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Lyttle TW 《Genetics》1979,91(2):339-357
The accumulation of modifiers of the meiotic-drive locus Segregation Distorter (SD) in Drosophila melanogaster was monitored by measuring the changes in the mean and variance of drive strength (in terms of "make" value) that occur in laboratory populations when SD and SD+ chromosomes are in direct competition. The particular SD lines used are T(Y;2),SD translocations showing pseudo-Y drive. Four sets of population cages were analyzed. Two sets were monitored for changes in SD fitness and drive strength (presumed to be positively correlated) and analyzed for the presence of autosomal dominant or X-linked modifiers after long periods of time. The remaining two sets were made up of cages either made isogenic or variable for background genetic material, and these were used to test whether the rate of accumulation of modifiers was dependent on initial genetic variability.—Contrary to previous studies in which most suppression of SD action could apparently be attributed to a few dominantly acting modifiers of large effect, the conclusion here is that laboratory populations that are initially free of such major dominant loci evolve to suppress SD action by accumulating polygenic, recessive modifiers, each of small effect, and that much of the required genetic variability can be generated de novo by mutation. Possible explanations for these seemingly incompatible results and the evolutionary implications for SD are considered.  相似文献   

Transmission ratio distortion (TRD) associated with mouse t haplotypes causes +/t males to transmit the t-bearing chromosome to nearly all their offspring. Of the several genes involved in this phenomenon, the t complex responder (Tcr(t)) locus is absolutely essential for TRD to occur. A candidate Tcr(t) gene called Tcp10b(t) was previously cloned from the genetically defined Tcr(t) region. Its location, restricted expression in testis, and a unique postmeiotic alternative splicing pattern supported the idea that Tcp10b(t) was Tcr(t). To test this hypothesis in a functional assay, ES cells were derived from a viable partial t haplotype, and the Tcp10b(t) gene was mutated by homologous recombination. Mutant mice were mated to appropriate partial t haplotypes to determine whether the targeted chromosome exhibited transmission ratios characteristic of the responder. The results demonstrated that the targeted chromosome retained full responder activity. Hence, Tcp10b(t) does not appear to be Tcr(t). These and other observations necessitate a reevaluation of genetic mapping data and the actual nature of the responder.  相似文献   

M. J. Justice  V. C. Bode 《Genetics》1988,120(2):533-543
The t region of mouse chromosome 17 exhibits recombination suppression with wild-type chromatin. However, the region has resisted classical genetic dissection because of a lack of defined variants. Mutations induced by N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) at the Brachyury (T), quaking (qk), and tufted (tf) loci of the mouse tw5 haplotype have now allowed the analysis of crossovers between two complete t haplotypes. A classical breeding analysis of the complete t haplotypes, tw5 and t12, utilizing the newly induced markers, reveals two inversions in t chromatin: one involving T and qk, and one involving tf and the H-2 complex. Moreover, the recombination frequency between the loci of T and qk is reduced compared to the frequency reported in normal chromatin. These two inversions are a sufficient explanation for the recombination inhibition with normal chromatin exhibited by t haplotypes isolated from the wild. Furthermore, the reduced recombination frequency between T and qk may indicate that the proximal gene rearrangement is not a simple inversion.  相似文献   

In previous studies, 13 different recessive embryonic lethal genes have been associated with t haplotypes in the wild mice of the species Mus domesticus. In this communication we have analyzed five populations of Mus musculus for the presence and identity of t haplotypes. The populations occupy geographically distant regions in the Soviet Union: Altai Mountains, western and eastern Siberia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. No t haplotypes were found in mice from eastern Siberia. In the remaining four populations, t haplotypes occurred with frequencies ranging from 0.07 to 0.21. All the t haplotypes extracted from these populations and analyzed by the genetic complementation test were shown to carry the same lethal gene tcl-w73. In one population (that of western Siberia), another lethal gene (tcl-w5) was found to be present on the same chromosome as tcl-w73. This situation is in striking contrast to that found in the populations of the western form of the house mouse, M. domesticus. In the latter species, tcl-w73 has not been found at all and the different populations are characterized by the presence of several different lethal genes. The low diversity of t haplotypes in M. musculus is consistent with lower genetic variability of other traits and indicates a different origin and speciation mode compared to M. domesticus. Serological typing for H-2 antigenic determinants suggests that most, if not all, of the newly described t haplotypes might have arisen by recombination of tw73 from M. musculus with t haplotypes from M. domesticus either in the hybrid zone between the two species or in regions where the two species mixed accidentally.  相似文献   

The distribution of alleles and haplotypes of three diallellic Y-specific loci (YAP, DYF155S2, and Tat) in the populations of Kyrgyz, Uzbeks and Tajiks was analyzed. In Kyrgyzes and Uzbeks, a relatively high frequency of the DYF155S2 deletion (20 and 12.5%, respectively) and the C allele at the Tat locus (11.2 and 8.3%, respectively) were revealed. In the populations of southern Kyrgyzes and Uzbeks, two chromosomes carrying the YAP+ allele were detected. In both cases the YAP+ allele was found within the YAP+/DYF155S2+/TatT haplotype. The Tajik population was monomorphic in respect to the polymorphisms studied. The Tajiks demonstrated the presence of only the YAP–/DYF155S2+/TatT haplotype. This haplotype appeared to be most frequent in Kyrgyz (78.8%) and Uzbeks (83.3%). The question on the origin and the distribution of Y-chromosome variants in Eurasia are discussed.  相似文献   

Two outstanding problems pertaining to the population dynamics and evolution of the t complex in mice concern the frequency of t haplotypes in the wild and the degree to which these haplotypes recombine with their wild-type homologs. To address these problems, the frequency and distribution of several t complex-associated restriction fragment variants in wild mice were estimated. Sixty-four versions of chromosome 17 from wild-derived Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus were examined with DNA probes for six loci within the t complex that exhibit restriction fragment variation. All six probes detect variants that have heretofore been found exclusively associated with the t complex. Haplotype analysis of wild-derived chromosomes revealed a high frequency (45.3%) of "mosaic" haplotypes with a mixture of t-specific and wild-type variants and only one haplotype with t-specific variants at all six loci. When 12 well-characterized t haplotypes isolated from diverse geographic regions were analyzed, only three had a complete set of t-specific restriction fragments for the six loci examined. The preponderance of mosaic haplotypes in both groups of mice can be explained by any one of the following hypotheses: genetic recombination between t haplotypes and their wild-type homologs, the persistence in wild populations of haplotypes that have descended from ancestral partial t haplotypes, or that the restriction fragment variants fixed in the ancestral t haplotype were also fixed in some wild-type haplotypes. There is evidence to support all three of these hypotheses in our data. The allelic composition of some mosaic haplotypes indicates that they may have been formed by segmental recombination, either double crossing over or gene conversion, rather than by simple single crossovers. The occurrence of indistinguishable mosaic haplotypes in both M. m. musculus and M. m. domesticus suggests that these haplotypes are ancestral rather than recently derived.  相似文献   

Changes in morphology have been postulated as one of the responses of animals to global warming, with increasing ambient temperatures leading to decreasing body size. However, the results of previous studies are inconsistent. Problems related to the analyses of trends in body size may be related to the short-term nature of data sets, to the selection of surrogates for body size, to the appropriate models for data analyses, and to the interpretation as morphology may change in response to ecological drivers other than climate and irrespective of size. Using generalized additive models, we analysed trends in three morphological traits of 4529 specimens of eleven bird species collected between 1889 and 2010 in southern Germany and adjacent areas. Changes and trends in morphology over time were not consistent when all species and traits were considered. Six of the eleven species displayed a significant association of tarsus length with time but the direction of the association varied. Wing length decreased in the majority of species but there were few significant trends in wing pointedness. Few of the traits were significantly associated with mean ambient temperatures. We argue that although there are significant changes in morphology over time there is no consistent trend for decreasing body size and therefore no support for the hypothesis of decreasing body size because of climate change. Non-consistent trends of change in surrogates for size within species indicate that fluctuations are influenced by factors other than temperature, and that not all surrogates may represent size appropriately. Future analyses should carefully select measures of body size and consider alternative hypotheses for change.  相似文献   

Neurospora fungi harbor a group of meiotic drive elements known as Spore killers (Sk). Spore killer-2 (Sk-2) and Spore killer-3 (Sk-3) are two Sk elements that map to a region of suppressed recombination. Although this recombination block is limited to crosses between Sk and Sk-sensitive (SkS) strains, its existence has hindered Sk characterization. Here we report the circumvention of this obstacle by combining a classical genetic screen with next-generation sequencing technology and three-point crossing assays. This approach has allowed us to identify a novel locus called rfk-1, mutation of which disrupts spore killing by Sk-2. We have mapped rfk-1 to a 45-kb region near the right border of the Sk-2 element, a location that also harbors an 11-kb insertion (Sk-2INS1) and part of a >220-kb inversion (Sk-2INV1). These are the first two chromosome rearrangements to be formally identified in a Neurospora Sk element, providing evidence that they are at least partially responsible for Sk-based recombination suppression. Additionally, the proximity of these chromosome rearrangements to rfk-1 (a critical component of the spore-killing mechanism) suggests that they have played a key role in the evolution of meiotic drive in Neurospora.  相似文献   

Investment in current reproduction should come at the expense of traits promoting future reproduction, such as immunity and longevity. To date, comparative studies of pace-of-life traits have provided some support for this, with slower paced species having greater immune function. Another means of investment in current reproduction is through secondary sexual characters (SSC). Investment in SSC''s is considered costly, both in terms of immunity and longevity, with greater costs being borne by species with more elaborate traits. Yet within species, females prefer more ornate males and those males are typically immunologically superior. Because of this, predictions about the relationship between immunity and SSC''s across species are not clear. If traits are costly, brighter species should have reduced immune function, but the opposite is true if SSC''s arise from selection for more immunocompetent individuals. My approach was to investigate immune investment in relation to SSC''s, pace-of-life and longevity while considering potentially confounding ecological factors. To do so I assessed leukocyte counts from in a novel group, the Psittaciformes. Investment in SSC''s best explained investment in immunity: species with brighter plumage had higher leukocyte counts and those with a greater degree of sexual dichromatism had fewer. Ecological variables and pace-of-life models tended to be poor predictors of immune investment. However, shorter incubation periods were associated with lower leukocyte counts supporting the notion that species with a fast pace-of-life invest less in immunity. These results suggest that investment in reproduction in terms of fast pace-of-life and sexual dichromatism results in reduced immunity; however, investment in plumage colour per se does not impose a cost on immunity across species.  相似文献   

Oocyte meiotic progression and maternal-to-zygote transition are accompanied by dynamic epigenetic changes. The functional significance of these changes and the key epigenetic regulators involved are largely unknown. Here we show that Setdb1, a lysine methyltransferase, controls the global level of histone H3 lysine 9 di-methyl (H3K9me2) mark in growing oocytes. Conditional deletion of Setdb1 in developing oocytes leads to meiotic arrest at the germinal vesicle and meiosis I stages, resulting in substantially fewer mature eggs. Embryos derived from these eggs exhibit severe defects in cell cycle progression, progressive delays in preimplantation development, and degeneration before reaching the blastocyst stage. Rescue experiments by expressing wild-type or inactive Setdb1 in Setdb1-deficient oocytes suggest that the catalytic activity of Setdb1 is essential for meiotic progression and early embryogenesis. Mechanistically, up-regulation of Cdc14b, a dual-specificity phosphatase that inhibits meiotic progression, greatly contributes to the meiotic arrest phenotype. Setdb1 deficiency also leads to derepression of transposons and increased DNA damage in oocytes, which likely also contribute to meiotic defects. Thus, Setdb1 is a maternal-effect gene that controls meiotic progression and is essential for early embryogenesis. Our results uncover an important link between the epigenetic machinery and the major signaling pathway governing meiotic progression.  相似文献   

Neuroticism is associated with cardiovascular disease, autonomic reactivity, and depression. Here we address the extent to which neuroticism accounts for the excess heart disease risk associated with depression and test whether cardiac autonomic tone plays a role as mediator. Subjects were derived from a nationally representative sample (n = 1,255: mean age 54.5, SD = 11.5). Higher neuroticism was associated with reduced heart rate variability equally under rest and stress. The baseline structural equation model revealed significant paths from neuroticism to heart rate variability, cardiovascular disease and depression, and between depression and cardiovascular disease, controlling for age, sex, height, weight, and BMI. Dropping both the neuroticism to heart rate variability, and neuroticism to heart disease paths significantly reduced the model fit (p < .001 in each case). We conclude that neuroticism has independent associations with both autonomic reactivity and cardiovascular disease, over and above its associations with depression and other related variables.  相似文献   

Errors in chromosome segregation during meiotic division in gametes can lead to aneuploidy that is subsequently transmitted to the embryo upon fertilization. The resulting aneuploidy in developing embryos is recognized as a major cause of pregnancy loss and congenital birth defects such as Down’s syndrome. Accurate chromosome segregation is critically dependent on the formation of the microtubule spindle apparatus, yet this process remains poorly understood in mammalian oocytes. Intriguingly, meiotic spindle assembly differs from mitosis and is regulated, at least in part, by unique microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs). Assessment of MTOC-associated proteins can provide valuable insight into the regulatory mechanisms that govern meiotic spindle formation and organization. Here, we describe methods to isolate mouse oocytes and deplete MTOC-associated proteins using a siRNA-mediated approach to test function. In addition, we describe oocyte fixation and immunofluorescence analysis conditions to evaluate meiotic spindle formation and organization.  相似文献   

Bilateral deficit (BLD) describes the phenomenon of a reduction in performance during synchronous bilateral (BL) movements when compared to the sum of identical unilateral (UL) movements. Despite a large body of research investigating BLD of maximal voluntary force (MVF) there exist a paucity of research examining the BLD for explosive strength. Therefore, this study investigated the BLD in voluntary and electrically-evoked explosive isometric contractions of the knee extensors and assessed agonist and antagonist neuromuscular activation and measurement artefacts as potential mechanisms. Thirteen healthy untrained males performed a series of maximum and explosive voluntary contractions bilaterally (BL) and unilaterally (UL). UL and BL evoked twitch and octet contractions were also elicited. Two separate load cells were used to measure MVF and explosive force at 50, 100 and 150 ms after force onset. Surface EMG amplitude was measured from three superficial agonists and an antagonist. Rate of force development (RFD) and EMG were reported over consecutive 50 ms periods (0–50, 50–100 and 100–150 ms). Performance during UL contractions was compared to combined BL performance to measure BLD. Single limb performance during the BL contractions was assessed and potential measurement artefacts, including synchronisation of force onset from the two limbs, controlled for. MVF showed no BLD (P = 0.551), but there was a BLD for explosive force at 100 ms (11.2%, P = 0.007). There was a BLD in RFD 50–100 ms (14.9%, P = 0.004), but not for the other periods. Interestingly, there was a BLD in evoked force measures (6.3–9.0%, P<0.001). There was no difference in agonist or antagonist EMG for any condition (P≥0.233). Measurement artefacts contributed minimally to the observed BLD. The BLD in volitional explosive force found here could not be explained by measurement issues, or agonist and antagonist neuromuscular activation. The BLD in voluntary and evoked explosive force might indicate insufficient stabiliser muscle activation during BL explosive contractions.  相似文献   

Excision and formation of a covalently closed circular transposon molecule are required for conjugative transposition of Tn916 but are not the only factors that limit the frequency of conjugative transposition from one host to another. We found that in gram-positive bacteria, an increase in the frequency of excision and circularization of Tn916 caused by expression of integrase (Int) and excisionase (Xis) from a xylose-inducible promoter does not lead to an increase in the frequency of conjugative transposition. We also found that the concentration of Int and Xis in the recipient cell does not limit the frequency of conjugative transposition and that increased excision does not result in increased expression of transfer functions required to mobilize a plasmid containing the Tn916 origin of transfer. We conclude that in gram-positive hosts in which the Tn916 functions Int and Xis are overexpressed, the frequency of conjugative transposition is limited by the availability of transfer functions.  相似文献   

The experimental population genetics of Y-chromosome drive in Drosophila melanogaster is approximated by studying the behavior of T(Y;2),SD lines. These exhibit "pseudo-Y" drive through the effective coupling of the Y chromosome to the second chromosome meiotic drive locus, Segregation distorter (SD). T(Y;2),SD males consequently produce only male offspring. When such lines are allowed to compete against structurally normal SD+ flies in population cages, T(Y;2),SD males increase in frequency according to the dynamics of a simple haploid selection model until the cage population is eliminated as a result of a deficiency in the number of adult females. Cage population extinction generally occurs within about seven generations.—Several conclusions can be drawn from these competition cage studies:

(1) Fitness estimates for the T(Y;2),SD lines (relative to SD+ ) are generally in the range of 2–4, and these values are corroborated by independent estimates derived from studies of migration-selection equilibrium.

(2) Fitness estimates are unaffected by cage replication, sample time, or the starting frequency of T(Y;2),SD males, indicating that data from diverse cages can be legitimately pooled to give an overall fitness estimate.

(3) Partitioning of the T(Y;2),SD fitnesses into components of viability, fertility, and frequency of alternate segregation (Y + SD from X + SD+) suggests that most of the T(Y;2),SD advantage derives from the latter two components. Improvements in the system might involve increasing both the viability and the alternate segregation to increase the total fitness.

While pseudo-Y drive operates quite effectively against laboratory stocks, it is less successful in eliminating wild-type populations which are already segregating for suppressors of SD action. This observation suggests that further studies into the origin and rate of accumulation of suppressors of meiotic drive are needed before an overall assessment can be made of the potential of Y-chromosome drive as a tool for population control.


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