abnormal endosperm tissues. There was no uniformity in the stage at which embryonic development ceased in the aberrant seeds. Seedlings often revealed abnormal and highly varied phenotypes after germination. In some of these cases, cotyledons were heart-shaped, fused, cup-shaped, or cylindrical. Leaf morphology ranged from normal to cup-shaped, and some leaves occasionally produced shoots from the leaf midvein. Flowers ranged from normal to compound with occasional fused floral parts or split petals. Stamens were sometimes petal-like. This unusual assortment of phenotypic changes suggested that the mutation might affect a basic component of plant metabolism. We found that polar transport of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was reduced to about 9–19% of the wild-type level in the inflorescence axis of selfed R2 lat mutants. In addition, supplementation of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) to sterile media suppressed some of the abnormalities of the lat mutation so long as the plants grew there. Similarities in the phenotype of embryos, cotyledon and leaf shapes, translocation of labeled IAA, and response to applied NAA indicate that the lat locus of tobacco may be analogous to the pin locus of Arabidopsis, or produce a protein that functions in the same auxin-transport pathway. Received: 18 March 1997 / Revision received: 1 May 1997 / Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

The phenotypic diversity of breast carcinoma may be explained by the existence of a sub-population of breast cancer cells, endowed with stem cell-like properties and gene expression profiles, able to differentiate along different pathways. A stem cell-like population of CD44+CD24−/low breast cancer cells was originally identified using cells from metastatic pleural effusions of breast carcinoma patients. We have previously reported that upon in vitro culture as mammospheres under stem cell-like conditions, human MA-11 breast carcinoma cells acquired increased tumorigenicity and lost CD24 expression compared with the parental cell line. We now report that upon passage of MA-11 mammospheres into serum-supplemented cultures, CD24 expression was restored; the rapid increase in CD24 expression was consistent with up-regulation of the antigen, and not with in vitro selection of CD24+ cells. In tumors derived from subcutaneous injection of MA-11 mammospheres in athymic nude mice, 76.1 ± 9.7% of cells expressed CD24, vs. 0.5 ± 1% in MA-11 cells dissociated from mammospheres before injection. The tumorigenicity of sorted CD44+CD24 and CD44+CD24high MA-11 cells was equal. Single cell-sorted CD24 and CD24high MA-11 gave rise in vitro to cell populations with heterogeneous CD24 expression. Also, subcutaneous tumors derived from sorted CD24 sub-populations and single-cell clones had levels of CD24 expression similar to the unsorted cells. To investigate whether the high expression of CD24 contributed to the tumorigenic potential of MA-11 cells, we silenced CD24 by shRNA. CD24 silencing (95%) resulted in no difference in tumorigenicity upon s.c. injection in athymic nude mice compared with mock-transduced MA-11 cells. Since CD24 silencing was maintained in vivo, our data suggest that the level of expression of CD24 is associated with but does not contribute to tumorigenicity. We then compared the molecular profile of the mammospheres with the adherent cell fraction. Gene expression profiling revealed that the increased tumorigenicity of MA-11 mammospheres was associated with changes in 10 signal transduction pathways, including MAP kinase, Notch and Wnt, and increased expression of aldehyde dehydrogenase, a cancer-initiating cell-associated marker. Our data demonstrate that (i) the level of CD24 expression is neither a stable feature of mammosphere-forming cells nor confers tumorigenic potential to MA-11 cells; (ii) cancer-initiating cell-enriched MA-11 mammospheres have activated specific signal transduction pathways, potential targets for anti-breast cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Although the protective role of HO-1 induction in various forms of kidney disease is well established, mechanisms other than heme catabolism to biliverdin, bilirubin and carbon monoxide have recently been identified. Unraveling these mechanisms requires the generation of appropriate animal models. The present study describes the generation of a HO-1 deficient Hmox1 ?/? rat model and characterizes its renal and extrarenal phenotype. Hmox1 ?/? rats had growth retardation and splenomegaly compared to their Hmox1 +/+ littermates. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis-type lesions and interstitial inflammatory infiltrates were prominent morphologic findings and were associated with increased blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine and albuminuria. There was no increase in iron deposition in glomeruli, tubules or interstitium. Iron deposition in spleen and liver was reduced. Electron microscopic examination of glomeruli revealed edematous podocytes with scant areas of foot process effacement but otherwise well preserved processes and slit-diaphragms. Of the filtration barrier proteins examined, β-catenin expression was markedly reduced both in glomeruli and extrarenal tissues. Since the rat is the preferred laboratory animal in experimental physiology and pathophysiology, the rat model of HO-1 deficiency may provide a novel tool for investigation of the role of this enzyme in renal function and disease.  相似文献   

Although bacteria have diverse membrane proteins, the function of many of them remains unknown or uncertain even in Escherichia coli. In this study, to investigate the function of hypothetical membrane proteins, genome-wide analysis of phenotypes of hypothetical membrane proteins was performed under various envelope stresses. Several genes responsible for adaptation to envelope stresses were identified. Among them, deletion of YhcB, a conserved inner membrane protein of unknown function, caused high sensitivities to various envelope stresses and increased membrane permeability, and caused growth defect under normal growth conditions. Furthermore, yhcB deletion resulted in morphological aberration, such as branched shape, and cell division defects, such as filamentous growth and the generation of chromosome-less cells. The analysis of antibiotic susceptibility showed that the yhcB mutant was highly susceptible to various anti-folate antibiotics. Notably, all phenotypes of the yhcB mutant were completely or significantly restored by YhcB without the transmembrane domain, indicating that the localization of YhcB on the inner membrane is dispensable for its function. Taken together, our results demonstrate that YhcB is involved in cell morphology and cell division in a membrane localization-independent manner.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that the capsaicin receptor [transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV)1] may play a role in visceral mechanosensation. To address the potential role of TRPV1 in vagal sensory neurons, we developed a new in vitro technique allowing us to determine TRPV1 expression directly in physiologically characterized gastric sensory neurons. Stomach, esophagus, and intact vagus nerve up to the central terminations were carefully dissected and placed in a perfusion chamber. Intracellular recordings were made from the soma of nodose neurons during mechanical stimulation of the stomach. Physiologically characterized neurons were labeled iontophoretically with neurobiotin and processed for immunohistochemical experiments. As shown by action potential responses triggered by stimulation of the upper thoracic vagus with a suction electrode, essentially all abdominal vagal afferents in mice conduct in the C-fiber range. Mechanosensitive gastric afferents encode stimulus intensities over a wide range without apparent saturation when punctate stimuli are used. Nine of 37 mechanosensitive vagal afferents expressed TRPV1 immunoreactivity, with 8 of the TRPV1-positive cells responding to stretch. A small number of mechanosensitive gastric vagal afferents express neurofilament heavy chains and did not respond to stretch. By maintaining the structural and functional integrity of vagal afferents up to the nodose ganglion, physiological and immunohistochemical properties of mechanosensory gastric sensory neurons can be studied in vitro. Using this novel technique, we identified TRPV1 immunoreactivity in only one-fourth of gastric mechanosensitive neurons, arguing against a major role of this ion channel in sensation of mechanical stimuli under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma is a potentially lethal cancer with aggressive behavior and a propensity for metastatic spread. Due to the fact that the patterns of metastases from renal cell carcinomas are not clearly defined, there have been several reports of cases of renal cell carcinoma associated with rare metastatic sites and atypical presenting symptoms. The present review focuses on these atypical rare clinical presentations of renal cell carcinomas both at the time of diagnosis of the primary tumor but also in the years after radical nephrectomy.  相似文献   

BackgroundSquamous cells are normally not found inside the breast. Therefore, a primary squamous cell carcinoma of the breast is an exceptional phenomenon and the management of this type of disease is still debated.AimClinical outcome assessment of a patient with squamous cell carcinoma of the breast.Materials and methodsWe report a case of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the breast (T1cN0M0) in a 51-years-old woman who underwent breast conserving surgery plus adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy (RT).ResultsWith a follow up of 43 months, the patient is alive with no evidence of local or distant recurrence. The patient had Grade 2 acute skin toxicity. No late skin or respiratory toxicity was observed.ConclusionsPure primary squamous cell carcinoma of the breast is a rare and aggressive disease, often treatment-refractory. Our case shows that the addition of RT after breast conserving surgery, allows to achieve a high local control without adding severe toxicity. A multidisciplinary approach seems to be the optimal management for early stages in this rare disease.  相似文献   



Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a rare variety of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma which originates from CD5+ B-cell population in the mantle zones of lymphoid follicles. Coexistence of such tumours in the axillary lymph nodes with invasive breast cancers without prior history of adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy has not been previously reported in literature.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae is among the most common pathogens associated with chronic otitis media with effusion, which has been hypothesized to be a biofilm disease. S. pneumoniae has been shown to form biofilms, however, little is known about the developmental process, the architecture, and the changes that occur upon biofilm development. In the current study we made use of a continuous-culture biofilm system to characterize biofilm development of 14 different S. pneumoniae strains representing at least 10 unique serotypes. The biofilm development process was found to occur in three distinct stages, including initial attachment, cluster formation, and biofilm maturation. While all 14 pneumococcal strains displayed similar developmental stages, the mature biofilm architecture differed significantly among the serotypes tested. Overall, three biofilm architectural groups were detected based on biomass, biofilm thickness, and cluster size. The biofilm viable cell counts and total protein concentration increased steadily over the course of biofilm development, reaching approximately 8 x 10(8) cells and approximately 15 mg of protein per biofilm after 9 days of biofilm growth. Proteomic analysis confirmed the presence of distinct biofilm developmental stages by the detection of multiple phenotypes over the course of biofilm development. The biofilm development process was found to correlate not only with differential production of proteins but also with a dramatic increase in the number of detectable proteins, indicating that biofilm formation by S. pneumoniae may be a far more complex process than previously anticipated. Protein identification revealed that proteins involved in virulence, adhesion, and resistance were more abundant under biofilm growth conditions. A possible role of the identified proteins in biofilm formation is discussed.  相似文献   

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