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Electron microscopy examination of II-H deoxyribonucleic acid heteroduplexes, together with polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analyses of phage ribonucleic acid species and proteins labeled in II or H-infected cells, demonstrates that Pasteurella pestis phage H is nearly identical to coliphage II.  相似文献   

Algal-virus-specific PCR primers were used to amplify DNA polymerase (pol) gene fragments from geographically isolated natural virus communities. Natural algal virus communities were obtained from coastal sites in the Pacific Ocean in British Columbia, Canada, and the Southern Ocean near the Antarctic peninsula. Genetic fingerprints of algal virus communities were generated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Sequencing efforts recovered 33 sequences from the gradient gel. Of the 33 sequences examined, 25 encoded a conserved amino acid motif indicating that the sequences were pol gene fragments. Furthermore, the 25 pol sequences were related to pol gene fragments from known algal viruses. In addition, similar virus sequences (>98% sequence identity) were recovered from British Columbia and Antarctica. Results from this study demonstrate that DGGE with degenerate primers can be used to qualitatively fingerprint and assess genetic diversity in specific subsets of natural virus communities and that closely related viruses occur in distant geographic locations. DGGE is a powerful tool for genetically fingerprinting natural virus communities and may be used to examine how specific components of virus communities respond to experimental manipulations.  相似文献   

Abstract: Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) A and B play important roles in the metabolism of neuroactive, vasoactive amines. Human platelets contain only MAO B, often used as an indicator of brain MAO B. The validity of this model remained to be evaluated. This report describes the molecular cloning of human MAO B from frontal cortex and platelets. Two overlapping PCR-amplified clones of human platelet MAO B and four PCR-amplified clones of human frontal cortex MAO B covering the entire coding region were sequenced using five internal oligomers and M13 reverse and forward primers. The nucleotide sequences of human MAO B cDNA from platelet and frontal cortex were identical to that of human liver MAO B except for three nucleotides that differed in frontal cortex: nucleotides 440 A → G, 794 C → T, and 825 C → T. Whether or not these differences are artifactual, all three represent silent mutations, which would not alter the amino acid of the encoded polypeptides. Thus, the deduced amino acid sequences of MAO B from frontal cortex, platelet, and liver are identical. These findings indicate the validity of using platelet MAO B mRNA as a marker for brain MAO B and provide a new approach to study the role of brain MAO B in humans.  相似文献   

This study analyzes psbA gene sequences, predicted D1 protein sequences, species relative abundance, and pollution-induced community tolerance in marine periphyton communities exposed to the antifouling compound Irgarol 1051. The mechanism of action of Irgarol is the inhibition of photosynthetic electron transport at photosystem II by binding to the D1 protein. The metagenome of the communities was used to produce clone libraries containing fragments of the psbA gene encoding the D1 protein. Community tolerance was quantified with a short-term test for the inhibition of photosynthesis. The communities were established in a continuous flow of natural seawater through microcosms with or without added Irgarol. The selection pressure from Irgarol resulted in an altered species composition and an inducted community tolerance to Irgarol. Moreover, there was a very high diversity in the psbA gene sequences in the periphyton, and the composition of psbA and D1 fragments within the communities was dramatically altered by increased Irgarol exposure. Even though tolerance to this type of compound in land plants often depends on a single amino acid substitution (Ser264→Gly) in the D1 protein, this was not the case for marine periphyton species. Instead, the tolerance mechanism likely involves increased degradation of D1. When we compared sequences from low and high Irgarol exposure, differences in nonconserved amino acids were found only in the so-called PEST region of D1, which is involved in regulating its degradation. Our results suggest that environmental contamination with Irgarol has led to selection for high-turnover D1 proteins in marine periphyton communities at the west coast of Sweden.  相似文献   

Many cyanophage isolates which infect the marine cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. and Prochlorococcus spp. contain a gene homologous to psbA, which codes for the D1 protein involved in photosynthesis. In the present study, cyanophage psbA gene fragments were readily amplified from freshwater and marine samples, confirming their widespread occurrence in aquatic communities. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that sequences from freshwaters have an evolutionary history that is distinct from that of their marine counterparts. Similarly, sequences from cyanophages infecting Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus spp. were readily discriminated, as were sequences from podoviruses and myoviruses. Viral psbA sequences from the same geographic origins clustered within different clades. For example, cyanophage psbA sequences from the Arctic Ocean fell within the Synechococcus as well as Prochlorococcus phage groups. Moreover, as psbA sequences are not confined to a single family of phages, they provide an additional genetic marker that can be used to explore the diversity and evolutionary history of cyanophages in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the mitochondrial electron transfer chain and induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production are one of the roots of cadmium (Cd) toxicity. To appreciate the impact of Cd on mitochondria, we focused on the expression of CoxI gene which encodes the subunit I of the Cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV of the respiratory chain). CoxI gene expression was studied by real-time quantitative PCR in three species: two freshwater bivalves (Corbicula fluminea and Dreissena polymorpha) and one marine bivalve (diploid or triploid Crassostrea gigas). Bivalves were exposed for 10 or 14 days to 0.13 μM Cd2+ and 15.3 μM Zn2+ in controlled laboratory conditions. We demonstrate that in the three mollusk species CoxI gene was up-regulated by Cd. Zinc (Zn), which is known to have antioxidant properties, had no effect on CoxI gene expression. In the presence of Cd and Zn, CoxI gene inducibility was lower than after a single Cd exposure, in each species; result that could not be fully explained by a decreased Cd accumulation. CoxI gene induction by Cd was 4.8-fold higher in triploid oysters than in diploid ones, indicating a possible influence of triploidy on animal responses to Cd contamination.  相似文献   

The distribution of viral genotypes in the ocean and their evolutionary relatedness remain poorly constrained. This paper presents data on the genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships of 1.2-kb DNA polymerase (pol) gene fragments from podoviruses. A newly designed set of PCR primers was used to amplify DNA directly from coastal sediment and water samples collected from inlets adjacent to the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada, and from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 160 cloned PCR products revealed 29 distinct operational taxonomic units (OTUs), with OTUs within a site typically being more similar than those among sites. Phylogenetic analysis of the DNA pol gene fragments demonstrated high similarity between some environmental sequences and sequences from the marine podoviruses roseophage SIO1 and cyanophage P60, while others were not closely related to sequences from cultured phages. Interrogation of the CAMERA database for sequences from metagenomics data demonstrated that the amplified sequences were representative of the diversity of podovirus pol sequences found in marine samples. Our results indicate high genetic diversity within marine podovirus communities within a small geographic region and demonstrate that the diversity of environmental polymerase gene sequences for podoviruses is far more extensive than previously recognized.Marine viruses are the most abundant (41) and diverse (2, 6) biological entities in the ocean. They affect community composition by causing the lysis of specific subsets of the microbial community (22, 28, 46, 47) and, by killing numerically dominant host taxa, may influence species evenness and richness (24, 28, 43, 50). Despite the abundance of bacteriophages in marine systems and their important roles in marine microbial composition, little is known about the distribution and diversity of specific groups of marine viruses. However, most marine bacteriophage isolates are tailed phages (3) belonging to the order Caudovirales (27), which comprises the families Myoviridae, Podoviridae, and Siphoviridae.Podoviruses are classified into several groups (e.g., T7-like, P22-like, and phi-29-like) based on genome size, genome arrangement, and shared genes and can be readily isolated from seawater (11, 16, 42, 45). Genomic analysis of roseophage SIO1 (33), cyanophage P60 (7), vibriophage VpV262 (21), and cyanophage PSSP7 (40) suggests that many of the isolates are T7-like. Despite the apparently wide distribution of podoviruses in the sea, and their potential importance as agents of microbial mortality, there has been little effort to explore their diversity.Sequence analysis of representative genes is one approach that has been used to examine the genetic diversity of specific groups of marine viruses. For example, homologues for structural genes (g20 and g23) found in T4-like phages are found in some marine myoviruses (18, 20) and have been used to examine the distribution, diversity, and evolutionary relationships among marine myoviruses (12, 14, 17, 37, 38, 49). Other studies have used DNA polymerase (pol) to examine the diversity of viruses infecting eukaryotic phytoplankton (8, 38) and have shown that phylogenies constructed with this gene are congruent with established viral taxonomy (9, 36, 37).Although it is not universally present, family A DNA pol is a good target for examining the diversity of podoviruses (4). Our study presents a newly designed set of PCR primers that amplify a longer fragment of the DNA polymerase from a much larger suite of podoviruses and shows that the diversity within marine podoviruses as revealed by DNA pol sequences is far greater than previously realized.  相似文献   

A combination of cultivation-based methods with a molecular biological approach was used to investigate whether planktonic bacteria with identical 16S rRNA gene sequences can represent distinct eco- and genotypes. A set of 11 strains of Brevundimonas alba were isolated from a bacterial freshwater community by conventional plating or by using a liquid most-probable-number (MPN) dilution series. These strains had identical 16S rRNA gene sequences and represented the dominant phylotype in the plateable fraction, as well as in the highest positive dilutions of the MPN series. However, internally transcribed spacer and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus PCR fingerprinting analyses, as well as DNA-DNA hybridization analyses, revealed great genetic diversity among the 11 strains. Each strain utilized a specific combination of 59 carbon substrates, and the niche overlap indices were low, suggesting that each strain occupied a different ecological niche. In dialysis cultures incubated in situ, each strain had a different growth rate and cell yield. We thus demonstrated that the B. alba strains represent distinct populations with genetically determined adaptations and probably occupy different ecological niches. Our results have implications for assessment of the diversity and biogeography of bacteria and increase the perception of natural diversity beyond the level of 16S rRNA gene sequences.  相似文献   

One of the historic debates in molecular evolution concerns the strong variation in the genomic guanine–cytosine (GC) content of prokaryotes, which ranges from approximately 20–75%: Is this factor selectively neutral, or is it the result of natural selection? In a previous article published by our group, we showed that inside well-defined taxonomic groups of prokaryotes, strictly aerobic organisms tend to display higher genomic GC levels than strictly anaerobic species. In the present study, we examined the GC content of fragments of DNA obtained from microbial communities along a well-defined environmental gradient: a 4,000-m vertical profile in the North Pacific subtropical gyre. The patterns of GC distribution might be associated with oxygen concentrations in the seawater column. These results give further support to the link between a physiologic trait (aerobic respiration) and genomic GC content.  相似文献   

三种海洋微藻和三种淡水微藻脂肪酸组成特征的比较分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
比较了3种海洋微藻:简单角刺藻(Chaetoceros simplex)、绿色巴夫藻(Pavlova viridis)、扁藻(Platymonas sp.)和3种淡水微藻:蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidosa)、斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquua)、极大螺旋藻(Spirulina maxima)的脂肪酸组成。结果表明:海洋微藻的饱和脂肪酸种类相对比淡水微藻多,前者的碳链长度在14碳到20碳之间,后者主要有C16:0和C18:0。二者单不饱和脂肪酸均是以C16:1ω7和C18:1ω9为主。多不饱和脂肪酸中,海洋微藻以二十碳五稀酸(EPA)和二十二碳六稀酸(DHA)为主,其中,绿色巴夫藻含有24.34%的EPA和11.48%的DHA,简单角刺藻含有13.24%的EPA;淡水微藻以18碳为主,其中,极大螺旋藻含有24.02%的γ-亚麻酸(GLA)。  相似文献   

The occurrence of 22 bacterial human virulence genes (encoding toxins, adhesins, secretion systems, regulators of virulence, inflammatory mediators, and bacterial resistance) in beech wood soil, roadside soil, organic agricultural soil, and freshwater biofilm was investigated by nested PCR. The presence of clinically relevant bacterial groups known to possess virulence genes was tested by PCR of 16S and 23S rRNA genes. For each of the virulence genes detected in the environments, sequencing and NCBI BLAST analysis confirmed the identity of the PCR products. The virulence genes showed widespread environmental occurrence, as 17 different genes were observed. Sixteen genes were detected in beech wood soil, and 14 were detected in roadside and organic agricultural soils, while 11 were detected in the freshwater biofilm. All types of virulence traits were represented in all environments; however, the frequency at which they were detected was variable. A principal-component analysis suggested that several factors influenced the presence of the virulence genes; however, their distribution was most likely related to the level of contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and pH. The occurrence of the virulence genes in the environments generally did not appear to be the result of the presence of clinically relevant bacteria, indicating an environmental origin of the virulence genes. The widespread occurrence of the virulence traits and the high degree of sequence conservation between the environmental and clinical sequences suggest that soil and freshwater environments may constitute reservoirs of virulence determinants normally associated with human disease.  相似文献   

The fungal-like family Saprolegniaceae (Oomycota), also called “water mold,” includes mostly aquatic saprophytes as well as notorious aquatic animal pathogens. Most studies on Saprolegniaceae have been biased toward pathogenic species that are important to aquaculture rather than saprotrophic species, despite the latter’s crucial roles in carbon cycling of freshwater ecosystems. Few attempts have been made to study the diversity and ecology of Saprolegniaceae; thus, their ecological role is not well-known. During a survey of oomycetes between 2016 and 2021, we investigated the diversity and distribution of culturable Saprolegniaceae species in freshwater ecosystems of Korea. In the present study, members of Saprolegniaceae were isolated and identified at species level based on their cultural, morphological, and molecular phylogenetic analyses. Furthermore, substrate preference and seasonal dynamics for each were examined. Most of the species were previously reported as animal pathogens; however, in the present study, they were often isolated from other freshwater substrates, such as plant debris, algae, water, and soil sediment. The relative abundance of Saprolegniaceae was higher in the cold to cool season than that in the warm to hot season of Korea. This study enhances our understanding of the diversity and ecological attributes of Saprolegniaceae in freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

The distribution and evolution of Au SINE in plants were examined. Au SINE is a short interspersed element first identified in Aegilops umbellulata, a close relative of wheat. The Au SINE was previously found in species such as wheat, maize, tobacco, and tomato, but not in rice. In this study, we first searched public databases, and next examined the presence of Au in a broad range of plant species by PCR using internal primers of Au. Although Au is likely to be absent from many species including rice, it was identified in many Gramineae, Solanaceae, and Fabaceae species, and also in a basal angiosperm species, Asimina triloba. Phylogenetic studies suggest that Au SINE originated before the divergence of monocots and eudicots. Au SINE sequences of Asimina, Triticum, Zea, Nicotiana, Lotus, Medicago, and Glycine were aligned and compared. Although sequences of Au were highly conserved among distantly related species, every Au element in Glycine had a 16 bp deletion and its 3′ end differed from sequences of other species. This type of Au could only be found in G. max, and not in other species including other Fabaceae species such as M.␣truncatula and L. japonicus. This is the first report of a plant SINE family present in multiple lineages, and the evolution of Au SINE in the plant kingdom, especially in Gramineae and Fabaceae is discussed. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Infection with a replication-competent bovine leukemia virus structural gene vector (BLV SGV) is an innovative vaccination approach to prevent disease by complex retroviruses. Previously we developed BLV SGV that constitutively expresses BLV gag, pol, and env and related cis-acting sequences but lacks tax, rex, RIII, and GIV and most of the BLV long terminal repeat sequences, including the cis-acting Tax and Rex response elements. The novel SGV virus is replication competent and replicates a selectable vector to a titer similar to that of the parental BLV in cell culture. The overall goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that infection with BLV SGV is nonpathogenic in rabbits. BLV infection of rabbits by inoculation of cell-free BLV or cell-associated BLV typically causes an immunodeficiency-like syndrome and death by 1 year postinfection. We sought to evaluate whether in vivo transfection of BLV provirus recapitulates pathogenic BLV infection and to compare BLV and BLV SGV with respect to infection, immunogenicity, and clinical outcome. Three groups of rabbits were subjected to in vivo transfection with BLV, BLV SGV, or negative control DNA. The results of our 20-month study indicate that in vivo transfection of rabbits with BLV recapitulates the fatal BLV infection produced by cell-free or cell-associated BLV. The BLV-infected rabbits exhibited sudden onset of clinical decline and immunodeficiency-like symptoms that culminated in death. BLV and BLV SGV infected peripheral blood mononuclear cells and induced similar levels of seroconversion to BLV structural proteins. However, BLV SGV exhibited a reduced proviral load and did not trigger the immunodeficiency-like syndrome. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that BLV SGV is infectious and immunogenic and lacks BLV pathogenicity in rabbits, and they support the use of this modified proviral vector delivery system for vaccines against complex retroviruses like BLV.  相似文献   

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