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Exposure of the fetus to the intrauterine milieu can have profound effects on the health of the offspring in adulthood. Results of a series of studies demonstrate the powerful influence of the mother's metabolic state on whether the emerging adult develops obesity and hyperinsulinemia. Importantly, these attributes can be passed on to the next generation nongenetically and can be reversed and prevented.  相似文献   

The primary metabolic pathway required to produce ATP differs as a result of tissue type, developmental stage and substrate availability. We utilized molecular and histological techniques to define the metabolic status in foetal and adult, adipose and skeletal muscle tissues. Redox ratios of these tissues were also determined optically by two‐photon microscopy. Adult perirenal adipose tissue had a higher optical redox ratio than fetal perirenal adipose tissue, which aligned with glycolysis being used for ATP production; whereas adult skeletal muscle had a lower optical redox ratio than fetal skeletal muscle, which aligned with oxygen demanding oxidative phosphorylation activity being utilized for ATP production. We have compared traditional molecular and microscopy techniques of metabolic tissue characterization with optical redox ratios to provide a more comprehensive report on the dynamics of tissue metabolism.  相似文献   

The prenatal nutritional environment influences the subsequent risk of hypertension in adulthood. Animal studies have used, generally, the rat as a model species to illustrate the association between maternal nutrient intake and blood pressure in the resulting adult offspring. No study to date has shown programming of adult cardiovascular function in the sheep through maternal dietary intervention. We therefore fed pregnant sheep to either 100% recommended intake from day 0 of gestation to term [ approximately 147 days gestational age (dGA); controls n = 8] or to 50% recommended intake from day 0 to 95 dGA and thereafter to 100% intake (NR; n = 9). Sheep lambed naturally, offspring were weaned at 16 wk, and the male offspring were reared on pasture until 3 yr of age. At this time, cardiovascular catheters were inserted under halothane anesthesia and sheep were allowed 2-4 days recovery. Basal cardiovascular status and pressor responses to infusion of norepinephrine, angiotensin II, and captopril were then assessed alongside basal plasma concentrations of glucose, cortisol, and leptin. NR sheep were of similar birth weight to controls but at 3 yr of age had higher blood pressure before, but not after, feeding. Peripheral sensitivity to vasoconstrictor infusion was similar between dietary groups, although a reflex bradycardia was not apparent in NR sheep during norepinephrine infusion. Circulating leptin correlated well with fat mass and increased more after vasoconstrictor infusion in NR sheep. In conclusion, early NR has been shown to program aspects of cardiovascular control and adipocyte function in adult sheep.  相似文献   

At Day 120-125 of gestation equimolar amounts of ACTH and leu-enkephalin injected in vivo provoked similar rises in plasma cortisol concentrations in chronically catheterized fetuses. There was no concomitant change in plasma DHEA concentrations, or in maternal cortisol concentrations. At term (Days 135-140) 2 out of 5 animals responded similarly to both leu-enkephalin and ACTH injections with a rise in plasma cortisol concentrations, but the other 3 animals, in which basal cortisol concentrations had already risen, showed no response to either agonist. In adult sheep, ACTH provoked a significant increase in the plasma cortisol concentrations, but equimolar amounts of leu-enkephalin were without effect. There was a significant output of cortisol in response to ACTH administration by collagenase-dispersed adrenal cells from term sheep fetuses in vitro. Leu-enkephalin had no effect on cortisol output from dispersed adrenal cells when added by itself, or with ACTH. We conclude that leu-enkephalin is able to function as a stimulator of pituitary-adrenal function during fetal life. The lack of effect of leu-enkephalin on adrenal cells implies that its action is exerted not directly at the adrenal gland, but indirectly at the level of the hypothalamus or pituitary through stimulation of the release of other corticotrophic substances.  相似文献   

This review outlines the regulation of maternal metabolism by hormones, cytokines and growth factors, highlighting recent studies that implicate disordered somatolactogen signalling in the pathogenesis of perinatal growth failure and the development of the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of vasopressin on fetal oxygenation the hormone was infused intravenously for 1 h (1.4-3.5 mU X min-1 X kg fetal weight-1) to chronically catheterized fetal lambs in utero (113-137 days gestation). Arterial pressure rose (48.3 to 59.6 mmHg) (1 mmHg = 133.322 Pa) and heart rate fell (185.3 to 141.0 beats/min) during the infusion. There was a significant increase in fetal arterial PO2 (20.0 to 23.1 mmHg) and significant declines in pH (7.414 to 7.381) and base excess. Umbilical blood flow rose, and the percentage increase in flow (23%) was identical to the proportional rise in arterial pressure. Accompanying the rise in umbilical blood flow was a rise in umbilical oxygen delivery. But as there was no change in fetal oxygen consumption, fractional oxygen extraction by the fetus fell significantly (0.31 to 0.25). These data indicate that the vasopressin-induced rise in fetal vascular PO2 results from an increase in umbilical oxygen delivery and concomitant fall in fractional extraction. Fetal vasopressin levels are greatly elevated during hypoxia, and under conditions of reduced oxygen supply, the effects of the hormone on umbilical oxygen delivery and vascular PO2 could have definite survival value.  相似文献   

We determined whether ACTH1-24, infused into fetal lambs at a rate that is known to cause premature labor, elicits changes in the responsiveness of the fetal adrenal glands, and alters the pattern of corticosteroid output. Plasma cortisol (F), corticosterone (B) and progesterone (P4) were measured during 72 h of infusion of saline or ACTH (10 micrograms/h) beginning on Day 127 of pregnancy. Adrenals were then dispersed into isolated cells, and the output of F, B and P4 after exogenous ACTH determined in vitro. Plasma concentrations of F and B were higher in ACTH-treated fetuses. The increment in F (5-to 7-fold) was greater than that in B (2-fold) such that the F:B ratio in plasma of ACTH-treated fetuses on Days 2 and 3 of infusion was 2.5 times higher than in controls. After 72 h of infusion, the adrenal weights in ACTH-treated fetuses (741 +/- 38 mg, +/- SEM; n = 4) were greater than in the control animals (349 +/- 11 mg). There was a significant effect of ACTH pretreatment in vivo on F output by isolated adrenal cells in vitro. Mean increments in F output after addition of ACTH1-24 (5000 pg/ml) in vitro rose from 368 +/- 235 pg/50,000 cells in controls, to 64,639 +/- 19,875 pg/50,000 cells after ACTH in vivo. There was no significant effect of ACTH in vivo on B output in vitro; the ratio of F:B output, either in the absence or presence of ACTH in vitro, was significantly higher in cells from ACTH-pretreated fetuses. There was a significant effect of in vivo ACTH on in vitro P4 output. After ACTH treatment in vivo there was an increase in the vitro output ratio of F:P4, but no change in the output ratio of B:P4. We conclude that ACTH treatment of the fetal lamb in vivo results in activation of fetal adrenal function, increased fetal adrenal responsiveness to ACTH, and directed corticosteroid biosynthesis towards cortisol. Our results are consistent with an increase in fetal adrenal 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity after ACTH treatment.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2008,74(1-3):174-180
In this study, biological samples (slaughterhouse material) were collected from 30 sheep and 36 goats and classified according to gestational stage into either early or late gestation. Samples consisted of allantoic fluid, amniotic fluid, fetal liver, fetal kidney, fetal thyroid gland, maternal plasma and liver to determine selenium (Se) concentrations throughout gestation. The Se concentrations in the allantoic fluid, fetal liver and kidney increased significantly (p < 0.01) during late gestation. Concurrently, the Se concentrations in amniotic fluid, maternal plasma and liver decreased significantly (p < 0.01) over time. Significant (p < 0.01) positive relationships were recorded between the age of the fetus and Se concentrations in the allantoic fluid (r = 0.57–0.75), fetal liver (r = 0.43–0.59) and kidney (r = 0.80–0.81) in both sheep and goats. A significant (p < 0.05) positive relationships were also recorded between the Se concentrations in the allantoic fluid and fetal liver (r = 0.35–0.37), the maternal plasma and liver Se concentrations (r = 0.37–0.57) between sheep and goats. A significant (p < 0.05) negative correlation was recorded between the Se concentrations in the allantoic fluid with maternal plasma of sheep (r = −0.41) as well as between the fetal liver and maternal liver Se (r = −0.22 to 0.50) and a negative correlation (r = −0.42 to 0.43) (p < 0.01) between Se concentrations in the fetal liver and amniotic fluid in both sheep and goats, respectively. Se concentration in the fetal liver was significantly (p < 0.01) higher than that of the kidney and thyroid. In the thyroid gland no morphological differences were noted. Strong fetal–maternal relationships in Se concentration were evident throughout the gestational period and dams seem to sacrifice Se levels in order to maintain that in the fetus. Se concentrations in the amniotic and allantoic fluids could be used as a possible indicator of the Se status of the fetus throughout gestation.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of maternal supranutritional selenium (Se) and nutrient restriction during mid and late gestation on placental characteristics and fetal liver glycogen, ewes received either adequate Se (ASe) or high Se (HSe) prior to breeding. On d 64 of gestation, ASe and HSe ewes remained at 100% of requirements (controls; CON) or were restricted (RES; 60% of requirements). On d 135 of gestation, fetal weight (P  0.08) was greatest in both HSe and CON ewes. Placentome number, mass, and caruncular and cotyledonary weight were not different (P  0.17) among treatments. Fetal mass:placental mass ratio was less (P = 0.06) in RES compared to CON ewes. Compared to ASe, HSe exhibited increased (P  0.08) cellular proliferation and DNA concentration and decreased (P = 0.07) cellular size in cotyledonary tissue. Nutritional restriction decreased (P  0.08) cotyledonary protein concentration and cellular size. VEGF receptor 1 (Flt) mRNA in cotyledonary tissue was greater in HSe compared with ASe ewes (P = 0.06) and in RES compared with CON ewes (P = 0.08). There was no effect of diet on caruncular growth variables (P  0.13) or on placental vascularity (P  0.11). Progesterone was greater (P  0.08) in ASe–RES ewes compared to all groups at d 90 and ASe–CON and HSe–CON at d 104. Although fetal glucose and cortisol concentrations were not affected by diet, fetal liver glycogen was greater (P = 0.04) in ASe–RES compared to ASe–CON and HSe–RES ewes with HSe–CON being intermediate. Both Se and nutritional plane may impact placental function and fetal growth, as fetal weight and liver glycogen are altered despite similar placental vascularity measurements.  相似文献   

The effect of acute hypoxaemia on right and left ventricular function was investigated in 8 fetal sheep (137-140 days gestation). Fetuses were instrumented with electromagnetic flow sensors on the ascending aorta and the main pulmonary artery. After 8 days recovery, hypoxaemia was achieved by reducing the maternal ewe's inspired O2 concentration to 13.1 +/- 1.5%. Control and hypoxaemic arterial blood values were pH 7.37 +/- 0.04 (SD) and 7.35 +/- 0.06, PCO2 48.0 +/- 2.8 and 47.6 +/- 5.1 mmHg, PO2 19.9 +/- 2.2 and 11.4 +/- 1.5 mmHg, haematocrit 37.5 +/- 1.2 and 39.5 +/- 2.2, respectively. Arterial pressure increased insignificantly with acute hypoxaemia (50.2 +/- 3.9 to 53.6 +/- 8.1 mmHg). Left and right ventricular performance was assessed by generating biventricular function curves relating stroke volume to mean atrial pressure. All function curves were composed of steep ascending and plateau limbs that intersected at a breakpoint. Comparing control and hypoxaemia function curves, the left ventricular stroke volume breakpoints were 0.79 +/- 0.20 and 0.78 +/- 0.21 ml/kg, respectively, while the right ventricular stroke volume breakpoints were 0.99 +/- 0.11 and 0.88 +/- 0.21 ml/kg (n.s.). In 4 fetuses, acute hypoxaemia was associated with significant increases in arterial blood pressure (P less than 0.05). In these fetuses, the right ventricular function curve was shifted significantly downward compared to the control right ventricular curve. When nitroprusside was given to these hypertensive fetuses to return blood pressure to control levels, the right ventricular function curve returned to baseline. We conclude that even under conditions of extreme hypoxaemia, ventricular function is well preserved in the normotensive fetal sheep. However, when increases in arterial pressure also accompany hypoxaemia, detectable changes in right ventricular function can be accounted for by changes in arterial pressure.  相似文献   

To understand the control mechanisms involved in the regulation of fetal glycogen, we have studied the effect of in utero fetal decapitations on glycogen metabolism in rabbit fetal heart, lung, and liver. In utero fetal decapitations were performed between days 18 and 21 of gestation. Two to four fetuses on one side of the horn were decapitated. Fetuses were delivered between days 23 and 26 or between days 28 and 30 of gestation. Fetal heart, lungs, and liver were analyzed for DNA, protein, glycogen, glycogen synthase (I and D forms), glycogen phosphorylase (a and b forms), phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase, and lactic dehydrogenase. In fetal heart and lung, no difference was observed in any of the above measurements in the intact and decapitated fetuses. In contrast, fetal liver does not appear to develop the glycogen system as indicated by the very low levels of glycogen (0.02 mg/mg DNA) in decapitated fetuses as compared with intact fetuses (0.4 mg/mg DNA). Similarly the levels of glycogen synthase and phosphorylase were two to three times lower in livers from decapitated fetuses as compared with the livers from intact fetuses. The three enzymes phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase, and lactic dehydrogenase were not affected by fetal decapitation in all three tissues. These results indicate that the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (thyroid) axis is not required at least after day 18 of gestation for the normal accumulation and subsequent utilization of glycogen in fetal heart and lungs, while it is an absolute requirement for the development of the fetal liver glycogen system.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of maternal nutrition level during the periconception period on the muscle development of fetus and maternal–fetal plasma hormone concentrations in sheep were examined. Estrus was synchronized in 55 Karayaka ewes and were either fed ad libitum (well-fed, WF, n=23) or 0.5×maintenance (under-fed, UF, n=32) 6 days before and 7 days after mating. Non-pregnant ewes (WF, n=13; UF, n=24) and ewes carrying twins (WF, n=1) and female (WF, n=1; UF, n=3) fetuses were removed from the experiment. The singleton male fetuses from well-fed (n=8) and under-fed (n=5) ewes were collected on day 90 of gestation and placental characteristics, fetal BWs and dimensions, fetal organs and muscles weights were recorded. Maternal (on day 7 after mating) and fetal (on day 90 of pregnancy) blood samples were collected to analyze plasma hormone concentrations. Placental characteristics, BW and dimensions, organs and muscles weights of fetuses were not affected by maternal feed intake during the periconception period. Maternal nutrition level did not affect fiber numbers and the muscle cross-sectional area of the fetal longissimus dorsi (LD), semitendinosus (ST) muscles, but the cross-sectional area of the secondary fibers in the fetal LD and ST muscles from the UF ewes were higher than those from the WF ewes (P<0.05). Also, the ratio of secondary to primary fibers in the ST muscle were tended to be lower in the fetuses from the UF ewes (P=0.07). Maternal nutrition level during the periconception period did not cause any significant changes in fetal plasma insulin and maternal and fetal plasma IGF-I, cortisol, progesterone, free T3 and T4 concentrations. However, maternal cortisol concentrations were lower while insulin concentrations were higher in the WF ewes than those in the UF ewes (P<0.05). These results indicate that the reduced maternal feed intake during the periconception period may alter muscle fiber diameter without affecting fiber types, fetal weights and organ developments and plasma hormone concentrations in the fetus.  相似文献   

The effect of in utero hypoxia on fetal heart and brain trace metals.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study determined the effect of in utero hypoxia on fetal heart and brain pro- and antioxidant trace metals. Dunkin-Hartley guinea pigs (50–60 days gestation) were exposed to 1 h hypoxia (7% O2/93% N2) followed by 4 h reoxygenation in room air. Fetal hearts and brains were harvested and analyzed for copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. Fetal brain iron was significantly increased 28% after hypoxia and 35% by 1 h posthypoxia. Fetal brain magnesium demonstrated progressive decreases of 18% by 4 h posthypoxia. No significant effects of hypoxia were observed on heart trace metals. These results indicate that prooxidant metals may be increased and antioxidant metals may be decreased in posthypoxic fetal brain during a time when these tissues may be vulnerable to oxidative injury.  相似文献   

Fetal and placental growth, and fetal and maternal urea synthesis in late gestation, were studied in 2-year-old Corriedale ewes on a maintenance ration (M) except when subjected to moderate dietary restriction from day 50 to day 100 (RM), day 100 to day 135 (MR) or day 50 to day 135 (RR). In comparison with fetuses of ewes maintained throughout the experiment (MM), RR fetuses were smaller and RM fetuses were larger whereas MR fetuses were unaffected; all restrictions were associated with increased placental size. Fetal urea synthesis at day 133 in the well-nourished ewes (MM) was 21.5 mg N h-1 kg-1 increasing to, respectively, 25.7, 27.3 and 38.8 mg N h-1 kg-1 in groups MR, RM and RR; these values were 1.6, 3.9, 2.2 and 3.8 times the maternal rates of synthesis. On the basis of the observed urea synthesis rates, amino acid oxidation could have accounted for up to, respectively, 32, 38, 40 and 57% of fetal oxygen consumption in groups MM, MR, RM and RR. Amino acids, in addition to their role in tissue accretion, may be key energy substrates for the fetus.  相似文献   

To determine the role of prostaglandins in the control of fetal breathing movements, we infused indomethacin (5 mg/ml; 25 mg/kg per day) into the maternal femoral vein for 70 h in 5 pregnant ewes. There was a significant increase in the incidence and amplitude of fetal breathing movements beginning within 2 h reaching a peak at 8-10 h. It then diminished and was no longer present by 20-70 h despite continued indomethacin infusion. Maternal glucose concentrations were increased at 8 and 16 h following the initiation of indomethacin infusion. The data suggested that the previously reported effects of cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor on fetal breathing movements are transient and do not continue beyond 20 h.  相似文献   

The pituitary-adrenocortical system of rat fetuses was stimulated (larger adrenals at birth) by maternal adrenalectomy, or suppressed (smaller adrenals at birth) by implantation of an ACTH secreting pituitary tumor (MtTF4). Offspring were delivered by caesarean section and fostered to untreated females. Offspring of intact females delivered by caesarean section and normally delivered offspring of intact mothers both fostered to untreated lactating females served as controls. Body growth in the first three weeks of life was delayed in offspring of tumor bearing mothers in Control-fostered subjects as compared to the 2 other groups. At 70 days of age female offspring of the tumor implanted and adrenalectomized mothers, as well as the Control-caesarean females, had smaller adrenals than Control-fostered animals of the same sex. The adrenal size of males was not significantly affected. No significant differences were found in resting concentrations of corticosterone in plasma, although offspring of adrenalectomized mothers had high values. Suppressed adrenal response to ether stress was found in offspring of tumor bearing mothers. The supposition is that interference with maternal pituitary-adrenocortical activity during pregnancy has a long lasting effect on fetal hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical system.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out in 11 fetal sheep four days after surgery for insertion of catheters and electrocortical leads. After a 3 h control period an insulin infusion was given to the ewe and maintained for the next 4 h. Fetal arterial glucose fell from 0.85 +/- 0.10 to 0.57 +/- 0.06 mM (SEM) while oxygen content was unchanged (3.80 +/- 0.24 to 3.75 +/- 0.21 mM). Cerebral uptake of oxygen and glucose were determined from samples drawn simultaneously from the axillary artery and sagittal vein and cerebral blood flow (microsphere technique). There was no significant change in uptake of either oxygen or glucose by the fetal brain. We conclude that a rapid fall in fetal glucose levels with no change in oxygen content does not result in decrease in cerebral metabolism measured over a short term.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether the fetal lamb brain has the capacity to aromatize androgens to estrogens during the critical period for sexual differentiation. We also determined whether administration of the aromatase-inhibitor 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD) could cross the placenta and inhibit aromatase activity (AA) in fetal brain. Eight pregnant ewes were utilized. On Day 50 of pregnancy, four ewes were given ATD-filled Silastic implants, and the other four ewes received sham surgeries. The fetuses were surgically delivered 2 wk later (Day 64 of gestation). High levels of AA (0.8-1.4 pmol/h/mg protein) were present in the hypothalamus and amygdala. Lower levels (0.02-0.1 pmol/h/mg protein) were measured in brain stem regions, cortex, and olfactory bulbs. The Michaelis-Menten dissociation constant (K(m)) for aromatase in the fetal sheep brain was 3-4 nM. No significant sex differences in AA were observed in brain. Treatment with ATD produced significant inhibition of AA in most brain areas but did not significantly alter serum profiles of the major sex steroids in maternal and fetal serum. Concentrations of testosterone in serum from the umbilical artery and vein were significantly greater in male than in female fetuses. No other sex differences in serum steroids were observed. These data demonstrate that high levels of AA are found in the fetal sheep hypothalamus and amygdala during the critical period for sexual differentiation. They also demonstrate that AA can be inhibited in the fetal lamb brain by treating the mother with ATD, without harming fetal development.  相似文献   

Local interaction of maternal and fetal placental blood flows was studied in two groups of unanaesthetized near-term sheep. Five sheep were exposed to a simulated dive to 100 feet of seawater (4.03 atmospheres) for 25 min. Six fetuses received an infusion of noradrenaline (6.8 micrograms/[kg x min]). Radioactive microspheres were administered simultaneously to mother and fetus before (control) and after (test) the experimental manipulation. Maternal and fetal relative activities, defined as % of total placental radioactivity divided by % of total placental weight, were calculated for 1-g pieces of cotyledonary tissue under control and test conditions. Pieces of cotyledons were defined as matched if the direction of change in relative activity from control to test was the same for mother and fetus. In the absence of an interaction between the maternal and fetal placental circulations, the probability of a piece of cotyledon being matched is 0.5. In each series of experiments the proportion of all cotyledon pieces having maternal and fetal relative activities that changed in the same direction was significantly greater than 0.5. Thus, the majority of the placental mass responds to a physical or chemical perturbation of the fetus in such a way that changes in relative perfusion are qualitatively matched in the adjacent maternal and fetal placental circulations.  相似文献   

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