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The morphological development, ultrastructural cytology, and molecular phylogeny of Eurychasma dicksonii, a holocarpic oomycete endoparasite of phaeophyte algae, were investigated in laboratory cultures. Infection of the host algae by E. dicksonii is initiated by an adhesorium-like infection apparatus. First non-walled, the parasite cell developed a cell wall and numerous large vacuoles once it had almost completely filled the infected host cell (foamy stage). Large-scale cytoplasmic changes led to the differentiation of a sporangium with peripheral primary cysts. Secondary zoospores appeared to be liberated from the primary cysts in the internal space left after the peripheral spores differentiated. These zoospores contained two phases of peripheral vesicles, most likely homologous to the dorsal encystment vesicles and K-bodies observed in other oomycetes. Following zoospore liberation the walls of the empty cyst were left behind, forming the so-called net sporangium, a distinctive morphological feature of this genus. The morphological and ultrastructural features of Eurychasma were discussed in relation to similarities with other oomycetes. Both SSU rRNA and COII trees pointed to a basal position of Eurychasma among the Oomycetes. The cox2 sequences also revealed that the UGA codon encoded tryptophan, constituting the first report of stop codon reassignment in an oomycete mitochondrion.  相似文献   

Oomycete diseases in seaweeds are probably widespread and of significant ecological and economic impact, but overall still poorly understood. This study investigates the organisation of the cytoskeleton during infection of three brown algal species, Pylaiella littoralis, Ectocarpus siliculosus, and Ectocarpus crouaniorum, by the basal marine oomycete Eurychasma dicksonii. Immunofluorescence staining of tubulin revealed how the development of this intracellular biotrophic pathogen impacts on microtubule (MT) organisation of its algal host. The host MT cytoskeleton remains normal and organised by the centrosome until very late stages of the infection. Additionally, the organisation of the parasite's cytoskeleton was examined. During mitosis of the E. dicksonii nucleus the MT focal point (microtubule organisation centre, MTOC, putative centrosome) duplicates and each daughter MTOC migrates to opposite poles of the nucleus. This similarity in MT organisation between the host and pathogen reflects the relatively close phylogenetic relationship between oomycetes and brown algae. Moreover, actin labelling with rhodamine‐phalloidin in E. dicksonii revealed typical images of actin dots connected by fine actin filament bundles in the cortical cytoplasm. The functional and phylogenetic implications of our observations are discussed.  相似文献   

The important role of the cytoskeletal scaffold is increasingly recognized in host-pathogen interactions. The cytoskeleton potentially functions as a weapon for both the plants defending themselves against fungal or oomycete parasites, and for the pathogens trying to overcome the resisting barrier of the plants. This concept, however, had not been investigated in marine algae so far. We are opening this scientific chapter with our study on the functional implications of the cytoskeleton in 3 filamentous brown algal species infected by the marine oomycete Eurychasma dicksonii. Our observations suggest that the cytoskeleton is involved in host defense responses and in fundamental developmental stages of E. dicksonii in its algal host.Oomycetes are important plant and animal pathogens and are the cause of significant crop losses every year. Hence, a plethora of studies with different cultivated and model plant species investigate the diversity of parasite infection pathways and host defense responses.1 However, little information is available on the interactions between algae and marine oomycetes, despite the epidemic outbreaks reported2 and the huge impact on intensive algal aquaculture.3Eurychasma dicksonii is a biotrophic, intracellular marine oomycete, capable to infect at least 45 species of brown seaweeds in laboratory cultures.4 Molecular data reveal that E. dicksonii has a basal phylogenetic position in the oomycete lineage.5,6 The basic stages of the infection are known: the attachment of the parasite spore to the host cell wall, the penetration of its cytoplasm into the host cell, the formation of a multinucleated, unwalled thallus, and zoosporogenesis.6 Hitherto, though, there was no knowledge about the role of cytoskeleton in the context of infection, which stimulated our research.In land plants, reorganization of the cytoskeleton is part of the reaction to infection by fungal pathogens. The rearrangement of the cytoplasm and the relocation of the nuclei and other organelles are accompanied by rapid rearrangements of the cytoskeletal elements.7 The plant cytoskeleton shows an extreme plasticity in order to serve the intracellular realignment.At the same time, this indicates that the plant cytoskeleton could be the parasite’s target by producing anti-cytoskeletal compounds in an effort to overcome plant resistance, a mechanism known in several fungal and oomycete pathogens of higher plants.8,9Consequently, the changes in microtubule (MT) organization are associated with both the plant defense and/or susceptibility toward oomycetes, respectively.10 Therefore, our research on the organization and role of cytoskeleton in the host and the parasite sheds some light into the enormous variability in the specificity of the recognition, defense, and infection mechanisms.  相似文献   

Brown algae share several important features with land plants, such as their photoautotrophic nature and their cellulose-containing wall, but the two groups are distantly related from an evolutionary point of view. The heterokont phylum, to which the brown algae belong, is a eukaryotic crown group that is phylogenetically distinct not only from the green lineage, but also from the red algae and the opisthokont phylum (fungi and animals). As a result of this independent evolutionary history, the brown algae exhibit many novel features and, moreover, have evolved complex multicellular development independently of the other major groups already mentioned. In 2004, a consortium of laboratories, including the Station Biologique in Roscoff and Genoscope, initiated a project to sequence the genome of Ectocarpus siliculosus, a small filamentous brown alga that is found in temperate, coastal environments throughout the globe. The E. siliculosus genome, which is currently being annotated, is expected to be the first completely characterized genome of a multicellular alga. In this review we look back over two centuries of work on this brown alga and highlight the advances that have led to the choice of E. siliculosus as a genomic and genetic model organism for the brown algae.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, a growing body of evidence points to parasites as key players in the control of population dynamics and overall ecosystem structure. However, their prevalence and impact on marine macroalgal communities remain virtually unknown. Indeed, infectious diseases of seaweeds are largely underdocumented, partly because of the expertise required to diagnose them with a microscope. Over the last few years, however, real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) has emerged as a rapid and reliable alternative to visual symptom scoring for monitoring pathogens. Thus, we present here a qPCR assay suitable for the detection and quantification of the intracellular oomycete pathogen Eurychasma dicksonii in its ectocarpalean and laminarialean brown algal hosts. qPCR and microscopic observations made of laboratory-controlled cultures revealed that clonal brown algal strains exhibit different levels of resistance against Eurychasma, ranging from high susceptibility to complete absence of symptoms. This observation strongly argues for the existence of a genetic determinism for disease resistance in brown algae, which would have broad implications for the dynamics and genetic structure of natural populations. We also used qPCR for the rapid detection of Eurychasma in filamentous brown algae collected in Northern Europe and South America and found that the assay is specific, robust, and widely applicable to field samples. Hence, this study opens the perspective of combining large-scale disease monitoring in the field with laboratory-controlled experiments on the genome model seaweed Ectocarpus siliculosus to improve our understanding of brown algal diseases.  相似文献   

New insight into the molecular mechanisms of two-partner secretion   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Two-partner secretion (TPS) systems, which export large proteins to the surface and/or extracellular milieu of Gram-negative bacteria, are members of a large superfamily of protein translocation systems that are widely distributed in animals, plants and fungi, in addition to nearly all groups of Gram-negative bacteria. Recent intense research on TPS systems has provided new insight into the structure and topology of the outer membrane translocator proteins and the large exoproteins that they secrete, the interactions between them, and mechanisms for retention of some of the secreted proteins on the bacterial surface. Evidence for secretion-dependent folding of mature exoproteins has also been obtained. Together, these findings provide a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying these simple but elegant secretion systems.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are crucially involved in the removal of eukaryotic cells by the intrinsic pathway of programmed cell death (apoptosis). The mitochondrion's outer membrane (MOM) is the platform where this pathway takes place. Upon oxidative stress triggering apoptotic action, the MOM undergoes permeabilization and release of cytochrome c, ultimately causing cell death. This membrane perforation is regulated not only by opposing members of the Bcl-2 protein family meeting at the MOM but also actively the membrane itself. Upon oxidative damage, the membrane undergoes severe reorganization causing an increase in cell death-causing apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins. To understand the active role of MOM, we provided a detailed molecular view of its structural and dynamic reorganization upon oxidative stress by solid-state 13C MAS NMR (magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance) accompanied by calorimetric studies. By focusing on MOM-like vesicles doped with oxidized lipid species, direct polarization 13C MAS NMR provided a quantitative overview and identification of all lipid moieties across the membrane. 1H-13C cross polarization and insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization transfer MAS NMR generated a dynamic - mobile versus restricted – membrane profile. Oxidized phospholipids significantly perturb the structural membrane organization and increase membrane dynamics. These perturbations are not uniformly distributed as the hydrophobic core is reflecting the melting of lipid chains and increase in molecular disorder directly, whereas the interface and headgroup region undergo complex dynamical changes, reflecting increased intra-molecular flexibility of these moieties. These changes are potentially crucial in augmenting pro-apoptotic action of proteins like Bax.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin has developed mechanisms to optimize its sensitivity to light by suppressing dark noise and enhancing quantum yield. We propose that an intramolecular hydrogen-bonding network formed by ~20 water molecules, the hydrophilic residues, and peptide backbones in the transmembrane region is essential to restrain thermal isomerization, the source of dark noise. We studied the thermal stability of rhodopsin at 55 °C with single point mutations (E181Q and S186A) that perturb the hydrogen-bonding network at the active site. We found that the rate of thermal isomerization increased by 1-2 orders of magnitude in the mutants. Our results illustrate the importance of the intact hydrogen-bonding network for dim-light detection, revealing the functional roles of water molecules in rhodopsin. We also show that thermal isomerization of 11-cis-retinal in solution can be catalyzed by wild-type opsin and that this catalytic property is not affected by the mutations. We characterize the catalytic effect and propose that it is due to steric interactions in the retinal-binding site and increases quantum yield by predetermining the trajectory of photoisomerization. Thus, our studies reveal a balancing act between dark noise and quantum yield, which have opposite effects on the thermal isomerization rate. The acquisition of the hydrogen-bonding network and the tuning of the steric interactions at the retinal-binding site are two important factors in the development of dim-light vision.  相似文献   

Gleason C  Foley RC  Singh KB 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e17245
Herbicides that mimic the natural auxin indole-3-acetic acid are widely used in weed control. One common auxin-like herbicide is dicamba, but despite its wide use, plant gene responses to dicamba have never been extensively studied. To further understand dicamba's mode of action, we utilized Arabidopsis auxin-insensitive mutants and compared their sensitivity to dicamba and the widely-studied auxinic herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The mutant axr4-2, which has disrupted auxin transport into cells, was resistant to 2,4-D but susceptible to dicamba. By comparing dicamba resistance in auxin signalling F-box receptor mutants (tir1-1, afb1, afb2, afb3, and afb5), only tir1-1 and afb5 were resistant to dicamba, and this resistance was additive in the double tir1-1/afb5 mutant. Interestingly, tir1-1 but not afb5 was resistant to 2,4-D. Whole genome analysis of dicamba-induced gene expression showed that 10 hours after application, dicamba stimulated many stress-responsive and signalling genes, including those involved in biosynthesis or signalling of auxin, ethylene, and abscisic acid (ABA), with TIR1 and AFB5 required for the dicamba-responsiveness of some genes. Research into dicamba-regulated gene expression and the selectivity of auxin receptors has provided molecular insight into dicamba-regulated signalling and could help in the development of novel herbicide resistance in crop plants.  相似文献   

There is a large body of evidence demonstrating that metallothioneins (MTs) expressed in astrocytes following CNS injury, exhibit both neuroprotective and neuroregenerative properties and are critical for recovery outcomes. As these proteins lack signal peptides, and have well characterized free radical scavenging and heavy metal binding properties, the neuroprotective functions of MTs have been attributed to these intracellular roles. However, there is an increasing realization that the neuroprotective functions of MTs may also involve an extracellular component. In this issue of Journal of Neurochemistry , Ambjørn et al. reveal considerable insight into this novel function of MTs. In this review, we examine the seminal work of Ambjørn et al. in the context of our current understanding of the role of MT in astrocyte-neuron interactions in the injured brain, and also discuss the significant therapeutic potential of their work.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is the aetiological agent of Chagas' disease, a chronic infection that affects millions in Central and South America. Proteolytic enzymes are involved in the development and progression of this disease and two metallocarboxypeptidases, isolated from T. cruzi CL Brener clone, have recently been characterized: TcMCP-1 and TcMCP-2. Although both are cytosolic and closely related in sequence, they display different temporary expression patterns and substrate preferences. TcMCP-1 removes basic C-terminal residues, whereas TcMCP-2 prefers hydrophobic/aromatic residues. Here we report the three-dimensional structure of TcMCP-1. It resembles an elongated cowry, with a long, deep, narrow active-site cleft mimicking the aperture. It has an N-terminal dimerization subdomain, involved in a homodimeric catalytically active quaternary structure arrangement, and a proteolytic subdomain partitioned by the cleft into an upper and a lower moiety. The cleft accommodates a catalytic metal ion, most likely a cobalt, which is co-ordinated by residues included in a characteristic zinc-binding sequence, HEXXH and a downstream glutamate. The structure of TcMCP-1 shows strong topological similarity with archaeal, bacterial and mammalian metallopeptidases including angiotensin-converting enzyme, neurolysin and thimet oligopeptidase. A crucial residue for shaping the S(1') pocket in TcMCP-1, Met-304, was mutated to the respective residue in TcMCP-2, an arginine, leading to a TcMCP-1 variant with TcMCP-2 specificity. The present studies pave the way for a better understanding of a potential target in Chagas' disease at the molecular level and provide a template for the design of novel therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

Reverse gyrase is a peculiar DNA topoisomerase, specific of thermophilic microorganisms, which induces positive supercoiling into DNA molecules in an ATP-dependent reaction. It is a modular enzyme and comprises an N-terminal helicase-like module fused to a C-terminal topoisomerase IA-like domain. The exact molecular mechanism of this unique reaction is not understood, and a fundamental mechanistic question is how its distinct steps are coordinated. We studied the cross-talk between the components of this molecular motor and probed communication between the DNA-binding sites and the different activities (DNA relaxation, ATP hydrolysis and positive supercoiling). We show that the isolated ATPase and topoisomerase domains of reverse gyrase form specific physical interactions, retain their own DNA binding and enzymatic activities, and when combined cooperate to achieve the unique ATP-dependent positive supercoiling activity. Our results indicate a mutual effect of both domains on all individual steps of the reaction. The C-terminal domain shows ATP-independent topoisomerase activity, which is repressed by the N-terminal domain in the full-length enzyme; experiments with the isolated domains showed that the C-terminal domain has stimulatory influence on the ATPase activity of the N-terminal domain. In addition, the two domains showed a striking reciprocal thermostabilization effect.  相似文献   

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