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In this study a habitat quality index based on Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta: Hemiptera) species composition was used to investigate the index’s ability in discriminating hill prairie quality along a gradient of disturbance, based on the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory grading criteria; whether this index differs from other vegetation-based measures of quality; and examine the relationships between Auchenorrhyncha and vegetation integrity and diversity. Auchenorrhyncha and vascular plants were sampled from 14 Illinois glacial-drift hill prairies representing a range in quality. Insects and plants were sampled from late July through August, 2007 and analyzed using univariate and multivariate analyses. Results from this study showed that Floristic Quality Index, Auchenorrhyncha Quality Index, as well as other Auchenorrhyncha and plant diversity and integrity index values are greater in high, followed by mid, then low quality hill prairie remnants. Also, these analyses showed that perennial C4 grasses are strongly associated with prairie Auchenorrhyncha. These data suggest that judicious used of prescribed burning or brush removal may be needed to prevent woody-encroachment from eliminating prairie vegetation and Auchenorrhyncha on low quality sites; and restoration of perennial C4 grasses on low quality sites are needed to support more prairie Auchenorrhyncha fauna. Reintroductions of conservative (i.e., prairie-dependent and fire-sensitive) Auchenorrhyncha may also be needed to improve Auchenorrhyncha integrity on mid and low quality sites but these reintroductions need to be used in combination with reduced burn management or the inclusion of unburned refugia to reduce the extirpation of these fire-sensitive insects.  相似文献   

Auchenorrhyncha (i.e., leafhoppers, treehoppers, spittlebugs, and planthoppers) represent some of the most diverse groups of herbivorous insects in the tallgrass prairie biome, they have close associations with many native prairie grasses and forbs, and respond in predictable ways to changes in native grassland degradation. These attributes make Auchenorrhyncha ideal candidates in the development of a habitat quality index to measure tallgrass prairie quality. In this study we propose the development of a species-based habitat quality index called the Auchenorrhyncha quality index or AQI as a useful method in tracking the condition of tallgrass prairie quality. The AQI is computed by summing six ecological characteristics (i.e., host plant specificity, voltinism, overwintering microhabitat, wing length, habitat fidelity, and origin) for each Auchenorrhynchan insect encountered, yielding coefficient of conservatism (CC) values that range from 0 (habitat generalist/tolerant to disturbance) to 18 (habitat specific/intolerant to disturbance). These CC values are averaged and combined with species richness producing un-weighted by abundance AQI (AQIw/outN) and weighted by abundance AQI (AQIw/N). The performance of the AQI was evaluated by examining the effects of sampling intensity on this index using a sweep net and a vacuum apparatus from 10 sites located on the three main North American tallgrass prairie communities, wet-mesic, sand, and loess hill. Scientists and land managers can adequately sample Auchenorrhyncha from four transects using a vacuum. Also, the highest AQI values were found from loess hill and sand prairies, indicating that conservation efforts should focus on these prairie communities. Additional applications of the AQI may include: (1) discriminating prairie quality at various spatial scales; (2) testing hypotheses about the effects of disturbance on prairie habitat (e.g. prescribed burning); (3) using the AQI as a model in developing habitat quality indices based on other diverse groups of grassland insects; and (4) the AQI has the capacity to be readily modified in assessing the quality of other biomes. Ultimately, the AQI should be used in combination with other habitat quality indices based on other diverse groups of organisms, such as plants and other insects, to provide a more complete assessment of native habitat quality.  相似文献   

Controls of nitrogen limitation in tallgrass prairie   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary The relationship between fire frequency and N limitation to foliage production in tallgrass prairie was studied with a series of fire and N addition experiments. Results indicated that fire history affected the magnitude of the vegetation response to fire and to N additions. Sites not burned for over 15 years averaged only a 9% increase in foliage biomass in response to N enrichment. In contrast, foliage production increased an average of 68% in response to N additions on annually burned sites, while infrequently burned sites, burned in the year of the study, averaged a 45% increase. These findings are consistent with reports indicating that reduced plant growth on unburned prairie is due to shading and lower soil temperatures, while foliage production on frequently burned areas is constrained by N availability. Infrequent burning of unfertilized prairie therefore results in a maximum production response in the year of burning relative to either annually burned or long-term unburned sites.Foliage biomass of tallgrass prairie is dominated by C4 grasses; however, forb species exhibited stronger production responses to nitrogen additions than did the grasses. After four years of annual N additions, forb biomass exceeded that of grass biomass on unburned plots, and grasses exhibited a negative response to fertilizer, probably due to competition from the forbs. The dominant C4 grasses may out-compete forbs under frequent fire conditions not only because they are better adapted to direct effects of burning, but because they can grow better under low available N regimes created by frequent fire.  相似文献   

Historic losses and fragmentation of tallgrass prairie habitat to agriculture and urban development have led to declines in diversity and abundance of plants and birds associated with such habitat. Prescribed burning is a management strategy that has potential for restoring and rejuvenating prairies in fragmented landscapes, and through such restoration, might create habitat for birds dependent upon prairies. To provide improved data for management decision-making regarding the use of prescribed fire in tallgrass prairies, we compared responses of plant and bird communities on five burned and five unburned tallgrass prairie fragments at the DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge, Iowa, USA, from 1995 to 1997. Overall species richness and diversity were unaffected by burning, but individual species of plants and birds were affected by year-treatment interactions, including northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) and ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), which showed time-delayed increases in density on burned sites. Analyses of species/area relationships indicated that, collectively, many small sites did make significant contributions to plant biodiversity at landscape levels, supporting the overall conservation value of prairie fragments. In contrast, most birds species were present on larger sites. Thus, higher biodiversity in bird communities which contain area-sensitive species might require larger sites able to support larger, more stable populations, greater habitat heterogeneity, and greater opportunity for niche separation.  相似文献   

Several boreal wood-living insect species breed exclusively in recently burned forest. However, the reason for this dependence on fire is largely unknown. Here wood-living insects and other arthropods were sampled from burned and unburned logs of birch and spruce in a burned forest, together with unburned logs at a clearing and in an uncut forest, during two years of succession after tree death. Burned spruce logs hosted fewer beetles than unburned logs. Notably, bark-beetles and their associated fauna, responded negatively to fire-scorching of the logs while arthropods that feed on ascomycete fungi responded positively. Fire-scorched logs more often had visible ascomycete fungi, and lost their bark faster than unburned logs. However, despite this obvious effect of fire-scorching of the logs, the species composition in burned and unburned logs at the burned site was more similar than in unburned logs at the three different sites. A larger diversity of beetles, when measured with rarefaction, was found for fire-scorched logs. When sites were compared, birch logs had the most diverse fauna at the burned site and spruce logs in the uncut forest. Pyrophilous insect species were almost exclusively confined to the burned forest, but occurred in both burned and unburned logs. These species may be divided into two groups: (1) mycophagous species that need burned substrate per se because ascomycete fungi are favoured by burning, and (2) phloem-feeders and predators that are favoured by some habitat characteristic of recently burned forest rather than of burned wood.  相似文献   

Prescribed burning is an important tool for managing and restoring prairies and other ecosystems. One effect of fire is plant litter removal, which can influence seedling establishment. Four experimental treatments (burned, clipped and raked to remove litter, burned with litter reapplied, and unmanipulated) were applied to 2 × 2.5–m plots in three western Oregon, United States, upland prairies to determine how burning affects seedling establishment. Seeds of common exotic and native prairie species were sowed into the experimental plots after treatments. Seedlings were censused the following spring. The experiment was repeated on each of the three sites, representing three common types of prairie vegetation: an Annual Exotic Grass site, a Perennial Exotic Grass site, and a Native Bunchgrass site. In both the Annual Exotic Grass and the Perennial Exotic Grass sites, burning significantly improved native, but not exotic, seedling establishment over those on unburned plots. Litter removal was a significant component of this burn effect, particularly on the Perennial Exotic Grass site. In these winter‐moist systems, the net effect of litter is to inhibit seedling establishment. Burning treatments on the Native Bunchgrass site significantly increased seedling establishment only of short‐lived exotic species. These results suggest that in prairie ecosystems similar to the Annual and Perennial Exotic Grass sites, prescribed burning followed by sowing native seeds can be an effective restoration technique. Burning alone or sowing alone would be counter‐productive, in the first case because increased establishment would come from exotic species and in the second case because establishment rates are low in unburned plots.  相似文献   

Ground beetle assemblages were monitored at four tallgrass prairie sites burned on 3-year cycles in northeastern Iowa. The objectives of this study were to quantify differences in carabid communities between original and reconstructed tallgrass prairies, and to determine the responses of ground beetles to 3-year cycles of early spring fire commonly used to manage tallgrass prairies. Using pitfall traps, ground beetle assemblages in two original and two reconstructed tallgrass prairies were compared between 1994 and 1998, where beetles were sampled annually (0-, 1-, and 2-year post-fire conditions) from plots burned every 3 years. When burned, the greatest abundance, activity density, and species richness of carabid beetles occurred the year immediately following a spring burn, with abundance declining steadily with increased time since burning. Overall ground beetle diversity as determined by Shannon's diversity index was greatest in original tallgrass prairies several years after a fire. Some species of ground beetles were found only in original prairies, while others were found primarily in reconstructed prairie. Similarly, some species were more abundant the year immediately following a burn, while others were found in greater abundance with increased time since fire. NMS ordination and indicator species analysis clearly show differences in carabid species between original and reconstructed tallgrass prairies, but did not show differences among burn treatments.  相似文献   

Prescribed burning currently is used to preserve endemicity of plant communities in remnant tallgrass prairies. Although some types of arthropods benefit from changes in plant communities brought about by burning, other species that are endemic to prairies may be threatened. Because they inhabit the fuel layer of prairies, endophytic insects would seem particularly susceptible to this management tactic. In this paper, we assess the impact of prescribed burning on endophytic insect communities inhabiting stems of Silphium laciniatum L. and S. terebinthinaceum Jacquin (Asteraceae), endemic prairie plants. Populations of these insects were decimated by burning, with mortality approaching 100% in most cases. Their populations nevertheless began to rebound within a single growing season, with densities moderately but significantly reduced 1 year after the burn. Even when a prairie remnant was completely incinerated, plant stems were recolonized by insects within one growing season. Our findings suggest that sufficient numbers of endophytic insects survive burns in remains of Silphium to recolonize burned areas the following year.  相似文献   

Abstract. A map of burn severity resulting from the 1988 fires that occurred in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) was derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery and used to assess the isolation of burned areas, the heterogeneity that resulted from fires burning under moderate and severe burning conditions, and the relationship between heterogeneity and fire size. The majority of severely burned areas were within close proximity (50 to 200 m) to unburned or lightly burned areas, suggesting that few burned sites are very far from potential sources of propagules for plant reestablishment. Fires that occurred under moderate burning conditions early during the 1988 fire season resulted in a lower proportion of crown fire than fires that occurred under severe burning conditions later in the season. Increased dominance and contagion of burn severity classes and a decrease in the edge: area ratio for later fires indicated a slightly more aggregated burn pattern compared to early fires. The proportion of burned area in different burn severity classes varied as a function of daily fire size. When daily area burned was relatively low, the proportion of burned area in each burn severity class varied widely. When daily burned area exceeded 1250 ha, the burned area contained about 50 % crown fire, 30 % severe surface burn, and 20 % light surface burn. Understanding the effect of fire on landscape heterogeneity is important because the kinds, amounts, and spatial distribution of burned and unburned areas may influence the reestablishment of plant species on burned sites.  相似文献   

Long-term datasets are required to understand the response of long-lived organisms (e.g., gopher tortoises [Gopherus polyphemus]) to management actions, such as prescribed burns. Our objective was to estimate the effects of prescribed burning on gopher tortoise population dynamics over decadal time frames at Fort Stewart Army Reserve, southeastern Georgia, USA. We captured and marked adult tortoises from 1994–2020. In addition, since the early 1990s, managers at Fort Stewart collected spatial records of prescribed burns; thus, we could compare demography of the population to prescribed burning. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model (open population Jolly-Seber model) to estimate population parameters (emigration and survival, immigration and recruitment, and adult abundance) and their relationships with years since burn. We observed opposing responses to years since burn at 2 sites: abundance and the probability of staying (survival plus not emigrating) increased within 1 site when it had been more recently burned (F zones), but abundance and probability of staying in a second site increased when it had been longer since the site was burned (E zones). Some of these effects were weak but indicative of different responses to burning between the sites. Although the sites experienced similar burning regimes, they differed substantially in other habitat features: the F zones had almost twice the tree cover and lower soil sand composition, indicating that tortoise population responses to burning depend on habitat context. We inferred that the primary mechanism for demographic responses to years since burn was likely emigrating adults, which indicates the need for more detailed movement data. Our results demonstrate that gopher tortoise population responses to prescribed burning are complex, context dependent, and primarily influenced by tortoise movements. Therefore, prescribed burn plans may best accommodate spatially dynamic tortoise populations when they create spatial heterogeneity in burn ages within the range of typical tortoise movements. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Some tick populations have increased dramatically in the past several decades leading to an increase in the incidence and emergence of tick-borne diseases. Management strategies that can effectively reduce tick populations while better understanding regional tick phenology is needed. One promising management strategy is prescribed burning. However, the efficacy of prescribed burning as a mechanism for tick control is unclear because past studies have provided conflicting data, likely due to a failure of some studies to simulate operational management scenarios and/or account for other predictors of tick abundance. Therefore, our study was conducted to increase knowledge of tick population dynamics relative to long-term prescribed fire management. Furthermore, we targeted a region, southwestern Georgia and northwestern Florida (USA), in which little is known regarding tick dynamics so that basic phenology could be determined. Twenty-one plots with varying burn regimes (burned surrounded by burned [BB], burned surrounded by unburned [BUB], unburned surrounded by burned [UBB], and unburned surrounded by unburned [UBUB]) were sampled monthly for two years while simultaneously collecting data on variables that can affect tick abundance (e.g., host abundance, vegetation structure, and micro- and macro-climatic conditions). In total, 47,185 ticks were collected, of which, 99% were Amblyomma americanum, 0.7% were Ixodes scapularis, and fewer numbers of Amblyomma maculatum, Ixodes brunneus, and Dermacentor variabilis. Monthly seasonality trends were similar between 2010 and 2011. Long-term prescribed burning consistently and significantly reduced tick counts (overall and specifically for A. americanum and I. scapularis) regardless of the burn regimes and variables evaluated. Tick species composition varied according to burn regime with A. americanum dominating at UBUB, A. maculatum at BB, I. scapularis at UBB, and a more even composition at BUB. These data indicate that regular prescribed burning is an effective tool for reducing tick populations and ultimately may reduce risk of tick-borne disease.  相似文献   

Annually burned tallgrass prairie is purported to be a nitrogen-limited system, especially when compared to unburned prairie. To test the hypothesis that legumes, potential nitrogen-fixers, would increase in relative abundance in annually burned sites, we assessed their density and biomass for two seasons on upland and lowland soils in annually burned and unburned watersheds. Total legume density was significantly higher in burned (8.0 ± 1.0 [SE] stems/m2) than in unburned watersheds (3.0 ± 0.3 stems/m2). Species with higher (P < 0.05) densities in burned than in unburned prairie included Amorpha canescens, Dalea candida, Dalea purpurea, Lespedeza violacea, Psoralea tenuiflora, and Schrankia nuttallii. Desmodium illinoense was the only legume that responded negatively to annual fire. Total legume biomass did not differ between burned (11.3 ± 1.3 g/m2) and unburned prairie (10.5 ± 0.9 g/m2). Biomass productions of Dalea candida and Psoralea tenuiflora were higher (P < 0.05) in burned than in unburned sites, but biomasses of other legumes were similar between burn treatments. Average individual stem masses of Amorpha canescens and Baptisia bracteata were significantly greater in unburned than in burned prairie. Legumes were affected differentially by topographic location. Total legume density was higher (P < 0.05) on lowland soils (6.6 ± 1.0 stems/m2) than on upland soils (4.3 ± 0.5 stems/m2). However, total legume biomass was not different between lowland soils (12.0 ± 1.2 g/m2) and upland soils (9.9 ± 1.0 g/m2). Densities and biomasses of Amorpha canescens, Desmodium illinoense, and Lespedeza capitata were higher on lowland sites than on upland sites, whereas densities and biomasses of Baptisia bracteata and Dalea purpurea were higher on upland than on lowland soils. Most legume species are either fire tolerant or exhibit a positive response to fire and their persistence in annually burned prairie suggests that they may play an important role in the nitrogen budget of this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Abstract: Alteration of Iowa, USA, landscapes for agricultural production has resulted in a loss of >99% of the original prairie and >95% of native wetlands. This conversion has included riparian areas, which, as interfaces between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, are important to many wildlife species. Farm Bill programs have resulted in the reestablishment of millions of hectares of grasslands and wetlands nationwide, including >100,000 ha in riparian areas of the Midwest. We assessed plant and arthropod responses to burning and disking of riparian grasslands in east-central Iowa in 2001 and 2002. Burning altered the plant community by removing litter and standing dead vegetation and had negative effects on several arthropod taxa, including Hemiptera and Lepidoptera. However, we observed no differences in vegetation or arthropods between burned and unburned fields during the second year postburning (P > 0.05). Disking decreased the cover of grasses, litter, and standing dead vegetation and increased plant species richness and the cover of forbs and bare ground (P < 0.05). Arthropod abundance and dry biomass were greater on disked than undisked portions of fields (P < 0.05). Increases in the abundance and biomass of arthropods associated with changes in vegetation structure and composition likely improved habitat quality for a number of breeding bird species. Both burning and disking appear to be effective management options for maintaining or enhancing riparian grasslands for wildlife.  相似文献   

Biomass production was determined on burned and unburned sand prairie sites in Illinois during the 1986–89 growing seasons. Severe droughts characterized the 1988 and 1989 growing seasons with precipitation being at least 50% less in these two years than in 1985 and 1986. During the growing season following a fire, in drought and non-drought years, burned sites had higher total green biomass (all species), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) root and shoot biomass, and total grass and forb biomass production than the unburned sites. In 1988 and 1989, production on all sites was frequently significantly lower each month than it was in 1986 or 1987. The differences in productivity between burn and unburned sites were less pronounced during the drought years (1988–1989) than during the non-drought years (1986–87). Grass productivity (all species) declined considerably during drought years. In contrast, forb productivity did not vary significantly among years. Despite the drought, productivity of all species and little bluestem (root and shoot combined) was best predicted by the burn condition of the sites. Unlike many studies where drought alone can have significant effects on productivity, this study shows that on sand prairies the burn condition of sites, or burning regimes, and associated influences, can have a greater substantial impact on productivity than drought. Moisture deficits due to drought may, however, have longer term effects than those detected during the span of this study.  相似文献   

Effects of fire on growth and reproduction of the perennial forb Ratibida columnifera were studied on the Konza Prairie Research Natural Area in northeastern Kansas, USA. Populations were sampled in seven different tallgrass prairie watersheds that varied in fire frequency and in the number of years elapsed since the last fire. Plants from sites not burned for many years were 2.6 times larger and produced 50% more stems than plants from recently burned sites. Number of seeds per plant was also higher in long-unburned sites due to greater numbers of flower heads per plant and greater numbers of achenes produced per head. Reproductive effort (ratio of inflorescence biomass to total vegetative biomass) was 33% lower in annually burned prairie than in any of the other sites. Significant differences in the relationships of inflorescence biomass to vegetative plant biomass in burned vs. unburned sites indicated that burning causes direct changes in plant reproductive effort independent from its effects on plant size. There was no clear relationship between patterns of seed production among sites and patterns of R. columnifera abundance. Ratibida columnifera responses to fire are most likely a result of changes in the relative competitive abilities of forbs and the dominant perennial grasses due to post-fire changes in abiotic conditions rather than a result of direct effects of fire on the fate of buds and subsequent vegetative and floral development.  相似文献   

In June 2008 and 2009, cover, density, and species diversity were measured on two areas of the prairie at the U. S. Department of Energy Weldon Spring Site to begin quantification of the prairie establishment and the effects of a prairie burn. Sampling began by testing for the most appropriate transect length (cover) and quadrat size (density) for quantification of vegetation. Total cover increased in the first growing season after burning. Conversely, total cover decreased in the unburned area in one year. The trend in litter cover is the opposite with litter decreasing after burning, but increasing in one year in the unburned area. Bare ground decreased in one year in the unburned area, but was unchanged after burning. Species diversity tripled after fire, but was unchanged in one year in the unburned area. The results show that litter and fire both affect plant cover. If land reclamation activities are to be an integral part of hazardous waste remediation at contaminated sites, then the success of reclamation efforts needs to be quantified along with success criteria for waste remediation of the sites. The results show that plant cover can be easily quantified, but that density measures are more biased which makes it more difficult to achieve adequate sample size for plant density.  相似文献   

As post-disturbance community response depends on the characteristics of the ecosystem and the species composition, so does the invasion of exotic species rely on their suitability to the new environment. Here, we test two hypotheses: exotic spider species dominate the community after burning; and two traits are prevalent for their colonisation ability: ballooning and body size, the latter being correlated with their dispersal ability. We established spring burn, summer burn and unburned experimental plots in a New Zealand tussock grassland area and collected annual samples 3 and 4 years before and after the burning, respectively. Exotic spider abundance increased in the two burn treatments, driven by an increase in Linyphiidae. Indicator analysis showed that exotic and native species characterised burned and unburned plots, respectively. Generalised linear mixed-effects models indicated that ballooning had a positive effect on the post-burning establishment (density) of spiders in summer burn plots but not in spring plots. Body size had a positive effect on colonisation and establishment. The ability to balloon may partly explain the dominance of exotic Linyphiidae species. Larger spiders are better at moving into and colonising burned sites probably because of their ability to travel longer distances over land. Native species showed a low resilience to burning, and although confirmation requires longer-term data, our findings suggest that frequent fires could cause long lasting damage to the native spider fauna of tussock grasslands, and we propose limiting the use of fire to essential situations.  相似文献   

Recent losses and fragmentation of tallgrass prairie habitat to agriculture and urban development have led to corresponding declines in diversity and abundance of plants and birds associated with such habitat. Mowing and burning are alternative management strategies for restoring and rejuvenating prairies in fragmented landscapes, but their specific, comparative effects are the subjects of ongoing evaluation. We compared the responses of plant and bird communities on four sets of mowed, burned, and untreated sites of small (3–10 ha), fragmented tallgrass prairies at the DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge (DNWR), Iowa, U.S.A., during May–July in 1998 and 1999. Species richness and diversity of plants, resident grassland birds, and communities of birds associated with grassland edges (edge species) were independent of treatment. Although not affecting species richness and diversity in plant communities, mowed sites ranked lower in total plant coverage and total forb coverage than burned sites or untreated sites. In contrast, untreated sites had more coverage by shrubs, suggesting that mowing and burning did retard shrub encroachment. Overall, abundance and diversity of plants and birds were generally insensitive to management strategies. Small, fragmented sites of rare habitat may not respond in the short term to management treatments and may not be capable of supporting highly diverse communities, no matter how intensively manipulated. It is more probable that diversity of native prairie communities can be enhanced and restored only through long‐term efforts, acquisition of large land units capable of supporting stable populations, and deliberate reintroduction of species of high conservation value.  相似文献   

Fire frequency has significant effects on the biota of tallgrass prairie, including mammals, vascular plants and birds. Recent concern has been expressed that widespread annual burning, sometimes in combination with heavy livestock grazing, negatively impacts the biota of remaining prairie remnants. A common management recommendation, intended to address this problem, is to create a landscape with a mosaic of different burn regimes. Pitfall trapping was used to investigate the impacts of fire pattern on the diversity and species composition of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) at Konza Prairie Biological Station in eastern Kansas, USA. Trapping was conducted over three seasons in landscape units burned on average every 1, 4, or 20 years, and in a fourth season across the available range of vegetative structure to assess the variability of the community within the study system. In the fifth season communities were also followed immediately after two fire events to detect within-season effects of fire and to study short-term patterns of post-disturbance community assembly. Fire frequency had comparatively minimal effects on ground beetle diversity measures, and most numerically common species were observed widely across habitat and management types. Fire frequency effects were manifested primarily in changes in abundance of common species. Colonization of burned areas apparently did not occur from juxtaposed non-burned areas, but from underground or from long distances. While these results suggest that widespread annual burning of tallgrass prairie remnants may not have dramatic effects on prairie ground beetles, we urge caution regarding the application of these results to other taxa within tallgrass prairie.  相似文献   

The influence of standing dead biomass on available solar radiation, leaf temperature (Tleaf) and leaf water potential (ѱleaf) of Andropogon gerardii in unburned tallgrass prairie was compared to burned prairie in eastern Kansas. The standing dead reduced photosynthetically active radiation incident on emerging shoots by 58.8% in unburned compared to burned prairie during the initial 30 days of the growing season. Aboveground production in unburned prairie was similarly reduced during this period (55.4%) compared to burned prairie. Leaf temperatures in A. gerardii were greater in unburned prairie than in burned early in the season, but were nearly equal by the end of the growing season. The maximum elevation of Tleaf in unburned prairie above burned was 9.5 C. The maximum unburned Tleaf measured was 41.5 C compared to 39.4 C in burned prairie. Lower windspeed adjacent to leaves in unburned prairie resulting in reduced convective cooling may have caused higher Tleaf in unburned prairie. Leaf water potential was significantly lower in unburned prairie than in burned prairie early in the season but was higher in unburned prairie by late season. The seasonal minimum ѱleaf in burned prairie was — 1.60 MPa compared to —1.45 MPa in unburned prairie. The combined effect of these post-burn differences in solar radiation, Tleaf and ѱleaf may be significant in contributing to the lower production in unburned compared to burned tallgrass prairie.  相似文献   

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