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To examine the neural mechanism by which hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) regulates energy homeostasis and feeding behavior in commercial broilers, we measured NPY content in several hypothalamic regions of birds that were fasted and then refed. After fasting for 48 and 72 h, body weight significantly decreased, and food intake significantly increased during the subsequent refeeding. The lost body weight was not restored to ad libitum feeding levels even after 3 days of refeeding. Plasma glucose concentration and body fat content significantly decreased and plasma non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentration significantly increased after 48- and 72-h fasting. Refeeding for 24 h restored plasma metabolites and body fat content to pre-fasting levels. NPY content in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and infundibular nucleus significantly increased during fasting, and NPY content of the PVN was restored to pre-fasting levels after 24-h refeeding. However, there was no significant change in the NPY content of the lateral hypothalamic area during fasting or refeeding. The present results of changes in the hypothalamic NPY content during fasting and refeeding support the hypothesis that NPY plays a central role in regulation of energy homeostasis, with especially important effect on feeding behavior and body weight in broiler chickens.  相似文献   

Wirth MM  Giraudo SQ 《Peptides》2000,21(9):1369-1375
Agouti-related protein (Agrp) is an endogenous melanocortin-4 receptor antagonist implicated in the regulation of food intake. Effects of Agrp on feeding under varying conditions were investigated. Agrp (10 to 100 pmol) was injected into the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus of satiated (a.m. and p.m. injections) and food-deprived rats, or was co-administered with 117 pmol Neuropeptide Y (NPY). Agrp significantly stimulated light-phase feeding by 24 h post-injection. However, Agrp stimulated dark-phase and deprivation-induced feeding by 4 and 2 h, respectively. Animals receiving NPY and Agrp consumed more than animals receiving either peptide alone, the effect remaining by 24 h.  相似文献   

弧束核参与剌激下丘脑室旁核的镇痛作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
蒋星红  俞光第 《生理学报》1991,43(2):120-127
This study was undertaken to evaluate the analgesic effect of paraventricular nucleus (PVN) stimulation with tail stimulation-vocalization test. The mechanism of this analgesia was analysed with nuclear lesion and microinjection technique. The main results were as follows: (1) Electrical stimulation of the PVN could significantly enhance the pain threshold and increase the content of AVP in brainstem measured by radioimmunoassay. (2) Solitary tract nucleus (STN) lesion could eliminate the analgesic effect induced by PVN stimulation. (3) Intranuclear microinjection of AVP-antagonist and AVP-antiserum into the STN could block the analgesic effect of PVN stimulation. (4) Intranuclear microinjection of AVP into the STN could mimick the analgesic effect similar to that of PVN stimulation. These results suggest that electrical stimulation of the PVN could produce an analgesic effect. This effect might be mediated by the activation of VP-ergic neurons in PVN and upon releasing VP from the descending fibers, the activities of neurons in the STN are influenced.  相似文献   

In vitro rat hypothalamic slices were used to examine the ability of neuropeptide Y (NPY), and the putative Y1 and Y2 receptor agonists [Pro34]NPY, and [C2]NPY, to modify spontaneous single-neuron discharge in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN). NPY and [Pro34]NPY, at high concentrations (1500 nM), decreased discharge rates. At intermediate concentrations (150 nM) these peptides produced multiple effects, including increases, decreases, and biphasic changes. At lower concentrations (0.15–15 nM), they typically increased discharge rates. In contrast, [C2]NPY, at all concentrations (1.5–1500 nM), predominantly increased discharge rates. Thus, these NPY sybtype agonists have multiple effects on discharge rate, which may be due to action on multiple NPY receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

Meguid MM  Ramos EJ  Laviano A  Varma M  Sato T  Chen C  Qi Y  Das UN 《Peptides》2004,25(2):261-266
Paraventricular (PVN) concentrations of neuropeptide Y (NPY), serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine (DA) in anorectic tumor-bearing (TB) rats were measured before and after tumor resection. At onset of anorexia in TB versus non-tumor bearing (NTB) Controls 5-HT increased from 12.19+/-0.49 pg/microg to 14.89+/-0.81 pg/microg ( P<0.05 ) while DA and NPY decreased from 7.34+/-0.42 pg/microg to 4.97+/-0.56 pg/microg and 23.47+/-4.27 pg/microg to 13.64+/-1.44 pg/microg, respectively ( P<0.05 ). After tumor resection, these neuromediators normalized when compared to sham-operated NTB rats. NTB pair-fed Controls were also studied. We conclude that the increased 5-HT and the decreased DA and NPY concentrations in PVN are associated with cancer anorexia and that the NPY food stimulatory effect is linked to serotoninergic and dopaminergic systems in hypothalamus.  相似文献   

MT II, agonist for MC3/4-Rs, inhibited Ghrelin's orexigenic effect in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN). To further investigate the role of the melanocortin system as mediator of ghrelin's orexigenic actions, we explored the involvement of AgRP in Ghrelin's orexigenic effect by testing the effect on food intake after their co-administration in the PVN, during the light and dark phases of feeding in rats. During both the phases of feeding, co-administration of Ghrelin with either AgRP 50 or AgRP 100 pmol into the PVN did not produce a synergistic effect on the food intake, suggesting that ghrelin induction of feeding occurs by recruiting Agrp as one of the obligatory mediators of its orexigenic effect.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular administration of NPY suppresses ethanol intake in selectively bred alcohol-preferring rat lines, but not in rats selectively bred for low ethanol drinking or in unselected Wistar rats, when access to ethanol is limited to 2h/day. However, when rats undergo chronic (24h/day) ethanol drinking (or exposure to ethanol by vapor inhalation) and have periods of imposed ethanol abstinence, the reductions in ethanol drinking following NPY administration are enhanced in alcohol-preferring rats and are also observed in unselected Wistar rats. Thus, sensitivity to the effects of NPY on ethanol drinking appears to be altered by selective breeding for ethanol preference and by a prior history of chronic but intermittent exposure to ethanol.  相似文献   

Injection of norepinephrine (NE) into the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus has been shown to elicit eating in satiated rats. In the present study, the monoamine oxidase inhibitor tranylcypromine (TCP), which is known to release endogenous NE, was found to produce a similar effect in rats maintained and tested on a palatable milk-mash combination diet. The effect of this antidepressant drug was positively correlated in magnitude with the NE effect in the same animals. It was selectively antagonized by central injection of drugs which block α-adrenergic receptors. Local pretreatment with NE synthesis inhibitors similarly blocked the TCP eating response but had no effect on eating elicited by exogenous NE. It is suggested from these results that TCP is stimulating eating through the release of endogenous NE from adrenergic neurons innervating the region of the paraventricular nucleus.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide FF (NPFF) and neuropeptide VF (NPVF) are octapeptides belonging to the RFamide family of peptides that have been implicated in a wide variety of physiological functions in the brain, including central autonomic and neuroendocrine regulation. The effects of these peptides are mediated via NPFF1 and NPFF2 receptors that are abundantly expressed in the rat brain, including the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), an autonomic nucleus critical for the secretion of neurohormones and the regulation of sympathetic outflow. In this study, we examined, using whole cell patch-clamp recordings in the brain slice, the effects of NPFF and NPVF on inhibitory GABAergic synaptic input to parvocellular PVN neurons. Under voltage-clamp conditions, NPFF and NPVF reversibly and in a concentration-dependent manner reduced the evoked bicuculline-sensitive inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) in parvocellular PVN neurons by 25 and 31%, respectively. RF9, a potent and selective NPFF receptor antagonist, blocked NPFF-induced reduction of IPSCs. Recordings of miniature IPSCs in these neurons following NPFF and NPVF applications showed a reduction in frequency but not amplitude, indicating a presynaptic locus of action for these peptides. Under current-clamp conditions, NPVF and NPFF caused depolarization (6-9 mV) of neurons that persisted in the presence of TTX but was abolished in the presence of bicuculline. Collectively, these data provide evidence for a disinhibitory role of NPFF and NPVF in the hypothalamic PVN via an attenuation of GABAergic inhibitory input to parvocellular neurons of this nucleus and explain the central autonomic effects of NPFF.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》1998,92(1):25-30
In the present experiments we investigated a possible involvement of imidazoline receptors of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus on the pressor effects of the angiotensin II (ANG II) injected into the subfornical organ (SFO), in male Holtzman rats (250–300 g) with a cannula implanted into the third ventricle (3rdV), PVN and SFO. At first we tested the participation of α2 and imidazoline agonist and antagonist compounds on the pressor effect of ANG II injected into the 3rdV. Based on the results we may conclude that clonidine associated with rilmenidine was able to block the hypertensive response to ANG II. The ANG II (20 pmol) injected into SFO induced a robust increase in blood pressure (37 ± 2 mmHg). Isotonic saline (0.15 M) NaCl did not produce any change in blood pressure (5 ± 2 mmHg). The injection of rilmenidine (30 μg/kg/1 μL), an imidazoline agonist agent injected into PVN before ANG II injection into SFO, blocked the pressor effect of ANG II (5 ± 2 mmHg). Also, the injection of idazoxan (60 μg/kg/μL) before rilmenidine blocked the inhibitory effect of rilmenidine on blood pressure (39 ± 4 mmHg). The injection of clonidine (20 nmol/μL) prior to ANG II into the 3rdV produced a decreased in arterial blood pressure (37 ± 2 mmHg) to (15 ± 4 mmHg). The injection of yohimbine (80 nmol/μL) prior to clonidine blocked the effect of clonidine on the effect of ANG II (27 ± 2 mmHg). The injection of rilmenidine prior to ANG II also induced a decrease in arterial blood pressure (10 ± 3 mmHg). The injection of idazoxan prior to rilmenidine also blocked the inhibitory effect of rilmenidine (24 ± 3 mmHg). In summary, the present study demonstrated that rilmenidine decreases the hypertensive effect of ANG II, with more potency than clonidine, even when injected into 3rdV or PVN. This study established that the PVN interacts with SFO by imidazoline receptors in order to control the arterial blood pressure.  相似文献   

Melnick I  Pronchuk N  Cowley MA  Grove KL  Colmers WF 《Neuron》2007,56(6):1103-1115
Homeostatic regulation of energy balance in rodents changes dramatically during the first 3 postnatal weeks. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and melanocortin neurons in the arcuate nucleus, a primary energy homeostatic center in adults, do not fully innervate the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) until the third postnatal week. We have identified two classes of PVN neurons responsive to these neuropeptides, tonically firing neurosecretory (NS) and burst-firing preautonomic (PA) cells. In neonates, NPY could inhibit GABAergic inputs to nearly all NS and PA neurons, while melanocortin regulation was minimal. However, there was a dramatic, age-dependent decrease in NPY responses specifically in the PA neurons, and a 3-fold increase in melanocortin responses in NS cells. These age-dependent changes were accompanied by changes in spontaneous GABAergic currents onto these neurons. This primarily NPYergic regulation in the neonates likely promotes the positive energy balance necessary for growth, while the developmental switch correlates with maturation of homeostatic regulation of energy balance.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the effect of the neuropeptide Y (NPY) Y1 receptor antagonists BIBO 3304 and SR 120562A and of the Y5 receptor antagonists JCF 104, JCF 109, and CGP 71683A on feeding induced either by NPY or food deprivation. In a preliminary experiment, NPY was injected into the third cerebroventricle (3V) at doses of 0.07, 0.15, 0.3, or 0.6 nmol/rat. The dose of 0.3 nmol/rat, which produced a cumulative 2-h food intake of 11.2 +/- 1.9 g/kg body weight, was chosen for the following experiments. The antagonists were injected in the 3V 1 min before NPY. The Y1 receptor antagonist BIBO 3304 significantly inhibited NPY-induced feeding at doses of 1 or 10 nmol/rat. The Y1 receptor antagonist SR 120562A, at the dose of 10 but not of 1 nmol/rat, significantly reduced the hyperphagic effect of NPY, 0.3 nmol/rat. The Y5 receptor antagonists JCF 104 and JCF 109 (1 or 10 nmol/rat) and CGP 71683A (10 or 100 nmol/rat) did not significantly modify the effect of NPY, 0.3 nmol/rat. However, JCF 104 (10 nmol/rat) and CGP 71683A (100 nmol/rat), but not JCF 109 (10 nmol/rat), significantly reduced food intake during the interval from 2 to 4 h after injection of a higher dose, 0.6 nmol/rat, of NPY. Feeding induced by 16 h of food deprivation was significantly reduced by the Y1 receptor antagonist BIBO 3304 (10 nmol/rat), but it was not significantly modified by the same dose of SR 120562A or JCF 104. These findings support the idea that the hyperphagic effect of NPY is mainly mediated by Y1 receptors. The results obtained with JCF 104 and CGP 71683A suggest that Y5 receptors may have a modulatory role in the maintenance of feeding induced by rather high doses of NPY after the main initial feeding response.  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic connections between neurons immunoreactive for arginine vasopressin (AVP) and axon terminals immunoreactive for neuropeptide Y (NPY) were found in the magnocellular part of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) in the rat hypothalamus. In pre-embedding double immunolabeling, NPY axon terminals labeled with diamin-obenzidine (DAB) reaction product established synaptic junctions on the perikarya and neuronal processes of AVP neurons labeled with silver-gold particles. Ultrastructural morphology of the neurons was more suitably preserved by a combination of pre- and post-embedding procedures. The presynaptic NPY terminals contained many small clear vesicles and a few cored vesicles, and DAB chromogen (immunoreaction product) was located on the surface of the vesicular profiles and on the core. The postsynaptic AVP neurons possessed many large secretory granules labeled with gold particles. At the synaptic junctions, small clear vesicles were accumulated at the presynaptic membrane, and the postsynaptic membrane was coated with a dense accumulation of fine electron dense particles. The perikarya also received synapses made by immuno-negative axon terminals containing many small clear vesicles and a few cored vesicles. These terminals were found more frequently than those containing NPY.  相似文献   

Objective: Chronic central administration of neuropeptide Y (NPY) has dramatic effects on energy balance; however, the exact role of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) in this is unknown. The aim of this study was to further unravel the contribution of NPY signaling in the PVN to energy balance. Research Methods and Procedures: Recombinant adeno‐associated viral particles containing NPY (rAAV‐NPY) were injected in the rat brain with coordinates targeted at the PVN. For three weeks, body weight, food intake, endocrine parameters, body temperature, and locomotor activity were measured. Furthermore, effects on insulin sensitivity and expression of NPY, agouti‐related protein (AgRP), and pro‐opiomelanocortin in the arcuate nucleus were studied. Results: Food intake was increased specifically in the light period, and dark phase body temperature and locomotor activity were reduced. This resulted in obesity characterized by increased fat mass; elevated plasma insulin, leptin, and adiponectin; decreased AgRP expression in the arcuate nucleus; and decreased insulin sensitivity; whereas plasma corticosterone was unaffected. Discussion: These data suggest that increased NPY expression targeted at the PVN is sufficient to induce obesity. Interestingly, plasma concentrations of leptin and insulin were elevated before a rise in food intake, which suggests that NPY in the PVN influences leptin and insulin secretion independently from food intake. This strengthens the role of the PVN in regulation of energy balance by NPY.  相似文献   

Many mammals, nearing the end of life, spontaneously decrease their food intake and body weight, a stage we refer to as senescence. The spontaneous decrease in food intake and body weight is associated with attenuated responses to intracerebroventricular injections of neuropeptide Y (NPY) compared with old presenescent or with young adult rats. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that this blunted responsiveness involves the number and expression of hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) Y(1) and/or Y(5) NPY receptors, both of which are thought to mediate NPY-induced food intake. We found no significant difference in mRNA levels, via quantitative PCR, for Y(1) and Y(5) receptors in the PVN of senescent vs. presenescent rats. In contrast, immunohistochemistry indicated that the number of PVN neurons staining for Y(1) receptor protein was greater in presenescent compared with senescent rats. We conclude that a decreased expression and number of Y(1) or Y(5) receptors in the PVN cannot explain the attenuated responsiveness of the senescent rats to exogenous NPY.  相似文献   

H A Dewar  M A Zar  A Oxley 《Life sciences》1989,45(5):367-370
The effect of neuropeptide Y on platelet-rich citrated human plasma has been studied both before and after addition of adrenaline. The peptide has no aggregatory properties of its own, but in the concentrations tested it does slow and inhibit the aggregatory responses of platelets to adrenaline. This effect is dose-dependent. The implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is an important regulator of energy balance in mammals through its orexigenic, antithermogenic, and insulin secretagogue actions. We investigated the regulation of endogenous NPY release from rat hypothalamic slices by NPY receptor ligands and calcium channel antagonists. High-potassium stimulation (60 mM) of the slices produced a calcium-dependent threefold increase in NPY release above basal release. The Y2 receptor agonists NPY(13-36) and N-acetyl[Leu28,Leu31]NPY(24-36), the Y4 agonist rat pancreatic polypeptide (rPP), and the Y4/Y5 agonist human pancreatic polypeptide (hPP) significantly reduced both basal and stimulated NPY release. NPY(13-36)-induced reduction of NPY release could be partially prevented in the presence of the weak Y2 antagonist T4-[NPY(33-36)]4, whereas the hPP- and rPP-induced inhibition of release was not affected by the Y5 antagonist CGP71683A or the Y1 antagonist BIBP3226. The selective Y1, Y2, and Y5 antagonists had no effect on either basal or potassium-stimulated release when administered alone. The calcium channel inhibitors omega-conotoxin GVIA (N-type), omega-agatoxin TK (P/Q-type), and omega-conotoxin MVIIC (Q-type) all significantly inhibited potassium-stimulated NPY release, without any effect on basal release, whereas nifedipine had no effect on either basal or stimulated release. Addition of both omega-conotoxin GVIA and omega-agatoxin TK together completely inhibited the potassium-stimulated release. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that NPY release from hypothalamic slices is calcium-dependent, involving N-, P-, and Q-type calcium channels. NPY release is also inhibited by Y2 agonists and rPP/hPP, suggesting that Y2 and Y4 receptors may act as autoreceptors on NPY-containing nerve terminals.  相似文献   

A Sahu  P S Kalra  S P Kalra 《Peptides》1988,9(1):83-86
We have studied the effects on neuropeptide Y (NPY) concentration in six hypothalamic nuclei, viz. medial preoptic area (MPOA), paraventricular nucleus (PVN), median eminence (ME), arcuate nucleus (ARC), ventromedial nucleus (VMN) and dorsomedial nucleus (DMN) of food deprivation (FD) for 2, 3, or 4 days or FD for 4 days followed by one day ad lib food intake (FI) in male rats. Hypothalamic nuclei were microdissected by the technique of Palkovits and processed for measurement of NPY immunoreactivity by RIA. NPY-like immunoreactivity in the ME, VMN and DMN was unaffected by FD or FI, but the remaining three nuclei--the ARC, MPOA and NPY--displayed a different pattern of changes in NPY levels in response to either FD or FD followed by FI. In the ARC, NPY levels rose significantly at day 3 and 4 after FD and remained elevated even after one day of FI. In the MPOA, while FD for 4 days had no effect, NPY concentration increased significantly in response to FI. In contrast, in the PVN, a site implicated in the control of feeding behavior, the NPY response to FD and FI was markedly different. FD elicited a gradual, time-related increase in NPY levels to reach highest concentration on day 4 and thereafter, following one day of FI, NPY levels fell dramatically to the range found in control satiated rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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