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A morphological, electron microscopic, and biochemical study was undertaken to analyze the genesis of hadacidin-induced cleft palate in hamster fetuses. Gross and light microscopic observations indicated that hadacidin affected the growth of vertical palatal shelves to induce cleft palate. Electron microscopic observations showed that initial hadacidin-induced changes were seen in the mesenchymal cells. Within 12 hr of drug administration, the perinuclear space was swollen and a lysosomal response injury was evident in the mesenchymal cells. Subsequently, 24 hr after hadacidin treatment, lysosomes appeared in the epithelial cells; changes were also seen in the basal lamina which included separation of the lamina densa from the basal cells, duplication of lamina densa, and complete loss of basal lamina. Between 36 and 42 hr post-treatment, the cellular and basal lamina changes subsided, and the epithelium of vertical shelves underwent stratification. Biochemical determination of enzyme acid phosphatase indicated that the levels of enzyme activity in both the control and treated palatal tissues corresponded to the appearance of lysosomes. Measurement of cAMP levels suggested that the peak activity of cAMP corresponded to that of enzyme acid phosphatase and cell injury. The cAMP activity in hadacidin-injured cells, however, was significantly lower in comparison to that of the dying cells of control palates. Hadacidin treatment also affected DNA synthesis in the developing primordia of the palate. It was suggested that hadacidin injures the precursor cells of the palate prior to the appearance of the primordia, and subsequently affects their proliferative behavior, stunting the vertical growth of the palatal shelves and inducing a cleft palate.  相似文献   

Formation of secondary palate in hamster was studied with electron microscopy. Prior to assuming horizontal position, the palatal shelves were covered by a two to three cell layer thick epithelium which was separated from the underlying mesenchyme by an intact basal lamina. Epithelial cells were attached to each other by desmosomes. Early hemidesmosomes could be identified as thickenings of the cytoplasmic membrane opposing the basal lamina. Epithelial cells, like other embryonic cells, contained only few organelles but were rich in polyribosomes. As the horizontal shelves approached each other towards the midline, lysosomes and tonofilaments appeared in the superficial and basal cells of the epithelia. Superficial cells showed degeneration and eventual lysis. Fusion of the opposing epithelia occurred between the deeper cells by means of newly formed desmosomes. The epithelial seam resulting from fusion of the epithelia was limited on each side by a continuous basal lamina. Its subsequent thining and eventual fragmentation resulted from the loss of cells by autophagy. There was no evidence of mesenchymal invasion of the epithelial seam. Mesenchymal macrophages appeared in the later stage of palatogenesis and were responsible for phagocytosis of cellular debris. Formation of the soft palate was basically similar to that of the secondary hard palate and occurred by fusion of the opposing shelves. Similarly, anterior closure of the palate occurred by fusion of the lower end of the nasal septum to the primary and secondary palates. Hyperplasia of the opposing epithelia, prior to their fusion, was often seen. It is suggested that formation of the palate occurs in predictable and coordinated fashion and that timely appearance of lysosomes causing lysis of intervening epithelia is of great significance in normal palatogenesis.  相似文献   

Hypocretin/Orexin (H/O) neuropeptides are released by a discrete group of neurons in the vertebrate hypothalamus which play a pivotal role in the maintenance of waking behavior and brain state control. Previous studies have indicated that the H/O neuronal development differs between mammals and fish; H/O peptide-expressing cells are detectable during the earliest stages of brain morphogenesis in fish, but only towards the end of brain morphogenesis (by ∼85% of embryonic development) in rats. The developmental emergence of H/O neurons has never been previously described in birds. With the goal of determining whether the chick developmental pattern was more similar to that of mammals or of fish, we investigated the emergence of H/O-expressing cells in the brain of chick embryos of different ages using immunohistochemistry. Post-natal chick brains were included in order to compare the spatial distribution of H/O cells with that of other vertebrates. We found that H/O-expressing cells appear to originate from two separate places in the region of the diencephalic proliferative zone. These developing cells express the H/O neuropeptide at a comparatively early age relative to rodents (already visible at 14% of the way through fetal development), thus bearing a closer resemblance to fish. The H/O-expressing cell population proliferates to a large number of cells by a relatively early embryonic age. As previously suggested, the distribution of H/O neurons is intermediate between that of mammalian and non-mammalian vertebrates. This work suggests that, in addition to its roles in developed brains, the H/O peptide may play an important role in the early embryonic development of non-mammalian vertebrates.  相似文献   

Positional and temporal information is of fundamental importance in understanding the morphogenesis of dentition. In order to determine the fate of epithelial cells localized within specific epithelial thickened regions of the forming mouse maxilla, we analyzed serial histological sections in the frontal plane mouse embryos of 12-15 days' gestation. The epithelial thickening of the oral surface of the maxilla from 12-day embryos was spatially delineated and termed the odontogenic epithelial zone (OEZ). Beginning with 12-day embryos, analyses of camera lucida drawings indicated that the OEZ dissociates into anterior (diastema region) and posterior (molariform tooth organ region) epithelial aggregates that form plate-like configurations. The epithelial plates subsequently divide in a mediolateral direction into the epithelial anlagen of rugae palatinae, teeth, and fornix vestibuli oris superior. The medial and lateral parts of the m1 epithelial anlage are situated in dorsal continuation of both the dental and vestibular laminae of the diastema region. The anlage appears to be of dual origin. The fornix vestibuli oris superior develops from two parts: in the rima oris region from the lip-furrow lined with the vestibular lamina, and in the cheek region from the cheek-furrow in place of fusion of the maxillary and mandibular outgrowths. In 15-day embryos with well-formed secondary palates, the rugae occur, numbering nine on each palatal process. The m1 enamel organ cup excavation is positioned between the level of the fifth extending to the seventh rugae. It appears that the division of the maxillary outgrowth oral epithelial covering into rugae as well as into the dentition anlage is closely related. It is suggested that rugae, the vestibulum oris, and the dentition are developmentally and functionally related, and appear to have a common precursor in both ontogenesis and phylogenesis.  相似文献   

吴金英  林浩然 《动物学报》2008,54(2):342-355
本文通过解剖及组织切片技术、光学显微镜、透射和扫描电子显微镜技术,对斜带石斑鱼(Epinephelus coioides)胸腺器官组织进行了观察研究。结果表明:斜带石斑鱼胸腺实质主要由胸腺细胞(淋巴细胞)和网状上皮细胞构成。鱼体从Ⅰ龄之后,其胸腺发生明显的变化,与幼鱼有所不同,主要是胸腺可明显区分为三个区域:胸腺外皮质区、内皮质区和髓质区。外皮质区主要由网状上皮细胞、黏液细胞、成纤维细胞和少量淋巴细胞构成,细胞排列疏松;内皮质区主要由密集的淋巴细胞和网状上皮细胞组成,以含有大量的淋巴细胞为特征;髓质区主要由淋巴细胞和较多的网状上皮细胞构成,总体特征是淋巴细胞数量比内皮质区的少,且细胞排列较疏松。外皮质区、内皮质区相当于高等脊椎动物的皮质;髓质区相当于高等脊椎动物的髓质。髓质区之下有结缔组织,在Ⅱ龄以上的成体出现胸腺小体(Hassall's corpuscles)或类似胸腺小体的结构,而且随着年龄的增加,胸腺外皮质区增厚,结缔组织增加,还表现在内皮质区和髓质区组织逐渐萎缩变薄,胸腺的细胞组成类型和淋巴细胞数量上有所变化等等。这些现象在Ⅱ龄鱼开始出现,即胸腺呈现退化迹象,在Ⅲ龄以上鱼体呈现明显的退化和萎缩。胸腺表面扫描电镜结果表明:其上皮细胞表面具有微嵴以及由微嵴组成的指纹状结构,有一些微孔分布。透射和断面扫描电镜的结果进一步表明:胸腺组织内的细胞成分复杂,除了淋巴细胞和网状上皮细胞外,还具有巨噬细胞、肥大细胞、肌样细胞、浆细胞、指状镶嵌细胞和纤维细胞等。  相似文献   

The buccal cavity of an herbivorous fish, Cirrhinus mrigala, was investigated by scanning electron microscopy to determine its surface ultrastructure. The buccal cavity shows significant adaptive modifications in relation to food and feeding ecology of the fish. The buccal cavity of the fish is of modest size and limited capacity, which is considered an adaptation with respect to the small‐sized food items primarily consumed by the fish that could be accommodated in a small space. Modification of surface epithelial cells, on the upper jaw, into characteristic structures—the unculi—is considered an adaptation to browse or scrap, to grasp food materials, e.g., algal felts, and to protect the epithelial surface against abrasions, likely to occur during their characteristic feeding behavior. Differentiation of the highly specialized lamellar organ on the anterior region of the palate could be an adaptation playing a significant role in the selection, retention, and sorting out of palatable food particles from the unpalatable items ingested by the fish. The filamentous epithelial projections and the lingulate epithelial projections on the palatal organ in the posterior region of the palate are considered to serve a critical function in final selection, handling, maneuvering, and propelling the food particles toward the esophagus. The abundance of different categories of taste buds in the buccal cavity suggests that gustation is well developed and the fish is highly responsive in the evaluation and the selection of the preferred palatable food items. The secretions of mucous cells in the buccal cavity are associated with multiple functions—particle entrapment, lubrication of the buccal epithelium and food particles to assist smooth passage of food, and to protect the epithelium from possible abrasion. These morphological characteristics ensure efficient working of the buccal cavity in the assessment of the quality and palatability of ingested food, their retention and transport toward the esophagus. Such an adaptation may be essential in conducting the function most basic to the survival of the individuals and species—feeding. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Iwasaki, S., Aoyagi, H. and Yoshizawa, H. 2011. Localization of type II collagen in the lingual mucosa of rats during the morphogenesis of circumvallate papillae. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 67–74. Immunoreactivity specific for type II collagen was recognized first in the mesenchymal connective tissue just beneath the circumvallate papilla placode in fetuses on E13. At this stage, most of the lingual epithelium was pseudostratified epithelium composed of one or two layers of cuboidal cells. However, the epithelium of the circumvallate papilla placode was composed of several layers of cuboidal cells. Immunoreactivity specific for type II collagen was detected mainly on the lamina propria just beneath the lingual epithelium of the rudiment of the circumvallate papilla in fetuses on E15 and on E17, and slight immunostaining was detected on the lamina propria around the rudiment. In fetuses on E19, immunoreactivity specific for type II collagen was widely and densely distributed on the connective tissue around the developing circumvallate papillae and on the connective tissue that surrounded the lingual muscle. Immunoreactivity specific for type II collagen was sparsely distributed on the lamina propria of central bulge. After birth, morphogenesis of the circumvallate papillae advanced gradually with the increase in size of the tongue. Immunoreactivity specific for type II collagen was distinctively distributed in the lamina propria around circumvallate papilla, in the central bulge, and in the connective tissue that surrounded the lingual muscle.  相似文献   

Midpalate was analyzed for the presence of nonmuscle contractile systems. The results indicate that increased amounts of actin and myosin are present in cells of regions 2 and 3. A localization of the contractile proteins in cellular projections (filopodia) and in the peripheral cytoplasm of the cell body was confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence studies, using antibodies directed against smooth muscle myosin and against skeletal muscle actin. Specificity of the immunofluorescence reactions was ascertained by immunoabsorption studies using purified myosin and actin. Electron microscopic observations of the mesenchymal cells in region 2 revealed 70A microfilaments along the cell periphery and packed in fliopodia-like projections which course between the cells. These cells, which surround a small ossification center, show no orientation, but extend up to the cranial base perichondrium and down into the shelf between the tongue side epithelium and the ossification center. The cells and projections are attached to each other by adherens and tight-like junctions, forming a putative cohesive contractile network. Putative contractile cells in region 3 are strikingly aligned perpendicular to the oral epithelium and extend one-third of the distance into the shelf. Projections from region 3 cells are contiguous with basement membrane material of the oral epithelium. Axonal bundles and single axons were commonly observed coursing through regions 2 and 3, often seen in close association with the mesenchymal cells. Both clear and dense-core vesicles were found in the axons and cells of these regions. The possible role of these putative nonmuscle contractile cells in palate morphogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Tissues from a range of fish were examined for the presence of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) to investigate PTHrP protein distribution and PTHrP gene expression in jawless fish, cartilaginous fish, and bony fish. Immunoreactive PTHrP was localized using antisera to N-terminal and mid-molecule regions of human PTHrP and PTHrP gene expression examined using a digoxigenin labeled riboprobe to a conserved region of the mammalian PTHrP gene. In all of the fish studied, PTHrP protein and messenger RNA (mRNA) were localized to the skin, kidney, and skeletal muscle, following the pattern seen in higher vertebrates. Additional sites of localization for both protein and mRNA included gill, nerve cord, and pituitary, as well as developing dermal denticles and rectal gland in the elasmobranch species. The sites of PTHrP distribution indicate that PTHrP may have roles in ionoregulation as well as growth and differentiation in fish, as has been suggested in higher vertebrates. The results imply that the distribution of PTHrP is widespread in fish and that there is homology between the PTHrP molecules found in humans and fish. The conservation of localization and possible similarity of the PTHrP molecules between tetrapods and fish suggests that PTHrP has a number of fundamental roles in vertebrates. J. Exp. Zool. 284:541-548, 1999.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of tooth development in the main vertebrate lineages is needed to determine the various evolutionary routes leading to current dentition in living vertebrates. We have used light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy to study tooth morphology and the main stages of tooth development in the scincid lizard, Chalcides viridanus, viz., from late embryos to 6-year-old specimens of a laboratory-bred colony, and from early initiation stages to complete differentiation and attachment, including resorption and enamel formation. In C. viridanus, all teeth of a jaw have a similar morphology but tooth shape, size and orientation change during ontogeny, with a constant number of tooth positions. Tooth morphology changes from a simple smooth cone in the late embryo to the typical adult aspect of two cusps and several ridges via successive tooth replacement at every position. First-generation teeth are initiated by interaction between the oral epithelium and subjacent mesenchyme. The dental lamina of these teeth directly branches from the basal layer of the oral epithelium. On replacement-tooth initiation, the dental lamina spreads from the enamel organ of the previous tooth. The epithelial cell population, at the dental lamina extremity and near the bone support surface, proliferates and differentiates into the enamel organ, the inner (IDE) and outer dental epithelium being separated by stellate reticulum. IDE differentiates into ameloblasts, which produce enamel matrix components. In the region facing differentiating IDE, mesenchymal cells differentiate into dental papilla and give rise to odontoblasts, which first deposit a layer of predentin matrix. The first elements of the enamel matrix are then synthesised by ameloblasts. Matrix mineralisation starts in the upper region of the tooth (dentin then enamel). Enamel maturation begins once the enamel matrix layer is complete. Concomitantly, dental matrices are deposited towards the base of the dentin cone. Maturation of the enamel matrix progresses from top to base; dentin mineralisation proceeds centripetally from the dentin–enamel junction towards the pulp cavity. Tooth attachment is pleurodont and tooth replacement occurs from the lingual side from which the dentin cone of the functional teeth is resorbed. Resorption starts from a deeper region in adults than in juveniles. Our results lead us to conclude that tooth morphogenesis and differentiation in this lizard are similar to those described for mammalian teeth. However, Tomes processes and enamel prisms are absent.  相似文献   

A newly prepared palate of the moschorhinid therocephalian Promoschorhynchus platyrhinus from the Upper Permian region of South Africa was used for reconsidering the initial evolutionary development of the secondary palate of mammals. The very distinctive choanal crests are considered to be indicative of strong choanal folds that were probably already fused anteriorly. This gingival bridge probably served as the basis for the outgrowing bony processes of the hard palate that, in therapsids, developed independently at least three times. The soft palate ( velum palatinum ) is considered to be a remnant of the choanal folds that were muscularized from behind. It has been assumed that, in therapsids, a ventral portion of the medial pterygoid musculature shifted its insertion onto the ventral side of the pterygoid; this portion is supposed to have differentiated into the mm. tensor tympani and tensor veli palatini . Investigation of serial sections of extant marsupials confirm the view that the levator of the velum is derived from the upper constrictor of the pharynx. The choanal folds and the secondary palate are discussed within the wider framework of the evolutionary biology of mammalian forerunners. It is suggested that the formation of a sealed mouth cavity is not only related to the improved passage of air, but also to sucking in neonate hatchlings. The importance of the secondary palate of mammals to a number of resulting basic adaptations (dentition, olfactory system, etc.) of mammals is discussed.  相似文献   

With the method of whole mouse embryo culture, together with immunocytochemistry with an antiserum to serotonin (5-HT), sites of 5-HT uptake were found to be transiently expressed in the epithelia of the developing palate, tongue, nasal septum, and maxillary and mandibular prominences during the period of active morphogenesis (embryonic days 12-14; or E12-14). These sites had the ability to take up 5-HT when added to the culture medium in the presence of the MAO inhibitor nialamide and an antioxiant, L-cysteine (NC), and could also be seen after exposure of embryos to the 5-HT precursor L-tryptophan (L-TRP) + NC. These sites were also visible after culturing embryos without any additives, which may have been due to the presence of L-TRP in one component of the culture medium (DMEM) or to 5-HT itself, which is present in relatively high amounts in fetal calf serum. At E12-13, the appearance of 5-HT immunoreactivity (IR) at these sites after treatment with 5-HT + NC was blocked by the 5-HT uptake inhibitor fluoxetine, providing further evidence that these are true sites of 5-HT uptake. However, fluoxetine did not completely block the appearance of these sites in E14 embryos after 5-HT + NC or L-TRP + NC although it was effective with NC alone. This finding could mean that at E14 5-HT uptake into these sites occurs by mechanisms not completely blocked by fluoxetine or that there is some limited capacity for 5-HT synthesis. Taken together with results from previous studies where 1) 5-HT has been reported to stimulate palatal shelf reorientation and palatal mesenchyme cell motility in vitro [Wee et al., J Embryol Exp Morphol 53:75-90, 1979; Zimmerman et al., J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol 3:371-385, 1983] and 2) long-term culturing of mouse embryos in the presence of 5-HT or fluoxetine has been shown to cause malformations of the craniofacial region (Lauder, Thomas, and Sadler, in preparation), the results of the present study suggest that 5-HT could act as a developmental signal in the palate, oral cavity, and face during the period of active morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The fossil group Placodermi is the most phylogenetically basal of the clade of jawed vertebrates but lacks a marginal dentition comparable to that of the dentate Chondrichthyes, Acanthodii and Osteichthyes (crown-group Gnathostomata). The teeth of crown-group gnathostomes are part of an ordered dentition replaced from, and patterned by, a dental lamina, exemplified by the elasmobranch model. A dentition recognised by these criteria has been previously judged absent in placoderms, based on structural evidence such as absence of tooth whorls and typical vertebrate dentine. However, evidence for regulated tooth addition in a precise spatiotemporal order can be observed in placoderms, but significantly, only within the group Arthrodira. In these fossils, as in other jawed vertebrates with statodont, non-replacing dentitions, new teeth are added at the ends of rows below the bite, but in line with biting edges of the dentition. The pattern is different on each gnathal bone and probably arises from single odontogenic primordia on each, but tooth rows are arranged in a distinctive placoderm pattern. New teeth are made of regular dentine comparable to that of crown-gnathostomes, formed from a pulp cavity. This differs from semidentine previously described for placoderm gnathalia, a type present in the external dermal tubercles. The Arthrodira is a derived taxon within the Placodermi, hence origin of teeth in placoderms occurs late in the phylogeny and teeth are convergently derived, relative to those of other jawed vertebrates. More basal placoderm taxa adopted other strategies for providing biting surfaces and these vary substantially, but include addition of denticles to the growing gnathal plates, at the margins of pre-existing denticle patches. These alternative strategies and apparent absence of regular dentine have led to previous interpretations that teeth were entirely absent from the placoderm dentition. A consensus view emerged that a dentition, as developed within a dental lamina, is a synapomorphy characterising the clade of crown-group gnathostomes. Recent comparisons between sets of denticle whorls in the pharyngeal region of the jawless fish Loganellia scotica (Thelodonti) and those in sharks suggest homology of these denticle sets on gill arches. Although the placoderm pharyngeal region appears to lack denticles (placoderm gill arches are poorly known), the posterior wall of the pharyngeal cavity, formed by a bony flange termed the postbranchial lamina, is covered in rows of patterned denticle arrays. These arrays differ significantly, both in morphology and arrangement, from those of the denticles located externally on the head and trunkshield plates. Denticles in these arrays are homologous to denticles associated with the gill arches in other crown-gnathostomes, with pattern similarities for order and position of pharyngeal denticles. From their location in the pharynx these are inferred to be under the influence of a cell lineage from endoderm, rather than ectoderm. Tooth sets and tooth whorls in crown-group gnathostomes are suggested to derive from the pharyngeal denticle whorls, at least in sharks, with the patterning mechanisms co-opted to the oral cavity. A comparable co-option is suggested for the Placodermi.  相似文献   

Disruption of the c-Kit/stem cell factor (SCF) signaling pathway interferes with the survival, migration, and differentiation of melanocytes during generation of the hair follicle pigmentary unit. We examined c-Kit, SCF, and S100 (a marker for precursor melanocytic cells) expression, as well as melanoblast/melanocyte ultrastructure, in perinatal C57BL/6 mouse skin. Before the onset of hair bulb melanogenesis (i.e., stages 0-4 of hair follicle morphogenesis), strong c-Kit immunoreactivity (IR) was seen in selected non-melanogenic cells in the developing hair placode and hair plug. Many of these cells were S100-IR and were ultrastructurally identified as melanoblasts with migratory appearance. During the subsequent stages (5 and 6), increasingly dendritic c-Kit-IR cells successively invaded the hair bulb, while S100-IR gradually disappeared from these cells. Towards the completion of hair follicle morphogenesis (stages 7 and 8), several distinct follicular melanocytic cell populations could be defined and consisted broadly of (a) undifferentiated, non-pigmented c-Kit-negative melanoblasts in the outer root sheath and bulge and (b) highly differentiated melanocytes adjacent to the hair follicle dermal papilla above Auber's line. Widespread epithelial SCF-IR was seen throughout hair follicle morphogenesis. These findings suggest that melanoblasts express c-Kit as a prerequisite for migration into the SCF-supplying hair follicle epithelium. In addition, differentiated c-Kit-IR melanocytes target the bulb, while non-c-Kit-IR melanoblasts invade the outer root sheath and bulge in fully developed hair follicles.  相似文献   

Ciliated cells were found in the epithelium of the oral cavity of human embryos and fetuses starting from the seventh week of prenatal development. At the early stages of prenatal development (until the 13th week), cells with cilia cover most of the dorsal surface of the tongue and the soft palate, whereas they are found only near the gland ducts in the circumvallate and foliate lingual papillae after 17 weeks of development. The ultrastructure of the axoneme of cilia corresponds to the structure of motile cilia and is represented by nine microtubule doublets that surround the central pair of microtubule singlets. An immunohistochemical study performed on weeks 10–12 of development identified nerve endings associated with the ciliated cells. Until the 14th week of development, the cytoplasm of ciliated cells is immunopositive for NSE. The spatial distribution of ciliated cells in the tongue epithelium until the 13th week of development is not related to the morphogenesis of lingual papillae, and their role in the human oral cavity during the first trimester of pregnancy is unclear and requires further study.  相似文献   

Sicyopterus japonicus (Teleostei, Gobiidae) possesses a unique upper jaw dentition different from that known for any other teleosts. In the adults, many (up to 30) replacement teeth, from initiation to attachment, are arranged orderly in a semicircular-like strand within a capsule of connective tissue on the labial side of each premaxillary bone. We have applied histological, ultrastructural, and three-dimensional imaging from serial sections to obtain insights into the distribution and morphological features of the dental lamina in the upper jaw dentition of adult S. japonicus. The adult fish has numerous permanent dental laminae, each of which is an infolding of the oral epithelium at the labial side of the functional tooth and forms a thin plate-like structure with a wavy contour. All replacement teeth of a semicircular-like strand are connected to the plate-like dental lamina by the outer dental epithelium and form a tooth family; neighboring tooth families are completely separated from each other. The new tooth germ directly buds off from the ventro-labial margin of the dental lamina, whereas no distinct free end of the dental lamina is present, even adjacent to this region. Cell proliferation concentrated at the ventro-labial margin of the dental lamina suggests that this region is the site for repeated tooth initiation. During tooth development, the replacement tooth migrates along a semicircular-like strand and eventually erupts through the dental lamina into the oral epithelium at the labial side of the functional tooth. This unique thin plate-like permanent dental lamina and the semicircular-like strand of replacement teeth in the upper jaw dentition of adult S. japonicus probably evolved as a dental adaptation related to the rapid replacement of teeth dictated by the specialized feeding habit of this algae-scraping fish.  相似文献   

The local immunity was studied using 31 biopsy samples obtained during bronchoscopy from patients with various forms of chronic bronchitis. Attenuated IgA synthesis by plasmatic cells of bronchial mucosa lamina propria and increased LgG synthesis were established. Enhanced IgG production and penetration of various agents into bronchial mucosa lamina propria cause local immunocomplex reaction involving microcirculatory bed and resulting in perivascular sclerosis. Repeated damaging and sclerotic processes lead to disconnection of epithelial-stromal links and altered cover epithelium differentiation. The role of immunopathologic reactions in the formation of vicious circle underlying morphogenesis of chronic bronchitis is suggested.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to examine whether the tongue plays any role in determining the primordial development of palatal shelves in a vertical direction in mammals. Control and 6-mercaptopurine-treated embryos from Golden Syrian hamsters were examined by scanning electron microscopic and histological techniques for the spatio-temporal relationship of primordial development of the palate, tongue, and mandible. DNA synthesis, measured by 3H-thymidine incorporation, was used as an index of growth. The data indicated that in controls, vertical palate development began in the anterior half from the roof of the oronasal cavity, whereas the tongue bulges and the mandibular process developed in the posterior half of the oronasal cavity. A burst in DNA synthesis occurred in the palate and mandible, but not in the tongue. In 6-mercaptopurine-treated fetuses, although the chronological appearance of primordia of all three structures was normal, DNA synthesis was inhibited in all three structures. The recovery in DNA synthesis, albeit partial, was faster in the palate and mandible than in the tongue. On the basis of observations from the present study, along with those from other vertebrates, it is suggested that the developing tongue may not play any role in determining the direction of development of the palatal primordia.  相似文献   

The vomeronasal organ (VNO) is a chemosensory structure of the nasal septum found in most tetrapods. Although potential behavioural correlates of VNO function have been shown in two of the three elephant species, its morphology in Loxodonta africana has not been studied. The development of the VNO and its associated structures in the African elephant are described in detail using serially sectioned material from fetal stages. The results show that many components of the VNO complex (e.g. neuroepithelium, receptor‐free epithelium, vomeronasal nerve, paravomeronasal ganglia, blood vessels, vomeronasal cartilage) are well developed even in a 154‐day‐old fetus, in which the VNO opens directly into the oral cavity with only a minute duct present. However, the vomeronasal glands and their ducts associated with the VNO were developed only in the 210‐day‐old fetus. Notably, in this fetus, the vomeronasal–nasopalatine duct system had acquired a pathway similar to that described in the adult Asian elephant; the VNOs open into the oral cavity via the large palatal parts of the nasopalatine ducts, which are lined by a stratified squamous epithelium. The paired palatal ducts initially coursed anteriorly at an angle of 45° from the oral recess and/or the oral cavity mucosa, and merged into the vomeronasal duct. This study confirms the unique characteristics of the elephant VNO, such as its large size, the folded epithelium of the VNO tube, and the dorsomedial position of the neuroepithelium. The palatal position and exclusive communication of the VNO with the oral cavity, as well as the partial reduction of the nasopalatine duct, might be related to the unique elephantid craniofacial morphogenesis, especially the enormous growth of the tusk region, and can be seen as autapomorphies.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, was mapped using 11 different restriction enzymes and cloned into plasmid vectors. Sequence data obtained from more than 10 kilobases of cod mtDNA show that the genome organization, genetic code, and the overall codon usage have been conserved throughout the evolution of vertebrates. Comparison of the derived amino acid sequences of proteins encoded by cod mtDNA to the ones encoded by Xenopus laevis mtDNA revealed that the amino acid identity range from 46% to 93% for the different proteins. ND4L is most divergent while COI is most conserved. GUG was found as the translation initiation codon of the COI gene, indicating a dual coding function for this codon. The sequences of the 997 base pair displacement-loop (D-loop)-containing region and the origin of L-strand replication (oriL), are presented. Only few of the primary and secondary structure features found to be conserved among mammalian mitochondrial D-loops, can be identified in cod. Presence of CSB-2 in the D-loop-containing region and the conserved hairpin structure at oriL, indicates that replication of bony fish mtDNA may follow the same general scheme as described for higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

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