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Respiratory metabolism of different developmental stages (larvae, pseudergates, nymphs, soldiers, neotenic reproductives; 0.6-4.5 mg body mass) of Prorhinotermes simplex was individually monitored by scanning respirographic method sensitive to subnanoliter amounts of O(2) consumption or CO(2) output per minute. Specimens exposed to dry air after removal from the colony performed enormously large, discontinuous bursts of CO(2) lasting usually 2 min. The volume of CO(2) produced during the burst often surpassed the volume of the whole body and it was 10- to 20-fold in excess of the air-filled endogenous tracheal volume. The initial velocity of CO(2) production during the burst was more than 90-fold faster in comparison to O(2) consumption. In the presence of enough moisture within the respiratory vessel, the termites breathed continuously without any larger outburst of CO(2). This fact fully corroborates validity of the so-called water retention theory in discontinuous CO(2) release. The highest rates of O(2) consumption were found in the second instar larvae (0.9 mg, 1000-2000 microl O(2)/g/h), the soldier caste was intermediate (700 microl O(2)/g/h) while pseudergates and neotenic reproductives consumed between 300 and 600 microl O(2)/g/h, at 25 degrees C. All developmental stages feeding on a cellulose diet had CO(2)/O(2) values (RQ) over 1 (1.2-1.4, i.e. carbohydrate metabolism), pigmented soldiers fed by the workers had RQ around 0.75 (predominating lipid or protein metabolism). The unusually large, sudden eruptions of CO(2) in specimens exposed to dry air allow us to make the following conclusions: (1) the bursts were due to special chemical processes, such as by enzymatic hydration of carbonic acid by carbonic anhydrase and; (2) the bulk of chemically evolved gaseous CO(2) escaped from the body by a mass flow supported by active ventilation, not by a passive diffusion. These results demonstrated that the periodic emissions of CO(2) and the associated homeostatic regulation of the respiratory acidaemia were under perfect physiological control. The termites could thus actively select the type of CO(2) release best suited to the extant environmental or internal physiological conditions, i.e. from a completely continuous respiration to occasionally cyclic or completely discontinuous CO(2) release.  相似文献   

We investigated distribution and sexual composition of founding associations of Reticulitermes kanmonensis, the Japanese subterranean termite, which occurs only in the Kanmon area. These properties are discussed in relation to body size and mitochondrial genotype of the dealates. The founding colonies showed a highly aggregated distribution with a ‘hot spot’ of colony founding; however, mitochondrial haplotypes of the dealates suggested random mating. Monogamous colonies were predominant, but solitary colonies and colonies with two females and/or males also occurred. Paired dealates tended to be larger than solitary founders, suggesting that both sexes were under sexual selection related to body size.  相似文献   

To test the common assumption of no genetic relationship in a founding population, we calculated average relatedness (r) for the emigrants to Plymouth Colony from Europe on seven voyages from 1620 to 1633. Of 355 individuals, 255 could be individually identified and 4 generations of genealogic depth accounted for. Mean r was 0.00399 (S.D. = 0.00395) and ranged from 0 for 76 individuals to 0.01574 for a single female. There was a strong sex difference in relatedness; 91 females had a mean r of 0.00557 (S.D. = 0.00428), and 161 males had a lower mean r of 0.00308 (S.D. = 0.00349) (t = 4.71, p less than 0.001). The major difference was in the lower proportion of females with no relations (n = 12, 13.2%) compared with males (n = 64, 39.8%) (t = 5.05; p less than 0.001). If relatedness is calculated only for those with relations, females still have a significantly higher mean r value (0.00641, S.D. = 0.00393) than males (0.00511, S.D. = 0.00312) (t = 2.38, p less than 0.05). Thus a higher proportion of females had relatives migrating to the colony, and relatedness is significantly higher among them. The majority of kin links (79.8%) were those within the nuclear family--parents, children or siblings. For the continuity of kin-structured migration, relatedness was highest among voyagers in the same boat load and lower between voyages, with no apparent time trend. The low relatedness value of the Plymouth migrants is a result of community history and recruitment practices for the new colony. For this European population average relatedness was approximately an order of magnitude below that of traditional groups, and the assumption of no genetic relationship is not unwarranted.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of epidermal glands in neotenic reproductives of Prorhinotermes simplex is described and their development is compared among young and old neotenics of both sexes. Secretory cells forming the epidermal gland are attached to the cuticle all over the body. The glands are formed by class 1 and class 3 secretory cells and corresponding canal cells with secretory function. Class 1 cells are sandglass-like and class 3 secretory units are located among them. Class 1 cells contain predominantly tubular endoplasmic reticulum, the major part represents the smooth and the minor the rough form. Numerous electron dense granules occur in the cytoplasm, they are always disintegrated prior to be released. Class 3 secretory cells contain a large amount of vacuoles, which are always lucent in males while newly produced vacuoles are dense in females. Dense vacuoles are frequently transformed into lucent ones before being released. Canal cells are locally equipped with microvilli. The conducting canal is surrounded by an electron dense secretion of regular inner structure. The cytoplasm of the canal cell contains numerous mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum and a large proportion of microtubules. The young neotenic reproductives differ from the old ones by a lower amount of secretory products. Epidermal glands probably produce substances inhibiting the occurrence of superfluous reproductives.  相似文献   

The success of evaluating areawide control of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), in urban landscapes hinges on detailed understanding of colony movement and plasticity of the breeding system. Most previous studies of colony affiliation and breeding systems of C. formosanus have been conducted in relatively undisturbed park-like areas. However, disturbance in the form of landscaping, construction, and nearby treatment may impact termite colony dynamics in urban habitats. Therefore, we used microsatellite genotyping to identify the number of colonies, assess colony movement, and investigate the breeding structure of colonies surrounding the Supreme Court Building in New Orleans, LA. During 4 yr, 18 distinct colonies were identified in the study area. In contrast to earlier studies in park-like areas, which indicated stable foraging areas, colonies in this study moved frequently into and out of inground stations. Five colonies were simple families; two of these colonies were headed by inbred nestmate pairs, and three of these colonies were headed by outbred unrelated pairs. Thirteen colonies were extended families headed by fewer than five neotenic reproductives. During the study, the predominant breeding system shifted; simple family colonies either moved or were eliminated, and they were replaced with new extended family colonies. In one case, a generation turnover within a colony from simple to extended family was observed.  相似文献   

  • 1 In a 16-month study in Bangalore, India, about 35% of the newly founded colonies of Ropalidia marginata were single foundress colonies and the remainder were multiple foundress colonies with two to twenty-two individuals.
  • 2 Larger colonies did not have a significantly higher per capita productivity, did not produce significantly heavier progeny and did not produce them significantly faster than smaller colonies did.
  • 3 Predation by the hornet Vespa tropica appeared to be independent of group size.
  • 4 Single foundress colonies failed more often but not often enough to make them have a lower average per capita productivity, compared to multiple foundress colonies.
  • 5 Some of the advantages of multiple foundress associations came from the greater predictability of their attaining the mean per capita productivity, the relatively lower rates of usurpation experienced by them compared to single foundress colonies, and the opportunities provided by queen turnovers for workers to become replacement queens and gain direct individual fitness.

Thirty-two colonies of bees with varying populations were established in 1·2-m3 boxes for 24 days. At the end of this time, the bees were killed, and the comb structure, design, and placement were examined to obtain information about the initiation of bee nests. The analysis of variance of three dimensions of the comb (height, width, and length) showed no statistical differences when all thirty-two colonies were considered as a group.Comb built by queenless bees differed from any described in the literature. We think it is comb characteristically built by queenless bees that is neither worker nor drone in size but intermediate.The occurrence of multiple clusters building comb with and without queen in the same box is recorded but unexplained at present.An explanation is offered for the curl appearing in the lower edges of straight combs.  相似文献   

For the past 15–20 years, the intracellular delivery and silencing activity of oligodeoxynucleotides have been essentially completely dependent on the use of a delivery technology (e.g. lipofection). We have developed a method (called ‘gymnosis’) that does not require the use of any transfection reagent or any additives to serum whatsoever, but rather takes advantage of the normal growth properties of cells in tissue culture in order to promote productive oligonucleotide uptake. This robust method permits the sequence-specific silencing of multiple targets in a large number of cell types in tissue culture, both at the protein and mRNA level, at concentrations in the low micromolar range. Optimum results were obtained with locked nucleic acid (LNA) phosphorothioate gap-mers. By appropriate manipulation of oligonucleotide dosing, this silencing can be continuously maintained with little or no toxicity for >240 days. High levels of oligonucleotide in the cell nucleus are not a requirement for gene silencing, contrary to long accepted dogma. In addition, gymnotic delivery can efficiently deliver oligonucleotides to suspension cells that are known to be very difficult to transfect. Finally, the pattern of gene silencing of in vitro gymnotically delivered oligonucleotides correlates particularly well with in vivo silencing. The establishment of this link is of particular significance to those in the academic research and drug discovery and development communities.  相似文献   

In species where parental investment is extensive for both sexes, both males and females are predicted to exhibit choosiness when seeking their lifetime partners. Evidence is presented that both courting males and females are choosy in the wood-dwelling, biparental termite Zootermopsis nevadensis. There are, however, sex differences both in the method of mate rejection and in the mate-choice criteria. In particular, females are more likely than males to invite an extra suitor into the nest, whereas males are more likely than females to leave their nest and partner and seek a replacement elsewhere. Correlational analyses of adults show that head width is a mate-choice criterion used by females, whereas body mass and fat mass are used by males. Among males and females that sought replacement mates, those that had been rejected previously were more likely to end up paired with an adult that also had been rejected, compared with adults that had not been rejected. Additional findings reveal a rich repertoire of courting behaviours characterized by extensive intra- and intersexual conflict, including mate rejection, intrasexual combat, and even intrapair aggression.  相似文献   

The Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, is an invasive species in many parts of the world, including the U.S. mainland. The reasons for its invasive success may have to do with the flexible social and spatial organization of colonies. We investigated the population and breeding structure of 14 C. formosanus colonies in Louis Armstrong Park, New Orleans, LA. This population has been the focus of extensive study for many years, providing the opportunity to relate aspects of colony breeding structure to previous findings on colony characteristics such as body weight and number of workers, wood consumption, and intercolony aggression. Eight colonies were headed by a single pair of outbred reproductives (simple families), whereas six colonies were headed by low numbers of multiple kings and/or queens that were likely the neotenic descendants of the original colony (extended families). Within the foraging area of one large extended family colony, we found genetic differentiation among different collection sites, suggesting the presence of separate reproductive centers. No significant difference between simple family colonies and extended family colonies was found in worker body weight, soldier body weight, foraging area, population size, or wood consumption. However, level of inbreeding within colonies was negatively correlated with worker body weight and positively correlated with wood consumption. Also, genetic distance between colonies was positively correlated with aggression levels, suggesting a genetic basis to nestmate discrimination cues in this termite population. No obvious trait associated with colony reproductive structure was found that could account for the invasion success of this species.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the evolutionary pathway of sex-chromosome translocations in the termite Kalotermes approximatus, reciprocal matings were made between the winged reproductives from two different colonies, one in which there was a multivalent chain of 13 in male meiosis, and one in which there was a chain of 17 (or 19, in some cells). From the cross in which the male parent came from the chain-of-13 colony, the male offspring had a chain of 13 (or 15, in some cells) in meiosis; from the reciprocal cross, the male offspring had a chain of 15. Careful analysis of the multivalent chains in the hybrid males, combined with previous observations on chromosome variation in this species (Syren and Luykx, 1981), permit the following conclusions: (i) The two parent colonies differ by five distinct translocations, involving both X and Y chromosomes. (ii) In the evolution of the sex-multivalent, all of these kinds of translocations have occurred: X-X, Y-Y, X-autosome, and Y-autosome. (iii) Out of a total of 8 sex-chromosome translocations that can now be unambiguously characterized, 6 have involved X-chromosomes, and 2 have involved Y-chromosomes. (iv) In this species, different chromosomal races in adjacent geographic locales may differ in both their males and their females (where translocations have involved X-chromosomes), or they may differ only in their males (where translocations have involved Y-chromosomes).  相似文献   

In social insects, resource allocation is a key factor that influences colony survival and growth. Optimal allocation to queens and brood is essential for maximum colony productivity, requiring colony members to have information on the total reproductive power in colonies. However, the mechanisms regulating egg production relative to the current labour force for brood care remain poorly known. Recently, a volatile chemical was identified as a termite queen pheromone that inhibits the differentiation of new neotenic reproductives (secondary reproductives developed from nymphs or workers) in Reticulitermes speratus. The same volatile chemical is also emitted by eggs. This queen pheromone would therefore be expected to act as an honest message of the reproductive power about queens. In this study, we examined how the queen pheromone influences the reproductive rate of queens in R. speratus. We compared the number of eggs produced by each queen between groups with and without exposure to artificial queen pheromone. Exposure to the pheromone resulted in a significant decrease in egg production in both single-queen and multiple-queen groups. This is the first report supporting the role of queen pheromones as a signal regulating colony-level egg production, using synthetically derived compounds in a termite.  相似文献   

The evolution of queens that rear their first brood solely using body reserves, i.e. fully claustral, is viewed as a major advance for higher ants because it eliminated the need for queens to leave the nest to forage. In an apparently unusual secondary modification, the seed-harvester ant Pogonomyrmex californicus displays obligate queen foraging, i.e. queens must forage to garner the resources necessary to survive and successfully rear their first brood. I examined the potential benefits of queen foraging by comparing ecological and physiological traits between P. californicus and several congeners in which the queen can rear brood using only body reserves. The primary advantage of foraging appears to lie in providing the queens of P. californicus with the energy to raise significantly more brood than possible by congeners that use only body reserves; the workers reared in the first brood were also heavier in mass than that predicted by their head width. Other correlates of queen foraging in P. californicus relative to tested congeners included a significantly lower total fat content for alate queens, a small queen body size, and a low queen to worker body mass ratio. Queens also forage in several other well-studied species of Pogonomyrmex, suggesting the possibility that queen foraging may be more common than previously thought in higher ants.  相似文献   

Two modes of colony foundation are described for the social spider Anelosimus eximius. Foundress survivorship and colony mortality are discussed and correlated to the abundance of this species. The theoretical implications of these factors on the degree of relatedness of the members of a colony are discussed.  相似文献   



Social insects such as termites express dramatic polyphenism (the occurrence of multiple forms in a species on the basis of differential gene expression) both in association with caste differentiation and between castes after differentiation. We have used cDNA macroarrays to compare gene expression between polyphenic castes and intermediary developmental stages of the termite Reticulitermes flavipes.  相似文献   

Within the multitude of chemical signals used by termites, the trail marking by means of pheromones is ubiquitous. Chemistry and biology of the trail-following communication have been described in more than 60 species from all families except for the Neotropical Serritermitidae. The chemical ecology of Serritermitidae is of special interest not only as a missing piece of knowledge on the diversity and evolution of isopteran pheromones but also because it may contribute to the debate on the phylogenetic position of this family, which is still unresolved. Therefore, we aimed in this study to identify the trail-following pheromone of the serritermitid Glossotermes oculatus. Based on a combined approach of analytical chemistry, electrophysiology, and behavioral bioassays, we propose (10Z,13Z)-nonadeca-10,13-dien-2-one to be the trail-following pheromone of G. oculatus, secreted by the sternal gland of pseudergates. Thus, we report on a new termite trail-following pheromone of an unexpected chemical structure, a ketone with 19 carbons, contrasting with unsaturated alcohols containing 12 carbons as trail-following pheromones in other advanced termite families. In addition to this unique trail-following pheromone, we also describe the sternal gland in pseudergates as an organ of unusual shape, size, and structure when compared with other isopteran species. These results underline the peculiarity of the family Serritermitidae and prompt our interest in the chemistry of pheromones in the other genus of the family, Serritermes.  相似文献   

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