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Human land use causes major changes in species abundance and composition, yet native and exotic species can exhibit different responses to land use change. Native populations generally decline in human‐impacted habitats while exotic species often benefit. In this study, we assessed the effects of human land use on exotic and native reptile diversity, including functional diversity, which relates to the range of habitat use strategies in biotic communities. We surveyed 114 reptile communities from localities that varied in habitat structure and human impact level on two Caribbean islands, and calculated species richness, overall abundance, and evenness for every plot. Functional diversity indices were calculated using published trait data, which enabled us to detect signs of trait filtering associated with impacted habitats. Our results show that environmental variation among sampling plots was explained by two Principal Component Analysis (PCA) ordination axes related to habitat structure (i.e., forest or nonforest) and human impact level (i.e., addition of man‐made constructions such as roads and buildings). Several diversity indices were significantly correlated with the two PCA axes, but exotic and native species showed opposing responses. Native species reached the highest abundance in forests, while exotic species were absent in this habitat. Human impact was associated with an increase in exotic abundance and species richness, while native species showed no significant associations. Functional diversity was highest in nonforested environments on both islands, and further increased on St. Martin with the establishment of functionally unique exotic species in nonforested habitat. Habitat structure, rather than human impact, proved to be an important agent for environmental filtering of traits, causing divergent functional trait values across forested and nonforested environments. Our results illustrate the importance of considering various elements of land use when studying its impact on species diversity and the establishment and spread of exotic species.  相似文献   

Habitat destruction and the introduction of exotic species are the primary causes of biodiversity loss in tropical island ecosystems. Conservation efforts on oceanic islands are often biased towards charismatic vertebrate faunas, neglecting invertebrate assemblages. We sampled the land crab community on five islands in the central Seychelles; in the intertidal zone, in the supralittoral zone and in nine different inland habitat types to explore the impacts of exotic vegetation and environmental variables on land crab abundance and community composition, and investigate whether land crabs can be used as a tool for the rapid assessment of habitat quality on tropical oceanic islands. We found that species richness and the abundance of the dominant ghost crab Ocypode cordimana was higher in native habitat types than habitats dominated by exotic vegetation. Available ground substrate suitable for burrowing may be a limiting factor for O. cordimana in exotic habitat types. Coenobita rugosus, the dominant crab in the supralittoral zone is largely absent where there is no supralittoral vegetation. These results suggest that land crabs could be reliable indicators of habitat quality on oceanic islands. The abundance of land crabs could be used in the rapid assessment of ecosystem perturbation and identification of sites requiring restoration or management.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and degradation on oceanic islands are key processes leading to population decline of endemic birds and facilitating the establishment of invasive bird species. In this study, carried out in the Robinson Crusoe Island, we assessed density and habitat selection of terrestrial bird species, including juan fernandez firecrown and juan fernandez tit-tyrant, two endemics, as well as green-backed firecrown and austral thrush, which apparently originate from the mainland. Results show that perturbed habitats contained a low density of the endemic species whereas the mainland species were significantly more abundant in perturbed scrub habitats. Bird species show different habitat selection patterns, with endemics selecting for native forest and mainland species selecting for perturbed habitats, or using them at random. Bird species experienced temporal trends in their overall population sizes, with the endemic tit-tyrant suffering a significant decline in its population size of about 63% between 1994 and 2009. Only mainland species exhibited temporal changes in habitat use, significantly reducing their densities in the preferred scrub habitats, possibly as a response to decreased habitat quality. Thrushes apparently were able to compensate the population decrease in one non native habitat type by using native forests, a habitat giving them the opportunity of preying on nests of endemic species. We conclude that endemic bird species behave as specialists whereas the mainland species must be treated as invasive generalists on Robinson Crusoe Island.  相似文献   

We study how endemic, native and introduced arthropod species richness, abundance, diversity and community composition vary between four different habitat types (native forest, exotic forest of Cryptomeria japonica, semi-natural pasture and intensive pasture) and how arthropod richness and abundance change with increasing distance from the native forest in adjacent habitat types in Santa Maria Island, the Azores. Arthropods were sampled in four 150 m long transects in each habitat type. Arthropods were identified to species level and classified as Azorean endemic, single-island endemic (SIE), native, or introduced. The native forest had the highest values for species richness of Azorean endemics, SIEs and natives; and also had highest values of Azorean endemic diversity (Fisher’s alpha). In contrast, the intensive pasture had the lowest values for endemic and native species richness and diversity, but the highest values of total arthropod abundance and introduced species richness and diversity. Arthropod community composition was significantly different between the four habitat types. In the semi-natural pasture, the number of SIE species decreased with increasing distance from the native forest, and in the exotic forest the abundance of both Azorean endemics and SIEs decreased with increasing distance from the native forest. There is a gradient of decreasing arthropod richness and abundance from the native forest to the intensive pasture. Although this study demonstrates the important role of the native forest in arthropod conservation in the Azores, it also shows that unmanaged exotic forests have provided alternative habitat suitable for some native species of forest specialist arthropods, particularly saproxylic beetles.  相似文献   

We sought to increase the conservation value and ecological resilience of a disturbed woodlot on protected land in suburban Miami‐Dade County, Florida, by restoring a local tropical dry forest community. These efforts included adding 26 “novel native” tropical hardwood hammock species in different SR and density treatments, and conducting regular habitat management actions including exotic biomass removal. We monitored a variety of community composition and forest structure variables over 2 years to assess the success of our restoration efforts and the relative roles of habitat management versus native outplantings in achieving those outcomes. Habitat management proved influential to changing forest structure, while both habitat management and outplantings impacted changes in community composition, at least in the short term. Habitat management and outplantings in combination, however, allowed us to successfully (1) increase the number of native species and decrease the number of exotic species, (2) increase the number of protected plant species on the site, and (3) alter the community composition and forest structure of the site from that of a highly disturbed woodlot to that of a typical Miami Rock Ridge tropical hardwood hammock. Our success in meeting these restoration goals in just 2 years is one such example where simple native outplanting and exotic control projects can produce large returns with minimal resources in the form of time, money, and manpower. Finally, restoring regrowth sites or other remnant habitats may prove an efficient and effective way to conserve biodiversity and basic ecosystem processes in close proximity to metropolitan areas .  相似文献   

Conservation management can no longer rely on protecting pristine habitats, but must consider the wider landscape. This is especially true on oceanic islands where endemic species are believed to be particularly susceptible to the extinction risks that accompany land conversion. Despite this, there is a paucity of studies examining how endemic communities on oceanic islands may be distributed across such human-modified habitats. Taking Príncipe Island in West Africa as a case study, we investigate how avian communities vary across the habitats (primary forest, secondary forest, agricultural areas) of this globally important centre of endemism. Here, recent policy reforms aimed at poverty alleviation and increased food production are rapidly altering the current land-use mosaic. Across all habitats, 27 bird species were encountered. Survey points in secondary forest and agricultural areas were, on average, more diverse and held higher overall abundances of birds than those within primary forest. This was true for both the entire avian assemblage and the endemic species alone. Nevertheless, two IUCN-listed species were restricted to primary forest, and many other endemics occurred at higher densities within this habitat. We demonstrate that agricultural areas and novel habitats, such as secondary forest, can hold high abundances of endemic species and thus have the potential to act as a resource for biodiversity conservation. A double-stranded approach to conservation is therefore required that both protects the integrity of the primary forest and controls the rapid changes in agricultural land-use to ensure that it continues to support a large component of the endemic avifauna.  相似文献   

Human alteration of habitat has increased the proportion of forest edge in areas of previously continuous forest. This edge habitat facilitates invasion of exotic species into remaining fragments. The ability of native species to resist invasion varies and may depend on intrinsic variables such as dispersal and reproductive rates as well as external factors such as rate of habitat change and the density of populations of introduced species in edge habitat. We examined the distributional and competitive relationships of two members of the class Chilopoda, Scolopocryptops sexspinosus, a centipede native to the eastern US, and Lithobius forficatus, an exotic centipede introduced from Europe. We found that L. forficatus was most abundant in edge habitat and S. sexspinosus was most abundant in the interior habitat at our field sites. Although L. forficatus was present in habitat interiors at 11 of 12 sites, there was no correlation between fragment size and numbers of L. forficatus in interior habitat. The native centipede was rarely found occupying fragment edges. We used laboratory microcosms to examine potential competitive interactions and to indirectly assess prey preferences of the two species. In microcosms both species consumed similar prey, but the native centipede, S. sexspinosus, acted as an intraguild predator on the introduced centipede. Native centipedes were competitively superior in both intraspecific and interspecific pairings. Our results suggest that intraguild predation may aid native centipedes in resisting invasion of introduced centipedes from edge habitat.  相似文献   

Forest restoration uses active management to re-establish natural forest habitat after disturbance. However, competition from early successional species, often aggressively invasive exotic plant species, can inhibit tree establishment and forest regeneration. Ideally, restoration ecologists can plant native tree species that not only establish and grow rapidly, but also suppress exotic competitors. Allelopathy may be a key mechanism by which some native trees could reduce the abundance and impact of exotic species. Allelopathy is a recognized tool for weed management in agriculture and agroforestry, but few studies have considered how allelopathic interactions may aid restoration. Here we introduce the “Homeland Security” hypothesis, which posits that some naïve exotic species may be particularly sensitive to allelochemicals produced by native species, providing a tool to reduce the growth and impacts of invasive exotic species on reforestation. This article explores how exploiting allelopathy in native species could improve restoration success and the re-establishment of natural successional dynamics. We review the evidence for allelopathy in agroforestry systems, and consider its relevance for reforestation. We then illustrate the potential for this approach with a case study of tropical forest restoration in Panama. C4 grasses heavily invade deforested areas in the Panama Canal watershed, especially Saccharum spontaneum L. We measured the effect of leaf litter from 17 potential restoration tree species on the growth of invasive C4 grasses. We found that leaf litter from legume trees had a greater inhibitory effect on performance of S. spontaneum than did litter from non-legume trees. However, allelopathic effects varied greatly among species within tree functional groups. Further evaluation of intra- and inter-specific interactions will help to improve our selection of restoration species.  相似文献   

The once extensive native forests of New Zealand’s central North Island are heavily fragmented, and the scattered remnants are now surrounded by a matrix of exotic pastoral grasslands and Pinus radiata plantation forests. The importance of these exotic habitats for native biodiversity is poorly understood. This study examines the utilisation of exotic plantation forests by native beetles in a heavily modified landscape. The diversity of selected beetle taxa was compared at multiple distances across edge gradients between each of the six possible combinations of adjacent pastoral, plantation, clearfell and native forest land-use types. Estimated species richness (Michaelis–Menten) was greater in production habitats than native forest; however this was largely due to the absence of exotic species in native forest. Beetle relative abundance was highest in clearfell-harvested areas, mainly due to colonisation by open-habitat, disturbance-adapted species. More importantly, though, of all the non-native habitats sampled, beetle species composition in mature P. radiata was most similar to native forest. Understanding the influence of key environmental factors and stand level management is important for enhancing biodiversity values within the landscape. Native habitat proximity was the most significant environmental correlate of beetle community composition, highlighting the importance of retaining native remnants within plantation landscapes. The proportion of exotic beetles was consistently low in mature plantation stands, however it increased in pasture sites at increasing distances from native forest. These results suggest that exotic plantation forests may provide important alternative habitat for native forest beetles in landscapes with a low proportion of native forest cover.  相似文献   

The effects of suburb age and distance from remnant native vegetation on the species richness and density of bird populations in Canberra were studied from June 1982 to May 1983. Mean total number of bird species increased with age of the suburbs < 12 years old. The density of birds also increased with suburb age. The number of open forest and woodland species increased with the age of the suburbs but the number of grassland and exotic species remained largely unchanged. These increases in bird species richness and density represented a response to changes in habitat conditions over time and were not a direct response to the suburb age per se. Such habitat changes reflected the growth of trees and, to a lesser extent, the increased cover of shrubs. The numbers of open forest, woodland and grassland species decreased with distance of suburban sites from native vegetation areas. The number of exotic species, however, remained unaffected. The density of individual birds of grassland and exotic species increased with distance of sites from remnant native vegetation.  相似文献   

There is a vast body of literature aiming to predict, for a large number of taxa, the spatial distribution of suitable areas given the expected future changes of climatic conditions. However, such studies often overlook the role of landscape functional connectivity. This is particularly relevant for species with low vagility, as ground-dwelling insects, inhabiting areas with high human pressure due to habitat destruction and fragmentation, namely in the islands. In this study, we developed an individual-based model (IBM) that simulates individual movement according to landscape resistance and mortality probability, in order to derive the landscape movement map, and applied it to five endemic ground-dwelling insects of Terceira Island (Azores). We then confronted the movement maps of each species against the species distribution models previously developed for both current and future climatic conditions, quantifying the amount of important movement areas that are enclosed by the distribution polygons. We further sought to identify where habitat restoration would increase the overall connectivity among large habitat patches. Our results showed that, for both timeframes, the distribution models enclosed small amounts of areas predicted to be important for animal movement. Additionally, we predicted strong reductions (up to 94%) of these important areas for functional connectivity. We also identified areas in-between native forest of primary importance for restoration that may significantly increase the probability of persistence of our model species. We anticipate that this study will be useful to both conservation planners and ecologists seeking to understand species movement and dispersal both is islands and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Ten diurnal raptor communities (Falconiformes) were studied in continental and peninsular situations, and on landbridge and oceanic islands of various sizes, from Southern India to Southern Vietnam and from Sri Lanka to Java. An index of abundance was derived from 1-km2 sample plots. A consistent decrease of species richness occurred from continent to peninsulas and to large landbridge islands, then more abruptly to oceanic islands. The impoverishment process was much faster for open habitat raptors than for forest species, and for rarest and most specialized raptors than for common and more generalist species. Large taxa survived on islands as well as smaller species. Specific habitat requirements, historical factors and forest fragmentation were probably more important determinants of community composition than land area itself. An insular syndrome was documented in forest species on islands, including significant examples of habitat niche expansion, interspecific segregation and density compensation. Some cases suggested that interspecific competition was involved. Such relaxation of habitat and density constraints may enhance the survival probability of these species on islands.  相似文献   

Native consumers and seed limitation may be particularly important in the restoration of native plants where they have been displaced by exotic plants. We used experimental exclosures and seed additions to examine the role of native mammalian consumers and seeding density (500 or 1,000 seeds/m2) in affecting the establishment of a native perennial grass, Purple needlegrass ( Nassella pulchra ), in the grasslands of California. To focus solely on consumers and propagule density, experimental areas were tilled and weeded. Consumers were important determinants of restoration success: averaged across propagule density, consumers reduced N. pulchra seedling recruitment by nearly 30%, reduced seedling height by 44%, reduced plant establishment by 52%, and reduced reproductive tiller length by 43%. Small rodents affected seedling establishment, especially where seeding density was high but did not affect seedling height. Plots accessible by squirrels and rabbits exhibited significantly decreased seedling height and plant establishment, whereas there was no additional impact of allowing large consumers (i.e., deer) access. Despite strong, spatially variable effects of consumers, doubling seed density led to nearly doubled N. pulchra establishment on average. Consumer effects were persistent, shaping N. pulchra abundance in the subsequent growing season and remaining evident over 18 months after the experiment was initiated. Our work suggests that, despite strong consumer effects, seed addition may be a viable strategy for restoration of N. pulchra in invaded areas where it has been displaced by exotic plants, especially when combined with restoration strategies that reduce competition with exotic plants.  相似文献   

Plantation forests are of increasing importance worldwide for wood and fibre production, and in some areas they are the only forest cover. Here we investigate the potential role of exotic plantations in supporting native forest-dwelling carabid beetles in regions that have experienced extensive deforestation. On the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand, more than 99% of the previous native forest cover has been lost, and today exotic pine (Pinus radiata) plantations are the only forest habitat of substantial area. Carabids were caught with pitfall traps in native kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) forest remnants and in a neighbouring pine plantation, grassland and gorse (Ulex europaeus) shrubland. A total of 2,700 individuals were caught, with significantly greater abundance in traps in young pine, grassland and gorse habitats than in kanuka and older pine. Rarefied species richness was greatest in kanuka, a habitat that supported two forest specialist species not present in other habitat types. A critically endangered species was found only in the exotic plantation forest, which also acts as a surrogate habitat for most carabids associated with kanuka forest. The few remaining native forest patches are of critical importance to conservation on the Canterbury Plains, but in the absence of larger native forest areas plantation forests are more valuable for carabid conservation than the exotic grassland that dominates the region.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim In general, the plant communities of oceanic islands suffer more from exotic plant invasions than their continental equivalents. At least part of this difference may be contributed by differences in non‐biological factors, such as the antiquity and intensity of human impacts and the absence of internal barriers to dispersal, rather than differences in inherent invasibility. We tested the resistance of species‐rich continental rain forests to plant invasion on a small, continental island that has been subject to prolonged and intensive human impact. Location Singapore is a 683‐km2 equatorial island <1 km from the Asian mainland and with a population of 4 million people. It has a continental biota but has been subject to human impacts as intense as on any oceanic island. Methods We sampled twenty‐nine sites in seven vegetation types, ranging from urban wasteland to fragments of primary lowland rain forest. In each sample plot, all plant species were identified, exotic cover was estimated, and a range of environmental variables measured. Additional qualitative surveys for exotic invasion were made in other forest areas in Singapore. The data were analysed by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Results The number of exotic species recorded at a site was unrelated to the number of native species. Across all sites, percentage canopy opening had the highest correlation with the number of exotic species, while soil pH (which largely reflects the incorporation of calcareous construction wastes) had the highest correlation if the mangrove sites were excluded. There were no exotics in mangrove forest and only a tropical American, bird‐dispersed shrub, Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don (Melastomataceae: Koster's Curse), in primary and tall secondary forest patches. The species‐poor early stages of woody plant succession on highly degraded soils were also very resistant to exotic plant invasion. Main conclusions Long‐isolated rain forest fragments in an exotic‐dominated continental island landscape resist invasion by exotic plants, suggesting that the problems on oceanic islands may reflect an inherently greater invasibility. This study also adds to the increasing evidence that the floras of tropical rain forest fragments in South‐east Asia are remarkably resilient on a time‐scale of decades to a century or more.  相似文献   

The riverine forests of the northern city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada display strong resilience to disturbance and are similar in species composition to southern boreal mixedwood forest types. This study addressed questions such as, how easily do exotic species become established in urban boreal forests (species invasiveness) and do urban boreal forest structural characteristics such as, native species richness, abundance, and vertical vegetation layers, confer resistance to exotic species establishment and spread (community invasibility)? Eighty-four forest stands were sampled and species composition and mean percent cover analyzed using ordination methods. Results showed that exotic tree/shrub types were of the most concern for invasion to urban boreal forests and that exotic species type, native habitat and propagule supply may be good indicators of invasive potential. Native forest structure appeared to confer a level of resistance to exotic species and medium to high disturbance intensity was associated with exotic species growth and spread without a corresponding loss in native species richness. Results provided large-scale evidence that diverse communities are less vulnerable to exotic species invasion, and that intermediate disturbance intensity supports species coexistence. From a management perspective, the retention of native species and native forest structure in urban forests is favored to minimize the impact of exotic species introductions, protect natural succession patterns, and minimize the spread of exotic species.  相似文献   

Aim To test hypotheses that: (1) late Pleistocene low sea‐level shorelines (rather than current shorelines) define patterns of genetic variation among mammals on oceanic Philippine islands; (2) species‐specific ecological attributes, especially forest fidelity and vagility, determine the extent to which common genetic patterns are exhibited among a set of species; (3) populations show reduced within‐population variation on small, isolated oceanic islands; (4) populations tend to be most highly differentiated on small, isolated islands; and (5) to assess the extent to which patterns of genetic differentiation among multiple species are determined by interactions of ecological traits and geological/geographic conditions. Location The Philippine Islands, a large group of oceanic islands in Southeast (SE) Asia with unusually high levels of endemism among mammals. Methods Starch‐gel electrophoresis of protein allozymes of six species of small fruit bats (Chiroptera, Pteropodidae) and one rodent (Rodentia, Muridae). Results Genetic distances between populations within all species are not correlated with distances between present‐day shorelines, but are positively correlated with distances between shorelines during the last Pleistocene period of low sea level; relatively little intraspecific variation was found within these ‘Pleistocene islands’. Island area and isolation of oceanic populations have only slight effects on standing genetic variation within populations, but populations on some isolated islands have heightened levels of genetic differentiation, and reduced levels of gene flow, relative to other islands. Species associated with disturbed habitat (all of which fly readily across open habitats) show more genetic variation within populations than species associated with primary rain forest (all of which avoid flying out from beneath forest canopy). Species associated with disturbed habitats, which tend to be widely distributed in SE Asia, also show higher rates of gene flow and less differentiation between populations than species associated with rain forest, which tend to be Philippine endemic species. One rain forest bat has levels of gene flow and heterozygosity similar to the forest‐living rodent in our study. Main conclusions The maximum limits of Philippine islands that were reached during Pleistocene periods of low sea level define areas of relative genetic homogeneity, whereas even narrow sea channels between adjacent but permanently isolated oceanic islands are associated with most genetic variation within the species. Moreover, the distance between ‘Pleistocene islands’ is correlated with the extent of genetic distances within species. The structure of genetic variation is strongly influenced by the ecology of the species, predominantly as a result of their varying levels of vagility and ability to tolerate open (non‐forested) habitat. Readily available information on ecology (habitat association and vagility) and geological circumstances (presence or absence of Pleistocene land‐bridges between islands, and distance between oceanic islands during periods of low sea level) are combined to produce a simple predictive model of likely patterns of genetic differentiation (and hence speciation) among these mammals, and probably among other organisms, in oceanic archipelagos.  相似文献   

Native re‐forestation is a widely used restoration tool, typically undertaken with the expectation that planting native trees will initiate succession processes (including the re‐establishment of native fauna) that will eventually return the ecosystem to a native‐dominated state. Invertebrate groups can be used to assess restoration progress, as their life history traits enable them to respond more rapidly to environmental change than many other organisms. In this study, we assessed beetle responses to re‐forestation. Using two trapping methods (flight intercept traps and pitfall traps), we compared beetle assemblages in exotic pasture (pre‐restoration state), <10‐year‐old planted native forest (restoration intervention) and approximately 40‐year‐old unmanaged regenerating native forest (reference state). Analysis of the flight intercept‐trapped beetles suggests that re‐forestation has initiated a transition from an exotic‐dominated pasture fauna toward a native‐dominated fauna: in planted forests, 75% of all flight‐intercept‐trapped beetles were native (compared with 22% in pasture and 87% in unmanaged forest). Flight intercept‐trapped beetles also had higher native diversity and abundance in both forest types than in pasture. Pitfall‐trapped beetle species were predominantly native in both forest types, but there were few statistically significant differences between the forests and pasture in the pit‐fall trap data set. Both trapping methods detected significant compositional differences between the beetle assemblages in planted forest and unmanaged forest. Replanting native forest has increased native beetle diversity, abundance, and dominance (compared with the pre‐restoration state), but convergence with the unmanaged reference forest has not yet been achieved.  相似文献   

Madagascar is surrounded by archipelagos varying widely in origin, age and structure. Although small and geologically young, these archipelagos have accumulated disproportionate numbers of unique lineages in comparison to Madagascar, highlighting the role of waif-dispersal and rapid in situ diversification processes in generating endemic biodiversity. We reconstruct the evolutionary and biogeographical history of the genus Psiadia (Asteraceae), a plant genus with near equal numbers of species in Madagascar and surrounding islands. Analyzing patterns and processes of diversification, we explain species accumulation on peripheral islands and aim to offer new insights on the origin and potential causes for diversification in the Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands biodiversity hotspot. Our results provide support for an African origin of the group, with strong support for non-monophyly. Colonization of the Mascarenes took place by two evolutionary distinct lineages from Madagascar, via two independent dispersal events, each unique for their spatial and temporal properties. Significant shifts in diversification rate followed regional expansion, resulting in co-occurring and phenotypically convergent species on high-elevation volcanic slopes. Like other endemic island lineages, Psiadia have been highly successful in dispersing to and radiating on isolated oceanic islands, typified by high habitat diversity and dynamic ecosystems fuelled by continued geological activity. Results stress the important biogeographical role for Rodrigues in serving as an outlying stepping stone from which regional colonization took place. We discuss how isolated volcanic islands contribute to regional diversity by generating substantial numbers of endemic species on short temporal scales. Factors pertaining to the mode and tempo of archipelago formation and its geographical isolation strongly govern evolutionary pathways available for species diversification, and the potential for successful diversification of dispersed lineages, therefore, appears highly dependent on the timing of arrival, as habitat and resource properties change dramatically over the course of oceanic island evolution.  相似文献   

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