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MOTIVATION: We address the question of whether there exists an effective evolutionary model of amino-acid substitution that forms a metric-distance function. There is always a trade-off between speed and sensitivity among competing computational methods of determining sequence homology. A metric model of evolution is a prerequisite for the development of an entire class of fast sequence analysis algorithms that are both scalable, O(log n) and sensitive. RESULTS: We have reworked the mathematics of the point accepted mutation model (PAM) by calculating the expected time between accepted mutations in lieu of calculating log-odds probabilities. The resulting substitution matrix (mPAM) forms a metric. We validate the application of the mPAM evolutionary model for sequence homology by executing sequence queries from a controlled yeast protein homology search benchmark. We compare the accuracy of the results of mPAM and PAM similarity matrices as well as three prior metric models. The experiment shows that mPAM significantly outperforms the other three metrics and sufficiently approaches the sensitivity of PAM250 to make it applicable to the management of protein sequence databases.  相似文献   

We have recently proposed a thermodynamic model that predicts the tolerance of proteins to random amino acid substitutions. Here we test this model against extensive simulations with compact lattice proteins, and find that the overall performance of the model is very good. We also derive an approximate analytic expression for the fraction of mutant proteins that fold stably to the native structure, Pf(m), as a function of the number of amino acid substitutions m, and present several methods to estimate the asymptotic behavior of Pf(m) for large m. We test the accuracy of all approximations against our simulation results, and find good overall agreement between the approximations and the simulation measurements.  相似文献   

Free energy changes associated with amino acid substitution in proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The estimation of free energy differences from computer simulation of macromolecular systems is important for rational strategies for drug design and for protein engineering. As an example of one mutation, we have studied the free energy change resulting from the conversion of a polar group (OH) to an apolar group (CH3) in aqueous solution. We have estimated the effect of various local environments on the magnitude of the free energy difference and find that significant environmental effects are found. We have also studied the reliability of the results in detail.  相似文献   

Summary The relative abundances among the amino acids, which are functionally similar to one another, were explained by random partition of a unit interval.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences are widely used for inferring the phylogenetic relationships among species. Clearly, the assumed model of nucleotide or amino acid substitution used should be as realistic as possible. Dependence among neighboring nucleotides in a codon complicates modeling of nucleotide substitutions in protein-encoding genes. It seems preferable to model amino acid substitution rather than nucleotide substitution. Therefore, we present a transition probability matrix of the general reversible Markov model of amino acid substitution for mtDNA-encoded proteins. The matrix is estimated by the maximum likelihood (ML) method from the complete sequence data of mtDNA from 20 vertebrate species. This matrix represents the substitution pattern of the mtDNA-encoded proteins and shows some differences from the matrix estimated from the nuclear-encoded proteins. The use of this matrix would be recommended in inferring trees from mtDNA-encoded protein sequences by the ML method. Received: 3 May 1995 / Accepted: 31 October 1995  相似文献   

The receptor binding specificity of influenza viruses may be important for host restriction of human and avian viruses. Here, we show that the hemagglutinin (HA) of the virus that caused the 1918 influenza pandemic has strain-specific differences in its receptor binding specificity. The A/South Carolina/1/18 HA preferentially binds the alpha2,6 sialic acid (human) cellular receptor, whereas the A/New York/1/18 HA, which differs by only one amino acid, binds both the alpha2,6 and the alpha2,3 sialic acid (avian) cellular receptors. Compared to the conserved consensus sequence in the receptor binding site of avian HAs, only a single amino acid at position 190 was changed in the A/New York/1/18 HA. Mutation of this single amino acid back to the avian consensus resulted in a preference for the avian receptor.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Amino acid substitution matrices play a central role in protein alignment methods. Standard log-odds matrices, such as those of the PAM and BLOSUM series, are constructed from large sets of protein alignments having implicit background amino acid frequencies. However, these matrices frequently are used to compare proteins with markedly different amino acid compositions, such as transmembrane proteins or proteins from organisms with strongly biased nucleotide compositions. It has been argued elsewhere that standard matrices are not ideal for such comparisons and, furthermore, a rationale has been presented for transforming a standard matrix for use in a non-standard compositional context. RESULTS: This paper presents the mathematical details underlying the compositional adjustment of amino acid or DNA substitution matrices.  相似文献   

The genomic era has seen a remarkable increase in the number of genomes being sequenced and annotated. Nonetheless, annotation remains a serious challenge for compositionally biased genomes. For the preliminary annotation, popular nucleotide and protein comparison methods such as BLAST are widely employed. These methods make use of matrices to score alignments such as the amino acid substitution matrices. Since a nucleotide bias leads to an overall bias in the amino acid composition of proteins, it is possible that a genome with nucleotide bias may have introduced atypical amino acid substitutions in its proteome. Consequently, standard matrices fail to perform well in sequence analysis of these genomes. To address this issue, we examined the amino acid substitution in the AT-rich genome of Plasmodium falciparum, chosen as a reference and reconstituted a substitution matrix in the genome's context. The matrix was used to generate protein sequence alignments for the parasite proteins that improved across the functional regions. We attribute this to the consistency that may have been achieved amid the target and background frequencies calculated exclusively in our study. This study has important implications on annotation of proteins that are of experimental interest but give poor sequence alignments with standard conventional matrices.  相似文献   



Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) or proteins with disordered regions (IDRs) do not have a well-defined tertiary structure, but perform a multitude of functions, often relying on their native disorder to achieve the binding flexibility through changing to alternative conformations. Intrinsic disorder is frequently found in all three kingdoms of life, and may occur in short stretches or span whole proteins. To date most studies contrasting the differences between ordered and disordered proteins focused on simple summary statistics. Here, we propose an evolutionary approach to study IDPs, and contrast patterns specific to ordered protein regions and the corresponding IDRs.


Two empirical Markov models of amino acid substitutions were estimated, based on a large set of multiple sequence alignments with experimentally verified annotations of disordered regions from the DisProt database of IDPs. We applied new methods to detect differences in Markovian evolution and evolutionary rates between IDRs and the corresponding ordered protein regions. Further, we investigated the distribution of IDPs among functional categories, biochemical pathways and their preponderance to contain tandem repeats.


We find significant differences in the evolution between ordered and disordered regions of proteins. Most importantly we find that disorder promoting amino acids are more conserved in IDRs, indicating that in some cases not only amino acid composition but the specific sequence is important for function. This conjecture is also reinforced by the observation that for of our data set IDRs evolve more slowly than the ordered parts of the proteins, while we still support the common view that IDRs in general evolve more quickly. The improvement in model fit indicates a possible improvement for various types of analyses e.g. de novo disorder prediction using a phylogenetic Hidden Markov Model based on our matrices showed a performance similar to other disorder predictors.  相似文献   

Summary Several forms of maximum likelihood models are applied to aligned amino acid sequence data coded for in the mitochondrial DNA of six species (chicken, frog, human, bovine, mouse, and rat). These models range in form from relatively simple models of the type currently used for inferring phylogenetic tree structure to models more complex than those that have been used previously. No major discrepancies between the optimal trees inferred by any of these methods are found, but there are huge differences in adequacy of fit. A very significant finding is that the fit of any of these models is vastly improved by allowing a certain proportion of the amino acid sites to be invariant. An even more important, although disquieting, finding is that none of these models fits well, as judged by standard statistical criteria. The primary reason for this is that amino acid sites undergo substitution according to a process that is very heterogeneous. Because most phylogenetic inference is accomplished by choosing the optimal tree under the assumption that a homogeneous process is acting on the sites, the potential invalidity of some such conclusions is raised by this article's results. The seriousness of this problem depends upon the robustness of the phylogenetic inferential procedure to departures from the underlying model.  相似文献   

Amino acid substitution matrices play an essential role in protein sequence alignment, a fundamental task in bioinformatics. Most widely used matrices, such as PAM matrices derived from homologous sequences and BLOSUM matrices derived from aligned segments of PROSITE, did not integrate conformation information in their construction. There are a few structure-based matrices, which are derived from limited data of structure alignment. Using databases PDB_SELECT and DSSP, we create a database of sequence-conformation blocks which explicitly represent sequence-structure relationship. Members in a block are identical in conformation and are highly similar in sequence. From this block database, we derive a conformation-specific amino acid substitution matrix CBSM60. The matrix shows an improved performance in conformational segment search and homolog detection.  相似文献   

Amino acid substitution models represent the substitution rates among amino acids during the evolution of protein sequences. The models are a prerequisite for maximum likelihood or Bayesian methods to analyse the phylogenetic relationships among species based on their protein sequences. Estimating amino acid substitution models requires large protein datasets and intensive computation. In this paper, we presented the estimation of both time-reversible model (Q.met) and time non-reversible model (NQ.met) for multicellular animals (Metazoa). Analyses showed that the Q.met and NQ.met models were significantly better than existing models in analysing metazoan protein sequences. Moreover, the time non-reversible model NQ.met enables us to reconstruct the rooted phylogenetic tree for Metazoa. We recommend researchers to employ the Q.met and NQ.met models in analysing metazoan protein sequences.  相似文献   

We have analyzed 29 published substitution matrices (SMs) and five statistical protein contact potentials (CPs) for comparison. We find that popular, 'classical' SMs obtained mainly from sequence alignments of globular proteins are mostly correlated by at least a value of 0.9. The BLOSUM62 is the central element of this group. A second group includes SMs derived from alignments of remote homologs or transmembrane proteins. These matrices correlate better with classical SMs (0.8) than among themselves (0.7). A third group consists of intermediate links between SMs and CPs - matrices and potentials that exhibit mutual correlations of at least 0.8. Next, we show that SMs can be approximated with a correlation of 0.9 by expressions c(0) + x(i)x(j) + y(i)y(j) + z(i)z(j), 1相似文献   

Several choices of amino acid substitution matrices are currently available for searching and alignment applications. These choices were evaluated using the BLAST searching program, which is extremely sensitive to differences among matrices, and the Prosite catalog, which lists members of hundreds of protein families. Matrices derived directly from either sequence-based or structurebased alignments of distantly related proteins performed much better overall than extrapolated matrices based on the Dayhoff evolutionary model. Similar results were obtained with the FASTA searching program. Improved performance appears to be general rather than family-specific, reflecting improved accuracy in scoring alignments. An implementation of a multiple matrix strategy was also tested. While no combination of three matrices performed as well as the single best matrix, BLOSUM 62, good results were obtained using a combination of sequence-based and structure-based matrices. This hybrid set of matrices is likely to be useful in certain situations. Our results illustrate the importance of matrix selection and value of a comprehensive approach to evaluation of protein comparison tools. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Models of amino acid substitution present challenges beyond those often faced with the analysis of DNA sequences. The alignments of amino acid sequences are often small, whereas the number of parameters to be estimated is potentially large when compared with the number of free parameters for nucleotide substitution models. Most approaches to the analysis of amino acid alignments have focused on the use of fixed amino acid models in which all of the potentially free parameters are fixed to values estimated from a large number of sequences. Often, these fixed amino acid models are specific to a gene or taxonomic group (e.g. the Mtmam model, which has parameters that are specific to mammalian mitochondrial gene sequences). Although the fixed amino acid models succeed in reducing the number of free parameters to be estimated--indeed, they reduce the number of free parameters from approximately 200 to 0--it is possible that none of the currently available fixed amino acid models is appropriate for a specific alignment. Here, we present four approaches to the analysis of amino acid sequences. First, we explore the use of a general time reversible model of amino acid substitution using a Dirichlet prior probability distribution on the 190 exchangeability parameters. Second, we then explore the behaviour of prior probability distributions that are'centred' on the rates specified by the fixed amino acid model. Third, we consider a mixture of fixed amino acid models. Finally, we consider constraints on the exchangeability parameters as partitions,similar to how nucleotide substitution models are specified, and place a Dirichlet process prior model on all the possible partitioning schemes.  相似文献   

A peptide difference has been found in the neutral-band (pH 6.4) regions of tryptic digests of human transferrins C and DChi. The peptide has the composition Asp-Ser-Ala-Arg. Therefore, this peptide is proposed as the 2TDChi b peptide, the result of the replacement of histidine by arginine in the Tf C peptide.Supported in part by U.S. Public Health Service grants GM 09326, 5-K3 GM 18,381, and GM 00337 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Proteins evolve under a myriad of biophysical selection pressures that collectively control the patterns of amino acid substitutions. These evolutionary pressures are sufficiently consistent over time and across protein families to produce substitution patterns, summarized in global amino acid substitution matrices such as BLOSUM, JTT, WAG, and LG, which can be used to successfully detect homologs, infer phylogenies, and reconstruct ancestral sequences. Although the factors that govern the variation of amino acid substitution rates have received much attention, the influence of thermodynamic stability constraints remains unresolved. Here we develop a simple model to calculate amino acid substitution matrices from evolutionary dynamics controlled by a fitness function that reports on the thermodynamic effects of amino acid mutations in protein structures. This hybrid biophysical and evolutionary model accounts for nucleotide transition/transversion rate bias, multi‐nucleotide codon changes, the number of codons per amino acid, and thermodynamic protein stability. We find that our theoretical model accurately recapitulates the complex yet universal pattern observed in common global amino acid substitution matrices used in phylogenetics. These results suggest that selection for thermodynamically stable proteins, coupled with nucleotide mutation bias filtered by the structure of the genetic code, is the primary driver behind the global amino acid substitution patterns observed in proteins throughout the tree of life.  相似文献   

Yu X  Zheng X  Liu T  Dou Y  Wang J 《Amino acids》2012,42(5):1619-1625
Apoptosis proteins are very important for understanding the mechanism of programmed cell death. Obtaining information on subcellular location of apoptosis proteins is very helpful to understand the apoptosis mechanism. In this paper, based on amino acid substitution matrix and auto covariance transformation, we introduce a new sequence-based model, which not only quantitatively describes the differences between amino acids, but also partially incorporates the sequence-order information. This method is applied to predict the apoptosis proteins’ subcellular location of two widely used datasets by the support vector machine classifier. The results obtained by jackknife test are quite promising, indicating that the proposed method might serve as a potential and efficient prediction model for apoptosis protein subcellular location prediction.  相似文献   

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