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BACKGROUND: Recent studies have identified the human copper chaperone CCS as the presumed factor responsible for copper incorporation into superoxide dismutase (SOD). A lack of knowledge of the chaperone's three-dimensional structure has prevented understanding of how the copper might be transferred. RESULTS: The three-dimensional structure of CCS was homology modelled using the periplasmic protein from the bacterial mercury-detoxification system and the structure of one subunit of the human SOD dimeric enzyme as templates. On the basis of the three-dimensional model, a mechanism for the transfer of copper from CCS to SOD is proposed that accounts for electrostatic acceptor recognition, copper storage and copper-transfer properties. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed model identifies a path for copper transfer based on the presence of different metal sites characterized by sulphur ligands. Such a model permits the development of strategies able to interfere with copper incorporation in SOD, providing a possible way to prevent or arrest degeneration in the fatal motor neuron disorder amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.  相似文献   

Copper chaperones are copper-binding proteins that directly insert copper into specific targets, preventing the accumulation of free copper ions that can be toxic to the cell. Despite considerable advances in the understanding of copper transfer from copper chaperones to their target, to date, there is no information regarding how the activity of these proteins is regulated in higher eukaryotes. The insertion of copper into the antioxidant enzyme Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) depends on the copper chaperone for SOD1 (CCS). We have recently reported that CCS protein is increased in tissues of rats fed copper-deficient diets suggesting that copper may regulate CCS expression. Here we show that whereas copper deficiency increased CCS protein in rats, mRNA level was unaffected. Rodent and human cell lines cultured in the presence of the specific copper chelator 2,3,2-tetraamine displayed a dose-dependent increase in CCS protein that could be reversed with the addition of copper but not iron or zinc to the cells. Switching cells from copper-deficient to copper-rich medium promoted the rapid degradation of CCS, which could be blocked by the proteosome inhibitors MG132 and lactacystin but not a cysteine protease inhibitor or inhibitors of the lysosomal degradation pathway. In addition, CCS degradation was slower in copper-deficient cells than in cells cultured in copper-rich medium. Together, these data show that copper regulates CCS expression by modulating its degradation by the 26 S proteosome and suggest a novel role for CCS in prioritizing the utilization of copper when it is scarce.  相似文献   

Mutations in Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) are involved in some cases of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and it appears that misfolding and aggregation, perhaps mediated by abnormal binding or loss of copper (Cu) and/or zinc (Zn), may play a pathological role. It is known that the absence of both metals kinetically destabilizes wild type and mutant SOD leading to a 60-fold increase in their rate of unfolding. Here, the individual contributions of Cu and Zn to the kinetic stability of SOD were investigated, and the results show that Cu plays a greater role. Thus, the deficiency of Cu or Zn, especially the former, will compromise the kinetic stability of SOD, thereby increasing the probability that pathogenic mutants and even the WT protein may misfold and self-assemble into toxic species.  相似文献   

Chu CC  Lee WC  Guo WY  Pan SM  Chen LJ  Li HM  Jinn TL 《Plant physiology》2005,139(1):425-436
The copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase (CCS) has been identified as a key factor integrating copper into copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and mammals. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), only one putative CCS gene (AtCCS, At1g12520) has been identified. The predicted AtCCS polypeptide contains three distinct domains: a central domain, flanked by an ATX1-like domain, and a C-terminal domain. The ATX1-like and C-terminal domains contain putative copper-binding motifs. We have investigated the function of this putative AtCCS gene and shown that a cDNA encoding the open reading frame predicted by The Arabidopsis Information Resource complemented only the cytosolic and peroxisomal CuZnSOD activities in the Atccs knockout mutant, which has lost all CuZnSOD activities. However, a longer AtCCS cDNA, as predicted by the Munich Information Centre for Protein Sequences and encoding an extra 66 amino acids at the N terminus, could restore all three, including the chloroplastic CuZnSOD activities in the Atccs mutant. The extra 66 amino acids were shown to direct the import of AtCCS into chloroplasts. Our results indicated that one AtCCS gene was responsible for the activation of all three types of CuZnSOD activity. In addition, a truncated AtCCS, containing only the central and C-terminal domains without the ATX1-like domain failed to restore any CuZnSOD activity in the Atccs mutant. This result indicates that the ATX1-like domain is essential for the copper chaperone function of AtCCS in planta.  相似文献   

Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD; CSD) is an important antioxidant enzyme for oxidative stress protection. To date, two activation pathways have been identified in many species. One requiring the CCS, Cu chaperone for SOD, to insert Cu and activate CSD (referred to as CCS-dependent pathway), and the other works independently of CCS (referred to as CCS-independent pathway). In our previous study, we suggest an unidentified factor will work with glutathione (GSH) for CSD activation in the absence of the CCS. Here, two models of the CCS-independent mechanism are proposed. The role of the unidentified factor may work as a scaffold protein, which provides a platform for the CSD protein and Cu-GSH to interact, or as a Cu carrier, which itself can bind Cu and interact with CSD proteins. We also suggest that the CSD protein conformation at C-terminal is important in providing a docking site for unidentified factor to access.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative diseases belong to a larger group of protein misfolding disorders, known as proteinopathies. There is increasing experimental evidence implicating prion-like mechanisms in many common neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, the tauopathies, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), all of which feature the aberrant misfolding and aggregation of specific proteins. The prion paradigm provides a mechanism by which a mutant or wild-type protein can dominate pathogenesis through the initiation of self-propagating protein misfolding. ALS, a lethal disease characterized by progressive degeneration of motor neurons is understood as a classical proteinopathy; the disease is typified by the formation of inclusions consisting of aggregated protein within and around motor neurons that can contribute to neurotoxicity. It is well established that misfolded/oxidized SOD1 protein is highly toxic to motor neurons and plays a prominent role in the pathology of ALS. Recent work has identified propagated protein misfolding properties in both mutant and wild-type SOD1, which may provide the molecular basis for the clinically observed contiguous spread of the disease through the neuroaxis. In this review we examine the current state of knowledge regarding the prion-like properties of SOD1 and comment on its proposed mechanisms of intercellular transmission.  相似文献   

Cellular systems for handling transition metal ions have been identified, but little is known about the structure and function of the specific trafficking proteins. The 1.8 A resolution structure of the yeast copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase (yCCS) reveals a protein composed of two domains. The N-terminal domain is very similar to the metallochaperone protein Atx1 and is likely to play a role in copper delivery and/or uptake. The second domain resembles the physiological target of yCCS, superoxide dismutase I (SOD1), in overall fold, but lacks all of the structural elements involved in catalysis. In the crystal, two SOD1-like domains interact to form a dimer. The subunit interface is remarkably similar to that in SOD1, suggesting a structural basis for target recognition by this metallochaperone.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is a pathogenic yeast of important public health relevance. Virulence of C. albicans requires a copper and zinc containing superoxide dismutase (SOD1), but the biology of C. albicans SOD1 is poorly understood. To this end, C. albicans SOD1 activation was examined in baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), a eukaryotic expression system that has proven fruitful for the study of SOD1 enzymes from invertebrates, plants, and mammals. In spite of the 80 % similarity between S. cerevisiae and C. albicans SOD1 molecules, C. albicans SOD1 is not active in S. cerevisiae. The SOD1 appears incapable of productive interactions with the copper chaperone for SOD1 (CCS1) of S. cerevisiae. C. albicans SOD1 contains a proline at position 144 predicted to dictate dependence on CCS1. By mutation of this proline, C. albicans SOD1 gained activity in S. cerevisiae, and this activity was independent of CCS1. We identified a putative CCS1 gene in C. albicans and created heterozygous and homozygous gene deletions at this locus. Loss of CCS1 resulted in loss of SOD1 activity, consistent with its role as a copper chaperone. C. albicans CCS1 also restored activity to C. albicans SOD1 expressed in S. cerevisiae. C. albicans CCS1 is well adapted for activating its partner SOD1 from C. albicans, but not SOD1 from S. cerevisiae. In spite of the high degree of homology between the SOD1 and CCS1 molecules in these two fungal species, there exists a species-specific barrier in CCS–SOD interactions which may reflect the vastly different lifestyles of the pathogenic versus the noninfectious yeast.  相似文献   

Mutations in Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) are associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS), a neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by the selective death of motor neurons. Despite the genetic association made between the protein and the disease, the mechanism by which the mutant SOD proteins become toxic is still a mystery. Using wild-type SOD and three pathogenic mutants (A4V, G37R, and G85R), we show that the copper-induced oxidation of metal-depleted SOD causes its in vitro aggregation into pore-like structures, as determined by atomic force microscopy. Because toxic pores have been recently implicated in the pathogenic mechanism of other neurodegenerative diseases, these results raise the possibility that the aberrant self-assembly of oxidatively damaged SOD mutants into toxic oligomers or pores may have a pathological role in FALS.  相似文献   

Preliminary α-carbon and metal coordinates are given for a subunit of the bovine erythrocyte Cu++, Zn++ superoxide dismutase. The coordinates are averaged from 5 sets of measurements made on electron density maps at 3Å resolution: one set from an averaged map and one set from each of the 4 crystallographically independent subunits (2 dimeric molecules) in the asymmetric unit of the crystal. The 3-dimensional structure of the polypeptide backbone is illustrated and briefly described.  相似文献   

The known action of Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (holo SOD) that converts O2 to O2 and H2O2 plays a crucial role in protecting cells from toxicity of oxidative stress. However, the overproduction of holo SOD does not result in increased protection but rather creates a variety of unfavorable effects, suggesting that too much holo SOD may be injurious to the cells. In the in vitro study, we report a finding that the holo SOD from bovine erythrocytes and its apo form possess a divalent-metal-dependent nucleolytic activity, which was confirmed by UV–vis absorption titration of calf thymus DNA (ctDNA) with the holo SOD, quenching of holo SOD intrinsic fluorescence by ctDNA, and by gel electrophoresis monitoring conversion of DNA from the supercoiled DNA to nicked and linear forms, and fragmentation of a linear λDNA. Moreover, the DNA cleavage activity was examined in detail under certain reaction conditions. The steady-state study indicates that DNA cleavage supported by both forms of SOD obeys Michaelis–Menten kinetics. On the other hand, the assays with some other proteins indicate that this new function is specific to some proteins including the holo SOD. Therefore, this study reveals that the divalent-metal-dependent DNA cleavage activity is an intrinsic property of the holo SOD, which is independent of its natural metal (copper and zinc) sites, and may provide an alternative insight into the link between SOD enzymes and neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to develop a method for measuring Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD) (E.C. in HL-60 cells and subsequently examine the relationship between cellular copper levels and the activity of this copper-requiring enzyme. In cells such as the neutrophil or HL-60 promyelocyte cell line, the activity of Cu/Zn-SOD cannot be measured because of an increase in the oxidation rate of the substrate by some unknown compound in the cells. Others have utilized heat treatment to inactivate the responsible compounds, however, we found that heat treatment of HL-60 cells resulted in a loss of over half of the activity of the enzyme. The method described here utilizes sodium azide to inhibit the substance(s) that are responsible for the enhanced rate of pyrogallol's oxidation. Gel filtration data confirmed that the compound responsible for the enhanced rate of pyrogallol oxidation was sensitive to azide and did not affect Cu/Zn-SOD activity. When HL-60 cells were incubated with various levels of copper, Cu/Zn-SOD activity did not reflect the cellular copper levels.  相似文献   

The copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase (CCS) is an intracellular metallochaperone required for incorporation of copper into the essential antioxidant enzyme copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1). Nutritional studies have revealed that the abundance of CCS is inversely proportional to the dietary and tissue copper content. To determine the mechanisms of copper-dependent regulation of CCS, copper incorporation into SOD1 and SOD1 enzymatic activity as well as CCS abundance and half-life were determined after metabolic labeling of CCS-/- fibroblasts transfected with wild-type or mutant CCS. Wild-type CCS restored SOD1 activity in CCS-/- fibroblasts, and the abundance of this chaperone in these cells was inversely proportional to the copper content of the media, indicating that copper-dependent regulation of CCS is entirely post-translational. Although mutational studies demonstrated no role for CCS Domain I in this copper-dependent regulation, similar analysis of the CXC motif in Domain III revealed a critical role for these cysteine residues in mediating copper-dependent turnover of CCS. Further mutational studies revealed that this CXC-dependent copper-mediated turnover of CCS is independent of the mechanisms of delivery of copper to SOD1 including CCS-SOD1 interaction. Taken together these data demonstrate a mechanism determining the abundance of CCS that is competitive with the process of copper delivery to SOD1, revealing a unique post-translational component of intracellular copper homeostasis.  相似文献   

The influence of the constitutive metal ions on the equilibrium properties of dimeric Photobacterium leiognathi Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase has been studied for the wild-type and for two mutant protein forms bearing a negative charge in the amino acid clusters at the dimer association interface. Depletion of copper and zinc dissociates the two mutant proteins into monomers, which reassemble toward the dimeric state upon addition of stoichiometric amounts of zinc. Pressure-dependent dissociation is observed for the copper-depleted wild-type and mutated enzymes, as monitored by the fluorescence shift of a unique tryptophan residue located at the subunit association interface. The spectral shift occurs slowly, reaching a plateau after 15-20 minutes, and is fully reversible. The recovery of the original fluorescence properties, after decompression, is fast (less than four minutes), suggesting that the isolated subunit has a relatively stable structure, and excluding the presence of stable intermediates during the dimer-monomer transition. The dimer dissociation process is still incomplete at 6.5 kbar for the copper-depleted wild-type and mutated enzymes, at variance with what is generally observed for oligomeric proteins that dissociate below 3 kbar. Measurement of the degree of dissociation, at two different protein concentrations, allows us to calculate the standard volume variation upon association, Delta V, and the dissociation constant K(d0), at atmospheric pressure, (25 ml/mol and 3 x 10(-7)M, respectively). The holoprotein is fully dimeric even at 6.5 kbar, which allows us to evaluate a lower Delta G degrees limit of 11.5 kcal/mol, corresponding to a dissociation constant K(d0)<10(-9)M.  相似文献   

1. Copper, zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn SOD) has been purified to homogeneity from chicken erythrocytes by anion-exchange, immobilized metal affinity and size exclusion chromatography. 2. Molecular properties (amino acid composition, molecular mass, subunit composition and spec. act.) of the chicken enzyme are similar to those of a bovine erythrocyte Cu,Zn SOD. 3. The chicken and bovine enzymes are immunologically similar since antisera raised against each enzyme are cross-reactive.  相似文献   

Copper chaperone is an essential cytosolic factor that maintains copper homeostasis in living cells. Cytosolic metallochaperones have been recently identified in plant, yeast, rodents, and human cells. During our investigation, we found a new member of the copper chaperone family for copper/zinc superoxide dismutase, which was cloned from rats. The new copper chaperone was named rCCS (rat Copper Chaperone for Superoxide dismutase). The cDNA of rCCS was found to have a length of 1094 bp, and the protein analyzed from the cDNA was deduced to contain 274 amino acids. The amino acid sequence of rCCS consists of three domains: A metal binding domain, which has a MXCXXC motif in domain I, a homolog of the Cu/Zn SOD in domain II, and a CXC motif in domain III. The binding of rCCS to Cu/Zn SOD was analyzed by GST column binding assay, and the domain II of rCCS was found to be essential for binding to Cu/Zn SOD, which in turn activates Cu/Zn SOD.  相似文献   

Heterodimer formation between superoxide dismutase and its copper chaperone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Copper, zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) is activated in vivo by the copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase (CCS). The molecular mechanisms by which CCS recognizes and docks with SOD1 for metal ion insertion are not well understood. Two models for the oligomerization state during copper transfer have been proposed: a heterodimer comprising one monomer of CCS and one monomer of SOD1 and a dimer of dimers involving interactions between the two homodimers. We have investigated protein-protein complex formation between copper-loaded and apo yeast CCS (yCCS) and yeast SOD1 for both wild-type SOD1 (wtSOD1) and a mutant SOD1 in which copper ligand His 48 has been replaced with phenylalanine (H48F-SOD1). According to gel filtration chromatography, dynamic light scattering, analytical ultracentrifugation, and chemical cross-linking experiments, yCCS and this mutant SOD1 form a complex with the correct molecular mass for a heterodimer. No higher order oligomers were detected. Heterodimer formation is facilitated by the presence of zinc but does not depend on copper loading of yCCS. The complex formed with H48F-SOD1 is more stable than that formed with wtSOD1, suggesting that the latter is a more transient species. Notably, heterodimer formation between copper-loaded yCCS and wtSOD1 is accompanied by SOD1 activation only in the presence of zinc. These findings, taken together with structural, biochemical, and genetic studies, strongly suggest that in vivo copper loading of yeast SOD1 occurs via a heterodimeric intermediate.  相似文献   

Copper chaperone for SOD1 (CCS) specifically delivers copper (Cu) to copper, zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) in cytoplasm of mammalian cells. In the present study, small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting CCS was introduced into metallothionein-knockout mouse fibroblasts (MT-KO cells) and their wild type cells (MT-WT cells) to reveal the interactive role of CCS with other Cu-regulating proteins, in particular, MT. CCS knockdown significantly decreased Ctr1, a Cu influx transporter, mRNA expression. On the other hand, Atp7a, a Cu efflux transporter, mRNA expression was increased 3.0 and 2.5 times higher than those of the control in MT-WT and MT-KO cells. These responses of Cu-regulating genes to the CCS knockdown reflected the presence of excess Cu in the cells. To evaluate the Atp7a function in the Cu-replete cells, siRNA of Atp7a and the other Cu transporter, Atp7b were introduced into MT-WT and MT-KO cells. The Atp7a knockdown significantly increased the intracellular Cu concentration, whereas the Atp7b knockdown had no affect. Although two MT isoforms were induced by the CCS knockdown in MT-WT cells, the expression and activity of SOD1 were maintained in both MT-WT and MT-KO cells even when CCS protein expression was reduced to 0.30-0.35 of control. This suggests that the amount of CCS protein exceeds that required to supply Cu to SOD1 in the cells. Further, the CCS knockdown induces Cu accumulation in cells, however, the Cu accumulation is ameliorated by the MT induction, the decrease of Ctr1 expression and the increase of Atp7a expression to maintain Cu homeostasis.  相似文献   

Chenopodium murale is a weed species having wide adaptation to different climatic regimes and experiences a temperature range of 5-45 degrees C during its life span. Higher temperatures may result in heat stress, which induces higher ROS production leading to oxidative stress in the plant. Superoxide dismutase enzyme (SOD, EC. is ubiquitous, being widely distributed among O(2)(-) consuming organisms and is the first line of defense against oxidative stress. In this study, we have characterized the thermostability of the SOD isozymes from C. murale in vitro. The leaf protein extracts, thylakoidal and stromal fractions were subjected to elevated temperatures ranging from 50 degrees C to boiling and analyzed for activity and isoform pattern of SOD. Out of six SOD isoforms, SOD V showed stability even after boiling the extract for 10min. Under high temperature treatment (>60 degrees C) there was an appearance of a new SOD band with higher electrophoretic mobility. The inhibitor studies and subcellular analysis revealed that the SOD V isoform was a chloroplastic Cu/Zn SOD. The stromal Cu/Zn SOD (SOD V) was more stable than the co-migrating thylakoidal isozyme at 80 degrees C and boiling for 10min. Hence, we report an unusual, constitutive thermostable chloroplastic Cu/Zn SOD from C. murale, which may contribute towards its heat tolerance.  相似文献   

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