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Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to compare the proteins and isoenzymes of esterase, superoxide dismutase, and acid phosphatase in soluble, whole-cell extracts of four strains of Trichomonas vaginalis, two strains of Trichomonas gallinae, and one strain each of Tritrichomonas foetus, Tritrichomonas augusta, Tetratrichomonas gallinarum, and Pentatrichomonas hominis. Intraspecific, interspecific, and intergeneric differences were found in protein and isoenzyme profiles. At least four to seven isoenzymes were detected among the ten strains for each of the three enzymes studied. Each strain usually contained one or two isoenzymes of both esterase and acid phosphatase, and two or three isoenzymes of superoxide dismutase.  相似文献   

We have purified a bacterial enzyme, designated esterase M, by tailoring an efficient and rapid strategy with information derived from titration curves of proteins in crude extract. The pH-dependent stability of the enzyme activity observed by titration pattern allowed an acidic pH treatment of extract and a cationic exchange chromatography at pH 4.1. These two steps were followed by an anionic exchange chromatography and a preparative electrophoresis. Thus, the enzyme was purified about 2000-fold within two days with a recovery of 13.3%. The electrophoretic variants of esterase M were investigated for their molecular relationship through the specific effect of antibodies on esterase electrophoretic pattern (immunosubtractive electrophoresis) which is applicable to large series of samples. By this process, we have demonstrated the presence of common antigenic determinants among the electromorphs of esterase M produced by the three species of motile Aeromonas.  相似文献   

In order to verify the applicability of biochemical methods for species identification of Trypanosomatidae, 13 species of monoxenic trypanosomatids plus the heteroxenous Trypanosoma cruzi were comparatively analyzed by three different biochemical methods. Insect trypanosomatids examined were: Crithidia acanthocephali, C. fasciculata (three varieties), C. luciliae luciliae, C. luciliae thermophila, C. deanei, C. oncopelti, Herpetomonas muscarum muscarum, H. megaseliae, H. samuelpessoai, H. mariadeanei, Leptomonas seymouri, L. collosoma, L. samueli, and Blastocrithidia culicis. Also included in the survey were aposymbiotic strains of C. deanei and C. oncopelti. Methods used were: electrophoretic profiling of endonuclease-generated fragments of k-DNA, esterase isoenzymes profiling, and polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of radioiodinated cell surface proteins. Interspecific but not intraspecific differences were detected by all three methods among the 13 monoxenic species examined. Thus, it is concluded that these methods can be successfully used, in addition to classical criteria, for species identification of insect trypanosomatids.  相似文献   

Sopina VA 《Tsitologiia》2000,42(12):1134-1143
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), acid phosphatase and esterases in free-living amoebae of 7 Amoeba species were investigated with the use of disc-electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. The evidence provided is suggestive that the electrophoretic isoenzyme patterns of acid phosphatase and esterases (and G6PD in some cases), in addition to a few morphological characters, can serve as a taxonomic criterion for species identification within this genus, as well as for revealing erroneously classified species and strains. It is suggested that A. indica is an independent species whose preliminary diagnosis has been given in this paper. It is concluded that A. discoides and A. lescherae are strains of A. proteus, rather than two independent species. A and As-102 amoebian strains, kept in the collection of protozoan strains and species of the Institute of Cytology RAS and referred to as strains of A. proteus, belong in reality to another Amoeba species and even to another genus within the family Amoebidae. This conclusion has been documented by results of our analysis of electrophoretic patterns of acid phosphatase and esterases in these strains.  相似文献   

Interaction experiments between hematophagous insects and monoxenous trypanosomatids have become relevant, once cases of human infection involving these protozoa have been reported. Moreover, investigations related to the interaction of insects with trypanosomatids that harbour an endosymbiotic bacterium and thereby lack the paraflagellar rod structure are important to elucidate the role of this structure in the adhesion process. In this work, we compared the interaction of endosymbiont-bearing trypanosomatids and their aposymbiotic counterpart strains (without endosymbionts) with cell lines of Anopheles gambiae, Aedes albopictus and Lutzomyia longipalpis and with explanted guts of the respective insects. Endosymbiont-bearing strains interacted better with insect cells and guts when compared with aposymbiotic strains. In vitro binding assays revealed that the trypanosomatids interacted with the gut epithelial cells via flagellum and cell body. Flagella attached to the insect gut were enlarged, containing electrondense filaments between the axoneme and flagellar membrane at the point of adhesion. Interactions involving the flagellum lacking paraflagellar rod structure were mainly observed close to tight junctions, between epithelial cells. Endosymbiont-bearing trypanosomatids were able to colonise Aedes aegypti guts after protozoa feeding.  相似文献   

Somova NV 《Tsitologiia》2001,43(8):815-821
Electrophoretic karyotypes of homoxenous trypanosomatids Leptomonas peterhoffi, L. mycophilus, L. nabiculae and Leptomonas sp. have been studied by transverse alternating-field electrophoresis under varying electrophoretic conditions. From 12 to 17 chromosomal DNA bands, ranging from 370 to more than 1500 kb were detected in the karyograms of the species compared. In each pattern, some intensely stained bands could represent more than one chromosome. Taking into account the number of intensely stained bands, the karyotype of L. peterhoffi was estimated to contain at least 18 chromosomes, the karyotypes of L. mycophilus and L. nabiculae, at least 21 chromosome each, and the karyotype of Leptomonas sp. up to 20 chromosomes. Interclonal variations of electrophoretic karyotypes of 10 clones of Leptomonas sp. (cfmI-cfmX) were studied. Seven of ten clones had identical electrophoretic patterns. In the karyograms of three clones (cfmI, cfmVI, cfmVII), additional chromosomal DNA bands were observed. The obtained results suggest, that electrophoretic karyotypes cannot be used as reliable markers of species of homoxenous trypanosomatids, since intraspecies variability does occur in these parasites.  相似文献   

The protein composition of actinidia (Actinidia L.) leaves has been studied by SDS-PAGE. Specific polypeptides in the protein pattern of male and female plants belonging to two species, A. kolomikta and A. Chinensis, were detected. The potential of biochemical protein markers for identification of plant sex is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to characterize Zimbabwean tilapias 34 populations of seven species, two in the genus Tilapia and five in Oreochromis , were analysed using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Twenty-seven loci were polymorphic while five were monomorphic but had fixed allelic differences among some species and six were monomorphic for the same allele in all species. No fixed allelic differences were found between O. mossambicus and O.mortimeri , and only one locus distinguished O. andersonii from O. mossambicus and O. mortimeri . Pairwise comparisons of O. mossambicus or O. mortimeri populations of genetic distances frequently showed a greater degree of difference within the species than was evident in some O. mossambicus O. mortimeri pairs. This study failed to distinguish O. mortimeri as a distinct species from O. mossambicus . The Tilapia species formed distinct clusters from Oreochromis in both consensus eighbourjoining and distance Wagner topologies. Oreochromis ossambicus, O. mortimeri and O. andersonii clustered together consistently. Although some differences from the taxonomic arrangement of Trewavas are discussed, the principal relationships revealed in our analysis are consistent with most recent studies.  相似文献   

The protein composition of actinidia (Actinidia L.) leaves has been studied by SDS-PAGE. Specific polypeptides in the protein pattern of male and female plants belonging to two species, A. kolomikta and A. chinensis, were detected. The potential of biochemical protein markers for identification of the plant sex is discussed.  相似文献   

The three Tritryps, the pathogenic protozoa, Leishmania major, Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi use surface molecules among others to evolve strategies for evading the immune system and for their survival in the host systems. Since only 36% of the protein coding genes in L. major genome have a putative function ascribed to them, we undertook a genome analysis of L. major genome for identification of adhesin-like and other surface proteins from amongst these hypothetical sequences. Our analysis resulted in the identification of a total of 194 hits, 120 of which had a predicted transmembrane region, 56 had both a transmembrane and signal peptide region, 1 sequence had only a predicted signal peptide region whereas 17 sequences had neither of the two. Six protein sequences could be assigned a putative adhesin-like domain region based on the analysis. Hopefully future detailed experimental studies will elucidate more vividly the role of these hits in Leishmania pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The first insect folliculostatic peptide was isolated from vitellogenic ovaries of the mosquitoAedes aegypti. This decapeptide directly inhibits trypsin biosynthesis in the gut, and indirectly ovarian development. The factor was named Trypsin Modulating Oostatic Factor or TMOF by its discoverers. From the fleshfly Neobellieria bullata 2 folliculostatins have been isolated, the hexapeptide Neb-TMOF and the 19-mer Neb-colloostatin. The available data suggest that at least 2 of the 3 folliculostatins originate from matrix (like) proteins present in the ovary, a hitherto unknown source of hormones. Furthermore, one of the folliculostatins (Neb-TMOF) is a potent inhibitor of ecdysone biosynthesis by larval ring glands of fleshflies. The discovery of the dipteran folliculostatins, which do not show any resemblance to inhibins of vertebrates, may significantly contribute to a better understanding of the hormonal control of growth in insects and perhaps, in other animals as well. None of the 3 folliculostatins is blocked at its N- or C-terminus. This, in combination with the pleiotropy of their effects and the narrow species specificity make such peptides prime candidates for, testing their potential in insect pest control by means of molecular biological methods.  相似文献   

The endosymbiont-bearing trypanosomatids present a typical kDNA arrangement, which is not well characterized. In the majority of trypanosomatids, the kinetoplast forms a bar-like structure containing tightly packed kDNA fibers. On the contrary, in trypanosomatids that harbor an endosymbiotic bacterium, the kDNA fibers are disposed in a looser arrangement that fills the kinetoplast matrix. In order to shed light on the kinetoplast structural organization in these protozoa, we used cytochemical and immunocytological approaches. Our results showed that in endosymbiont-containing species, DNA and basic proteins are distributed not only in the kDNA network, but also in the kinetoflagellar zone (KFZ), which corresponds to the region between the kDNA and the inner mitochondrial membrane nearest the flagellum. The presence of DNA in the KFZ is in accordance with the actual model of kDNA replication, whereas the detection of basic proteins in this region may be related to the basic character of the intramitochondrial filaments found in this area, which are part of the complex that connects the kDNA to the basal body. The kinetoplast structural organization of Bodo sp. was also analyzed, since this protozoan lacks the highly ordered kDNA-packaging characteristic of trypanosomatid and represents an evolutionary ancestral of the Trypanosomatidae family.  相似文献   

Protoplasts and vacuoles were isolated and purified in large numbers from the CAM plants Ananas comosus (pineapple) and Sedum telephium for protein characterization. Vacuoles were further fractionated to yield a tonoplast vesicle preparation. Polypeptides of protoplasts, vacuoles, and tonoplast vesicles were compared to whole leaf polypeptides from both plants by one-dimensional sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Approximately 100 vacuole polypeptides could be resolved of which 25 to 30% were enriched in the tonoplast vesicles. The proteins of protoplasts, vacuoles, and tonoplast vesicles from A. comosus were analyzed further by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. When one-dimensional electrophoretograms of A. comosus polypeptides were stained with a glycoprotein-specific periodic acid Schiff stain, very few polypeptides appeared to be glycosylated, whereas a large number of glycosylated polypeptides were detected with a silver-based glycoprotein stain particularly in tonoplast vesicles. Analysis of the enzymic content of vacuoles from both plants indicated the presence of a variety of hydrolases, including bromelain as a major constituent of A. comosus. No substrate-specific ATPase, however, could be detected in vacuoles or tonoplast vesicles from either plant.  相似文献   

L A Culp 《Biochemistry》1976,15(18):4094-4104
The proteins which have been left tightly bound to the tissue culture substrate after ethylenebis (oxyethyl-enenitrilo) tetraacetic acid (EGTA)-mediated removal of normal, virus-transformed, and revertant mouse cells and which have been implicated in the substrate adhesion process have been analyzed by slab sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Three size classes of hyaluronate proteoglycans were resolved in the 5% well gel; approximately half of the protein in the substrate-attached material coelectrophoresed with these polysaccharides-so-called glycosaminoglycan-associated protein(GAP). A portion of the GAP was shown to be highly heterogeneous and displaced from the polysaccharide by preincubation with calf histone before electrophoresis. The relative proportions of the proteoglycans varied in material deposited during a variety of cellular attachment and growth conditions. The remainder of the cellular protein in substrate-attached material was resolved as several major and distinct protein bands in 8 or 20% separating gels (a limited number of distinct serum proteins have also been identified as substrate bound). Protein C0 (molecular weight 220 000) was a prominent component in the material from a variety of normal and virus-transformed cells and resembled the so-called LETS or CSP glycoprotein in several respects; protein Ca was myosin-like in several respects; protein C2 was shown to be actin; and protein C1 (molecular weight 56 000) does not appear to be tubulin. Histones were also present in most preparations of substrate-attached material, particularly at high levels in transformed cell meterial, and may result from EGTA-mediated leakiness of the cell and subsequent binding to the negatively charged polysaccharide. These substrate-attached proteins were (a) prominent in substrate-attached material from many cell types in characteristic relative proportions, (b) deposited by EGTA-subcultured cells during the first hour of attachment to fresh substrate, (c) deposited by cells growing on plastic or glass substrates (three additional) components were also prominent in glass-attached material), and (d) deposited during long-term growth on or initial attachment to substrates coated wit 3T3 substrate-attached material. Pulse-chase analyses with radioactive leucine indicated that these proteins exhibit different turn-over behaviors. These results are discussed with regard to the possible involvement of these substrate-attached proteins in the substrate adhesion process, with particular interest in the interaction of cytoskeletal microfilaments with other surface membrane components and with regard to alteration of substrate adhesion by virus transformation.  相似文献   

昆虫抗冻蛋白的分离纯化及特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫抗冻蛋白具有很高的热滞活性,可保护机体免受结冰引起的伤害。昆虫抗冻蛋白的分离纯化多采用凝胶过滤层析、离子交换层析及HPLC等技术,已用于鱼类抗冻蛋白纯化的冰亲和纯化(IAP)技术也可考虑应用于昆虫抗冻蛋白的分离提纯。昆虫抗冻蛋白具有高活性,规则的一级结构及类似的冰晶结合表面等特性。  相似文献   



Clostridium perfringens is a medically important clostridial pathogen causing diseases in man and animals. To invade, multiply and colonize tissues of the host, a pathogen must be able to evade host immune system, and obtain nutrients essential for growth. The factors involved in these complex processes are largely unknown and of crucial importance to understanding microbial pathogenesis. Many of the virulence determinants and putative vaccine candidates for bacterial pathogens are known to be surface localized.  相似文献   

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